Special promotion 2011 4 weeks of Standard Course plus accommodation for US$ 1.599! The special offer includes • 4 weeks of Standard Course. • 4 weeks of Homestay (single room, breakfast & dinner) or Student Residence accommodation (single room, self catering). • Enrolment and accommodation placement fee. • Airport transfer on arrival. Special conditions • The special is valid for bookings for 2011 until further notice. • The agent discount on the special promotion package is 10%. • The special can only be used once per client. • You can use the special for any booking. For longer course periods or other courses use the fee for additional weeks or the upgrade price as per our pricelist. The agent discount on the accommodation supplement, any upgrade or extension is 20%. www.intercambio.com.br skype: erickandregarcia msn: [email protected] GOOD HOPE STUDIES www.intercambio.com.br msn: [email protected] skype: erickandregarcia ENGLISH IN CAPE TOWN rediscover “THIS CAPE IS A MOST STATELY THING, AND THE FAIREST CAPE WE SAW IN THE WHOLE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE EARTH.” SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, 1580 Sobre a Cidade do Cabo A Cidade do Cabo se orgulha por ter mais horas de sol por ano do que o Havaí, portanto é bem possível que na sua chegada ao Aeroporto Internacional da Cidade do Cabo, você se depare com um dia quente, céu azul e sol brilhando. A primeira coisa que você sentirá é o quanto o ar é fresco e como as pessoas são hospitaleiras. Você não encontrará, facilmente, outro lugar no mundo onde as pessoas sejam tão sorridentes. A Cidade do Cabo tem uma mistura única de culturas, um dos povos mais receptivos, as mais recentes tendências, arte do mundo inteiro, arquitetura moderna e refinada, sendo uma cidade que esta sempre aberta ao novo. A cidade é dinâmica, isto fica evidente nas construções surgindo o tempo todo, quarteirões inteiros sendo reformados enquanto o antigo é preservado e valorizado. No momento o V&A Waterfront, uma das áreas de lazer mais refinadas do mundo, está passando por obras para ser expandido. Bem próximo dali, o Centro de Convenções Internacional da Cidade do Cabo, que foi aberto recentemente, também está sendo ampliado, e ali bem perto um estádio de futebol para a Copa do Mundo de 2010 está quase pronto. Três grandes universidades atraem jovens tanto do país quanto de outros países para a Cidade do Cabo, o que faz com que a vida noturna seja movimentada e extensa até o dia amanhecer. Long Street e Somerset Street recebem festas agitadas, pessoas super interessantes e os cenários mais coloridos. Não importa se você gosta de boates, bares ou música ao vivo, todos estão localizados em uma área cen- tral no coração pulsante da cidade. Nas suas primeiras semanas, como qualquer outro turista, você se interessará em fazer alguns passeios turísticos. Entre outras atrações, você se encantará pelo “Big6”: Escale ou pegue o teleférico para a Table Mountain e aprecie vistas da cidade de tirar o fôlego; ou pegue um barco para a Robben Island e visite o lugar onde Nelson Mandela ficou na prisão por vários anos; visite o vibrante V&A Waterfront, desfrute a flora e fauna diversa que é única da Península do Cabo no Jardim Botânico Kirstenbosch; siga para o Cabo da Boa Es- Bo-Kaap, Cape Town perança e no caminho pare na Vinícola Constantia para degustar vinhos excepcionais. Como um estudante de língua na Good Hope Studies, você terá a oportunidade de ter mais contato com a vida da África do Sul do que um turista comum. Você terá a experiência da verdadeira hospitalidade Sul Africana se você escolher se hospedar em uma casa de família e irá embora levando com você a amizade de muitas pessoas locais e internacionais. Amantes de esporte descobrirão que a Cidade do Cabo tem excelentes possibilidades para praticar vários esportes ao ar livre, incluindo mergulho com tubarões, surfe, caminhadas, golfe, tênis e cavalgadas e muito mais. Ou quem sabe você se interesse por rúgbi, cricket ou futebol, os esportes nacionais da África do Sul. Surfe, um esporte popular Llandudno Beach Com toda esta diversidade, a África do Sul conquistará seu coração, e assim que deixar o país, você irá se deparar planejando sua próxima viagem de volta. GOOD HOPE STUDIES | 03 “I ENJOY LEARNING AT GOOD HOPE STUDIES. MY TEACHERS PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO MY NEEDS AND THEY ARE VERY FRIENDLY” LARISSA, BRAZIL study msn: [email protected] skype: erickandregarcia E m 1994, quando a África do Sul nova nasceu e Nelson Mandela se tornou presidente, o país se abriu para viajantes internacionais, e foi então que nós começamos a sonhar sobre como poderíamos ajudar a estabelecer o turismo de Língua Inglesa na África do Sul. Decidimos iniciar uma nova escola de línguas, uma que seria diferente de todas as outras escolas: uma escola mais amigável, mais receptiva, oferecendo uma experiência de aprendizado que seria efetiva e ao mesmo tempo prazerosa. Abrimos nossa escola em uma casa residêncial na região sul, em uma área de classe alta segura, limpa e próxima a um grande centro comercial. Aqui nossos alunos têm contato direto com o estilo Sul Africano de vida. As acomodações são próximas da escola, e os alunos conseguem tudo que precisam na área central de Claremont e em Cavendish Square. As duas casas da escola são mobiliadas em estilo africano e tem uma atmosfera receptiva na qual você se sentirá em casa imediatamente. Para aqueles que querem o movimento da cidade, oferecemos também uma unidade no centro da cidade. Sobre a Good Hope Studies membro fundadora da EduSA, uma organização nacional que promove um padrão de qualidade de ensino internacional. Somos um centro de treinamento oficial do CELTA, que é credenciado pela Universidade de Cambridge. Oferecemos cursos de treinamento para professores que é reconhecido internacionalmente, possibilitando assim que nossos professores obtenham as mais altas e reconhecidas qualificações do segmento. Nossos clientes tem o benefício de professores bem qualificados, criando assim uma experiência de sala de aula prazerosa e produtiva. Através dos anos, a Good Hope Studies cresceu a um bom tamanho. Recebemos acima de 50 nacionalidades a cada ano e oferecemos as mais refinadas instalações, nossa residência estudantil própria, uma grande variedade de atividades e serviço regular de transporte para os pontos de vida noturna mais populares. Mas não nos esquecemos de como começamos: pequenos e capazes de dar atenção especial para cada cliente. Todos os alunos estudam em um de nossos três centros, mantendo o número em cada unidade pequeno, de forma a continuar a dar atenção para cada desejo e preocupação do estudante. Somos também membros orgulhosos da IALC, que é a Associação Internacional de Centros de Língua. Como membros passamos por inspeções locais regulares, sérias. Nos beneficiamos em dividir conhecimento entre outras escolas internacionais parceiras e também de atividades conjuntas de marketing. A Good Hope Studies é também www.intercambio.com.br Uma lição no jardim da escola Intervalo na escola do centro Uma excursão na ilha das focas GOOD HOPE STUDIES | 05 GOOD HOPE STUDIES NEWLANDS U ma vantagem enorme de estar na área de Newlands é que a escola está onde a maioria das casas de família estão. Portanto, seu percurso é curto: Muitos alunos estão tão perto que é possível ir a pé para a escola, enquanto outros tem um curto percurso para a escola indo de metrô. Além disso, a área residencial é de classe alta, com excelente infra-estrutura e segura oferecendo bastante coisa para se fazer depois da aula. O ambiente da escola é relaxante e calmo, e tem jardim e piscina que podem ser utilizados nos intervalos, e algumas vezes, as aulas acontecem ao ar livre. A área nunca é tão movimentado como no centro da cidade e tudo que você precisa está a uma curta caminhada. No centro de Claremont, você encontra um shopping center grande, um dos maiores centros de cinema da cidade, várias academias, quadra de tênis, uma piscina pública e uma vida noturna jovem e vibrante. veis mais altos em outra unidade. No total, temos 18 salas de aula, e a maioria delas são espaçosas, com algumas menores para aulas individuais. Todas tem bela decoração, oferecem luz natural suficiente e estão longe do barulho da cidade. Há também áreas de recreação, uma biblioteca para empréstimo de livros de leitura por nível e livros Sul Africanos, instalações para auto-estudo, computadores com softwares para estudo, acesso livre a e-mails, e áreas de acesso à internet sem fio para estudantes que tenham seu próprio laptop. A escola oferece café e chá grátis aos alunos. Caso queiram eles podem também comprar sanduiches, bolos e refrigerantes. Table Bay Centro Cent ttro ro o Área das casas de família Metr oRa il R sid nc Residência estudantil es ud til Universidade da Cidade do Cabo Em Newlands, funcionamos em duas casas que são parecidas e oferecem instalações similares. Os alunos são divididos por nível, aqueles de níveis de Inglês mais baixos ficam em uma unidade e os outros com ní- 06 | GOOD HOPE STUDIES Table Mountain Nature Reserve Casa Ca a Est stu tud udantiil Cla aremo ontt GOOD HO HOPE S STUDIES Newlands Newland nd ds GOOD P ara aqueles que querem o movimento da cidade, oferecemos também uma unidade no centro. Não foi tarefa fácil adaptar os mesmos altos padrões que temos em Newlands a um ambiente de escritórios no centro da cidade. A escola tinha que ser próxima a transporte público, o que na Cidade do Cabo significa próximo a estação central. Tinha que ser em uma área calma sem barulho de tráfico, então só poderia ser na rua principal de pedestres. Além disso, queríamos que nossos alunos estivessem em ambiente de alto nível, mas sem o ritmo frenético de escritórios. Depois de uma longa procura, tivemos sorte o suficiente para encontrar o ponto perfeito. Os alunos desfrutam de instalações de primeira classe neste prédio de tijolos clássico, que foi reformado recentemente. Todas as salas são espaçosas, com ar condicionado e todas oferecem luz natural. A escola tem uma área de recreação e até uma área aberta onde os alunos podem ir para fora sem descer para a rua. Estamos localizados no coração da área de compras. Todos os pontos turísticos a curta distância e com transporte público na esquina. HOPE CITY STUDIES CENTRE A escola também está próxima dos campos de golfe, algumas das praias mais charmosas da cidade, piscina pública, alguns dos melhores pontos noturnos e áreas de entretenimento mais populares, e é claro, do V&A Waterfront. A unidade do centro