Passive Voice
Luciane Miyuki
Clues about Passive Voice
• O sujeito sofre a ação do verbo.
• O verbo to be será usado no tempo
verbal do verbo principal na voz ativa.
• O verbo principal assume sua forma do
particípio passado.
• Se o sujeito for nobody ou no one, a
voz passiva será negativa.
Voz Ativa X Voz Passiva
Ganso, Robinho,
Neymar and Pato
remake the Brazilian
magic square of 2006
World Cup.
The Brazilian magic
square of 2006 World
Cup is remaked by
Ganso, Robinho,
Neymar and Pato.
Monaco celebrates Prince Albert and
Charlene Wittstock's wedding gala.
Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock's
wedding gala is celebrated by Monaco.
A veterinary student abandons his studies after his
parents are killed and joins a traveling circus as
their vet.
Voz Ativa
Voz Passiva
Present Tense
Gruen writes the book.
The book is written by her.
Present Continuous
Gruen is writing the book.
The book is being written by her.
Past Tense
Gruen wrote the book.
The book was written by her.
Present Perfect
Gruen has written the book.
The book has been written by her.
Past Perfect
Gruen had written the book.
The book had been written by her.
Future Tense
Gruen will write the book.
The book will be written by her.
Going to – Future
Gruen is going to write the book.
The book is going to be written by her.
Conditional Tense
Gruen would write the book.
The book would be written by her.
Modals Verbs
Gruen can
may write the book.
The book can
may be written…
James Cameron produced
Avatar 3D.
The mobile phones’
technology has changed the
human’s communication.
Future scientists will create
solar houses.
01. Professional athletes _________________
some of the highest salaries in the world.
a. pay
b. are paid
c. paid
d. are paying
e. have paid
02. The passive form of: “That fellow is typing
my letter” is:
a. My letter is being typing by that fellow.
b. My letter typed by that fellow.
c. My letter is being typed by that fellow.
d. My letter was being typed by that fellow.
e. My letter was being typing by that fellow.
03. This sentence is in the Passive Voice: “Women
are warned by doctors.” The Active Voice is:
a. Women warn doctors.
b. Doctors are warned by women.
c. Doctors warned women.
d. Women are being warned.
e. Doctors warn women.
04. The passive form of “Nobody beat the record of
this race” is:
a. The record of this race wasn’t beaten.
b. The record of this race was beat by nobody.
c. The record of this race was beaten by nobody.
d. Nobody is beat by record of this race.
e. Nobody was beat the record of this race.
05. Which the alternatives are in the passive voice:
01) Dogs are considered man’s best friends.
02) Some animals eat a lot of meat.
03) Lions are wild animals.
04) The tiger is found in some parts of the African
05) Plants are sometimes destroyed by different
kinds of insects.
06. Problems of famine, pollution, resources and
arms control were discussed by the principal. The
active voice verb for this sentence is:
a. was discussed
b. will discussed
c. discussed
d. is discussed
e. discuss
Analise o tempo do verbo principal:
Lembre-se que a voz passiva é: to
be + past participle:
Reescreva o quote ao lado na voz
The proverb is using a modal verb.
Rewrite it in a passive voice sentence:
John Heywood (1562) print this
proverb in his collection “The
Proverbs and Epigrams”. In your
opinion, what is the meaning?
Se o verbo admitir objeto direto e indireto poderemos ter duas formas de
voz passiva. (Verbos como ASK, CALL, GIVE, LEND, SEND, SHOW e TELL)
Langara has sent him many ideas.
He has been sent many ideas by Langara.
Many ideas have been sent to him by Langara.
No texto abaixo há sentenças na Passive Voice?
Se sim, quais são e se não como ficará?
Produzir sentenças com voz passiva

Passive Voice