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Pagina 21
Pagina 22
Pagina 24
Pagina 25
Pagina 26
Pagina 27
Pagina 28
Pagina 29
Pagina 30
Glenn Hauser
Logs September 18-19, 2014
José Bueno
Enrique A. Wembagher
Ocasion especial para confirmar zona de jujuy
Alfredo Meurer Jr
T6T Afhganistan ativo
Juan omitawe
Filtrando o audio com Dsp usando um computador
Rafael Rodriguez
Video institucional IMER 2014
Grupo Radioescucha Argentino Conexion Digital No. 789
Alfredo Meurer Jr
CY0/VA1AXC Sable island ativa agora 01:50z 14285 split
Migdiel Cruz
Buenas las condiciones para Asia
Miguel Angel Rocha Gamez Satélites para el radioescucha experimentador
Alfredo Meurer Jr
E30FN Eritrea 21300 e agradecimentos
Glenn Hauser
Logs September 19-20, 2014
Anatoly Klepov
“RUS-DX” # 786
Miguel Angel Rocha Gamez Conoce este grupo, únete, participa
Dino Bloise
RTÉ special transmissions on shortwave radio
Glenn Hauser
Logs September 21, 2014
Alfredo Meurer Jr
Manager de E30FB Eitréia, Prof. Zorro
Nestor - PU 1 BBZ
Revista Monitor de Rádio e Televisão
NSN Brasil
Service Manual for Radio Sony ICF SW77
Mauricio Pimenta Cunha
Dúvida palavra Radiocomunicação
Adinei PY2ADN
Link interessante: todas eas edições da revista russa
Alfredo Meurer Jr
9N1A ativo hoje em 10m e 20m
La Voz de Vietnam
Contesta Email
Ontario DX Club
ODXA DX REPORT October 27th 2014
Antônio Avelino da Silva
O Grupo nas Ondas do DX Clube Sem Fronteiras
Antônio Avelino da Silva
Para aqueles que desejam ter em seus veículos
Carlos Gonçalves
Denis Zoqbi: RDPi - R.Portugal, 03SET'14
Yimber Gaviria
The 50th Anniversary of Manx Radio
Migdiel Cruz
Emisión del pasado fin de semana, VOA Radiogram
Jorge Isacc García Rangel
¿Quién Dijo Que La Onda Corta Era Cosa Del Pasado?
Alfredo Meurer Jr
Filtro de seletividade do receptor Degen modelo De1103 e em outros
Neto Silva
Alfredo Meurer Jr
OJ0AM Market Reef ativo em 14255
Ivo Ivanov
BBC Changes
Glenn Hauser
Logs September 22-23, 2014
Migdiel Cruz
Experimentar con los SDR
Confirmacion de radioescucha
Márcio Dias
Jose Ronaldo Xavier
Allan Stern
Claudio Galaz
Rodolfo Tizzi
Dinan Rogerio
Francesco Cecconi
Samuel Cássio Martins
Manuel Méndez
Evandro Rocha
Uender Marques
Antônio Avelino da Silva
Neto Silva
Fran Jr
Hironori Takeuchi
Alfredo Cañote
Glenn Hauser
Logs September 18-19, 2014
** ALASKA. 7355, Sept 19 at 1226 after music, KNLS capsule called `English Express` with Marcy Black, explaining expression ``chill out`` from
the 1950s jazz scene. Poor signal, but better than 7345 Myanmar which I had been trying to audition. So how`s WCBC`s other project, the longdelayed Madagascar World Voice, coming along? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** AUSTRALIA. 15300, Sept 19 at 0525, RA `Pacific Beat` report on aftermath of the Rabaul eruption last month; 0532 announcement that
Australia Network TV will cease Sept 28, but from Sept 29, ABC will provide some kind of limited TV service. We`ll see if that still occupy `The World`
12-13 UT slot Tue-Fri on 9580, 12065 et al. I would not depend on the online RA schedule telling us, since it continues to list `Keys to Music`
Fridays at 13-14 instead of `Sound Quality` which we are *still* hearing on Sept 19 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 6180, Sept 19 at 0125, RNA good signal but still weaker than 6185 México, ergo still <<250 kW, // 11780. Also heavy flutter on 6180
which is unusual, due to propagation disturbance.
6180, Sept 19 at 0538, RNA is also managing to modulate unlike 24 hours earlier; // 11780, very poor with music, 6180 seems distorted besides
flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 17890, Sept 19 at 0132, very poor signal in Chinese, CNR1 jammer? No, per Aoki, it`s one of countless Beijing 572 site overkill
transmitters carrying CNR1, but in this case *not* a jammer!!! Comes in handy tho for comparing to following jammers:
{as I am monitoring this, my second-floor radio room including a mirror and my chair shake for about 10 seconds in a 4.0 earthquake at 0132:15,
between here and Medford OK}
16100, Sept 19 at 0134, CNR1 jammer, poor with flutter, // 17890 but unseems exactly synched
14900, Sept 19 at 0135, CNR1 jammer, very poor with flutter, // 16100
** CUBA. 6165, Sept 19 at 0126, RHC English still VG signal, but unusually with heavy flutter due to propagation disturbance
6000, Sept 19 at 0527, RHC English is on during this hour for a change and so is 6060 unlike last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 12070, Sept 19 at 0108, R. Cairo good signal but just a big hum, no Spanish program modulation. A lot better than the crackle!
11710, Sept 19 at 0108, R. Cairo with poor signal, hetting Argentina below 11711, but no modulation detectable from the former
9315, Sept 19 at 0108, R. Cairo, fair signal and good modulation in Spanish, 0112 mentions ``el día nacional de Chile`` (Sept 18v, independence
from the Spanish crown in 1811). 0120 starting another show, ``Radio Cairo presenta ---`` but title unreadable; now there is some distortion
9965, Sept 19 at 0112, R. Cairo, good with flutter, undermodulated Arabic with whine, but not distorted
13850, Sept 19 at 0536, R. Cairo Arabic to North America, fair with flutter, except it`s open carrier/dead air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** GREECE. 9935 // stronger 9420, VG Sept 19 at 0117, ERTOpen back on tonight with Greek music, and JBA carrier on 15630 presumably the
third Avlis (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MICRONESIA. 4755+, Sept 19 until 1159:24.5*, PMA The Cross carrier cuts off but too weak to hear DTMF tone cues if any. Then up to
** NEW ZEALAND. 11725-AM, Sept 19 at 0537, RNZI back to normal with Pacific news (too bad they do it at the same time as RA), after missing
from this frequency 24 hours earlier. Apparently as part of maintenance, they were firing up various frequencies for brief periods regardless of when
they are supposed to be scheduled, as Dan Sheedy noted:
``15720 RNZI 0552 18 Sept. Running late today & playing "frequency hopscotch" as well --- on 9700 at 0554 QRMing RRI (Galbeni in English),
then down to 6170 at 0556; recheck at 0603 found them on sked 11725 (Dan Sheedy, Encinitas, CA G5/6m X wire)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** OMAN. 15355, Sept 19 at 0119, RSO very poor with flutter, Qur`an, here instead of absent 9500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, Sept 19 at 0106, JBA carrier from R. Chaski, until cutoff at 0111:30.5* which is 12 seconds later than one binite ago (Glenn
** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, Sept 19 until 1200*, SIBC carrier cuts off just as I tune in within a couple seconds of 1200 sharp, just after
** SRI LANKA. 11905, Sept 19, SLBC carrier on from *0114:11.5, fair with flutter; musical prélude from 0115:10.5, and mistimesignal ending at
0115:19 as it fluxuates slightly but never close to real time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13565-CW, Sept 19 at 0535, K6FRC hifer beacon copiable vs CODAR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1738 monitoring: confirmed on WRMI 11580, Thursday Sept 18 from 2330.5, good signal and no QRM.
WORLD OF RADIO 1739 monitoring: confirmed on WWRB 3185, UT Friday Sept 19 from 0331, after a respectful pause following the previous
preacher; this time does not start with such a blast as before, first monitored on webcast, and then confirmed on 3185 which has the best signal in a
long time, very good, almost as strong at 3215 WWCR. Meanwhile, 5050 WWRB has no BS and no signal either. Next:
Friday 2130 on WRMI 7570 & 15770, may still be 1738 repeat
Saturday 0630 & 1430 on HLR 7265-CUSB
UT Sunday 0100 on WRMI 5950, may still be 1738 repeat
UT Sunday 0131 on KVOH 9975
UT Monday 0259v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; etc.
** U S A. 9475 & 5830, Sept 19 at 0127, WTWW-1 is on neither frequency, but 2 & 3 still on 5085, 12105. Recheck at 0526, now 5830 is on
** U S A. 15610, Sept 19 at 1403, WEWN is almost dead air, just some weak scratchy sounds corresponding to modulation peaks. Wiggle that
patchcord! Weakest link syndrome (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 15505, Sept 19 at 1400, weak Spanish 2-way SSB intruders riding on the very weak Bangladesh carrier which of course I was
checking for a mistimesignal; despite tuning in too late, I was hearing some beeps close to 1400:00, so possibly coming from the intruders instead
José Bueno
El cierre de la onda corta de REE parece que está previsto para día 15 de octubre, ya veremos si se aplaza.
De momento aquí esta la parrilla de programación hasta el 15 de octubre 2014.
José Bueno - Córdoba, España
Enrique A. Wembagher
Ocasion especial para confirmar zona de jujuy
Tendrá lugar entre Miércoles 24 de Septiembre y Miércoles 1º de Octubre de 2014, será una excelente oportunidad para confirmar dicha provincia,
que tiene poca actividad en fone y casi nada en CW y los QSOs / QSLs será válidas para al menos 12 Certificados Permanentes que cumplen la Res.
50/98 para ascensos de categoría (todo un record):
Diploma Monumentos Históricos, de LU4AA RCA, Ref. DMH-011/T, por Purmamarca.
Diploma Sistemas Hidrográficos, de LU1HYW RC Villa María, por el Río
Purmamarca, Ref. DSH 001/T Certificado C-100-C de LU4AAO Radio Club QRM Belgrano, por Purmamarca.
Diploma Operaciones de Campo de LU7EO Avellaneda Radio Club, por la activación en Purmamarca.
Diploma Monumentos Históricos, de LU4AA RCA, Ref. DMH-020/T, x Iglesia de Susques Diploma Sistemas Hidrográficos, de LU1HYW RC Villa
María, x Río Susques, Ref. DSH 002/T Certificado C-100-C de LU4AAO RC QRM Belgrano, x Susques.
Diploma Operaciones de Campo LU7EO Avellaneda RC, por la activación en Susques.
Diploma TRA de LU4AA RCA por la Provincia de Jujuy.
Certificado Mercosur de LU4AAO RC QRM Belgrano, Argentina.
Certificado Permanente LU7EO Avellaneda RC, QSO con LU5BE.
Certificado Permanente LU4AAO RC QRM Belgrano, QSOs con LU3AAL y LU8EFF.
Actividad Radial:
Purmamarca: 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 10, 10, 6 m en SSB, CW, PSK31, SSTV, 2 estaciones activas.
Susques: 80, 20, 10 en SSB con 1 estación por la tarde y noche de Sáb 27sep2014 o Dom 28sep2014.
QSL: Enviar QSL + SAD franqueo mínimo a LU8EFF, Ballester 216, 1702 Ciudadela, Pvcia. Bs.As., Argentina. Estaciones de DX: SASE + 1 IRC o 2
dólares. Más detalles y actualizaciones http://lu4aao.org/actividades_programadas.htm
Alfredo Meurer Jr
T6T Afhganistan ativo
Boa tarde
Entrou em operação a estação T6T de Afeganistão, ontem esteve ativa nos 17m ssb no QTR bastante favorável para nós, 18:00z eu estava
trabalhando e não pude acompanha-la, agora estão nos 17m em modo digital, não sei de relato de escutas dele por aqui,anunciada muito pouco
tempo de DXpedition.
Boa sorte na conquista de um otimo país DXCC.
73 DE - Alfredo Meurer Jr.
Juan omitawe
Filtrando o audio com Dsp usando um computador
Estou fazendo testes, jogando audio na entrada do computador procesando com programas Dsp e escutando em tempo real. Existem varios
dispositivos externos que podem ser substituidos por os softwares que encontrei pesquisando na internet. Seguem os sites para fazer download:
Na minha residencia tem muita interferência de radio táxi e emissoras fm comerciais que com o meu yaesu 817nd consigo superar, mais tem
também bastante barulho eléctrico. Construí uma antena loop que actua como uma faca amplificando a frequência sintonizada e abafando as
outras, com esta antena (na janela, e orientada para o céu) e meu 817 estou escutando bastante bem, tenho uma antena vertical que não iguala
nem fica perto do rendimento da loop. Estava pensando em trocar por um radio com dsp e tripla conversão (Icom?) para melhorar a recepção mais
desconheço se a troca seria uma melhora de verdade.
Anteriormente, tinha um talky Ft6 da kenwood e escutava a radio Tupí em quase toda a banda hf.
Bom, alguma experiencia com software dsp por alguém do grupo?
Alguma opinião sobre a diferencia trocando por Icom?
Um abraço a todo o mundo py1zga, Juan.
Rafael Rodriguez
Video institucional IMER 2014
Publicado el 12/6/2014
El Instituto Mexicano de la Radio se creó el 23 de marzo de 1983. En 31 años ininterrumpidos, el IMER, ha transmitido ideas, música,
entretenimiento, diferentes voces, información, cultura, tradiciones, experiencias y emociones.
