FUNDAÇÃO CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN Serviço das Comunidades Arménias HIGHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS GENERAL REGULATIONS I. GENERAL INFORMATION o Aiming to encourage a better qualification of the Armenian youth spread throughout the Diaspora, the Armenian Communities Department of the CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN FOUNDATION awards Higher Education Scholarships to students of Armenian origin (whatever their nationality), whose families lack financial means. o These scholarships are only for full-time studies. They cannot be awarded for evening classes, part-time, correspondence, technical, professional or non-academic courses. o II. CANDIDACY 2.1 Eligibility: o Being of Armenian origin, under 26 years old on the date of registration for the academic year sought; o Studying within the Diaspora in the Middle East, Europe or Canada for candidates applying for the Northern Hemisphere or Latin America and Oceania for Southern Hemisphere candidates; o x declaration or proof of tax immunity; o Being enrolled in an Higher education establishment, duly recognised by the local national authorities o Pursuing a full-time, 1st cycle higher education qualification leading to a Licence/Bachelor (Bologne Process), a B.A./BSc. (Anglo-saxon system) or 2nd cycle studies leading to a Maitrise/Master degree; o The request should be for the 2nd year of studies at least, since we do not award scholarships for the first year of studies; o Having no other member of the close family receiving a Foundation scholarship, simultaneously. 2.2. Forms: 2.2.1. Application forms should be filled in and submitted online ONLY 2.2.2. Depending on the country of studies, the application forms will be available in two different periods: - For the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE countries from January 1st to March 31st. - For the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE countries from September 1st to November 30th. 1 FUNDAÇÃO CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN Serviço das Comunidades Arménias III. EVALUATION CRITERIA The students will be selected according to several criteria such as the academic level and excel of studies, their financial situation, and their eventual involvement in the Armenian community. IV. TIMEFRAME OF THE SCHOLARSHIP Scholarships are awarded for a complete academic year and are paid in a single installment. Should normal progress be made in the chosen studies, the student may benefit from a Foundation's scholarship for a maximum period of three academic years. V. RENEWAL OF THE SCHOLARSHIP Renewal of the scholarship is conditional to class promotion. Since the renewal of the scholarship is not automatic, the scholarship holder should apply for the renewal of the scholarship in accordance with the mentioned deadlines (See Chapter II) VI. TERMINATION OR CANCELLATION OF THE SCHOLARSHIP The Foundation reserves the right to terminate or conditions stipulated in the present Regulations. VII. CONTACTS Address: FUNDAÇÃO CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN Serviço das Comunidades Arménias Avenida de Berna 45-A PT-1067-001 LISBOA PORTUGAL ite: Armenian Communities Department e-mail: [email protected] VIII. FINAL INFORMATION The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation imposes no obligation for the reimbursement of the scholarships it awards. However, it appeals to the conscience of each scholarship holder later to revert the assistance he/she may have received for his/her studies, to the benefit of his/her community. 2