BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SCIAENIDAE PARALONCHURUS BRASILIENSIS CAPTURED IN DIFFERENT ISÓBATAS IN THE COAST OF THE NORTH RIO DE JANEIRO STATE, BRAZIL Márcia Regina Fragoso Machado Aquaculture Center, Caunesp Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil Helena de Oliveira Souza, Sara de Oliveira Ferreira, Rafael Rabelo, Mariana de Paiva Macedo, José Vitor Miranda Martins, Alexandre de Azevedo Ecology and Development Ambient Partner Nucleus of Macaé Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - NUPEM/UFRJ Macaé, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil Introduction The coastal environment plays an essential role in the development of larvae and young of fish, constituting relatively rich regions in food, that can function as criadouros natural for many species (BRAGA and GOITEIN, 1984). However, the exploration of demersais resources of the Southeastern region if must to a large extent to the technique of fishes of drag, that is an efficient method in the capture of the shrimp, but presents low selectivity. The product of this exploration is characterized by a great multiplicity faunístic, which is composed of crustaceans, clams, fish, echinoderms and cnidários (GRAÇA-LOPES et al., 2002), and which had to the low commercial value is returned died to the sea, being unknown the impact caused for the mortality of this fauna in the ecological balance. Part of this rejected fauna is composed for individuals without economic value or youthful of explored species (GRAÇA-LOPES et al., 2002; BRANCO, 1994). Sciaenidae, Haemulidae, Sparidae, Synodontidae, Serranidae and Paralichthyidae they are the found families of demersais fish more in the areas of occurrence of the shrimps Penaeidae (SHERIDAN et al., 1984). In accordance with Menezes e Figueiredo (1980), great part of the loss of biomass is represented by species of the Sciaenidae family and bigger importance collected in the region Southeast-South (SOARES-GOMES & FIGUEIREDO,2002). The fish of the Sciaenidae family constitute the most important resource fishing boat in coastal and estuarinas waters of the world (CHAO, 1986), being represented in Brazil for 21 sorts and about 54 sea species (MENEZES et al., 2003), being the Paralonchurus brasiliensis the pertaining species to this more frequent family in you fish of arrastos of the type to “otter trawl” effected in flat waters (BRAGA, BRAGA & GOITEIN, 1985). In this way, Paralonchurus brasiliensis quali-quantitative studies, in the one until then almost unknown population coastal it Rio de Janeiro states becomes it necessary, in order to raise pertinent information to subsidize the possible exchange of the period of fenced season in fishes of the shrimp seven-beards, that today are focaize in the cycle of life of the species-target and thus being able, desestabilization important populations of brasiliensis the trófica chain as P. Considering it importance of the research for this species, the present study with the objective was developed fishes to study it of Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Sciaenidae Family) in different isóbatas and morfometric to characterize the brasiliensis species of Paralonchurus in the different stations of the year, in the coast of Macaé, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Materials and Methods The collections had been carried through in points predetermined in the coast north of the State of Rio De Janeiro, in the city of Macaé (41º 78 ' 37 W and 22º ' S) in the period of March of 2008 the February of 2009 in isóbatas 5, 10, 15, 25, 35, 45 m of depth in six transectos, throughout the line of the coast of Macaé, located between the Barra beach (41º 37 ' 17 W and 22º ' S) and the Campestre Campestre (41º 40 ' 27 W and 22º ' S). The oceanographical campaigns had been effected in camaroeiras boats, equipped with nets of deep drag of of the type “otter-trawl”, opening of mouth of 4.5 m, 20 mm between us in panagem and 15 mm in the sacker. The arrastos had been carried through by a period of 15 minutes with the boat in speed of 2.1 nautical miles/for about 1 km of extension in six points predetermined for GPS. In