IMER, Producimos sonidos y los transformamos en ideas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqymphjfvEM
Grupo Radioescucha Argentino
Conexion Digital No. 789
Estimados socios,
Tenemos el agrado de compartir con Uds. las siguientes informaciones y novedades
1. Obras en el Radio Club y obra sobre Constituyentes.
2. Nuevo curso de radioaficionado
3. Activaciones en Purmamarca y Susques, Jujuy.
4. Reuniones sociales / choriceadas de tercer sábado de mes:
5. Betty V y Transponder Lineal LUSEX
6. Entrega y estrenos de licencias
7. Cumpleaños de Alejandro, LU5ALE.
8. Valentín, LU9AAP, SK.
9. Nuevo integrante en la familia de LU9CBL y LU3AJL.
10. Recuperando fotos antiguas de la Peña y del Radio Club QRM Belgrano
11. Operación en el modo CW.
12. Operación en fonía y código fonético
13. Revista Radionoticias de septiembre 2014
14. Próximos hamfests 2014
15. Actividades nacionales y regionales
16. Concursos internacionales 2014
17. Propagación
18. Información de contacto y detalles
En las últimas semanas han proseguido distintas tareas, tanto en la colocación de placas cementicias o de yeso, mantenimiento general y limpieza y
preparación para la colocación de nuevas antenas. Los invitamos a ver detalles y fotos haciendo click en los enlaces a continuación:
http://www.lu4aao.org/almanaque_LU4AAO_2014.htm Por otro lado y debido al avance de las obras del túnel de la Avda. de los Constituyentes
por debajo de las vías del FF.CC. Mitre ramal José León Suárez, sigue cortada la calle Monroe en el cruce con dicha avenida. Los invitamos a ver el
mapa de circulación, cortes y estacionamiento en la sección Cómo Contactarnos / Como llegar de nuestros sitios web haciendo click a continuación:
http://lu4aao.org/contactenos.htm o bien http://amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/contactenos.htm
Está desarrollándose normalmente el 2º curso del año que comenzó el 16 de Agosto de 2014 y todos los aspirantes ya comenzaron con las Prácticas
Operativas. La colaboración con las mismas es bienvenida en la medida que lo podamos escuchar, porque tenemos 9+20 de ruido, entonces hay
que optimizar eficiencia de antena, línea de transmisión y de potencia realmente irradiada, para llegar 9+25 y la transmisión llegue por encima del
ruido. En general es práctico coordinar la salida al aire por la repetidora de VHF. Los invitamos a ver las fotos del actual curso buscando en Internet
"Curso de Radioaficionado" o bien haciendo click a continuación: http://lu4aao.org/cursos.htm
LU8EFF y LU3AAL y nuestro amigo LU5BE todos /T. Tendrá lugar entre Miércoles 24 de Septiembre y Miércoles 1º de Octubre de 2014, será una
excelente oportunidad para confirmar dicha provincia, que tiene poca actividad en fone y casi nada en CW y los QSOs / QSLs será válidas para al
menos 12 Certificados Permanentes que cumplen la Res. 50/98 para ascensos de categoría (todo un record):
Diploma Monumentos Históricos, de LU4AA RCA, Ref. DMH-011/T, porPurmamarca.
Diploma Sistemas Hidrográficos, de LU1HYW RC Villa María, por el Río Purmamarca, Ref. DSH 001/T
Certificado C-100-C de LU4AAO Radio Club QRM Belgrano, por Purmamarca.
Diploma Operaciones de Campo de LU7EO Avellaneda Radio Club, por la activación en Purmamarca.
Diploma Monumentos Históricos, de LU4AA RCA, Ref. DMH-020/T, x Iglesia de Susques
Diploma Sistemas Hidrográficos, de LU1HYW RC Villa María, x Río Susques, Ref. DSH 002/T
Certificado C-100-C de LU4AAO RC QRM Belgrano, x Susques.
Diploma Operaciones de Campo LU7EO Avellaneda RC, por la activación en Susques.
Diploma TRA de LU4AA RCA por la Provincia de Jujuy.
Certificado Mercosur de LU4AAO RC QRM Belgrano, Argentina.
Certificado Permanente LU7EO Avellaneda RC, QSO con LU5BE.
Certificado Permanente LU4AAO RC QRM Belgrano, QSOs con LU3AAL y LU8EFF.
Actividad Radial:
Purmamarca: 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 10, 10, 6 m en SSB, CW, PSK31, SSTV, 2 estaciones activas.
Susques: 80, 20, 10 en SSB con 1 estación por la tarde y noche de Sáb 27sep2014 o Dom 28sep2014.
QSL: Enviar QSL + SAD franqueo mínimo a LU8EFF, Ballester 216, 1702 Ciudadela, Pvcia. Bs.As., Argentina. Estaciones de DX: SASE + 1 IRC o
2 dólares. Más detalles y actualizaciones http://lu4aao.org/actividades_programadas.htm N de R: Felicitamos a Enrique, Arnaldo y Horacio por
esta inusual activación, les deseamos el mejor de los éxitos y esperamos contactarlos en distintas bandas y modos.
Como es habitual, el próximo Sábado 20 de Septiembre de 2014, siendo el tercero de mes tenemos esta tradicional reunión con parrilla alrededor
de las 20 hs. Ya que las compras se hacen de acuerdo a la cantidad de participantes, a quienes deseen concurrir les solicitamos tengan a bien avisar
con buena anticipación por los medios habituales, o como respuesta a este boletín o avisarle a Beatriz, LU2BB. Los invitamos a ver las fotos de estas
reuniones, junto con las de cumpleaños festejados en el radio club, en la sección "Festejos y Reuniones Sociales" de nuestros sitios web, con URL:
http://lu4aao.org/festejos_reuniones_sociales.htm y http://amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/festejos_reuniones_sociales.htm
Amsat Argentina está preparando para Octubre próximo un nuevo vuelo en globo de la carga útil Betty V y Transponder Lineal LUSEX, desde la
provincia de La Pampa. Se están realizando modificaciones en Betty, incluyendo un doble contenedor para la primera carga, que permitirá
desprenderse del globo meteorológico y del paracaídas principal - sujetos a la caja externa - con mayor eficiencia que el sistema de abortar el vuelo,
que tenemos actualmente. Se han hecho simultáneamente trabajos de limpieza, emprolijamiento y reajuste en la electrónica de Betty; también se
han incorporado dos pequeñas cámaras filmadoras, una de las cuales permitirá ver el momento de la explosión del globo o, en su defecto, el
desprendimiento del mismo por accionamiento del sistema de interrupción el vuelo. Este experimento llevará también una carga secundaria. Se
utilizará para ello la caja contenedora utilizada para el último vuelo CQC Misión al Espacio, en donde se integrarán dos cámaras GoPro de alta
definición, el transponder lineal LUSEX y se incorporara una batería de litio polímero de 3.7 volt 5 amperes para alimentación del mismo,
prescindiendo de la fuente de alimentación reductora que se empleaba actualmente.
Para la elevación de la carga se utilizará un globo de 1000 grs. inyectado de helio de alta calidad, estimando que llevará todo el conjunto a una
altura superior a 30.000 pies a una velocidad de 5 metros por segundo. Para asegurar el descenso emplearemos dos paracaídas, el principal a
continuación del globo será de mayor tamaño y dotado de una "chimenea", para obtener más linealidad en la bajada. El segundo paracaídas más
chico, se doblara y reposará en la cara superior de Betty, dentro de la caja externa.
La transmisión y recepción de Betty V será modificada en esta ocasión: subida 435.850 KHz subtono 123, bajada 145.850 KHz. FM; TLM 145.850
KHz y APRS 145.850 KHz. y 144.930 KHz. Transponder LUSEX subida 35.935 KHz a 435.965 KHz LSB/CW, bajada 145.965 KHz a 145.935 KHz
USB (invertido) TLM 145.900 KHz CW. Se proyecta probar antenas de transmisión y recepción en este vuelo, para lo que se ha preparado un relay
coaxil al efecto; en vista que la lógica del conjunto está más desarrollada en Betty, se utilizara esta para elegir las antenas desarrolladas por el grupo
de trabajo LUSEX para un futuro satélite. Se trasladará desde el contenedor de Betty al de Lusex por medio de conductores, la elección de las
antenas. Por tratarse de un experimento doble, esta vez se necesitará más gente y varios colegas ya se han anotado para participar en el próximo
lanzamiento a fines de Octubre de 2014. Se puede colaborar desde varios sitios, sea Buenos Aires, Ezeiza/Baires Control, Gral. Pico, Victorica y
rescate a donde caiga el globo, y las funciones a realizar que son las que están descriptas e ilustradas en los siguientes enlaces, correspondientes a
los cuatro últimos lanzamientos que invitamos a ver haciendo click a continuación: http://www.amsat.org.ar/globo08.htm
http://www.amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/experimento_globo_marzo_2014.htm http://www.amsat.org.ar/globo11.htm
http://www.amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/experimento_globo_noviembre_2013.htm http://www.amsat.org.ar/globo29.htm
http://www.amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/experimento_globo_junio_2013.htm http://www.amsat.org.ar/globo23.htm
A su vez cada uno tiene enlaces a más actividades, páginas o sitios. Para quienes deseen ir a Gral. Pico, Victorica y/o rescate del globo, será una
especial combinación entre una travesía y un día de campo muy particular, como podrán atestiguar quienes ya han participado en lanzamientos
anteriores y a quienes los invitamos a charlar al respecto. Amsat no recibe subsidios y todo se realiza en base a los aportes individuales de cada uno
de los participantes. Quien desee participar, lo invitamos a ponerse en contacto con Amsat Argentina a las direcciones: [email protected]
[email protected] En futuras comunicaciones ampliaremos información sobre este experimento, mientras algunas fotos del trabajo (no definitivo)
de los contenedores y electrónica ya se pueden ver en: http://www.amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/experimentos_transponder.htm
Entre fines de Agosto y principios de Septiembre de 2014, la mayoría de los aspirantes del 1º curso de radioaficionado del 2014 recibieron y
estrenaron sus licencias haciendo varios QSOs. Nuestras felicitaciones para Gustavo, LU5EGG; José Ignacio, LU1CIT; Gastón, LU8CWT; Beto,
LU6BET; y Oscar, LU2AOP, a quienes deseamos el mejor de los éxitos en su actividad como radioaficionado y a quienes invitamos a integrarse a club
en calidad de tales. Está pendiente la licencia de Fernando, Op.999 e invitamos a ver las fotos del curso, entrega, festejos o estrenos en:
http://lu4aao.org/cursos.htm http://lu4aao.org/festejos_agosto2014.htm
Los invitamos a ver detalles y fotos en: http://lu4aao.org/festejos_agosto2014.htm
Lamentamos informar el fallecimiento de nuestro socio Valentín, LU9AAP. En el 2012 le habíamos entregado su licencia Categoría Especial, por
su más de 50 años como radioaficionado, cuyas fotos se pueden ver en: http://lu4aao.org/festejo_03mar2012.htm Le enviamos nuestras
condolencias a su familia y en especial a su hijo Valentín, LU7BSN, también socio de nuestro radio club.
Nos comenta nuestro socio José Luis, LU3AJL, que su hijo y también socio Matías, LU9CBL, fue papá por primera vez el pasado Sábado 13 de
Septiembre de 2014. Tanto Santiago, como su mamá están bien. Nuestras felicitaciones los mejores deseos para Santiago, el nuevo padre, el
abuelo y toda la familia.
Marcelo, LU7AAP, haciendo orden en su casa, encontró fotos de la Peña o del Radio Club, algunas en formato papel y otras en diapositivas, que no
estaban en su carpeta a partir de la cual se recuperaron hechos y fotos de los primeros 20 años del radio club. Algunas de esas fotos son de 1970 y
otras de 1982 en las cuales están LU7AAP, LU8AJK (actualmente LU8AJ), LU2ACN, LU9AE y algunos otros a quienes vemos en el Radio Club con
alguna frecuencia. Gracias a los escaneados que hizo Beatriz, LU2BB y las conversiones de diapositivas a formato digital que hizo Jorge, LU7EBO,
estas fotos ahora están disponibles e invitamos a verlas en: http://lu4aao.org/historia.htm o bien en el sitio espejo gracias a Amsat Argentina:
http://www.amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/historia.htm Si alguien tuviera fotos de la época en el QTH de la calle 11 de Septiembre, también le
gradecemos nos las haga llegar para complementar gráficamente esa parte para de la historia de nuestro radio club.
Como habíamos anunciado en el boletín de Agosto de 2014, un grupo de nuestros asociados habían ex presado un renovado interés por este modo
y están haciendo QSOs a baja velocidad en diversos horarios y bandas. Hubo algunos QSOs que en general se vieron beneficiados cuando hubo
coordinación y preanuncio con anticipación de un día de las salidas al aire en "LU4AAO_Cronograma_Operativo" con URL:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArfqdAMT1xlIdHdEY2xkMVhZR3hhZkZsbW9FMEVnV2c mejora el grado de respuesta a los
llamados generales. A quien esté interesado, los invitamos a charlar este tema y ponerse en contacto personal con los asociados durante las
reuniones de los sábados y juntos contactar a otros jóvenes LU / LW que encontramos en la 26º Reunión de Amigos del GACW
http://lu4aao.org/gacw_reunion26.htm que están haciendo experiencias similares.
Todos los radioaficionados del mundo debemos usar el alfabeto fonético internacional de la UIT, que para en Argentina refrendado por Ley 24.848 y
es parte de Resolución 50/SC/98, art.19. Al leer la ley y/o documentos ITU notará que hay gran proporción de términos latinos y alguno argentino.
Entonces, a título de ejemplo, no diga "América" sino "Alfa", no diga "Toronto" sino "Tango" y no diga "Union" sino "Uniform" al codificar
señales distintivas o palabras. Use el código internacional, ya que al no hacerlo no solo está incumpliendo la reglamentación vigente, sino que
además está dando un mal ejemplo a los demás radioaficionados, especialmente novicios y aspirantes en P/O.
