Portuguese for foreigners Sandra Ferreira dos Santos Ribeiro PORTUGUESE FOR FOREIGNERS Sandra Ferreira dos Santos Ribeiro (Aluna do Curso de Secretariado Executivo Trilíngüe da Universidade Estácio de Sá) At this section of RESET magazine, people from all over the world will find some relevant tips related to correct usage of the oral formal variety of Brazilian Portuguese (BP). These tips were selected to help foreign people who intend to travel to Brazil for any reason to keep communication with Brazilian native speakers. For this first number of RESET magazine we’ve chosen to talk about some important grammar structures for our visitors interested in triggering and keeping understandable communication through BP. 1. The possibility of contraction of a preposition and an article in some situations, like before the name of countries, cities or avenues. There are some places names which require the contraction because they are determined by an article (o, a, os, as). For example: a) Moro na Inglaterra (I live in England) (na = em + a) b) No dia 3 de Junho estarei em São Paulo. (By June, 3, I will be in São Paulo) (no contraction) Note that in example (a) the name Inglaterra requires the article a, so the contraction is mandatory. In example (b) there is no contraction because the name São Paulo doesn’t require an article. Therefore, it’s necessary to get in touch with the language in a regular basis to know exactly when a place names requires or not the article and preposition contraction (see box below). Countries Cities Streets, avenues and bairros O Brasil Brasília A Av. Presidente Vargas A Argentina Buenos Aires A Rua do Rosário A China Pequim A Alameda São Boaventura O Japão Tóquio A Praça da Bandeira A Alemanha Berlim A Travessa das Iglesinhas Os Estados Unidos Washington A Conde de Bonfim A França Paris A Marquês de São Vicente A Itália Roma A Praça General Osório RESET – Revista Eletrônica do Secretariado Executivo Trilíngüe; 2006 V.1, N.1 : 31 - 33 31 Portuguese for foreigners Sandra Ferreira dos Santos Ribeiro O Canadá Otawa A Inglaterra Londres Copacabana Portugal Niterói Ipanema Guiné Bissau A Visconde de Pirajá O Amazonas Laranjeiras O Arizona Botafogo Angola O Texas Nilópolis Cabo Verde O Pará Petrópolis São Tomé e Príncipe Contractions using preposition em: Preposition Article Contraction em o no em a na em os nos em as nas Contractions using preposition de: Preposition Article Contraction de o do de a da de os dos de as das 2. Special functions of verb to be in BP. Verb to be (ser or estar) has different functions in BP. Beyond it’s most common usage, there are some other meanings it may express in some contexts. Like: a) To indicates someone’s possession: Este carro é do Roberto. (This car belongs to Roberto) b) Chronological time: Agora é inverno. (It’s Winter now) RESET – Revista Eletrônica do Secretariado Executivo Trilíngüe; 2006 V.1, N.1 : 31 - 33 32 Portuguese for foreigners Sandra Ferreira dos Santos Ribeiro Hoje é dia 20. (Today is 20) c) Occupation: Eles são jornalistas. (They are reporters) d) Position: Ele é presidente da empresa. (He is the president of the Company) e) Religion: Nós somos católicos. (We are Catholics) f) In some sentences with verb-subject (VS) inversion : É importante falar Chinês. (It´s important to speak Chinese) São necessárias 30 pessoas para a realização do projeto. (It will be necessary 30 people for the project) RESET – Revista Eletrônica do Secretariado Executivo Trilíngüe; 2006 V.1, N.1 : 31 - 33 33