the boat, the specimens had been separate, duly labelled and conditioned in thermal boxes I contend perforated ice. In the laboratory the individuals had been identified according to Figueiredo & Menezes (1978). After that they had been weighed in a scale of precision (0.01g) and mensurados using itself of a ruler (0.1cm) how much to the total length (Lt) - measured of the extremity of the snout until the extremity sharpest of the paddle volume; length standard (Ls) - measured of the extremity of the snout to the beginning of the paddle volume. The data of lengths (cm) and weight (g) had been analyzed sazonalmente, for such considered summer the period of January the March; autumn, of April the June; July winter the September; e spring of October the December. For analysis statistics 2806 registers of total length, partial length and weight of Paralonchurus brasiliensis had been used. The weight data had been transformed for logarithms (base ten) of the weight, in reason of the extreme coefficient of observed variation, that reduced the quality of the adjustment of polynomial models. The data had been submitted to the analysis of variance of linear models for data desbalanceados for verification of the significance of the effect of the interaction depth and time. The effect of depth at each time was esteem by means of polynomial equations. The choice of the model that better was adjusted to the data was made considering it significance of the parameters of the regression, the value of the determination coefficient (R2) and the meaning biological of the estimates. The exclusion I intercept of it of the adjusted models was necessary to maximize the value of R2. The effect of time in each depth was compared by means of the test of adjusted Tukey-Kramer. The level of significance adopted in all the procedures was 5%, used the statistical program Statistical Analysis Sistem (SAS), version 8. Results It had effect (p<0,05) of the interaction between depth and time on the total length (CT), the partial length (CP) e the logarithms of the weight of Paralonchurus brasiliensis. The esteem equations of regression of total length (CT) in depth function, at each time (Figure 1) had been Y1 = 2,42538X -0,12739X2 + 0,00187X3 (R2 = 0,9237) (March/2008), Y2 = 4,7787X - 0,53632X2 + 0,02639X3 - 0,00058806X4 + 0,00000484X5 (R2 = 0,9473) (April the June/2008), Y3 = 5,51557X - 0,63630X2 + 0,03169X3 - 0,00070297X4 + 0,0000057X5 (R2=0,9300) (July the September/2008), Y4 = 4,43138X - 0,47112X2 + 0,02331X3 - 0,00053479X4 + 0,00000456X5 (R2 = 0,9354) (October the December/2008) e Y5 = 4,73484X - 0,48812X2 + 0,01998X3 0,00027315X4 (R2 = 0,9281), in January and February of 2009. The gotten coefficients of determination had shown that the regression equations had more than explained 90% of the variation of the data of total length, at each evaluated time, suggesting raised trustworthiness in the estimates with the adjustment of the models to the data. Figure 1. Effect of the depth on the total length (cm) of Paralonchurus brasiliensis, at each time. The comparison between observed averages of total length (CT) for time in each depth meets presented in Table 1. It did not have effect (p>0,05) of time for total length, partial (Tabela2) and weight (Table 3) of Paralonchurus brasiliensis gotten with 15m of depth. It was observed that the average total length gotten in July the September (winter) was bigger of what the total length gotten of October the December (spring), in the depths of 5 and 35 meters. Inverse behavior occurred in the depths of 10 and 45 meters, for the three analyzed variable. Paralonchurus brasiliensis the population of small transport is pertaining fish, with average length around 16cm, as found in the present work for the depth of 5 and 35 meters in the period of the spring. Already in the depth of 10 and 45 meters, they had presented average total length between 18.45 cm and 17.81 cm, respectively, similar data had been found by Branco et al. (2006) that they had presented values of total length of Paralonchurus brasiliensis, low 18cm (Table 1). In accordance with Cunningham and Diniz-Son (1995), Paralonchurus brasiliensis