Promoção / Promotion
mídia oficial / official media
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012
November 12 to 14, 2012
Pavilhão E/F - Pavillion E/F
Transamérica Expo Center
São Paulo - SP
programa final
livro de resumos
Catálogo oficial
Final program / abstract book / official catalogue
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
mensagem do presidente
International Society for Trencheless Technology
Prezado Profissional da Área de Métodos Não Destrutivos,
Bem-vindo a São Paulo! Após meses de preparação e expectativa, finalmente estamos aqui! Eu gostaria
de, pessoalmente, apresentá-lo ao 30th International NO-DIG 2012 (30º Congresso Internacional sobre
Métodos não Destrutivos), que ocorrerá na cidade de São Paulo, no Brasil, país rico em cultura e
conhecido por suas belas praias e gastronomia requintada. Essa é uma grandiosa ocasião, pois será o
primeiro congresso e feira sobre tecnologias de Métodos não Destrutivos promovidos pela Sociedade
Internacional de Tecnologia Não Destrutiva - ISTT a ser realizada na América do Sul. É maravilhoso
ver o rápido crescimento da adoção de tecnologias de Métodos não Destrutivos nessa região.
Nossa expectativa é de um excelente congresso, com a apresentação de 53 trabalhos técnicos,
representando mais de uma dezena de países, em 18 sessões técnicas ao longo dos próximos dias.
Ao longo dos 3 dias de congresso, haverá, também, 3 Palestras Patrocinador e 4 Palestras Técnicas.
Não há dúvidas de que você também aproveitará a Feira de Negócios, que contará com uma ampla
variedade de expositores apresentando produtos e serviços inovadores.
Este congresso não teria sido possível sem a dedicação e o trabalho árduo de muitas pessoas.
Em particular, eu gostaria de agradecer aos membros da Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia não
Destrutiva (ABRATT), em especial ao seu Presidente Paulo Dequech, e ao Sérgio Palazzo, por seus
esforços na coordenação e realização deste evento. Eu também gostaria de reconhecer os esforços
da equipe da ISTT, John Hemphill e Kondo Kyoko, por sua dedicação contínua e trabalho árduo. Um
agradecimento em especial também é dirigido à Lyris Porto, da Acqua Consultoria, cuja atuação foi
fundamental na organização do evento.
Quero também estender um agradecimento especial a todos os nossos patrocinadores, em particular
aos Patrocinadores Platina (Colli Drill Brasil, Conexão Trading, Vermeer Corporation e Petrobras), por
sua generosidade em patrocinar essa conferência. Além disso, gostaria de agradecer o compromisso
dedicado pelos nossos 7 patrocinadores de Cota Ouro, 9 de Cota Prata e 5 de Cota Bronze, cujos
apoios são decisivos para o sucesso desse evento. Neste ano, o Jantar de Confraternização será
realizado na terça-feira à noite, no Buffet Villa Bisutti (Unidade Tenerife), um excelente local para se
socializar e apreciar boa comida e entretenimento. Nessa oportunidade, anunciaremos os ganhadores
do prêmio ISTT. De fato, esse evento será uma experiência memorável para todos os participantes.
Para concluir, faço votos de que você tenha a oportunidade de encontrar velhos amigos, fazer novos,
além de criar algumas memórias duradouras durante os próximos dias. Desfrutar da Experiência!
Meus afetuosos cumprimentos,
Dr. Samuel T. Ariaratnam, Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng.
Presidente da Sociedade Internacional de Tecnologia Não Destrutiva - ISTT
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
message from the chairman
International Society for Trencheless Technology
Dear Trenchless Professional,
Bem-vindo a São Paulo! After months of preparation and anticipation, we are finally here! I would
like to personally welcome you to the 30th International No-Dig Conference in the metropolitan city
of São Paulo, Brazil in a country rich in culture and known for its beautiful beaches and exquisite
cuisine. This is a monumental occasion being the first ever ISTT No-Dig show held in South America.
It is wonderful to see the rapid growth in the adoption of trenchless technologies in this region.
We are anticipating an excellent conference with 53 refereed technical papers representing over a
dozen countries being presented in 18 technical sessions over the next few days. There are also an
additional 3 Sponsor Lectures and 4 Technical Lectures throughout the three-day conference. There
is no doubt that you will also enjoy the Exhibition Hall featuring a wide range of exhibitors showcasing
innovative products and services.
This conference would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of many individuals.
In particular, I would like to thank members of the Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia não Destrutiva
(ABRATT), especially Chairman Paulo Dequech and Sergio Palazzo, for their efforts in coordinating and
hosting this event. I’d like to also recognize the efforts of ISTT staff, John Hemphill and Kyoko Kondo, for
their continued dedication and hard work. A special note of appreciation goes to Lyris Porto from Acqua
Consultoria who was instrumental in organizing the event.
Let me extend a special thank you and appreciation to all of our sponsors, in particular our Platinum
Sponsors (Colli Drill Brasil, Conexão Trading, Vermeer Corporation e Petrobras), for their generosity in
supporting this conference. Also, I would like to thank our 7 Gold, 9 Silver, and 5 Bronze sponsors for
their commitment. Your support is crucial for the success of this event. Our Gala Dinner this year will
be held on Tuesday evening in the Villa Bisutti Tenerife. It is an excellent venue to socialize and enjoy
great food and entertainment. We will also be announcing the ISTT award recipients at the Gala. This
will truly be a memorable experience for all attendees.
In closing, I hope that you have the opportunity to catch up with old friends, make new ones, and
create some lasting memories over the next few days. Desfrutar da experiência!
Warmest Greetings,
Dr. Samuel T. Ariaratnam, Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng.
Chairman, International Society for Trenchless Technology
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
mensagem do presidente
Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia Não Destrutiva
Estimados participantes,
Após dois anos de preparativos a ABRATT está iniciando o 30th International No Dig São Paulo, o
mais importante evento para construções e renovações de redes subterrâneas pelos métodos não
destrutivo, mais comumente chamado no Brasil de “MND”.
Teremos nestes três dias a possibilidade de proporcionar aos participantes o contato com as
últimas novidades em equipamentos disponíveis no mercado mundial, assim como novos estudos,
procedimentos, tecnologias apresentadas através de dezenas de trabalhos técnicos, por membros
da comunidade científica e empresarial de vários países aqui presentes. Destacamos ainda as cinco
palestras especiais e no ultimo dia, a mesa redonda com a presença de representantes de vários
continentes debatendo projetos de MND.
Proporcionamos ainda um curso de dois dias, ministrado por engenheiros da Petrobras aos profissionais
prestadores e contratantes de serviços de perfuração direcional (HDD).
Na exposição paralela com aproximadamente 100 estandes, os visitantes terão a oportunidade ter
contato com equipamentos e materiais, dos principais fabricantes internacionais, e também com os
mais importantes prestadores de serviços nacionais e estrangeiros presentes.
Para chegarmos a este sucesso, gostaríamos agradecer a participação de todos os congressistas,
palestrantes, visitantes, em especial aos nossos patrocinadores e expositores, com destaque às
empresas brasileiras, que já no lançamento do evento, ainda em 2010, nos apoiaram neste desafio de
trazer o No Dig Internacional da ISTT pela primeira vez para a América Latina.
Gostaria de destacar e agradecer também, o apoio e encorajamento a promover este evento,
recebidos do chairman da ISTT, Dr. Samuel Ariaratnam, e de seu antecessor Dr. Dec Downay, sempre
participantes de vários congressos da Abratt anteriores promovidos com apoio deles. Somos gratos
também a John Hemphill e Kyoko Kondo, da ISTT; a Lyris Porto da Acqua Consultoria, secretária
executiva do evento; aos nossos representantes internacionais Paul Harwood e Kevin Duresky; todos
estes responsáveis pela coordenação ou divulgação do evento dentro e fora da Brasil, e ainda aos
meus colegas de diretoria Helio Rosas, Liberal Ramos Jr. e Sergio Pallazzo, que dispuseram horas,
dias de suas agendas em dedicação à Abratt para o sucesso do No Dig no Brasil.
Convido-os a aproveitarem a oportunidade de integração com a comunidade de tecnologia de
MND internacional aqui presente, participando do coquetel de abertura e, também, do Jantar de
Confraternização que será realizado no Buffet Villa Bisutti, onde a ISTT entregará seus prêmios de 2012.
Sejam todos bem-vindos, e aproveitem o No Dig 2012 em toda sua plenitude!
Paulo Dequech
Presidente, Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia Não Destrutiva
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
message from the chairman
Brazilian Association for Trenchless Technologies
Dear participants,
After two years of arrangements, ABRATT is currently kicking-off the 30th International no Dig São
Paulo, the most important event on trenchless technologies industry for renovation and construction
jobs at underground networks, more commonly known in Brazil as “MND” ( Non Destructives Methods).
Throughout this three-day period, participants will have the opportunity to update with latest equipment
innovations in the global market, as well as new studies, procedures, and technologies presented at
through dozens of technical papers by members of the business and scientific communities from several
different countries. In addition, we will host five special lectures and, on the last day of the event, a round
table with representatives from several different continents, debating trenchless (MND) projects.
We will also provide a two-day course, conducted by Petrobras engineers to directional drilling (HDD)
service providers.
In the simultaneous exhibition, with approximately one hundred stands, visitors will have the
opportunity to learn more about latest equipment and material innovations from main international
manufacturers, as well as key foreign and domestic service providers.
For all of this success, we would like to thank all participants, lecturers and visitors for participating,
and especially thank our sponsors and exhibitors, particularly Brazilian companies who, from the very
beginning, in year 2010, supported us in this challenge to bring the ISTT International No Dig for the
first time in Latin America.
I would also like to thank all of the support and encouragement from the chairman of the ISTT, Dr.
Samual Ariaratinan, and his predecessor Dr. Dec Downay, who have participated in several previous
Abratt events promoted with their support. We’d also like to thank John Hemphill and Kyoko Kondo,
from ISTT; Lyris Porto from Acqua Consultoria, executive secretary of the event; our international
representatives Paul Harwood and Kevin Duresky; all of which were responsible for coordinating or
promoting the event in Brazil and abroad; and my board colleagues Helio Rosas, Liberal Ramos Jr.
and Sergio Pallazzo, who generously donated several days from their busy schedules to help Abratt
successfully promote the No Dig in Brazil.
I would like to invite you to embrace this opportunity to interact with the international trenchless
technology community present here today, by participating in an opening cocktail, as well as the Gala
Dinner that will be held at the Villa Bisutti Buffet, where ISTT will host its 2012 award ceremony.
I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone and invite you to make the best out of the 2012
No Dig!
Paulo Dequech
Chairman, Brazilian Association for Trenchless Technology
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Presidente / President:
Samuel T. Ariaratnam
Membros / Members:
John Hemphill
Derek Choi
Presidente / President:
Paulo Dequech
Membros / Members:
Arsenio Negro Jr.
Flávio Miranda
Helio César Perini Rosas
Liberal Ramos Junior
Paulo Massato
Rui Milani
Sergio Palazzo
Lider Mundial em perfuratrizes
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30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
ABRATT - Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia Não Destrutiva
ISTT - International Society For Trenchless Technology
Trenchless International
Cota Platina / Platinum Quota
Colli Drill
Conexão Trading
Cota Ouro / Gold Quota
DCI – Digital Control Incorporated
Ditch Witch
Intech Engenharia
O-tek Serviços
Cota Prata / Silver Quota
Mi Swaco
Cota Bronze / Bronze Quota
Forever Pipe
System Mud
institutional support
ABES - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental / Brazilian Association of Sanitation Engeneering and
ABMS - Associação Brasileira de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica / Brazilian Association of Soil Mechanics
and Geotechnical Engeneering
AESABESP - Associação dos Engenheiros da SABESP / Association of Engineers of SABESP
Revista Fundações e Obras Geotécnicas
São Paulo Conventions & Visitors Bureau
SINAENCO - Sindicato da Arquitetura e da Engenharia / Union of Architecture and Engineering
SOBRATEMA - Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia para Equipamentos e Manutenção / Brazilian Association of Technology
for Equipment and Maintenance
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Presidente / President
Paulo Dequech
Vice-Presidentes / Vice-Presidents
Hélio César Perini Rosas
Liberal Ramos Júnior
Diretor Relações Institucionais / Director Institutional Relations
Sérgio Augusto Palazzo
Presidente / President
Samuel T. Ariaratnam
Vice-Presidente / Vice-President
Derek Choi
Ex-Presidente / Former President
Dec Downey
Comitê Executivo / Executive Committee
Enrico Boi
Gerda Hald
Jeff Pace
Norman Howell
Sergio Palazzo
Takehiro Toyoda
Diretor Executivo / Executive Director
John Hemphill
Secretária / Secretaire
Kyoko Kondo
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
DCI_HCD_BrazilShow.indd 1
©2012 Digital Control Inc. All rights reserved.
Digital Control Inc.
10/9/12 1:49 PM
Industry leaders. Passionate visionaries. And genuinely nice guys.
tema central
central theme
Uma Cidade sem Valas
Trenchless City
Instalações de redes com perfuração horizontal (HDD)
Pipe installation with HDD (horizontal directional drilling)
Reabilitação e renovação de redes
Rehabilitation and Replacement networks
Substituição de redes pelo mesmo encaminhamento
Pipe bursting applications
Geotecnia nas obras de infraestrutura subterrânea
Geotechnical analysis at underground utilities jobs
Mapeamento e investigação do subsolo
Soil investigations and inspection
Microtunel, tubo cravado e GBM em obras de esgoto
Micro tunneling, Pipe Jacking and GBM at gravity sewer projects
Gerenciamento de redes
Asset Management
Controle de perdas
Water leaking management
Redução dos custos sociais e impacto ambiental nas obras de infraestrutura
Cost reduction and environmental impact at underground works
Segurança do trabalho, legislação e responsabilidade civil
Work Safety, law regulations and civil liability
Novas aplicações de MND
New Applications at trenchless technologies
Programa de investimentos públicos em infraestrutura com foco em MND
Public investments program at infrastructures project with No-Dig appliance
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Informações importantes
Important information
O 30th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo será realizado de 12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 no Transamérica Expo Center, Av. Dr. Mário
Vilas Boas Rodrigues, 387 - Santo Amaro, na cidade de São Paulo - SP, Brasil.
The 30th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo will be held from November 12 to 14, 2012 at the Transamérica Expo Center, Av. Dr. Mário
Vilas Boas Rodrigues, 387 - Santo Amaro, in São Paulo - SP, Brazil.
Horário da Feira: 14h00 às 20h00
Time of the Exhibition: 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Horário do Congresso: 9h00 às 17h30
Time of the Congress: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
Localizado à entrada do pavilhão E, para solicitação de serviços, emissão de credenciais, atendimento a expositores, montadoras e
demais prestadores de serviços aos expositores.
By the entrance of the exhibition hall E, for request of services, issuing of badges, assistance to exhibitors, assembly companies and
other services providers.
Localizado à entrada do pavilhão E, para retirada de credenciais e material de pré-inscritos e novas inscrições a serem efetuadas.
By the entrance of the exhibition hall E, for withdraw of badges and bags of pre-registered attendees and new registrations.
Horário de atendimento do credenciamento / Time of registration desk:
12/11/2012 (Segunda-feira / Monday) – 08h00 às 18h30 / 8:00 am to 6:30 pm
13/11/2012 (Terça-feira / Tuesday) – 08h00 às 18h30 / 8:00 am to 6:30 pm
14/11/2012 (Quarta-feira / Wednesday) – 08h00 às 18h30 / 8:00 am to 6:30 pm
HDD machines from 8 to 800 tons capacity
Complete set of tooling and monitoring systems for all kind of jobs
[email protected] Tel: 027‐41023541 30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
Avenida Acesso Rodoviário, S/N Quadra 09, modulo 2/3 sl E1 Tims CEP 29161‐376 Serra –ES 12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
informações importantes / Important information
Localizado à entrada do pavilhão E onde autores de trabalhos e palestrantes deverão gravar suas apresentações. Solicitamos que
gravem o arquivo com antecedência mínima de 1 hora ao horário de apresentação.
By the entrance of the exhibition hall E to speakers and authors of the technical papers test and save their presentations. We kindly ask
to save the file at least 1 hour of the presentation time.
Localizada no interior do pavilhão E, equipada com recursos de informática e comunicação para atendimento à imprensa.
Situated inside the exhibition hall E, equipped with informatics and communication features to attend the press.
Estacionamento / Parking lot
Área de estacionamento no complexo do Transamerica Expo Center.
Parking lot situated at Transamerica Expo Center complex.
Auditórios / AUDITORIUMs
A programação do evento será realizada em três auditórios, sendo 1 dentro do Pavilhão E e 2 dentro do Pavilhão F.
The event program will be held in three auditoriums located 1 inside the pavillion E and 2 inside the pavillion F.
Disponível nas atividades sinalizadas com um fone de ouvido ( ) nas páginas 20 e 21.
Available at the activities signed with a headset ( ) on the pages 20 and 21.
Ambulância UTI totalmente equipada para remoção e atendimento de urgência.
Ambulance ICU fully equipped for removal and emergency care.
informações importantes / Important information
APRESENTAÇÕES DAS PALESTRAS NO SITE / presentations in the website
Publicaremos no site do evento todas as apresentações dos autores e palestrantes que aceitarem deixar
o arquivo para download dos participantes, a partir do dia 28 de novembro de 2012. Também estarão disponíveis as fotos do evento.
We will post on the event website from November 28th, 2012 all presentations of authors and speakers
who accept to leave the file for download of the participants. The photos of the event will also be available.
A Cerimônia de Abertura será realizada às 10h00 do dia 12 de novembro de 2012 e contará com a presença das associações
promotoras e autoridades locais. / The Opening Ceremony will be held on November 12, 2012 at 10:00 am with the presence of the
promoting associations and local authorities.
Ao final das atividades do dia 12 de Novembro será realizado o Coquetel de Boas Vindas, a partir das 17h30 na Área de Exposição.
Contamos com a presença de todos!
The Welcome Cocktail will be held on November 12, 2012 at 5:30 pm on the Exhibition Area. We count on the attendance of all!
A R3 Viagens, Incentivo e Eventos, agência oficial de viagens do 30th Internacional NO-DIG, tem a satisfação de atendê-los em todos
os serviços de turismo, entre: reserva nos hotéis credenciados, passagens aéreas com desconto de até 20% em cima da melhor
tarifa disponibilizado no site da TAM, traslados e locação de veículos. Estará localizada no hall do Pavilhão E para atendimento aos
The R3 Viagens, Incentivo e Eventos is the official travel agency of the 30th International NO-DIG and is pleased to serve the participants
in all tourism services, including: booking in hotels accredited, airfare discount up to 20% on top the best rate available on the website
of TAM, transfers and car hire. The travel agency will be located at the hall of the Pavillion E.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
informações importantes / Important information
O Jantar de Confraternização do NO DIG 2012 será realizado no dia 13 de Novembro de 2012, a partir das 20h00, no Buffet Villa Bisutti
Tenerife, situado na Rua Tenerife, 170 – Vila Olímpia, SP.