oferece 9 salas de aula, uma biblioteca para empréstimo de livros de leitura por nível e livros Sul Africanos, instalações para auto-estudo, computadores com softwares para estudo, acesso livre a e-mails, e áreas de acesso à internet sem fio para estudantes que tenham seu próprio laptop. Lanche pode ser comprado na escola ou em um dos inúmeros restaurantes próximos, com preços que atende a todos os orçamentos. V&A Water Waterfront Table Bay Greenpoint Gre int Seap S ea apoint po Área das casas de família GOOD GOO D HOPE PE E STUDIES STU ST Ce Centro C entro Metr oRa il R sid nc Residência estudantil e ud ti Table Mountain Nature Reserve Casa C a a Esttu udantil d GOOD HOPE STUDIES | 07 Programa do Curso www.intercambio.com.br 0 :4 12 0 :0 :4 10 :0 09 11 0 0 Standard Course General English course Lições por semana 20 lições Tamanho do grupo Máx. 10 Duração do Curso 2-23 semanas Iniciantes - Avançado Níveis 17 anos Idade mínima Disponibilidade Área Residencial e Centro Descrição As lições são baseadas em um livro texto, que serve de estrutura básica para as lições. Fazemos revisões constantemente das nossas escolhas de material didático para assegurar que os livros que usamos estejam atualizados e em linha com a teorias mais atuais do aprendizado em línguas e utilizamos pelo menos dois livros diferentes para cada nível de forma que o aluno que fica por períodos mais longos que um ciclo, por nível, não repita o material. O livro texto é complementado com materiais adicionais, ou adaptados de materiais publicados, desenvolvidos pela escola, ou planejados pelo professor para uma lição em particular. Isto permite que o professor planeje mais especificamente para as necessidades e interesses dos alunos. Isto também permite que o professor inclua o contexto Sul Africano nas lições, trazendo freqüentemente, a cultura e história Sul Africana para a sala de aula. Exercícios para serem feitos em casa são dados duas ou três vezes por semana. msn: [email protected] skype: erickandregarcia 08 | GOOD HOPE STUDIES 0 0 :2 :3 14 15 0 0 :3 :2 14 13 0 :4 12 :0 11 :4 10 :0 09 As lições são direcionadas para as necessidades e interesses dos alunos em cada sala. Normalmente há uma mistura das quatro habilidades (ler, escrever, ouvir e falar) e do sistema da língua (gramática e vocabulário) com grande foco em comunicação e situações da vida real. 0 Standard-Plus 0 cada ciclo). Você fará um teste na última semana de cada ciclo para ajudar você e seu professor monitorar seu progresso. O Curso Regular é recomendado para estudantes que queiram melhorar seu Inglês em geral e ao mesmo tempo ter tempo o suficiente para aproveitar a Cidade do Cabo. 0 N osso programa de ensino é baseado em um ciclo de quatro semanas e a maioria das mudanças acontecem somente a cada quatro semanas. Para sua conveniência, aceitamos alunos toda segunda-feira, mas recomendamos que você comece no início de um ciclo, nas datas oficiais de início do curso. Os alunos que começam nas datas oficiais terão pequenas mudanças em sala de aula durante as próximas quatro semanas, e você aproveitará dos passeios turísticos mais interessantes (estes passeios são feitos nas duas primeiras semanas do ciclo) e uma recepção de boas vindas (que acontece na primeira semana de ou Standard Course + aulas individuais Lições por semana 20 lições em grupo – 5 individuais Tamanho do grupo Máx. 10 Duração do Curso 2-23 semanas Níveis Iniciantes - Avançado 17 anos Idade mínima Área Residencial e Centro Disponibilidade Descrição O curso Standard-Plus é recomendado para estudantes que queiram focar em áreas específicas. Para as aulas individuais, as lições são projetadas em torno de necessidades e desejos específicos do estudante. Um currículo é escolhido com o aluno no começo do curso através de uma análise de suas necessidades. Programa do Curso O Curso Intensivo é recomendado para alunos que queiram praticar seu Inglês enquanto aprendem mais sobre o contexto Sul Africano no qual estão estudando. Às tardes (Segunda, terça, quinta e sexta) as lições são menos intensas do que as lições das manhãs. Os alunos normalmente irão praticar a fala, leitura, ouvir e escrever, e as lições são baseadas na cultura Sul Africana, história e assuntos atuais. As lições podem incluir idas a pontos culturais locais, lições utilizando vídeos e músicas Sul Africanas, ou debates sobre assuntos controversos na África do Sul. :3 0 14 :2 14 0 :3 0 15 :4 5 13 0 :4 12 0 0 :4 :0 11 10 :0 09 0 :3 0 14 :2 14 0 :3 0 15 :4 5 13 :4 12 0 0 :0 11 10 :4 0 :0 09 Standard Course + Comunicação Lições por semana 30 lições Tamanho do grupo Máx. 10 Duração do Curso 2-23 semanas Níveis Elementar - Avançado Idade mínima 17 anos Disponibilidade Área Residencial e Centro Descrição 0 Preparo para os exames TOEFL & IELTS Curso Intensivo Inglês geral+preparatório para o exame Lições por semana 30 lições Tamanho do grupo máx. 10 [manhã], máx. 6 [tarde] Duração do Curso 4 semanas Níveis Intermediário - Avançado Idade mínima 17 anos Disponibilidade Área Residencial Descrição TOEFL (Teste de Inglês como Língua estrangeira) e IELTS (Sistema Internacional de Teste da Língua Inglesa) são testes de Inglês largamente reconhecidos que são normalmente exigidos por empresas e universidades Européias e Americanas. O exame IELTS pode ser feito na Cidade do Cabo. Para taxas e datas, por favor, visite o site www.britishcouncil.org. O exame TOEFL não pode ser feito na Cidade do Cabo. Para taxas e datas, por favor, visite o site www.toefl.org São dadas uma ou duas horas de exercícios para serem feitos em casa todos os dias. :3 0 14 :2 14 0 :3 0 15 :4 5 13 0 :4 12 0 :0 11 0 :4 10 09 :0 0 Business Course Inglês geral + Inglês para negócios 30 lições Tamanho do grupo Máx. 10 Duração do Curso 2-8 semanas Níveis Intermediário - Avançado Idade mínima 17 anos Disponibilidade Área Residencial e Centro Descrição Lições por semana O Business Course é recomendado para estudantes que queiram utilizar o Inglês principalmente em situações de negócios. As aulas da tarde abrangem habilidades da língua necessárias no ambiente de trabalho como, por exemplo, negociações, telefone, apresentações, escrever relatórios, etc. Somente professores com experiência em Business Course trabalham com este curso. GOOD HOPE STUDIES | 09 Programa do Curso 0 :2 0 :3 13 12 14 0 Study Year :4 0 :0 0 11 :4 10 09 :0 0 Cambridge Course preparação para exames de Cambridge 25 lições Tamanho do grupo Máx. 10 Duração do Curso 8 ou 12 semanas (9 semanas em Janeiro) Níveis Intermediário - Avançado Idade mínima 17 anos Disponibilidade Área Residencial Descrição Lições por semana Os cursos funcionam como cursos fechados, e todas as lições são exclusivamente para os candidatos do Cambridge. Professores experientes, salas pequenas e atenção personalizada para todos os participantes garantem alta taxa de aprovação. Uma ou duas horas de exercícios para serem feitos em casa complementam as lições do curso. O exame pode ser feito na Cidade do Cabo. Dependendo do nível do curso e data, o exame será na última semana de curso ou na semana seguinte do curso. Por favor, verifique com o departamento de reservas para saber se você precisará de uma semana extra de acomodação ou não. Lições One-to-One O Programa de Estudo Anual é recomendado para pessoas que queiram fazer 24 semanas de inglês ou mais. É também ideal para quem queira ingressar em uma universidade ou faculdade Sul Africana. Você pode participar de um dos cursos, Standard, Standard-Plus, Intensivo ou com Foco de Estudo. No final de um ciclo de quatro semanas você faz um teste abrangente. Isto é feito para avaliar seu progresso e aconselhá-lo em onde focar seu estudo. Um orientador de estudo particular encontra com você regularmente para discutir seu progresso e fazer alguma mudança para outro curso se for o caso. Horário de aula Manhãs ou tardes Descrição Lições planejadas individualmente Disponibilizamos conselheiros para estudantes Coreanos que visitam a escola regularmente e aconselham estes alunos em sua língua nativa. Lessons per week 25 lições a partir de 1 semana Iniciantes - Avançado 17 anos Área Residencial e Centro Os alunos que estudam por mais tempo desfrutam de várias vantagens. As taxas dos cursos tem descontos de até 40%. Eles também não pagam taxa administrativa quando trocam de curso. Os estudantes podem trocar entre grupos de curso no início de Duração do Curso Níveis Idade mínima Disponibilidade Lições One-to-One são apropriadas para pessoas que precisam melhorar o mais rápido possível e/ou com foco em áreas específicas. Os alunos podem escolher um foco de estudo ao fazer a reserva das lições One-to-One. As necessidades exatas dentro do foco de estudo são então estabelecidas no início do curso através de uma análise de suas necessidades. 10 09:00 - 12:40 [20 lições] 09:00 - 14:20 [25 lições] 09:00 - 15:45 [30 lições] Descrição Cursos de longa duração Lições por semana 20, 25 ou 30 lições Tamanho do grupo Máx. 10 Duração do Curso 24 - 48 semanas Níveis Iniciantes - Avançado Idade mínima 17 anos Disponibilidade Área Residencial e Centro Horário de aula | GOOD HOPE STUDIES cada ciclo e por um mínimo de quatro semanas. Além disso, os alunos do Study Year recebem colocação na universidade e faculdade sem custos e podem tirar uma folga entre seus estudos de quatro semanas após 24 semanas. Após doze semanas de estudo, eles podem tirar uma folga de quatro semanas, ou duas folgas de duas semanas cada. Work Programmes Infelizmente existe uma realidade terrível em que muitos projetos voluntários na África são muitas vezes de exploração. No entanto, nosso parceiro quer mudar esta tendência. Os maiores beneficiados com este programa são as pessoas que você ajudará no seu projeto escolhido. E é claro, você o viajante, irá beneficiar, também, uma vez que ganhará uma experiência de vida inesquecível. Internship South Africa I nternship programmes são ideais se você está procurando ganhar experiência de trabalho internacional (o trabalho não é remunerado). Você será colocado em uma empresa Sul Africana, na área de sua escolha, onde terá uma visão ampla das práticas de trabalho em um país de língua inglesa. Acrescente um diferencial no seu curriculum vitae, e aumente o seu comando da língua inglesa em um ambiente profissional. Cada colocação é personalizada para atender o seu perfil. A sua ênfase é melhorar o seu comando do inglês no trabalho? Ou você está procurando ampliar sua experiência dentro da sua área de atuação? A Good Hope Studies tem oferecido programas de estágio há mais de 10 anos. Durante este período nós criamos um banco de dados completo