INTERVENÇÃO PEDAGÓGICA NA ESCOLA PRODUÇÃO DIDÁTICO – PEDAGÓGICA UNIDADE DIDÁTICA DADOS DE IDENTIFICAÇÃO PROFESSORA PDE: Marlene Knaut Área PDE: LEM – Língua Inglesa N.R.E.: Núcleo Regional de Educação de Pitanga Professora Orientadora IES: Caroline Hagemeyer IES vinculada: UNICENTRO – Universidade Estadual do Centro – Oeste Escola de Implementação: Centro Estadual de Ecucação Básica para Jovens e Adultos (CEEBJA) Casturina Campanharo Bonfim Público objeto de intervenção: Alunos do Ensino Médio do CEEBJA – Casturina Campanharo Bonfim. 2 UNIDADE DIDÁTICA ANÁLISE CRÍTICA DO DISCURSO TEXTOS PUBLICITÁRIOS 3 English should be a means of interaction, and access from one culture to another, an opportunity to understand and reflect upon your own culture, your own citizenship... Dear teacher! It is a great pleasure that I am writing to you. Welcome to this Unit! In times of change, there are many challenges teachers face in their job. One of them is to deal with “Diretrizes Curriculares para o Estado do Paraná (DCEs)”, 2008, which focus on text/discourse and the notion of building citizenship. This material is an effort to extend the research field of text /discourse analysis from studies in which focus has been on reading comprehension and analysis of Written advertisements (ADs), in a critical way. This unit analyzes five advertisements, whose purpose is to provide reflective activities and their implications for an effective communication. It is a result of a reading research based on important authors, such as: Freire, Heberle, Halliday, Meurer, Ribeiro… Lastly, my appeal for you is: make a previous reading of the material, share ideas, check doubts with other teachers. And teacher: try to work each topic with enthusiasm, in order to provide students self – assurance, self – esteem, enjoyment… LET’S IMPROVE OUR KNOWLEDGE TOGETHER!!! 4 Caro aluno! Nas páginas que seguem, você estará em contato com um material especialmente pensado e elaborado para você , com o objetivo de desenvolver uma visão crítica a ser exercitada em todos os momentos de sua vida, a começar pela leitura de textos em sala de aula, no nosso caso, em Língua Inglesa. O presente trabalho destina-se especialmente aos alunos do Centro Estadual de Educação Básica para Jovens e Adultos (CEEBJA), Ensino Médio, do município de Pitanga – PR, podendo também ser utilizado em outras situações, como no ensino regular. Priorizou-se o gênero “propaganda”, por estar presente constantemente em nossas vidas, levando-nos muitas vezes, ao consumismo compulsivo, exagerado e até mesmo, à aceitação de ideologias questionáveis. Pretende-se também, explorar o que de positivo os textos nos apresentam, bem como os aspectos lingüísticos,os diversos recursos utilizados que nos auxiliam a entendê-los melhor, num processo de desconstrução e reconstrução de significados. Que nossas aulas sejam prazerosas, interativas, e que as práticas nos levem à ampliação do conhecimento, compartilhando experiências, aprendendo a valorizar e respeitar a cultura do outro, e acima de tudo, alcancemos nosso tão almejado objetivo: “UM NOVO JEITO DE LER UM TEXTO EM LÍNGUA INGLESA.” Bom trabalho! 5 READING AND UNDERSTANDING TEXTS LET’S READ AN ADVERTISEMENT IN A CRITICAL WAY… ADVERTISEMENT 1 A CIGARETTE AD PRE – READING LET’S TALK A LITTLE BIT ABOUT CONSUMERS, CONSUMERS GOODS AND COMPULSIVE CONSUMERS! TASK DISCUSS IN GROUPS OF 3: Why do people buy certain products? Do you buy just the absolutely necessary things? Have you bought any product just because you saw an advertisement run by the media? Was it the advertisement that convinced you? How did it happen? Each group presents the conclusions for the whole group. READING ACTIVITIES TASK 1: Let’s have a quick look at the advertisement below: (Blow in her face and she’ll follow you anywhere). www. 6 TASK 2: Read and answer in your sheets: What is the product being sold? What is the main message in this ad? What seems the people like? (young, fashionable, happy?) Is the woman feel involved by the man? Why? Who, do you think, developed the ad? Do you believe in the power seduction when the man bellows smoke at the woman’s face? Would you like to buy this product? (yes/ no/ why?) Is it good for your health? Do you think that the author is a smoker? Why? Do you agree with ads for this kind of product? Give your opinion. Who is the hit audience? TASK 3: Look at the ad again (picture and words) and complete the informations: a) cigarette brand: ________________________ b) the main appeal: ___________________________ c) the target audience: __________________________ d) the main ad sentence: ____________________________ e) the verb that shows woman mental process 1: _________________________ f) the verb that shows man material process 2: __________________________ g) the adverb used to show any place to go / to stay: ______________________ (processo existencial) h) the probable author: ______________________________________________ i) personal pronouns to emphasize the ad and to seduce young people: she / you TASK 4: Read the sentences and write (T) TRUE or (F) FALSE: 1 Processo mental, refere-se a verbos que lidam mais com sentimentos, desejos, afeição, nesse caso presentes na mulher, que segue a ação/intenção masculina. 2 Processo material, também representado por verbos, que têm a função de externar a intenção de um participante que tende a agir, criar uma situação concreta (material), que vai conduzir a uma outra ação mental, sentimental. (Adaptado de Halliday, 2004). 7 ( ) Blow is an imperative verb, common in the advertisements. ( ) The product gives health benefits. ( ) One purpose of the imperative verbs is to convince, to seduce people to buy / to do something. ( ) The term she’ll is an abbreviation for the verb will, meaning future intention, desire. ( ) The couple are far way. ( ) The couple are close together. ( ) According to the ad, “TIPALET” smoke, draw the young woman to do many good things. ( ) Genre: advertisement. ( ) The main sentence is short. ( ) Smoking is bad for the brain. ( ) The sentence is in the third person. ( ) Context of culture: smoke ad, for middle class. ( ) Written text + emotion picture (psychological approach) are strong in the ad. ( ) Smoking ad is an ironic suggestion. TASK 5: What important information(s) is missing in the ad? Write in LE or in your own LA. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ CLOSING ACTIVITIES TASK 1: Look at the box and choose a word to complete each sentence: smoke - cigarettes – encourage – cancer – substances – advertisement - damage. a) Smoking _______________________ your health. b) Please, don’t _______________ in this room. c) Chemical _______________________ in the cigarettes damage your health. d) We all can _____________________ people to stop smoking. e) ____________________ are bad for everybody. 8 f) ____________________ can cause heart attacks, lung disease, wrinkles and ever __________________________. g) This _________________ entices young people into the habit of smoking. TASK 2: BE CREATIVE AND MAKE INTERESTING POSTERS ABOUT CIGARETTES DAMAGES. 9 ADVERTISEMENT 2: HAVE YOU EVER HEARD ABOUT HOW SMOKERS CAN STOP SMOKING? FUN TIME “It’s the only place they’re allowed to advertise any more.” TASK: PRE – READING: In pairs, talk about the question of ADVERTISEMENT 2, and give your opinion to the whole group. PREDICTION ACTIVITY (think about) TASK 1:Do you know something about NICORETTE? I’ll give you five (5) guesses. Try to predict and mark the answers, according to your prediction… NICORETTE is: a. ( ) a cigarette brand b. ( ) a synonym for tobacco c. ( ) a kind of gum d. ( ) a name you can give for smoke addicts. e. ( ) a toxin TASK 2: Tick the words that belongs to the same group: ( ) smoke ( ) lungs ( ) brain ( ) hands ( ) gum ( ) bread ( ) bloodstream TASK 3: Now, write 2 sentences with the words that you choose in the exercise 3. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10 READING ACTIVITIES TASK 1. Read the text below and check your gains: Were you successful? Brave! HOW NICOTINE CAN HELP FREE YOU FROM NICOTINE When you smoke nicotine goes right to your lungs and then to your brain. And the more you smoke, the more you want it. When you want to stop smoking, and you chew Nicorette gum, you get just enough nicotine into your bloodstream to help cope with your cravings. You don’t get the dangerous tars, and toxins and carcinogens you get from cigarettes. And your cravings get fewer and fewer. And the less Nicorette you need the less you use. Until you use none. And none is a wonderful number. TASK 2: Underline the words that you don’t know and check the meanings. TASK 3: Find and circle an adjective. TASK 4: Which words are repeated in the text? Copy them. __________________ Which one is more repeated? What’s the purpose? _________________________ TASK 5: Think and answer: (be sincere) a. Do you believe the Nicorette gum effects? Why? ________________________ b. In