Cover Page The handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation Author: Lupatini, Manoeli Title: Microbial communities in Pampa soils : impact of land-use changes, soil type and climatic conditions Issue Date: 2015-12-15 Acknowledgments My PhD was an unforgettable time in my life. Many people have contributed to make this journey wonderful and pleasant. First of all, I would like to thank all people in the group “Environmental biology and microbiology Prof. Marcos R. Fries” at Federal University of Santa Maria. All bachelor, graduate students and professors contributed in some way to the research described in this thesis. In particular, the field work was only possible by the support provided by this group. Also, I would like to thank the “Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biotechnology CIPBiotec” at Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA), where I conducted the molecular analyses of the soil microbiome and where I developed the skills to work with bioinformatic tools. As important as the first groups, I would like to thank the Microbial Ecology department and in particular the Kuramae research group at Netherlands Institute of Ecology, NIOOKNAW, in which I could improve my knowledge of bioinformatics and statistical analysis. Being part of this group was an immense pleasure! Not only as colleagues, but also for their great friendship, I would like to thank Afnan Suleiman and Alessandro Rosa. In different periods of my PhD, you were very important to help me keep moving. Thank you, Afnan, since the beginning of my PhD we have worked together in a fantastic way. Thank you, Alessandro, by destiny or a strange coincidence, after completing the bachelor and the master together in Brazil, we ended up sharing the same house in The Netherlands during the PhD period there. So, we continued our philosophical chats about all aspects of science which started years earlier. It was a pleasure sharing the last year with such promising scientist! 232 I am thankful to receive so much input in my studies from Luiz FW Roesch and Rodrigo JS Jacques, especially for the great support, understanding and patience in teaching me and discussing topics related with the studies presented here. Also, immense thanks to LFW Roesch for the valuables discussions on how to turn a pile of data into something scientifically relevant and useful for the wellbeing of society. With great pleasure I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all people at NIOO during the the last year of my PhD. Mainly, I would like to thank to Viviane, Ruth, Juan, Matheus, Julia, Paolo, Johnny, Olaf and Yin Yin, for the work discussion, nice chats and a lot of coffee. Special thanks go to Victor Carrion who supported me during all of my time at NIOO, with valuable discussions about science, patience during the laboratory work and for a great time outside of work. Thank you, Mattias and Norico, for being nice and patient colleagues, and for your help and valuable discussions about bioinformatic and statistical analysis. I specially acknowledge my family, my parents and sister for all the support. Sometimes it was not easy to bridge the distance, but all your unconditional love and encouragement made me a stronger person to overcome the hard times. If I did not mention someone here, it does not mean that I do not acknowledge the help. This journey is almost finished. Good, bad or whatever, now, it is time to look ahead and move forward. Manoeli Lupatini 2015.12 233 Curriculum vitae Manoeli Lupatini was born on 30th of June1985 in Espumoso, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In 2002, she finished her secondary education at “Instituto Estadual de Educação Dr. Ruy Piégas Silveira”, in Espumoso. In 2004, she started the Bachelor in Agronomy at Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil. On the first year of bachelor, after showing interest in two main research topics, Soil Science and Microbial Ecology, she started an undergraduate project studying the mycorrhizal fungi and the association with plant community under the supervision of Dr. Z. I. Antoniolli. In her secondary project, in the same laboratory, she performed research studying the potential of microorganisms isolated from soil and rhizosphere to promote the plant growth. In 2012, she continued with her MSc study in Soil Science at Federal University of Santa Maria. For her masters thesis, she did research on soil microbial ecology based on advanced molecular techniques using bioinformatic tools and statistical approaches under the supervision of Dr. R.J.S. Jacques and Dr. L.F.W. Roesch. For this work, she received a grant from "Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)". In 2012, she started her PhD project "Microbiome dynamics in Pampa soils" described in this thesis in collaboration with Federal University of Santa Maria, Federal University of Pampa and Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO/KNAW) under the supervision of J.A. van Veen and Dr. E. Kuramae. 