de empresas locais. O que significa que podemos encontrar uma colocação apropriada para cada cliente. Volunteer South Africa E sta é a oportunidade de viagem ideal para aquelas pessoas que não querem somente ver atrações turísticas na África. Para aqueles que querem ter uma experiência valiosa em comunidades Africanas em desenvolvimento, e dedicar seu tempo e energia, enquanto visita nosso continente maravilhoso. Nós mesmos coordenamos vários programas de trabalho no exterior, e para os programas de Trabalho Voluntários na África do Sul fizemos uma parceria com um dos fornecedores de projetos voluntários africanos de maior sucesso. Isto nos possibilita oferecer aos nossos clientes, um programa profissional, completo e bem estruturado. Selecionamos 16 projetos na África do Sul e Namíbia. Informações detalhadas sobre cada um destes projetos podem ser baixados na nossa página da internet. Work South Africa N os últimos anos a África do Sul se tornou um forte destino para viajantes e em particular para os jovens aventureiros e para o turismo de estudos. De forma a proteger seu próprio povo da competição estrangeira, a África do Sul não permite que estudantes estrangeiros façam trabalho remunerado na África do Sul. A única excessão é um programa de intercâmbio de trabalho, como o que é oferecido por nossa organização parceira. Work South Africa é um programa de um ano, que é um programa Working Holiday, disponível para estudantes universitários em tempo integral ou graduados que tenham terminado o curso recentemente. A maioria dos candidatos no programa Work SA encontram trabalho na indústria de serviços, ou trabalhando em bares movimentados, restaurantes, casas noturnas na Cidade do Cabo, ou dentro da agitada indústria de mochileiros. Não há forma melhor de viajar e encontrar seu caminho na África do Sul do que o programa South Africa. Você poderá saborear o dia-a-dia real da África do Sul enquanto conhece o povo local e ganha dinheiro ao mesmo tempo. A escolha do local é totalmente por sua conta - desde a vida à vontade das praias da Cidade do Cabo ao vai-e-vem da movimentada Joanesburgo ou a vida mansa da cidade surfista de Durban. É também uma oportunidade para você adicionar uma linha extra em seu currículo, ser totalmente independente, fazer novos amigos, e visitar alguns lugares incríveis. GOOD HOPE STUDIES | 11 Acomodação Casa de Família A s famílias Sul Africanas são famosas por sua hospitalidade e amizade. Sua “hostfamily” pode ser uma mulher solteira, um casal mais velho ou um casal mais jovem com crianças. De qualquer forma, a estadia com uma família lhe proporcionará uma visão única no estilo de vida Sul Africano. Casa de família Você pode reservar um quarto individual ou duplo e sua família fornecerá café da manhã e jantar. O trajeto para ambas as escolas é curto, com somente algumas famílias morando a mais de 45 minutos da escola. Nas áreas residenciais, você ficará hospedado em casas de família com jardins, enquanto as casas no centro as famílias moram na maioria em apartamentos. Homestay-Plus Homestay-Plus é recomendado para estudantes mais exigentes e aqueles que queiram desfrutar de um nível de conforto mais alto. Você se beneficiará de um banheiro privativo e geralmente de comodidades de padrões mais altos. O trajeto para a escola é também, em média, mais curto. Residência Estudantil Se você prefere ser mais independente, queira se misturar com outros alunos, socializa-se facilmente e queira praticar o conhecimento de inglês que adquiriu recentemente em um bar ao invés de praticar com uma família, então esta acomodação é para você. A residência Estudantil está localizada no bairro que se chama Observatory. O Observatory é um bairro animado com gente jovem e bares e restaurantes da moda perto da residência estudantil. Residência estudantil no bairro Observatory Você ficará acomodado em quarto individual e irá dividir banheiro com outros quatro estudantes. Há uma cozinha completamente equipada para preparar suas refeições e uma sala com TV e DVD Cada quarto é equipado com um cofre e há conexão sem fio disponível, com custo adicional. Normalmente são estudantes mais jovens que optam pela residência estudantil. 12 | GOOD HOPE STUDIES Acomodação Student House Por ser o tipo de acomodação mais barata, esta acomodação é a escolha de estudantes mais jovens que ficam por mais tempo. Você divide um quarto duplo com outro estudante e divide o banheiro com outros quatro estudantes. Há uma cozinha completamente equipada para preparar suas refeições, uma sala com TV e DVD e um jardim. A conexão sem fio é disponibilizada com custos adicionais. A Student House está a uma curta caminhada de ambas as escolas da área residencial e a mais ou menos 30 minutos de distância da escola do centro da cidade. Casa do estudante em Newlands Outras acomodações Há um bom número de albergues com preços razoáveis disponíveis para estudantes no centro da cidade. Especialmente na época de alta temporada recomendamos que o estudante faça reserva com bastante antecedência. Bed & breakfasts para quase todos os orçamentos podem ser reservados para ambas as escolas. Em Newlands eles estão normalmente a uma curta caminhada enquanto que para o centro você precisará usar um táxi ou ônibus. Se você preferir mais luxo e tem um orçamento maior, você pode escolher entre um dos vários hotéis. Ambos os hotéis de três e quatro estrelas estão a uma curta caminhada da escola da área residencial e a do centro. V&A Water Waterfront Greenp Gre reenpointt SSeap ea ap po oint Table Bay Área das casas de família GO GOOD GOO OOD H HOPE OPE PE E STU STUDIES Ce Centro C entro Metr oRa il R sid nc Residência estudantil es ud til Southern Sun Newlands Universidade da Cidade do Cabo Table Mountain Nature Reserve South hern ern n Su Sun un Newl New Ne wlands ds Casa Ca a Est stu tud udantiil Cla aremo ar rem mont m GOOD HO OPE S STUDIES Newlan nd nd dss GOOD HOPE STUDIES | 13 “IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW HAPPY YOU CAN BE, COME TO HEAVENLY CAPE TOWN.” A FORMER STUDENT rejoice Good Hope Studies Social Club Quando você planeja uma viagem para o exterior para aprender uma língua, seu objetivo principal é aprender a língua. Mas você também vai para um país para conhecer pessoas do mundo todo e mergulhar em uma cultura estrangeira. Com o clube social da Good Hope Studies é fácil usufruir o melhor da Cidade do Cabo e as regiões em volta enquanto você se diverte. Exemplos de passeios City Tour (Quarta à tarde) Visite os destaques do centro da cidade: O Company Gardens, Parlamento, o Museu da África do Sul, Praça Green Market e muitos outros. Table Mountain (quinta-feira à tarde) Você pega o teleférico para o topo da montanha e aprecia uma vista maravilhosa da cidade. Leve tudo que precisar para um piquenique e observe o sol se pôr. Ou você pode fazer um lanche Área de entretenimento V&A Waterfront leve em um dos restaurantes. Table Mountain Traslado para os pontos noturnos: Long Street (Sexta à noite) Explore um dos pontos mais fortes da Cidade do Cabo para entretenimento noturno. Conheça pessoas locais, curta música ao vivo e dance noite afora. Cabo da Boa Esperança (Sábado, dia completo) Um destaque e absolutamente um ‘must’ para todos os visitantes é o Cabo da Boa Esperança. Experiencie a beleza desta reserva natural e com alguma sorte, veja algum bicho selvagem. Robben Island Township tour (Quarta à tarde) Visite um distrito conosco e veja um lado diferente da Cidade do Cabo. Você irá testemunhar pessoas vivendo em situações difíceis e em condições de pobreza, mas você irá também conhecer de perto a vibração e espírito do povo Sul Africano. Kirstenbosch Jantar com um professor (quinta à noite) Faça um passeio para Bloubergstrand onde você terá a melhor vista da Cidade do Cabo. Aprecie o pôr-do-sol na praia e jante em um restaurante popular. Traslado para os pontos noturnos: Waterkant e Waterfront (Sexta à noite) A área de Waterkant passou por uma mudança geral através dos últimos anos e é hoje uma das melhores áreas para sair à noite. Curta bares charmosos, boates vibrantes e alguns dos melhores restaurantes. Groot Constantia GOOD HOPE STUDIES | 15 GOOD HOPE STUDIES O fato de sua viagem a outro país ser um sucesso ou não depende muito na escolha da escola de línguas. Relacionamos aqui uma orientação e resumo curtos sobre as vantagens da Good Hope Studies que podem ajudá-lo a fazer a melhor escolha. A escola de inglês deve ser bem estabelecida A Good Hope Studies é a segunda escola de inglês internacional mais velha na Cidade do Cabo. Abrimos em 1995 e podemos somar 13 anos de experiência local. A escola de inglês deve ter um bom tamanho para oferecer escolha Uma vasta gama de cursos e opções de acomodação somente podem ser oferecidos a um certo tamanho. Na Good Hope Studies você tem estas opções e não deve se preocupar se você for o único em sua sala de aula. Sua escola deve ser capaz de te oferecer atenção pessoal Ao viajar para outro país você pode achar difícil se adaptar durante seus primeiros dias, ou pode haver alguma preocupação durante sua estadia. A Good Hope Studies funciona em 3 unidades, cada uma com no máximo 70 alunos. Isto nos possibilita dar atenção individual e pessoal para cada estudante. Os alunos da escola devem ser de várias nacionalidades diferentes Um dos prazeres em aprender uma língua em outro país é fazer amigos de várias partes do mundo. A Good Hope studies recebe alunos de mais de 50 nacionalidades a cada ano. Sua escola deve estar na localização correta A localização é um fator importante na Cidade do Cabo porque o transporte público não é tão extensivo quanto gostaríamos que fosse. Todas as 3 unidades da Good Hope Studies, e todas as acomodações que oferecemos, estão próximas do metrô, que é o principal meio de transporte. Good Hope Studies é membro da IALC, uma organização de escolas de alta qualidade. Good Hope Studies é membro da Confederação internacional WYSET. Good Hope Studies é membro fundadora da ALTO, uma organização dentro da WYSET. WYSE Good Hope Studies é membro da WYSE trabalho no exterior. A Good Hope Studies é associada da Education South Africa, que é parte da Confederação de Turismo Jovem da África do Sul. Craig Leith Diretor Sarah Gaylard Diretora de ensino “We look forward to welcoming you in the name of the whole Good Hope Studies team.” www.intercambio.com.br msn: [email protected] skype: erickandregarcia Good Hope Studies © 2009 www.intercambio.com.br Student Residence The Location Each room is equipped with a bed, a desk with a Our Student Residence is conveniently located