Para que aproveite melhor e com mais segurança o Jantar de Confraternização, recomendamos que utilize o transporte que é
ofertado gratuitamente pelo evento, com saída do Hotel Transamérica a partir das 20h00 e retorno tão logo haja interesse e número
mínimo de participantes.
A participação no jantar é por adesão e o custo do convite é de R$ 200,00 por pessoa. O convite inclui o jantar completo com bebidas
e a participação da Escola de Samba Rosas de Ouro.
** É indispensável a apresentação do convite para acesso ao jantar.
Serão entregues os seguintes prêmios durante o Gala Dinner:
(1) 2012 No-Dig Award: Project Award – Rehabilitation
Saint Elizabeth South Africa Goes Trenchless
Trenchless Technologies cc
(4) 2012 No-Dig Award: Academic Research & Training Award
Retrospective Evaluation of CIPP Sewer Rehabilitation
Trenchless Technology Center
(2) 2012 No-Dig Award: Product Award
Milling Mole; Yasuda Engineering
(5) 2012 No-Dig Award: Student Paper Award
Modeling of Pipe Roofing Technology; Veronika Onderkova
(3) 2012 No-Dig Award: Product Award
Smart Cutter; Picote Oy Ltd
(6) ISTT Lifetime Service Award
Stanislav Drabek
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
informações importantes / Important information
The NO DIG 2012 Gala Dinner will be held on November 13, 2012, from 8:00 pm at Buffet Villa Bisutti - Tenerife Unity, located in Rua
Tenerife, 170 - Vila Olímpia, SP.
To enjoy better and safer the Gala Dinner, we recommend using the transportation that is offered free of charge for the event, leaving the
Transamerica Hotel from 8:00 pm and return as soon as there is interest and minimum number of participants.
Participation in dinner is by compliance and the cost of the invitation is USD$ 100.00 / R$ 200,00 per person. The invitation includes a
full dinner with drinks and entertainment.
** It is essential to present the invitation to access the dinner.
The following awards will be given during the Gala Dinner:
(1) 2012 No-Dig Award: Project Award – Rehabilitation
Saint Elizabeth South Africa Goes Trenchless
Trenchless Technologies cc
(4) 2012 No-Dig Award: Academic Research & Training Award
Retrospective Evaluation of CIPP Sewer Rehabilitation
Trenchless Technology Center
(2) 2012 No-Dig Award: Product Award
Milling Mole; Yasuda Engineering
(5) 2012 No-Dig Award: Student Paper Award
Modeling of Pipe Roofing Technology; Veronika Onderkova
(3) 2012 No-Dig Award: Product Award
Smart Cutter; Picote Oy Ltd
(6) ISTT Lifetime Service Award
Stanislav Drabek
Patrocínio / Sponsor:
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Sócios / Members
Não-Sócios / Non Members
Estudantes / Students
R$ 950,00
R$ 1.100,00
R$ 350,00
Pagamento por cheque, dinheiro e cartão de crédito.
Poderão se inscrever como Sócios os participantes que estiverem com a anuidade 2012 quitada da ABRATT,
da ISTT e de suas afiliadas.
Somente serão aceitos na categoria ESTUDANTE os matriculados na Graduação ou na Pós Graduação em
período de tempo integral mediante a comprovação por documento emitido pela Instituição de Ensino.
Payment by check, cash and credit card.
Participants may register as Member if the 2012 annuity with ABRATT of ISTT and its affiliates has been paid.
Will only be accepted in the category STUDENT registered in undergraduate or graduate degree in full time
upon confirmation by a document issued by the educational institution.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
12 de Novembro / November 12th
13 de N
9h00 - 9h30
10h00 - 10h30
Sessão 3A / Session 3A
Reabilitação de tubulações e Renovação”
(Sessão em Português)
"Pipeline Rehabilitation & Renewal"
(Portuguese language)
Credenciamento / Registration
9h30 - 10h00
Solenidade de Abertura
Opening Ceremony
L p. 31
L p. 22
10h30 - 11h00
Palestra Especial 1
Special Lecture 1
L p. 22
11h00 - 11h30
Palestra Técnica 2
Technical Lecture 2
Palestra Especial 2
Special Lecture 2
L p. 22
11h30 - 12h00
12h00 - 12h30
12h30 - 13h00
L p. 35
Sessão 1A / Session 1A
“Investimento Público e Impactos
Sociais” / "Public Investment &
Social Impacts"
Sessão 1B / Session 1B
“Reabilitação de Redes de Água” /
"Water Main Rehabilitation"
L p. 24
L p. 22
Sessão 1C / Session 1C
“Troca de Redes por
Arrebentamento (Pipe Bursting)
e Reabilitação” /
"Pipe Bursting & Rehabilitation"
L p. 25
13h00 - 13h30
Sessão 4A / Session 4A
“Tecnologias de Avaliação da Integridade
das Redes” / "Pipeline Assessment
L p. 36
Almoço / Lunch
13h30 - 14h00
Visitação à Feira / Exhibition Visit
14h00 - 14h30
14h30 - 15h00
15h00 - 15h30
15h30 - 16h00
16h00 - 16h30
Sessão 2A / Session 2A
“Inovações Tecnológicas em
MND“ / “Trenchless Technology
L p. 26
Palestra Patrocinador
Sponsor Lecture
Sessão 2B / Session 2B
“Reabilitação usando CIPP” /
"Rehabilitation using CIPP"
Sessão 2C / Session 2C
“Microtúneis, Pipe Jacking e GBM” /
"Microtunneling, Pipe Jacking
and GBM"
L p. 27
L p. 29
L p. 30
Palestra Técnica 3
Technical Lecture 3
Palestra Técnica 1
Technical Lecture 1
L p. 43
17h30 - 18h00
18h00 - 18h30
Coquetel de Boas Vindas / Welcome Cocktail
Visitação à Feira / Exhibition Visit
19h00 - 19h30
19h30 - 20h00
Palestra Patrocinador
Sponsor Lecture
Conexão Trading
L p. 43
L p. 30
18h30 - 19h00
L p. 39
Coffee Break
Visitação à Feira / Exhibition Visit
16h30 - 17h00
17h00 - 17h30
Sessão 5A / Session 5A
“Perfuração Horizontal Direcional”
(Sessão em Português) / "Horizontal
Directional Drilling (Portuguese language)
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Tradução simultânea disponível / Simultaneous translation available
Novembro / November 13th
14 de Novembro / November 14th
Sessão 3B / Session 3B
“Case de Negócio em MND” /
"Business Case for
Tranchless Technology"
Sessão 3C / Session 3C
“Materiais das tubulações para
aplicação com MND” /
"Pipe Material for Trechless
L p. 32
L p. 34
Sessão 6A / Session 6A
“Considerações do local da
obra” (Sessão em Português) /
“Site Considerations”
(Portuguese language)
L p. 44
Palestra Patrocinador
Sponsor Lecture
Sessão 6B / Session 6B
“Análise do Subterrâneo” /
"Underground Analysis"
Sessão 6C / Session 6C
“Reabilitação de redes
e renovação”
(Sessão em Português) /
“Pipeline Rehabilitation
& Renewal”
(Portuguese language)
L p. 44
L p. 45
L p. 46
Coffee Break
Visitação à Feira / Exhibition Visit
Palestra Técnica 4
Technical Lecture 4
L p. 46
Sessão 4B / Session 4B
Gerenciamento de Projetos em MND”
(Sessão em Português) /
"Managing Trenchless Projects”
(Portuguese language)
Sessão 4C / Session 4C
“Gerenciamento de Ativos”/
"Asset Management"
L p. 38
Mesa Redonda de
Expert Round Table
L p. 46
L p. 37
Almoço / Lunch
Visitação à Feira / Exhibition Visit
Sessão 5B / Session 5B
“Desafio (Enfrentar) I / Edição I” /
"Addressing I / I Issue"
L p. 40
Sessão 5C / Session 5C
“Microtúneis, Tubo Cravado
(Pipe Jacking) & Trado Guiado.”
/ "Unique Microtunneling,
Pipe Jacking & guided
Auger Boring"
L p. 42
Cerimônia de Encerramento
Closing Ceremony
L p. 46
Visitação à Feira / Exhibition Visit
Jantar de Confraternização / Gala Dinner
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
12 de Novembro de 2012 / November 12th, 2012
10h00 – 10h30
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Cerimônia de Abertura / Opening Ceremony
Samuel T. Ariaratnam - ISTT
Paulo Dequech - ABRATT
John Hemphill - ISTT
Sergio Palazzo - ABRATT
Dec Downey - ISTT
Derek Choi – ISTT
Dante Ragazzi Pauli – SABESP
10h30 – 11h00
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Palestra Especial 1 - Boas Vindas ISTT
Special Lecture 1 - ISTT Welcome
Palestrante / Speaker: Samuel T. Ariaratnam - ISTT
11h00 – 11h30
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Palestra Especial 2 - A Utilização do MND nos Empreendimentos da SABESP
Special Lecture 2 - The use of Trenchless Techonologies in the Projects owned by Sabesp
Presidente de Mesa / Chairman: Helio Rosas - ABRATT
Palestrante / Speaker: Dante Ragazzi Pauli - SABESP
11h30 – 13h00
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Sessão 1A “Investimento Público e Impactos Sociais”
Session 1A “Public Investment & Social Impacts”
Moderador / Moderator: Derek Choi
Samuel T. Ariaratnam
Resumo/Abstract: Sustainable development is an emerging, multi-disciplinary paradigm receiving considerable attention throughout
the global community. The concept of sustainable development has emerged as a viable alternative to ensuring future human
prosperity. Recognition of the urgency to curb environmental impacts of construction operations worldwide has led to an increase
in research efforts aimed at developing methods to quantify these impacts. When examining sustainability, the tendency is to
categorize into three pillars: social; environmental; and economic. A balance between these three pillars is critical to the overall
goal of creating a stable and sustainable environment. Many researchers have conducted studies on economic and environmental
impacts of various construction methods for installing underground utilities; however, few have looked at the context of social
sustainability. This paper discusses sustainability of employing trenchless technologies from both social and environmental
frameworks with comparisons to traditional open trenching construction. In this context, trenchless technologies offer advantages
in installing new utilities and rehabilitating existing infrastructure by using “green” principles. The use of multiple construction
equipment during open-cut construction invariably results in considerably more impacts compared to employing trenchless
methods, which have reduced surface disturbances.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Lucie Nenadalova
Resumo/Abstract: Trenchless technology is a technology allowing for the construction and restoration of utilities. This paper describes
the methodology of assessing the construction of utilities employing trenchless and traditional ways of construction in terms of
environmental impact. The methodology is based on a thorough environmentally oriented analysis of the constructions carried out
trenchlessly and by means of excavation. The basis for the methodology creation is the analogy with assessing the environmental
impact of building constructions, which is now being monitored absolutely and relatively. The impact of the construction of utilities
is monitored through the environmental and technical specifications covering all construction activities during the construction
and installation. By evaluating the actual buildings, the most important parameters have been found affecting the method of
construction and selection of particular trenchless technologies. All the quantified parameters of the construction are grouped
into five basic groups - materials, machinery, transportation, utility installation, and externalities - including the comparison of the
materials commonly used for construction of utilities, transportation of machines for trenchless technologies and their production,
construction alternatives and installation of utilities. The methodology quantifies the possible externalities such as the reduced
traffic flow or complete closure of a road, or the railway traffic interruption. By converting the technical and economical parameters
of the construction into primary energy sources and then transferring them into measurable, from the environmental point of view,
quantities according to the emission factors, we get the amount of consumed of emissions. Within the methodology, the amounts
of carbon dioxide CO2, carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen oxides NOx, sulphur dioxide SO2, particulate matter and organic matter are
evaluated and that way, an instant overview of the effects of particular technologies on the environment is obtained. By comparing
the actual constructions, we discover the difference in the emission consumption for trenchless and excavation technologies and
thus the environmental appropriateness of a given alternative of utility installation.
Apresenta a mais completa linha para
ü Perfuratrizes HDD
ü Pipebursting
ü Localizador de tubulação
ü Georadar
ü Robô de inspeção
ü Equipamentos, ferramentas e acessórios
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Visite-nos e conheça as novidades nos estandes nº 22 e Área Externa
Developing dynamic partnerships - the cost-efficient and optimum technical solution (PAP011533)
Per Holm
Resumo/Abstract: Through many years, Fredericia Spildevand A/S has rehabilitated its sewer system by means of conventional
excavation carried out by our own contracting department and by means of invitations to tender for one-off projects. Owing
to a novel concept of tenders for sewer rehabilitation projects in Denmark, we have obtained very competitive prices for both
conventional excavation as well as No-Dig solutions. Complete synopsis As part of the Danish government’s liberalisation policy,
the 2003 Competition Report pointed out potential for efficiency improvement in the water sector. The report estimated a potential
of DKK 1.3 billion a year if all water utility companies are brought to the same level of efficiency as industry front-runners. In 2009,
the Danish national parliament passed the Water Sector Law - a new law concerning the organization and economic conditions
of the water sector. The purpose of the Water Sector Law is to help secure high quality water and waste utilities with respect
to environmental and public health concerns, with special attention to guaranteeing supply, safeguarding nature and operating
efficiency. The requirement of company formation entails changes of the managerial and administrative structure in the industry.
The law brings a new focus and launches initiatives that have consequences for the organizations in question. In a sense it
can be seen as a paradigm shift in the business which necessitates a series of changes in management as well as in day-today operation. We have developed a model to renew the sewers by combining the conventional methods and the CIPP linings
systems to face the challenges of the new companies. The objective of Fredericia Spildevand A/S was to call out for tenders for
the rehabilitation of the sewer system in a contract running for several years focusing on the most cost-efficient and optimum
technical solution. The solution was establishment of a partnership with a contractor having the right competencies in relation to
development and execution of projects with regard to the price and the technical framework stated in the tender. Brief biography
Per Holm, CEO of Kolding Spildevand A/S, M.Sc. MBA. Per has been employed within the waste water sector since 1995. He has
acted as both consultant and contractor. Since 2002, he has worked for the local authorities of Fredericia.
11h30 – 13h00
Auditório 2 / Auditorium 2
Sessão 1B “Reabilitação de Redes de Água”
Session 1B “Water Main Rehabilitation”
Moderador / Moderator: Derek Potvin
Aqualiner - Developments in MIPP Water Mains Rehabilitation (PAP012302)
Declan B. Downey
Resumo/Abstract: The Aqualiner system developed in the United Kingdom with the support of three major water companies represents
a considerable step forward in the evolution of sustainable solutions to the problems of mains rehabilitation. Made from glass and
polypropylene fibres and installed using heat and pressure it eliminates environmental issues often associated with traditional
cured in place polymer linings and provides a fully structural liner with a minimum loss of cross sectional area. The system
complies with NSF61 and UK Regulation 31 requirements for use in potable water applications and has been substantially
evaluated in the WRc Approved certification scheme. The paper which charts the development to date including mechanical testing
and early commercial installations will compare the product with alternative methods and illustrate opportunities for additional
Renovation of a drinking water pipeline DN 1500 with a PE 100 liner pipe by means of sublining (PAP009120)
Werner Ganter; Jochen Obermayer; Marco Schönteich; Georg Perchtold; Albert Lueghamer
Resumo/Abstract: For the first time, a prestressed concrete pressure pipeline with a nominal width of DN 1500 was renovated with a
PE 100 inliner. One particular challenge resulted from the fact that the pressure pipeline could be shut down for only four days at
most. Other renovation processes were ruled out for cost-related reasons, as was the construction of a new parallel pipeline. A
renovation process using a PE 100 inliner was chosen after detailed examination and hydraulic investigations with regard to the
behavior of the PE 100 inliner during unstable flow operations and after the appraisal of the economic aspects and of any possible
risks. The renovation necessitated comprehensive preliminary tests and careful preparation. In spite of the large nominal width, the
renovation proceeded in an absolutely satisfactory form.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Rehabilitation Project for the Seoul Metropolitan Multi-regional Water Supply System (Phase 1) (PAP011576)
Chang Yong Hoon; Choi Byung Man; Choi Seung Chul; Hwang Sung Taek; Son Sang Hyun
Resumo/Abstract: The facility for raw water conveyance which was constructed in 1979 as phase 1 of the Seoul metropolitan area water
supply system has been gradually deteriorating. The owner of the facility, “Korea Water Resources Corporation (hereinafter referred
to as ‘K-water’)” had a plan to construct a new water supply system that would support nearby areas too, but the plan was never
carried out because it was deemed too difficult to construct a new water supply system in the center of downtown Seoul.
As an alternative solution, K-water decided to rehabilitate the old pipelines which were installed more than 30 years ago. K-water
selected dry-type automated equipment for rehabilitation after careful consideration of the workability, environmental aspects
and economic feasibility. This system, which applies the trenchless method by using dry-type automated equipment, has many
advantages compared with traditional trench methods. For example, the time required for construction has been reduced, resulting
in fewer civil complaints, lower construction costs and a reduction in environmental pollution.
The process of this method involves the dewatering and removal of residue → drying the inside of the pipeline → scraping →
blasting surface → primary painting → secondary painting.
This dry-type automated equipment has been adapted to very large diameter water supply pipelines for the first time in the world.
11h30 – 13h00
Auditório 3 / Auditorium 3
Sessão 1C “Troca de Redes por Arrebentamento (Pipe Bursting) e Reabilitação”
Session 1C “Pipe Bursting & Rehabilitation”
Moderador / Moderator: John Hemphill
Splitting 12” Steel Water Main in Napa Valley, California (PAP011559)
Collins K. Orton
Resumo/Abstract: The Rutherford Pipeline Rehabilitation project was bid in the fall of 2009. Construction began in February 2010 and
was largely completed by June 2010. The existing pipeline had suffered significant corrosion leaks and had been repaired at 17
locations. The trenchless pipe bursting process was used successfully to complete the project. The right of way on the project was
quite narrow, between and parallel to “Wine Train” railroad tracks and State Highway 29 in Rutherford, Calif.; in the heart of the
California Napa Valley wine country. Working in close proximity to the active railroad and the highway posed serious considerations.
The existing pipeline route was crossed, in one location, by a fast running slough. At the time of construction, spring run-off was at
its height. This was a major concern, for the City to cross this slough with no disruption or environmental impact. Shallow depth of
cover, over the pipe, in this location was a major challenge and concern to the City and the construction team. Other obstructions
included electric conduits very close to the 12-inch main. The existing 12-inch welded steel water pipeline had a 3/16-inch wall
thickness and included style 38 dresser couplings at each joint. The joints were 40 feet apart. The pipe splitting system had to
split both the steel pipe and the Dresser couplings. The couplings added several inches to the diameter of the pipe. This is a critical
factor when splitting non-fracturable pipes like steel and plastics. After poor results on the job site, the contractor contacted TT
Technologies for technical support. Testing was conducted with a section of pipe taken from the alignment with a dresser coupling
in the middle. The testing showed that the pipe and coupling could be split successfully. In the field, the contractor constructed
machine pits for the static bursting machine to pull from and launch pits for the new 12-inch fusible C-900 PVC pipe. The fusion
welded string of PVC pipe was attached to the bursting head and cutter assembly. The pipe was launched and bursting/splitting
operation went as planned. The steel pipe split neatly and all Dresser coupling were split and expanded in place. Bursting forces
were well within the capability of the 150-ton Grundoburst static bursting machine. After the pipe bursting runs were completed
and tested, the new pipeline was tied into a new pump station and subsequently returned to service.
