Sunflower Crude Oil Quality During Storage in Amber Glass
Fernanda Larissa Steil; Michele Marcon Telles and Jane Mara Block
Laboratório de Óleos e Gorduras - Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia de
Alimentos, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Rodovia Admar Gonzaga, 1346 –
Itacorubi – 88034-001 - Florianópolis SC BRAZIL
e-mail: [email protected]
The Brazilian demand for sunflower oil has grown in average of 13 % per year. The
sunflower oil obtained through the screw-pressed process can be consumed without
being refined.
In this study, sunflower oil (hybrid from Catissol and Embrapa 122 varieties) extracted
by screw-pressed process was kept at ambient temperature in amber-colored glass
containers. The oil was monitored monthly for the first three months and then biweekly
until six months of storage. The peroxide value, specific extinction (232 and 270 nm),
acid value and smoke point were determined according to the AOCS methodology.
The peroxide value and specific extinction (232 and 270 nm) during the storage had
increased linearly to the long one of the time and the smoke point had decreasing
values. The differences observed for these values had been significant (p< 0.0001).
After 180 days of storage, peroxide value (7.2 meq/Kg) and acid value (0.8 mg KOH/g)
had been in accordance with the Brazilian legislation, but smoke point value was very
low (140oC), inadequate for process that involves high temperatures.

Sunflower Crude Oil Quality During Storage in