chair and a wardrobe. The rooms are decorated between the Newlands campus and the City in a modern, African style, with a picture in each Centre campus in the suburb of Observatory. room. Further each room is equipped with a The University of Cape Town is very close by, reading light and a safe. which is why the area is full of young students Look up the address on Google Maps: 15 Burham Road Observatory 7925 Rooms Single rooms, bathroom to share Meals Self-catering; 2 fully equipped kitchens are available staff. However, students are required to keep Bedding Is provided their rooms and the kitchen clean. Towels Bring your own Laundry A commercial laundry service is close by. Students from Good Hope Studies receive a discount. WLAN (WiFi) At an extra cost. Deposit A refundable deposit of R500 will be collected (VISA or MasterCard) on the first day of school. Cancellation After arrival the accommodation can be cancelled with a threeweek notice period. with lots of places to go out. In Lower Main Bedding is provided, but bring your own tow- Road, only a 5-min walk from the Residence, els. The Residence is regularly cleaned by our you can find Pubs, Cafes, Restaurants and Bars. A supermarket and a launderette are also close by. The kitchen is fully equipped with a stove, a The MetroRail station is only a 2-min walk away. fridge, a microwave and a toaster. From there it is only 3 stations to the Newlands campus and 4 stations to the City Centre campus. The Residence The Residence is part of the YMCA, but fully managed by Good Hope Studies. There are 20 single rooms; 5 rooms share one bathroom. The Residence was completely refurbished in early 2010 and now has a stylish, African look. msn: [email protected] skype: erickandregarcia www.intercambio.com.br Work South Africa Trabalho Remunerado na Africa do Sul Work South Africa Work South Africa is a one year, working holiday programme, available to full time tertiary students or recent graduates only. The majority of Work South Africa applicants find work in the hospitality industry, either working in one of the many vibrant bars, restaurants and nightclubs in Cape Town, or within the lively backpacking industry within South Africa. Work South Africa • This is a non-placement programme. After arrival • It allows students to do paid work. After a successful Visa application you can travel to South Africa and start with your English language course and/or look for paid work. • It can be booked with or without a language course. The work placement officer meets with you and assists you with useful information for finding paid work. • The duration is anything up to 1 year. You will have the flexibility and freedom to find work for yourself, when and where you may choose, anywhere in South Africa. • The enrolment should be done at least 12 weeks prior to arrival in South Africa. • Restrictions apply. The programme There is no better way to travel and work your way around South Africa then on the Work South Africa programme. One can sample the real everyday South Africa whilst meeting the locals and earning money at the same time. The choice of location is totally up to you and you can choose from the casual beach life of Cape Town, the hustle and bustle of the busy Johannesburg or the laid back surfer city of Durban. It’s also an opportunity for you to add to your resume, to be totally independent, make new friends and visit some incredible places such as the Kruger Park, Table Mountain, Robben Island and vibrant South African townships. Most working opportunities exist within the hospitality/tourism industry such as at bars/restaurants, hostels and backpackers, etc, so previous working experience would be useful but is not always required. The most easily found jobs are those such as waitrons, bar-attendants and backpackers jobs. Average earnings for these jobs are between EUR 1,00 and EUR 1,50 per hour (between ZAR10 and ZAR14 per hour) - this excludes tips or commissions which can be earned in addition to that. In some instances, backpackers would offer accommodation instead of pay for work done. The cancellation fee for the Work South Africa programme is 25% until 14 days prior to arrival and 50% from 13 days prior until arrival. For NO SHOWS full charges apply! Accommodation You may book your accommodation through Good Hope Studies for the duration of the English course. Thereafter you need to organise accommodation for yourself. However we can certainly help you in finding long-term accommodation from hostels to furnished apartments. Survey Questionnaires You may be requested to complete Survey Questionnaires to share your working experiences with other students. The enrolment process You are required to apply well in advance to allow sufficient time for the visa application. Enrolment 12 weeks prior to arrival in South Africa is advisable. Applicants to the Work South Africa programme will not be applying for a normal South African Work Visa, and will not be applying for a Study Visa either, but will be applying for a special Visa specifically for this programme, and Good Hope Studies will provide specific documentation to be sent to the Embassy, which will enable the applicants to apply for, and be issued with, this special visa. After enrolment we send a confirmation of booking together with a letter of acceptance (LOA) for the language course as well as the Work South Africa programme. An administration fee is payable for participating in the programme. Please refer to the price list. Included in the placement • Providing documents required for visa purposes. • Assistance in finding long-term accommodation from hostels to furnished apartments. • Assistance in long-term car hire if required. • Airport transfer service. • 24 hr emergency number. • A complete information package including a South African SIM card. • A GHS student card which allows discounts at tourist attractions, restaurants, etc. • Participation in the GHS Social Club (fees apply). Work South Africa Visa Requirements The student needs to apply for an Exchange Permit for a maximum period of 12 months with an endorsement “to participate in the SASTS Exchange programme” at the South African Embassy in their home country. • Age restriction: 18 - 25 years • Applicants must be full-time students or must have completed a tertiary qualification within 6 months of the date of application. • A passport valid for no less than 30 days after the expiry of the intended stay (13 months). • Payment of a nonrefundable visa application fee of ZAR 425 (approximately € 37/US$ 52 as of June 2009), payable to the Embassy processing the visa application. • Radiology / medical Report. • A vaccination certificate if required by law. • Proof of South African medical cover with a South African medical scheme. • A nonrefundable air ticket. • Proof of financial means to maintain themselves. • Police clearance. • Documents supplied by Good Hope Studies. • In certain countries, the Embassy asks for a refundable deposit. What to do next You need to send the following documents to Good Hope Studies (send scanned copies via email and post the originals): • An application form at least 12 weeks before arrival. • Signed and completed declaration form. • A copy of your passport. • 2 x colour passport size photographs. • Proof of student University status (original copy and certified translated copy). • Copy of return flight ticket. • Travel insurance / medical cover (original copy and certified translated copy). • Police clearance certificate (original copy and certified translated copy). You will receive from Good Hope Studies: • Letter of Acceptance (LOA) to programme. • Letter of Declaration to be signed by the student and returned to Good Hope Studies. • A Cultural Exchange Programme Confirmation Letter. Volunteer South Africa www.intercambio.com.br Voluntariado Projetos com Animais Voluntariado Projetos Sociais GOOD HOPE STUDIES Volunteer South Africa This is the ideal travel opportunity for those who want no just to see the sights in Africa, but who also want to have a worthwhile experience in African community development and to volunteer time and energy whilst visiting the beautiful continent. The major beneficiaries of this programme are the people who receive help from you in the chosen project and of course you, the traveller, will benefit too, as you will gain an unforgettable life experience. Volunteer South Africa • Sixteen different projects are available throughout South Africa. • This programme can be booked without a language course. • The minimum period for the volunteer programme is 2 weeks. • A good conversational level of English is required. African community development We have joined up with one of the most successful providers of African volunteer projects in order to offer a wide variety of choice and a highly professional programme. There is the option of booking an English language course with Good Hope Studies before starting the Volunteer programme. However a course is not compulsory. If you are able to converse fluently in everyday situations, you can go straight into the programme. A number of projects are available in and around Cape Town, some are available elsewhere in the country and one is even available in Namibia. Included in the placement fee • Placement at a project of your choice. • Orientation package (airport transfer, 3 nights accommodation, Cape Point 1 day sightseeing trip, Orientation, Hop on Hop off Bus Cape Town Sightseeing buspass, Moola Backpacker Discount Card, Transfer to Accommodation (around Cape Town) or help with transport to Projects countrywide). • All paperwork, placement procedures and liaison with the Volunteer Program, appointment of a Supervisor for the duration of the programme. • A monthly donation to the Volunteer Project, to assist in their funding. • A counsellor, assistance and support during the stay. • A South African SIM card. • Monthly social functions for volunteers to get together and meet other volunteers. • A certificate & report on the volunteer’s programme should this be required for studies or other purposes. • Accommodation and food or meals for the duration of the volunteer’s participation (no meals if staying in backpacker accommodation). There are limits on the number of volunteers each project can accept. For Cape Town-based projects, the start dates are any Monday, arriving any Thursday. All programs are available all year round – with the exception of those that are only available outside of school holidays, or unless otherwise stated in the