Se puede bajar desde: http://www.radionoticias.com
Dom 05oct2014 LU1EEE
Dom 09nov2014 LU7DZT
Dom 16nov2014 LU8DA
Dom 07dic2014 LU6DK
Ver: http://lu4aao.org/hamfest.htm
15. ACTIVIDADES NACIONALES Y REGIONALES, información de los respectivos organizadores. Agosto/Septiembre de 2014: Comenzó el Curso de
Radioaficionado en LU4AAO Radio Club QRM Belgrano y de las Prácticas Operativas. Det alles: http://lu4aao.org/cursos.htm Lunes 1º de
septiembre 2014 a Domingo 30 de noviembre 2014: Maratón de DX LU Contest Group. Objetivo: QSOs con tantas entidades DXCC como sea
posible. Bandas de 1,8 a 144 MHz incluidas WARC en SSB, CW, y Digi. Ver: http://lu4aao.org/actividades_programadas.htm Sábado 13 al
Domingo 21 de septiembre 2014 Concurso Farroupilha 2014, por LABRE Rio Grande Do Sul Desde 21 UTC sábado a 21 UTC Domingo VHF: 13 y 14
Sep2014 CW: 13 y 14 Sep2014 SSB: 20 y 21 de Septiembre 2014. Detalles: http://www.labre-rs.com.br/artigos001.php?view=Ng== Sábado 20
y Domingo 21 de septiembre 2014: Activación Río Carapachay por LU5AM/D y LU1DYP/D. QSOs/QSL válida para: Certificado Sistemas
Hidrográficos Argentinos (Ref. DSH-042/D). Diploma Delta Argentino (Ref. e/t). Certificado C-100-C de LU4AAO RC QRM Belgrano, por Tigre.
Diploma Operaciones de Campo de LU7EO Avellaneda RC. Los mencionados cumplen la Res.50/98 y son válidos para ascenso de categoría.
Operación radial en: 80, 40 y 10 m, SSB. Enviar QSL con Nº Ref, sin SAD ni estampillas a: Enrique G. Jerabek; CC 15; CP 1605 Munro; Pvcia Bs As.
Bases: http://lu4aao.org/certificados.htm Sábado 20 y Domingo 21 de septiembre 2014: Activación Laguna Chascomús por LU7DBA Círculo
Radioaficionados del Buen Aire. QSO /QSL válida para: Diploma Lagunas Argentina de LU7DBA (Ref.DLA-025/D) Certificado C-100-C de LU4AAO
RC QRM Belgrano por Chascomús. Enviar QSL con SAD con franqueo mínimo a: (No informado). Ver: http://lu4aao.org/certificados.htm Miércoles
24 a Miércoles 1º de Octubre de 2014: Activación en Purmamarca y Susques, Jujuy, por LU8EFF/T, LU5BE/T y LU3AAL/T. Mencionado arriba.
Sábado 20 de Septiembre de 2014: Concurso HF. 16 a 17 hs LU: 40m CW, 18 a 19 hs LU: 40m PSK31, 20 a 22 hs LU: 80m SSB. Sábado 04
Domingo 05 de octubre 2014: Activación Arroyo Los Berros, DSH 043/D por LU5AM/D y LU1DYP/D. QSOs/QSL válida para: Certificado Sistema
Hidrográficos Argentinos (Ref. DSH-042/D). Diploma Delta Argentino (Ref. en trámite). Certificado C-100-C de LU4AAO RC QRM Belgrano, por Bella
Vista, Pvcia. de Bs.As. Diploma Operaciones de Campo de LU7EO Avellaneda RC. Todos cumplen Res.50/98 y valen para el ascenso.
Operación radial: 80, 40 y 10 m, SSB. Enviar QSL con Nº Ref, sin SAD ni estampillas a: Enrique G. Jerabek; CC 15; CP 1605 Munro; Pvcia Bs As.
Martes 7 de Octubre de 2014, 20 a 23 hs: Reunión - Cena de LU7AA Amsat Argentina, de los primeros Martes de cada mes. Reunión abierta.
Detalles: http://amsat.org.ar , sitio web de Amsat Argentina. http://amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/experimento_globo_y_parapente.htm Experimento
Globo y Parapente. http://amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/experimentos_transponder.htm Experimento Transponder. Martes 21 de Octubre de 2014: Día del
Radioaficionado Argentino. Sábado 18 de Octubre de 2014: Concurso Partidos y Departamentos de LU4AO Radio Club QRM Belgrano, 9º
ed. 2014, bibanda, multimodo, en el cual los novicios son invitados a participar en forma completa. Más detalles: http://lu4aao.org/concursos.htm
Martes 4 de Noviembre de 2014, 20 a 23 hs: Reunión - Cena de LU7AA Amsat Argentina, de los primeros Martes de cada mes. Reunión abierta.
Detalles: http://amsat.org.ar , sitio web de Amsat Argentina. http://amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/experimento_globo_y_parapente.htm
Experimento Globo y Parapente. http://amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/experimentos_transponder.htm Experimento Transponder. Sábado 8 de Noviembre
de 2014: 6º Jornada Radial Ferroviaria, convocada por LU4AA Radio Club Argentino. Al momento de la actualización de esta página, se están
preparando varias activaciones en diversas provincias y al momento de la edición de este boletín ya son 14 las activaciones anunciadas. Los QSOs
son válidos para la obtención del Diploma Estaciones Ferroviarias de LU4AA Radio Club Argentino. Certificado C-100-C del Radio Club QRM
Belgrano, por cada localidad activada. Diploma Operaciones de Campo de LU7EO Avellaneda Radio Club. Estos diplomas son permanentes,
cumplen con la Res.50/SC/98, art. 35, inc."h" y son válidos para el ascenso. Detalles: http://lu4aao.org/actividades_programadas.htm
Domingo 9 de Noviembre de 2014, Hamfest en LU7DZV, Radio Club Gral.Sarmiento, San Lorenzo 1661, San Miguel, Pvcia de Buenos Aires.
Detalles: http://lu4aao.org/hamfest.htm Domingo 9 de Noviembre de 2014, 8 hs: Concurso de Radiogoniometría o "Cacería de la Zorra", en Lima,
Provincia de Buenos Aires. Organizado por LU1EQU, LU7DAF, LU3DYN, LU7DAC. Más detalles: [email protected] y [email protected] .
Viernes 14 y Domingo 15 de Noviembre de 2014: Conferencia sobre Radiocomunicaciones, CW, Concursos y Rol de las Comunicaciones en
Emergencias. Organizado por LU2WA Radio Club Comodoro Rivadavia. Actividad arancelada, cupo limitado. Detalles: http://www.lu2wa.com.ar ,
sitio web del Radio Club Comodoro Rivadavia. [email protected] . (0297)-15-493-6706. Los invitamos a ver más detalles y actualización de esta
información en la sección Actividades Programadas de nuestros sitios web, buscando en internet "Actividades Programadas" o haciendo click a
continuación: http://lu4aao.org/actividades_programadas.htm
17 Septiembre CWops Mini-CWT Test (7),(8),CW, http://www.cwops.org/cwt.html MOON Contest,CW,Digital,SSB,
18 Septiembre
NAQCC Straight Key/Bug Sprint,CW, http://naqcc.info/sprint201407.html
CWops Mini-CWT Test (9),CW, http://www.cwops.org/cwt.html
19 Septiembre NCCC Sprint Ladder (RTTY),RTTY, http://www.ncccsprint.com/rules.html AGB NEMIGA Contest,CW,Digital,SSB,
20 Septiembre Feld-Hell Club Sprint, Feld-Hell, https://sites.google.com/site/feldhellclub/Home/contests/sprints/hell-on-wheels-sprint
20 -21 Septiembre Scandinavian Activity Contest,CW, http://sactest.net/blog/rules/ South Carolina QSO Party,CW,Phone,PSK,RTTY,
http://scqso.com/rules/ QRP Afield,All, http://newenglandqrp.org/afield/ Washington Salmon Run (1),(2),CW,Digital,Phone,
21 Septiembre Belgian Mills Award Contest,SSB, http://www.belgianmillaward.be/ContRegl%20En%202011.htm Washington Salmon Run
(2),CW,Digital,Phone, http://www.wwdxc.org/2014-washington-salmon-run/?print=pdf BARTG Sprint 75,RTTY,(75 Bd),
http://s3.spanglefish.com/s/7850/documents/contests/sprint75/rules/current/bartg%20spr int%2075%20rules.pdf
22 Septiembre OK1WC Memorial Activity 4,CW,SSB, http://www.memorial-ok1wc.cz/index.php?page=rules2l
23 Septiembre 50 MHz Open Cumulative Contest,CW,SSB, http://www.qsl.net/oz6om/the50mhzopen/The50MHzOpen.html RSGB 50 MHz
UKAC,CW,SSB, http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/contest_rules.pl?year=2014&contest=6mukac&seq=
24 Septiembre SKCC Straight Key Sprint,CW, http://www.skccgroup.com/sprint/sks/ CWops Mini-CWT Test (10),(11),CW,
25 Septiembre CWops Mini-CWT Test (12),CW, http://www.cwops.org/cwt.html RSGB 80 m Club Sprint,CW,
26 Septiembre NCCC Sprint Ladder (RTTY),RTTY, http://www.ncccsprint.com/rules.html
27 Septiembre PGA-TEST,CW,SSB, http://pga-zawody.eham.pl/articles.php?article_id=26
27 - 28 Septiembre CQ WW RTTY DX Contest,RTTY, http://www.cqwwrtty.com/rules.htm Maine QSO Party,CW,Phone,
http://www.qsl.net/ws1sm/Maine_QSO_Party_Rules.pdf Texas QSO Party (1),(2),CW,Digital,Phone,
28 Septiembre ON Contest 6 m,CW,Phone, http://www.uba.be/en/hf/contest-rules/on-contest/ FISTS Ladder Activity 3,4,CW,
http://www.fists.co.uk/activitiescalendar.html#fistsladder2014 NoGa Peanut Power Sprint,CW,SSB, http://www.nogaqrp.org/pickett/rules.pdf
29 Septiembre OK1WC Memorial Activity 5,CW,SSB, http://www.memorial-ok1wc.cz/index.php?page=rules2l
1 y 2 de Octubre CW Ops Weekly Mini-CWT Tests, http://www.cwops.org/cwt.html
4 y 5 de Octubre TARA PSK Rumble, www.n2ty.org Russian WW Digital Contest, www.rdrclub.ru Worked All Britain HF Contest, wab.intermip.net
RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest, www.rsgbcc.org
6 de Octubre: EU Autumn Phone Sprint, www.eu-sprint.com OK1WC Memorial Contest, www.memorial-ok1wc.cz ARS Spartan Sprint,
9 de Octubre: 10-10 Sprint, www.ten-ten.org
11 de Octubre: Great Pumpkin Sprint, www.podxs070.com 2.3GHz ARRL EME Contest Makrothen RTTY Contest, home.arcor.de/waldemar.kebsch
Oceania DX CW Contest, www.oceaniadxcontest.com Scandinavian Activity Contest, www.sactest.net QRP ARCI, www.qrparci.org/contests
17. PROPAGACIÓN, por LU5AG a partir de datos del NOAA e IPS de Australia. En los últimos 15 días el flujo solar estuvo entre 120 y 140 unidades,
hasta el flare que ocurrió el Miércoles 10 de Septiembre de 2014, que hizo subir el indicador SFI a valores de unas 160 unidades. Dicho evento solar
ocurrió con llamaradas solares y eyección de masa coronal que aumentaron la velocidad del viento solar, su presión dinámica y que después de
entre 20 y 30 horas más tarde, al llegar a la tierra causaron una tormenta geomagnética mayor con índice Kp de 5 unidades. Lo descripto, sumado a
un bombardeo de protones, provenientes del evento, fue la razón por la cual el NOAA publicó el 9 y 10 de Septiembre una serie de alertas,
encionando entre las consecuencias, posibles irregularidades especialmente en latitudes elevadas, cerca de los polos, en la propagación de ondas
en HF, acaso también en frecuencias de microondas banda L cuando, por ejemplo satélites GPS quedan detrás de las auroras, anomalías y disparos
de protecciones en líneas de transmisión eléctricas en dichas latitudes, afectación de electrónica en satélites y de astronautas, tripulantes y
pasajeros de aviones que pasen por dichas latitudes. Algunas partes de estas alertas, fueron dejadas sin efecto el 11 de Septiembre de 2014, pero
otras tales como la posibles reiteración de tormentas geomagnéticas mayores, con índices de hasta 6 unidades, sigue vigente.
Con estos eventos, en nuestras latitudes, que son bajas, tuvimos un impacto limitado, con condiciones intermedia de propagación, con cobertura
nacional en 80 y 40 metros según los horarios y para DX notó el mejoramiento en las bandas de hasta 24 y 28 MHz, con importantes aperturas de
varias horas y decenas de DX con Europa y América del Norte. Informa el NOAA que hasta el 16 de Septiembre, podrían ocurrir flares de clase M o X
con actividad geomagnética asociada.. Aparte de ello, para las próximas 2 semanas el l flujo solar pronosticado está entre 140 y 150 unidades.
Como consecuencia y con el sol prácticamente en el Ecuador, para QSOs locales podremos usar la banda de 80 metros desde las 18 hs hasta las
8 o 9 hs del día siguiente sin zonas u horas de skip, y la de 40 metros se abrirá a eso de las 9 hs, para cerrarse después de las 21 hs.
