THERMOLUMINESCENCE (TL) DATING OF INACTIVE DUNES FROM THE RIO GRANDE DO NORTE COAST, BRAZIL MárcioYee*, Sonia Hatsue Tatumi**, Kenitiro Suguio***, Alcina M. F. Barreto****, Erica F.Momose*****, Rosemeire P.Paiva*****, Casimiro S.Munita***** Abstract Thermoluminescence dating of inactive dunes from the State of Rio Grande do Norte coast (Brazil) were performed in 19 samples. The age should represent time elapsed after the last sunlight exposition of the grain, for the time when the dunes became fixed. The age showed important phases of eolic activity in the region, during Upper Pleistocene, between 390-190 k years BP and 64-15 k years BP, also after Middle Holocene up to the present. Introduction The ages of samples were determined by Thermoluminescence (TL) method, whose applications to age determination of sedimentary deposits was initiated in the 80’s decade (Wintle & Huntley, 1980), especially in eolian deposits ( Less et al., 1990). In Brazil, after the pioneer wiks of Poupeau et al. (1984 and 1988), this is one if the few systematic application of this method, except for the study of Barreto (1996; apud Tatumi et al., 1998). Dose dependence of the TL intensity of gamma irradiated samples and effect of sunlight exposure were studied. Theoretical fitting of the TL glow cure emission was perfoemed by using second order kinetics. The sediment equivalent dose (AD) was estimated by the additive dose method ( Singhvi et al., 1982) and the total bleach regeneration method ( Debenham and Walton, 1983; Proszynska, 1983). TL dating allows to obtain ages of few tens up to 106 years BP, depend on sample properties and the sensitivity of the TL reader. In this method it can be used the quartz grains, that were obtained, for example, from eolian, fluvial and marine sediments. Inactive dunes from the State of Rio Grande do Norte coast (Brazil), with regional dimensions, could be considered as geomorphlogical and sedimentological indicators of paleoclimates drier than, the present, during the Quaternary. Probably, these coastal dunes were generated due to intensified eolian activity, attributable to past more arid conditions in the area. On the other hand, their most pronounced expansion periods could be correlated with sea-level drop episodes. Otherwise, sand nourishment to the coastal plains occurred dominantly during the regression following a sea-level rise, being intensely reworked by the winds. Consequently, TL dating of these natural environmental changes are crucial to better understand geological evolutionary history of the area in the Quaternary. Study Area The State of Rio Grande do Norte coast stretch-out for about 400km in the Northeastern Brazil (Figure 1). According to Silveira's (1964) classification it belongs to the “Barreiras” littoral, which is characterized by a ubiquitous presence of the “Barreiras” Formation outcrops. These continental deposits are Tertiary in age, and form a gentle seaward dipping tableland, between the coastal plain and the sublittoral zone. This tableland is moderately dissected by steep-slope valleys, and finishes bordering the beaches as active sea-cliffs. The coastal plains made-up of beach- ridges are unimportant or even absent in this state, and other very common coastal features include lakes, lagoons and beach rocks. Inactive and active eolian dunes are conspicuously observed along the State of Rio Grande do Norte coast. The inactive dunes are more frequent between Tibau do Sul and Touros, with an estimated area of 120km2. The active dunes, on the other hand, are situated dominantly from Touros town to the State of Ceará boundary. * Tecnólogo em Processos de Produção pela FATEC-SP. ** Professor Pleno do Departamento de Ensino Geral da FATEC-SP/CEETPS, Mestre em Física do Estado Sólido pelo IFUSP, Doutor em Ciências pelo IFUSP. *** Instituto de Geociências/USP, Rua do Lago, 562, cep. 05508-900. **** Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Departamento de Geologia, Avenida Acad. Hélio Ramos, s/n, Cid. Universitária, cep. 50740-530, Pernambuco. ***** Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas Nucleares, Supervisão de Radioquímica, Rua Travessa R, 400, cep. 05508-900, São Paulo. Á Touros A R 5º RR E Natal C AP RN AL SE