detailed programme information. Accommodation Accommodation during the volunteer project will be provided by the volunteer organisation. The types of accommodation available depend on the project chosen. In Cape Town, host families and a volunteer house are available. Host families South African host families provide accommodation in their private homes. The family could be a single person, a couple or a couple with children. Volunteers stay in a single room, and breakfast and dinner are provided. The bathroom is usually shared with the family. Volunteer House The Volunteer House is situated in the southern suburb of Observatory. Volunteers are accommodated in a house with several double rooms and two triple rooms. The bathrooms are shared with other students. There is also an employee of the volunteer organisation who stays at the volunteer house, and who provides breakfast and dinner, and transfers volunteers to and from their projects. The volunteer house has a pleasant atmosphere with a lounge and a large open kitchen area. Observatory is close to the University of Cape Town, and a large number of university students stay in the area. Within walking distance, there are restaurants, pubs, shops and a MetroRail station. Project descriptions Children & Youth Projects The children of Africa are sometimes desperate. As a Volunteer, you can really make a difference. Sometimes all a child needs is love; at other times, their needs are altogether more complex. Africa’s children face some of the continent’s toughest challenges: There are soaring numbers of Aids orphans; an education, diet and social standing each present their own challenges. Volunteer projects with children can be some of the most rewarding and most heart-warming of all volunteer experiences. You CAN make a difference. 1. Hope Journey - Children’s recovery hospital Established 40 yeas ago, this Children’s Convalescent Hospital is a hospital for children who are convalescing and in recovery, after being discharged from provincial hospitals. The mission of the hospital is to provide expert nursing and medical care, in a homely and loving environment, for infants and children recovering from acute medical and surgical conditions and who are, for social or medical reasons, unable to return to their own homes. Arrival City: Cape Town. Start of programme: any Thursday for orientation, start volunteering any Monday. Includes: Y2A Orientation, airport pick-ups, Host-family (single room, breakfast & dinner) or volunteer house (double room, breakfast & dinner), day trip. Excludes: daily transport (R300 per week from host-family or volunteer house). 2. Heart for Orphans Enrich the lives of orphans and abandoned babies, who have no one else to hold them, or play games with them. Choose to work either with babies/toddlers (newborn - 4yrs), or children (5 – 17yrs). Bring your creativity with you, and prepare to fall in love! Arrival City: Cape Town. Start of programme: any Thursday for orientation, start volunteering any Monday (School Terms apply). Includes: Y2A Orientation, airport pick-ups, Host-family (single room, breakfast & dinner) or volunteer house (double room, breakfast & dinner), day trip. Excludes: daily transport (R300 per week from host-family or volunteer house). 3. Youth at Risk Volunteer for Children! Interact with teens and young adults at risk on the streets, be part of an educational program, assist at a soup kitchen serving Cape Town’s homeless every day, build developmental relationships with children at a home for boys, and use creativity to woo youth off the streets. Arrival City: Cape Town. Start of programme: any Thursday for orientation, start volunteering any Monday. Includes: Y2A Orientation, airport pick-ups, Host-family (single room, breakfast & dinner) or volunteer house (double room, breakfast & dinner), day trip. Excludes: daily transport (R300 per week from host-family or volunteer house). 4. Enabling Disabled Children Improve the quality of life for children suffering from Autism, a severe, life long, developmental disability with neurological causes. Arrival City: Cape Town. Start of programme: any Thursday for orientation, start volunteering any Monday (School Terms apply). Includes: Y2A Orientation, airport pick-ups, Host-family (single room, breakfast & dinner) or volunteer house (double room, breakfast & dinner), day trip. Excludes: daily transport (R300 per week from host-family or volunteer house). 5. Teach Kids on the Beach Help entertain & teach crèche kids. They need your help as a Volunteer. The project involves volunteering with disadvantaged children from a township in the surf capital of South Africa in an established nursery school, which has no Government funding. The children range in age from 3 to 6 years and are divided into 2 classes according to age. There are currently 25 children enrolled at the school. The School has enough land to grow vegetables, which will help feed the children. Arrival City: Port Elizabeth or George. Day of arrival: any Monday of the month (School Terms apply). Includes: Accommodation (including breakfast & dinner), orientation is given by the organisation. 6. Children of the Kruger There are 3 days of theoretical training and the remainder of the month is spent at the rural community schools and the pupils. The aim of the project is to introduce sport and feeding programs to the rural community schools and encourage the pupils to participate in school sport activities. The programs concentrate on team sports such as soccer, rugby, cricket and netball. Schools in the rural communities do not have the advanced infrastructure that the larger schools have and the participant will have limited resources. The program also concentrates on providing a balanced meal each day to the learners. Arrival City: Johannesburg or Nelspruit (take bus or connecting flight from Johannesburg). Day of arrival: Arrive Sunday to start on the first Monday of the month (School Terms apply). Includes: Transfer to and from Johannesburg or Nelspruit, accommodation (incl. all meals prepared by the volunteers), orientation is given by the organisation. 7. This Way Up Be part this dynamic family-orientated organisation, which enables youth and young men with troubled pasts to catch up their education, and become citizens able to earn a living, and to contribute to Project descriptions the communities they’ve come from. Would suit older volunteers. 9. Healing Through Horses Arrival City: Cape Town. Start of programme: any Thursday for orientation, start volunteering any Monday. Includes: Y2A Orientation, airport pick-ups, Host-family (single room, breakfast & dinner) or volunteer house (double room, breakfast & dinner), day trip. Excludes: daily transport (R300 per week from host-family or volunteer house). This is a voluntary, non-profit organisation which provides free riding instruction and other activities associated with riding for people with disabilities. The organisation is based in Cape Town. All pupils ride for FREE, so Volunteers are the backbone of our whole programme. 7a. Street-wise Soccer The project aims to attract all the soccer loving street people, especially the youth and children and to then give them a sense of belonging, to develop a soccer club in Cape Town that will attract male and female street youth and children to participate in SAFA WP leagues & to eventually have a team strong enough to challenge for professional ranks with teams and players participating from U11 to senior level. Arrival City: Cape Town. Start of programme: Thursday for orientation, start volunteering the first Monday of the month. Includes: Y2A Orientation, airport pick-ups, accommodation at a Backpackers Hostel in the City. Excludes: meals, own towel. Minimum age: 21 years Animal Projects Disadvantaged communities are sometimes unable to care for their animals. Without help, these animals could develop illnesses or end up scavenging on rubbish heaps. Animal projects in Africa sometimes involve working with animals for the benefit of people; for instance healing projects. If you love animals and want to volunteer to help animals, then become an African conservation volunteer! 8. Animal Charity Volunteer in Africa, working with a team of vets who assist animals in townships, enabling communities living way below the breadline to care for their animals. You will help out with receiving animals that come in from the townships, caring for the animals before and after operations, with fund-raising and office duties, and possibly you could even hold an animal while it is being operated on. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone who loves animals with an interest in veterinary science. Arrival City: Cape Town. Start of programme: any Thursday for orientation, start volunteering any Monday. Includes: Y2A Orientation, airport pick-ups, Host-family (single room, breakfast & dinner) or volunteer house (double room, breakfast & dinner), day trip. Excludes: daily transport (R300 per week from host-family or volunteer house). Arrival City: Cape Town. Start of programme: Only 4 possible start dates per year. On these dates arrive on a Thursday and start volunteering on the Monday (school terms apply). Includes: Y2A Orientation, airport pick-ups, accommodation and food budget, day trip. 11. Save the Great White Shark If you have always dreamed about working with the most feared apex predator, are passionate about marine life, do not mind getting your hands dirty, and have an adventurous attitude - this would be the programme for you! The Great White Shark Project is a unique opportunity to view and learn more about the fascinating Great White Shark in its natural environment, either from a boat or an underwater cage. You’ll also see other wildlife species, including Cape Gannets, Bryde Whales, Cape Fur Seals, Dolphins and Jackass Penguins Arrival City: Cape Town. Day of arrival: Sunday before the first or third Monday of the month. Includes: Airport pick-up & transfer to Gansbaai, accommodation and 2 meals per day, orientation is given by the organisation. 12. Hands on Big 5 Plunge into a hands-on conservation project in one of South Africa’s most scenic Big 5 game reserves. While getting involved in every aspect of conservation management on the reserve, you will grow your skills in conservation and have the experience of a lifetime. Your work will include habitat rehabilitation, elephant impact monitoring, game counts, telemetry tracking of lions and much more. If conservation management on a reserve in Africa is your interest, then this is the project for you! Arrival City: Port Elizabeth or Grahamstown. Day of arrival: Any Monday of the month. Includes: Accommodation and all meals prepared by the volunteers, orientation is given by the organisation. Excludes: Airport transfer from Port Elizabeth airport to the project on arrival (R600) and the return transfer on departure (R600). 