Europe: what about after the miracle?
Noémia Simões
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa
Some authors, such as Jones (2005) identify the european miracle with a ser of
circumstances (technological, economic and socio-cultural) of this continent history,
that created the oprtunity of Europe being pioner, along centuries, in an acceleration of
economic growth acompanied by a notorious social and cultural development, which
have allowed to created different shapes of social assistance and welfare state in which
the risks of extreme poverty are much lower.
Christianity is historically and intimately related with the evolution of the social
dimension of most of the european states, as well as with its diffusion much beyond
their frontiers (Brunkhorst, 2005).
Attending the crisis we live and times where „everything that’s solid melts into the air“,
it is urgent to reflect on:
* whether it is possible a new look at the social question in order to (re)concile a new
look at the social question with the spiritual dimension;
* the role that origin myths and religion traditions play (or might play) in this complex
and multidimensional chess, in order to rebuild sustainable knowledge societies, in
which the identity of the one does not imply the violence upon the other?
In this essays we’ll look forward envisage answers to these questions through
interdisciplinary approaches, ranging from game theory, to the meeting of economics
and sociology of common goods with churches social doctrine and to the thinking of
other spiritual traditions.
The analysis shall be complemented with social statistics, as well with study cases
(documents of theatre, cinema and literature) which allow us to understand the nuances
of ‚european identity’ and envisage Europe’s and its component nations multifaced role
in the global scene ...
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Europe: what about after the miracle?