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Boa prova!
01) Change the following sentences to interrogative form: [3.0 pontos]
a. They read some magazines at the weekend.
b. He goes to school by bus every morning.
c. You usually ride a horse on Sundays with your friends.
d. Jane takes three showers a day.
e. Jack’s car needs some repairing.
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02) Answer the following questions about yourself: [3.0 pontos]
a. Do you usually read in the evenings at home?
b. Does your mother work in Minas Gerais?
c. What do you do on Sundays?
d. Do you and your father like pizza?
e. Did you study for this test last night?
f. Did you have a hamburger for breakfast today? _________________________________
03) Change the following sentences to past form: [2.0 pontos]
a. He lives with his family.
b. The students go to that ranch every year.
c. Mary listens to music.
d. I have a pet named Jack.
04) Change the following verbs to past form: [1.0 ponto]
a. stop
b. buy
c. visit
d. want
e. eat
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Read the following text and do the activities that follow:
Types of numbers
A written number consists of digits, or numerals; the number 313, for example, has 3
digits. A positive number is any number greater than zero, such as 6. A negative number is
less than zero, such as -6. A prime number can only be divided by itself and 1.
05) Complete the sentences using words from the text: [1.0 ponto]
a. The number 4039 has 4 _______________________________.
b. I love vegetables, ______________________ broccoli.
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01) Change the following sentences to interrogative form: [3.0 pontos]