____ / ____ / 2015
ALUNO (A):_____________________________________________________________________________
1ª Questão: Leia o texto e responda às perguntas em Inglês.
Text – A delicious breakfast!!!
It is Sunday morning. It is raining
and we are having our breakfast together. Mom is
preparing a lot of food, but there isn’t much milk. There is only a small glass. Oh, yes, but there is
a lot of orange juice… hmmm… I love it! And there are many different cakes. She loves making
cakes… I’m going to eat many pieces…
Well I think we aren’t going to have lunch after this delicious breakfast... Bye… I' m going
to eat before my sisters finish all the cakes…
a) What is mom doing? ___________________________________________________________
b) What day is today? ____________________________________________________________
c) Are they having lunch? _________________________________________________________
d) Are they having breakfast together?_______________________________________________
e) Are there a few cakes? _________________________________________________________
f) What is the girl going to eat?_____________________________________________________
2ª Questão: Complete com o presente simples.
a. Robert (go) _____________ to school in the afternoon.
b Susan and Danny (have) ___________ English class on Mondays.
c Julie (study) __________________ in the University of California.
d . I (eat) ________________ spaghetti for dinner every evening.
e . The bus (arrive) _____________ at 10:00 a.m.
3ª Questão: Escolha a melhor alternativa para completar a frase.
a) She ___ (hass/has) to buy a new house.
b) He ___ (needs/needes) a key.
c) She ____ (dos/does) favors for everyone.
d) It ____ (cryes/cries) every day.
4ª Questão: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs:
Helen and Ben ______ ice cream every day.
He _______ homework very quickly.
My friends _______ computer games after school.
I ___________ Italian food.
a) buy – does – play – like
b) buys – do – plays – likes
c) buying – doing – playing – liking
d) buyes – dos – plays – like
e) buys – does – plays likes
5º Questão: Qual das alternativas abaixo é a correta de acordo com os verbos em destaque? ( 0,2 )
To play, To study, To live, To buy, to teach
a Plays, studies, lives, buys, teaches
b Plaies, studies, lives, buys, teaches
Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia
c Plays, studies, lives, buys, teachs
d Plays, studys, lives, buys, teaches
e Plays, studies, lives, buies, teaches
6º Questão: Use S, ES ou IES nos verbos abaixo.
a) Study _____________________
b) Like ____________________
c) do______________________
d) Dress _____________________
e) Make _______________________
7º Questão: Relacione.
1 Rice
2 Beans
3 Meat
4 carrot
5 watermelon
6 grapes
7 Pear
8 Strawberry
9 bread
10 juice
( 2 ) feijão
( 3 ) carne
( 1 ) arroz
( 6 ) uva
( 7 ) pera
( 9 ) pão
( 10 ) suco
( 8 ) morango
(5 ) melância
( 4 ) cenoura
8º Questão Leia o quadrinho e responda
Candlelight : a luz de velas
Began: Começou
a O que o Cebolinha perguntou para o pai?
b O que o pai respondeu para o Cebolinha?
c Por que a expressão de espanto da mãe do Cebolinha?
9º Questão Conjugue os verbos abaixo no presente simples.
T do
to play
to cry
10º Questão : Circule o verbo correto de acordo com a frase
a My grandfather live / lives
b I eat / eats
in São Paulo. Lives
lunch at one thirty every day. Eat
c My sisters walk / walks t school every day. Walk
d My best friend
e My brother and I
like / likes
eat / eats
math. Likes
breakfast at seven thirty. Eat
Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia
f My cousin
study / studies
math and biology. Studies
g We go / goes to the movies on the weekends.
h My friends play / plays
basketball after school.
11º Questão : Complete as sentenças usando os seguintes verbos:
take place
a Ann __speaks__ German very well.
b I never ______________ coffee.
c The swimming pool ______________ at nine o’clock and _______________ at half past six every day.
d Bad driving _______________ many accidents.
e My parents ________________ in a very small flat.
f The Olympic Games ______________ every four years.
12º Questão : Preencha os espaços com o Simple Present dos verbos entre parênteses. Adicione: S, ES ou IES, quando
Sanjit Ray ________________ (work) for a computer company in Los Angeles, California.
He ________________ (write) computer programs. But he __________________ ( not /go) to Los Angeles every day.
In fact, he__________________ ( not / live) in the USA. He ____________________ (live) in India.
Every day he ___________________(take) the bus into Bombay and he _____________________(go) to an office there.
The computer company ___________________(send) information to him by e-mail. He_________________(work) on
the information on a computer and then he sends the program back to California.
On the weekends he _______________(watch) videos,______________ (play) with his children .
13º Questão : Complete estas sentenças. Use a forma correta dos verbos:
The shopping Mall ____________ at ten o’clock p.m. every day.
b My classes ____________ at seven twenty.
c Brenda _____________ to help Patrícia with her English.
d We _______________ bread at the supermarket.
e Alan _____________ his father’s car at the weekend.
f I always _____________ my mother when I leave home.
g Pablo usually ______________ lunch at the school cafeteria.
h She never _______________ on her holidays.
