Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Professor Silvino Sieben
1) A partir da informação "George came to work by bus.", qual é a especulação/dedução mais
a) He must have seen a bird.
b) He might have had lunch.
c) He may have had an accident.
d) He must have taken his car to the mechanic.
e) He might have eaten a lemon.
2) A frase que apresenta erro na forma é:
a) Mark must have been hit by an airplane.
b) The student should have fallen from the stairs.
c) The trainee might have slept over.
d) Tina could have done it wrong.
e) Timothy may have drink too much.
3) A única frase correta, quanto à forma, é:
a) The freshman must had seen the professor.
b) My sister may has seen their bird.
c) She might have help them.
d) Philip should have see the accident.
e) Chris must have saw that piano on sale.
4) A frase que não tem modal de dedução é:
a) She should see a doctor immediately.
b) Dad must have fallen.
c) Sarah should have got in trouble.
d) Teresa may have closed it accidentaly.
e) Our friends could have seen Bill.
5) A partir da informação "His bike is damaged.", qual é a especulação/dedução mais lógica
a) He must have been at the mall.
b) He should have played soccer.
c) He could have got something better to do.
d) He should have been awake.
e) He may have been hit by a car.
6) The maid ___ her chores before Mrs. Cliff woke up.
a) will do
b) does
c) had done
d) have done
e) do
7) Jenny had finished the pudding before her husband ____ at home.
a) arrives
b) had arrived
c) will arrive
d) arrived
e) would arrive
8) A forma interrogativa de "She'd eaten all her breakfast." é:
a) Would she eaten all her breakfast?
b) Had she eaten all her breakfast?
c) Did she eat all her breakfast?
d) Have she eaten all her breakfast?
e) Will she eat all her breakfast?
9) Amanda's car didn't work after the mechanic ____ it.
a) had fixed
b) has fixed
c) will fixed
d) fix
e) would fix
10) After James ____ as a nurse, he ____ to study to be a doctor.
a) has worked/decided
b) have worked/decided
c) had worked/decide
d) had worked/had decided
e) had worked/decided
11) When I ____ at the pub, all my friends ____ home.
a) arrived/has gone
b) had arrived/had gone
c) arrived/had gone
d) arrive/has gone
e) had arrived/have gone
12) Vilma and Fred ____ until Barney ____ cleaning the car.
a) had waited/finished
b) waited/had finished
c) waited/will finish
d) had waited/had finished
e) wait/finished
13) George ___ the lecture before the lecturer ____ his speech.
a) left/finish
b) leaved/finished
c) had left/had finished
d) had left/finished
e) had leaved/finished
14) Qual a palavra que melhor completa a frase? "His wife had arrived ___ he could prepare
a) after
b) before
c) while
d) during
e) already
15) A forma negativa de "We'd done anything we could to avoid arguing."
a) We didn't done anything we could to avoid arguing.
b) We hadn't done anything we could to avoid arguing.
c) We wouldn't done anything we could to avoid arguing.
d) We don't done anything we could to avoid arguing.
e) We haven't done anything we could to avoid arguing.
16) Qual a palavra que melhor completa a frase? "We started the celebration ___ Henry had
a) after
b) before
c) while
d) during
e) already
17) Se o passado perfeito necessita um particípio, qual a melhor palavra completa a frase?
"The hungry kids had ___ all the cake."
a) to eat
b) ate
c) eating
d) eats
e) eaten
18) Susan and her sister ___ in the art class since 8am.
a) have been painting
b) have been paint
c) has be painting
d) had been painting
e) had been paint
19) A negativa de "Clara had been working all day long." é:
a) Clara didn't been working all day long.
b) Clara don't been working all day long.
c) Clara doesn't been working all day long.
d) Clara hasn't been working all day long.
e) Clara hadn't been working all day long.
20) Quantas palavras se modificam na frase "Elisabeth had been counting the products since this
morning." se trocarmos o sujeito "Elisabeth" por "They", desconsiderando o próprio sujeito?
a) nenhuma
b) uma
c) duas
d) três
e) quatro
21) A forma negativa de "By 2020, Sue will have been studying for five years." é:
a) By 2020, Sue will haven't been studying for five years.
b) By 2020, Sue won't have been studying for five years.
c) By 2020, Sue will have been't studying for five years.
d) By 2020, Sue not will have been studying for five years.
e) By 2020, Sue doesn't will have been studying for five years.
22) ___Tina comes back, he will have gone to Cape Town.
a) and
b) while
c) when
d) by
e) ever
23) By the time Tom arrives in the office, the secretary ___ all the letters.
a) will type
b) types
c) will have typed
d) is going to type
e) typed
24) By the time we finish our presentation, the audience ___ it all.
a) will have understood
b) will has understood
c) will have understand
d) will has understand
e) will understand
25) By the time Jenny ___ her chores, Bill will have gone to the cinema.
a) will finish
b) finish
c) finishes
d) will have finished
e) will finished
26) By the time I reach the group, they ___ all museum.
a) will visit
b) visits
c) visit
d) will have visit
e) will have visited
27) A resposta curta correta para "Have you been seeing each other for more than one month?" é:
a) Yes, she has.
b) No, we haven't
c) Yes, you have.
d) No, you haven't.
e) Yes, she hasn't.
28) A forma interrogativa de "I will have been researching by 2017." é:
a) Did I have been researching by 2017?
b) Have I been researching by 2017?
c) Will I have been researching by 2017?
d) Do I have been researching by 2017?
e) Does I have been researching by 2017?
29) Sabendo que se trata de Futuro Perfeito Contínuo, complete a frase: "By 2030, the world will
have been ____ faster."
a) develop
b) develops
c) developed
d) developing
e) is developing
30) Assinale a única sentença correta quanto à forma:
a) Susan will have be taking an English course by the end of the year.
b) Terry will have been study French by the end of the year.
c) Thomas will has been learning Spanish by the end of the year.
d) Robert will have been practicing Japanese by the end of the year.
e) Cindy will been speaking fluent Irish by the end of the year.
1) d
2) e
3) a
4) a
5) e
6) c
7) d
8) b
9) a
10) e
11) c
12) a
13) d
14) b
15) b
16) a
17) e
18) a
19) e
20) a
21) b
22) c
23) c
24) a
25) c
26) e
27) b
28) c
29) d
30) d

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