St. Nicholas
Newsletter │ December II - 2009
Student Council organises donation collected
by St. Nicholas School community
Upcoming events
Yasmin Younes, Year 11
Tue 15th, Wed 16th and Thu 17th
Year 10 and 12 Mock exams
Thu 17th
Last day for Infant pupils at 15:15
Fri 18th
Last day for Junior pupils at 12:00
Last day for Senior students at 14:00
January 2010
Thu21st and Fri 22nd
Year 10 and 12 Mock exams
Tue 26th and Wed 27th
Year 10 and 12 Mock exams
Year 9 Ice Skating
Do not forget!
School starts for
pupils on
Thursday 28th
Poliana, who works in the Infant School,
has created a beautiful project in a favela
in Taboão da Serra where every Sunday
morning she removes all the chairs of a
small church, kindly lent by its owner, for
a different section of the public to frequent
the space: children and adolescents from
the neighbourhood. From 8.00am to
11.00am, 22 children and 8 teenagers
who come from very, very humble homes
go to the church to do activities planned
by Poliana, mainly arts and crafts like
painting and drawing. She also teaches
them religion and helps the teenagers to
know what is right and wrong, taking into
consideration the complicated life they
have to experience. Some of them are
extremely unfortunate and have harsh
family problems.
These children also receive a large snack
made by her, which, in some cases, is all
they will eat for the day. Poliana, alone,
tries to help them as much as she can,
with an open heart and wonderful work.
She sometimes takes the teenagers for a
pizza night out to get to know them well
and she regularly makes all of them get
involved with music and instruments so
they can have fun and have a connection
with something positive and tranquil,
away from their difficult lives. During
Christmas, Poliana, along with her mother,
will prepare a large supper for the children
and their parents to go to and she will
give all the children presents. Poliana has
been working alone on this project for a
long time and she has put a lot of her own
money into material and snacks and a lot
of devotion towards the children of this
creche. But the place is extremely small
for the large number of children and it
lacks necessities like tables and materials.
The government has been trying to look
for a better and larger location for them,
so more and more children can frequent it,
but this is still pending. Until they don’t get
the new place, Poliana will continue with
her outstanding passion and her amazing
enthusiasm to change the lives of these
Student Council representatives, along with
Senior School Student Council coordinator,
Mr. Anderson Costa, visited the project on
Thursday, December 10th. We were all
impressed with the work and devotion of
Poliana and the love the children feel for
her job. All of them look forward to the
Sunday morning activities. The Student
Council will consider providing assistance
for her project next term.
Junior Rock Bands
Rock Band Heroes!
On 10th December the year 4, 5, 6 pupils presented their bands. They worked hard in
their lunch time and break to prepare for the rock bands that everybody enjoyed. It was
really great with all their music and talent. All of them played really great and everybody
was clapping and cheering for all the hard work they did. They made these presentations
just for you. They all ROCKED!!!
by Shreya Bangera and Carolina Gattaz Year 4X
The Infant School had a great time
yesterday, December 10th, watching
the Junior Rock Band concert. From Tiny
Tots 2 to Year 2, children danced and
had a lot of fun! Thanks Junior Bands for
inviting us! You guys rock!
Mr Anderson Costa
Duas vezes campeão mundial de Fórmula 1 e campeão de
Fórmula Indy. Não é pouco para um esportista que se propôs
a ser piloto de automobilismo aos cinco anos, quando foi
levado, pela primeira vez, por seu pai, ao autódromo de
Interlagos. Chama a atenção de qualquer um a determinação
a atingir seus objetivos estabelecida por ele. Se levarmos em
conta que o automobilismo é um esporte que envolve alto
grau de risco e elevada produção de adrenalina, logo somos
inclinados a imaginar que aquele garoto de cinco anos seja
um vencedor agitado e rápido em seus atos fora das pistas. Foi esta, talvez, a maior
surpresa que os alunos do Senior School tiveram ao conhecer, no Assembly do dia 2 de
dezembro, o garoto que já sabia o que seria desde os primeiros anos de vida. Emerson
Fittipaldi, um dos maiores nomes do automobilismo mundial de todos os tempos, esteve
no Hall de nossa escola para conversar com os alunos sobre sua carreira, os desafios que
teve que enfrentar e os sucessos que conquistou.