TO RO A PE AC A R PB PI B A P CE MA I PA AM BA MT GO 45º W MG ES MTS SP RJ 0º PR SC RS 0 50 75º 100 km 30º 35º Figure 1 – Location map of the Study in State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The inactive dunes are overspreaded on the “Barreiras” Formation tableland. In general, they are vegetated by fragmental forests with Atlantic coast psamophytic plants. These dunes, sometimes with gigantic dimensions, present a parabolic compound shape, whose original morphology is partially modified by erosional and/or pedogenetic processes. The parabolic dunes are variable in height from 15 to 70m and in length from less than 2km to l9km. Sometimes, the dune morphology was completely destroyed, and only a sandy and gently undulated surface was observed by Barreto et al. (1998). Gomes et al (1981) distinguished the inactive and active eolian dunes, in this coastal plain, based on the presence or absence of vegetation, respectively. On the other hand, Nogueira et al (1975) and Perrin & Costa (1982) established two generations of dunes based on the color of the sands. According to these authors, the darkish color (red to orange) of fixed dunes would be older, and the lightish color (yellow and white) of mobile dunes would be younger. Finally, the ages of inactive coastal dunes and the most important sea-level and climate oscillations episodes could be correlated, when adequately supported by the following assumptions. The first is that, there is a close relationship between these environmental changes and the origin of several generations of coastal dunes (Short, 1988), and the second is that, these environmental changes occurred at least in a semi-regional scale (Giannini,1993). Materials And Methods Nineteen sediment samples were collected from inactive eolian dunes, Figure 2 shows the all the ages found in the present work. The collected samples were submitted to chemical treatments composed by HCl (20%) to 20 minutes and HF (20%) during 2 hours, to selected only grains of quartz and feldspar. The grains of quartz were obtained to the heavy liquid “Sodium Polytungstate”, followed by sieving to separate the grain sizes between 88 and 180 µm. All γ irradiations were performed with a 6OCo source of the IPEN-CNEN (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear) laboratories. For the TL measurements, a Daybreak Nuclear and Medical Systems Incorporated, Model 1100-Series Automated TL/OSL System, with a Schott BG-39 optical filter, was used. The accumulated doses were obtained using Additional Doses Method following the Multiple Aliquot Protocol with Natural Normalization (NN), and the Total Bleach Method from Aitken (1985). The annual doses were calculated using 235U, 238U, 232 Th and 40K concentrations and the Bell's equations. Radioactive concentrations were measured by Neutron Activation Analysis, see Table I. SAMPLE U (ppm) 0.45±0.01 0.85±0.02 0.41±0.01 1.08±0.02 0.25±0.01 0.30±0.02 0.19±0.01 0.31±0.01 0.86±0.04 1.20±0.09 0.89±0.06 0.31±0.05 0.84±0.02 0.45±0.02 0.59±0.02 0.63±0.02 1.12±0.03 2.01±0.05 0.94±0.07 1.14±0.07 0.53±0.06 0.33±0.04 1.29±0.05 RN-TL1 RN-TL2 RN-TL3 RN-TL4 RN-TL5 RN-TL6 RN-TL7 RN-15/98 RN-TL22/98 RN-TL32/98 RN-TL38-98 RNTL38/98-A RN 02 RN03 RN07 RN27 RN40 RN41 RN42 RN43 RN44 RN45 RN46 Th (ppm) 1.61±0.02 2.08±0.02 2.33±0.02 6.70±0.05 2.25±0.02 0.97±0.01 0.40±0.01 1.09±0.01 4.03±0.04 6.76±0.06 4.52±0.04 0.70±0.01 1.02±0.01 2.24±0.02 3.93±0.03 2.25±0.02 4.29±0.03 12.29±0.06 2.28±0.02 2.69±0.02 1.57±0.02 1.07±0.01 4.56±0.04 Results And Interpretations TL glow curves of the studied samples supplied peaks at 325 and 375ºC. The intensities of the 375ºC peak were used, to obtain the paleodoses and equivalent doses values. TL growth curves have been linear, sublinear and exponential behaviors in the Total Bleach Method. Figure 2 shows an K-40 (10-5%) 1.59 ± 0.03 1.246 ± 0.001 0.591 ± 0.005 0.063 ± 0.005 0.226 ± 0.003 2.94 ± 0.02 0.340 ± 0.007 7.5 ± 0.1 1.91± 0.03 5.81± 0.08 6.02 ± 0.07 5.35 ± 0.07 1.2±0.1 3.09±0.2 1.9±0.1 0.71±0.2 0 18.5±0.9 18±1 20±1 7.7±0.6 8.6±0.5 10.5±0.5 Annual Dose (µGy/ano) 419±4 557±6 463±4 963±9 415±4 332±6 261±3 344±3 706±13 999±28 751±19 315±14 475±6 466±7 629±7 513±7 793±10 1.623±17 596±20 678±20 437±17 348±11 857±16 P ( Gy ) 14.5±2 0.12±0.01 1.8±0.3 0.4±0.1 89±2 70±9 0.9±0.3 71±3 45±3 117±7 141±5 84±3 185±5 112±3 150±7 18±1 4.5±0.4 40.1±0.4 1.5±0.1 6.2±0.2 4.1±0.2 22.0±0.4 128±3 example of the natural and 20 Gy of γ - dose irradiated and previously submitted to 16 hours of sunlight TL glow curves of the sample RN38-98. TL growth curve the above cited sample is shown in Figure 3, in this case it was observed single saturating exponential growth. 