A comparative study of effect of the thermal treatments in the mechanical behavior of the Ni-Ti wire with shape memory effect 1 E. A.C. Pina1, C. A. N. Oliveira1, O. O. Araújo Filho1 S. L. Urtiga Filho1, C. H. Gonzalez1 Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Centro de Tecnologia e Geociêcias,Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Av Acadêmico Hélio Ramos, s/n, CDU, 50730 -540, Recice –PEBrazil The shape memory alloys are used as actuators in mechanical engineering, medical area, aerospace, because of their natural behavior known as shape memory alloys (SMA). The SMA is known to be from the thermo-elastic martensitic transformation. The nature of transformation is heavily dependent of the history thermo-mechanical alloy. The thermomechanical alloys answer with shape memory alloys suffers substantial changes with variations in the chemical, metallurgical processing and thermo-mechanical cycling. Recently the interest in their dynamic properties has been increasing due to its high damping capacity. This potential is related to the material’s ability to absorb energy through the inner movements of microstructure. The used wires are commercial and had been submitted to different thermal treatments with the purpose of studying the thermo-mechanical process and its influences in the thermo elastics properties of the form memory effect. The wire samples had been cut in pieces, weighed and submitted to the thermal treatment at 400°C quenched in water at 25°C. In this work is has been carried out a comparative analysis between the damping capacity of a Ni-Ti wire specimen with 1.27mm diameters and submitted to the thermal treatment at 400°C for 2 hours followed by quench in water at 25ºC and shape memory springs (SMS) was submitted to thermo-mechanical cycles in a mass-pulley-spring Keywords: Thermal Treatments, R-phase Transformation, Ni-Ti Alloys, Damping capacity. Work supported by CAPES and CNPq. 0,10 Spring 9 mm, 35 MPa STT TT 1 hour TT 2 hours TT4 hours 30 0,09 28 26 0,08 P2 24 0,07 20 0,06 18 Tan δ Displacement (mm) 22 16 14 12 10 0,05 0,04 P1 0,03 8 0,02 6 4 0,01 2 0,00 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Temperature (°C) Fig.1 - Strain–temperature curves 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 Temperature (°C) Fig. 2 – Percentage variation Tan δ [1] K. Otsuka, C. M. Wayman, “Shape Memory Materials”, University Press, Cambridge, (1998). [2] Z. G. Wang, X. T. Zu, P. Fu, J. Y. Dai, W. Zhu, L. M. Wang, Two-way shape memory effect of TiNi coil extension springs. Materials and engineering A360: 126-131 (2003). [3] W. Cai, X. L. Lu, L. C., “Damping behavior of TiNi-based shape memory alloys”, Materials Science and Engineering, A 394, pp. 78–82 (2005). [4] F. M. Fernandes, “Ligas Com Memória de Forma”, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2006. [email protected], Rua Prof. António Coelho, 548, apto 102, CDU, Cep 50740-020 - Recife