13. Penguin Rescue Exciting nature conservation opportunity, ensuring the survival of endangered seabirds (including penguins) who are victims of oil spills. Arrival City: Cape Town. Start of programme: any Thursday for orientation, start volunteering any Monday. Includes: Y2A Orientation, airport pick-ups, accommodation and food budget, day trip. Project descriptions 14. Chimp Fun 16. One Month Game Ranger Course Ever wondered what motivated Jane Goodall to study chimps and dedicate her life to the conservation of these primates? We now offer you an experience of a lifetime. Volunteer with Chimps in Africa! You will learn about their history and behaviour and will assist the curator with daily observations of the chimpanzees in their wilderness enclosures, and will also patrol the fence line against poachers. The theoretical part of the course takes place at our training venue overlooking the Kruger National Park. All practical training is done inside the Kruger National Park on our private concession. The 1 month program is accredited with the Tourism Hospitality and Sport Education Training Authority (THETA) of South Africa and endorsed by the Field Guides Association of Southern Africa (FGASA). The program is designed to give the learner an in-depth knowledge of the fauna and flora and covers both theoretical and practical training. The theoretical and practical training is covered in 1 month and allows the participant to spend the maximum possible time in the wilderness, whilst learning about what our beautiful area offers. Our training courses are presented by experienced and highly qualified ex-rangers and field guides. Arrival City: Johannesburg (take bus to Nelspruit) or Nelspruit. Day of arrival: First Monday of the month. Includes: Accommodation and all meals, orientation is given by the organisation. 15. Noah’s Ark in Africa Be part of a truly remarkable safe-haven for wild animals which are injured, orphaned or which have become the victims of man’s greed. Turn suffering around, nurture and help over 200 animals regain health and dignity through your love and caring. Arrival City: Windhoek, Namibia. Day of arrival: Any Thursday, transfer to the project on a Friday. Includes: Transfer to and from Windhoek, accommodation and all meals, orientation is given by the organisation. Arrival City: Johannesburg or Nelspruit. Day of arrival: First Monday of the month. Includes: Transfer to and from Johannesburg, accommodation and all meals, orientation is given by the organisation. What to do next 1. How to find a programme 3. Itinerary and Departure So you have chosen South Africa, the ideal place for volunteer work. A place where you can help African children. Where you can learn, work and travel Africa. What do you do now? As soon as you have paid your programme deposit, you will receive the full programme details. This is your itinerary, which will include full contact details of the programme, airport pick-up details and full details of your meals, accommodation, daily transfers etc. First take a look at the brief descriptions on pages four, five and six. Also, take a closer look at the price list. Download the detailed project description from the one or two projects you are most interested in. Here you will find a more detailed project description, including your involvement, the minimum requirements, available dates and more. Choose the one project that is best for you and decide on a starting date and the duration. 2. Enrolment You will need to fill in the enrolment form and provide all the necessary documents (CV/Resume, Police Clearance and all other documents mentioned in the project introduction document). Only then can your application be fully considered. We will forward your documents to our partner, who will view your application and supporting documents, and will approve your application. Should they reject your application, they will not give you reasons and the reasons may have been beyond their control. But don’t let a rejection get you down. Simply apply for another programme - and maybe you will be accepted. Please remember that you must warrant that you have travel insurance and must provide details of your cover to Good Hope Studies before your departure, in writing by email. Please allow sufficient time for your enrolment process. Our volunteer partners are busy in the field all day which is why they can be slow in replying at times. For direct bookings only Once approved you have 7 days in which to pay a nonrefundable deposit, failing which your registration for the programme will be cancelled. Then you must pay your full programme fee before the closing date of the programme. Should the programme fee not be paid in full before the closing date, we are afraid your registration for the programme will be cancelled and you will lose your deposit. Please print out the ‘programme details’ and take them with you, as you will need to keep the information handy. Visa requirements The student receives a Visitor’s Permit when entering the Yes. 90 days or shorter. country with an endorsement. The Letter of Acceptance from the host-company / organisation must be presented upon entry. Is the student from an exempt country? See table below. The student receives a Letter of Acceptance from the hostNo. For ALL nationalities OR yes, but the maximum exemption period for the students’ country is 30 days, and the course is longer than 30 days. company / organisation and needs to apply for a Visitor’s Permit with an endorsement “to do unpaid practical training / volunteering” at the South African Embassy in their home country. The student receives a Letter of Acceptance from the host-company / organisation and needs to apply for a Longer than Study Permit with an endorsement “to do unpaid practical 90 days. training / volunteering” at the South African Embassy in their home country. Countries whose nationals are exempt from visas for the period stated max. 90 days Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland max. 30 days Cyprus, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic, Turkey max. 90 days Japan, Taiwan (Republic of China) Europe Asia South America Africa max. 30 days South Korea max. 90 days Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela max. 30 days Bolivia, Costa Rica, Peru max. 90 days Botswana Study Permit Visa extension The requirements stated below can change from time to time and are listed here for your information only. For the latest requirements please visit www.home-affairs.gov.za or contact the nearest South African Embassy. Students may extend their visitor’s permit while they are in South Africa. However the application can be rejected and no reason needs to be given. Therefore it is recommended that the visa received upon entry is for the full period of stay. Requirements for a Study Permit: • A completed application form (BI-1738). • A full medical certificate including a radiological report. • A passport valid for no less than 30 days after expiry of intended visit, and a copy of the first page of the passport. • One passport photo. • A full birth certificate. • A police clearance certificate. • Documents relating to marital status. • A Letter of Acceptance. • Medical cover (either South African cover or cover that is recognised in South Africa; information about SA cover can be supplied) • Proof of payment of all tuition fees. • Proof of financial means (i.e. bank statements or salary advice). • Students under 21: Written permission by both parents and a guardian in South Africa. • Permit fee: € 52 / US$ 67. • A refundable deposit (depending on the country of residence). • All documents must be accompanied by a notarized English translation. Requirements: • Application at least 30 days prior to expiry of existing permit. • A completed application form (BI-1739) • A passport valid for no less than 30 days after expiry of intended visit. • A valid permit. • A permit fee. • Proof of financial means (i.e. bank statements or salary advice). • Applicants travelling by air must be in possession of a return or onward ticket and must furnish proof of a return booking with the relevant airline. • A letter stating the purpose and duration of the stay. Visa requirements Vaccinations No vaccinations are required except for travellers going to the north-eastern areas of South Africa, where anti-malaria precautions are recommended. Clients should consult their doctor for recommendations. A Yellow fever certificate is compulsory for those persons who have travelled from, or intend travelling through countries in the yellow fever belt: Important • It is the client’s responsibility to arrive in South Africa upon the correct visa. • Clients CAN extend their stay. To do so they need to go to the Department of Home Affairs in Cape Town to extend their visa. • Clients CANNOT change their visa, but only extend the period. Africa: Angola, Burundi, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Rwanda, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zaire. • The cost for the tourist visa and the study permit is ZAR 425 (approximately € 37/US$ 52 as of June 2009). South America: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Surinam, Venezuela. • Visa requirements are as of June 2009. For the latest information visit www.home-affairs.gov.za. • Minor clients (under 21 years) must have written consent from their parents and a guardian in South Africa. Price list Animal Projects Children & Youth Projects Project name May 2009 to April 2010 Price* Additional weeks 16 weeks 32 weeks Hope Journey – Children’s Recovery Hospital US$ 1.350 for 4 weeks US$ 200 US$ 3.375 US$ 5.908 Heart for Orphans - Junior US$ 1.600 for 8 weeks US$ 200 US$ 2.880 US$ 5.440 Heart for Orphans - Senior US$ 1.350 for 4 weeks US$ 200 US$ 3.375 US$ 5.908 Youth at Risk US$ 1.350 for 4 weeks US$ 200 US$ 3.375 US$ 5.908 Enabling Disabled Children US$ 1.350 for 4 weeks US$ 200 US$ 3.375 US$ 5.908 Teach Kids on the Beach US$ 1.800 for 4 weeks US$ 450 US$ 6.480 US$ 12.240 Children of the Kruger US$ 1.480 for 2 weeks US$ 350 US$ 5.742 US$ 10.183 Streetwise Soccer US$ 1.350 for 4 weeks US$ 200 US$ 3.375 US$ 5.908 