Para DX, las principales bandas estarán a partir de 14 MHz, incluyendo 18, 21, 24 y 28 MHz, estas dos últimas con varias horas de apertura durante
el día. A estos modos tradicionales de propagación por capa F2, con el sol cerca del ecuador llega la época de tener en cuenta las aperturas en 10 y
6 metros por modo transecuatorial mediante capa E-esporádica, para trayectos norte-sur que ya empezaron a ocurrir. Los invitamos a ver más
detalles, información y gráficos NOAA para 3 días, y gráficos en tiempo real de LU9DA, Ricardo en nuestra página de propagación, que está en:
Radio Club QRM Belgrano, LU4AAO. Avda. Constituyentes 4913, esq. Monroe, C1431EZA Buenos Aires Horario normal: Sábados de 18 a 21 hs.
Horarios especiales: ver la sección "Como contactarnos / como llegar" en: http://lu4aao.org/contactenos.htm HF: 3615, 3660, 7035, 7095 KHz:
boletines radiales SSB y PSK31. VHF: Rpt: 146.880 (-600 KHz). UHF: Rpt: 433.850 (+5 MHz) subT 88.5 Hz. http://lu4aao.org (sitio web principal)
http://amsat.org.ar/lu4aao (sitio espejo gracias a Amsat Argentina) http://youtube.com/lu4aao (Canal de videos) http://picasaweb.com/lu4aa o
(Álbumes de fotos) https://plus.google.com/s/lu4aao (red social)
Para conocer los valores de las suscripciones simples, dobles y triples dirijase a
Conexión GRA
c/o Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni
Alvarez Thomas 248
(B1832DNF) Lomas de Zamora
Buenos Aires - Argentina
E Mail: [email protected]
Blog: http://gruporadioescuchaargentino.wordpress.com/
Teléfono: +54 (011) 4245-5697 (De 21:00 a 23:00 Hs LU)
Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a
CONEXION Digital: [email protected]
Alfredo Meurer Jr
CY0/VA1AXC Sable island ativa agora 01:50z 14285 split
Boa tarde. Entrou em operação a estação T6T de Afeganistão, ontem esteve ativa nos 17m ssb no QTR bastante favorável para nós, 18:00z
eu estava trabalhando e não pude acompanha-la, agora estão nos 17m em modo digital, não sei de relato de escutas dele por aqui,anunciada
muito pouco tempo de DXpedition. Boa sorte na conquista de um otimo paÃs DXCC.
Boa noite amigos. A temporada das grandes figurinhas voltou no HAM DXismo. Está agora ativa a estação CY0/VA1AXC operando da ilha Sable ao
lado do labrador, Canadá. Escutado agora desde 01:50z em 14285 com bom sinal cerca de 53 picos de 54, media 53, muito bom sinal para minha
falta de antena especifica para a banda de 20m, total prevalência de americanos. Muito bom operador, fala claro e pausado. Receptor Sony 7600g
antena dipolo para 40m acoplada, muito baixo qrm o que sem duvida me proporciona essa boa escuta. Sable Is eh um daqueles países DXCC que
desejamos ter um qsl. Esse eh o otimo qtr para ouvirmos CY0 nos 20m, tentem de manha depois das 13:00z em 15m, 12 e 10m no decorrer do dia
essas banda DX abrem para aquela região. Um forte 73 a todos e desejo que vocês faturem essa ótima estação. Vi que alguns amadores brasileiros
trabalharam ela. 73 DE - Alfredo Meurer Jr. - ZY1-0001SWL
Migdiel Cruz
Buenas las condiciones para Asia
Algo buenas las condiciones para Asia, capté un fragmento de FAX meteo desde la ZKLF Wellington, Nueva Zelanda, finalizando a las 13:30 UTC
9459 kHz, y después encontré a Bangladesh Betar en nepalí, 9455 kHz, terminando emisión a las 13:45 UTC con señal regular a mala, pero sin
interferencia, solo ruido de tormenta eléctrica cercana.
Miguel Angel Rocha Gamez
Satélites para el radioescucha experimentador
Satélites para el radioescucha experimentador y el ham. Conoce y participa en este grupo hermano: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NSIBR/
Alfredo Meurer Jr
E30FN Eritrea 21300 e agradecimentos
Bom dia amigos DXistas. Hoje é um dia muito feliz para mim, pois estou escutando a estação E30FB em 21300, sinal baixo 42, mas audível, qsos
com europeus e alguns japoneses, assim, consegui ter escutado todos os países da África continental e suas ilhas,
Eritréa era o único país DXCC que me faltava para eu ter todo o continente africano escutado e o ultimo também para confirmar.
Eu preciso mencionar aqui em público que eu fiquei QRT por 21anos, eu não pensava mais em retornar às escutas de amadores quando parei
definitivamente dessa atividade em 1992, com esparsas escutas em 1993 e apenas 6 escutas em 1994, mas o meu amigo e irmão Michel Viani,
que somos amigos desde 2003 me apresentou ao Carlos Felipe da Silva e eu fui convidado para ser o colunista da HAM DXismo do boletimDX do
DXCB em setembro de 2012, eu estava 22 anos parado, mas acho que consegui levar as colunas bem.
O Michel foi quem me retornou a essa atividade de escutas de amadores raros e assim estou começando a ver um mundo muito diferente daquele
de 22 anos atrás, hoje tudo é muito mais fácil com spots, mas por outro lado temos infinitas fontes de ruídos, de qrm, mas a sensação de ter mais
um país novo e tão raro continua a mesma, ainda mais quando esse país fecha completamente todos os países escutados de um continente tão
cheio de problemas seculares que é a África.
Agora para eu completar todos os países DXCC de continentes só me falta P5 a Coréia do Norte e KP1 Navassa Is. no Caribe, pois eu perdi a única
DXedition valida a P5 em 2001, uma outra operação válida áquele lugar provavelmente eu poderei até não estar mais vivo para isso, pois com
as atuais condições políticas daquele governo, acredita-se que, amadores, pelo menos no governo daquele jovem presidente paranóico não sejam
nada bem vindos.
Vou tentar outras escutas de E30FN em outras bandas e comemorar a escuta de E30FN que eu não pude tê-la há muitos anos atrás, pois não eram
permitidos amadores na Eritréa e as poucas Dxpeditions que aconteceram por lá eu já estava QRT.
Mais uma vez muito obrigado meu irmão Michel Viani, amigo de longa data, eu estou aqui te citando porque você me colocou no SWL hobby que por
tantos motivos eu me afastei dele, mas estamos aqui de volta, agora muito mais seletivo, pois já não tenho a disposição de meus vinte e tantos anos
para varar madrugas adentro sistematicamente, numa época que nada era sabido, à não ser por informções de amadores e dos saudosos Boletim
DX do fabuloso veteraníssimo radio amador Dr. Talma Drumond PY4OD.
Agradeço também a todos os grandes mestres que eu tive e hoje estão SK, modulado em outros planos, e meu especial agradecemento ao meu
irmão Carlos Felipe de ter me dado um espaço no DXCB que me deu vida de novo para o SWL hobby ,
Muito obrigado a todos que leem minhas postagens e espero pelo menos estar contribuindo o minimo para divulgar esse hobby de escutas de
amadores nessa lista e saibam que, tudo pode ser feito, desejo de coração que aqueles que estão começando a trilhar por esse ramo do DXismo
tenha muito sucesso, muito mais do que eu tive, pois com vontade e dedicação o céu é o limite!
O manager de E30FN vai receber umas lembrancinhas minhas do Brasil, cartões postais, plasticos e saber que a estação E30FN fechou
completamente as minhas escutas HAM do continente africano e todas as suas ilhas.
Apesar de eu estar velho e ter passado por tantas coisas terríveis durante esse período que eu fiquei QRT hoje é um dia feliz para mim, estou
compartilhando isso com todos e desejo que todos vocês também estejam felizes nas suas vidas, eu sei o que é ser um sobrevivente e sei também o
que é recomeçar do pó.
Um forte 73 a todos. Alfredo Meurer Jr - ZY1-0001SWL
Glenn Hauser
Logs September 19-20, 2014
** CANADA. 1610, Sept 20 at 0518 UT, CHHA with 5-note IS, ID in English, IS again, ID in Spanish; plug an event 22 Nov 2014 celebrating station`s
tenth anniversary; 0520 UT ``la canción de la semana``. IDs include callsign in each language, but slogan Radio Voces Latinas only in Spanish
** CHINA. 9230, Sept 20 at 1153, CNR1 jammer, poor-fair
10960, Sept 20 at 154, CNR1 jammer, poor
** CHINA. 9460, Sept 20 at 1149, CRI Esperanto service with language lesson, how to say ``carbonata trinkaj^o`` (circumflex really over the j) in
Chinese or vice versa; good signal here. Transmission missing from HFCC, but Aoki says: 1103[sic]-1157 daily, 500 kW, 175 degrees from KunmingAnning, a ``CRI mystery Aug. 20-``.
9460 was also reported by Claudio Galaz, Chile, at 1136 UT 4 Sept, with SINPO 55454 // 11635 and 15110. Wolfgang Büschel, using an SDR in
Sydney, between 11 and 12 UT Sept 18, remarked ``9460 3x terrible mixture, ute, AWR Guam, CRI Esperanto`` but only CRI heard here (Glenn
** CUBA. 13740, Sept 20 at 0225, RHC Spanish on with VG signal, and not on 11760. Maybe there has been an intentional mid-season schedule
change which they refuse to display on website; and/or there always seems to be at least one transmitter down, causing juggling of the others.
5040, Sept 20 at 0235, RHC Spanish is undermodulated with hum; wiggle that patchcord! 5025 Rebelde is OK.
6000, Sept 20 at 0505, RHC English gone again, the Cuban Four remaining (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 9315, Sept 20 at 0218, no signal from R. Cairo`s English to N America.
9965, Sept 20 at 0219, R. Cairo, whine and Arabic, good with flutter
12070, Sept 20 at 0219, R. Cairo, good signal but rhumble and suppressed modulation audible at peaks
13850, Sept 20 at 0224, R. Cairo, good signal but dead air --- wait, it was just a pregnant pause during distorted Qur`aning
** GUATEMALA. 4055, Sept 20 at 1138, R. Truth with dramatic reading in Chinese, presumably Biblical, accompanied by dramatic music. I guess
their ID in Chinese would be Zhe-nxiàng Diàntái (e- rendering high level tone over the e) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 11880, Sept 20 at 0230, VIRI very good with flutter, news theme, thought they mentioned Kurdish, but scheduled as Uzbek at 0220-0250,
500 kW, 18 degrees from Sirjan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA SOUTH. 15575, Sept 20 at 0222, KBSWR fair in Spanish, with flutter. Too bad they refuse to use this evenings in English, instead at 13-14
UT when it propagate only circa mid-summer, not any more (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 6185, Sept 20 at 0503, XEPPM YL mentions 24-hour service, and introduces traditional Irish music, but cut off the air by 0505, as only
1060 MW keeps running, tsk2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MICRONESIA. 4755+, Sept 20 at 1158, PMA The Cross is very poor with some contact info (phone number?) in English, probably of a syndicated
program, marred by MARS(?) SSB and digital QRM almost co-channel (but no time to measure to usual 4755.55 area), until cutoff at 1159:26.5*
after which I retune quickly to 5020 where I capture SOLOMON ISLANDS [q.v.] doing its own autocutoff 27 seconds later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1140, Sept 20 at 0241 UT, XEMR gospel huxter in Spanish has QRM from national ads in English, 0244 UT soft rock/soul;
hard to null vs XEMR and makes 90/minute = 1.5 Hz SAH with it; 0253 UT more national ads, for IRS relief, low-T, and then: Deaconess Medical
Center, 405 area code, so it`s only KRMP Oklahoma City.
I hardly expected that, a 1 kW ND daytimer, now a sesquihour after official OKC sunset in Sept of 0115 UT (Oct: 0030). Aha, FCC shows it does have
PSSA (post-sunset authority) for SIX WATTS yearound, until 0245 UT in Sept. But this is no 6 watts --- and:
0525 UT recheck, KRMP is still on with a local OKC promo. Of course they run continuously on FM 92.1 translator, so it should be ``easy`` to
``forget`` to turn off the AM as required by license and law (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, Sept 20 at 1156, SIBC very poor with some `island music`. After timing the MICRONESIA [q.v.] cutoff I hurry back
here and catch 5020 itself cutting off at 1159:53.5* compared to WWV (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH AFRICA. 7285, Sept 20 at 0502, dead air, surely Radio Sonder Grense; yes, modulation cuts on joining Afrikaans news in progress at
0503. Fair signal but window for this from *0500 is shortening with earlier sunrises at their end, while it remains nightmiddle here (Glenn Hauser,
** SPAIN. 21640, Sept 20 at 1258, REE mesmerizing 9-note interval signal is playing --- enjoy it while we can as there will be no need for it come
October when REE is demoted to a webcaster only; NOT // equally poor signals on 21610 and even poorer 21515 which are wrapping up a program.
At 1300, 21640 joins in with newscast. Recent very relevant discussion in the DXLD yg:
Juan Franco Crespo forwards a note from CE3BBC in Chile, that according to the upcoming Sept 21 edition of REE`s Amigos de la Onda Corta,
podcast of which is already available, they will be staying on SW a while longer.
``En Amigos de la Onda Corta, del próximo 21, se informa que el sistema HF continua por el momento para REE. Para detalles paso el enlace. La
partida de la onda corta es inminente pero no para este período 2014 al parecer.``
I listened to the first few minutes in which Antonio Buitrago talks vaguely about this without mentioning any specific dates. He does say a new
schedule [for B-14?] shows his program reduced to only one broadcast, UT Sundays at 0005-0100, so from that he apparently concludes that SW
will be continuing, altho abolishing HF at some point is still a definite management decision.
Did anyone hear the English mailbag Friday Sept 19? Podcast for the 18 Sept broadcast is not yet up.