Hydrostatic Pipebursting for main & lateral pipes (PAP011580)
Jesper Ulrich Nielsen
Resumo/Abstract: When talking about pipe rehabilitation, hydrostatic pipe bursting is without a doubt the method holding the greatest
success rate. We are at the point where British Gas Co. was, back in the seventies, patenting a method where “a tool is moved
through the ground, breaking the existing pipe, and in the same operation pulling in a new product pipe”. A lot of water has run
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
through a lot of old pipes since then, and we are still facing a heavy challenge when it comes to distribution and handling of
portable water and sewage water. The number of existing pipes up for renewal is of a dimension incomprehensible to most people.
Unfortunately, most of these people also settle for an ever lower quality of fresh drinking water and rising problems with our
sewage networks in a time where severe climate change causes floods, and sewers fill our houses and streets with waste water
over and over again. It is said that the cheapest way often is the most expensive. In this case it is hard to get any closer to the
truth. Various repair solutions are being used on leaking pipes of more than 50 years old, causing the problem to be moved from
one part of the existing pipe to another. This ends up in a circle of on-going spot repairs in the same area holding the local social
infrastructure and its habitants as hostages. N enough demands are being made, and not enough questions about methods and
references are being asked. It is a task for the contractor buying the equipment and for the consulting company working on the
projects. Hydrostatic pipe bursting is a successful method mostly due to the operational cost efficiency, and the fact that the entire
existing pipe is replaced completely in one operation.
Holistic Sewer Rehabilitation - Measures of Effectiveness (PAP012296)
Paul J. Batman; James W. Shelton; John Paul Travis
Resumo/Abstract: The objective of this paper is to provide an introduction to methods of evaluating effectiveness of efforts to reduce
Rainfall Derived Infiltration and Inflow (RDII) and present results of several recent rehabilitation projects. The explanation of
methods is intended as a primer for those who are preparing for or considering the evaluation of flow data for rehab effectiveness.
Methods discussed range from basic hydrograph reviews, to storm data evaluation and the use of controls. being rehab programs
or are considering. practical engineering applications. and their complications . Results from 7 rehab projects and phases are
presented with peak RDII reduction ranging from 14% to 61% and RDII volume reductions ranging from 42% to 70%.
14h30 – 16h00
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Sessão 2A “Inovações Tecnológicas em MND”
Session 2A “Trenchless Technology Innovations”
Moderador / Moderator: Norman Howell
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Systems for Pilot Bore Drilling in Mixed Soil Conditions and Rock
Gerald Stangl; Richard Levings
Resumo/Abstract: Several systems have been developed for, or adapted to, horizontal directional drilling (HDD) that successfully
directionally drill through mixed soil conditions and rock. These include slant face rock bits and rotary steerable HDD systems.
Steerable downhole hammers are more suited to continuous, harder rock. Rotary steerable systems fall into two main groups: (1)
downhole motors driven by the drilling fluid (mud motors), and (2) various types of drill string driven downhole assemblies. These
rotary steerable systems are described and compared. The latter group is sometimes driven by a single-member drill string, but
more often it is driven by the inner member of a dual-member drill string while the outer member provides steering control. Case
study examples are also included. As a result, the project owner, engineer and contractor will have better knowledge of HDD
equipment options suitable for product installations in difficult ground conditions. The importance of site investigation at the design
and pre-bid stage of a project is stressed. Numerous references are cited. Important factors in selecting rotary rock bits for HDD
applications are given, along with a bit selection chart.
The Direct Pipe method for pipeline installation (PAP012299)
Jitse Pruiksma; Diana Pfeff; David Nugroho; Remco P. Boeije; H. M. G. Kruse
Resumo/Abstract: The Direct Pipe method for pipeline installation Pruiksma J., D. Pfeff, D. Nugroho, R.P. Boeije and H.M.G. Kruse Deltares
National institute unit geo-engineering and Herrenknecht AG tunnelling systems Abstract The Direct Pipe method enables to lay a
prefabricated pipeline in one single, continuous working operation into the ground with the aid of the thrust unit “Pipe Thruster”. As
with Pipe Jacking, earth excavation is executed by means of a navigable microtunnelling machine, which is directly coupled with
the pipeline The tunnel face is slurry supported, a bentonite suspension is often used for a controlled excavation of the soil. Due
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
to the success of the new method several projects have been carried out. The magnitude of the thrust force generated by the Pipe
Thruster is an important topic of the design of a Direct Pipe project. The thrust force required to push the pipeline into the borehole
was investigated by means of finite element calculations using the ABAQUS software package. The analysis of the finite element
calculation results shows several mechanisms, which contribute to the thrust force. These mechanisms have a strong interaction
to each other. Formulas for the calculation of the thrust force were deduced per mechanism and per section of the drilling line. The
measurement results of the thrust force from several recent projects, were compared with the calculated thrust forces using the
new set of formulas. These results were used to determine the friction coefficients f2 and f3 (100 Pa and 0.3). The design value of
the thrust force can be obtained by multiplying the calculated thrust force with a proposed safety factor with the value 1.5. This
safety factor is based on a probability of 2,5 % of exceeding by taking into account the increase of friction after a standstill period.
Trenchless Pipeline Removal (TPR) (PAP011581)
Alfredo Frassinelli; Aurelio Simoncelli
Resumo/Abstract: In the last decades the pipeline trenchless installation technologies have been widely developed and are continuously
improving, though equal attention should be given to the pipeline removal at the end of its service life. Trenchless Pipeline
Removal (TPR) is a device for removing pipeline sections in areas where open cut method is not possible or not allowed (i.e.:
channel with dikes, main roads, environmentally protected areas, etc...). The application of trenchless technology for the removal
of pipelines is of high interest for pipeline Owners for various reasons such as: get a 100% removal of the pipeline, thus avoiding
decommissioning and filling of pipeline which is left buried, termination of right of way and related obligations, elimination of
potential interference with the cathodic protection system of other underground installations. The TPR concept is based on waterjet
cutting of the pipeline wall applied throughout the length to be removed. The TRP device is positioned in the shaft realized at one
end of the pipeline that shall be removed. The device is inserted in the underground pipeline section, driven by rods into the pipe
hole. The TRP cutting head is equipped with four nozzles (positioned every 90° on the circumference), rotating during the operation
for obtaining four helical cuts on the entire length of the pipeline; as a result, the pipeline section maintains its structural resistance
while the TPR is still working. At the end of the operation, the pipeline cut into strips can be pulled out, once the pipe is filled
internally with clay mud. The TPR design has been completed and the first prototype of the system has been realized, the results of
in site tests will be available soon.
14h30 – 16h30
Auditório 2 / Auditorium 2
Sessão 2B “Reabilitação usando CIPP”
Session 2B “Rehabilitation using CIPP”
Moderador / Moderator: Dr. Dec Downey
Kristina Kiest; John Vose
Resumo/Abstract: There are many misconceptions about cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) linings and water migration. Although the myth that
CIPP linings bond to the host pipe has largely been discredited, it is still not commonly known that due to the physical properties
of thermo-set resins, CIPP liners shrink during polymerization resulting in an annular space between the liner and the host pipe.
This annular space allows groundwater to track behind the liner and migrate back into the collection system causing not only a
significant amount of avoidable wastewater treatment, but this migrating water, also known as infiltration/inflow (I/I), promotes
sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) and potential groundwater contamination when a seal in the collection system is breached. The
awareness of this issue in the CIPP rehabilitation marketplace has initiated research, leading to the development of cylindricallyshaped compression gasket end seals engineered to address the annular space at manhole connections and lateral connections
using seamlessly molded hydrophilic gaskets in combination with CIPP installations. A full-circle CIPP lining is a structural solution
to sub-par piping infrastructure. However, CIPP lining alone may not provide a water-tight repair as explained above. As such,
end users who rely solely on CIPP linings to attain a watertight seal, run the risk of allocating funds and resources to solve issues
without achieving their objectives.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Joseph Westervelt; Gerhardt Rodenberger
Resumo/Abstract: A project in New Jersey for the City of Newark Water and Sewer Authority included the in-place rehabilitation of 360
LF of non-round (horseshoe-shaped) brick sewer. The segments of 98 inch high x 128 inch wide brick sewer were rehabilitated
using Cured In-Place Pipe (CIPP) technology. This is the largest non-round CIPP liner ever installed. In addition to the sheer size
of the liner (approximately 123 inches in diameter), the existing site conditions and logistics surrounding the installation posed
numerous construction challenges. This paper goes through the many challenges of lining a sewer of this shape and size, as
well as methods of value engineering the job to save the client money. To further complicate the job, the sewer being lined was a
combination storm/sanitary sewer and the lining work had to be performed during dry weather flow since the wet-weather flow
was too large a flow to by-pass. The two sewer segments to be lined were connected by a common chamber in the middle of
the run which connected to a 96 inch diameter parallel sewer. The original design of the CIPP installation consisted of installing
two separate liners, one at approximately 202 LF beginning at an upstream manhole and terminating at the upstream side of the
chamber and the second at approximately 158 LF beginning at a manhole downstream of the chamber and terminating at the
downstream face of the chamber. To minimize the impact to the surrounding area and to reduce the costly setup and breakdown
costs associated with installing such a large liner Spiniello’s approach was to line both segments under one installation/inversion.
The liner was installed from the upstream manhole, through the chamber, and then ending at the downstream manhole for a total
liner length of 410 LF. One of the biggest challenges in performing this installation was to redirect the liner into the downstream
sewer segment after it entered the chamber in the middle of the lining run. Due to the shape and configuration of the chamber the
trajectory of the liner put it on a path towards the parallel 96 inch pipe. To correct this; a temporary diverting wall was installed
to section off half of the chamber and redirect the liner into the downstream pipe. Careful project planning and innovation lead to
the overall successful installation of this monumental CIPP application. This installation marked the largest liner ever installed by
Spiniello Companies. This paper has relevance to many older cities with similar aging brick sewers. The sequence of construction
activities and details of the lining challenges and solutions are provided within this paper.
Kees den Besten; Marc Matthe; Jerôme FranÇois; Jan Coerts
Resumo/Abstract: In the past decade glass fiber u.v. curable liners have gained increasing share over felt reinforced hot curable liners in the
European CIPP market. This trend is driven by the higher mechanical performance of the glass based u.v. cured liners offering superior
leak tightness, low environmental impact of the glass solutions and easy and fast installation process. In 2011, Owens Corning
launched UltrapipeTM Fabrics, a new product range for the glass based market, at the No-dig Conference in Berlin.4) This product
range improved the key performance feature of glass based CIPP solutions offering enhanced u.v. curing performance compared to
existing CIPP fabrics enabling a significantly higher cure speed thus shorten overall cure cycles. This enhanced u.v. cure performance
also enabled the production of significantly thicker laminates making the installation of larger diameter pipes, currently not possible
with existing glass CIPP technologies without peroxide addition, a reality with the use UltrapipeTM Fabric technology. The UltrapipeTM
Fabric solutions incorporate optimized/proprietary constructions offering superior impregnation and wet-out properties delivering
higher impregnation speeds and also higher final laminate performance. In addition, all UltrapipeTM fabric solutions are constructed
from Advantex® ECR corrosion resistant glass enhancing the service life of the final installed liner solution. This paper will briefly
describe the development of the UltrapipeTM CIPP fabric solutions and detail the performance characteristics of final UltrapipeTM
fabrics as laminates versus existing CIPP solutions in a wide range of industry relevant tests. In addition, new test data will be
presented including newer fabric constructions and test data focusing on fiber-resin interaction, showing top level performance of
UltrapipeT type fibers, which potentially could open the door to other CIPP applications and markets.
James W. Shelton
Resumo/Abstract: Over the last 6 years, Malcolm Pirnie has conducted a monitoring program of cured in place mainline liners and lateral
liners to assess the affect of various variables on long term liner quality, especially with regard to liner porosity/pinhole leakage,
which we have determined to be a common, significant, and under reported defect characteristic of all varieties of cured in place
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
liners we have installed. We have tracked the progression of liner defects over time for a variety of resin-tube combinations; we
have tracked the differences in defect types between hot water, steam, and UV cured liners; and we have conducted an analysis
of the effect of heat up and cool down rates on liner quality. This paper presents the data and findings of these three studies,
including statistics on defect findings, potential root cause conjecture, and potential corrective measures based on our various
14h30 – 16h30
Auditório 3 / Auditorium 3
Sessão 2C “Microtúneis, Pipe Jacking e GBM”
Session 2C “Microtunneling, Pipe Jacking and GBM”
Moderador / Moderator: Yasin Torun
Comparison of CO2 emissions from trenchless and open-cut installation methods. Installation of OD 3000 mm
diameter pipes for Project Czajka, Warsaw (Poland) (PAP009114)
Victor Vladimirov; Jens Hölterhoff
Resumo/Abstract: Traditional open cut methods are usually obtrusive to the environment (i.e. digging out and transporting large amounts
of earth), require increased consumption of resources both directly (i.e. fuel, electricity) and indirectly (for instance, thorough traffic
delays). Thus, such methods are rather highly polluting and also tend to take longer amounts of time until completion, as compared
with no-dig methods. Trenchless technology provides a sustainable alternative more often than not. Using trenchless as an
environmentally conscious choice ensures less air pollution (less CO2 emissions, less dust, less noise), reduces traffic disruptions
and protects the natural habitat (i.e. preserving the trees that would otherwise be torn down for open-cut). The study called
“Comparison of CO2 emissions from trenchless and open-cut installation methods.
Installation of OD 3000 mm diameter pipes for Project Czajka, Warsaw, Poland” compares CO2 emissions of two scenarios for
the Czajka I Project (5,7 km of jacked pipe on the right side of the Vistula River in Warsaw): the actual implemented situation with
trenchless technology and the theoretical, open cut scenario. Emissions from production activities, transport before installation,
installation-specific activities and local traffic are calculated and compared. Based on the calculations and analysis it was
concluded, that for the Project Czajka I the use of trenchless technology represented a better environmental choice in regard to
climate change as compared with the open-cut scenario. Therefore, it can be confirmed that the Municipality of Warsaw took a
positive strategic choice when it chose the trenchless solution for the rehabilitation of the waste treatment plant Czajka. The study
was supported by the GSTT (German Society of Trenchless Technology), which also performed the Critical Review. Potentially
376.734 tons CO2 emissions have been saved by choosing trenchless technology as installation method.
Thermoplastic lined tunnels for transport and storage of waste and potable water (PAP009121)
Albert Lueghamer; Georg Perchtold
Resumo/Abstract: This paper discusses the implementation of thermoplastic lining in underground systems for the storage and transport
of waste and potable water. In this application area, where high requirements are given in regards to durability, lifetime expectancy,
flow characteristics, corrosion resistance, mechanical integrity and leak tightness, lining with thermoplastic materials have
become a unique solution. On one of the biggest municipal projects worldwide, constructed in Singapore called DTSS (Deep Tunnel
Sewerage System), a major large diameter and deep tunnel system was built to collect all city and industrial wastewater from the
north and eastern region of the island state. The main tunnel was built by using the tunnel boring machines in a depth of up to
50 m with a diameter ranging from 3.3 m up to 6 m. Thermoplastic (HDPE) Lining, using special liner types with mechanical sure
grip embedding into the concrete, was installed in the tunnel to ensure full corrosion and mechanical protection for the concrete
structure during operation as a minimum service lifetime of > 100 years was required. Because of the large diameters and the
deep location of the tunnel underground, special lining methods and formwork systems have been developed. A major challenge
has been the installation speed for the lining as well as the stringent conditions resulting from the existing environment in the
tunnel system. Before and during the construction of the system, major investigations have been done to evaluate the capability of
installing such lining system and the performance of the thermoplastic corrosion protection under such conditions.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
TAKAHI SENDA; Hideki Shimada; Takashi Sasaoka; Kikuo Matsui; Shuichi Fujita; Akihiro Hamanaka; Yasuhiro Yoshida
Resumo/Abstract: Lubrication can effectively reduce necessary thrust for over-cutting if a discrete layer of the lubricant is maintained
between the pipe and the excavated soil. The lubricant must be designed to form a layer in the surrounding soil, be pressurized
to overcome underground water pressure and stabilize the over-cutting area. The Lubricant should fill the complete over-cutting
area to minimize surface settlement. However, it has been clarified that for a commercial lubricant to be effective, the ingredients
such as sodium and potassium should be eliminated. As a result, for a lubricant not to lose its function as a support against the
overburdening pressure of an over-cutting area (hereinafter referred to as “tail void”) and to enable a reduction in thrust, it is
necessary to develop a better quality lubricant that can overcome these problems as soon as possible. From this perspective, a
lubricating material comprised of a mixture of surfactant and flyash was developed. This report focuses attention on minimizing
soil deformation. In particular, to stabilize the layer in tail void between the pipe and the excavated soil and to examine the
characteristics of material attributes to avoid reduction in thrust, a variety of experiments were performed using both traditional
lubricating materials and a new material mixed with flyash.
Prediction of the Geological Condition for Pipejacking Based on the Data Collected in the Shafts (PAP011477)
Keh-Jian Shou; Fu -Kang Tang
Resumo/Abstract: No-Dig methods often encounter difficult geological problems, which make the excavation in difficulty and thus
affecting the construction schedule. Central Taiwan area is majorly covered by gravel alluvium, in which the strata contains large
gravels. Those large size gravels often result in excessive wear and increase in construction cost. In this paper, we took samples
from the launch shaft and arrival shaft pipe-jacking and carried out sieve analyses. Then we transformed the size distribution
into borehole data by the newly derived formula. The obtained borehole data was applied to the T-PROGS geostatistic analysis.
The purpose of the geostatistic analysis is to building a 3D geological model from data from pipe -jacking shafts, then we can
obtain the geological and size distribution along the pipe-jacking alignment. In this study, the analysis was performed for different
scenarios and the impact of material changes on the pipe jacking rate. The results show that the change of gravel particles larger
than 20 cm is highly correlated with pipe jacking rate.
