1. These sessions are open to all ISCAP students and lecturers, as nd Thursday 22 May ISCAP ON TOUR "Writing TV Commercials” Reijo Honkonen 8h30-10h00 Room: 203 10h00-11h30 Room: 207 "Innovation - Myths and Mindsets: What it takes to make innovation work." Peter Storm-Henningsen 10h00-11h30 Room: 011 "Impact of Fair Value Accounting on Financial Statement Analysis" Marta de Vicente Lama 10h00-13h00 Room: 113 “Welcome to learn Russian!” Pirjo Salenius 11h30-13h00 Room: 112 "Communiquer avec les Belges (in French)" Catherine De Roo 11h30-13h00 Room: 009 14h00-15h30 Room:104 “Firebug in Joomla!” Steven Vermeulen 14h00– 17h00 Room: 122 “Czech Language Course” Milena Dvorakova 14h00-16h00 Room: 232 “How Culture Impacts on Business (Hofstede model)” Francis Kelly 15h30-17h00 Room: 015 “English for Marketing: marketing communications and promotion” Andrejus Rackovskis 17h00-18h30 Room: 130 “Finnish Language (Business) Culture” Tiina Turku/ Minna-Kaisa Lehtilinna 17h00-18h30 Room: 207 long as there are vacancies. ■ As sessões são abertas a toda a comunidade académica, desde que haja disponibilidade de lugar nas salas. 2. Minor adjustments to the program may take place during the week. ■ O programa poderá sofrer pequenas alterações. 3. Certificates will be issued to all attendants who will be excused from classes as long as an attendance list is signed. ■ A presença nas sessões será certificada. Há dispensa de aulas para todos os alunos e docentes do ISCAP que preencherem a folha de presenças e tiverem autorização prévia do respetivo professor do ISCAP. PROGRAM 19th to 23rd of May 4. Tuesday, 20th: Russian Day (check event Program). ■ Na terçafeira, dia 20, há o Dia da Rússia: ver programa do evento. 5. Wednesday, 21st: Spanish Day (check event Program). ■ Na quarta-feira, dia 21, há o Dia da Hispanidade: ver programa do evento. 6. Thursday, 22nd ISCAP On Tour (check event Program). ■ Na quinta -feira, dia 22, há o ISCAP On Tour: ver programa do evento. 7.AEISCAP organizes an International Fair from 21 st to 22nd ■ A AEISCAP organiza a Feira Internacional nos dias 21 e 22: ver programa do evento. Sponsors / Patrocínios: rd Friday 23 May LEBANESE-PORTUGUESE FORUM "The benefit of shadowing exercises in interpreting" Michel Malengreaux 10h00-11h30 Room: 211 18h30-21h30 Room: 206 “Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting exercises” Marc De Smet 11h30-13h00 Room: 211 18h30-21H30 Room: 211 “Firebug in Joomla!" Steven Vermeulen 14h00-15h30 Room:122 “Workshop: Quizz about Chambéry and Economy in Savoie” Christelle Pouillart 14h00 - 15h30 Room: 205 “How Culture Impacts on Business (Hofstede model)” Francis Kelly 15h30-17h00 Room: 012 “English for Hospitality “ Christine Cecillon 15h30-17h00 Room: 102 “Compared Translations from Mother Tongue into French” Mălina Gurgu 18h30-20h00 Room: 112 “A área de Recursos Humanos no Brasil: transformação rumo ao RH Estratégico “ Guaracy Silva 20h00-21h30 Room: 011 Rua Jaime Lopes Amorim s/n 4465-004 S. Mamede Infesta Tel.: +351229050050 Fax.: +351229025899 E-mail: [email protected] Monday 19th May Tuesday 20th May Wednesday 21st May RUSSIAN DAY "Managerial Decision Making” Simona Casaite-Satkauskiene 8h30 -11h30 Room: 219 “How to Apply in 2014” Jean Dewaerheid 10h00-13h00 Room: 126 “Leadership - Theory and Training” Nicolas Giegler 10h00-11h30 Room: 009 “Marketing and Consumer Behaviour during Economic Recession” Dionisios Tzimas 11h30-13h00 Room: 015 “Linkages of International Finance and Financial Crisis” Ieva Grauzinyte 14h00-15h30 Room: 121-1 21h30-23h00 Room: 010 “Workshop: Quizz about Chambéry and Economy in Savoie” Christelle Pouillart 14h00-15h30 Room: 205 “English for Hospitality” Christine Cecillon 15h30-17h00 Room:102 17h00-18h30 Room: 020 “Innovation - Myths and Mindsets: What it takes to make innovation work” Peter Storm-Henningsen 15h30 -17h00 Room: 015 “Sustainable Development and Circular Economy” Brigitte Clermont 15h30-17h00 Room:007 21h30-23h00 Room: 122 “Customers’ Relations” Milena Strovs Gagic 15h30 - 17h00 Room: 203 “English for Marketing: marketing communications and promotion” Andrejus Rackovskis 17h00-18h30 Room: 226 “Finnish Language (Business) Culture” Tiina Turku and Minna-Kaisa Lehtilinna 17h00-18h30 Room: 211 “Management Accounting in Emerging Markets” Zuzana Virglerová 17h00-18h30 Room: 010 “Technology solutions for translation education and beyond” Gatis Dilãns 20h00-21h30 Room: 211 “Citizenship rights in EU” Selma Josso 20h00-21h30 Room:132-2 “Managing Human Resources” Renata Korsakiene 8h30 -11h30 Room: 009 “Communiquer avec les Belges (in French)” Catherine De Roo 10h00-11h30 Room: 207 “Welcome to learn Russian!” Pirjo Salenius 11h30-13h00 Room: 203 18h30-20h00 Room: 203 “Intercultural Communication” Francis Kadaplackal 11h30-13h00 Room: 202 21h30-23h00 Room: 104 “Perspectives on Romanian Literature and Translations” Luiza Marinescu 14h00-15h30 Room: 203 21h30-23h00 Room: 207 “Spanish relating to Tourism” Pedro Beltran Herrera 14h00-17h00 Room: 109 18h30-20h00 Room: 109 “Czech Language Course” Milena Dvorakova 14h00-16h00 Room: 232 “Customers’ Relations” Milena Strovs Gagic 14h00-15h30 Room: 010 “Compared Translations from Mother Tongue into French” Mălina Gurgu 14h00-17h00 Room: 112 21h30-23h00 Room: 112 “Citizenship rights in EU” Selma Josso 14h00-15h30 Room: 011 “English for Marketing: marketing communications and promotion” Andrejus Rackovskis 15h30-17h00 Room: 130 “Tourism in Finland: statistics, attractions and prospects” Olli Maekinen 17h00-18h30 Room: 103 “Riga - the metropolis of Art Nouveau” Julia Popova 17h00-18h30 Room: 020 20h00-21h30 Room: 202 “Writing CVs and application letters” Danuté Belazariené 17h00-18h30 Room: 104 18h30-20h00 Room: 104 SPANISH DAY “Challenges of Green Marketing” Melinda Majláth 10h00-11h30 Room: 015 11h30-13h00 Room: 015 “Technology solutions for translation education and beyond” Gatis Dilãns 10h00-11h30 Room: 211 11h30-13h00 Room: 207 “Tourism in Finland: statistics, attractions and prospects” Olli Maekinen 11h30-13h00 Room: 105 “Czech Language Course” Milena Dvorakova 13h30– 15h00 Room: 204 “Leadership - Theory and Training” Nicolas Giegler 18h30-20h00 Room: 020 “Big data: is the sky limit” Griet Barrezeele 16h00-18h30 Room: Main Auditorium “Marketing and Consumer Behaviour during Economic Recession” Dionisios Tzimas 18h30-20h00 Room: 123-1 “Firebug in Joomla!” Steven Vermeulen 18h30- 20h00 Room: 222 “Trade in the Baltic region: Are Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian countries similar?” Jurate Sereikiene 19h00-23h00 Room: 232 “Dealing with economic crises in the Baltic states” Robertas Vaitkus 20h00-22h00 Room: 111 “Management Accounting in Emerging Markets” Zuzana Virglerová 20h00-22h30 Room: 101 “Finnish Language (Business) Culture” Tiina Turku and Minna-Kaisa Lehtilinna 18h30-20h00 Room: 202 “Citizenship rights in EU” Selma Josso 18h30-20h00 Room:009 “Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis ” María del Mar Muñoz Martos 19h00-23h00 Room: 232 “Linkages of International Finance and Financial Crisis ” Ieva Grauzinyte 20h00-21h30 Room: 209 “Fundamental negotiation strategy, - what strategy to choose to get what you want” Anqelique Ville 20h00-21h30 Room: 126 “Customers’ Relations” Milena Strovs Gagic 20h00-21h30 Room: 103 “Innovation - Myths and Mindsets: What it takes to make innovation work” Peter Storm-Henningsen 21h30-23h00 Room: 226 “Marketing and Consumer Behaviour during Economic Recession” Dionisios Tzimas 21h30-23h00 Room: 105