And in fact by Sept 20, the latest one is still dated Sept 17 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Then José Bueno forwarded a new program grid effective 1 October 2014. It`s color-coded without explanation; mostly in white, but a lot of blox in
blue, green or red. Blue appears to mean straight relay of Radio Nacional – i.e. program 1. Green and red presumably refer to some other domestic
networks. But what about a couple of program titles in the white blox which are printed in red instead of black?
NOTE: this schedule does NOT say it is for shortwave! I think people inside and outside REE may be victims of wishful thinking about SW being
prolonged after Sept 30. The only program with ``Onda Corta`` in its title, Antonio Buitrago`s, is being renamed to remove that: ``Amigos de
Radio Exterior``. (Unfortunately, this is overdue, since for a long time the show has had very little to do with SW, but instead a well-done general
media magazine. Even the ``noticias DX`` segment was not really about DXing, i.e. picking up stations with times and frequencies!)
It looks as if REE *web* programming will be squished into one 24-hour service, no longer any alternatives for different targets or languages. The
foreign languages are all crammed into the overnight hours in Spain, 12-5 am Tue-Sat = 22-03 UT (still during DST in October).
There is no need to take SW propagation factors into account either, since there won`t be any. Scheduling is OK for the Americas in English, French
and Portuguese, but not so handy for Russia and most of the Arab world, after midnite there!
Not so OK is the reduxion of English and others to only half an hour each, and no longer any on weekends, but with two airings, starting on UT M-F,
presumably the second being repeats on UT Tue-Sat:
Arabic: 2200 & 0030
English: 2230 & 0100
French: 2300 & 0130
Russian: 2330 & 0200
Portuguese: 0000 & 0230
There are still regional magazines in Spanish, but they too are one-after-another without any consideration of local time, M-F: 1530 América Hoy,
1600 África Hoy, 1630 Asia Hoy.
At least some familiar titles in Spanish remain somewhere on the schedule, altho critics have complained that shows have been dumbed-down, no
longer what they once were. Desde el Infierno, Heliotropo, Mundo Solidario, Españoles en el Exterior, Españoles el la Mar, Planeta Vivo, Travesías,
Also still there is ``Vida Verde``, Thu 03-04 UT, which we know is really in Catalan. The only minority language mentioned is Sefardí, in the same
block M-F 0515-0600 UT as ``El Sonido y la Furia/La Linterna Mágica`, so does that mean those shows will be entirely Ladino, or parts of them, or
Sefardí distinct from them with the content inside this block not specified? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Glenn, I think you are right. Everything I've heard on REE English points to a continued presence on the Internet and satellite, but all SW will be gone. I
could possibly see SW being extended to the end of A-14 but not beyond. Perhaps tonight's Listener's Club program will have more info (Steve Luce,
Houston, Texas, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** THAILAND. 15590, Sept 20 at 0222, HSK9 poor with flutter, can tell it`s in English, but unusable; yet the best heard in a long time, this so-called
``North American`` service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1738 monitoring: confirmed another repeat of last week`s show on WRMI, 15770 and stronger 7570, Friday Sept 19 at
2130.5. Next:
UT Sunday 0100 on WRMI 5950 --- maybe finally with 1739?
UT Sunday 0131 on KVOH 9975
UT Monday 0259v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 900, Sept 19 & Sept 20 around 1830 UT on caradio, still no signal from KSGL Wichita KS. It`s only 250 watts in the first place, and
wasting watts on the IBOC sidebands, but must be putting out very little if any for the past more than a week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** VIETNAM [non]. 12005, Sept 20 at 0231, VOV very good in English, and no hum. Scheduled as Woofferton UK site, but when there is some hum of
the generator ilk, we suspect Ascension is substituting (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 1520, Sept 20 at 0239 UT, KOKC OKC mixing with a fast SAH, but can`t make out any modulation from it. Also noted this a couple
nights ago. Several stations along the Mississippi possible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Anatoly Klepov
“RUS-DX” # 786
“RUS-DX” # 786 - Broadcasting of Russia, countries of CIS and Baltiya , QSL world, WEB radio. Sunday / 21, September 2014
Information bulletin of Russian DX League - Electronic versión - Time : UTC - Editor : Anatoly Klepov - QTH : Moscow, Russia
E-mail : [email protected] - Web site : http://rusdx.narod.ru (Russian/English) - Groups : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rusdx (Russian / English)
“RUS-DX” may not be redistributed without permission. If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and “RUS-DX” as source.
Kurgan region. Shadrinsk.
New FM station. Radio Dacha. 106,9 MHz. Regional network broadcast "Radio Dacha" currently has 143 city broadcasting in Russia and CIS
countries. The official website for "Radio Dacha” : www.radiodacha.ru . (OnAir.ru)
Orthodox radio "Radonezh" expands its broadcasting. Now you can listen to the radio by connecting the package "Tricolor TV".
On 18 September 2014 goal Orthodox radio "Radonezh" You can listen to the clock in radiopakete Russia's largest satellite TV operator "Tricolor
TV", according to the Synodal Information Department. "Tricolor TV" - Russia's largest satellite TV operator, carrying out since December 2005
digital broadcasting package of television channels in the European part of the Russian Federation, as well as the Siberian, Ural and Far East of the
county. In the ranking of the largest satellite TV operators in the world "Tricolor TV" is in second place in terms of subscribers. Viewership operator over 40 million. Persons, and therefore "Tricolor TV" looks just about every fourth resident of the country. "Tricolor TV" - the leader of the Russian
pay-TV market (37.4% of subscribers), and in the satellite segment of the operator's share is 83%.
In addition to the basic service broadcasting "Tricolor TV" offers subscribers a satellite "Radiopaket" of Top 33 Russian radio stations. Now among
them and radio "Radonezh". Orthodox radio station "Radonezh" went on the air in the days of Easter 1991 with the blessing of His Holiness
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II and became the first independent radio station of modern Russia ("Echo of Moscow" aired six months
later). Since then Radio "Radonezh" was perhaps the most effective and popular Orthodox mass media and the voice of the Russian Orthodox
Church, both in Russia and abroad. Radio "Radonezh" is broadcast around the clock in Moscow in the wake of VHF / FM 72,92 MHz, as well as on
the medium wave AM 612 kHz for four hours a day from 19.00 to 23.00. Three hours a day "Radonezh" broadcasts in St. Petersburg – 684 kHz,
Ryazan-73.13 MHz, Orel - 68.15 MHz, Yaroslavl - 72.26 MHz, as well as two o'clock in Vladivostok on medium wave 675 kHz. Potential audience of
radio "Radonezh" is about 20 million listeners Students around the world have access to radio programs "Radonezh" via Internet broadcast, which
has gained immense popularity among our countrymen in distant foreign countries. "Radonezh" listen in 138 countries around the world. Text
version of the software is constantly updated on the page radio "Radonezh" on the Internet. Radio program "Radonezh" include talks, lectures,
discussions, open air, with the hierarchy of the meeting, with the leading representatives of the clergy, church and civil science, public figures, news,
sermons, music programs, literary composition, and more. www.rusk.ru (OnAir.ru)
Permskiy kray. Osa.
New FM station. Love Radio. 102,9 MHz Regional network broadcasting Love Radio has 143 city broadcasting in Russia and CIS countries.
The official website for Love Radio: www.loveradio.ru (OnAir.ru)
Udmurtia. Glazov.
New FM station. Radio station "Russkaya cluzhba novostey” (Russian news service"). 99,0 MHz. The radio station was formed from the information
service "Russkoe Radio", which appeared in 1995. From 2001 to 2005, was called "Russkoe Radio 2." www.glazovportal.net (OnAir.ru)
Accepted MW "Vesti Perm" in 00.25 on 585 kHz SINPO - 35443, "Yuzhny Ural" Chelyabinsk in 00.30 to 738 kHz SINPO - 45444. Rx : Degen 1103
(Alexander Golovihin, Tolyatti, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx")
Additions and clarifications. # 559 (Russian version) - # 785 (English version)
QSL world.
QRG on 17770 kHz is not exactly running from Thailand to the VOA Russian and just works Radio Liberty (RFE / RL, Inc.) !!
(Sergey M. Izyumov, Moscow, Russia)
SHORTWAVE BULLETIN - Issue no. 1806, 14 September, 2014. edited by Thomas Nilsson, Sweden
4765 Sep12 1928 Tajikistan Radio, Dushanbe, talks, fair (Bernardini)
4810 Sep12 1916 V.of Armenia, Gavar, songs, Arabic, fair (Bernardini)
Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy
BC-DX 1176, 15 Sept 2014 - edited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany
ARMENIA [to Myanmar] 11595, Democratic Voice of Burma via Gavar site, at 0013-0030* UT on Sept 10, woman announcer with Burmese
language talks, brief instrumental music breaks before a long talk by another male speaker. Several men talking near close down which was followed
by light closing instrumental music. Fair. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer Sept 14)
KAZAKHSTAN In the last weekend of August passed by the village Bayserke (before 2000 - Dmitrievka) in Almaty area and found that canned
Broadcasting Center dismantled. On the field, there are only one mast, and part of the former antenna field is enabled for the construction of the
new road and transport interchange. http://kzdx.blog.com/2014/09/02/antenna-site-near-bayserke-was-dismantled
Earlier, I posted photos of this place:
http://kzdx.blog.com/2012/06/20/antenna-field-near-bayserke-almaty-region (Dmitry Puzanov-KAZ, "open_dx", RUSdx Sept 7)
Saryagash-KAZ - next to Uzbekistan border now. see also Saryagash-KAZ direction finding Wullenweber mast array antenna,
41 30 03.76 N 69 08 43.45 E
23 Sept 2006 G.E. image, rather approx. 77 antenna masts visible, former USSR Telecom/TASS or Security/Army UTE radio center installation?
similar two Wullenweber direction finding antennas visible rather Saryagash-KAZ downtown older recieving station ? at
41 27 40.77 N 69 11 20.46 E http://static.panoramio.com/photos/large/107713359.jpg
http://static.panoramio.com/photos/large/46671471.jpg approx. 240 antenna masts visible, and also a heliocopter parking array.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 7)
RUSSIA/MOLDOVA 7325 Received QSL-cards for admission Radio Adygea from KRTPTS - Krasnodar Regional Radiotelevizionny Broadcasting
Center. Transmitter: pos.Oktyabrsky, Tbilisi area, Krasnodar Krai, Russia.
On 11 Aug 2014, at 1700-1757 UT, 7325 kHz, tx RW-688, 100 kW,
Antenna SGD 4x4RA, Azimuth of 188 degrees.
Mailing address: Russia 350038, Krasnodar, ul. Radio, 3-A, KRTPTS
Enclosed in an envelope color photo calendar KRTPTS antenna. (Editor, RUSdx Aug 31)
In A-14 on 7325 kHz channel, but in B-14 winter season move to 6005 kHz instead:
6005 kHz daily 1400-1800 UT, zones 39,40, ARMavir, 100kW 188deg, ant#218, RUS VOR GFC.
[MOLDOVA - Pridnestrovie - PMR Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic] Re: QSL Vesti FM/RTRN Krasnodar 1089 kHz.
Servus Harald ! Am 31.08.2014 schrieb adxb suess:
Hi, gilt diese mail-adresse auch fuer den Sender Moldawien 1413 kHz ?
Nein. Das ist die Adresse eines Technikers des Sendezentrums in Krasnodar.
1413 kHz Grigoriopol/Maiac habe ich gestern mal ausprobiert. Vom dortigen Sendezentrum gab's nach einem Tag auch eine detailierte QSL (jpgFile mit Ansicht der Antennenanlage) - und zwar von: [email protected] v/s Sergey Omelchenko, Technical Director of Pridnestrovskiy
Radioteletsentr, Grigoriopol, Pridnestrovie - PMR Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. (Patrick Robic-AUT, A-DX Sept 1)
Log: Adygey Radio 7325 kHz 1700 UTC, und im Winter ab 26. Okt. dann wieder auf 6005 kHz aus Armavir Tbilisskaya im Krasnodar Oblast.
6005 1400-1800 39,40 ARM 100kW 188deg #218 RUS VOR GFC (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 8)
RUSSIA New Zealand Radio DX League - Paul Ormandy:
Russian Independent SW Stations 1991-96.
Hi all, Have a last managed to compile the nucleus of an article I'd been planning to do for some time. Winter is a great season for sitting in front of
the fire and catching up on articles, after all radio conditions are poor in the evenings and its very cold in the shack! The article is Russian
Independent SW Stations 1991-1996. By going through the DXTimes magazines conveniently and kindly scanned by Chris Mackerell, I have
created an outline which needs some filler. So if anyone would like to contribute or correct the information, please use the Comments box below
the article or e-mail me directly [email protected]
Have a look around radiodx.com while you're there. Enjoy!. Cheers, Paul (Paul Ormandy-NZL- New Zealand Radio DX League, RUSdx Aug 31)
With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, groups within the new Russian "Commonwealth of Independent States" seized the opportunity to
have a global voice: enter shortwave. Few in the DX world could have predicted the boom in independent shortwave broadcasting and it made good
sport for DXers, as most were using relatively low-powered transmitters, some using former Cold War jammer transmitters.
Using the DX Times as a reference source, the first mention of the newly deregulated Russian broadcasting scene appeared in the October 1991
magazine with a reference to radio station Ekho Moskvy (Echo of Moscow). In the same issue Radio Vedo in Volgograd was reported signing on.
Soon after, another broadcaster appeared, with Radio Ala in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad) playing traditional Russian folk music. The rightwing Russian nationalist station, Radio Pamyat appeared in print early 1992, one of their programs was called "Fatherland, Memory & You". Around
the same time Radio Rezonans, a station aiming at the new Russian business market signed on. Broadcasting from Ostankino, they carried ads in
several languages.