16h00 – 16h30
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Palestra Patrocinador Platina / Platinum Sponsor Lecture
Soluções Vermeer em MND
Trenchless Technologies Vermeer
Palestrante / Speaker: Flávio Leite – Vermeer Brasil
17h00 – 17h30
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Palestra Técnica 1 / Technical Lecture 1
Estudo em Aplicações, Materiais de Tubulação & Opções de Equipamentos em MND
A Study in Applications, Pipe Materials & Equipment Options
Presidente de Mesa / Chairman: Paulo Dequech - ABRATT
Palestrante / Speaker: Cris Brahler - TT Technologies / NASTT
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
13 de Novembro de 2012 / November 13th, 2012
09h00 – 10h30
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Sessão 3A “Reabilitação de Tubulações e Renovação” (Sessão em Português)
Session 3A “Pipeline Rehabilitation & Renewal” (Portuguese language)
Moderador / Moderator: Paulo Massato
Pioneer trenchless rehab work in South America Water main structural rehab through Kevlar reinforced
polyethylene hose fold and form – Rebouças Ave. x Oscar Freire st. – São Paulo/SP (PAP009101)
Lidemberg Antônio Rodrigues; HÉLIO C. P. ROSAS; DIOGO SANDOVAL DANTAS
Resumo/Abstract: This paper is a case study for the first flexible Kevlar reinforced pipe rehab in South America. The job was performed
in a 500mm x 230m long cast iron pipeline over 70 years old, in one of the busiest regions and most sensitive areas of the São
Paulo city. For this job Sanit has searched for the highest technology worldwide, establishing a partnership with a German based
pipeline rehabilitation technology supplier. The job´s complexity was extremely high, imposing great obstacles for performance such
as: existing pipe out of any dimension norm; innumerous underground interferences; massive vehicle and pedestrian traffic; high
demanding local population; limited work hours; unknown anomalies in the pipe alignment; and maximum line stoppage allowed
of 24 hours. The job planning was such that the on site preparation work took 2 months, while the actual execution was made in
three consecutive days only, with water reconnection every 24 hours for neighborhood recharge. In spite of its high complexity,
the job was performed with extreme efficiency and with a high level of satisfaction by the client. It is also worthy of note the
perfect synergy achieved between the contractor and the client, who participated actively in all the decisions and followed the job
execution closely, assuring maximum quality, efficiency and safety.
Soluções Inovadoras em Perfuração Horizontal Direcional
30 International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Pioneer 1.000mm water main trenchless rehab job in São Paulo (PAP009102)
Lidemberg Antônio Rodrigues; HÉLIO C. P. ROSAS; DIOGO SANDOVAL DANTAS; Benedito Fiorellini
Resumo/Abstract: This paper covers the first 1.000mm trenchless water main rehab for SABESP. The job was performed in a 1.000mm x
300m steel pipe located inside the Cruzeiro do Sul bridge over the Tietê river, in one of the busiest and most sensitive areas of the
city. For its high complexity and urgency, the first two rehabilitation options (Swage liner and FRP pipe insertion were discarded.
The HDPE of the necessary diameter was produced by only a single supplier in the country, which could not meet the desired job
schedule. The FRP pipe insertion however, demanded an excessive amount of concrete anchoring blocks, which was unacceptable
over the structure of an old bridge. In order to meet the schedule, Sanit had to research and implement a solution in record time
that would meet the technical aspects as well as the job schedule. The selected solution for this case was an 800mm steel slipline.
Innumerous difficulties were found on this Project, such as: Several deflections and the existing pipe alignment, unknown structural
capacity of the bridge, work on one of the busiest bridges in São Paulo (both for pedestrians and automotive traffic, since the bridge
in next to the largest bus station in São Paulo – Terminal Tietê), intense and Constant traffic below the bridge (Marginal Tietê),
short line stoppage allowed (one month), conspicuous area, and heavy presence of homeless people as well as felons. Besides
the factors above, the pipe was adjacent to a natural gas trunk line, which demanded a high degree of safety work, and constant
supervision of the local Gas Company (Comgás) since any accident could be of catastrophic consequences. A large and well
organized job yard guarded by a third party security company was set next to the bridge in order to mitigate most of the problems
listed above. Solid logistics, strict job safety planning and enforcement, a well constructed traffic protection and signaling, as well
as an intense job planning and quality execution were key for the success of the venture. The joint safety work (Contrator, SABESP,
and Comgás) was considered to be without precedent with the agencies involved, and was presented in a board meeting between
SABESP and Comgás of working model to be followed.
Resumo/Abstract: The work represents an unprecedented project in the country to replace a pipeline of 375 mm in reinforced concrete
and the other of 400mm of cast iron by technical Pipe Bursting. The implementation of these services was seen as much
expectation by Sabesp for three basic reasons: first there was a great pressure on the board of Sabesp for completion of work
due to the deadlines established in the agreement Procel Sanear with Eletrobrás. Secondly, it represented a major engineering
challenge, because there was no previous experience in the breaking of the reinforced concrete pipe. And at last, the local
conditions of work especially traffic intense and rigid pavement for electric bus not allows mistakes. The authors sought detailing
the implementation of services in the field, as well as the preliminary stages of analysis, classification of risk of the project, design
of equipment, technical aspects essential in the implementation of technical Pipe Bursting, and the adjustments and mistakes.
09h00 – 10h30
Auditório 2 / Auditorium 2
Sessão 3B “Case de Negócio em MND”
Session 3B “Business Case for Tranchless Technology”
Moderador / Moderator: John Hemphill
NATALIA MESHKOVA; Anna Maleeva; Ilya Averkeev; Vladimir Orlov
Resumo/Abstract: This article deals with the problem of choosing the most effective pipe renovation method among the wide range of
them. An innovative decision of this problem is presented. The article includes describing the factors, which influence the process
of choosing an optimal renovation method for pressure and pressure-free pipes, theoretical base for creating an automated
program, which helps to solve the question marked above. The program’s algorithm, income and outcome user’s information, the
sequence of the process of working with the program are represented in the article. The process and results on determining an
optimal renovation method among the regarding row are shown as an example.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Innovative Business Model for Simultaneous Sewer Rehabilitation and Fiber Optic installation (PAP011479)
Eduardo Barrera
Resumo/Abstract: Cable Runner Iberica SL (CRI) is a neutral operator of telecommunication infrastructures. This is to say, CRI is a neutral
provider of dark optic fiber to main telecommunication operators, namely mobile telcos and cable TV providers. Therefore, CRI
builds its own network taken into account the future optic fiber needs of several telecommunication operators. Subsequently, CRI
always installs a large amount of fibers to be sold later to these operators through long term contracts called IRUs (Irrevocable
Rights of Use). These type of contracts allow the operators to consider their fiber acquisitions as assets in their own balance
sheets. CRI uses an array of leading-edge trenchless technologies to deploy its fiber optic network namely through the sewage
system. These systems are tremendously complex on its own involving tubes of different sizes and materials built in different
periods of time forming a highly heterogeneous network that varies not only from city to city but also from country to country. The
higher the capillarity the smaller the components and the challenger it becomes. Chiefly among these technologies is the relining
one developed jointly with BKP that allows for a simultaneous installation of optic fiber while rehabilitating the tube itself with the
BKP liner. Actually, in the first step an array of empty tubes, usually four 10 mm internal diameter empty tubes contained in a LDPE
(Low-density polyethylene) capsule, are conveniently laid down (top, bottom or lateral) in the tube to be rehabilitated. Then the BKP
liner is introduced, inflated and finally cured using UV. The final picture shows the LDPE capsule containing the empty tubes firmly
inserted in between the old and the newly rehabilitated tube. CRI will blow on demand the optic fiber through those so installed
empty tubes. CRI not only offers a unique technology but also an innovative business model based on two concurrent premises: a)
network neutrality and b) cost sharing principles. In effect, the neutral operator principle is fully aligned with the new European
Union policy aiming at a common use of the infrastructure layer by all telcos, and in so doing displacing the competence from this
layer to the one on services and applications and eventually to the content one, according to the new 3 layers model followed by
the telecom industry today. Whereas, the cost sharing principle reduces the operator capex costs that become shared when the
common network is built and maintained by a neutral operator such as CRI. This business model is targeted not only to the telco
clients but also to the local authorities that own and/or operate the sewage network, usually the Municipality by itself or though a
concessionary entity (i.e., water company). In effect, CRI business model is presented to Municipalities as a value proposition to
allow them to get, without making any budget effort at all: a) free optic fibers to cover their own needs; b) free partial rehabilitation
of its damaged sewage network; c) extra income for their idle empty tubes; and d) new annual revenues in the form of a cannon
payable by the telecom operators using the newly built network. The combination of an aging sewage network calling for urgent
rehabilitation with an ever growing demand for new optic fiber networks constitutes a unique business opportunities for those
companies like CRI and BKP that can offer to the market the best possible technology combined with the right business model.
Renovation with PE pipes: Application, Quality issues and risk assessment (PAP011563)
Frans Alferink; Jorge Moll
Resumo/Abstract: Old pipe lines for water supply and sewage discharge as well as old gas pipes are a “leaky” asset we have in the
ground, all over the world. But next to leakages, these pipes also create a lot of operational and sometimes health problems. In
some situations, the pipes can easily be replaced by using open cut methods, like when the pipes are laid in the country side
at shallow depth. However, most of the old pipelines are located in densely populated areas, like towns and city centres. These
centres suffer already from heavy traffic and traffic jams and replacing the old underground infrastructure using an open cut
method, endangers other services and blocks traffic and access to houses, commercial centres etc., and with that also affecting
the economical processes of the city. But even when using NO-DIG techniques, still quite often too much space is required to
carry out the rehabilitation. This paper will explain about a close-fit technique that requires minimum amount of space. Attention
will be drawn to the fact that solutions need to be durable and not only serve us in solving today’s problems, but it should solve
the problem for the long term (minimum 50 years) situation. In this respect the quality of the solution plays an important role. The
question “How can the owner be sure he receives a good quality solution”, will be answered. A view on costs levels for renovation
versus open cut and also the costs of doing nothing will be hinted at. Finally an overview of some cases using Wavin Compact Pipe
from around the world will be given.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
09h00 – 10h30
Auditório 3 / Auditorium 3
Sessão 3C “Materiais das tubulações para aplicações com MND”
Session 3C “Pipe Material for Trechless Applications”
Moderador / Moderator: Enrico Boi
Culverts, Utility and Animal Tunnels, Casing Pipes as Examples of Development No-Dig Applications in
Accordance with Development of CC-GRP Products (PAP011584)
Marek Gromiec; Jacek Lesiecki; Lech Skomorowski; Robert Strużyżski
Resumo/Abstract: The subject of this paper is the development of NO-DIG applications in the new sectors such as culverts, casing pipes
for heat and gas engineering, multipurpose utility tunnels as well as passageways for animals. These applications have been carried
out in connection with investments carried out both in cities (mainly casing pipes, utility tunnels) as well as in suburban areas. Direct
factors effectuating an extension of the range of possible applications are undoubtedly a better availability of trenchless installation
machines as well as a broadened production range of CC-GRP Pipe Systems. This paper also presents the ecological benefits of
favoring trenchless methods over open trench installation, as for instance the reduction of CO2 emissions and the reduction of
inconveniences during installation works such as maintaining the railway and traffic flow. The selected projects implemented with CCGRP Pipe Systems include: subways under high-speed railways in Germany and France, under railways in Poland; animal passageways
constructed by trenchless installation under a railway in Poland; two jobs conducted running under the river for a protective pipe for a
heating line and protective pipes for gas line as well as multi-utility tunnels in Italy and Holland. Projects for which CC-GRP Pipes are
used as pedestrian and cyclists’ subway are also described. The further development of CC-GRP Products, including the extension of
their diameter range up to OD 3600 at unvarying advantageous opened possibilities for new applications.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and Pipe bursting - Installation of Ductile Iron Pipes with restrained
socket joints and cement mortar coating (PAP009519)
Steffen Ertelt
Resumo/Abstract: As cities worldwide grow faster and faster, the design and conservation of value of the infrastructures for water supply
and sewerage face new and demanding challenges. Wide multi-lane roads - the main arteries of business and social life - can no
longer be opened up to install new networks or allow existing pipeline networks to be replaced. The installation of ductile iron pipes
using the trenchless installation method provides an outstanding possibility of securing or increasing the property value of existing
network structures long term, without having to accept the risk of damage. The positive locking socket joint BLS® /VRS® - T are
supplied and used for the trenchless installation of ductile iron pipes as well. These joints are made up of a pre-chamber cast onto
the pipe joint for seating the locking elements, and a welding bead welded onto the spigot end of the pipe for load transmission
to the next pipe. The use of TYTON® gaskets guarantees reliable sealing of the joint connection at all times in trenchless pipe
installation, while retaining flexible bedding possibilities. The whole system is completed by external cement mortar coating
acc. to EN 15542 which can withstand high mechanical loads. This paper will clearly present the possibilities, advantages and
requirements related to the installation of ductile iron pipes on the basis of projects completed in the field of new pipe installation
using the controlled horizontal directional drilling method (HDD) and pipe replacement using pipe bursting.
Research and trenchless applications of vitrified clay pipes (PAP011565)
Andrzej Kuliczkowski; Emilia Kuliczkowska; Dominika Lichosik
Resumo/Abstract: This paper contains results of CCTV inspections of vitrified clay sanitary sewer pipes from various Polish cities. CCTV
inspections have been conducted by Kielce University of Technology since 1991. There are presented the most important 6 linear
and 14 local vitrified clay pipes damages. The results were analyzed, in order to determine causes of pipe damage. The analysis
of the rehabilitation urgency for inspected sewer lines has been performed. As a result 6 classes of the rehabilitation urgency
have been developed as follows: immediate rehabilitation, short term, medium term and long term rehabilitation, no need for
rehabilitation due to the very small damage, no need for rehabilitation due to the absence of any damage. Above classification
has been introduced separately for O&M (Operations and Maintenance), structural safety and environmental protection criteria.
Additional comparison of vitrified clay pipes manufactured in the past and now was made and the latest generation of pipes used
in Central Europe has been presented. The most important advantages of vitrified clay pipes has been indicated. This paper also
presents the most interesting vitrified clay pipes trenchless projects implemented over the last decade, covering the range of
diameters from 400 mm to 1400 mm, including projects carried out at the airport - under the runway without stopping flights, and
under the railway tracks without stopping the movement of trains. The paper describes also project awarded with EXPERT Statuette
at No-Dig Poland conference. It applies to installation of two pipelines made of two vitrified clay and reinforced concrete layers,
arranged in parallel in close proximity to each other, about 0.5 m below the bottom of the river.
11h00 – 11h30
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Palestra Técnica 2 / Technical Lecture 2
“Subsolo da Cidade - Um Vôo Cego”
“Subsurface City - A Blind Flight”
Presidente de Mesa / Chairman: Sergio Palazzo - ABRATT
Palestrante / Speaker: Marcos Romano - Convias
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
11h30 – 13h00
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Sessão 4A “Tecnologias de Avaliação da Integridade das Redes”
Session 4A “Pipeline Assessment Technologies”
Moderador / Moderator: Gerda Hald
Condition Assessment Tools for Potable Water Mains and Sewer Pipes – What is available to us today! (PAP011498)
Piero Salvo
Resumo/Abstract: This paper will present condition assessment tools that are available to the municipal engineers, as well as presenting
new condition assessment tools that have become available over the last few years for both the potable water and sewer systems.
These new systems are both innovative in nature and give more precise information to the decision makers. The paper will be
divided in two distinct sections, the first being the sewer system condition assessment tools (past and present) for gravity sewers
and force mains and the second will be for the potable water system condition assessment tools (past and present) for larger
transmission pipes and for the secondary distribution pipes. Given that the sewer system is predominately an open system, access
to the network is via the existing manhole chambers, with the exception of force mains which require a different approach. In
the past and present, conventional CCTV inspection is used frequently. However, over the years, the improvements in the camera
technology make CCTV inspections a more accurate tool. In the secondary sewer pipes, we can use a zoom camera to give us a
snapshot of the state of the pipe over a short distance, usually 20 to 30 meters. The conventional CCTV cameras will show any
defects in the pipe and at the service connection. In the case of an interceptor sewer pipe that has a larger diameter and is usually
full of water up to 50%, conventional CCTV does not always work, because in order to see the entire pipe, the cost of by-passing
the flow to get a dry pipe is too expensive and time consuming. One technology that has been very successful is the use of a MultiSensor Inspection unit that provides CCTV, Sonar, Laser Profiling and H2S readings in one operation. In the case of force mains,
new technology exists that will allow to detect if there is a leak or can provide a method of calculating residual thickness of the
pipe. In part two we will give a brief overview of the technologies that have been used and are still being used to find leaks and
estimate the effectiveness and residual life of a potable water main. These technologies include correlation, geophones, C-Value
testing and hydrant flows. Some of the new technologies for potable water mains allow the inspection of the water main without
having to depressurize the water system. By doing so, the technology has the capability of seeing, hearing and locating leaks,
unaccounted for house connections, unaccounted for valves and changes in direction, to name a few. For larger diameter pipes
there are technologies that can provide leak detection using a cable tethered system and some using free flowing devices. This
paper will present these tools and their applicability in the potable water network. As part of each section, some case studies will
be presented to demonstrate the capability of the technology.
Per Hallager
Resumo/Abstract: In Denmark, the Danish Construction Association has established 3 different quality control schemes, comprising
CCTV-inspection and a number of NO-DIG technologies. They are impartial and voluntary systems established after years of
pressure from some of the largest Danish municipalities that use these technologies in operating and maintaining their sewer
systems. The oldest control scheme has been in force in Denmark for more than 20 years. The purpose of the control schemes is to
ensure that jobs using a system approved by the schemes comply with the quality manual of the company and with the declaration
of the system in question. Each scheme has its own legal and technical regulations, and control committee with representatives
from the end users and from consultants. The control committees have the overall responsibility for the functioning of the
schemes. For certain tasks, the control committees are supplemented with two company representatives. Any company can apply
for admission, if they can present and certify a quality manual and a declaration, which can be approved by the relevant control
committee. Each system included in the control schemes is subjected to at least one inspection a year during which the systems,
products and processes are examined. Inspection is performed by members of the respective control committee and their technical
consultant. The control schemes establish a reliable market and a controlled development for a number of technologies that are
complex and difficult to see through for the customers. This has proved to be an advantage for all parties involved.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Marc Allan Fussinger
Resumo/Abstract: Since 1976 Copenhagen Energy has had a systematic network rehabilitation policy. Based on comprehensive studies
of the water balance and the distribution through the network as well as analysis of the leakage reports which systematically
have been collected since 1929, establishing of a long-term strategy and policy for rehabilitation of the water supply network at
Copenhagen municipality has been possible. The urban challenge is increasing the need of No-dig solutions. With an increasing
number of distributed services in an old city like Copenhagen and attention on the social costs there is an increasing need of
trenchless. In the 1980th the first rehabilitations using No-Dig methods on the water network where carried out in Copenhagen
municipality. Almost every no-dig methods have been tested in 1:1 scale projects. Today traditional excavation is only being
used when renewing very short distances of the supply network or replacement of mains with a diameter >500 mm. Most of the
No-dig methods can be used without lots of worries concerning durability and live span. The experience with hose liners used
in Copenhagen has shown that this method only is to be carried out when alternatives are even more difficult to use. Using the
hose liner requires careful planning as well as careful considerations in order to achieve the best result. Based on the “BRC Food
Standard” a new standard for operating and maintaining of the water supply in Copenhagen has been developed. In Denmark the
standard is called “Safety Standard for Drinking Water Systems”. The purpose of adopting this standard is to ensure that all risks of
contamination have been identified meaning the risks can be managed in order to prevent risks triggered.
