St. Nicholas
Newsletter :: October I :: 2011
Ensino Fundamental Graduation
Upcoming events
Wed 2nd
All Souls Day (Holiday)
Fri 4th
8:00 PTA Meeting
Tue 8th
15:30 Years 11 and 12 Parents' Evening
Thu 10th
Parents Day Years 7, 8, 9 and 10
The Ensino Fundamental Graduation
Ceremony attended by students, teachers,
parents and other guests took place
on Wednesday September 21st. The
purpose of the ceremony was to celebrate
the achievements of our current Year
10 students in successfully completing
the Ensino Fundamental stage of their
education at the end of Year 9. Stephanie
Geller and Julia Herzog spoke confidently
and eloquently on behalf of the students,
reflecting on their memories of school
and the skills and qualities they have so
far developed in their education at St.
Nicholas. Students were also awarded
their Ensino Fundamental diplomas.
Mon 14th
School Holiday
Tue 15th
Proclamação da República (Holiday)
Tue 15th to Sat 19th
Mun Conference Salvador
Year 8 - Itatiaia
Year 9 - Paraty
November 26th
Year 1 - Make a
Difference Day
Year 1 had the opportunity to host the
last 'Make a Difference Day' (September
30th). Children participated in all the
steps from advertising and promoting
the event to sorting the donations and
counting the money. They were very
excited to help in any possible way. The
Year 1 teachers had a chance to visit the
institution ‘Sinhazinha Meirelles’ where
they met children and members of the
community who were very grateful for the
action taken by St. Nicholas community.
Thank you all once more, Year 1.
Vertical Garden
Year 5 have used recycled bottles to help
them create St. Nicholas' first vertical
garden. Vertical gardens can take various
forms and enable areas of green to exist
in locations where space on the ground
is limited. Empty plastic bottles brought
to school by Year 5 children were cut to
shape and filled with a mixture of sand
to help drainage and compost to provide
essential nutrients.Plants, kindly supplied
by Sanay, were then placed inside the
bottles that were then suspended in
cradles fixed to the wall of 3Y´s classroom.
The project took place during their recent
PYP Unit 'Go Green' during which children
learnt how plants are fundamental to all life
on earth. Year 5 are currently taking care
of the garden but, as summer approaches,
if you see a plant that needs watering,
please feel free to give it a drink of water or
tell a Year 5 child who will help show you
what to do.
Year 11 vai ao teatro discutir
Matheus Carpinelli de Jesus
compreensão do romance, na quintafeira, dia 29 de setembro, os alunos de
literatura do Year 11, sob a orientação do
Mr. Costa, foram ao teatro assistir à peça
homônima “Memórias de um Sargento de
Milícias” no teatro Lucas Pardo Filho, no
centro de São Paulo. A iniciativa de ir ao
teatro para assistir a uma interpretação
do livro foi muito boa e poderia trazer
novos elementos não analisados em aula.
Porém, a trupe do teatro em si foi infeliz na
tentativa de recriar a história no palco.
Os alunos do curso IB Português/
Literatura, do Year 11, estudaram em aula
o romance Memórias de um Sargento de
Milícias, escrito no século XIX por Manuel
Antônio de Almeida. Percebemos que este
romance permanece atual no século XXI,
pois aborda características intrínsecas
do povo e da cultura brasileiros que não
mudaram até o presente (a corrupção,
os interesses pessoais sobrepostos aos
interesses coletivos, a malandragem e
a alegria dionisíaca). Para aprofundar a
Os personagens do livro são caricaturados,
mas foram interpretados hiperbolicamente
pela trupe, o que tirou a ênfase dada pelo
autor a cada personagem. Houve uma
ridicularização da obra de Manuel Antonio
de Almeida, que traz um enredo que critica
a sociedade do século XIX, e que, acima
de tudo, permanece sendo muito atual em
vários aspectos.
Em nome dos alunos, eu agradeço a
iniciativa da ida ao teatro, pois pudemos
exercitar, de maneira crítica, a tradução de
uma obra literária para o placo.
