A voz passiva é usada sempre que num determinado contexto a ação praticada ou um objeto forem muito mais
importantes do que quem a praticou ou obteve o objeto. É dar ao objeto (direto ou indireto, complementos do
verbo) mais importancia do que ao sujeito.
Ativa: O mecânico consertou o carro.
Passiva: O carro foi consertado pelo mecânico.
Para isso, note que sempre teremos uma construção com o verbo "to be" (ser: é, foi, será, tem sido...) e o verbo
principal no particípuio passado (written, spoken, reviewed, fixed...).
Simple Present
Am / is / are + past participle
" / buys..."
"... am / is / are bought..."
Present Continuous
Am / is / are + being + past participle
" / is / are buying..."
"... am / is / are being bought..."
Simple Past
Was /were + past participle
"...was / were bought..."
Past Continuous
Was /were + being + past participle
"...was / were buying..."
"...was / were being bought..."
Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous
Have/has + been + past participle
"...have/ has bought ..." "...have / has been buying..."
"...have / has been bought..."
Past Perfect
Had + been + past participle
"...had bought..."
"...had been bought..."
Future with will
Had + been + past participle
"...will buy..."
"...had been bought..."
Future with going to
Am / is / are + going to be + past participle
" / is / are going to buy..."
" / is / are going to be bought..."
Algumas vezes é importante citar quem pratica a ação, mesmo que esta mereça mais destaque do que seu
agente. Nessas ocasiões, indicamos o agente com a preposição by.
Chandler won the surfing championship.
The surfing championship was won by Chandler.
General Parsons is decorating my son.
My son is being decorated by General Parsons.
Peter Laughler had played the leading role.
The leading role had been played by Peter Laughler.
A forma passiva apresenta também algumas construções diferentes.
• Verbos com 2 objetos
Someone gave a stereo to Jim .
Passive 1 - Jim was given a stereo.
Passive 2 - A stereo was given to Jim.
• Verbo + Preposição + Objeto
We must write to him.
He must be written to.
Veja nas frases abaixo as transformações possíveis para a voz passiva.
They gave an old postcard to James.
James was given an old postcard.
An old postcard was given to James.
We brought a nice cake to Sally.
A nice cake was brought to Sally.
Sally was brought a nice cake.
You must speak to the coach.
The coach must be spoken to.
They can play with the dog.
The dog can be played with.
She has sent a picture to Alex.
Alex has been sent a picture.
A picture has been sent to Alex.
Os exercícios abaixo são questões de vestibular que tratam da voz passiva. Resolva-os e peça para o
seu professor o gabarito.
1. (OBJ - SP) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à voz passiva de "The invention of the automobile has
changed American life in many ways.”
a. American life is being changed in many ways.
b. American life was being changed in many ways.
c. American life is changed in many ways.
d. American life has been changed in many ways.
e. American life would be changed in many ways.
2. (STA. CASA - SP) The precise nature of Sam's illness ... only by his family.
a. knows
b. knew
c. is known
d. has known
e. were known
3. (OBJ - SP) Choose the correct passive form for "They had eaten all the food before I arrived.”
a. All the food was eaten before I arrived.
b. All the food had been eaten before I arrived.
c. They had been eaten all the food before I arrived.
d. All the food was eaten before I was arrived.
e. All the food had been eaten before I was arrived.
4. (OBJ - SP) Choose the correct passive form for "She has spilt some ink on the carpet.”
a. Some ink was spilt on the carpet.
b. Some ink was being spilt on the carpet.
c. The carpet had been spilt milk by her.
d. The carpet was spilt with milk.
e. Some ink has been spilt on the carpet.
5. (FATEC - SP) After specifying the exact work ... done in the turbines, the engineers began the final phase of
the project.
a. had
b. has
c. have
d. to be
e. N.d.a.
6. (ABC - SP) A forma correta da voz ativa da frase "Many theorems can be written in four forms" é:
a. In four forms can write many theorems.
b. One can write many theorems in four forms.
c. Four forms can write by many theorems in four forms.
d. We can written many theorems in four forms.
e. They can to write many theorems in four forms.
7. A forma passiva de “James wrote six novels” é:
a. James has written six novels.
b. Six novels has written James.
c. James has been writing six novels.
d. Six novels have been written by James.
8. A forma passiva de “They speak to Sally” é:
a. Sally is spoken to.
b. They have been spoken to Sally.
c. They spoke to Sally.
d. Sally is spoken by them.
9. The only sentence that is not a passive is:
a. I have seen the documents.
b. Many countries have been attacked by terrorists.
c. Iraq has attacked Iran.
d. The professor can't be lied to.
10. Qual é a única alternativa que apresenta as duas formas passivas aceitáveis para “They wrote a letter to
the girl”?
a. The girl was written a letter.
A letter was written to the girl.
b. The girl has written a letter.
A letter was written by the girl.
c. The girl has been writing a letter.
A letter has been written by the girl.
d. The girl was writing a letter.
A letter was being written to the girl.

A voz passiva é usada sempre que num determinado contexto a