11h30 – 13h00
Auditório 2 / Auditorium 2
Sessão 4B “Gerenciamento de Projetos de MND” (Sessão em Português)
Session 4B “Managing Trenchless Projects” (Portuguese language)
Moderador / Moderator: Paulo Massato
Marcos Aurélio Marques Noronha; B. Gomes; R. Santos; D. Takeda
Resumo/Abstract: Utilization of underground spaces is now an inevitable choice for the rational development of urban areas in the
whole world. In fact, it is now well accepted that an increasing use of underground facilities is key to traffic relief and to a
higher quality of life. Today there are many cities implementing the innovative concept of utilidors (Sterling, 1993), a system of
underground tunnels to several utilities like transportation, communication, electricity, gas, water supply and sewage, cooling and
heating systems, etc. Regarding the excavation of microtunnels based on non-destructive methods (NDMs), although there are
different construction techniques available, they normally make use of profiles with circular cross sections. In micro tunnelling
this is probably due to the inherent constraints of the well-established tunnel boring machines (TBMs) technology. At present, the
great majority of TBMs are designed for circular excavation profiles. Also, they are relatively out of date, since this technology has
been around for more than five decades. On the other hand, there are many new initiatives proposing substantial innovations and
breakthroughs. The present article describes a novel method of excavation of noncircular tunnels based on a water jet cutting
system to replace the traditional rotating cutting head with disc cutters. In the proposed design of the so-called BraBo machine,
the water jet cutting technology easily allows to explore the advantages of non-circular and variable cross sections profiles. Also,
due to its lightness, this technique can enhance the equipment maneuverability, also offering faster advance rates and lower costs
than traditional TBMs. As consequence, multi-purpose pipelines and tunnels may be executed, making the concept of utilidors more
Sérgio A. Palazzo
Resumo/Abstract: Antigamente, quando um paciente apresentava algum problema de doença, era levado à mesa de operação, e uma
incisão era feita até chegar ao orgão aparentemente apresentando problemas. O caminho era feito visualmente, e assim, com
todo o cuidado o cirurgião desviava ou afastava este ou aquele orgão no seu caminho. Hoje, com a introdução da laparoscopia, os
cateteres permitem uma entrada no corpo Humano, menos invasiva, com pequenas aberturas, cameras e instrumentos permitem
acessar orgãos antigamente impossíveis de serem acessados. O paciente permanece pouco tempo no hospital, as vezes é liberado
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
no mesmo dia, abrindo espaço para mais atendimentos, e reduzindo o custo direto e o social (aquele que todos pagamos e que
não aparece via boleto). Muito bem, o que falar da instalação, renovação ou reabilitação das redes nos subsolo? Absolutamente
a mesma dificuldade, o corpo humano é o nosso subsolo, o acesso antigamente era via escavação, hoje com os Métodos não
Destrutivos, analogamente ao sistema médico, já não precisamos mais escavar, desviar e etc. Mas o que há de comum aos
dois casos? O projeto, imagine-se entrando num hospital e o corpo médico que vai lhe atender, proceder as perfurações e
encaminhamentos sem um projeto detalhado? Voce não permitiria não é? Mas nas redes de subsolo a gente insiste em fazer sem
projeto, executivo e do trabalho. Veja neste trabalho os desafios de mudança de cultura.
Resumo/Abstract: In 2009 SABESP - UN MS used the management-tool GVA to redesign processes and to create the Unidade
Gerenciamento Regional or Regional Management Unit (UGR) of Santo Amaro, which attends the South region of Sao Paulo City
with a population of 900,000 inhabitants. The UGR was divided into three processes (namely water, sales and sewerage). The
attendance of the sewerage is carried out by MOP and MOT, while more complex cases are carried out by a proper workforce.
Another characteristic of the UGR is its strong development of operational processes when searching for new maintenance
technologies. The Punctual CIPP for the maintenance of sewerage is one of these developments. The restored section is made from
ceramic material and lies 2.38 m under the earth. The place itself has a medium to high traffic. Furthermore it lies in a curve; it is
anticlimactic and faces a secondary school. The frequent traffic jams lead the UGR Santo Amaro to undertake a technical diagnosis.
With that diagnosis we carried out the visual inspection of the internal structure of the pipe system and thus confirmed the
defective part. Because of the complexness of the location, we initiated the repairing process of the sewer system with PunctualCIPP-Washing and eliminated the residue. After this we treated the applicator with a mat and resin (for nine minutes). Then
we connected the implements and inserted the applicator into the sewer system until it reached the defective part. We set the
commands to initiate the application of the resin and the mat (for seven minutes). The recovery usually occurs between 60 and 120
minutes depending on the surrounding temperature. In this case, the final recovery of the demobilization occurred after 82 minutes.
In less than three hours we accomplished all operational procedures, namely signaling, diagnosis, washing and rehabilitation,
without the necessity of breaking up the ground, without excavation and without generating residues. The nuisance caused by the
application was minimal and had very small influence on the traffic. The maintenance by CIPP brought modernity to maintenance
processes without causing any future steps in service and furthermore it reduces the operational and administrative costs.
11h30 – 13h00
Auditório 3 / Auditorium 3
Sessão 4C “Gerenciamento de Ativos”
Session 4C “Asset Management”
Moderador / Moderator: Dr. Samuel Ariaratnam
Experiences in Colombia and the United States using Spanish Translation of Tag-R Software and ISTT
Trenchless Guidelines (PAP012303)
Resumo/Abstract: This article will describe the most important educational experiences about teaching trenchless and underground
technologies in USA and in Colombia, South America, among utility and industry engineers and technical personnel. The authors
have tried to introduce TAG-R as an industry and academic tool in Colombia for solving the principal technical issues regarding the
planning and feasibility stages of underground projects mainly in urban areas. This Article will compare several methodologies used
in real projects with the recommendations of TAG-R, and several of these comparisons are taken from previously published articles.
These projects were constructed in both the USA and Colombia. The article finally recommends that a team of Brazilian technical
personnel translate TAG-R from English or Spanish to Portuguese taking into account the good experience with TAG-R in Spanish,
for advising the construction, rehabilitation, and renovation of future underground infrastructure in the South American region.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Looking for a best practice for a national underground infrastructure register (PAP011489)
Enrico Boi; Chiara Dell’Orto; Marco Raffaldi; Paolo Trombetti
Resumo/Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explain and describe the benefits achieved after the second year of a three years pilot
project “Progettazione Partecipata dei Sottoservizi nei Territori dei Comuni di Milano, Rho, Pero e Arese”. The scope of the Project
is to evaluate the best method for achieving a large scale register of underground utilities and infrastructure. The approach applied
on the project has been predominantly empirical with evaluations on real activities carried out on site. The project’s key factor has
been the extensive use of Trenchless Technologies on all utility mapping activities. In addition a WebGIS interface has been created
to publish and share the utility maps with all stakeholders and enforce a standardised data structure. The Project has been financed
by Regione Lombardia, and it has been carried out in Partnership with the Italian Association for Trenchless Technology, ANCI
Lombardia (National Association of the Local Authorities). The project is also under close observation by the Ministry of Economic
Development and AGCOM (National Authority for Communication).
14h30 – 16h00
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Sessão 5A “Perfuração Horizontal Direcional (Sessão em Português)
Session 5A “Horizontal Directional Drilling (Portuguese language)
Moderador / Moderator: Liberal Ramos Junior
Minimum Performance Standard Values of Drilling Fluids for HDD (PAP011516)
Juliano Magalhães; Eugenio Pereira; Paula Elaine Santos
Resumo/Abstract: This present work had the aim of to make the determination of a fluids formulation that have appropriate
characteristics of viscosity, filtrate and lubrication for use in horizontal directional drilling (HDD). The principal idea is to measure
these parameters in formulations that are already in use by directional drilling companies and define minimum parameters of fluid
performance for geological formations in which these fluids formulations was used. After all the tests, it was possible to check
that one formulation based in only 4 additives is able to hit the minimum parameters and provide the necessary stability to the
unconsolidated formations drillings.
Marcos Aurélio Marques Noronha; B. Gomes; R. Santos; D. Takeda
Resumo/Abstract: Worldwide there is a high pent-up demand for micro tunneling projects. In fact, after decades of under-investments
in infrastructure, it is now clear that these projects will be one of the main drivers of the infra structure investments, especially
in the developing countries. Only in Brazil, the Accelerated Growth Program PAC estimates investments in the order of 950 billion
of dollars until 2014. Simultaneously, hosting two important megaevents over the next four years (the upcoming 2014 World Cup
and the 2016 Olympics), Brazil is under severe time pressure to remedy its deficiencies in infrastructure facilities linked to urban
mobility, energy, communication lines, water systems and waste, among others. Currently, the ever-increasing cost of surface
space pressures on the use of underground space for infrastructure facilities. In this case, tunnels and pipelines are recognizably
fundamental infrastructure for sustainable growth with the lowest environmental impact. There is currently a high demand for
non-destructive techniques such as mechanized construction of tunnels. However, despite well-established and efficient, the
present Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) are too expensive and have low advance rates. Remarkably, the design of present TBMs is
based on schemes more than half a century old. Innovation in this area is however of paramount importance and one of the most
promising new technologies is the water jet cutting. This technology has now been proved to be suitable for tunnelling applications,
with potential benefits of cost reductions and higher rates of advance. This article presents an investigation of the development of
a new micro tunneling machine with water jet technology. A review of the state-of-the-art of the water jet technology along with a
survey of major published empirical results is also presented. Furthermore, the article explores the promising possibility of using
high pressure water jets applied as cutting tools in tunneling machines.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
14h30 – 16h30
Auditório 2 / Auditorium 2
Sessão 5B “Desafio (Enfrentar) I / Edição I”
Session 5B “Addressing I/I Issue”
Moderador / Moderator: Robert Toyoda
Techniques to seal infiltration within waste water networks to meet ini targets (PAP009091)
Ian Ramsay
Resumo/Abstract: Programs undertaken by Water Utilities to rehabilitate existing sewer systems are typically designed to restore
the structural integrity of deteriorated sewers and /or reduce infiltration / exfiltration. To monitor the effectiveness of sewer
rehabilitation programs in achieving infiltration / exfiltration reduction targets, more than just the lining of deteriorated sewer mains
is required. The following key areas need to be comprehensively addressed:
1 The main sewer
2 The house service line (lateral)
3 The connection between the sewer main and the lateral
4 The connection from the manhole to the sewer main
5 The manhole itself
Methods for the rehabilitation of wastewater assets and the development of appropriate specifications have been developed over
the past 40 years. Key parties such as the water Authorities, engineering consultants, industry standards committees and the UK
WRc as well as various large civil engineering contractors have been a part of this process. The problem has been that most of the
work over the last 30 years has focused on the rehabilitation of the mainline and even though lateral lining has been around since
1991 only over the last 5 to 10 years has the rehabilitation of the laterals, lateral connections to the main sewer been considered
in any detail. The aim of sewer rehabilitation is reduction in infiltration/exfiltration into the network and structural restoration where
appropriate. This paper will examine the effectiveness of the rehabilitation programs to date and also the key sources of infiltration
into a network. The main projects and studies into the effectiveness of rehabilitation projects have taken place in the USA, however
Singapore’s PUB, has been working on projects for the last few years looking at a totally sealed system, incorporating the laterals,
mainlines, connections to the main line and the laterals themselves all as one project. The idea being that a totally sealed system
will eliminate infiltration. The project is still underway and it is too early to see what the overall result for I/I reduction will be.
Within the UK the proposed adoption of laterals by the ten water and sewer authorities is a positive step placing all assets and
thus the control of infiltration and rehabilitation under one authority. However the program is in its very early days and much of the
network is still to be assessed. The problem often is the ownership of the lateral pipes. Private ownership complicates the ability
to rehabilitate. This paper will highlight the importance of addressing the entire waste water system during renovation programs
with a focus on the laterals and their connections, as much of the rehabilitation work to date has only focused on the main sewer
network and manholes and has addressed around only 50% of the overall inflow and infiltration in to the network to date.
Julian Guy; Neil Stutchbury; Brian Syms
Resumo/Abstract: The acclaimed Hydrascan Typhoon innovated technology follows a simple principle of operation. Access to a
dewatered pipeline is provided and the Typhoon pig is propelled forwards by pressurised water through rear facing jets to the target
area - pressurised water enters a patented valve via an umbilical hose and within the valve water is turned through 180° and
expelled through propulsion nozzles. Once the target area is reached, the valve switches the pressurised water from the propulsion
nozzles to fan jets on the cleaning manifolds arranged circumferentially. The pipe wall is then cleaned in a single pass as the
Typhoon is drawn back to the launch point. The switching between propulsion and cleaning can be carried out many times during
this operation. This means that sections of pipe can be cleaned several times or alternatively sections of pipe can be left uncleaned
if necessary during the same operation. The cleaning system is fully adjustable with controllable water pressure, manifold angle
of attack, fan spread angle and distance of the fan jets to the pipe wall. A pre cleaning CCTV survey is carried out to ensure any
variables are identified e.g. on-line valves, lining integrity, bends, sumps and pipe diameter changes. A post cleaning survey proves
visual cleanliness, lining integrity and any standing water requiring removal before chlorination. The Typhoon system collects and
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
utilises recycled water from high pressure pumps mounted on a water recycling vehicle and in ideal conditions Typhoon can run
all day on a single tank of water. The Typhoon’s range is typically 500m in a single direction or 1km from a single excavation.
The outbound velocity is up to 1m/s and cleaning velocity is typically 0.1-0.3m/s, both dependent on the pipeline conditions e.g.
number of bends, pipeline structural integrity etc. The Typhoon pig has been designed to traverse multiple pipe bends as severe as
1.5D - 90° with a minimum crash bore of between 10%-20%. Typhoon can clean ‘difficult’ lengths of pipe, for example it has been
used to clean a 180m pipe length that consisted of six 45 degree bends and two 22.5 degree bends, the bends alternating between
vertical and horizontal planes. Unlike winched systems, the Typhoon system only requires a single entry point and can clean up to
valve faces. The working footprint is restricted to a CCTV survey unit plus the jet/vac water recycling unit - typically a Wiedermann.
However, the CCTV vehicle can be moved on while the cleaning work is under way and complete further pre-cleaning surveys
until the post cleaning survey is required, thus maximising efficient use of the on-site equipment and minimising the carbon
footprint. Clients support the Typhoon system due to its velocity, minimum carbon and working footprint, full recycling capability,
reduced number of excavations (hence reduced civil engineering and traffic management costs) and in particular the quality of the
final product - clean, safe potable water. The technology can, and is, delivered around the world using existing types of plant by
experienced survey and jetting operatives. This means the service can be made available at short notice and delivered by existing
pre-qualified local contractors. The Hydrascan Typhoon won the 2009 UKSTT Innovation Award and the 2011 ISTT Product of the
Year Award. The paper and presentation will provide up to date case histories, more detail of the Typhoon’s cleaning technology, its
capability and flexibility, small working and carbon footprint which together provide the water industry with an efficient, thorough
and cost effective solution for cleaning water mains.
SP-24 Sewer Rehabilitation Projects Maximum Flow Reduction (PAP012298)
James W. Shelton
Resumo/Abstract: SP-24 is a 14 mile sewer basin encompassing 8 neighborhoods in New Castle County, Delaware. Determined through
a multi-step hydraulic condition assessment to be badly leaking, rehabilitation project to greatly reduce I/I was needed. This
presentation discusses how the physical condition assessment drove the selection of rehabilitation technologies, how specific
technologies were selected, how the construction of these was accomplished, and how effective these methods were in reducing
I/I. Implemented through 4 sequential, technology specific contracts, the leaking sections of the system were rehabilitated using
primarily trenchless technologies. Approximately 40,000 lf of mains, 400 laterals, and 100 manholes were rehabilitated using pipe
joint testing and grouting, mainline cured in place lining, lateral tee lining, lateral lining to manholes, new cleanout installation,
cured in place point repairs, fiber-reinforce cement lining of manholes, manhole frame and cover replacement, manhole chimney
sealing, and injection grouting of leaking manholes. Flow data prior to the start of rehabilitation are compared with flow data
resulting from each subsequent phase to the 4 step rehabilitation project. Spread over 3 years, the flow data analysis show the
various impacts of the different approaches on both peak and total rainfall influenced flows.
Analytical study on prediction of pipeline positions by a restoration method (PAP009023)
Hideki Shimada; Koichi Araki; Takashi Sasaoka; Shuichi Fujita; Kikuo Matsui; Dai Watanabe
Resumo/Abstract: Buried pipelines that have sagged can result in damage to welded joints, disconnections and so on.
Performance can also be affected with stagnation or stoppage of flow, which can lead to major secondary problems, such
as caved-in roads or effluent leakage. To overcome these problems, various methods have been proposed and used for the
restoration of flow performance and fixing damaged sections of underground pipelines without the need for excavation.
However, there are not many methods available that do not require excavation for repairing reduced flow performance and
stoppages, or pipeline damage caused by sagging, which is thought to be the major contributor to this type of damage. The
authors provide a report on construction methods and examples that do not require excavation, but instead use a system
of grouting for the ground, surrounding the buried pipeline, to aid in the repair of the pipeline position, which can actually
improve the surrounding foundations.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
14h30 – 16h30
Auditório 3 / Auditorium 3
Sessão 5C “Microtúneis, Tubo Cravado (Pipe Jacking) & Trado Guiado”
Session 5C “Unique Microtunneling, Pipe Jacking & guided Auger Boring”
Moderador / Moderator: Jeff Pace
Resumo/Abstract: Though trenchless technology continues to penetrate the underground utility installation market, one industry
continues to depend on the age-old practice of open cut trenching. Small diameter gravity sewer projects, defined as less than
600mm (24 inches), continue as they have for decades, relatively untouched by the benefits of trenchless technology. These
projects are engineered and executed with little change as compared to 40 years ago, with often greater than 90% of the
installation being performed by trenchers and excavators. Part of the reason for this is the lack of knowledge in the sewer industry
as to the benefits and capabilities of the trenchless methods available. One of the newest trenchless technologies capable of boring
small diameter on-grade gravity sewer is the recently introduced AXIST Guided Boring System. Though the design of the system
was originally targeted at bores averaging 90 meters (300 feet) in length, diameters of 250-350mm (10-14 inches), and in soft soil
conditions, those boundaries have since been stretched to include longer bores, larger diameters, and most importantly, a variety
of ground conditions. This paper will present project case studies that have been completed with the AXIS system in a variety of
ground conditions, from hard rock to below water table saturated ground. Utilizing purpose-designed cutter heads and tooling, the
applications for this vacuum microtunneling technology are greater than ever before. Actual projects and specific bores executed
by industry leading contractors will be discussed, demonstrating that the installation of small diameter gravity mains can now be
accomplished cost effectively with a trenchless technology, no longer mandating the need for open cut trenching. The combination
of speed and accuracy now provides a practical solution for gravity wastewater projects with this unique vacuum microtunneling
Latest Developments and Applications of guided auger boring (PAP011582)
Edson Peev; Gregor Nieder
Resumo/Abstract: Despite the fast-paced development of the technology of guided auger boring using pilot rods in the past 10 years,
these techniques can only be used in displaceable grounds. Therefore the conventional ground displacing pilot drilling technology
cannot be used in dense material (SPT values of standard penetration tests > 35) and obviously in rock. With the development of
a novel steering technology, called Front Steer, Bohrtec have for the first time overcome the application restrictions and enabled
applications in very dense strata with SPT values > 35 and in moderately strong rock with strengths of up to 10 MPa with the help
of a guided auger boring system that excavates the ground as it advances. With a combination of the Front Steer system and a
down the hole hammer even applications in hard rock up to 150 MPa are possible. Beside the Front Steer technology the paper
shows the latest developments and applications for guided and unguided auger boring.