your opinion: Is there another way to stop smoking? ___________________________________ c. Is it possible to stop smoking without chew Nicorette gum? ________________ d. Pay attention on the first sentence ad. 11 Make your comments in your LM. _______________________________________ e. Write three reasons to stop smoking, according to the text. ________________ f. Why for the author ad, “none is a wonderful number?” ____________________ g. Is there a similar product in Brazil? ___________________________________ TASK 6: Linguistic aspects a. The main pronoun used is ___________________. Can you explain why? ____________________________________. TASK 7: Read the text again and then, complete the box: (compare ad 1 with ad 2): CAMPO (field) RELAÇÃO (tenor) MODO (mode) Qual é o tópico do texto? O que está envolvido na O texto, a linguagem é O está acontecendo? criação do texto e qual a escrita, oral, verbal natureza da relação dos e/ou não verbal? envolvidos? Quem são os formal/informal? envolvidos? Texto (ad 1) Texto (ad 2) TASK 8: Encontre duas características comuns dos textos. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ TASK 9: Analise e marque as características que estão presentes nos textos: Falsa ideologia: Ação alienada: Postura crítica: Mascara a realidade: Participante ativo: Participante passivo: ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ad 1 ( ) ad 1 ( ) ad 1 ( ) ad 1 ( ) ad 1 ( ) ad 1 ( ) ad 2 ) ad 2 ) ad 2 ) ad 2 ) ad 2 ) ad 2 12 e. Preencha o diagrama abaixo com os principais verbos utilizados no texto: VERBS f. Circunstâncias: Como você classificaria as palavras abaixo, utilizadas no texto (ad 2). Sublinhe. When advérbio verbo pronome and conjunção preposição nome Observe – Importante saber! when – leva a uma ação, gerando uma conseqüência. and – funciona como elemento conectivo, reforça uma idéia. Há outros elementos que respondem às perguntas: Why? How? How many? Copie e explique. CLOSING: TASK 2: TRY TO WRITE SOME SLOGANS (repeated phrase which is used in advertising) concerning ad 2. 13 ADVERTISEMENT 3 PRE READING TASK 1: Read the message below and give your opinion: “It is so important to take care of our body as we take care of our souls.” - Do you agree or disagree? Why do? Why don’t? TASK 2: Now, let’s see the same message, organized in reverse order: “It is so important to take care of our souls as we take care of our body.” Comparing messages: - Do you think the effects are the same? Why? Which one do you prefer? TASK 3: Do you remember the parts of the body? In groups of three, try to write some of them, according to the drawing: TASK 4: Just for thinking about: Have you been taking care of your body? Which part of your body do you like most? Why? 14 READING TASK 1: Take a look at the picture below: (adaptado de: Exames Supletivos de Conclusão – E.F. – Fase II) TASK 2: Do you have any idea about “nose smile”? Try to predict what is about … Discuss in pairs. TASK 3: Now, look at the picture again, and read the text beside: a. What’s the drawing and the statement suggestion? b. Were you successful in your prediction? TASK 4: Now, read all the text around and tick what is true: O produto anunciado é utilizado para: ( ) eliminar qualquer tipo de odor ( ) aliviar os sintomas da gripe ( ) evitar espirros em pessoas alérgicas ( ) clarear ambientes escuros ( ) eliminar qualquer tipo de mofo 15 ( ) amaciar roupas, após serem lavadas TASK 5: Complete o quadro abaixo, tendo como referência o texto e o desenho: Nome do produto: Verbos utilizados: Tempos verbais: Advérbio de lugar: Palavras cognatas: Elementos coesivos (connectors): TASK 6: Observe: “ If you use Febreeze all around, you will make smile ear to ear.” É uma frase que estabelece uma condição de bem estar para o seu nariz, para sua saúde. Você já ouviu falar sobre este produto? Você o usaria? Por quê? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ TASK 7: Let’s analyse ad 3 a little more: a. Quantas vezes o pronome you foi utilizado?______________________________ b.Qual seria a intenção do autor? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ c. O que você entende por: “... smile ear to ear ...”