This Way Up US$ 1.600 for 8 weeks US$ 200 US$ 2.880 US$ 5.440 Animal Charity US$ 1.180 for 2 weeks US$ 200 US$ 3.582 US$ 6.103 Healing Through Horses US$ 1.700 for 8 weeks US$ 200 US$ 2.970 US$ 5.525 Save the Great White Shark US$ 1.560 for 2 weeks US$ 780 Maximum 3 weeks Hands on Big 5 US$ 1.480 for 2 weeks US$ 620 Maximum 12 weeks Penguin Rescue US$ 1.950 for 6 weeks US$ 450 US$ 5.805 US$ 11.603 Chimp Fun US$ 1.480 for 2 weeks US$ 750 US$ 10.782 US$ 20.383 Noahs’ Ark in Africa US$ 1.800 for 2 weeks US$ 900 US$ 12.960 US$ 24.480 1 Month Game Ranger Course US$2.950 for 4 weeks For 4 weeks only * A discount of US$ 140 can be given on Cape Town based projects if the volunteer programme is booked together with a language course. May 2010 to April 2011 Children & Youth Projects Project name Animal Projects Price* Additional weeks 16 weeks 32 weeks Hope Journey – Children’s Recovery Hospital US$ 1.485 for 4 weeks US$ 220 US$ 3.713 US$ 6.498 Heart for Orphans - Junior US$ 1.760 for 8 weeks US$ 220 US$ 3.168 US$ 5.984 Heart for Orphans - Senior US$ 1.485 for 4 weeks US$ 1.337 US$ 1.262 Youth at Risk US$ 1.485 for 4 weeks US$ 3.713 US$ 6.498 US$ 220 Enabling Disabled Children US$ 1.485 for 4 weeks US$ 220 US$ 3.713 US$ 6.498 Teach Kids on the Beach US$ 1.980 for 4 weeks US$ 490 US$ 7.074 US$ 13.345 Children of the Kruger US$ 1.628 for 2 weeks US$ 385 US$ 6.316 US$ 11.201 Street-wise Soccer US$ 1.485 for 4 weeks US$ 220 US$ 3.168 US$ 5.984 This Way Up US$ 1.760 for 8 weeks US$ 220 US$ 3.713 US$ 6.498 Animal Charity US$ 1.360 for 2 weeks US$ 220 US$ 3.996 US$ 6.766 Healing Through Horses US$ 1.870 for 8 weeks US$ 220 US$ 3.267 US$ 6.078 Save the Great White Shark US$ 1.716 for 2 weeks US$ 858 Maximum 3 weeks Hands on Big 5 US$ 1.720 for 2 weeks US$ 730 Maximum 12 weeks Penguin Rescue US$ 2.145 for 6 weeks US$ 495 US$ 6.386 US$ 12.763 Chimp Fun US$ 1.628 for 2 weeks US$ 825 US$ 11.860 US$ 22.421 Noahs’ Ark in Africa US$ 1.980 for 2 weeks US$ 990 US$ 14.256 US$ 26.928 1 Month Game Ranger Course US$ 2.950 for 4 weeks For 4 weeks only * A discount of USUS$ 140 can be given on Cape Town based projects if the volunteer programme is booked together with a language course. General Conditions 1. By submitting the application form (electronically or otherwise) you are entering into a contractual agreement with Good Hope Studies and you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions as described below, as well as bound by any specific conditions in the Programmes ‘Details’. Furthermore you agree to be bound by the Volunteer Code of Conduct. 2. The information supplied in your Application form is deemed to be both true and correct, and likewise with any further documentation required as part of your application. Should any of this be false or untrue Good Hope Studies reserves the right to cancel your application at any time, in which case no refund will be applicable. 3. All information material is believed to be correct and any errors or omissions are deemed to be inadvertent and beyond our responsibility. 4. Good Hope Studies, and its partners and suppliers, retains the right to refuse any application it deems unacceptable for any reason, without giving reasons. 5. All arrangements concerning the services provided by Good Hope Studies and it’s Suppliers are provided with the understanding that neither Good Hope Studies nor any affiliated company, agent or employee will be held responsible in case of injury, loss, damage, expenses, claim, accident, deviation, delay or cancellation brought about by any circumstances whatsoever, nor by reasons beyond the control of Good Hope Studies. Enrolment form Personal details Family name Date of birth First names Day Country of birth Month Male Year Country of residence Citizen of Passport no.: Passport expiry date: Address in home country Telephone Fax Email Emergency contact person Family name First name Relationship Address 6. Good Hope Studies retains the right to change prices caused by currency fluctuations or other reasons until you have paid 100% of the programme fee. 7. Unless agreed differently in writing, you must pay the Programme Fee for full programme booked (the order number / invoice) as follows, or risk cancellation: • A nonrefundable deposit of € 70 / US$ 100 on acceptance of your application to the particular programme booked, but by no later than 7 days thereafter; • The balance and full amount at least 2 to 4 weeks before the ‘Starting Date’ of your booked Programme; • If you book a Programme less than 2 to 4 weeks before the ‘Starting Date’ the full programme fee must be paid immediately; 8. Cancellations must be in writing. If you cancel you must email the notice of cancellation to [email protected]. In the event Good Hope Studies or their Suppliers cancel a programme, you will receive a full refund. In the event that you cancel your booking(s), a refund will be paid as follows: • 15+ days before departure: full refund less deposit. • 14 days or less before departure: No refund, unless accompanied by a doctor’s letter stating clear medical reason why you can not take the trip, in this case a 50% refund will be given. (Note: Deposit amount may vary according to programme booked. Please see booking form for details) 9. If it is necessary for you to postpone any programme, new departure dates must be reconfirmed within 6 months. Failure to do so will result in the booking being cancelled and any monies forfeited. Programme prices may be subject to change in the event of a trip having been postponed. 10. In the event you are refused a visa by the Authorities, the cancellation conditions above will apply. 11. If you do not comply with the rules, values or directives of a Good Hope Studies programme or excursion, Good Hope Studies and its affiliates or partner organizations may release you from the programme with no refund. Telephone Email Education / Profession Educational institution Year completed Major subjects Current employment Company Position Brief job description Other skills Fax Female part 1 12. If you make any alterations to (including arrival or departure dates) your programme, a US$50 administration fee will be charged. That same fee will be charged per project if you wish to switch from one particular project to another, unless it is within 10 weeks of departure, when it will be considered a cancellation. See cancellation policy above. 13. You do hereby agree that any images taken of yourself while on the program may be used by Good Hope Studies without compensation. 14. In the event you wish to complain about any service provided by Good Hope Studies, its suppliers or affiliates, you must first immediately inform the supplier of the problem in order to give the supplier the chance to rectify the problem. In the event that you cannot obtain satisfaction from the supplier you should put the complaint in writing to the supplier and at the same time inform Good Hope Studies immediately by email, by fax, or by telephone. Good Hope Studies will do its best to rectify the problem. No complaint will be considered if the above procedure is not followed. Enrolment form part 2 Volunteer programme Programme title Start date (1st Monday of the month) Proposed departure date Total number of weeks on programme Relevant Experience and Skills Please write a paragraph about WHY you want to volunteer, i.e. your motivation 15. In the event you decide to discontinue your programme before it is due to end for any reason, there will be no refund. 16. You are responsible for considering your health prior to the programme and warrants that you are fit and able to participate. 17. International and local flights (unless otherwise stated), Insurance, and Visa costs are not included in the cost of the Good Hope Studies programme. Good Hope Studies cannot be held responsible for any action, negligence or event relating to the purchase or operation of flight tickets or flights, insurance or the visa application and process. Further, Good Hope Studies will not be responsible for any costs or refunds due to changes or delays in flights. 18. You must warrant that you have travel insurance and must provide details of your cover to Good Hope Studies before your departure, in writing by email. Good Hope Studies takes no responsibility for any loss , damage, expense or hazard encountered as a result of the participant travelling uninsured or underinsured. 19. Good Hope Studies cannot accept any responsibility or liability for changes or programme cancellations in the event of war or threat of war, terrorism or threat of terrorism, fire, sickness, bad weather, acts of government or local authority, acts of god, or other event or circumstance which amounts to a “force majeure”. 20. The prices of Good Hope Studies programmes can change at any time, and are subject to each Supplier’s home currency US Dollar fluctuations. Unless the program chosen is paid for in full should there be any increase in price the Applicant is liable for this increase. 