reach the size of first gonadal maturation with 15.4 cm of total length, being that from 19.2 cm all the captured units are considered adult. Only one composed population for young individuals can itself be concluded that the area of collection between 5 and 35 meters can be called “nursery” for this species, having, estimating that, in its great majority they had not reached nor the first gonadal maturation. E in the spring in the 10 isóbatas of and 45m can be considered adult fish. Table 1. Adjusted averages of minimum squares of total length (cm) in each combination of time and depth (m). Time Depth 5 10 15 25 35 45 March 14,03 10,22d 8,96c ab b c b April - June 14,96 13,10 15,22 14,09 13,90 16,50b July - September 16,35a 10,63b 16,39 16,28b 16,57a 15,86b b a b b October - December 12,55 18,57 15,17 16,24 14,36 17,81a January - February 13,06ab 17,34a 14,57 18,84a 14,43ab CV (%) 25,86 Averages of minimum squares followed by different letters in the column differ between itself for the test of adjusted Tukey-Kramer, 5% of probability. The esteem equations of regression of CP in depth function, at each time (Figure 2) had been: Y1 = 1,98147X -0,10432X2 + 0,00153X3 (R2 = 0,9160) (March/2008), Y2 = 4,14851X - 0,48150X2 + 0,02409X3 - 0,00054098X4 + 0,00000447X5 (R2 = 0,9403) (April the June/2008), Y3 = 4,65679X - 0,55130X2 + 0,02783X3 - 0,00062252X4 + 0,00000507X5 (R2=0,9228) (July the September/2008), Y4 = 3,58717X - 0,38718X2 + 0,01940X3 - 0,00044929X4 + 0,00000385X5 (R2 = 0,9271) (October the December/2008) e Y5 = 4,06778X - 0,43161X2 + 0,01783X3 - 0,00024443X4 (R2 = 0,9170), in January and February 2009. Figure 2. Effect of the depth on the partial length (cm) of Paralonchurus brasiliensis, at each time. Considering the value of the partial length of the fish analyzed in this study (Table 2), in the winter (July-September) in the depths of 5 and 35 meters it was bigger of what the gotten one in the spring (October the December), however occurred inverse behavior in the depths of 10 and 45 meters. Table 2. Adjusted averages of minimum squares of partial length (cm) in each combination of time and depth (m). Time Depth 5 10 15 25 35 45 d c March 11,41 8,23 7,11 April - June 12,64a 10,79b 12,20 11,38c 11,24b 13,35ab a b b a July - September 13,63 8,06 13,08 12,96 13,12 12,57b October - December 10,08b 14,79a 12,07 13,02b 11,34b 14,27a ab a a b January - February 11,27 13,64 11,59 15,02 11,11 CV (%) 27,54 Averages of minimum squares followed by different letters in the column differ between itself for the test of adjusted Tukey-Kramer, 5% of probability. The esteem equations of regression of the logarithms of the weight in depth function, at each time (Figure 3) had been: Y1 = 0,25213X -0,01402X2 + 0,00020989X3 (R2 = 0,8507) (March/2008), Y2 = 0,47075X - 0,05343X2 + 0,00263X3 - 0,00005842X4 + 0,0000004780859X5 (R2 = 0,9329) (April the June/2008), Y3 = 0,52409X - 0,06162X2 + 0,00313X3 - 0,00007047X4 + 0,0000005781789X5 (R2 = 0,9081) (July the September/2008), Y4 = 0,38129X - 0,04107X2 + 0,00213X3 - 0,00005144X4 + 0,0000004585276X5 (R2 = 0,9105) (October the December/2008) e Y5 = 0,41464X 0,04090X2 + 0,00163X3 - 0,00002202X4 (R2 = 0,9097), in January and February 2009. Figure 3. Effect of the depth on the brasiliensis logarithms of the weight (g) of Paralonchurus, at each time. Table 3. Adjusted averages of minimum squares of logarithms of the weight (g) in each combination of time and depth (m). Time Depth 5 10 15 25 35 45 Marc 1,33 0,82c 0,64c ab b b ab April - June 1,48 1,23 1,47 1,35 1,37 1,59b July - September 1,57a 0,79c 1,56 1,56a 1,55a 1,47b c a a b October - December 1,06 1,76 1,36 1,53 1,23 1,72a January - February 1,16bc 1,64a 1,39 1,73a 1,38ab CV (%) 30,23 Averages of minimum squares followed by different letters in the column differ between itself for the test of adjusted Tukey-Kramer, 5% of probability. With the sobrepesca of Paralonchurus brasiliensis, beyond having the reduction of the number of individuals of this species, it will be able to also have a disequilibrium of this ecosystem, what it can reach since invertebrates the vertebrates (PERES, 2004). 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