1. To have a spirit of humility and of faith.
2. To love above all things the presence of God through Jesus.
3. To unite the hearts as a single evolutionary proposal.
4. To help humanity out of love.
Marathon of the
Divine Mercy
5. To work during the marathon to construct a spirit of fraternity.
6. To allow yourselves to be partakers of the Law of the Divine Mercy.
7. To exercise the merciful prayer during these days under the action
of forgiveness and of reconciliation.
8. To live a moment of absolute peace.
9. To dissolve from memory all preoccupations during the course of
the Spiritual Marathon of the Divine Mercy.
10.To reverence each moment that will be shared.
11.To be willing from the inner world to receive healing and liberation.
12.To perceive with the heart the current of Love and of Mercy that
will descend from Heaven during these days.
13.To wait with joy for the coming of the Great Master.
14.To vigil with the heart all that will be constructed.
15.To protect like angels each moment of prayer in the community.
16.To await silently for the presence of the Holy Spirit.
17.To interiorize in the spirit the Christic impulse that will be received.
18.To guard in the inner memory the union that there will be with
19.To donate life with the heart so that the power of prayer may
20.To reunite yourselves on these days as a single flock.
21.To sustain, out of love, the Flag of Peace.
22.To exercise the common good amongst all of the pilgrims.
23.To commune with Christ in reverence and joy.
UPDATED ON 04/30/2014
Voice and Echo of the Divine Mother
Español | Português | English | Polski
Chaplet of the Divine Mercy (English)
Terço da Divina Misericórdia (Português)
On each union bead, let’s pray:
On each decade, let’s pray:
Em cada conta de união, oremos:
Em cada dezena, oremos:
Eternal Father,
I offer You the Body and Blood,
Soul and Divinity
of Your Dearly Beloved Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
in atonement for our sins
and those of the whole world.
For the sake of His sorrowful
have Mercy on us
and on the whole world.
Eterno Pai,
eu Vos ofereço o Corpo e o Sangue,
a Alma e a Divindade
de Vosso Diletíssimo Filho,
Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo,
em expiação de nossas faltas
e das do mundo inteiro.
Pela Sua dolorosa Paixão,
tende Misericórdia de nós
e do mundo inteiro.
Blood and Water
that flowed out from the Heart of
Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us,
I trust in You.
At the end, let’s pray:
Holy God,
Mighty God,
Immortal God,
have pity on us
and on the whole world.
Sangue e Água
que brotastes do Coração de Jesus,
como fonte de Misericórdia para nós,
eu confio em Vós.
Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia (Español)
En cada cuenta de unión, oremos:
En cada decena, oremos:
Padre Eterno,
Te ofrezco el Cuerpo y la Sangre,
el Alma y la Divinidad
de Tu Amadísimo Hijo,
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo,
como expiación de nuestras faltas
y las del mundo entero.
Por Su dolorosa Pasión,
ten Misericordia de nosotros
y del mundo entero.
Sangre y Agua
que brotaste del Corazón de Jesús
como fuente de Misericordia para
yo confío en Ti.
Al finalizar, oremos:
Dios Santo,
Dios Fuerte,
Dios Inmortal,
ten piedad de nosotros
y del mundo entero.
Ao finalizar, oremos:
Deus Santo,
Deus Forte,
Deus Imortal,
tende piedade de nós
e do mundo inteiro.
Koronka do Mi łosierdzia Bożego (Polski)
W każdym rachunku wspólnego,
módlmy się:
W każdej dekadzie, módl się:
Ojcze Przedwieczny,
ofiaruję Ci Ciało i Krew,
Duszę i Bóstwo najmilszego Syna
a Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa,
na przebłaganie za grzechy nasze
i całego świata.
Dla Jego bolesnej męki,
miej miłosierdzie dla nas
i całego świata.
O Krwi i Wodo
któraś wytrysnęła z Najświętszego
Serca Jezusowego
jako zdrój Miłosierdzia dla nas
Ufamy Tobie
Na zakończenie, módlmy:
Święty Boże,
Święty Mocny,
Święty Nieśmiertelny
zmiłuj się nad nami
i nad całym światem

Marathon of the Divine Mercy - Voz y Eco de la Madre Divina