Experience In the Use of Rectangular Pipe Jacking Machines in China (PAP012308)
Resumo/Abstract: Presently, the common way of constructing large rectangular culvert e generally involves the following options:
1. Open cut excavation 2. Box culvert jacking method -manual 3. Rectangular shield machine method 4. Pipe roof method of
construction. Of these four methods, option 1) open cut excavation and 3) Shield construction is applicable for longer distances.
The former 1) requires situation where there is no problem in the possible interruption of traffic and services and thus suitable
only in open areas such as city’s outskirt. Option 2) manual method have been widely used especially in India and SE Asia , for
constructing underpass across railways lines and roads, as well as in developed country such as in Boston USA where large boxes
have been successfully jacked in that manner , where soil and other conditions make it suitable due to conditions with acceptable
settlement . Option 3) the use of shield jacking machine make construction of large boxes safer and economical .The machines
have evolved extensively in China and Yangzhou GuangXin( ) have developed these machines that are huge success in a number of
prestigious projects including in Guangzhou and Nanjing .The method was developed early in Japan but have found more success
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
in China in the last ten years .Sizes up to 5m x 7 m with cover of 5m and inter box distance of less than 300 mm have been
installed Option 4) Pipe roof construction generally are suitable for up to only 150 m due to its limitation of jacking a series of steel
pipe of smaller diameter( 700 -800 mm OD in common) and excavate the soil and build the final structure of underpass or subway
within the pipe roof by mined tunnel ( Sun ,2012) Compared with pipe roof method, the time taken for constructing similar large
boxed are much shorter if box culvert jacking machine is used and the saving in cost due to less temporary material( steel pipes0
used, as the culvert cast are jacked directly section by section in the option 3. and pipe jacking construction for not more than
150m a shorter distance, rectangular pipeline construction.
Long distance pipe-jacking cases using long life cutter bits in the big boulder and hard rock ground
Fumihiko Matsumoto; Tomo Morita; Takashi Sasaoka; Hideki Shimada
Resumo/Abstract: Mechanical pipe jacking methods are adopted for no-dig infrastructure-constructions because of reliability and safety.
In especially, high density mud slurry pipe jacking method had much actual results under unique works. Nowadays these methods
are desired any diversification under working surrounding. That is, “Direct-Arrival-Method to the existing underground structure”,
“Sharp radical curve pipe jacking works, for example, U.L turning curved pipe lines”, “Recovery function for un-expectation objects
in the ground”, and “Rectangular (Box Culvert) pipe jacking method” are demanded. On the other hands, the works in big cobble
and hard rock layer are increasing. Under these conditions, the long life inspection of cutting bits is the most important problem. In
generality, at life-time over, cutter bits are exchanged in the shield machine or outside pit with bad conditions. However, there are
some troubles in these conditions. This report shows the works with long distance pipe line construction through the big cobble
and hard-rock layer without replacing cutting bits.
16h00 – 16h30
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Palestra Patrocinador Platina / Platinum Sponsor Lecture
MND - Métodos Não Destrutivos
Trenchless Technology
Palestrante / Speaker: Edilson Lourenço da Silva – Conexão Trading
17h00 – 17h30
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Palestra Técnica 3 / Technical Lecture 3
Uso de Métodos Não Destrutivos em Projetos de Duto da PETROBRAS
Trenchless Methods on PETROBRAS Pipeline Projects.
Presidente de Mesa / Chaiman: Paulo Dequech - ABRATT
Palestrante / Speaker: Ana Cecilia C. P. Porto Soares
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
14 de Novembro de 2012 / November 14th, 2012
09h00 – 10h00
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Sessão 6A “Considerações do Local da Obra” (Sessão em Português)
Session 6A “Site Considerations” (Portuguese language)
Moderador / Moderator: Carlos Fugazolla Pimenta - Intech
Volcanic activities in the Espírito Santo Sedimentary Basin and their correlation to the Abrolhos alkaline
volcanism and the Paraná Continental Flood Basalt: Exploration and exploitation vies (PAP009486)
Luiz Carlos Chaves Novais; Leonardo Costa de Oliveira; Egberto PEREIRA; Akihisa Motoki; José Ribeiro Aires; Marcio
Aleixo Kahwage; Valter Salino Vieira
Resumo/Abstract: This intention of this work is to provide information on evolution of southeast Brazilian continental margin by
lithosphere separation (Cabiúnas Formation) and the Cenozoic volcanism (Abrolhos Formation), in the northern, part of the Espírito
Santo Basin and to examine their role in the tectonic-sedimentary evolution of the basin. We identified, in the north, ignimbrites
pyroclastics of rholitic to dacitic composition, along the NNW-SSE to NW-SE trending transcurrent fault system named here São
Mateus Alignment or São Mateus Arch. These ignimbrite bodies had been mapped before as fluvio-lacustrine sandstone of the
Tertiary Rio Doce Formation., without recognizing their partially volcanoclastic character. The outcropping sequence of ignimbritic
rocks provides major advances in the understanding of the basin’s Cenozoic tectonic-structural history contributing to a revision of
its stratigraphy and tectonic.
CAMILA V. M. S. CRUZ; Emerson Monteiro de Souza
Resumo/Abstract: A common issued faced by many municipalities with older pipeline infrastructure is the physical loss of water,
represented by leakage. Older pipelines tend to be heavily scaled internally and may also be structurally damaged, due to internal
and external corrosion. As replacing such pipes is very costly especially in urban areas, and may impact in shutting down a branch,
different measures are being adopted by infrastructure companies to improve rehabilitation processes, specially Trenchless
methods, which results in lower costs, reduced construction times and lower impact to the society. The current work presents an
In-Situ Rehabilitation technology comprising a Polyurea Lining. This adaptable solution can provide, based on a same product basis
rehabilitation for improved water quality as well as an structural enhancement to pipes. This same platform can be applied for
expanded capabilities on pipes greater than 12” (300mm) in diameter up to 24 inches, in all cases with fast return to services.
09h00 – 10h30
Auditório 2 / Auditorium 2
Sessão 6B “Análise do Subterrâneo”
Session 6B “Underground Analysis”
Moderador / Moderator: Sergio Palazzo
Nicholas M. Zembillas
Resumo/Abstract: First introduced in early 1980s, subsurface utility engineering has evolved from an innovative concept to an industry
standard. Utilities had become a major headache on roadway projects by the early 1980s. Typically, utilities were ignored until
just before construction. This resulted in costly, unnecessary utility relocations and project delays. Combining two relatively
new technologies, surface geophysics and air/vacuum excavation, engineers were able to gather data on the exact location of
underground utilities early in the design of projects, thus subsurface utility engineering was introduced. It wasn’t until the early
1990s, when the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) began promoting subsurface utility engineering, did the practice begin
to get notice throughout the country. It would be another 10 years before subsurface utility engineering became widely accepted.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Two key events triggered this growth: the creation of a standard by the American Society of Civil Engineers and a study by Purdue
University, commissioned by FHWA, to quantify the value of subsurface utility engineering. Today, subsurface utility engineering
is used in some capacity by many local governmental agencies, engineers and infrastructure contractors throughout the United
States. The use of subsurface utility engineering has been adopted by other industries, involved with trenchless technologies, in
which construction projects have the capability to affect underground utilities. As new technology is introduced, subsurface utility
engineering providers are able to advance and perfect the process. While a standard in the United States, globally, subsurface utility
engineering is just taking off.
Most Advanced Technology for pipeline inspection in the World: See, Measure and Navigate in 3D through pipes
and manholes (PAP011595)
Resumo/Abstract: Sewer and Clean water pipelines deteriorate over time. Municipalities need to have enough information in order
to better invest their resources on preventive and corrective maintenance. Technology now allows us to have systems that can
capture data at speeds of up to 21 meters per minute. They also allow us to measure defects inside the pipes or manholes, and to
finally split the work performed in the office and the work done in the field to increase productivity. The goal of this presentation
is to explain some of the basic configuration of these tools and how they save municipalities and contractors money by gathering
information and diagnosing problems.
09h00 – 10h30
Auditório 3 / Auditorium 3
Sessão 6C “Reabilitação de Redes e Renovação (Sessão em Português)
Session 6C “Pipeline Rehabilitation & Renewal (Portuguese language)”
Moderador / Moderator: Helio Rosas
Jacob Wells; Richard Lindner; Carlos Andres Munera
Resumo/Abstract: For forty years, deteriorating storm and sewer pipes have been rehabilitated using the cured-in-place pipe (CIPP)
lining method. CIPP liners are flexible, resin- impregnated fabric tubes that are inserted into a pipe through an adjoining manhole,
expanded within the pipe to form a tight fit, and then cured with heat to achieve structural rigidity. Monitoring heat is essential to
ensuring the quality and longevity of a lining project. Yet, until now no tool has been available to measure temperature along the
liner with sufficient accuracy and granularity. Fiber optic Cure Verification (FCV) is a new technology that monitors cure temperature
continuously along the full reach of a pipe, yielding comprehensive real-time data. This caliber of data is necessary to control the
curing process, and to document a successful cure and cool-down for the asset owner.
Importance of Lateral Structural Repair of Lateral Lines Simultaneously with Main Line CIPP Rehabilitation
Anja JanSSen; Richard Lindner; Carlos Andres Munera
Resumo/Abstract: In Germany alone there are approximately 540.000 km public and around 1 million km private sewers with 10.000
sewage treatment plants. 96 % of the German population is connected to the sewer system. More than 80 % of the public
sewer system has already been inspected. More than a fifth of the inspected public sewer system shows optical damages.
Through these damages bedding of the pipe gets rinsed out, sinkholes occur. Root growth often blocks sewers. Exfiltration
pollutes the groundwater. Infiltration causes problems in treatment plants with their cleaning process. Be aware of these facts
in Germany the cities and communities invested for example in 2009 and 2010 around 4.5 billion of Euros each year into the
whole sewage disposal.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
10h00 – 10h30
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Palestra Patrocinador Platina / Platinum Sponsor Lecture
HDD - Boas Práticas de Lições Aprendidas em Obras da Petrobras
HDD - Good Pratices of Learned Lessons in Projects of Petrobras
Palestrante / Speaker: Melina Almeida - Petrobras
11h00 – 11h30
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Palestra Técnica 4 / Technical Lecture 4
Metodologia MND na Expansão Residencial e Comercial da COMGÁS
Trenchless Technology Methodology in COMGAS Residential and Comercial Expansion
Palestrante / Speaker: Laércio Piva - COMGÁS
11h30 – 13h00
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Mesa Redonda de Especialistas / Expert Round Table
Projetos de MND - Regulamentação e Dificuldades
Trenchless Projects - Regulamentation and Difficulties
Presidente de Mesa / Chairman: Paulo Dequech - ABRATT
Palestrantes / Speakers: Dr. Samuel T. Ariaratnam - ISTT; Mr. Derek Potvin (NASTT); Dr. Dec Downey (UKSTT); Mr. Robert
Toyoda (JSTT); Mr. Jeff Pace (ASTT); Mr. Sérgio Palazzo - ABRATT
15h30 – 16h30
Auditório 1 / Auditorium 1
Cerimônia de Encerramento / Closing Ceremony
(11) 2737-1357 [email protected]
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Auditorium 1
Equipaments Show Room
Pavillion E
Equipaments Show Room
Auditorium 3
Auditorium 2
Pavillion F - Auditoriums
Perfil dos expositores / exhibitors profiles
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[email protected]
Aarsleff Pipe Technologies is an international company specialising
in no-dig renewal of pipe systems. Today, we have the latest
technology within the field. To a wide extent, this technology has
been developed at our high-technology laboratory, and it is based
on the experiences we have from projects all over the world. Aarsleff
Pipe Technologies is an international company, and therefore it is
both natural and important to us that all Aarsleff CIPP linings live up
to international as well as national requirements and standards in
the countries that we are working in.
[email protected]
Desde 1999 a ABRATT realiza um trabalho exaustivo. Vem,
apostolicamente, trabalhando na divulgação e suporte a esses eventos
/ tecnologias, em conjunto com Universidades do mundo inteiro,
inclusive a Universidade de São Paulo - USP, institutos, como o Instituto
OPUS, ajudando na formação de profissionais de todos os níveis. Seus
objetivos compreendem a evolução da ciência e da prática de métodos
não destrutivos (MND) para o benefício do público e a promoção da
educação, treinamento, estudo e pesquisa a respeito, bem como o
incentivo ao desenvolvimento de novas técnicas, e à utilização de
métodos não destrutivos (MND) de eficiência comprovada, para
instalação e recuperação de redes subterrâneas, além de promover o
mapeamento e a locação dessas redes.
Flávia Baroni - Coordenadora Administrativo/Financeiro; Kátia
Nascimento - Auxiliar de Projetos; Paulo Oliveira - Gerente de
[email protected]
[email protected]
A Associação dos Engenheiros da Sabesp - AESabesp, fundada em
15 de setembro de 1986, agrega engenheiros, arquitetos, geólogos,
geógrafos, tecnólogos, químicos e biólogos da Companhia de
Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo - Sabesp. A integração
dos associados, a difusão e intercâmbio de tecnologias são os
princípios e compromissos da associação. Em maio de 2008,
qualificou-se como uma OSCIP - Organização da Sociedade Civil de
Interesse Público, condição esta que sinaliza um leque de benefícios.
Isto também significa que a AESabesp passa a ter autonomia para
prestar diversos serviços.
Georg Perchtold - Diretor; Bernardo Reis - Consultor Técnico; Bruno
Caruso - Consultor Técnico
[email protected]
Agru fornece sistemas completos de tubulação nas seguintes
famílias de materiais: PE, PP, PVDF e ECTFE. Para aplicações “NO
DIG” a Agru oferece tubos: PE 100, PE 100 com camada protetora
“pex and folded” para HDD (furo direcional), burstlining, inserção e
revestimento “close-fit” até o diâmetro de 2250 mm e espessura
de parede até 150 mm. A Hürner é uma empresa alemã fabricante
de equipamentos de solda de alta qualidade que garante soldagens
altamente duráveis. A Agru e a Hurner são parceiras mundiais em
diversos projetos e aplicações “NO DIG” com grande experiência em
projetos “trenchless” e sistemas de tubulações em geral.
For nearly forty years, Akkerman has developed, manufactured
and supported quality pipe jacking and tunneling equipment
that accurately installs a variety of underground infrastructure.
Over the years, we have introduced our manned pipe jacking,
microtunneling, guided boring and earth pressure balance systems
to expand the range of sizes, ground conditions and complexities
in which our systems perform. We are committed to exceeding
customer expectations with integrity, diligence and without
compromise. Akkerman is goal driven for customer success.
Edson Alfani, São Paulo - [email protected]; Rodolfo
Sepulveda, Santiago - [email protected]; Kelly
Foos, USA - [email protected]
[email protected]
The American Augers line of underground construction equipment
consists of: auger boring machines, maxi-rig & mid-size directional
drills, oil & gas drilling rigs, mud pump & cleaning systems and
product tooling & accessories. The products are manufactured at the
company’s 241,000 square-foot facility in West Salem, Ohio, in the
heart of Amish country between Columbus and Cleveland. Since
the founding of American Augers in 1970, there has never been a
change in the company’s core value: having products developed
by a can-do work force that focuses on mechanical, technological
and customer-based design improvements. American Augers was
the first HDD manufacturer to eliminate chain and utilize a rack
and pinion carriage design which is now the industry standard.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Perfil dos expositores / exhibitors profiles
AOC: World Leader in Resin Technology. AOC is a major global
supplier of resins, gel coats, colorants and synergistic systems
for composites and cast polymers. With EcoTek® technologies,
AOC is leading the development of green materials for producing
composites that are friendlier to the environment.
Alex Johnson - President; David Fletcher - Director of Sails; Gil
Carroll - Director of Marketing
[email protected]
Applied Felts, a pioneer in cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) technology, is an
international leader in providing quality felt liners for successful CIPP
installations. We are a 100% vertically integrated liner manufacturer.
This means that every phase of manufacturing - from the purchase
of raw fiber to the coating and manufacture of liners - is done in one
location, providing impeccable precision and control. Our innovative
liners are subjected to a rigorous multi-stage testing system during
every phase of manufacturing, resulting in quality liners that are
custom-made to exacting specifications. For more information click or call 276-656-1904.
the year. Talk to the ASTT to find out more on what’s on offer at
No-Dig Down Under 2013.
Barbco, Inc. is a manufacturer of horizontal earth boring machines,
directional drills, tunneling machines, auger and other related
products for use in underground applications. Since its founding in
1989, Barbco, Inc. has been dedicated to providing the highest level
of products and services to the underground industry and operates
based on the goals set forth by its mission statement.
BKP Berolina Polyester - BOOTH 75
The history of BKP Berolina was founded in two indepentant working
plants specialized in manufacturing different plastics based
products. One of these plants - the VEB Plastverarbeitungswerk
Staaken (located on the edge of Berlin) started production of articles
for daily use at the beginning of 1960. After the reunification and
the wave of privatisation the plant was bought by Berolina Group
- the leading manufacturer of plastic crates for bottles. Since
2011, the company has been headquartered in Velten. Here, we
manufacture the Berolina Liner and the GRP pipe insulation, and
send them out worldwide.
Brazil Road Expo - BOOTH 50
Há quase três décadas, a Associação Nacional dos Serviços Municipais
de Saneamento (Assemae) empunha bandeiras do saneamento
básico. Sociedade civil sem fins lucrativos, a Assemae surgiu em
1984 no Triângulo Mineiro e, hoje, reúne quase dois mil associados
de municípios brasileiros – entre eles, prefeituras e serviços
autônomos de água e esgoto. Com sede em Brasília, a Assemae tem
onze regionais pelo Brasil. Entre as finalidades da entidade, previstas
em estatuto, está à disposição em congregar os serviços públicos de
saneamento municipais, objetivando defender, ampliar e promover
sua interação, bem como fortalecer e desenvolver a capacidade
administrativa, técnica e financeira. O estatuto da Assemae também
prevê a luta pela manutenção da titularidade municipal e pela gestão
pública dos serviços de saneamento.
Kate Pemberton +61 414 926 083; Jeff Pace +61 407 771 767;
Lisa Morgan +61 3 9248 5100
[email protected]
No-dig Down Under will take place in sunny Sydney, Australia,
from 1 to 4 September 2013. The Australasian Society of
Trenchless Technology (ASTT) will welcome the ISTT to the
Sydney Convention Centre for the Trenchless Technology event of
Originally formed in the 1970’s as a design consultancy company,
specifically to offer services for pipeline corrosion and structural
studies for the chemical, pharmaceutical and water industries, we
were working on potential solutions to problems relative to structural
and corrosion failures in large diameter sewers for major water
companies in Europe, as far back as 1978.