Sua presença leve e calma, somada ao seu falar tranquilo e apaixonado, contrastaram
com a velocidade que Emo (como é conhecido fora do Brasil, ou Rato, seu apelido em seu
país natal) demonstrou nas pistas por onde correu. Ele trouxe a miniatura de um carro
de Fórmula 1 e explicou aos alunos, em detalhes, a aerodinâmica de seu design. Também
mostrou e deixou os alunos segurarem o capacete que ele usa e apresentou o macacão
a prova de fogo que os pilotos têm que usar.
No início de sua apresentação, Fittipaldi mostrou um vídeo com imagens de suas corridas
e títulos e depoimentos de outros pilotos a seu respeito. Ele teceu elogios a seu ídolo
Juan Manuel Fangio, comentou o prazer que foi, para ele, poder correr ao lado de
nomes como Allain Prost, Nick Lauda, Nelson Piquet e Ayrton Senna, entre tantos outros
inesquecíveis. Mostrou, ainda, um comovente momento em que aparece na tela o Beatle
George Harrison (alguém aí já ouviu falar nele?) cantando uma versão de “Here comes
the sun” para Emo, em que diz ”Here comes Emerson” e fala das praias do Brasil e de
nossa deliciosa caipirinha.
O Assembly foi, sim, rápido e corrido (como não poderia deixar de ser). Mas a lembrança
deixada por Emerson na St. Nicholas School ainda vai dar muitas voltas e fará muitos pit
stops em nosso veloz e eterno circuito acadêmico.
Wacky Week
Junior Student Council:
A Term of Achievements
Mrs Yu
It has been a very productive term for
this academic year’s first set of Student
Council representatives. Without a doubt,
it was busy, but it was also absolutely a
very rewarding and enjoyable learning
experience for everyone.
This term, the Junior Student Council
operated differently. Instead of teachers
leading and preparing for the meetings,
representatives of both Year 6 classes
took turns preparing the agenda, taking
down minutes, and publishing articles in
the Newsletter. They were very reliable
and efficient with their leading roles. We
were also lucky to have a number of active
contributors whose ideas kept everyone
busy the whole term.
Highlights of the term:
• August– Student Council Breakfast and
first visit to ACOMI in August
•September – Peace Day
•October – Book Drive and Book Sale and
Halloween themed Casual Clothes Day
•November – Delivering playground
equipment to ACOMI and Christmas Drive
•December – Christmas visit to ACOMI
and Creche Nova Esperança
representatives for their fantastic ideas,
generous contributions and outstanding
achievements! You have proven yourselves
responsible and caring leaders and excellent
role models of the school community!
New books and DVDs
in the library!
The Library has
received new books
and DVDs!
You can see an
new titles from the
Library regularly!
click on “Library”,
top left, on “Aquisições do mês” or “New
in Library”.
Last week the house captains and vice-captains organised Wacky Week. Everyday at
break time there was a fun race for each year group.
On Monday Year 3s participated in the Bursting Balloon race. Results: 1st place Cambridge,
2nd London, 3rd Oxford.
On Tuesday Year 4s had Spoon Scramble, an egg and spoon race. Results: 1st place:
Cambridge, 2nd London, 3rd Oxford.
Last day!
Reminding that all loans must be returned
to the library, by Wednesday 16th
As the term is coming to the end, could you
please return all the Library materials until
the last day of School?
On Wednesday it was Year 5’s turn and they had the Munching Marshmallows. Results:
1st Place Oxford, 2nd place Cambridge, 3rd Place London.