On February 23 1992, Radio Galaxy signed on from Moscow. This new commercial station even carried 3 hours a day in English and in May were
palying Russian music and all announcements were in English. In the April DXT, a list compiled by John Fisher of DX Ontario was reprinted with many
more broadcasters taking to air. They include Radio Studia Dvizhenie ("Traffic Radio"), Radio Samara in Togliatti, Radio Tartar in Kazan, Radio
Kudymkar in Yekaterinburg, Marly Radio in Yoshkar Ala, Radio Polis in St. Petersburg, Radio Perm in Yekaterinburg Radio Dalny Vostok,
Radiostansiya Novaya Volna ("New Wave") in Novisibirsk,
Adygey Radio in Maykop and Kabardino-Balkar Radio in Nalchik.
In the May DXT, Radio Space gets its first mention, the station's name was given in English as were some of the program titles. In the same month
Radio Polyus entered the fray. The following month they were joined by Radio Trekfrom Yekaterinburg and Radio Art.
June saw first reports of Russian orthodox sender Radio Stansiya Radonez hand Radio Alef, ("alef" is the Hebrew pronunciation of the letter "A")
with announcements in Russian and Hebrew. Radio Yunost a youth-oriented station had been on-air since 1962 before adding SW transmitters in
Murmansk and Samara. Another new SW broadcaster as was Radio SNC with rock, pop and punk music, taking its name from the Stas Nanin Center,
(Stas Nanin was a famous Russian rock promoter). Radio Without Borders International came to air with reportedly just 100W and may have been
unlicenced. Radio Shark (in Turkish, "Radio East") in Ufa, Bashkortostan first appeared around the same time.
The following months saw Radio Yakutsk in the DX press and the launch of one of the best-known stations, Radio Nadezhda (Radio Hope) whose
target audience were women, including programs on family issues. Radio Alpha & Omega also commenced broadcasting around this time, one of the
few Christian religious stations from Russia.
In September, Radio Bereyzovo using a former jammer transmitter from Kahnty-Mansyisk was first reported, along with Islamist voice Rukhi Meroc
(Tatar for "spiritual healing") and Radio Chita. Others noted were Radio Maykop in Agydey language and Radio 101. Next month, Radio M and Radio
N appeared from Yekaterinberg sharing the same transmitter.
November saw Radio 7 using an ex-jammer transmitter from Samara along with a real mouthful for non-Russian speakers Radiostansiya Russkogo
Patriotcheskogo Dvizheniya ("Radio Station of the Russian Patriotic Movement"), also known as Radio Blagovest, from the city of Irkutsk. They
were joined by Radio Unis in Moscow and Russkoye Khristianskoye Radio ("Russian Christian Radio"). Soon after Radiostansiya Omega came to air
also with 15 kW from a presuem ex-jammer. In early 1993 Radio Diapazon made its SW debut as did Radio Centr, hiring transmitter-time from Radio
Moscow made their SW debuts.
Then in May 1993, it was reported that Radio Art and Radio Ala had ceased broadcasting, presaging then end of a hectic 18 months in the new
history of broadcasting in Russia.
Whilst some failed, some grew stronger. Radio Nadezhda had added more broadcast hours from more sites and Radio Galaxy commenced a DX
program, hired time on a 250 kW transmitter and started international broadcasts to Western Europe. During the year more new stations came on,
Radio Mika M-4, Radio Titan Kompani (part-relay Radio Shark) with another re-purposed 15 kW sender and Radio Raketa at Grozny on the shores of
the Caspian Sea.
In September U Radio from Moscow was irregularly heard. More new stations followed, like Radio Ves Irkutsk and Radiochannel Uralskiy
Commercheskiy Vestnik ("Ural Commercial Herald") along with Radio Mir ("Radio Peace"). In 1994, Islamic station Radio Al-Risalah commenced
from Moscow, hiring airtime from Radio Moscow and the Bolshakovo, Kaliningrad station.
Radiostantsiya Lena described as a music and informational station, signed-on from Yakutsk. Late in the year, Radio Samorodinka in the Moscow
region, announcing itself as a "private non-commercial program of authorised radio broadcasting" arrived on SW. Around this time, Radio
Moscow renamed itself as the Voice of Russia.
In June 1995, it was reported that Radio Nadezhda stopped broadcasting on shortwave and only broadcasting around the local Moscow area.
Nadezhda had become the largest-scale independent broadcaster of the era. Then in May 1996, it was reported that they'd returned to SW on a
single frequency.
Another station with Islamic programming was reported in September 1996, Islamskaya Volna ("Islamic Wave") from the Moscow Islamic Centre
carried broadcats in Russian, Arabic and Tatar and directed some broadcasts to the Middle East.
There were no further reports on any independent broadcasters for the rest of the year.
Most of the above stations only lasted a short time. Some closed altogether, some moved to FM, some to the internet and a few are still on
the air. So ended another interesting chapter in the world of DXing. Reader contributions, corrections, images and additional information on these
stations is very appreciated. In particular, what groups or interests these stations represented and what happened to them. Please use the
Comments box below, http://www.radiodx.com/articles/station-profiles/europe/russian-independent-sw-stations-1991-96/ (via RUSdx Aug 31)
RUSSIA/PHILIPPINES/USA Radio station "Teos" updated site design: <http://s.radioteos.ru/> (Dmitry Kutuzov-RUS, "deneb-radio-dx" RUSdx
Aug 31)
Radio "Teos", St. Petersburg, MW 1089 kHz, 20 kW, 0300-1900 UT (05-13 Mon-Fri only, see below!)
Location: St. Petersburg, ul. Michurinskaya 14 / 3-78
Address for correspondence: Russia 190000, St. Petersburg, Box 110 E-mail: [email protected] Tel. / Fax: 8 (812) 498-04-83
Radio "Teos", Moscow, MW 1134 kHz, 5 kW, with 0300-1900 UT, (daily)
Address: Russia 123298, Moscow, ul. Berzarina, d. 16 E-mail: [email protected] Tel. / Fax: 8 (499) 197-05-66
Radio "Teos", Khabarovsk, MW 1188 kHz, 5 kW, 0700-1000 UT
Address: Russia 680030, Khabarovsk, ul.Pavlovicha, 3-b Tel. / Fax: 7 (4212) 450604
FEBC - Radio Teos, SW 11650 kHz (Bocaue, Philippines), 100 kW, 323 degr azimuth. 1500-1530 (daily), 1530-1600 (Mon-Sat) UT.
Address: FEBC Philippines, 62 Karuhatan Road, 1441 Valenzuela City, Philippines E-mail: [email protected]
Address: FEBC Russian Ministries, P.O.Box 1, La Mirada, CA 90637, USA E-mail: [email protected]
http:/s.radioteos.ru/contacts.html Radio in Russian" Spring/Fall 2014, RUSdx Aug 31)
And here another sad news. Radio Teos, which broadcasts on 1089 kHz, in St. Petersburg, has also reduced their broadcasts, and the new
transmission times are - 0500-1300 UT and only on Mondays to Fridays. No more broadcasts on weekends. 73! (Ivan Lebedevsky, St. P-RUS,
mwmasts yg via dxld Sept 7)
TAJIKISTAN 4765.045 Tajik Radio 1st program from Dushanbe Yangi Yul, pop and flute mx at 1405 UT Sept 14. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 14)
UZBEKISTAN 9390 IBRA Radio - Tashkent, at 0005-0030* UT on Sept 6, flute music before long talk by a woman announcer in listed Bengali
language. She was soon joined by a male announcer. Discussion continued for about 15 minutes before some music. Closed at 0029 UT with brief
instrumental music prior to carrier being terminated. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer Sept 8)
UZBEKISTAN [tentat.] 9670 presumed The Voice Asia at 1224 UT on Sept 11 playing a familiar Christian song, followed by woman in Asian
language. Today Glenn Hauser posted on the ODXA Yahoo Group that he heard The Voice Asia here in Hindi. Listed for 1100-1400 UT period. Possibly
the interference noted was Pakistan in Mandarin. - Poor. (Harold Sellers-BC-CAN, DXplorer Sept 12)
Medium Wave Report
Edited by Dave Kenny
Lithuania New schedule of MW transmissions from Sitkunai, Lithuania, received directly from
Rimantas Pleikys, Radio Baltic Waves International project co-ordinator:
Kaunas / Sitkunai, 1386 kHz, 75 kW
0200-0330 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
0330-0400 NHK World, Russian
0400-0500 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian
1730-1800 NHK World, Russian
1800-1900 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
1900-2000 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian
2000-2100 Polish Radio, Belarusian
2100-2200 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
612 kHz is not used any longer; this transmitter was switched off on 17 August. Note the shortened relay of RL Belarussian (now only 2 hours per day)
and the new relay of RL Russian (3.5 hours per day). Reception reports are welcome and will be confirmed. Email: [email protected] Postal address:
Rimantas Pleikys, Radio Baltic Waves International, Algirdo Str. 13-9, Vilnius, LT-03219 Lithuania. (Dmitry Mezin, Kazan, Russia - mwdx yg 19
Russia Radio Bonch, St. Petersburg, on 1593 kHz is a students' station of the Bonch-Bruyevich State University of Telecommunications. I myself
organised test MW transmissions. We plan to get a constant licence for amateur radio broadcasting as Radio Magic Eye of Moscow did. And, of
course, me and Omar plan to launch DX programme of St. Petersburg DX Club via this station (Alexander Beryozkin, St. Petersburg, 16 July, DSWCI DX
Ukraine UR1 reported in late July on 549 kHz (Mykolaiv) and 711 kHz (Dokuchaievsk). (Reports in RusDX 27 Jul- 3 Aug)
DX News - Short Wave
Azerbaijan Ictimai Radio in FM mode was back on its traditional frequency on 9677v (ex 11760) observed around 1730 UTC on 13 August (Bulgarian
SW Blog) This Baku-based station is probably intended to jam the Nagorno-Karabakh (pro Armenian) Voice of Justice on 9677. (ed)
Lithuania Only two transmissions remain on SW per Aoki, both relays of other stations: 0100-0400 RFA in Uighur on 9400 0430-0500 NHK Russian
on 6165 (Glenn Hauser dxld)
Russia Voice of Russia, which suspended shortwave broadcasts on 31 March due to financial difficulties, has registered an extensive SW schedule
with the HFCC, including English to Europe and North America. The start date is given as 1 October 2014. However, this may just be a contingency in
case funding for the broadcasts is restored. Alokesh Gupta (via dxld) wrote to Voice of Russia and received a reply on 21 August saying that “Although
the plans to re-open the VOR shortwave broadcasts are being considered, at this point nothing can be said for sure regarding its status in the near
Tropical Bands Logbook - Edited by Alan Pennington
4765 2334 Tajik R, Tajikistan - Indian-style mx, talk in Tajik (about the music?) 343 16/08 AM
HF Logbook - Edited by Stephen Howie
6020 1840 Adygeyskoye R, Russian Fed. Drama (pres) in VV, mx 333 27/07 MTG
7505 2247 R Free Asia via Tajikistan. OMs with Tibetan sx 444 31/07 MLF
9300 1530 N Korea Reform R via Uzbekistan. OM with KK talk, ID & off 242 14/08 MLF
9370 1539 R Free Asia via Tajikistan. OM with Tibetan talk 332 14/08 MLF
9370 1605 R Free Asia via Tajikistan. YL with Uighur comm & sx 343 13/08 MLF
13675 1655 R Free Asia via Tajikistan. OM with Mandarin talk then EE comm 343 07/08 MLF
15375 1400 R Japan via Uzbekistan. Japanese novelty tunes & songs, ID 343 27/07 MTG
15735 1415 R Japan via Tashkent. Music show, EE 343 27/07 JCa
15735 1410 R Japan via Tashkent. Talk about food production, EE 333 05/08 DH
15735 1415 R Japan via Tashkent. Japan Today px, EE 222 24/07 NRe
17515 1455 R Free Asia via Tajikistan. OM with Tibetan talk 332 03/08 MLF
BCLNES - Il radioascolto in Italia
Log Bruno Casula
15 settembre 2014
6.905,00 RAM69 – ….. RUS [...] CW 11-set 0502 TFC ‘VVV RAM69 QSA K QSA I NIL S K ‘ (BC)
10.150,00 EK.. EKB ….. ARM CE-2014 ALE/USB 12-set 0714 CLG “J2GL” – (BC)
10.200,00 EK.. EKB ….. ARM CE-2014 ALE/USB 12-set 0454 CLG “J2GL” 0534 CLG “J2GL” (BC)
(via Utilityworld yg)
DX-Window No. 514 - from the Danish Shortwave Club International Greve, Denmark Editor and Distributor: Anker Petersen September 17, 2014
9674.8, Edaletin Sesi Radiosu, Nagorno Karabakh(?),1305, Sep 10, Azeri, ID, news (heard in range 9672.4-9674.6), (on Sep 11 at 1310 retro
songs in Azeri), 45544 (Pankov)
11760, Unid name, (Baku ?), 0500, Sep 11, news in Azeri, heard in range 11745-11760 ( on 11750 over radio Voz Missionaria), 45544, (Pankov).
Possibly Baku jamming Azerbaijan broadcast. (Ed)
CLANDESTINES and other Target Broadcasts
9590, R Sadaye Zindagi (IBRA R), Armenia, presumed at *1458, Sep 13, s/on with instrumental music, 1500 anns, brief music, then talk, very poor.
11510, Denge Kurdistan, at 1459 via Grigoriopol, at 1500 via Issoudun, Sep 04, Kurdish to West Asia. (Ivanov)
11560, Democratic Voice of Burma, via Dushanbe (100 kW / 125 degrees), 1430-1530, Aug 30, Burmese to South East Asia.