21. Place of jurisdiction in any dispute: the courts at Cape Town. Specific information required (go to next block if you DO a language course before you volunteer) Arrival date Arrival time Flight number If not arriving on start date, do you need accommodation for any extra night (at your own cost and payable on arrival)? Dates (nights) needed for extra accommodation Health & Fitness Do you regularly take any prescription drugs? Do you suffer from allergies, asthma, epilepsy and/or diabetes? If so, how do you manage your condition? In the last 3 years have you suffered any psychiatric / psychological illnesses? In the last 3 years have you undergone any major surgery? Agency: If yes to either of the above, please provide details: Please describe your fitness level Special Dietary Needs I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I understand and agree to be bound by the General Conditions as stated herein. I agree to abide by the payment time table. I have read and agree to abide by the conditions pertaining to refunds. Signature of applicant Date Graserkrat Studies CC, CK 88/28644/23 trading as GOOD HOPE STUDIES, 11 Mariendahl Avenue, Newlands, 7700 Cape Town, South Africa Save the Great White Sharks We passionately believe that international cultural exchange helps to build bridges of understanding and peace between nations, and establish life-long friendships all across the world. Our overriding aim in any program we run is that our applicants should not be tourists, but cultural participants in their host country, building bridges of cultural understanding, friendship and tolerance will be built between the different cultures. We are situated on the southern tip of Africa - an exhilarating and complex country. With its post-apartheid identity still in the process of definition, there is undoubtedly an abundance of energy and a sense of progress about the place. Travellers are returning to a remarkable land that has been off the trail for way too long… Here, two great oceans meet, warm weather lasts most of the year, and big game roams just beyond the city lights. This is where humanity began: our ancestors' traces are still evident in fossilised footprints 80 000 years old, and in the world's oldest rock paintings. Today, South Africa is the powerhouse of Africa, the most advanced, broad-based economy on the continent, with infrastructure to match any first-world country. With all this technological advancement comes a very real, very urgent need for conservation to become a priority, to keep our natural resources as wild and unspoilt as they are now. There's more to South Africa than lions. Johannesburg is a sprawling city of skyscrapers. The lights work, the water flows and is drunk straight from the taps, there are multi-lane highways and - unfortunately - traffic jams. You can book into a Hilton or a Hyatt or a Holiday Inn and eat at cosmopolitan restaurants serving anything from sushi to burgers to crocodile steaks. Also, you will encounter rich and poor living side by side. Years of inequality has deeply entrenched both poverty and a poverty mentality, and a host of other social problems resulting from a lack of education. Huge portions of the population live way below the breadline, in shacks around the cities, 35% of the population suffering with HIV, streetkids surviving by petty crime, and widespread unemployment. Skills and positive energy are desperately needed to right the wrongs of the past. 1 Your enthusiasm, fresh ideas, skills and your desire to make a change will be welcomed. And prepare to have your own world view stretched and challenged while you are on African soil. As with all travelling, volunteering is a two way experience – as you give you will receive… Apart from doing your bit to make a difference, there are other reasons for visiting South Africa too: golden beaches, some of the world's best surf, spectacular scenery ranging from mountains to deserts, eco-systems found nowhere else in the world, an opportunity to experience African culture first-hand - and one of the least expensive holiday destinations you'll find. We just know you will enjoy your time in our beautiful country. A representative of our volunteer partner is available to assist you during your stay and our partner’s Head Office is simply a telephone call away or an email away. The Good Hope Studies TEAM. 2 Get away from the hustle and bustle of busy city life, let down your hair, kick off your shoes and come to Gansbaai. Get back to basics with warm friendly people to welcome and pamper you. So what makes Gansbaai cool? Simply it's natural, rugged and unspoilt beauty. Gansbaai is a small town about 170km outside of Cape Town in the vicinity of Hermanus where one can watch whales in the months between August and December. The name Gansbaai originates from the numerous wild geese that live here. Fisherman established the region in the year 1881. Until a few years ago, Gansbaai was known as a sleepy little fishing village. Nowadays, this area that only had a few pubs and a small harbour as main attractions, is flourishing. The population has increased drastically. It now has a small primary school, churches of various denominations and shops to provide for every need. Fish shops are stocked with fresh catches daily. Gansbaai is a popular holiday resort for boating and fishing enthusiasts and whale watchers. Dyer Island near Gansbaai is a breeding colony for jackass penguins while seals breed on nearby Geyser Island. A warder, stationed on Dyer Island, protects the birds breeding there. A number of these are endemic species, such as the Oyster Catcher and the Swift Tern. There is a narrow channel in the sea between Geyser Rock and Dyer Island which is home to up to 60 000 Cape Fur Seals. The sea around these islands have become the feeding ground of the endangered great white shark and one of the main attractions of Gansbaai is the shark cage diving off the coast of Dyer Island. Great White sharks roam through the waters off the coast throughout the year. The best time of year to see sharks is between mid January and the end of September. Since the area around Dyer Island has been declared a nature reserve, boats may only enter this area with a permit given by the Department of Nature Conservation. 3 Roaming the world’s oceans, the Great White Shark is undoubtedly the greatest predatory force of the seas. Cloaked in myth, misunderstanding and fear, this awesome animal remains a mystery to man. On this project you'll learn a lot about the Great White and then you'll put that knowledge to use by assisting in conservation and research into this awesome animal. Sharks are intelligent and vulnerable, deserving of sympathy and respect. Education helps people to lose the Jaws phenomenon and gain the realisation that sharks are a complex and precious species, living in the water – just doing their best to survive. This project is dedicated to the exploration and conservation of the Great White Shark & its environment. The project works with students, eco-tourists, scientists, conservation organizations & marine resource users to gather data on Great White Sharks, correct negative misconception and stop the needless slaughter of over 100 million sharks annually. • • • • Program Highlights : • • • • Get up close to one of the oceans most magnificent creatures Understand great white sharks in their natural setting The other creatures you will come across out on the open sea Upon completion, a DVD compilation of the best days (of your choice) on sea. Your Role : • • • You'll receive training in White Shark biology, research, behaviour, conservation, changing attitudes, shark attacks, basic seamanship(includes anchoring positions, wind directions, classes in underwater filming, and shark eco-tourism. Weather permitting you will go to sea frequently. At sea, you'll get involved as much as possible with all aspects of sea work. This will be focused on working with the sharks from above and below the water. You’ll be involved in tasks such as preparing baits, packing the boat, washing equipment used in the boat, working with eco-tourists & recording data on the sharks. Much emphasis will be placed on observing behaviour and the interactions of sharks around the boat. You will be taught how to get in and out of the cage and how to remain secure and safe in the cage. Participants in the cages will record observations of the White Sharks. This will include sex, size, markings and behaviour. A visit to the community recycle program run by the project for local school children on Tuesdays. Program Overview : LOCATION : Closest Town : Gansbaai Country : South Africa Details : Town (some shops, a bank and internet cafe available) QUALIFICATIONS : Minimum Age : 18 Acceptance subject to Application being accepted : Yes Acceptance subject to CV / Resume being accepted : No 4 Acceptance subject to Police Clearance : No Acceptance subject to Other : Yes, Consent required from Parents for younger volunteers and indemnity to be signed Special Skills Required : Sea legs! Gansbaai is renowned for its sharks and not it's night-life! Gansbaai is a very small rural town, while you will find all essentials there, Internet Café's, Post Office, a few pubs, it does not offer much entertainment wise, so be prepared to spend evenings quietly. Language Requirements : English PROGRAM DURATION: Minimum Duration : 2 Week(s) Maximum Duration : 4 Week(s) Visa required : No Any Closure Dates (public or school holidays) : Closed in December and January OTHER Arrival Details : Volunteers must arrive on Sunday before 1st Monday of month, will be collected from airport by a representative of the volunteer organisation holding a sign with the volunteer’s name on it. The volunteer will spend 1 night at the Volunteer House. Supper will be provided on this night. The next day the volunteer will be collected by the Shark Project and taken to Gansbaai. Accommodation : You will be sharing a house with other volunteers - the house is fully equipped with cooking facilities, inside braai area and all utilities. The house is dedicated to volunteers, and has 4 bedrooms with 2 beds in each. Laundry • We have arranged with the Local Laundry to pick up your laundry at a pre-arranged time, wash and iron it for R9 per kg. If you want to make use of this, speak to Liz at the Lodge. This is only your personal laundry, we will wash bedding etc. Internet • We have internet access at the Lodge – you can ask Liz what computer you are allowed to use. Be considerate with your time on the PC, as it is there for the use of all volunteers and crew. Neatness In the House • You will be responsible for keeping your room clean, and as a combined effort the rest of the house. A cleaning lady will come in twice a week to do a thorough clean-up, but we do request that you do your part in making the atmosphere as neat as possible. Meals : • • • Breakfast Packed lunch on sea days, tea and scones on sea days. Dinner not included Local Transport : • You can walk around the town it is sooooo small! What Is Included : • • • Transfer to Gansbaai Welcome and induction by WSP team leader Daily lectures on:o Basic seamanship (includes boat handling, anchoring positions, wind directions, currents,) o Cage diving procedures (procedures in the cage with and without regulator) o Basic shark biology o Shark behaviour o Research & conservation o Shark attacks o Boat and cage inspection o Participation in data recording and weekly collation o On bad weather days, local excursions could include Cape Aghulhas, Hermanus, Betty’s Bay, and the Birkenhead 5 o o o What Is Excluded : • • • Weather permitting, you will go kelp snorkelling near Dyer Island You edit your own video-diary On certain days, the boat is chartered exclusively for you. You receive Two volunteer T-shirts Our White Shark Projects cap Your welcoming pack Dinner Laundry Extra activities HEALTH & SAFETY FAQ'S Is the work at the project physically dangerous? : Yes Details : You will be working on a boat out in the open ocean Please supply a parental consent letter if under 21 years 6