Finally on Thursday it was year 6’s turn to cover their faces with flour. Results: 1st place:
London, 2nd place Cambridge and 3rd place Oxford.
We would like to apologise for some mistakes
in the previous newsletter issue.
We would like to thank all the students that participated and made the event so enjoyable!!
We would also like to congratulate our organised and enthusiastic house captains and
Overall results
• Language Corner had two instructions.
• Language Corner’s winners names were
wrong. The correct would be: Sreya (3Y),
Carolina, Shreya, Arissa, Beatrice (4X),
Lucas and Raveena (4Y), Charlotte and Se
Yun (5Y), Catarina, Sarah and Natalia (6X),
Sally and Pedro Camargo (6Y).
Universidade e Carreira
Um profissional com habilidades manuais
e especialista no tratamento bucal das
pessoas. O trabalho de um odontologista
vai além da definição dessa primeira frase.
Trabalhador da área de saúde, um dentista
deve ter formação humanista e estar
atento ao bem-estar do paciente para lhe
oferecer o tratamento adequado.
“Para ser dentista, é preciso gostar de lidar
com pessoas, porque ele não trata só do
dente, da boca, ele trata do paciente como
um todo”, define Luciano Artioli Moreira,
presidente da Associação Brasileira de
Cirurgiões-Dentistas (AbcdBrasil).
Há 19 especialidades reconhecidas
pelo CFO. De acordo com o conselho, a
maioria dos profissionais se especializa
em ortodontia, implantodontia, prótese
e ortopedia funcional dos maxilares.
Essas áreas concentram o maior número
de atendimentos no país. Entre as
tendências do mercado destacam-se a
odontogeriatria, devido ao envelhecimento
da população, a odontologia estética e
o atendimento voltado a pessoas com
necessidades especiais.
Caiu no vestibular
História (FUVEST) A Revolução Francesa
eliminou privilégios do Antigo Regime,
difundindo os princípios de Liberdade,
Bonaparte adotou medidas que violaram
aqueles princípios. Comente duas dessas
Um desafio de matemática
(FUVEST 2010) Uma pirâmide tem como
base um quadrado de lado 1, e cada uma
de suas faces laterais é um triângulo
equilátero. Então, a área do quadrado, que
tem como vértices os baricentros de cada
uma das faces laterais, é igual a:
Carreira: Odontologia
O curso é de tempo integral e sua duração
varia de quatro a cinco anos de acordo
com a universidade. Segundo as diretrizes
do Ministério da Educação , 20% da carga
horária total deve ser destinada a estágios
A maioria das instituições de ensino possui
clínicas para que seus alunos possam
aplicar o conhecimento teórico recebido sob
supervisão de professores. Nas entidades
públicas, há atendimento gratuito para a
população. Antes de ter contato com os
pacientes, os estudantes aprendem as
técnicas em laboratório usando manequins
de bocas.
Na maior parte das universidades, o primeiro
ano da graduação é destinado a disciplinas
básicas como microbiologia, biociências,
genética, imunologia, patologia, entre
outras. A partir do segundo ano do curso,
os estudantes já começam a ter disciplinas
práticas e a atender pacientes.
Na Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba
da Universidade Estadual de Campinas
(Unicamp), as disciplinas teóricas e
práticas são integradas e o atendimento
St Nicholas na Fuvest
Gostaríamos de parabenizar ao exaluno Marcelo Poles Jannuzzi, por ter
sido aprovado para a segunda fase
do vestibular da Universidade de São
Paulo (FUVEST - USP), para o curso de
by Mr L. Anderson
clínico também. “Os alunos fazem
todos os procedimentos e interagem
com professores de várias áreas da
odontologia”, explica o coordenador do
curo, professor Enilson Antonio Sallum.
