boatCV PROVISIONING LIST Booking/Charter No. Name of Yacht Charterer Date of arrival Date of delivery I hereby obliging order the subsequent listed goods. I read and agree with the of the on page 3 stated (Please note) exeptions. Date/Location Signatur (if sent by email document also valid without signatur!) Page 1 of 3 boatCV PROVISIONING LIST Drinks Bebidas Quantity Condiments condimento Cola cola Salt sal Fanta fanta Pepper pimenta Sprite sprite Flour farinha trigo Water w/gas agua com gas Ketchup catshup Water agua sem gas Mayonnaise maionese Orange Juice sumo de laranja Sunflower oil oleo (gira sol) Juice sumo Olive oil aceite Red Whine vinho tinto Vinegar vinagre White Wine vinho branco Mustard Mostardo Beer cerveja Chili (hot) malangueta breakfast peq. Almoço Quantity Fruits Vegetables Quantity Cereals cereales Garlic alho Jam doce Carrots cenoura Honey mel Onions cebola Tea cha Bananas banana Nescafe nescafe Lemons limão Milk leite Oranges laranja Cacao cacau(nesquick) Apples maçã bread (toast) pão de forma Tomatoes tomate Eggs ovos Cucumbers pepino bacon bacon Potatoes batata house keeping Quantity Dairy products leiteria Toilet paper papel higiene Chesse queijo Paper towels papel de cozinha Goat cheese queijo terra Napkins guardanapo Yogurt iogurte Garbage bags bolsa de lixo Parmesan parmesão Snacks aperitivos Quantity Meat/Chicken carne Cookies bolacha Chickenlegs peanuts amendoim Hamburger meat hamburguer potato chips matutano Sausage salsicha Chocolate chocolate Chouriso chouriço Page 2 of 3 Quantity galinha (perna) Quantity Quantity boatCV PROVISIONING LIST Various diverso(lata) Spaghetti spaghetti Peas ervilha Rice arroz Sardine in oil sardinha lata) tomatoes (can) tomate (lata) Mushrooms cogumelo Tuna fish atum Green beans feijão verde Quantity Special request Quantity Bread (baguette) pão Local rum grogue remarks: Please note: 1. Vegetables and fruit even though of good quality often do not meet european (optical) standards! 2. Please specify the exact quantity e.g. 2l or 3 can or 5 kg etc. 3. Water (with gas) is only available in small 33cl bottles (i.e. 1 l Water w/gas = 3 bottles)! 4. Due to CV market changes we cannot guaranty availability and or cont.quality of the listed products. In this case we will deliver the next closest product, e.g. spaghetties<=>macaroni 5. There will be a 10% delivery surcharge (minimum 30 €) added to the purchased groceries! Please send this list, sufficiently (1 week) prior to your charter via your charter-agent or direktly by fax +238 2300381. Formular drucken Per E-Mail senden Page 3 of 3