11595, Democratic Voice of Burma, via Dushanbe (100 kW / 125 degrees), 2330-0030, Aug 30, Burmese to South East Asia.
At the end of October the will stop both transmissions on shortwave after 21 years of broadcasting. (Ivanov). Heard at 0013-0030*, Sep 10, Burmese
talks, brief instrumental music breaks before a long talk by another speaker. Several men talking near closedown which was followed by light closing
instrumental music. Fair. (D’Angelo)
15630, R Free Chosun, via Toshkent, 1359-1456, Sep 04 and 09, Korean to North Korea. (Ivanov)
In Estonia, the Russian-language radio station closed popular "Euro FM". This was reported on the official website of the radio station. Note that in
the announcement stated that "on the same frequency the radio is not working with the September 1, 2014." Later it was expanded with: "Radio is
closed." "Forever" - the end of the message. (RUS-DX No. 784, Sep 07 quoting baltija.eu,
In the last weekend of August I passed the village Bayserke (before 2000 - Dmitrievka) in Almaty area and found that the Broadcasting Center was
dismantled. On the field, there is only one mast, and part of the former antenna field is enabled for the construction of the new road and transport
interchange. I have posted two photos and below that two photos, I took in 2011 and 2012 at http://kzdx.blog.com/2014/09/02/antenna-sitenear-bayserke-was-dismantled/ . (Puzanov in "open_dx" via RUS-DX No. 784, Sep 07)
4765, Tajik R, Yangiyul, 1845, Jan 02, Tajik anns and music, 35443. (Beryozkin)
Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 141, Issue 17 - Ivo Observer <[email protected]>
Voice of Armenia in Greek to ME 1615 on 4810 Yerevan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uctlbVIQs0&feature=youtu.be
September 14:
Radio Dniprovska Hvylya relay HS 1 in Ukrainian 0759 on 11980,1 Zaporizhia in CUSB
*QTH*: Sofia, Bulgaria - *Equipment*: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
NDB & BEACON DXing. – Sergei - Dnipropetrovsk region. Ukraine.
6 September 2014
19:30- 23:59 UTC
RX: FT-100D Ant: Frame of the coaxial
295 ZA Zaporizhzhia UKR KN77PT 89 km
307 LA Lazarevskoye RUS KN93PW 573 km
320 DM Moscow / Domodedovo RUS KO85WK 904 km
414 SB Sambek RUS KN97VS 424 km
430 LI Lykhacheve UKR KN89DH 245 km
435 ER Yegorlykskaya RUS LN06IO 510 km
442 SK Uralsk / Podstepniy KAZ LO51RC 1309 km
450 U Millerovo RUS
450 WU Sosnovka RUS LO34HD 1131 km
468 MD Myneralnye Vody RUS LN14NF 791 km
470 TN Taganrog Centr RUS KN97KG 359 km
485 CW Krasnaya Gorbatka RUS LO05UU 1050 km
486 KL Krasnyy Sulin RUS LN07BV 448 km
493 RW Maryino RUS KO95CQ 936 km
514 UR Moscow / Chkalovskoye RUS KO95AV 954 km
515 NV Rostov Na Donu RUS KN97TG 414 km
Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 141, Issue 20 - "Wolfgang Bueschel_DF5SX" <[email protected]>
BELARUS 11730 Minsk-Kalodzicy Belarus radio, scheduled 11-23 UT, but in Bjelorussian language at 11-14 UT S=9+40dB or -34dBm, logged
with two very strong distorted spurious signals of S=9+5dB on
11698 - 11713 kHz and
11749 - 11762 kHz, latter even covered the 11760 RHC La Habana transmission.
73 wb
BC-DX 1177 , 21 Sept 2014 - edited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany
BELARUS 11730 Minsk-Kalodzicy Belarus radio, scheduled 11-23 UT, but in Bjelorussian language at 11-14 UT S=9+40dB or -34dBm.
Logged with two very strong distorted spurious signals of S=9+5dB on 11698 - 11713 kHz and 11749 - 11762 kHz, latter even covered the 11760
RHC La Habana transmission. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 19)
RRI Bucharest B-14 from Oct 26.
5940 DRM mode 0530 0600 29 TIG 300 37 1234567 Rus ROU
7320 0530 0600 29 TIG 300 37 1234567 Rus ROU
11985 1400 1500 31S TIG 300 52 1234567 Rus ROU
13860 1400 1500 31S TIG 300 52 1234567 Rus ROU
5930 DRM mode 1600 1700 29 TIG 300 37 1234567 Rus ROU
9810 1600 1700 29 TIG 300 37 1234567 Rus ROU
(BC-DX 1176, 15 Sept 2014 edited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany)
QSL World
QSL received from the German edition of Radio Tirana for accepting 08.14.2014, 19.31-20.00 UTC at a frequency of 7465 kHz. The card - Tirana,
November 28, 2012. The report sent by electronic mail: [email protected] (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
The Vatican
Received QSL cards for the August report, the reception at a frequency of 11715 kHz. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Germany / Russia
Received two QSL-cards from the "Voice of the Andes" from Voronezh in July and August reports, reception at a frequency of 13800 kHz. Cards with
views of the Voronezh. Reports sent e-mail. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Got a nice QSL - card Voice of the Andes (Voronezh) for reception in August. In the photo the bridge over the Crow, the city at sunset and kayak ...
Beauty. (Alexander Golovihin, Tolyatti, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Got QSL- card from Voices of the Andes (Voronezh radio studio "Revelation"). 6.09.2014 / 15.30-16.00 UTC / 13800 kHz / Transmitter Musrun.
As usual, each month a new story on the cards. City at sunset and from Psalm 110: 3 "His work - the glory and beauty, and his righteousness endures
forever." (Editor)
Got two electronic QSL-cards for the reception of the Colombian radio station La Voz de tu Conciencia at a frequency of 6010 kHz and Alcaravan
Radio at frequency 5910. On receiving the results reported in the newsletter. Reports confirmed QSL - Manager Rafael Rodriguez. Sent to the
address: [email protected] . also sent photos of transmitters and radio transmitting antenna. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radiodx")
6 QSL received from the Russian service of RRI: the July, the August and 4 QSL for 2005. Reports sent by e-mail: [email protected] (Sergey Elkin, Tver,
Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Received QSL-cards from the radio station frequency and time standards WWVH with Hawaii for accepting 08.23.2014, at a frequency of 15000
kHz. card numbered 22905. report sent by electronic mail: [email protected] (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
QSL RFA came in a new design (18 Years of Broadcasting) for 9/5/2014 to 0030-0128 UTC on 12115 kHz, Burmese. Card has been without an
envelope. (Andrew, Tomsk, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Received a QSL card from the Spanish service for accepting RTI 07/22/2014 at the frequency of 3965 kHz. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia /
Got 2 QSL-cards from Radio Thailand, took the transfer to English language. Two cards in one report from 25.07.2014, 20.30-20.45 UTC, 9390 kHz.
The report sent by electronic mail: manager_thailand @ tha.ibb.gov. In cards the following information: date, time, frequency, language, transmitter,
transmitter power. Come without an envelope. Got another QSL from Radio Thailand for reception in English 11.03.2014 at the frequency 9965 kHz.
On the card - a Buddhist temple. apparently the report lost my long time did not respond. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Received QSL - card Voice of Turkey for the reception on July 30 at 11965 kHz. Card Dedicated. Ramadan. (Alexander Golovihin, Tolyatti, Russia /
"open_dx" & "deneb-radio-dx")
Received two such QSL, from the Russian service for accepting 07/20/2014 at frequency 11965 kHz and from the German for accepting
24.07.2014 at frequency 11835 kHz. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
North Korea
Received QSL-cards in Russian Voices of Korea.
20.06.2014 / 17.00-17.56 / 9425 and 12012 kHz Plot cards: Part Chhanchzhon street in Pyongyang. Report sent by regular mail.
Also invested in a large envelope magazine "Korea» № 700 in Russian, Gezetu in English "The Pyongyand Times" + Schedule (Editor)
South Korea
Got 2 QSL-cards from the Russian service KBS World Radio for admission to 16 and 17 August at the frequencies of 9645, 15360. on cards - folk
dances and songs "Kangansulle." Reports sent by electronic mail: [email protected] (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Received QSL-cards from Japan for Radio reception in Russian 06.07.2014 at a frequency of 6165 kHz. The report sent the e-mail. The card - night
fireworks in Tokyo. Reception time is not specified. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Received QSL-card NHK World radio Japan. Russian edition. 12 July 2014 / 6165 kHz. The card "Fireworks at Night" (Tokyo). (Editor)
Pirate radio
Sent a confirmation from the Radio Tower, 6306 kHz 13 September. In addition to confirming the information about the owner of the station and the
city Markelo. All addresses of pirates gathered on the site: http://www.freewebs.com/ukdxer/addresses.htm (Paul, Belgorod, Russia / "denebradio-dx" & "open_dx")
WEB RADIO in Russian
Accent Radio
Address: Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 50, 99086 Erfurt, Germany Phone: 0049 (0) 361 265 8104 0049 (0) 176 490 49 270
e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Internet: www.radioakzent.de/ Fragments of gears - sound archive.
Location: Germany, Erfurt Broadcasting: FM Area Broadcast: 6 towns of Thuringia Erfurt - 96,2 FM Weimar - 106,6 FM
Arnstadt, Mr. Goat, city Zommerd, Erfurt - 107,9 FM
of Apolda, Weimar and vicinity - 107,9 FM
Language broadcast: Russian, German
Organizational form: an independent, nonprofit, government support has
Oh Radio (radio program) / Ech Internet: www.radio-ech.de www.radio-ech.org Page on the Russian and German. Location: Germany, Freiburg
Broadcasting: FM, on-line Region broadcasting 12 cities in Germany
FM: 102,3 MHz Freiburg u. Umgebung (Sender Vogtsburg), 104,5 MHz Rheinland (Sender Hohe Möhr), Kabel 93,6 MHz (Freiburg), 88,15 MHz (Lahr),
89,35 MHz (Bad Krozingen, Staufen), 97,35 MHz (Müllheim / Neuenburg). Language broadcast: Russian, German / Organizational form: an
independent, nonprofit, government support has Format: multicultural
WDR Funkhaus Europa, Russische Radiosendung Address: Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, Masurenallee 8-14, 14057 Berlin, Germany
E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Internet: www.funkhauseuropa.de
On the home page find Sprachen - Russisch on Russian. Location: Germany, Berlin Distribution: SW, FM, on-line Region broadcasting:
Berlin Brandenburg - 96,3 FM North Rhine-Westphalia, Bremen - 103,3 FM Hesse CB
Language broadcast: 15 languages, including Russian.
Radio Russian Berlin
Address: 10785 Germany Berlin Postdamer Str. 100 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Internet: www.radio-rb.de
Location: Germany, Berlin Broadcasting: FM, on-line Region broadcasting: Berlin - 97,2 FM
Online Radio 101.ru acquired its own TV.
Online Radio 101.ru continues to please its users - in September 2014 popular service has launched its own TV! Already, everyone can enjoy
watching videos on the channels - "Russian Top 50", "Not Traxx», «Love Songs», «Club Dance», «Euro Pop», «Euro Hits», and eventually many of the
most popular stations online Radio 101.ru acquire its own TV. Now your favorite music, you can not just listen! Video Channels 101TV see link http://101.ru/?an=101tv (OnAir.ru)
Miguel Angel Rocha Gamez
Conoce este grupo, únete, participa
Conoce este grupo, únete, participa.https://www.facebook.com/groups/NSIBR/
Información sobre satélites para el radioescucha experimentador o diexista y el radioaficionado.
Dino Bloise
RTÉ special transmissions on shortwave radio
The All Ireland Senior Football Final (Donegal v Kerry) is this Sunday, 21st September.
The same shortwave frequencies are being used as for the Hurling Final a fortnight ago according to the Bulgarian DX Blog:
RTÉ Radio Irish footbal final on Sept.21
U.K.(non) RTÉ Radio Irish footbal final via BABCOCK on Sept.21:
1300-1600 on 7300 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to SoAf
1300-1600 on 17495 WOF 300 kW / 158 deg to WeAf
1300-1600 on 17820 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAf
1600-1700 on 7300 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to SoAf
1600-1700 on 11750 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAf
1600-1700 on 17495 WOF 300 kW / 158 deg to WeAf.
RTÉ Radio Irish Football Final. Sep 21 2014. 17495 & 17820 kHz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjfRQNzLXZs
Glenn Hauser
Logs September 21, 2014
** CHINA. 10000, Sept 21 at 1257, higher-pitched time pips about halfway between the ones from WWVH, presumably BPM, the ChiComClock way
out of synch with the rest of the world. I`m surprised no one else has noted this: it may seem insignificant for ordinary use, but these stations are
supposed to maintain a very high and precise degree of scientific accuracy. SW propagation delays would be insignificant compared to this ~0.5
second difference (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 18210 // 12140, Sept 21 at 0113, poor signals from third and second harmonix of 6070 RHC Spanish.
6000, Sept 21 at 0536, RHC English succeeds in keeping this channel on air during this hour, unlike usually, Arnie`s beepy science capsule (Glenn
** EGYPT. 9315, Sept 21 at 0103, R. Cairo modulating in Spanish, but distorted and with humroar, unlike usually on this transmitter
11710, nothing on Sept 21 at 0103
12070, Sept 21 at 0103, R. Cairo Spanish is just humroar, similar pitch to 9315, but louder and no program modulation at all here
9965, Sept 21 at 0106, R. Cairo, good signal but distorted Arabic and no whine for a change! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 9935 // stronger 9420, Sept 21 at 0107, ERTOpen is on tonight, novelty song in Greek, and JBA carrier on 15630 probably this (Glenn
** IRELAND [non]. 17820, Sept 21 at 1327, RTÉ with special broadcast via SOUTH AFRICA of silly ballgame, excited announcers saying they are 27
minutes into the second half, which implies that the game started much earlier than the expected 1300 UT --- so we shouldn`t assume football would
necessarily start at the same time as hurling a biweek earlier when there was another shortwave special. Teams now mentioned as Kerry vs Donegal.