De acordo com os professores, para
ser um bom profissional, o estudante
deve continuar sua formação após a
faculdade e se atualizar sempre, pois os
tratamentos se modernizam ao longo dos
anos. “Tem que estudar muito o resto da
vida, ler todo dia, fazer cursos e acessar
a internet”, diz o coordenador do curso da
UFPR, Jayme Bordini Júnior.
Os melhores cursos são oferecidos
pelas seguintes instituições:
• UNESP (São José dos Campos,
Araraquara e Araçatuba)
• USP (SP, Bauru e Ribeirão Preto)
• UNICAMP (Piracicaba)
• Leopoldo Mandic (Campinas)
Palestra – As novas tendências
dos Vestibualres
Respostas do Número Anterior
As respostas do número anterior estarão
na próxima edição.
Alunos do Year 11 e 12 assistiram à palestra
do Prof Eber, coordenador do Curso prévestibular Intergraus – Pinheiros, sobre
as novas tendências dos vestibulares e a
atual situação do ENEM (Exame Nacional
do Ensino Médio) para a entrada em
universidades brasileiras.
a) 5/9 b) 4/9 c) 1/3 d) 2/9 e) 1/9
Campo dos Sonhos
It was a great experience for everyone
and the children learnt all about the
importance of recycling, how a water
wheel can be used to produce energy,
how organic fertilizers are made and their
importance to our health as well as how
coffee is made in the most natural way
possible. We were really pleased and
impressed by the children’s interest and
the questions they asked.
From the November 11th – 13th Year 4
went on a trip to Campo dos Sonhos as
part of an introduction to our new unit
‘What’s in the Bin?’.
After working all day they had their free
time and an opportunity to ride horses,
cycle on bikes, go on the ‘pedalinho’, swim
in the two pools or relax in the Jacuzzi and
obviously the boys played lots of football!
They were also very excited about our
night walk around the forest using lanterns
they made from tins and candles to shine
the way.
They also got to feed animals and milk a
At the end of our trip we planted a tree.
It is the fifth tree St. Nicholas has at the
The trip was a success and the students
learnt a lot and had a great time! Well
done Year 4!
Senior English
Fortress Food
I want to go to Fortress F. F for food, that
is. It is the paradise of whoever likes to eat
a lot. It all starts with the candy corridor.
sure you’re using a big bowl! Pour in a
cup of anger. Add 100ml of the purest
impatience you can find. A teaspoon of
fear would be good.
One whole kilometre with walls covered
in candy boxes. There is chewing gum
the size of a golf ball, gummy bears of
colours from magenta to dark blue,
chocolate bars of all shapes and sizes
and towers of marshmallows. Sweet, soft
There is also the hamburger house.
Hamburgers: delicious, juicy, awesome
hamburgers. There are hamburgers with
cheese, hamburgers with lettuce, chicken
hamburgers, green hamburgers, sweet
hamburgers, hamburgers as tall as a
house, hamburgers as small as your finger
nail. Some even say there are triangular
Put that in the oven. After 10 minutes it
should be ready!
Now get a bowl full of kindness. Pour in
a spoonful of sweetness and a dash of
bitterness. A filled cup of laughter and a
jug of clumsiness should be added. Blend
it all together.
Remove the bowl from the oven and pour
the blended mixture on top. A bag of joy
will make it more special as well as a pound
of dreams and 20ml of resentment. Place
it all on the table and pour in a whole jar
of love. Best served with cooked tears!
by Calu Malta (Yr 8)
And finally, the best of all… The chocolate
milk swimming pool. Some people drink
from it, others swim in it; that milk can
cheer up even the saddest, loneliest
person in the world.
