Álvaro Nagib Atallah* Evidence for the treatment of chronic peptic ulcer or many years surgery was considered an important approach for the treatment of chronic peptic ulcer. Thousands of patients were submitted to surgery in the absence of appropriate controlled trials. If such trials had been undertaken, the history ofthe disease could have been different. Once the link between Helicobacter pylori infection and chronic peptic ulcer had been established, new treatment guidelines based on scientific evidence were required. If the interested c1inician were to consult the Cochrane Library, he would find no systematic review prepared by the Cochrane Collaboration Group, but two reviews prepared by outside the collaboration. One of these, focuses on the effectiveness and the economic aspects of treatrnent ', and other on the efficacy of antibiotictherapy in erradicating Helicobacter pylori. 2 Both have been assessed by the Cochrane Collaboration. Basically the studies are supposed to compare placebo with omeprazole plus amoxicillin, or these two (dual therapy) with triple therapy (colloidal bismuth subcitrate, metronidazole and tetracycline) ar quadruple therapy (omeprazole, colloidal bismuth subcitrate, tetracycline hyelrochloriele and rnetronidazole). As can be seen, we have many agents to be compareel two by two, three by three, four by four, or even to use thern alI. Obviously, when the number of agents increases, the chances of aelverse effects and cost increases. Hence there are many questions that neeel to be answereel by appropriate research. If we look at the Cochrane Library elatabase, we finei 157 references on this subject. While it is gooel news that there is so much information, the question P * MO, PhO, MCE Chairman, Oepartment of Intemal Medicine, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Editor, São Paulo Medical Joumal. ATALLAH. A.N. - Evidence for the treatment of chronic peptic ulcer remain of what to elo in practice? Two recent trials have been publisheel that may help to aelress this questiono Boer e col.', in "Quadruple therapy erradicated H. pylori-associated peptic ulcer disease better than dual therapy", compared quadruple therapy (n = 40) with dual therapy (n = 36). Quaelruple therapy inclueled orneprazole - 20 mg twice daily on elays I to 10; colloielal bismuth subcitrate, 120 mg, 4 tirnes/d, on elays 4 to 10; tetracycline hydrocloride, 500 rng, 4 times/d, on elay 4 to 10; and metronidazole 500 mg, 3 times/eI, on days 4 to 10. Dual therapy includeel orneprazole, 20 mg twice daily, on days 1 to 14 anel arnoxicillin, 1000 rnh twice daily, on days I to 14. The studied patients where who had chronic peptic ulcer disease anel eneloscopically proved Helicobacter Pylori infections. The effects were biopsy confirmed. Quadruple therapy leel to a higher cure rate than elicl dual therapy 93% vs 56%, P < 0,00 I. The rate of adverse effects was higher in the group that receivecl quaclruple therapy than elual therapy group. Thijs e col.vcompared triple therapy, colloidal bisrnuth subcitrate, 120 mg, 4 ti mes/eI, metronidazole 250 rng, 4 tirnes/d, and tetracycline 250 mg, 4 times/d, with dual therapy, omeprazole 40 mg twice elaily anel amoxicillin 1000 mg twice daily. Both regimens were taken for 14 days. Triple therapy led to a higher rate of cure than dual therapy (95% vs 70%, P < 0,00 I). Again siele effects were more frequently associateel with triple than with elual therapy. Although more larger trials are needed, the reader can already make a therapeutic decision, keeping in minei that the fewer elrugs useel increases cornpliance anel reduces side effects. Besieles the inforrnation in the Cochrane Library the reader can also refer to the cornrnentary on the papel' by Schoenfeld anel Butler 4, anel will have more evielence to guide his pratice. São Paulo Medicat Journat/RPM 115(1): 1327-1328, 1997 1328 REFERENCES I. 3. Boer WA. Driessen WM, Jansz AR, Tytgat GN. Quadruple with dual therapy for eradication of pvlori i n ulcer patients: results of a randornized prospective single-centre srudy. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1995:7: 11X9-9-1. Chiba N. Rao I3V. Radernaker JW, I-1Ullt RI-I. Meta-analysis therapy compared -I. the c líi cuc t lelicobactcr 1727. y of antibiotic therapy pvlori. AIl1.J Gastroenterol São Paulo Medical Journal/RPM in eradicating 1992:87 (12): 1216- 115(1): 1327-1328, 1997 RA. Hclicobactcr of etfecrivencss 5. pvloti .uul pcptic ulccr: a syslL'lllal il' and a benefits of implementiug Oxford: Pain RcliefResearch Schoenfeld PS, Butlcr Thijs.lC. Unit .IA. van Zwci AA. Huinink JB. Triple therapy for treutrnent of the ovcrvie w of thc cconomic wh.u is KII()\\'n VII: Conuneut.uy. to bc ctlcctive. 37. 1()()5. 1:\ iilcucc llased 1996: 1(4): 109- 1O. Medicine l lcluobcutcr of Moore revicw multicenrer, prospective. l\loolcnaar W. WolfliagcII \1.1. vs amo x icil lin plus omcpr.i/o!« Hcl icob a ct c r pvl o ri i n le ct i o n: randorni zcd. conuo cff'icacy anel side elTects. Am J Gaxtroc utcrol 7. llcd 'llItJ) 1()l)!>: l) ;1 uf 1:'!:i- ATALLAH, A.N. - Evidence for lhe Ireatment of chroruc peptic ulcer