Esta prova contém
Verifique se sua prova está completa.
Preencha corretamente todos os dados solicitados no cabeçalho.
Resoluções e respostas somente a tinta, azul ou preta.
Utilize os espaços determinados para respostas, não ultrapassando seus limites.
Evite rasuras e o uso de corretivos.
Resoluções com rasuras ou corretivo não serão revisadas.
Resoluções e respostas que estiverem a lápis não serão corrigidas.
Boa prova!
1) Nos trechos das músicas abaixo, há erros gramaticais. Reescreva apenas a
linha incorreta, corrigindo assim o erro: (0,5 cada = 1,0)
a) Música: What’s going on?
Cantora: Cyndi Lauper
Brother, brother, brother
There’s far too many of you dying
You know we’ve got to find a way
To bring some loving here today.
b) Música: Ain’t she sweet?
Oh ain’t she sweet?
Well, see her walking down the street
Cantores: The Beatles
Yes, I ask you very confidentially
2) Leia o texto abaixo e escolha a melhor alternativa para o trecho e a escreva
abaixo nos espaços apropriados: (0,5 cada = 2,0)
I know that I have a problem – a big problem. It may sound funny but it’s
very bad for me – for my health and for my life. What’s the problem? I can’t
stop eating chocolate!
I know eating a lot of chocolate (a. was, is, are) bad for my health. There (b.
is, was, are) a lot of sugar in all types of chocolate. There’s also a lot of fat. I
think that’s why I have many spots on my face, and I (c. is, was, am) a little
overweight too. Sometimes I try to stop but if I don’t have any, I get very bad
headaches. However, (d. everywhere, as soon as, hope) I have some
chocolate I feel better and happier too. I know that it’s also very bad to take
and eat chocolate that’s not mine but I can’t stop myself.
a.. __________________________________ c. ___________________________
b. _________________________________ d. ___________________________
3) Responda as perguntas abaixo sobre o texto acima: (0,5 cada = 1,0)
a) O autor do texto acima reconhece que tem um problema. Qual é esse
b) Qual são as conseqüências de se comer tanta gordura contida no chocolate de
acordo com o autor?
4) Escreva em Inglês usando a palavra addicted: (0,5)
Sou viciado em chocolate.
5) Escreva (V) para verdadeiro e (F) para falso: Se falso, escreva a frase do texto
acima, em Inglês, que justifica a sua escolha: (0,5 cada = 1,0)
a) ( ) O autor do texto apenas come o chocolate que compra.
b) ( ) O autor nunca tentou parar de comer chocolate antes.
6) Complete as lacunas abaixo com a preposição adequada: (0,4 cada = 2,0)
a) Jeff is definitely dependent ______________________ alcohol. His family has
already tried to convince him to go on rehab but he simply denies his addiction.
b) We are really looking forward ___________________ going camping out next
weekend. We love nature and water.
c) Barbra says she is skeptical _______________________ any kind of religion.
She believes in her own potential and in a superior power.
d) I believe your sister is extremely envious ______________ you, Lara, just
because of the way she looks at you.
e) Children: “Where are we headed ____________________, daddy?”
Father: “Just wait and see. It’s a surprise.”
7) Complete as lacunas com as palavras ou expressões abaixo. Nem todas serão
usadas: (0,5 cada = 2,5)
a) Learning Serbian is totally ______________________ nowadays, dear. You
should learn English or Spanish instead.
b) _______________________ rates in this country are really high nowadays.
Lots of young people can’t find jobs.
c) Queen Elisabeth is no doubt an elegant, ________________________ lady.
d) Sally and Raul are getting married ___________________________
e) _______________ her mother, Jenny is a calm, sweet teenager.

1) Nos trechos das músicas abaixo, há erros gramaticais