Grande Oriente do Brasil GRANDE JURISDIÇÃO NACIONAL PARA A REPÚBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL Fundado em 24/6/1822 Poder Central – Brasília DF GRANDE SECRETARIA GERAL DE RELAÇÕES EXTERIORES <[email protected]> Grand Secretary’s Office GSGRME 2012. Brasília, February 13rd 2012. R∴W:. Grand Secretary of the Grand Loge Nationale Française Bro:. Jacques Rodièr Dear Grand Secretary, Considering the long deplorable situation in which the Grande Loge Nationale Française is crossing, showing to the world a negative image of our Honorable Institution, bringing to the Universal Masonry a complete distortion near the people non Mason and a severe prejudice to our self, the GRAND ORIENT OF BRAZIL, old friend and companion has the regret to inform you, that has decided to SUSPEND its relations with your Grand Lodge. soon. We hope your Grande Loge return to the regularity very By command of the General Grand Master. Fernando Tullio Colacioppo Junior GENERAL GRAND SECRETARY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS SGAS – AV. W / 5 – Quadra 913 – Conjunto “ H “ CEP ( Zip Code) 70390-130 / BRASÍLIA -DF Telefone 55-61- 3245-4555 FAX 55-61- 3245- 4614