234 Publications Lupatini, M.; Suleiman, A. K. A.; Jacques, R. J. S.; Antoniolli, Z. I.; de Siqueira Ferreira, A.; Kuramae, E. E. and Roesch, L. F. W. (2014). Network topology reveals high connectance levels and few key microbial genera within soils, Frontiers in Environmental Science 2:110. Lupatini, M.; Suleiman, A. K. A.; Jacques, R. J. S.; Antoniolli, Z. I.; Kuramae, E. E.; de Oliveira Camargo, F. A. and Roesch, L. F. W. (2013). Soilborne bacterial structure and diversity does not reflect community activity in Pampa biome, PLoS ONE 8:e76465. Suleiman, A. K. A.; Manoeli, L.; Boldo, J. T.; Pereira, M. G. and Roesch, L. F. W. (2013). Shifts in soil bacterial community after eight years of landuse change, Systematic and Applied Microbiology 36:137144. Lupatini, M.; Jacques, R. J. S.; Antoniolli, Z. I.; Suleiman, A. K. A.; Fulthorpe, R. R. and Roesch, L. F. W. (2013). Landuse change and soil type are drivers of fungal and archaeal communities in the Pampa biome, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 29:223233. Silva, R.; Lupatini, M.; Trindade, L.; Antoniolli, Z.; Steffen, R. and Andreazza, R. (2013). Copper resistance of different ectomycorrhizal fungi such as Pisolithus microcarpus, Pisolithus sp., Scleroderma sp. and Suillus sp., Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 44:619627. Milanesi, P. M.; Blume, E.; Muniz, M. Fá. B.; Reiniger, L. R. S.; Antoniolli, Z. I.; Junges, E. and Lupatini, M. (2013). Detecção de Fusarium spp. e Trichoderma spp. e antagonismo de Trichoderma sp. em soja sob plantio direto, Semina: Ciências Agrárias 34:32193234. Poletto, I.; Lupatini, M.; Muniz, M. Fá. B. and Antoniolli, Z. I. (2012). Caracterização e patogenicidade de isolados de Fusarium spp. causadores de podridãoderaízes da ervamate, Floresta 42:95104. Redin, M.; dos Santos, G. d. F.; Miguel, P.; Denega, G. L.; Lupatini, M.; Doneda, A. and de Souza, E. L. (2011). Impactos da queima sobre atributos quimicos, fisicos e biológicos do solo, Ciência Florestal 21:381392. Stroschein, M. R. D.; Eltz, F. L. F.; Antoniolli, Z. I.; Lupatini, M.; Vargas, L. K.; Giongo, A. and Pontelli, M. P. (2010). Symbiotic efficiency and genetic 235 characteristics of Bradyrhizobium sp. strain UFSM LA 1.3 isolated from Lupinus albescens (H. et Arn), Scientia Agricola 67:702706. Silva, R. F. d.; Lupatini, M.; Antoniolli, Z. I.; Leal, L. T. and Moro Junior, C. A. (2011). Comportamento de Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub., Parapiptadenia rigida (Benth.) Brenan e Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong cultivadas em solo contaminado com cobre, Ciência Florestal 21:103 110. da Silva, R. F.; Antoniolli, Z. I.; Lupatini, M. and Trindade, L. L. (2011). Ectomicorrização em quatro espécies florestais nativas do Rio Grande do Sul e sua eficiência em solo contaminado por cobre, Ciência e Natura 33:95109. Antoniolli, Z. I.; Santos, Li. C. d.; Lupatini, M.; Leal, L. T.; Schirmer, G. K. and Redin, M. (2010). Efeito do cobre na população de bactérias e fungos do solo, na associação micorrizica e no cultivo de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden, Pinus elliottii Engelm e Peltophorum dubium (Sprengel) Taubert, Ciência Florestal 20:419428. Menezes, J. P.; Lupatini, M.; Antoniolli, Z. I.; Blume, E.; Junges, E. and Manzoni, C. G. (2010). Variabilidade genética na região its do rDNA de isolados de Trichoderma spp.(biocontrolador) e Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Chrysanthemi, Ciência agrotécnica, Lavras 34:132139. Silva, R. F. d.; Antoniolli, Z. I.; Lupatini, M.; Trindade, L. L. and Silva, A. S. d. (2010). Tolerância de mudas de Canafístula (Peltophorum dubium (SPRENG) TAUB.) inoculadas com Pisolithus microcarpus a solo com excesso de cobre, Ciência Florestal 20:147156. Mello, A. H. d.; Antoniolli, Z. I.; Kaminski, J.; Souza, E. L. d.; Schirmer, G. K.; Machado, R. G.; Lupatini, M. and Moro Júnior, C. (2009). Estabelecimento a campo de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis micorrizadas com Pisolithus microcarpus (UFSC Pt 116) em solo arenoso, Ciência Florestal 19:149155. Antoniolli, Z. I.; Casali, C. A.; Denega, G. L.; Lupatini, M.; Steffen, R. B.; Pujol, S. B. and de Quadros, V. J. (2009). Fauna edáfica em sistemas de cultivo de batata, soja, feijão e milho, Ciência e Natura 31:115130. Lupatini, M.; de Mello, A. H. and Antoniolli, Z. I. (2008). Caracterização do DNA ribossômico do isolado de Scleroderma UFSMSc1 de Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill exmaiden, Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 32:26772682. 236 Lupatini, M.; Bonnassis, P.; Steffen, R.; Oliveira, V. and Antoniolli, Z. (2008). Mycorrhizal morphotyping and molecular characterization of Chondrogaster angustisporus Giachini, Castellano, Trappe & Oliveira, an ectomycorrhizal fungus from Eucalyptus, Mycorrhiza 18:437442. Steffen, R. B.; Antoniolli, Z. I.; Bosenbecker, V. K.; Steffen, G. P.; Lupatini, M.; Campos, A. and Gomes, Cé. B. (2008). Avaliação de óleos essenciais de plantas medicinais no controle de Meloidogyne graminicola em arroz irrigado, Nematologia Brasileira 32:126134. Steffen, R. B.; Antoniolli, Z. I.; Kist, G. P.; Lupatini, M. and Gomes, Cé. B. (2007). Caracterização bioquimica do nematóide das galhas (Meloidogyne spp.) em lavouras de arroz irrigado na região central do Rio Grande do Sul, Ciência e Natura 29:3746. dos Santos, Li. C.; Antoniolli, Z. I.; Leal, L. T. and Lupatini, M. (2007). População de bactérias e fungos no solo contaminado com cobre nas minas de camaquã, Ciência e Natura 29:105114. 237