Entre o Paraíso e o Inferno
Giovanna Theme (Year 10)
Durante a grande parte da quinta-feira,
dia 06 de outubro, nós, alunos do Year
10, fomos assistir a uma peça escrita há
quase 500 anos. Essa peça se chama O
Auto da Barca do Inferno e foi escrita por
Gil Vicente. Talvez esteja se perguntando:
Qual seria o motivo dessa visita ao teatro?
Como resposta, digo que fomos assistir à
peça, pois a lemos recentemente durante
nossas aulas de Português e achamos
que seria interessante ver a peça ao vivo
para aprofundar nosso conhecimento
sobre a época em que foi escrita. Além
disso, o roteiro original está escrito em
galego-português e pode muitas vezes ser
difícil de compreendê-lo e como a peça
foi apresentada em um português mais
moderno, muitos de nós achamos a peça
mais fácil de ser entendida.
irão pagar por seus pecados no Inferno ou
se irão ficar em paz no Paraíso. Lembrese de que essa obra foi escrita há mais
de 500 anos, porém, suas personagens
continuam presentes na sociedade de
hoje: temos a cafetina, o rico, o juiz
corrupto, o sapateiro ladrão, o parvo, o
padre infiel e aqueles que servem a Deus
somente. O que torna as histórias dessas
personagens tão cômicas é a forma como
são interpretadas e suas falas. O Diabo era
particularmente engraçado e o parvo nos
manteve entretidos por grande parte do
O teatro é localizado no centro de São
Paulo e se chama “Teatro Lucas Pardo
Filho”. Esse teatro só é sustentado pelo
dinheiro arrecadado por meio de visitantes
e não possui patrocinadores. Apesar disso,
a instituição possui atores que provaram
para nós que conseguem cumprir sua
principal missão: entreter.
Por último, outro aspecto interessante da
peça é como o seu autor nunca insulta
a Igreja diretamente, ele somente critica
seus integrantes. Algumas pessoas se
perguntariam por que isso seria importante.
Pois bem, durante a Idade Média, a Igreja
dominava a sociedade e todos cresciam
com medo de Deus, por isso, quase
ninguém ousava desobedecer ou desafiar
a Igreja. Os que faziam justamente isso
costumavam ser queimados ou torturados
de acordo com a Inquisição.
A obra narra a vinda de personalidades ao
um cais de porto. No entanto, esse não era
um Porto ordinário: os únicos que chegam
até ele são os mortos, fantasmas. Quando
estes chegam ao Porto, descobrem se
Finalmente, acho que escrevo em nome de
muitos alunos do Year 10 quando afirmo que
após assistir à peça, meu conhecimento da
época e o quanto compreendi sobre a peça
certamente melhoraram.
Delegates prepare for the
2011 MUN conference in
Every Friday a group
of future diplomats
and world leaders
meet for the Model
What is the MUN?
is a simulation of the work of the United
Nations Organisation. Students represent
a prescribed country and defend the
concerns of their country passionately.
Students learn about the history and
organisation of the UN, how to deal with
official language, complex political issues
and the rules of formal debate.
Last year nine St. Nicholas delegates
journeyed to Rio de Janeiro to sit on the
Human Rights committee, the Economic
and Social committee and the Security
delegates will represent their respective
countries at the Pan American School of
Bahia's 11th annual conference debating a
range of issues from cyber freedom in Asia
to promoting democracy in Latin America.
To test your skills come to the MUN ECA
on Friday from 13:40 - 14:10.
Senior Spelling Bee
Years 7 & 8
battled it out to
be crowned the
best speller of
their house…
All of Year 7 and
8 participated in
the first round of
the Spelling Bee which took place in their
English lessons. The English teachers were
very impressed with the skill and dedication
all students showed in learning a range of
difficult words.
The final took place in an assembly, hosted
by Kabelo Tolong and Julia Herzog. Each
participant showed confidence and
excellent spelling skills! The three winning
spellers were Gustavo Borges (London),
Filippo Del Stabile (Cambridge) and Pedro
Camargo (Oxford).
Lost & Found
There is a large amount of unmarked uniform items and also plenty of casual clothes such as, jackets, t-shirts and sweatshirts in
the 'Lost and Found'.
If these items are not collected, we will be selling these items at International Day and the proceeds will go to Charity. Please come
and check if your long lost favourite piece of clothing is in the 'Lost and Found' which is located in the reception area.