? ___________________________________________________________________ d. Copie os verbos que foram utilizados para reforçar a ação, a eficácia do produto: ___________________________________________________________________ e. Qual seria o público alvo desta propaganda? Quem seria o/a provável autor? ___________________________________________________________________ Criativity is the main ability for an advertiser, in order to persuade people to buy something. f. Em sua opinião, o autor da propaganda foi criativo? Comente: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 16 TASK 8: Unscramble words and make conditional sentences: Observe: if + present = future we / go / invite / you / if / will / you. ___________________________________________________________________ hungry / will / be / I / eat / don’t / If / I ___________________________________________________________________________ study / hard / I / If / exam / pass / will / I / the ___________________________________________________________________ TASK 9: Be creative and complete the sentences using conditional verbs: a. If I study a lot, I will _______________________________________. b. If you use “Febreeze” you will ______________________________. c. If you take care with the planet, you will ______________________. d. If we like ourselves, we will _________________________________. e. If you love your life, you will _________________________________. f. If you like your body, you will ________________________________. g. If I need to buy something, I will ______________________________. CLOSING Homework Converse com as pessoas em diversos ambientes (escola, casa, espaço de trabalho, comunidade) . Pergunte que tipo de produtos elas costumam usar para limpeza e para higiene pessoal. Destaque os nomes que você acha que são escritos em Inglês, pelas características próprias do produto (letras dobradas, n do final do nome, etc.) Examples: Dove – nome do sabonete Easy – Off – nome de produto de limpeza de fornos Super Clean – nome próprio de produto de limpeza Close up – creme dental Raid – nome próprio de inseticida de uso doméstico 17 Paper towel – toalha de papel para limpar / secar Toilet – paper – papel higiênico ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 18 ADVERTISEMENT 4: PRE READING TASK 1: A POEM – Just for reading and enjoying it: Beauty Beauty is a pretty face Beauty is a brand new vase Beauty is lovely hair Beauty is an oak wooden chair Beauty is a graceful smile Beauty is a great sense of style… www. TASK 2: Read the words in the box and complete the short sentence: Beauty nowadays get “ _________________ never _____________ easier than ____________.” TASK 3: Copy from the poem, a sentence that you like most: _________________________________________________ TASK 4: Let’s talk about: - What is beauty for you? TASK 5: Write the names of beautiful people that you know. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ TASK 6: What do you think about beauty products? Do you think they can help people to be more beautiful? Do you believe in the power of this kind of products? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ TASK 7: What kind of beauty products do you like / do you wear? 19 READING TASK 1: Look and read at the advertisement below: TASK 2: Now, answer: - Which product is being sold? ____________________________________ - Who should buy this product? __________________________________ - Are there positive / special effects for consumers to consider? ____________________. - What is the target audience? __________________________________ - Do you like lipsticks? Yes / No. Why? ___________________________ - What kind of genre is the text? _________________________________ - Describe the woman of the ad. Is she beautiful? Attractive? How is she presented? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ - Do you know her? Is she famous? What does she do? __________________________________________________________________ - What is/are the important information is/are missing? ___________________ TASK 3: Guess: - What is the lipstick brand? _____________________________________ - How much does it cost? ________________________________________ 20 - Is it cheap or expensive? _________________________________________ TASK 4: For thinking about and discuss: - What is the main appeal in this ad? - Copy the three short appeal sentences. _______________ ____________________ __________________ - What is the verb tense? __________________________________________ - Would you like to sell beauty products? Give reasons. _____________________________________________________________ TASK 5: ANALYZING LINGUISTIC ASPECTS a. Which verbs are in the Imperative form? _________________________________ b. What’s the purpose? ________________________________________________ c. In ads, the Imperative verbs are used to convince / seduce people to consume. Everyday we can read these kind of verbs in ads, associated with interesting images. TASK 6: Match the columns and make some commons ads: (1) Drink (2) Use (3) Run (4) Slide (5) Go (6) Take (7) Buy (8) Put (9) Pay (10) Snap (11) Be (12) Click (13) Come (14) Save (15) Put some (16) Make (17) Discover (18) Protect (19) Walk (20) Prepare ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) your Zoomp Jeans, now! ) coke and feel great! ) two and take three. ) to the shopping Curitiba ) AVON products! ) in five payments ) it up ) to Vanilla’s market ) it shut ) it on ) sun block on ) a little closer ) your money – open a current account here: (a bank) ) here to visit our close up site ) an AVON Representative ) for a campaign against cancer ) the great classics of cinema ) your car more desirable ) your children’s injure with Band – Aid ) to be spoiled. Buy your shoes on line TASK 7: In pairs visit the “AD 4” once more, and discuss the strategies, the art of planning, the advertisement: colors, size of letters, woman image, the language used … Make comments to the whole group. Share your ideas. 21 TASK 8: Think about: - What is the most important beauty? SOUL BEAUTY OR BODY BEAUTY? (or both?) Write your ideas and comment: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ TASK 9: Have you ever bought AVON products? From Whom? Were? Are you satisfied? ___________________________________________________________________ TASK 10: Now you have a list of some AVON products. Underline each one do you know/use, and try to explain in your own language each one is applied. FOOT WORKS ___________________________________________________ LIQUID SOAP ____________________________________________________ RENEW CLINICAL ________________________________________________ MAKE UP ________________________________________________________ PERFUME – FRAGRANCE __________________________________________ SHAMPOO _______________________________________________________ LIPSTICK ________________________________________________________ LIP GLOSS_______________________________________________________ AFTER SHAVE ____________________________________________________ EYE CREAM REVIEWS______________________________________________ HYDRATING FOUNDATION __________________________________________ BLUSH ___________________________________________________________ AVON ACCOLADE __________________________________________________ INTENSE MOISTURIZING MASK _______________________________________ AVON SUN PROTECTOR ____________________________________________ TASK 11: Check the meanings and the pronunciation with your teacher. CLOSING: (HOMEWORK) TASK 1: Do you know someone that is an AVON REPRESENTATIVE? Interview them and take notes about advantages / or disadvantages. TASK 2: Just for thinking about: Would you like to be an AVON Representative? (yes / no) why? 22 ADVERTISEMENT 5: PRE - READING Someone somewhere loves you. Can you guess who? TASK 1. Get talking… - What is the most important element of a long – lasting relationship? Change ideas with your colleagues: Share your beliefs! Economic Security – Friendship appearance close attention Who would you most like to spend your life (family / lover / friend)? – TASK 2. - Students show the common medicines they often take (teacher asked them previously) and say for which health problems they usually take, using the questions suggested below: Are you a person who takes medicine without a doctor prescription? (yes/no) Why? What kind of medicine do you take? Is it important to be careful with our health? TASK 3. Write five essential things for you, to be happy, to be healthy: ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 23 READING You are important. You are loved. You should take your calcium. Just two pure, natural Tums a day. To help keep your bones stronger, longer. To help protect you from osteoporosis So think of him, think of her, think of them, think of you And please, please, please take your Tums. People Magazine TASK 1. Take a look at the text and the pictures, think and answer: a) What kind of genre is this? _______________________________________ b) What is the most probable intended audience? The word refers to: ( ) mother ( ) baby ( ) pregnant ( ) father c) What’s the product ? What’s the brand? ___________________________________________________________________ d) What is the dosage? ________________________________________________ e) What kind of health problem does the product protect / prevent? ___________________________________________________________________ 24 f) What are the other benefits? __________________________________________ g) What feelings does the picture suggest? ________________________________ h) What’s the ad’s slogan? _____________________________________________ i) Pay attention at the slogan, at the size of the letters. Are they from the same size? What are different? Why? ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ j) What’s the main ad purpose? __________________________________________ TASK 2. Tick the main feelings expressed in the ad (text + slogan + illustration): love pain protection comfort care tenderness TASK 3. Now answer in your own language: 1. O que você sabe sobre osteoporose? ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Quais as palavras que mais se repetem? Por quê?_________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Transcreva do texto duas frases que você considera mais apelativas. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Que recursos visuais além do texto verbal são usados (cores, símbolos, figuras...)? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. Que aspecto visual é enfatizado ou está em primeiro plano? ___________________________________________________________________ 6. Como as ilustrações se relacionam com o texto verbal? ___________________________________________________________________ 7. Em uma das frases do texto o pronome “you” está sublinhado. Por quê? ___________________________________________________________________ 8. Alguma importante informação foi esquecida? Qual (Quais)? ___________________________________________________________________ 9. Onde foi publicada a propaganda? _____________________________________ 10. Percebemos no texto (ad 5), três tempos verbais distintos. Quais são eles? Por que tais escolhas? 25 ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ TASK 4. When planning an advertisement, people need to pay attention to many aspects, such as: - the colors; - the size of letters; - the structure of the advertisement / visual appeal; - the language used; - the central text; - the slogan. LOOK AT THE TEXT (AD 5) AND DISCUSS ABOUT THESE IMPORTANT ASPECTS. TASK 5. Read the text again and write at last, three strong verbs, three adjectives and three the most repeat words used in order to convince the audience to take TUMS: WORDS REPEATED Unscramble the words and make an important advice: Without / a / doctor’s / opinion / to / take / medicine / it’s / not / good ADJECTIVES VERBS KEY WORDS 26 TASK 6. CRITICAL EVALUATION: Try to compare AD 4 (LIPSTICK) and AD 5 (TUMS) and tick what is true for you: a. Usa estratégias para convencer o (a) leitor (a) a comprar o produto. ( ) AD 4 ( ) AD 5 b. Apela mais para os sentimentalismo. ( ) AD 4 ( ) AD 5 c. Predomínio de verbos no imperativo. ( ) AD 4 ( ) AD 5 d. Utiliza como estratégias o verbo ser (are) + você (you) como se o produto fosse fabricado tão somente para você que está lendo a propaganda. ( ) AD 4 ( ) AD 5 e. Serve-se mais da adjetivação, característica marcante do gênero propaganda. ( ) AD 4 ( ) AD 5 f. Frases curtas, porém de grande efeito indutivo. ( ) AD 4 ( ) AD 5 g. Texto mais longo, no Simple Present, + repetição de palavras. ( ) AD 4 ( ) AD 5 h. O texto pressupõe nossa experiência de mundo (requer conhecimento cultural). ( ) AD 4 ( ) AD 5 i. Canal usado: linguagem escrita, linguagem verbal e não – verbal. ( ) AD 4 ( ) AD 5 j. Utilização de vocabulário próximo do leitor. ( ) AD 4 ( ) AD 5 k. Utilização de muitos recursos, persuadindo o (a) leitor (a), levando-o a crer na eficácia do produto. ( ) AD 4 ( ) AD 5 CLOSING Do you know what are the most common diseases in older people? Alzheimer Osteoporosis Parkinson Blood Pressure Arthritis Heart Disease Cancer Diabetes Cerebrovascular / Strokes Sleep problems… Choose one of these problems, speak with people, doctors, teachers, and make a source / a research … Try to know how to protect/ prevent this kind of disease. What can we do to help older people that suffer from this problems? Referências bibliográficas: Caderno Exames Supletivos de Conclusão – E.F. – Fase II. D.C.E. Diretrizes Curriculares da Rede Pública de Educação Básica do Estado do Paraná. http// People Magazine. Projeto de Intervenção Pedagógica na Escola – Professora Marlene Knaut – 2008. www.avonproducts