In the fortress there are many wonders
that could make you go crazy and never
leave the palace. Some say it’s real, some
call it a legend, but those who went in,
never came out.
by Ivan Falsztyn (Yr 7)
A Recipe for Calu Malta
A spoonful of happiness
50ml of surprises
A cup of anger
100ml of impatience
A teaspoon of fear
A bowl of kindness
A spoon of sweetness
A dash of bitterness
A cup of laughter
A jug of clumsiness
A jar full of love
A bag full of joy
A pound of dreams
20ml of resentment
Begin with a spoon full of happiness. Mix
it together with 50ml of surprises. Make
Year 9 students have been studying John
Steinbeck’s novel, “Of Mice and Men” in
their English lessons. Steinbeck focuses
on the theme of dreams in his novel and
students were asked to write about their
own hopes and dreams for the future.
Hopes and Dreams
Every person in the world has various
hopes and dreams. Hopes and dreams
might be related to education, health,
happiness, careers and leisure. They
may be as simple as results for tests
and as complex as travelling worldwide.
Furthermore, hopes and dreams are
important because they give us an aim to
achieve during life and give us motivation
to live our lives with enthusiasm.
around the world or in Europe. A particular
country I would adore visiting is Greece
and this is for three main reasons. Firstly,
my surname has a Greek origin, therefore
part of my family is Greek and centuries
ago they have lived there so I would love
to learn about the place and the culture of
where my family has once lived. Secondly,
I was always fascinated with the Greek
mythology and it would be spectacular
to visit the monuments and landmarks
dedicated to Greek gods and goddesses,
for example Athena’s sanctuary, Poseidon’s
temple and The Parthenon, Athena’s most
famous temple. Thirdly, it would be a
unique experience to find out about a new
culture, marvelous tourist attractions and
new types of food, such as unusual salads
for example the “horiaktiki salatas”.
Additionally, I would like to do this trip
when I turn 15 years old with my sisters
or another family member. In Greece, I
hope to visit Athens because there I will
not only learn about mythology, but also
about the Olympic Games. For this dream
to become reality, I will have to be willing
to be a hard worker and have motivation
to achieve it.
Thirdly, I have the dream of visiting Disney
World once more. Last year, I travelled to
Orlando, Florida and I had the opportunity
to visit Disney World and see the stunning
views it provides. A highlight of that trip
for me was the castle in Magic Kingdom,
since its beauty amazed me. At night,
you can notice that the castle changes
colour because of the lights that shine
upon it. Furthermore, there is a firework
show called “Wishes” and it is amazing to
observe because the fireworks dance in
the sky like professional dancers do on a
stage. From my point of view, Disney is a
place which I will never regret visiting as
all ages are entertained. Moreover, all of
the attractions in the parks are extremely
well planned and, in my opinion, it is a
magical and perfect place. There is a
slogan for Disney World which says:
“Where dreams come true” and actually it
is the place where one of my dreams will
come true. Fortunately, this dream will be
fulfilled in 2010, as my family has already
booked this trip.
Firstly, I have the dream of having a
career which is related to Biology and the
environment. This is because Biology is a
subject which I enjoy and I am concerned
with the environment nowadays. In
addition, I would like to have this career
because of the possibility of discovering
cures to fatal diseases, for example cancer
and AIDS, and therefore helping people
who suffer from these diseases. Moreover,
I will be passionate about this career
because it will give me an opportunity
to protect the environment which is
presently being damaged. This dream
may be achieved by having a high quality
education, possibly studying overseas
in the U.K or U.S.A, and attending an
excellent university, hopefully Oxford,
Cambridge, Yale, Brown or USP.
Finally, I have the dream of becoming a
contemporary or lyrical dancer. Since I am
a quiet and tranquil person who does not
speak much, I require another manner of
expressing myself and I think dancing is
the solution as it is something I enjoy. In
addition, I have chosen these dance styles
because they are not aggressive and the
movements are gorgeous and fascinating.
This dream might be fulfilled by practising
to the best of my ability and by taking
advantage of every lesson.
Secondly, I have the dream of travelling
By Stéphanie Beeby (Yr 9)
In conclusion, I think that everyone
should have dreams and work their
hardest to achieve them. I hope that
everyone’s dreams are fulfilled, however,
in order for that to happen, we need to
be willing to fight for them and we must
never give up.