Year 9 - Descriptive Writing
Year 9 have been looking at John Steinbeck´s description of settings in "Of Mice and Men" as part of their English curriculum. The year
9 students then had to describe a setting familiar to them. Nodoka Matsumura and Esther Hwang describe São Paulo and Dokdo Island
in Korea respectively.
São Paulo
It’s a very early morning in Sao Paulo. The
sun is blazing down on the dusky city. The
school bus is running on the bumpy road,
not letting the sleepy students fall asleep.
When I looked through the window of my
school bus, I saw many gray buildings
towering high over the city. This is a huge
concrete jungle. Everything in this capital
is man-made. Everything is absolutely
perfect but monotonous.
There are almost no trees but there are
some colourful flowers planted to welcome
the spring. The air is a bit murky, and the
exhaust gasses were disturbing the sweet
fragrance of flowers. As my bus passes
a bakery, there was a pleasant aroma of
Brazilian coffee beans roasting, and savory
smell of toast. With the breeze, I could also
smell the perfume of fashionable women
walking elegantly and glancing at the show
windows. In the show windows, the latest
clothes are displayed; bright pink blouses
and very vivid violet skirts.
driver grew impatient and also beeped the
horn. I could hear the sound of engines
ready to move on, and people talking
enthusiastically on the street.
On the other hand, the main business
street of Paulista area was crowded with
businessmen who were walking briskly,
and choked with fumes.
There was an endless amount of cars
flowing through the street and honking
their horns. Caught in a traffic jam, my bus
Dokdo Island, Korea
be important. However, this island is very
magnificent and helpful for us.
There is a very small island called Dokdo
in Korea. People can’t live in this island,
though Dokdo is not secluded, because
it’s having positive attention from Korean
citizens. Outwardly, this island might not
The sun starts to glow as the island
awakes. Some sparkling dewdrops fall
from the fresh leaves. The blazing sun raps
the edged, spiked rocks of the cliff side. I
can see the gentle waves smoothly laying
back at the sea's edge. Dried seaweed
is hung on the slippery surface. All kinds
of marine animals race under the glinting
water with delight. They are with all different
colors. Red, blue, green, yellow fish jumps
toward the air and smells the wind full of
salty moisture. Some are heading for the
horizon in shoals. However, the color of the
sky is getting darker and darker.
Then the waves get more and more wild.
That boy and those girls are a bit special!
Mr Moss
Kyle Sogl (Year 10) participated last week
in the World Indoor Archery Championship
in Pretoria, South Africa. He participated
in the Junior (13-16 years) Male Freestyle
(Compound) category and won the gold
medal. Kyle also established a WIAC
record and achieved better results than
all the adults who were participating in the
same category.
This builds on Kyle's success in the previous
World Indoor Archery Championship in
San Fernando, Argentina in 2009 when
Kyle won the gold medal in the Junior Male
Barebow (Compound) category and set
WIAC records for both a single round and
the overall event. Kyle currently holds three
WIAC records. Congratulations to Kyle on
his impressive achievements in archery.
We also wish Luiza Marangoni and Sofia
Soares the best of luck and injury free
travels after being selected by St Nicks
for their potential and ability to represent
Florida Excel Sports Academy next
month. They are to travel with the Florida
Academy to play in Maryland USA in a
prestigious Football Tournament, where
approximately 140 coaches are selecting
future scholarship talent and opportunities.
The air is heavy and dark. Instead of a
clean blue color, the sky is covered with
deep, gloomy clouds. There are no more
delightful animals out, but a heartless
storm. Rain knocks on the ground and
suddenly, a stream of light flashes through
the moist ground and follows the howl of
thunder. The waves are frightened and
beat the rocks stronger. For a quite long
time, there was a pause with only the rain
beating the ground.
After the storm, the rain drops have
weakened, and only a few dewdrops
and moist air has left. A warm stream of
sunlight again came out between the
clouds. I can hear the crumbling sound of
animals creeping out of everywhere.
You are what
you read!