I They _____________ to school in the morning.
Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia
14º Questão : Escreva “do” ou “does” nos espaços:
a) Where ____ you go to school?
b) What ____ your brother eat for breakfast?
c) How _____ you spell that?
d) What ____ Mario do on the weekends?
e) Where _____ Russell and Paul live?
f) How ____ you say that in English?
g) When ____ the film start?
h) When __________ the students do their homework?
i) _________ you like your new school? Yes, we ________.
j) Why __________ Canada have a small population?
k) When ___________ your brother wash his car?
15º Questão :
Escolha os verbos que completam as frases:
1) Please, don’t ____ my answers.
2) _____ your hands before having dinner.
3) _____ a lot of water! 4) Don’t ____ game now!
a) wash, drink, play, see
b) see, wash, drink, play
c) wash, see, drink, play
d) drink, wash, play, see
e) see, play, wash, drink
16º Questão :
Para formar o gerúndio em inglês, acrescenta-se a terminação ING no final dos verbos, porém há
algumas regras e exceções. Marque a alternativa que tenha todos os verbos na forma correta do gerúndio.
a) to buy – buying / to lie – lying / to swim – swimming / to dye – dying
b) to buy – buying / to lie – lieing / to swim – swiming / to dye – dyeing
c) to buy – buing / to lie – lying / to swim – swimming / to dye – dying
d) to buy – buying / to lie – lieing / to swim – swimming / to dye – dyeing
e) to buy – buing / to lie – lying / to swim – swiming / to dye – dyeing
17ª Questão: Quanto ao estudo do Present Continuous, marque a alternativa que tenha a forma correta de uma
frase nesse tempo verbal:
a) They are dance rock at the party.
b) They dancing rock at the party.
c) They is dancing rock at the party.
d) They dancing are rock at the party.
e) They are dancing rock at the party.
18ª Questão: Escreva as frases abaixo na negativa e na interrogativa.
a) David and Max are coming home.
Neg.: ___________________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________________
b) My dog Charlie is running to the park.
Neg.: ___________________________________________________________
Int.: _______________________________________________________________________
b) I am making breakfast now
Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia
Neg.: ______________________________________________________
Int.: _______________________________________________________
19ª Questão: Escreva o gerúndio dos seguintes verbos:
a) to dance _____________________
b) to dye _______________________
c) to swim_______________________
d To study ______________________
20ª Questão:Leia a tirinha e responda em português.
a) Qual foi o diagnóstico do médico para Magali? _____________________________________
b) Qual foi o tratamento indicado para o problema?___________________________________
c) Explique a reação do sorveteiro?________________________________________________
21ª Questão: Would you mind _____________ the door, please?
a) to open
b) open
c) opening
d) opens
e) opening
01ª Questão
a She is preparing a lot of food.
b It’s Sunday
c No they are
d Yes they are
D No they are not
e No there aren’t
f cakes
02ª Questão
a Goes
b Have
c Studies
d eat
e .arrives
03ª Questão
Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia
a Has b Needs
04ª Questão
05ª Questão
06ª Questão
c Does d Cries
Letra A
Letra A
a StudIes
b Likes
c does
d Dresses
e Makes
07ª Questão
( 2 )
( 3 )
( 1 )
( 6)
( 7 )
( 9 )
( 10 )
( 8 )
(5 )
( 4)
08ª Questão
a Pai como eu nasci?
b Em um jantar a luz de velas e música romantica
c Ela se assustou com a resposta do pai do cebolinha
09ª Questão
To do
to play
to cry
I do
You do
He does
She does
It does
We do
You do
They do
I play
you play
He plays
She plays
It plays
We plays
You play
They play
I cry
You cry
He cries
She cries
It cries
We cry
You cry
They cry
10ª Questão
a Lives b Eat c Walk d Likes e Eat f Studies g Go h Play
11ª Questão
a) Speaks
b Drink
c Opens , Closes
d Causes
e Live
f Takes place
12ª Questão
Doesn’t go
Doesn’t live
Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia
13ª Questão
a Closes b Starts c Tries d Buys e Washes f Kisses g Has h Studies I Goes
14ª Questão
a Do b Does c Do d Does e Do f Do g Does h Do I Do , Do j Does k Does
15ª Questão Letra B
16ª Questão Letra D
17ª Questão Letra E
18ª Questão
Neg.: David and Max are not coming home.
Int. Are David and Max coming home
Neg.: My dog Charlie is not running to the park.
Int. Is my dog Charlie running to the park?
Nwg. : I am not making breakfast now
Int. : Am I making breakfast now?
19ª Questão:
a dancing
b dyeing
c swimming
d studying
20ª Questão
a A Magali estava com a garganda inflamada.
b Ela não pode tomar ou comer nada gelado.
c Ele caiu muito assustado
21ª Questão Letra B
Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia

Atividade de Inglês