Mr Moss
Junior Inter House Swimming Gala
A fine array of swimming talents and
abilities were on show in an excellent
morning of house representation and
competition in the first solo Junior House
Swimming Gala.
The Gala, such a prominent event in the
school Sports calendar, was well supported
by an impressive number of parents, family
members, cameras and variety of Infant/
Junior staff and Snr House representatives
contributing to the many successes of the
Over 135 pupils/swimmers from the Jnr
School in all years competed in a 32 races
that included all the recognised stokes, an
open house relay and a staff relay. One
6 year old standing record of 20, 03 was
broken by Luiza Perez in the Yr4 Front Crawl
at a time of 19, 88. Also London took the
honors off last year’s winners Cambridge in
the staff relay.
Quarters, Minutes and Points
The Yr3/4 House competition was extremely
tight as only 2 points difference separated
1st from 3rd place. Cambridge notably
having more influence this year. But Ms
Philip’s Oxford challenged the houses’
depth of ability, consistency, numbers of
competitors and top places all the way but
it was to be the green of London’s morning.
Led by Mrs. Borges, London ended Oxford’s
run of over 3 yrs as title holders and were
crowned Junior Inter House Swimming
Gala Champions of 2009/10.
On behalf of the PE Department a massive
thanks to all members of the St Nicholas
community and the Head of Houses for
their support, time and contribution before
and during the event. Congratulation to
London and we look forward to The Senior
House Swimming Gala in April/May.
Game 1 - St Nicholas 40 x 18 St Pauls
Game 2 - St Nicholas 44 x 26 St Pauls
With Theo’s scoring heroics, it’s easy to
proclaim him the star of the two games.
For me, though, there wasn’t a single St
Nicholas player who proved to be more
valuable than any other. It was the team’s
excellent defense and transitional play that
won both games, and everyone deserves
commendation here. This was a team that
was positive and committed to the goal of
performing and competing to the best of
their collective ability.
Game 1 - St Nicholas 18 x 24 St Pauls
Game 2 - St Nicholas 18 x 20 St Pauls
Prepositions can be tricky! Complete the sentences below with the correct prepositions
and give your answers to Mrs. Toffoli (ESL). You may win an R.O.A.!
by - on - in - for
1. Did you do it ____ your own? Yes, I like working _____ myself.
2. She couldn’t talk to me, she was _____ such a hurry.
3. Did he do it _____ purpose? No, he broke the plate ______ accident.
4. It is more expensive because it’s made ______ hand.
5.They traveled to Germany ______ business.
6. I’ve seen it everywhere! ______ TV, ______the radio, ______ all newspapers.
7. She found the poem ______ chance ______a book _____ Shakespeare.
8. I usually go to school _____ foot but if it’s raining I go _____ car.
9. He’s over there, working _____ the computer now.
10. What a lovely day to go _____ a swim!
Name: ________________________________ Year: _____________
Last issue’s winners: Sreya (3Y), Jun and Arissa (4X), Rick (4Y), Saketh (5X), Se Yun (5Y), Catarina and Sarah
(6X),Pedro Camargo (6Y), Nodoka and Yoon (Y7)
Credit goes to all the girls, too, for two
games well played and all their hard work
after a dismal performance at Alphaville.
The team is a work-in-progress, and have
improved their effectiveness of passing,
shooting and general skill and discipline.
Clearly, St Nicks girls still have work to do
but pride can be taken in St Nicks leading
both entire games until the last 5 minutes
of each fourth quarter. With both teams
evenly and competitively matched, both
games were enjoyable and showed definite
improvements by all girls individually and
Think Green
Mrs Vassellucci
Don’t Let Being Away from Home Stop Your Recycling Efforts!
You are no stranger to recycling. You sort
your garbage. You compost your kitchen
scraps. You have very little trash. You
recycle all the things you can in your home.