Year 9 Japanese students
I’d like to recommend a Japanese writer,
Jiro Akagawa. He is a famous detective
story writer in Japan, and is a king of
mystery. His novels involves horrible
murder case, however they are full of
humour and creativity. He has something
about him that fascinates others, and
his novels are the best entertainment
with many surprising tricks. (Nodoka
I recommend the book named “Hanayoi
douchu.” This is a book based in the last
years of the Edo period (1850), and telling
the tragic but beautiful life of Yujyo. After
reading this book, you will probably be
able to know the culture and lifestyle of
old time Japan and how mysterious and
exquisite Yujyo was. (Sakiko Yazawa)
I’d like to recommend the book named
“Chumun no ooi ryouriten” (“The Many
Orders Restaurant”) written by Kenji
Miyazawa who is the most popular author
of fairy tales in Japan. (Midori Hirayama)
Indians in Brazil
A visit from Centro de Trabalho Indigenista (CTI) and Tupã
from the Guarani tribe.
Clarissa Natel (Year 11)
During Miss Pare’s Geography class on
Monday October 3rd the Year eight’s (and
some Year 11 students) received a very
special visit from two anthropologists and
man named Tupã from the Guarani tribe.
Tupã told us that his tribe was one of the
first to be contacted 500 years ago as they
are located in the Mata Atlantica rainforest.
Although they still maintain their customs,
traditions and prayers, his tribe has less
and less land every year due to increased
Many indigenous people, he told us, opt
to use jeans now and other items; there
are also bilingual schools in the tribal
villages teaching their language but also
Portuguese. This development in the tribes
results in prejudgment, prejudice because
some people say they are not Indians
anymore. Nevertheless, Tupã said “Não é
a roupa que faz o índio um índio”, meaning
that it is not the clothes they wear that
makes them Indians.
but still maintaining an Indigenous lifestyle.
He said to do this he must learn to live in
two worlds and must adapt to both.
Additionally, Tupa told us that there are still
thousands of different tribes in Brazil with
more than 400 million Indians. There are
tribes in almost every state in Brazil, even in
big cities like Sao Paulo. But, he warns us,
the tribes are getting smaller and that the
indigenous people are losing their culture.
Tupã said he was a mediator between both
words trying to fight for his people´s rights
Tribal Make a Difference Day - 28th October
After our visit from CTI and Tupã the Year 8 Geography class decided to help raise money and awareness for the Guarani.
Before Make a difference day
(informed action)
●● Look out for information posters made
by the class.
●● Assembly on Wednesday 26th October.
Presentation of the enquiry into the
Indians of Brazil completed in Geography
and Art. Information leaflets produced by
the class will also be handed out.
●● Various book week activities inspired
by the book; ´The Last of the Tribe´ by
Monte Reel.
●● Tribal Workshop organized by the
class. This will take place on Thursday
lunch time at 1.45pm H1. Come along to
learn about indigenous face painting and
to make your own feather badges.
On Make a Difference Day
(28th October)
After Make a Difference Day
●● Celebration of Indigenous Culture –
Come to school wearing face paint in
an indigenous style or wear your own
feather badge.
●● Join ‘PeaceJam’ ECA Wednesdays
PeaceJam is an award
winning, Nobel Peace Laureate affiliated
organisation which aims to inspire young
leaders to take informed action.
●● Information leaflets produced by the
●● Visit the library where you find many
new books on indigenous people
●● Official Survival International badges
and stickers for donations over R$10
●● Visit www.teacherlp.tumblr. Use the
´tribes´ tag to watch videos and read
more about the indians in Brazil.
●● A talk from the Brazilian Representative
of Survival International via Skype
at 1.10pm. Venue to be announced.
Everyone is invited, first come first serve.
●● Visit
for further donations and to read more.
●● Tribe quiz in tutor time
Make a Difference day is not just about raising money but a way to spread awareness leading to informed action.
Guarani Survival
The Guarani are
struggling for survival
Their land, destroyed
Their leaders, killed
Their children, starving
Guarani lands are being destroyed, their
leaders are killed and their children die of
starvation. Yet the Indians are not asking
for money or food. All they want is for their
lands to be returned so they can regain
some control over their lives and futures.
In association with Birdwatchers, a Marco
Bechis film, Survival International has
opened a fund to support the Guarani.