1,2x106 Thermoluminescence (arb. units) 8,0x10 Thermoluminescence (arb. units) 38-98-RN Natural 16h sunlight + 20Gy 5 6,0x105 4,0x105 2,0x105 0,0 1,0x106 RN38-98 8,0x105 6,0x105 P=(141+-5)Gy AD=(751+-19)µGy/yr I= (1,9+-0,1)105years BP 4,0x105 2,0x105 0,0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 o Temperature C 350 400 450 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 Dose (Gy) Figure 2 - TL glow curve of the natural quartz grains and 16 Figure 3 – TL growth curve of quartz grains fitted single saturating exponential equation. hours of sunlight and γ- rays irradiated quartz grains. Figure 4 shows TL glow curves of the same sample with additive dose and Figure 5 the respectively growth curve, in this case the experimental points were fitted with exponential growth curve. It was noted the same exponential growth in both methods. The age in the six samples using the two already cited methods showed a difference from 3% to 17%. 1,60E+008 TL ( arbitrary units) 2,0x107 RN38-98 nat + 25Gy nat + 75Gy nat + 100Gy nat + 150Gy nat + 200Gy residual natural 1,40E+008 RN 38-98 TLpeak 375 0C 1,20E+008 TL Intensity (arb.units) 2,5x107 1,5x107 1,0x107 6 5,0x10 1,00E+008 8,00E+007 Q=(142+-9) Gy AD=(751+-19)µ Gy/yr I=(1.89+- 0.1)105yearsBP 6,00E+007 4,00E+007 residual TL(16hourssun-light) 2,00E+007 0,00E+000 0,0 100 -250 200 300 400 -200 -150 500 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 Dose (Gy) 0 Temperature ( C) Figure 4 – TL glow curve of the natural quartz grains and Figure 5 - TL growth curve of the quartz grains fitted with single saturating exponential equation. samples submitted to crescent doses of γ- rays. Conclusion The TL glow curves of the studied samples supplied peaks at 325 and 375ºC. The intensities of the 375ºC peak were used, to obtain the paleodose and the equivalent dose values. They have linear and sublinear TL growth curves in the majority of samples isung the Total Bleaching method. In the Additive Dose Method has been used the exponential curve to determine the equivalent dose. The age in the six samples using the two already cited methods showed a difference from 3% to 17%. The obtained ages (Table I) would represent the interval elapsed after their last subaerial exposition, that is, the time when the inactive dunes have been stabilized. According to the obtained data, eolian activities have been very intensified between 190-390 ky (5 samples) and 6414.9 ky (6 samples); both intervals belong to the Upper Pleistocene. The obtained ages suggest that probably the older interval is attributable to the Illinoian and the younger could be ascribed to the Wisconsinian glacial stades, when the sea-levels dropped, and the sands accumulated during the previous high sea-level episodes were intensely reworked by winds. After the Middle Holocene eolian activities, in the studied area, became again important, possibly due to renewed sea-level drop, that occurred after the Holocene sea-level culmination stage about, 5ky ago (Suguio et al.,1985). Finally, several generations of dune sands, in the study area, cannot be distinguished only by difference in colors. This is, probably, because the colors of dune sands are not related only to the burial time, but are also related to the nature of source area, climate during the sedimentation, type and content of clay minerals, etc. Acknowledgements Field works partially supported by FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo). References AITKEN, M. J. 1985. Thermoluminescence dating. London: Academic Press, 359p. BARRETO, A. M. F.; Suguio, K.; DEOLIVEIRA,P.E.1988. Implicações paleoambientais das morfologias de dunas inativas quartenárias da costa leste do Rio Grande do Norte (Barra do Guaju a Touros). XL Congr. Bras. 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