Versão online: Comunicações Geológicas (2014) 101, Especial I, 455-457 IX CNG/2º CoGePLiP, Porto 2014 ISSN: 0873-948X; e-ISSN: 1647-581X Re-evaluation of the genus Rubidgea in the Lower Permian of the Paraná Basin, Brazil, and its biostratigraphic consequence Reavaliação do género Rubidgea, no Pérmico Inferior da Bacia do Paraná, Brasil, e suas consequências bioestratigráficas R. Iannuzzi1*, G. P. Tybusch1 Artigo Curto Short Article © 2014 LNEG – Laboratório Nacional de Geologia e Energia IP Abstract: The plant megafossil specimens revised in this study came from the outcrops located in the São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul states and positioned stratigraphically on top of the Itararé Group and/or base of the Rio Bonito (= Tietê) Formation, Lower Permian of the Paraná Basin. The study material comprises leaves fragments preserved as impressions, previously included in the morphogenus Rubidgea because of their supposed gangamopterid venation pattern, lacking anastomoses. However, re-evaluation of this material showed that these leaves bear at some degree, rare anastomoses along the lamina. Based on this observation, we proposed that these leaves should be transferred to the morphogenus Gangamopteris, which displays this type of venation. Consequently, the reclassification of these glossopterids into species of Gangamopteris made possible a more direct correlation between the Early Permian strata in the north and south portions of the Paraná Basin based on megafloristic comparison. Keywords: Rubidgea, Gangamopteris, Paraná Basin, Lower Permian, Brazil. Resumo: Os espécimes de plantas fósseis revisados neste estudo vieram de afloramentos localizados nos estados de São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul, posicionados estratigraficamente na parte superior do Grupo Itararé e/ou na base da Formação Rio Bonito (= Tietê), Pérmico Inferior da Bacia do Paraná. O material de estudo é composto por fragmentos de folhas preservados como impressões, previamente incluídos na morfogénero Rubidgea por causa de seu suposto padrão de venação gangamopteridea onde faltam anastomoses. No entanto, a reavaliação deste material mostrou que estas folhas suportam, em algum grau, raras anastomoses ao longo da lâmina. Com base nesta observação, foi proposto que estas folhas devem ser transferidas para o morfogénero Gangamopteris, que exibe este tipo de venação. Consequentemente, a reclassificação destes glossopterídeos em espécies de Gangamopteris possibilitou uma correlação mais direta entre os estratos do Eopermiano nas porções norte e sul da Bacia do Paraná com base na comparação megaflorística. Palavras-chave: Rubidgea, Gangamopteris, Bacia do Paraná, Pérmico Inferior, Brasil. 1 Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal Rio Grande do Sul. Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, CEP 91.540-000, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected], “Bolsistas do CNPq – Brasil. * Corresponding author / Autor correspondente: [email protected] 1. Introduction The record of the genus Rubidgea in Brazil was first mentioned by Cazzulo-Klepzig et al. (1980) for the Itararé Group of the Rio Grande do Sul state, and it is represented by a specimen classified as Rubidgea sp. Later, Rubidgea obovata Maithy (1965) and Rubidgea lanceolatus Maithy (1965) were illustrated and reported for the outcrops Acampamento Velho, Morro do Papaléo, Fazenda Goulart and Faxinal, corresponding to the top of the Itararé Group in Rio Grande do Sul state (Cazzulo-Klepzig et al., 1980; Guerra-Sommer et al., 1980; Guerra-Sommer & CazzuloKlepzig, 1981). However, the specimens were not formally described by those authors. Millan & Dolianiti (1982) described and identified a total of four species of the genus Rubidgea from Sítio Itapema, in the Cerquilho municipality, São Paulo state: R. obovata, R. lanceolata, R. lanceolata var. truncata and R. itapemensis. The two latter taxa represented new species erected by these authors at that time. The deposit is related to the top of the Itararé Group (or Tietê Formation) in São Paulo state. In the same work, the authors also provided an emended diagnosis for the genus Rubidgea, originally erected by Tate (1867), adding characters regarding the leaf morphology, such as the shapes of the lamina, apex and base and the type of margin. Rohn et al. (2000) reported the occurrence of Rubidgea sp. for a tafoflora comprising Gangamopteris sp., Noeggerathiopsis?, Samaropsis sp., sphenophytes and some fructifications, recovered from the Itararé Group strata outcropping along the margins of the river Capivari, in Tietê municipality, São Paulo state, considered Late Carboniferous to Early Permian in age. However, the authors did not describe the specimens, but only figured them with photos and mentioned the Rubidgea and Gangamopteris specimens. 456 R. Iannuzzi, G. P. Tybusch / Comunicações Geológicas (2014) 101, Especial I, 455-457 Based on the classification criteria usually considered in the distinction of leaf morphogenera, Tybusch & Iannuzzi (2008) have recently showed that forms previously attributed to the genus Rubidgea are absent from the Lower Permian deposits on top of the Itararé Group and in the Rio Bonito Formation, Rio Grande do Sul state. The authors analysed and revised about 70 specimens from localities of the two deposits and concluded that the specimens previously assigned to Rubidgea should be in fact, classified as Gangamopteris, since they display the morphografic characters that correspond to those found in the original diagnosis of Gangamopteris, such as: (i) lack of a visible median venation, and mainly, (ii) though rare, the presence of anastomoses along the leaf lamina. Considering that Rubidgea is a very rare taxon in Gondwana – there is only one occurrence in South Africa and another in India (Tate, 1867; Maithy, 1965) – the present contribution aimed to extend the taxonomic reevaluation to all forms previously described and included in this genus and that were recovered from the northern parts of the Paraná Basin (e.g. São Paulo state), specially from the outcrop Cerquilho Velho. This paper represents the continuation of the revision project of the specimens classified as Rubidgea, found in the deposits of the south portion of the basin (e.g. Rio Grande do Sul state) previously published by the authors (Tybusch & Iannuzzi, 2008). In addition, this work is part of the PhD thesis of the co-author (Tybusch, 2013). 