Every cent donated will go towards helping
the Indians to defend their rights, lands
and futures
Mr Moss, Ms Beck, Ms Bouvier & Mr Santos
Football & Futsal
Goals galore, new faces, hat tricks and a half way line "screamer".
contributed to winning convincingly the
tournament with a definite 'goal of the
season' contender from Luiza Marangoni.
The U18 Boys who have been invited to
return in 2012 to compete in Helsinki
and Gothia have seen their campaign at
Chapel consolidate their obvious potential
with a 7-2 win and a fine performance from
a mixed match squad and 5 quality taken
goals from Kenji and Kabelo.
The ever improving U15 girls have
continued their solid start since the USA
Tour. Beating PACA 5-0 on grass and
scoring 13 goals at Alphaville (good to
see Alice and Claudia on the score sheet)
8-0 loss against PACA will be the platform
to build improvements and success. We
await eagerly the performances at EAC
Campinas from the Yr3/4 and Yr5/6 Junior
Futsal squads.
Thirdly, there is the small matter of the U14
Boys who have age and experience against
them, but are learning quickly! With only
one win against Cidade Jardim Playpen in
five games, mistakes have been costly and
focus on a work ethic is a must no matter
the opposition and score. There is a lot of
work to do but I am convinced that the
Nail biting stuff and the ever importance of a free throw.
The Basketball U15 Boys and Girls both
won gold at the 5th Sports Tournament at
Alphaville. There was good form from both
teams so early in the season, with praise
for the team's defence and "character",
after a normal slow start. Huge credit also
goes to Rafaela for the game winning free
throw and Jason, Diego, Alex and Job for
all their crucial points on offence. Sadly
due to a lot of missed shots the U18s
couldn’t bring home a triple Gold.
It was a first for St. Nicks to field a U18
Girls team in a richly entertaining game
at Chapel. It was St. Nicks who made the
brighter start leading until the middle of
third quarter. Despite missing 12 points of
this period and it all going Chapel’s way,
the final quarter highlighted with a fine
performance from Julia Herzog that this
squad has so much talent although losing
Commemorations, celebrations and events around the world
Action Committee / International Committee
31st October - Halloween is celebrated on the eve of All Saints
Day. It is celebrated by such activities as trick-or-treating,
costume parties, viewing horror films, and visiting "haunted
1 - All Saints' Day also known as the Festival of All Saints,
All Hallows or Hallowmas is a feast honoured by the Roman
Catholic Church of all saints. The day before is Halloween and
the day after is All Soul’s Day when the death of faithful Catholics
is commemorated.
2nd - All Souls' Day, or the Feast of All Souls, also falls on the
day when Brazil commemorates dead ancestors known as Dia
de Finados.
3rd - Culture Day (Bunka-no-hi) is a national holiday in Japan
promoting culture, the arts, and academic endeavours through
art exhibitions, parades, and award ceremonies for artists and
5th - Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated in the
United Kingdom, and some former British colonies. Firework
displays and bonfires are held during this night. Guy Fawkes is a
historical figure who attempted to carry out an attempt to blow
up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I of England, to
destroy Protestant rule by killing the Protestant aristocracy, on 5
November 1605.
11th - Remembrance Day in Australia, Canada and United
Kingdom, also known as Poppy Day, Veterans Day in the United
States, and Armistice Day in France, New Zealand, and many
other Commonwealth countries, is a day to commemorate the
sacrifice of veterans and civilians in World War I, World War II,
and other wars. In many parts of the world, people take two
minutes of silence at 11:00 in the morning as a sign of respect for
the millions who died in the war. In the United States, Veterans
Day is celebrated to thank living veterans for their service.
14th - Children's Day in India is commemorated on India’s
first prime minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday. Prime
Minister Nehru was known to like children and was known to
them as Chacha Nehru or Uncle Nehru.
15th - Proclamação da República Brasileira or Republic
Proclamation Day is a national holiday in Brazil when the country
first proclaimed its being a republic in Rio de Janeiro back in
16th - International Day for Tolerance was first observed in
1996 following the United Nations Year for Tolerance in 1995.
The day is observed to promote tolerance and the practice of
tolerance through education.

Newsletter - St. Nicholas School