Sissi Qi
Mobile: +86 158 1150 4730
[email protected]
Beijing Northlink specializes in the manufacture and sale of a
wide range of drill pipes, drill rigs and other drilling equipment.
Northlink has two production facilities in the Beijing area. We
manufacture equipment for mining and mineral exploration, rock
core drilling, HDD projects and anchor drilling. Our R&D team also
works with clients on customized drilling tools. We have a wealth
of experience in working with some of the world’s leading drilling
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Perfil dos expositores / exhibitors profiles
equipment enterprises, including Atlas Copco, Ingersoll-Rand,
Sandvik and Casagrande. Our founder, Wang Yuxi, laid down the
professional standards we have followed for 17 years, insisting on
continually raising our sights in manufacturing, R&D and service.
Our engineers can often be found on site, checking the performance
of our products in the field.
Roberto Maestrello - HDD Manager; Fabio Colli - General Manager;
Simona Guidi - Commercial Assistant
[email protected]
Colli Equipment is specialized in production and sale of equipment
and tooling for drilling rig application and manufacturer of specific
tools for the HDD drilling like reamer, stabilizer, heavy duty swivel
and all the ancillary. Complete its work with the manufacturing of
mud mixing unit, recycling unit and triplex mud pump. Provide all the
required technical support for on site drilling activity.
Alexsandra Corradini – Administradora; Andréa - Assistente
Financeiro; Fábio Pagliuso - Vendedor
[email protected]
A Colli Drill Brasil atua no segmento de distribuição e comercialização
de equipamentos MND (método-não-destrutivo) nos mercados
de telecomunicações, energia, óleo e gás natural, saneamento e
transmissão de dados. Com mais de 10 anos de experiência, a Colli
Drill Brasil hoje é líder na distribuição e representação das linhas:
ABS, Astec, DCI e Goodeng, além de sua própria linha de hastes
fabricadas na Itália.
Fernando Ou – Diretor; Karina Clemente - Assistente Jurídica;
Fernando Jacone - Departamento Comercial
[email protected]
A Conexão Trading é uma empresa dinâmica que atua na área
de construção civil e está no mercado brasileiro desde 2005
comercializando as maiores e melhores marcas chinesas. Com a
crescente busca por novas soluções em método não destrutível,
a Conexão Trading vem inovando com alta tecnologia o ramo
da perfuração direcional. Lançando sua nova linha de produtos
perfuratrizes direcionais horizontais, essa perfuratriz possui
avançadas técnicas de controle que inclui função elétrica IQAN e
controle proporcional eletro-hidráulico, componentes importados
hidráulicos e o sistema de dissipação de calor. A eficiência do
trabalho é alta e o consumo de energia reduzido.
Siggi Finnsson - Kent Wa; Julian Perez – Indiana; Brian Keith - Kent Wa
[email protected]
The Digitrak® F5® directional drilling locating system represents
the most versatile locating system available to HDD contractors
today. The F5®System incorporates DCI’s patented 3D antenna
technology, Target-In-The-Box® locating, and intuitive picturedriven menus with easy-to-use graphics. The increased versatility
of the F5®System includes five unique frequency options, providing
the capability to overcome most interference problems and to locate
to depths of 26 meters. A new feature is the fluid pressure sonde
which is the only available industry solution that measures, logs and
allows operator monitoring of drilling fluid pressure thereby reducing
the risk to the contractor of an expensive frac out.
Antonio Cavalaria - Gerente de Vendas - +55 11 99963-0054;
Fernando Bota - Gerente - +55 11 97116-2833; Claudia Castilho 55 11 2579-4277
[email protected]
Líder mundial em perfuratrizes direcionais, valetadeiras e arados
vibratórios. Equipamentos especializados em método MND. Vendas
de máquinas novas e usadas, peças originais de fábrica, serviços de
pós-venda e assistência técnica oferecida em todo o Brasil.
Rob Willems
[email protected]
Down2earth aims to be your partner for the supply of equipment,
after sales services and consultancy to the no-dig industry, especially
for microtunneling and pipejacking. We do supply reconditioned as
well as new items. Companies selling equipment are welcome to
contact us. Visit our website at
Alexandre Morgado Chaves - Gerente Geral; Harm Frederik
Stegmann - Coordenador de Logística; Alexsandro de Oliveira Coelho
- Administrativo
[email protected]
A Drilltec Serviços de Perfuração Ltda. é uma filial, situada no Brasil,
de uma das maiores e mais importantes empresas de perfuração em
todo o mundo a Drilltec Großbohr- Und Umwelttechnik gmbh que tem
sua sede situada em Deggendorf na Alemanha. Somos conhecidos
por grandes inovações no desenvolvimento de novos procedimentos
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Perfil dos expositores / exhibitors profiles
e técnicas de aplicação em perfuração direcional. Temos a honra
em iniciar nossas atividades em solo brasileiro com a qualidade,
compromisso e respeito às normas e meio ambiente que é a marca
de nossa empresa. Esperamos que você possa conhecer um pouco
mais da Drilltec neste evento.
A Drillto é o maior fabricante chinês e asiático de máquinas de
perfuração direcional, também conhecidas como máquinas para
furo direcional, método não destrutivo – MND, perfuração não
destrutiva, horizontal directional drilling - HD, travessia direcional
entre outros. Seus modelos vão desde 5 toneladas até 600 toneladas
de força de pullback. O ritmo de crescimento da Drillto atingiu a 700
unidades fabricadas em 2011. Suas unidades já operam em todos
os continentes e também, no Brasil Drillto America. Nós também
fabricamos nossas próprias hastes de perfuração e sistemas de
mistura de lama.
Our main equipments vary in size from 10t to 600t and also can
design machines based on customers’ requirements.
Vagner Ribeiro - Assistente de Vendas; Elisabete Caetano Administrativa
A Fernco do Brasil é uma empresa norte americana, detentora de
várias tecnologias de MND para reparos de tubulações e estruturas
de concreto. O Pipe Patch é um CIPP pontual, para reparos de redes
de esgoto, sem a necessidade de qualquer quebra. Os trabalhos são
executados por meio dos poços de visita, com a rede em carga, com
pouca mão de obra e num prazo máximo de 3 horas. Além desse
sistema, está trazendo também o Pow-R Wrap, para reparo externo
de tubos, o K-Prema, para reparo interno de grandes diametros e o
Seal Guard II e Hyperflex para estruturas de concreto.
Steffen Ertelt - Head of Applications Engineering
+49 (0) 6441 49 1200 / +49 (0) 172 72 21 179
[email protected]
[email protected]
The Duktus Group develops, produces and markets high-grade ductile
iron systems for transporting water also for special applications
like trenchless laying methods. At the two production sites in Hall
in Austria and Wetzlar in Germany and in the subsidiary sales and
distribution companies in Europe and the Middle East we employ
more than 500 people. With a group turnover of some 200 million
euros, Duktus is one of the largest european suppliers of ductile
iron pipe systems. The durability of the material, the innovative
technologies used in the products and professional expertise in our
customers’ areas of application have made us the leading problem
solver in the water industry and in deep foundation engineering.
Duktus – ductile iron pipe systems.
- BOOTH 101
Wang Hongling - [email protected]; Sherry - dwtxs_export@
[email protected]
DW/TXS specialized in research of trench-less equipments
and spare parts for more than 11 years. It is one of the biggest
manufacture for drilling rig in China and export all over the world
for more than 5 years. With many senior engineers and technicians,
it obtained ISO9001-2000 quality system and CE certificate, etc.
Jochen Rothe - +49 5191 604-32; Mobile: +49 173 626 0151
[email protected]
Gebr. Röders AG is a worldwide operating company producing
technical needle felt liner and glass needle felt composite liner for
the CIPP pipe rehabilitation since almost 30 years.
• pull-in or inversion needle-felt and composite-fiberglass/needlefelt hoses; • DN50 to DN2000; wall thickness from 2 to 70 mm;
• single-layer or multilayer construction, with or without coating; •
systems for cold hardening or curing with hot water, steam or uvlight; • for pressure pipes or sewers; for egg-shaped, box-type or
open-mouthed sections; • tra 2-in-1 liner.
[email protected]
+49 (0) 1888-615-0
The Division for International/National Trade Fairs and Exhibitions
policy in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology supports
official German trade fair presentations in the Federal Republic
of Germany’s international trade fairs and exhibitions program. In
addition to policy and budgetary issues, the active involvement in
the presentation of Germany at international fairs and exhibitions
is of prime importance. In a constant dialog with private sector
partners, the division backs the export activities of german industry
on international markets. Furthermore, the “Fairs and Exhibitions
Division” is concerned with planning and implementing German
participations in world expositions abroad and with major political
issues regarding fairs and exhibitions in Germany.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Perfil dos expositores / exhibitors profiles
Joachim Lorch - +41 79 433 79 41 - [email protected];
Rolf Peters - +49 170 4164 96 - [email protected]
Hächler AG Environment Technologies develops and sells premium
sewer rehabilitation solutions. The Hächler Group employs a total
470 staff. The company provides robot systems for lateral lines and
public pipelines of 85 - 800 mm.
Hächler has also started to distribute systems for the UV hardening
of inlners of 150 - 1200 mm. Hächler is therefore well positioned
to meet all the sewer rehabilitation technology needs of potential
international customers, including practical know-how from over 20
years of experience.
of used utility installation equipment such as horizontal directional
drills, plows, trenchers and rock saws. Our experienced staff helps
with all aspects of the transaction including pricing negotiations,
inspections, freight, logistics and customs clearance. Browse
hundreds of listings any time at http://www.hddbroker. Contact us
to find out how we can help you with your next equipment purchase.
Rainer Hermes
[email protected]
+49 1722312078
Hermes Technologie develops and delivers ergelit dry mortars,
products and processes for manhole frame regulation, drain and
sewer renovation.
Jason Klaus - International Sales Manager; Robert Rouillard International Sales Manager, Latin America and the Caribbean; Brian
Metcalf - Chief Executive Officer
[email protected]
Since 1989, Hammerhead Trenchless Equipment has been providing
the underground construction industry innovative trenchless
equipment and solutions. Choose from a broad line of Hammerhead
Mole® pneumatic piercing tools, pneumatic and hydraulic pipe
bursting systems, pipe ramming and hdd assist systems and hdd
tooling. Hammerhead offers worldwide sales, support, service and
parts through an independent, authorized dealer network.
Stephen Ainge; Fraser Dix; Gisele Miranda
[email protected]
Celebrating 30 years in business this year, Hard Metals are looking
forward to the 30th International No Dig Exhibition and Conference.
On stand 63 Hard Metals will display their latest range of PDC drill
bits and hole openers the new Wombat PDC hole opener is designed
and manufactured in Australia and represents worlds best concept
for hole opening. Features include: * field replaceable cutters; * the
ability to upsize diameter on the same body; * inbuilt stabilisation
for longer life; * highest rop and lowest cost/meter for rock. We look
forward to meeting you.
Bob Martin - General Manager; Bill Fluharty - Equipment Distribution;
Cesar Cano - Freight and Customer Coordinator (Spanish-Speaking)
[email protected]
HDD Broker is the world’s best resource for the buying and selling
Juan Manuel Altstad - Managing Director - e-mail: altstadt.juan@; Edson Peev - Sales Engineer - e-mail: peev.
[email protected]; Marcio Braile – Engineer - e-mail:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Herrenknecht is a technology and market leader in the area of
mechanized tunnelling systems. Herrenknecht delivers cutting-edge
tunnel boring machines for all ground conditions and in all diameters
(0.10 - 19 meters). The Herrenknecht product range includes tailormade machines for transport tunnels (traffic tunnelling) and supply
and disposal tunnels (utility tunnelling). As the world’s population
grows the need for underground supply tunnels is also increasing.
That is why more than 850 Herrenknecht utility tunnelling machines
are in operation around the world constructing or laying water and
wastewater systems, gas and oil pipelines, conduits for electricity,
internet and telephone lines.
Barbara Prommegger - Diretora Hobas América Latina - Cel +55
11 99364-5995 / International: +44 7924183967 - aut: +43 664
5451890 - Tel. +55 11 2089-1463
skype: hobas.hea.barbara.prommegger
[email protected]
Hobas is a leading supplier of high performance GRP pipe systems
for applications such as potable water, waste water, hydropower
penstocks, cooling water lines, irrigation and drainage, as well
as industry applications. Hobas pipe systems can be used for all
installation methods (open cut, jacking and relining, above ground
and sea outlets). Products include circular and non-circular pipes,
various coupling systems, shafts and manholes, tees, bends and
other tailor-made fittings and accessories, as well as process
equipment for industrial applications. Hobas GRP pipe systems are
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Perfil dos expositores / exhibitors profiles
available in diameters from 150 mm to 3600 mm in various pressure
and stiffness classes.
Plastics CPG: mantas termocontráteis Covalence, sistema de
proteção catódica Anodeflex, revestimentos Epoxy Powercrete e
revestimentos para dutos Polyken.
IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi is headquartered in Pisa (Italy) with
offices in five countries (Italy, UK, Brazil, Canada and Australia) and
around 500 employees worldwide with experience and expertise in
the most sophisticated technologies. IDS’s roots date back to 1980;
over the past 30 years the company has evolved and grown without
losing its tradition.
Christoph Lindner - +49 211 94217080 - e-mail: clindner@impreg.
de; Robert Papp - +49 7073 3003110 - e-mail: [email protected];
Petra Böhm - +49 211 94217107 - e-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Impreg is one of the leading manufacturers of glassfibre liners for
the rehabilitation of sewer pipes. More than 300 km of Impregliner
are produced each year and installed globally. Cured by UV light or
steam Impregliner is the benchmark for being the strongest, most
cost-effective and environmental-friendly product in the market. It
is produced fully quality controlled and meets all relevant industry
standards. The liner is delivered on the job-site pre-impregnated and
ready to be installed. A shelf life of six month and easy container
shipment keep your installation flexible. Furthermore Impreg
provides training and global support with own equipment and a team
of expert engineers.
The International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT) was
established in September 1986 as a United Kingdom private limited
company with the object “to advance the science and practice of
trenchless technology for the public benefit...” and “to promote
education, training, study and research in the said science and
practice for the public benefit, and to publish the useful results of
the same.” In the years that followed, ISTT affiliated with regional
trenchless societies located throughout the world to advance these
objectives global.
Xiaolei Chen - Import&Export Department Manager
[email protected]
Jiangsu Dilong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd., registered in 1998, one
of the earliest manufacturers of HDD machines in China. There
are three series of HDD machines Jiangsu Dilong manufactures:
DF series which includes the most advanced mini HDD machine
DFM1504, DL series and DDL series machine. Our enterprise spirit is
being sincerity, concentration and pragmatic.
Holm Reisinger
[email protected]
49 35205-889753
Development and production of cutting robot equipment for
sewer rehabilitation.
Guilherme Pimenta - Gerente de Comunicação
[email protected]
A Intech Engenharia é pioneira e referência na aplicação do método
não destrutivo perfuração horizontal direcional para instalação
de dutos em cruzamentos e travessias sob montanhas, rodovias,
ferrovias, rios, lagos e aproximação de praias, de gasodutos,
oleodutos e minerodutos, redes de água e esgoto, energia elétrica
e fibras ópticas, em zonas rurais e centros urbanos. A Intech
representa e distribui uma completa linha de produtos Berry
Nancy - +86 13705134263; Wang Yunxin - +86 13655133801
[email protected]
Our factory is one of the largest manufacturer in China mainly
engaged in designing and producing HDD rigs, geological exploration
drill rigs, CBM drill rigs, engineering drill rigs as well as relevant
drilling tools. Our products are very popular in China, and have also
been exported to more than 40 countries and regions in the world. We
always provide high-quality products and perfect after-sale services
to our esteemed clients. Look forward to cooperating with you.
Larry Kiest - Jr-President; Amanda Limones - Inside Sales
Coordinator; Kristina Kiest - Director of Marketing
[email protected]
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Perfil dos expositores / exhibitors profiles
LMK Technologies located in Ottawa, it was founded in 1993 by
president and CEO Larry Kiest, Jr. For more than a decade LMK has
been designing and producing trenchless systems and solutions.
The need for lateral renewal and sealing has been a major focus
of LMK’S research and development through innovative and unique
cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) products. Our goal is to never stand still,
but to educate our industry, support our customers and bring new
ideas to life so we can offer solutions that may not always be the
least expensive, but are of high caliber and long lasting.
Roberto Santos - Diretor Superintendente
[email protected]
Mapsolo - abrindo caminhos para o desenvolvimento. Sempre
pensando no futuro, a Mapsolo investe em modernos processos e
tecnologias de ponta tendo em vista oferecer um serviço de alta
qualidade que possibilitará mais comodidade à vida e alavancará
o crescimento da sociedade. Para se fazer presente no cotidiano
de milhões de pessoas, colaborando para que tenham acesso às
facilidades modernas, a Mapsolo Engenharia realiza seu trabalho em
parceria com grandes e renomadas empresas, públicas e privadas,
há 25 anos. Atualmente seu know-how a coloca entre uma das mais
denomadas empresas do ramo, com uma extensa lista de obras
realizadas. Infovia (fibra óptica) 160 km, telefonia 200 km, gasoduto
(aço e polietileno) 955 km .
11 4306-5455
A McElroy Manufacturing Inc., empresa norte americana líder na
fabricação de máquinas de solda de tubos (PEAD, PP, PPR) por
TERMOFUSÃO, agora tem a sua filial brasileira em São Paulo.
Flávio Miranda - Gerente HDD Brasil - +55 11 8186 7185; Carla
Salomao - Assessora Comercial - +55 21 3824-7703; Reid Dixon Gerente HDD - LAM - +55 21 8141-9097
[email protected]
A M-I Swaco é lider em produtos, serviços e gerenciamento de
operações de perfuração, completação e produção. Em qualquer
lugar que o seu projeto estiver, você pode contar com a equipe de
especialistas da M-I Swaco. Como principal fornecedor de fluidos
de perfuração, equipamentos de controle de sólidos e serviços
de engenharia, nós temos conhecimento e recursos para atender
às necessidades específicas de seu projeto, independentemente
de sua complexidade. Desenvolvemos produtos especiais para
perfuração direcional horizontal, mineração e perfuração de
poços. Nossos especialistas, altamente treinados em fluidos de
perfuração, têm experiência mundial e estão disponíveis 24hs para
atender aos clientes.
Renato Teraoka
[email protected]
Robert Regner - +55 11 98955-9178 - [email protected]; Marcus
Silva - +55 11 98955-8255 - [email protected]
[email protected]
With its product lines, MTS Perforator gmbh designs, manufactures
and maintains tunneling technology for the trenchless installation
of supply and disposal tunnels using the pipe jacking and/or
segmental lining method. Our products offer unique features, giving
our customers new opportunities for every project. The complete
systems we provide lead to efficient performance accompanied
by the wide compatibility between the individual components. The
microtunnelling systems extending from simple auger systems to
slurry systems, ranging from ID 250mm to one of several meters. Our
staff is highly skilled and experienced in over 300 microtunnelling
projects worldwide.