2. Morphogenera Rubidgea and Gangamopteris The identification of each morphogenus amongst glossopterid leaves is based mainly on characteristics of the venation pattern (presence/absence of median venation and type of secondary venation), while the shape and size of the leaves are features that have been used only to distinct the morphospecies when they have a very similar venation pattern. Considering this, the specimens revised in the present study were re-classified at generic level, based mainly on the characteristics of the venation pattern. Thus, Gangamopteris is considered a type of leaf recognized by the absence of median venation, but sometimes displaying a median groove and/or a median region occupied by subparallel veins, and it is also recognized by the presence of anastomoses along the lamina. Coincidentally, the absence of these features characterizes the morphogenus Rubidgea. 3. Results and discussion The presence of forms assigned to the morphogenus Rubidgea in the Paraná Basin after the work Tybusch & Iannuzzi (2008) was restricted basically to the report of Millan & Dolianiti (1982) for the deposits on top of the Itararé Group, Cerquilho municipality, São Paulo, dated of the beginning of the Early Permian (Sakmarian?). In recent unpublished study, Tybusch (2013) observed that the specimens described and identified as Rubidgea by Millan & Dolianiti (1982) exhibited anastomoses along the blade, despite being a rare feature. Because this characteristic is not found in the original diagnosis of the genus Rubidgea, but in that of Gangamopteris, all the material studied by Millan & Dolianiti (1982) was transferred to the latter. Thus, we believe that the genus Rubidgea is absent in the Permian deposits of the São Paulo state, as well as in those from Rio Grande do Sul. The only record left of the genus in the Paraná Basin is that of Rohn et al. (2000) for the Carboniferous-Permian interval strata of Tietê, São Paulo state. The material comprises two illustrated forms classified as Rubidgea sp. However, when the photos published by the authors (Rohn et al., op. cit. p. 60, pl. I, Figs. 2 and 4) were analysed, we noticed that these specimens were poorly preserved, resulting in an unclear venation pattern, what makes difficult or even impossible to observe anastomoses, especially if they are rare. This can lead to misinterpretations of the venation pattern of the specimens, like those mentioned in Kovács-Endrödy (1977) for South African forms. Because of this, we preferred to consider the occurrence of Rubidgea as dubious for the material published in Rohn et al. (2000). For instance, there is strong evidence suggesting that the morphogenus Rubidgea is not present in the deposits of the Paraná Basin, since all previous occurrences based on well preserved specimens were refuted. Some authors (Arber, 1905; Seward, 1907; KovácsEndrödy, 1977) believed that the morphogenus Rubidgea was not valid. Here we speculate that those who erected new species/varieties for this genus or pointed its occurrence made it due to misinterpretations (i.e. Tate, 1867; Maithy, 1965; Cazzulo-Klepzig et al., 1980; Guerra-Sommer et al., 1980; Guerra-Sommer & Cazzulo-Klepzig, 1981; Millan & Dolianiti, 1982). But, it will be still necessary a careful revision of the Indian specimens described by Maithy (1965), in order to conclude if the genus is valid or not. Anyway, the re-evaluation and consequent assignment of the material from São Paulo to Gangamopteris spp. made possible a more direct correlation among the Early Permian deposits of the north and south portions of the Paraná Basin based on megafloristic comparisons. It would like to highlight that the Gangamopteris species found in Cerquilho Velho are also known from Early Permian deposits of Rio Grande do Sul, according to Tybusch & Iannuzzi (2008). These authors when re-evaluating the forms assigned to Rubidgea in that state, also transferred all of them to the genus Gangamopteris, due to the same reasons discussed for the specimens from Cerquilho Velho. Thus, we verified that there is a great similarity between the gangamopterid leaves from the Cerquilho deposit and the levels N3 and N4 of the Morro do Papaléo outcrop, in Mariana Pimentel municipality, Rio Grande do Sul state, which corresponding to the upper part of Itararé Group (Iannuzzi et al., 2003a, b, 2006). Cerquilho Velho and localities in the Rio Grande do Sul are also similar when floristic elements are compared, remarkably the abundance of the sphenophyte Phyllotheca and the presence of the genus Stephanophyllites. Re-evaluation of the genus Rubidgea in the Paraná Basin 4. Final remarks The authors of the present study believe that the existence of preservational distortions can hide diagnostic features such as the presence or absence of anastomoses. Thus, we consider Gangamopteris and Glossopteris the only valid genera of glossopterid leaves for the Paraná Basin until the moment. To conclude, we recommend extreme care when identifying genera of leaves of this group in future works. In realtion to biostratigraphic results, more studies need to be conducted in order to establish the real utility of plant megafossils in solving stratigraphic problems in the Paraná Basin. This can be considered as not only conclusive but also as a preliminary result. Acknowledgements The authors thank the “Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico” (CNPq – processes 130053/2005-8, 483463/2007-8, PQ305687/2010-7, PQ 309211/2013-1) and “Fundação de Âmparo à Pesquisa do Rio Grande do Sul” (FAPERGS – PqG 10/1584-6) for financial support through scholarships and grants, which were vital for conducting this work References Arber, E.A.N., 1905. Catalogue of the Fossil Plants of the Glossopteris Flora. Department of Geology, British Museum, London. Cazzulo-Klepizig, M., Guerra-Sommer, M., Bossi, E.G., 1980. 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