And then the realisation hits: you’re going
out of town. What to do about the recycling
while you’re away? Summer vacation is
upon us. Don’t let your vacation or trip
away from home stop you from recycling.
Here’s what you can do to help plan for
recycling while you’re out of town.
Reduce Before You Even Start
Bottled water may be convenient while
we’re on the go during the summer months,
but consider eliminating your consumption
of bottle water by buying recycled and
reusable containers to reduce waste. It
costs nearly 7 times as much water to
manufacture and transport a single bottle
of water produced and bottled for you than
it does for you to refill your own reusable
water containers. By using your own
bottles, you avoid the waste, reduce the
cost, and avoid having to recycle in the
first place.
Call Ahead to Find Local
Recycling Options
Most communities have some access to
recycling. Check city websites where you’ll
be traveling or telephone city offices to find
out what kind of recycling is available in
the city you’ll be visiting. Be specific about
what you’re looking for. Are you looking
for general recycling for paper, metal and
plastic goods while you’re vacationing? Ask
if there are drop off locations or recycling
bins within city centers. If you’re going
camping, call ahead and ask what kind
of recycling is available where you’ll be.
Many state park systems are implementing
recycling to help with local wildlife and
waterway protections. Keep your camp
site clean and recycle those resources.
Remember to ask about composting
vegetable scraps from your cooking too!
Don’t let your vacation stop
you from helping our planet!
Have an enjoyable and safe
trip and happy 2009!
Sharing Christmas with ACOMI and Creche Nova Esperança
Giovanna Pedrinola
sandwiches, chocolates and juice. We also
played a game called ‘pass the parcel’ and
the kids loved it! And we really appreciated
having Mr. Carlos going with us and singing
Christmas songs with us for the kids. We
also presented them a Christmas play and
they didn’t stop laughing and having fun.
And then we gave them their presents
and they were super happy. It was a very
special, fun time for us and for them.
On December 11th, the members of the
Junior Student Council visited ACOMI and
Creche Nova Esperança to deliver the toys
and the Christmas presents that were
collected during the last Casual Clothes
First, we went to the Creche and took
lots of food, like panettones, muffins,
You can enjoy this artwork on the Student
Council display board next to the reception
Thank you everyone for your support,
contributions and donations!
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year!
While we were at the creche, Gabriella
Iannoni and Maria Eduarda Oliveira
dos Santos went to ACOMI with PTA
representative Mrs Teresa Santiago also to
deliver toys, presents and some Christmas
goodies for the kids there. They also
delivered a first aid kit that was donated
by one of our parents, Mrs Maria Joana
In return, ACOMI gave us some delicious
cookies, home baked bread and some
artwork done by the children who go there.
Commemorations, celebrations and fun events around the world
Action Committee / International Committee
24th – Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas Day, is observed by
Christians around the world with special meals with family or friends, giftgiving, and for Catholics, a midnight mass.
25th – Christmas Day is a commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ,
and modern traditions include the display of Nativity scenes, Holly and
Christmas trees, the exchange of gifts and cards, and the arrival of Father
Christmas or Santa Claus on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. Popular
Christmas themes include the promotion of goodwill and peace.
26th – Boxing Day is a public holiday celebrated in the United Kingdom,
Canada and most other Commonwealth countries, or alternatively on the
next weekday after Christmas. Different countries have different ways
of celebrating this holiday, but many of them observe the day with postChristmas sales and various sporting events.
26th Dec to 1st Jan – Kwanzaa is a week-long Pan-African festival
primarily honoring African-American heritage, observed almost exclusively
in the United States of America. Activities for the occasion include candlelighting, pouring of libations, and a feast and gift-giving on the last day.
31st – New Year’s Eve is celebrated with family gatherings and parties to
mark the end of the year and to welcome the new one. Many cultures use
fireworks and other forms of noise making as part of the celebration.

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