Fernando Luis Masiero - Gerente Comercial; Andres Echavarria Gerente Adm/Financeiro; Andre Joaquim - Gerente Engenharia
[email protected]
A O-Tek Brasil busca em seu dia-a-dia a eficiência operacional e
comercial, oferecendo ao setor de saneamento básico produtos
e serviços inovadores. Dentre eles destaca-se a reabilitação de
tubulações enterradas sem a necessidade de escavação - com
utilização do processo CIPP que promove a recuperação interna de
tubulações de água, esgoto e efluentes por método não destrutivo,
sem qualquer transtorno ao tráfego de pedestres, veículos, linhas de
produção. O processo cria um tubo contínuo dentro do existente,
mesmo em tubulações que não estão perfeitamente alinhadas,
selando todas as trincas, frestas e orifícios, eliminando tanto o
vazamento como também as infiltrações.
Franklin Delanno
[email protected]
+55 83 3238-6762
Produtos - Supercol: bentonita (mineral) para perfuração. Polycol:
polímeros sintéticos, viscoso, redutor de atrito, floculador e
controlador de fluidos perdidos. Polyvis: biopolímero estabilizante
para emulsões e suspensões. Pegmalub: triglicerídeos redutor de
torque e de atrito.
Jerry D’Hulster - President & CEO; Lou Anzalone - International Sales
[email protected]
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Perfil dos expositores / exhibitors profiles
Worldwide supplier of trenchless lining products. Specializing in the
rehabilitation of the underground infrastructure - without digging!
Visit us online:
+55 11 2713-4122 / 2713-4132
A Peveduto é pioneira no desenvolvimento de tecnologia 100%
nacional para a fabricação de tubos e dutos de polietileno de altadensidade - PEAD corrugados e flexíveis. Fabrica linha completa de
tubos, dutos e acessórios em conformidade com normas nacionais
e internacionais para aplicação nos setores de energia elétrica,
telecomunicações, transmissão de dados, construção civil, agricultura,
drenagem de solos em geral. Lançamento do Duto Liso MND (método
não destrutivo). O novo duto destina-se a instalações elétricas por
método não destrutivo, ou seja, elimina a necessidade de escavação.
Thomas Meyer; Luis Correia; Ludwig Pfeiffer
[email protected]
Today we are one of the few companies in our sector featuring an
complete range of products and services. We handle each individual
phase of your project and reliably.
Elyezer Pereira da Silva - Diretor; Helio Norio Kobayashi - Diretor;
Allan da Silva Taguchi - Químico
[email protected]
Polidrill Engenharia, constituída em 07/1998 com profissionais
altamente especializados em gerenciamento, consultoria e
projetos, com objetivo principal na prestação de serviços em
sistemas de tubulações de polietileno e aço utilizando as
técnicas mais avançadas pelo método não destrutivo de HDD e,
abrangendo assim, vários segmentos do mercado na implantação
de gasodutos, oleodutos, minerodutos, etanoldutos, drenos
horizontais em aqüíferos de superfície, remediações para meio
ambiente, saneamento, energia, telecomunicações, etc. Seu corpo
técnico é pioneiro no HDD desde 1993, amplamente reconhecido
desde o início das atividades no país, com os equipamentos mais
novos e modernos no mercado de HDD.
como Sabesp, Cagece, Comgás, Petrobrás, Eletropaulo, CPFL, Vale,
Anglogold, Telefonica, Tim entre outras. Nossa linha de produtos
contempla dutos em PEAD corrugado para redes subterrâneas
de DE110mm, DE125mm, DE160mm e DE200mm, tubos para
drenagem DE110mm, DE125mm, DE160mm e DE200mm, tubos em
PEAD para redes de distribuição de água e adutora e para coleta de
esgoto de DE20mm a DE630mm, tubos em PEAD para redes de gás
natural de DE20mm a DE400mm, subdutos em PEAD para proteção e
passagem de fibra óptica e cabos telefônicos de DE32mm, DE40mm
e DE50mm e dutos DE63mm a DE200mm.
Yvan Haberkorn - Managing Director; Simon Little - Technical Support
[email protected]
Prokasro is synonymous with progressive sewer rehabilitation
robotic, UV liner and TV inspection systems. They enable the user
to safeguard the entire underground supply whilst maintaining
ecological, hygenic and technical standards. The Prokasro robotic
systems are suitable for use in the nominal widths of DN100-DN1500
in circular or ovoid profiles. Various tool attachments permit the
sewer robots to perform milling, moulding and injection operations.
They can also be used for installation of top hat profiles and liners of
house connections. Rehabilitation work is managed and monitored
at the control units installed in the vehicles. For more information
please visit
Muthu Chandrasekaran - VP Business Development; Mark Holley President; Mike Higgins - VP Engineering Services
[email protected]
Pure Technologies is a world leader in the development and application
of innovative technologies for inspection, monitoring and management
of pipelines; its expertise and technologies are being used around the
world to help mitigate deterioration and reduce capital loss. Pure’s
Assess & Address™ engineering services platform is driven by a
suite of world-renowned technologies that help our clients develop a
tailored, comprehensive and cost-effective management programs for
their large-diameter water and wastewater pipelines. Its Smartball®
and Sahara® leak detection tools detect and locate even the tiniest
leaks in oil, gas and water/wastewater pipelines.
Alexandre Bazzana - Gerente Comercial; Raul Borges Junior - Diretor
[email protected]
A Polierg Indústria e Comércio Ltda. é fabricante de tubos conexões
em PEAD e PP com atuação nos mercados de gás, saneamento,
mineração, telecomunicações é elétrica. Como empresa certificada
pela NBR ISO 9001:2000, os materiais são produzidos atendendo
às mais diferentes especificações e normas de qualidade vigentes
para cada tipo de produto. Somos fornecedores de empresas
Nicolas Lawler
[email protected]
La más alta tecnología al servicio del mantenimiento de la
infraestructura pluvial, industrial y cloacal de los usuarios de todo
el territorio nacional y países limítrofes. Nuestras propuestas
permiten reducir los tiempos tradicionales de intervención,
reducir los costos y generar el menor impacto ambiental.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Perfil dos expositores / exhibitors profiles
Carine dolferus; Otto P. Ballintijn
[email protected]
Reduct NV is a worldwide leader in the development of gyroscopic
pipeline mapping systems for all utility infrastructures.
Christian Noll - +49 176 61209687 - christian.noll@relineeurope.
com; Bardo Tschapke - 49 349 93934245 - bardo.tschapke@; Bettina Durupt - +49 6349 93934211 - bettina.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Relineeurope is a corporate group founded in 2009 and has since
established itself as an international system provider for companies
in the pipe rehabilitation sector. Relineeurope concentrates
on modern, trenchless pipe rehabilitation technologies for the
application areas: drainage and residential connections. Alongside
developing and producing the seamless GFRP CIPP liner system
Alphaliner, the company‘s core competence includes developing and
producing the UV-light technology for curing and comprehensive
services associated therewith. The focus of the group is always
the overall sewer system. With innovative solutions, which have
been developed from practical experience, we make a contribution
towards economic and sustainable rehabilitation.
Revista Fundações & Obras Geotécnicas BOOTH 50A
[email protected]
+55 15 3274-1415
A Romtec é pioneira na fabricação de peças e
equipamentos para perfuração pelo método não destrutivo
(MND), também conhecido como furo direcional. Com soluções
inovadoras, oferece peças e serviços sob medida, suprindo todas
as necessidades do setor de MND. Em busca do aperfeiçoamento
dos produtos, utiliza materiais de alta qualidade, pessoal treinado
e equipamentos com tecnologia de ponta. Uma equipe qualificada
e motivada está sempre pronta a realizar o melhor atendimento e
cumprir os prazos de entrega.
Frank Mersmann - +49 170 637756 - [email protected]
[email protected]
Saertex® gmbh & Co. Kg is amongst the world´s leading supplier of
glass fibre rovings. This know-how is also the technological basis
for the Saertex Multicom® gmbh. With our Saertex-Liner® we
offer a unique roving structure as a convincing solution for sewer
rehabilitation. Not prepared to accept compromises when it comes to
the renewal of sewer pipes? No longer want to deal with renovated
sewer pipes – at least for the next 50 years? A technically mature,
economic, environmentally sound and flexible installation process,
quality-checked materials and production processes, individual
consultancy and support, professionally trained installers: these are
the essential factors you can expect when using Saertex Multicom®
fibreglass lining.
Helio Cesar Perini Rosas – Diretor; Nilza Cristina - Secretária
Executiva; Natalia Rosas - Gerente de Novos Projetos
[email protected]
A Sanit Engenharia é pioneira em tecnologias inovadoras para a
reabilitação de tubulações existentes de água e esgoto, realizando
obras de grande complexidade.
Jesper U. Nielsen
[email protected];
45 9834-1688
Supplier of the most comprehensive range of static pipebursting
equipment. From the smallest manhole machines to the most
powerfull conventional machines. Highest standards in ex. Safety,
efficiency and low operational cost. Pull back power range; 37 up to
400 metric tons. Pipe renewal up to ø1200 mm. Local representation
- sales - rentals – financing.
We are an independent company established in the UK in 1985,
specialising in the design, manufacture and assembly of CCTV
inspection systems. Our equipment has been evolving constantly
through three decades, resulting in range of practical and reliable
systems suitable for use in drains, water mains, chimneys, bore holes
and sewers in pipe diameters from 35mm up to 1000mm. We also
manufacture and resell the Renoline Drain Lining System - a range
of draining line materials and equipment that is now the proven and
established method of placing a new pipe within a damaged pipe,
without excavation and with minimal disruption.
Matthias Unger - Director Sales and Business Development - +49
163 3800367 - [email protected]
[email protected]
Since more than 50 years the Schauenburg Maschinen-Und
Anlagen-Bau gmbh (MAB) develops, manufactures and supplies
machinery equipment for the classification and separation of solids
through a variety of complex technical processes. The innovative
MAB separation machines with throughput capacities up to 4.000
m3/h operate successfully for the regeneration of bentonite slurries
employed in shield tunnelling, horizontal drilling, deep drilling, slotted
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Perfil dos expositores / exhibitors profiles
walls and bore piles construction projects. MAB standard separation
machines have proved their effectiveness on numerous construction
sites worldwide. Our construction site is the world.
The Sekisui Spr is a global pipe rehabilitation provider which has
grown to become world leader in this field within a few years.
Within its corporate structure, Sekisui Spr Europe integrates
global technology companies with local construction companies
specialised in underground infrastructure. The collaborative
infrastructure between technology and construction experts is
maintained by the global Sekisui Spr Europe Sales & Support
network, which coordinates the skills from these fields in order to
achieve optimal solutions for customers.
Paulo Dequech - Diretor; Jorge Dequech - Comercial; Enzo Mazzeo
- Comercial
Procurando atender a um mercado cada vez mais competitivo, a
Sondeq apresentará na NO-DIG 2012 sua ampla linha de produtos
dentre os quais destacamos: perfuratrizes direcionais HDD para
instalação de tubulações por MDN; e de pipebursting para substituição
de tubulações por arrebentamento da Tracto-Techhnik e Prime-Drilling
da Alemanha. Os melhores localizadores de tubulações enterradas
do mundo da Radiodetection, incluindo o novo radar de solo GPR.
Equipamentos para inspeção interna de tubulações por CCTV (vídeodiagnóstico) da Envirosight com destaque para o novíssimo Rovver
que perfmite realizar a análise estrutural das mesmas. Ferramentas,
acessórios, eletrônicos, enfim a linha completa para MND.
Liberal R. Junior - Diretor; Neide Faro - Marketing; Rita Santos Administrativo
[email protected]
A Silcon Drilling é pioneira no Brasil na instalação de tubulações
subterrâneas pelo método não destrutivo. Há 20 anos trouxe para
o Brasil a tecnologia da perfuração direcional, tendo executado
neste período centenas de obras nos mais diversos segmentos tais
como: gás, energia, telecomunicações, água, esgôto, drenagem e
descontaminação de lençol freático, seguindo os mais rigorosos
padrões de qualidade, segurança e preservação do meio ambiente.
Evandro R. Muniz - Supervisor; Roberto Prado - Gerente; Hugo José
Ribas - Diretor
[email protected]
A Sobratema – Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia para
Equipamentos e Manutenção, se dedica a propor soluções para o
desenvolvimento tecnológico do setor, difundir o conhecimento e
informações ao mercado e, por meio do Instituto Opus, promove
a formação, especialização e atualização de profissionais dos
setores de construção e mineração. A entidade é idealizadora e
organizadora das feiras M&T Expo, Construction Expo e M&T Peças
e Serviços, todas realizadas sequencialmente a cada três anos.
Lançou recentemente o canal CHN – Construção Hoje Notícias.
Na área de publicações, edita livros técnicos, o Guia Sobratema
de Equipamentos e as revistas M&T – Manutenção e Tecnologia e
Grandes Construções. Além disso, organiza congresso, workshop,
fórum e as missões técnicas.
Werner Hanswillemenke - +49 151 1251-513 - werner.
[email protected]; Bernd Green - +49 175 26 90
780 - [email protected]; Greg Peitz - +1 276 7324932
- [email protected]; Olman Monge - +506 8980 9598 - olman.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rehabilitation systems for sewer systems and drainage pipes by
using the spirally wound pipe technology (SWP-technology).
Marcelo Ribeiro - Gerente Comercial; Eugênio Pereira - Diretor
Técnico; Leonardo Silveira - Vendedor
[email protected]
Em 2012 a System Mud iniciou uma nova fase em sua trajetória de
sucesso. Agora a empresa faz parte do grupo Imdex Limited, uma
organização global que oferece soluções completas em fluídos e
instrumentação de perfuração com extrema qualidade ao mundo.
a System Mud possui uma ampla linha de fluidos para perfuração
e está apta a fornecer apoio técnico para o desenvolvimento de
formulações específicas e disponibiliza visitas a campo, em
situações onde se requer intervenções diferenciadas, em qualquer
fase da execução da perfuração.
Catalina Saldarriaga Vanegas - Operations Manager
[email protected]
Es una empresa con amplia experiencia ofreciendo soluciones
a necesidades de trabajo sin zanja en América Latina. No sólo
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Perfil dos expositores / exhibitors profiles
proveemos productos de la más alta calidad e innovación, sino que
dedicamos el tiempo necesario para entender su negocio y sus
procesos, y de esta manera, conocer sus necesidades y realizar un
completo acompañamiento a sus proyectos, permitiendo así que
su negocio sea rentable, rápido y confiable dando la estabilidad
necesaria para continuar su crecimiento en el mercado actual.
Luci Franco - Gerente de Marketing; Flávio Leite - Gerente Geral
Vermeer Brasil
[email protected]
A Vermeer conta com mais de 60 anos de experiência no mercado
e possui uma ampla presença ao redor do mundo. Está focada nas
necessidades dos clientes, identificando e antecipando soluções
para que a execução das obras seja mais produtiva e rentável.
Atua nos mercados de infraestrutura subterrânea, construção,
mineração, arboricultura, jardinagem, processamento de resíduos
de madeira, reciclagem orgânica e agricultura, oferecendo os
seguintes equipamentos: valetadeiras, mineradores de superfície,
perfuratrizes direcionais horizontais, minicarregadeiras, instaladores
de cabos, escavadores a vácuo, trituradores florestais, destocadores,
compostadores orgânicos, segadoras condicionadoras, enfardadeiras,
enleiradeiras, entre outros. A Vermeer Latinamerica é um de seus
escritórios regionais e está localizada na cidade de Valinhos, interior
do estado de São Paulo, com a intenção de desenvolver novos
produtos e soluções projetados para adaptarem-se especificamente
às necessidades dos clientes na América Latina. E, pela grande
importância do Brasil no panorama mundial, há três anos a Vermeer
assumiu a distribuição de seus produtos dentro do território brasileiro,
sendo responsável direto pela venda de equipamentos e peças
genuínas, assistência técnica especializada e treinamentos de operação
e manutenção.
Axel Knoll - Regional Manager - +49 7251 9699-54 - e-mail:
[email protected]
[email protected]
VMT gmbh Germany with subsidiaries in Russia, Australia, USA and
China mainly supplies navigation systems for TBM in segmental
lined and pipe jacked tunnels. In the field of conventional tunnelling,
we provide navigation systems for roadheader and rockbolter to
keep your machine exactly on planned alignment. Our information,
monitoring and communication systems are the perfect addition
for a complete project solution. The information systems collect,
visualize and evaluate various data, monitoring solutions automate
and monitor processes and VMT communication systems deliver
real-time monitoring and communication. At NO-DIG booth 45, we
present our products for microtunnelling curved drives.
Dagmar Eichhorn - [email protected]
[email protected]
+49 30 3038-2398
Wasser Berlin International is a capital goods trade fair with a clearly
defined profile on water, wastewater and infrastructure, organized
by Messe Berlin. Since 2011 trade fair and congress on trenchless
technology - No Dig Berlin - became an integral part of the event and
attract numerous visitors from around the world.
Carla Wiedemann - +49 (0) 8295 96930; Marco Dammer - +49 (0)
8295 96930
[email protected]
The company Wiedemann & Reichhardt was founded in the year
1976. The manufactures specialized machinery for the environmental
sector, especially sewer cleaning vehicles, high pressure vehicles,
suction vehicles, combined vehicles, Adr-vehicles and sewer
cleaning vehicles with water recycling. The group of companies all
together has more than 150 employees. Our company slogan is the
following: “always be one step ahead in the technology of sewer
cleaning with Wiedemann & Reichhardt”. 1977 - Karl Wiedemann
invented the first fully functional sewer cleaning vehicle with water
recycling system. Since then the technology of water recycling is a
core competence and the basis of our worldwide success.
CO., LTD - BOOTH 102/103
Shen Jianjun, China - office +86 0515 80616028 - mobile - +86
13861430035; Usmanova Lyutsiya, Russia, office +007 843
2387504 - mobile - +007 9600557070; Suntsov Gennady, Russia office - +007 843 2387504 - mobile - +007 9178900600
[email protected]
Forward Heavy Industrial Machinery is international company,
specializes on forward horizontal directional drilling rigs production,
sales and service. Forward HDD rigs are proven to work under
various climatic conditions. The central office of Forward Heavy
Industrial Machinery is situated in Russia. Production area is
located in the Public Republic of China. Dealerships are in Belarus,
Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
30 th International NO-DIG 2012 São Paulo
12 a 14 de novembro de 2012 / November 12 to 14, 2012
Promoção / Promotion
mídia oficial / official media
Patrocínio platina / sponsors PLATINUM
Patrocínio ouro / sponsors gold
Patrocínio prata / sponsors silver
Patrocínio bronze / sponsors bronze
Apoio institucional / institutional support
Organização / Organization

November 12 to 14, 2012