JBA carrier on the listed //, 17495 via Woofferton UK. Yet recheck at 1401 finds no signal on 17820, so sudden fadeout, failure, or turned off with
game already over? Many others were monitoring this with quite different comparative results. E.g. Rich Ray in IL was still hearing 17820 at 1408,
but 17495 was better (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6935-USB, Sept 21 at 0056, vocal rock music continues past 0100, good signal, 0105 quick announcement by YL voice,
unreadable, followed by 73 in CW and off.
This thread says it was Northwoods Radio, with Alice Cooper when I was listening
http://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,18595.0.html It was not however a CW ID at sign-off, just ``73``
** NORTH AMERICA. 6940-USB, Sept 21 at 0132, good signal with blues/jazz, maybe Billie Holliday, 0136 ID as Wolverine Radio. Too much
competition Saturday nights from KBC, WOR, but this thread says the theme was ``baby``:
http://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,18596.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OMAN. 9500, Sept 21 at 0110, RSO with Qur`an, VG signal, on correct frequency tonight instead of 19mb (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** PERU. 5980, Sept 21 at 0053, JBA carrier from R. Chaski, until cutoff at 0111:42.5*, which is 12 seconds later than another binite ago, so
seems to be slipping now by 6.0 seconds per 24 hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. 21610 & 21640, Sept 21 at 1403, REE with live-sounding event coverage in Castilian, music bits, so not a silly ballgame? But the two are
*not* //, poor signals so I can`t make out a delay between them either. Why wouldn`t two transmitters next to each other at doomed Noblejas not
be synchronized? Could be totally different but similar programs. Or separate playouts of same show for different targets (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** SRI LANKA. 11905, fair Sept 21 at 0115, but SLBC fails to modulate on normally precisely mistimed service, so no timesignal to clock; just
carrier, altho at 0117 I think I hear bits of music; still dead air past 0121. Wiggle that patchcord! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISSTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1739 monitoring: confirmed on WRMI, 5950, UT Sunday Sept 21 from 0100, after Spanish ID mentioning only 9955
kHz! If frequencies are to be cited, WRMI needs a bunch of new canned IDs for each of the extra RMI channels. Fair signal, het on hi side from
5952.4, Radio Pius the Twelfth from the Twentieth Century of Bolivia.
WOR 1739 also confirmed on KVOH, 9975, UT Sunday Sept 21 from 0130:46.5 after usual opening procedure starting with 0121 tone test, 0122
OC, 0125 music, 0130 announcements. Good if not full modulation level, some hum. Next:
UT Monday 0259v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5109v-CUSB
Tuesday 1100 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on HLR 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1315 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 2100 on WBCQ 7490v
** U S A. 5050, Sept 21 at 0058, WWRB with sound of phone line ringing, as often happens around now: dialing up feed from Brother Scare? He`s
on at next check some 20 minutes later while other programming is on 3185 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7490 // 9330-CUSB, UT Sunday Sept 21 at 0059, Allan Weiner speaking, so an unsked replay of another `Worldwide` show? Maybe not;
WBCQ online sked now shows the only entry for Saturday night/early UT Sunday:
Sa 7490 06:00PM 10:00PM ET 2200 0200 UTC Pirate Pizza Night
described as ``Live from Monticello, WBCQ presents classic programs including pre-WBCQ broadcasts of Radio Newyork International and live
commentary. Occasionally the Area 51 programming on 5110 will be simulcasted instead.`` But now, 5110v-CUSB is not //, with TimTron.
The 9330 schedule now shows *nothing* but `Money Talk`, M-F 22-23 UT, except for `AWWW` UT Sat 00-01 UT. Also checked 15420 in case it`s
on way late again, but unheard. Sked for it now shows nothing but GSP daily at 17-21 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Alfredo Meurer Jr
Manager de E30FB Eitréia, Prof. Zorro
Boa noite a todos, A estação E30FB está agora em 14250 com sinal aceitável por aqui, variando entre 41 e 53, baixo porque estou cercado de
cordilheiras de predios que subiram em menos e 8 anos. Operador; Professor Zorro, o mesmo operador de XZ1J e XZ1Z recentes de Myanmar e de
incontáveis estações do leste e sudeste da ásia no passado, qsls via bureau ou direto.
JH1AJT Japan - Y. Zorro Miyazawa, JH1AJT - P.O. Box 8 Oiso - Naka-Gun kanagawa 259-0111 - Japan
Ele está em ação humanitária para crianças na Eritréia, um Grande Homem.
Deverá ter curta duração essa DXpedition e esle está fazendo somente, à principio; 20m, 15m e 10m somente em fonia, salvo quando lhe pedem
CW, mas total prioridade em SSB.
- Antena vertical 3 bandas, TRX com 100W.
Boa sorte a todos na conquista dessa super raridade e meus sinceros parabéns ao Rubens Ferráz por ter pego ele de forma tão boa.
GD 73 DE - Alfredo Meurer Jr - ZY1-0001SWL
Nestor - PU 1 BBZ
Revista Monitor de Rádio e Televisão
Olá pessoal. Tenho interesse em comprar exemplares da "Revista Monitor de Rádio e Televisão" para completar minha coleção.
Também aceito doação. Neste caso tenha certeza de que as revistas não serão utilizadas com propósitos comerciais.
Um abraço a todos. Nelson [email protected]
NSN Brasil
Service Manual for Radio Sony ICF SW77
Amigos do Grupo. Estou precisando do Manual de serviço do radio Sony ICF SW77,por favor se alguem tiver pode me enviar.
[email protected]
Muito obrigado
Mauricio Pimenta Cunha
Dúvida palavra Radiocomunicação
Ola amigos, saudações. Apenas uma dúvida, a palavra RADIOCOMUNICAÇÃO escreve-se junto ou separado?
RADIO COMUNICAÇÃO ou RADIOCOMUNICAÇÃO Paz na terra , humildade sempre. Atenciosamente ,
Mauricio Pimenta Cunha - PY4ID - Visite nosso site : www.logicamax.com.br - Facebook : facebook.com/logicamaxtecnologia
Adote um animal abandonado , dê um lar , comida e carinho. ONG AMEMAIS - Organização de Proteção dos Animais de Teófilo Otoni -MG.
Acesse : www.ongamimais.com.br
Adinei PY2ADN
Link interessante: todas eas edições da revista russa
Olá, pessoal. Compartilhando uma excelente dica que me foi repassada pelo estudioso colega Fernando Krouwel PY2FZU, segue abaixo o link onde
podem ser baixadas todas as edições da revista russa Радиоежегодник, (rádio-anuário), uma espécie de coletânea que reúne aquilo de melhor
publicado em revistas especializadas e fóruns de discussão russos: http://radio-hobby.org/modules/news/index.php?start=0&storytopic=60
Para nós Radioamadores, a edição mais interessante é a de número 14 (2012-4), onde praticamente todos os projetos são de autoria do brilhante
colega ucraniano Sergei Belenetsky US5MSQ, um dos mais prolíficos e geniais projetistas Radioamadores do leste europeu:
Os transistores russos da série KT em regra são meras cópias de transistores europeus e seus equivalentes podem ser facilmente encontrados na
seguinte página: http://www.electronica-pt.com/db/componentes.php
Aliás, considero a página acima a melhor para verificação rápida de características de semicondutores. Vale a pena salvar o link entre os favoritos!
O idioma russo pode ser um grande obstáculo para muitos (quem não entende? he he he), mas os circuitos são universais e podem ser facilmente
compreendidos. Caso alguém tenha interesse em algum artigo específico, posso tentar ajudar numa tradução, dependendo, obviamente, da minha
disponibilidade de tempo, que ultimamente anda bastante escasso.
Boa diversão à todos! 73, Adinei, PY2ADN
Alfredo Meurer Jr
9N1A ativo hoje em 10m e 20m
Boa noite a todos, esteve ativo durante a nossa tarde em 10m fonia a estação 9N1AA, operador Krishna, Nepal, eu não escutei ele em 10m, pois
estou na casa de meus sogros e estou com uma antena dipolo para 14200, depois ele passou a operar em 20m e há uns 20m atrás ele estava em
14280 Simplex, no momento otimo de propagação para Nepal em 20m, aqui não tem nenhum prédio só casas então a sua escuta foi bem melhor
que no meu QTH.
Receptor Sony 7600G, antena dipolo de fio 4mm que fica aqui para escutas, RS médio 53, qsos diversos, inclusive com indonésios que chegavam
muito bem.
Isso não eh uma DXpedition, ele eh residente no Nepal, eh uma daquelas estações que aparece quando quer, qsl via um americano, ver qsl manager
Espero que ele volte a operar em breve e vocês tenham a oportunidade de pega-lo.
Um forte 73 a todos
Alfredo Meurer Jr
La Voz de Vietnam
Contesta Email
Estimado amigo, Bienvenido a los programas en español de La Voz de Vietnam. Tenemos el placer de recibir su mensaje electrónico y dos reportes
de escucha del julio pasado. Antes todo, quisiéramos desearle y a sus familiares una buena salud y muchos éxitos en su vida profesional y privada.
Le enviaremos las tarjeras QSL correspondientes a sus reportes de escucha que nos envía y otros materiales por vida postal.
Anexamos aquí la programación de nuestras emisiones al exterior y otros materiales se los mandaremos por correo.
Esperamos que nos siga sintonizando con regularidad.
Un fuerte abrazo de sus amigos Alicia (Giang), Margarita (Minh), Carmen (Mai), Alfonso (Tuấn Anh) y Bosque (Lâm), y saludos amistosos de María y
Felipe, nuestros colaboradores cubanos.
Cordialmente. La Voz de Vietnam en español
PARA EUROPA Y AMERICA LATINA - (Vigente a partir del 28 de marzo del 2004)
Hora (UTC)
3h00 - 3h30
6175 Khz
Dirigida principalmente a America Central
4h00 - 4h30
6175 Khz
Dirigida principalmente a America Central
21h30 - 22h00 7.220 y 9.550 Khz
Ontario DX Club
ODXA DX REPORT October 27th 2014
ODXA DX REPORT - October 27th 2014 - Send your best DX WHEN YOU HEAR IT to: [email protected]
Send us just your best DX! The editor reserves the right to decide what DX tips will be published. All DX tips are in English unless otherwise noted and
all dates and times are in UTC. Newer tips are in blue and older ones are in black. The B14 broadcasting season has just started and many
frequencies and times posted here may have changed. Things should start to clear up with next week's edition. With this being a weekly column you
don't have to wait a month or more for the changes to frequencies and times to start being reported. Starting next weekend we will start an SWL net
along the lines of the old ANARC net from the 80s and 90s. Listen for and participate in the HF SWL NET on 14.340 +/- 3 khz USB. Those who are
strictly SWLs can send their comments and logs to [email protected]. Hopefully, this will grow into a weekly event with a number of net controllers and
lots of participation from hams and SWLs.
2850 NORTH KOREA KCBS at 1230 in Korean with instrumentals – Fair Oct 11 Barton-AZ
3310 BOLIVIA Radio Mosoj Chaski at 2344 in Quechua with a woman with talk – Good Oct 24 Wilkner-FL
3364.84 BRAZIL Radio Cultura at 2351 in Portuguese with a man with talk and music Fair Oct 21 Wilkner-FL
3375.1 BRAZIL Radio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira at 0942 in Portuguese with a man with talk – Fair Oct 24 Wilkner-FL
3385 PNG-NEW BRITAIN NBC East New Britain at 1203 beginning news in what sounded like English then dead air for several minutes and news in
Tok Pisin at 1211 re-check - Poor Oct 8 Sellers-BC
3480 SOUTH KOREA Voice of the People at 1145 in Korean with soprano vocals and a hymn then a man with talk – Good Oct 8 Barton-AZ. Also at
1258 // 3912, 4450, 6518, and 6600 in Korean with a song then a man with talk at 1300 – Good but all // frequencies subject to white
noise jamming Oct 23 Sellers-BC
3925 JAPAN Radio Nikkei One at 1040 // 6055 and 9595 with traditional Japanese music - Good Oct 23 Sellers-BC
3945 JAPAN Radio Nikkei 2 at 1210 with lively Latin American music and a man with a “This is Radio Nikkei Two” ID at 1220 and into pop music –
Fair Oct 8 Barton-AZ. Also at 1036 with Western and Japanese pop songs - Fair Oct 23 Sellers-BC
4055 GUATEMALA Radio Verdad at 1052 with a man reading from the Bible then praying at 1111 - Good Oct 8 Sellers-BC. Also at 1040 in
Spanish with a preacher with a “mensajes Crisitianos” - Fair Oct 25 Wilkner-FL
4450 SOUTH KOREA Voice of the People at 115 in Korean with a man with talk – Fair over jammer Oct 23 Barton-AZ
4754.9 BRAZIL Radio Imaculada Conceição at 2324 in Portuguese with a man with talk with music bridges – Fair with static crashes Oct 23 Wilkner4755.5 MICRONESIA The Cross Radio at 1140 with a man preaching about God and Jesus then songs to 1159 and DTMF tones and off - Poor Oct 23
4805 BRAZIL Radio Difusora do Amazona at 0930 in Portuguese with a man with talk – Fair with CODAR Oct 24 Wilkner-FL
4835 AUSTRALIA VL8A (ABC Alice Springs) at 1211 with an “ABC Radio” ID and pop music - Fair Oct 23 Sellers-BC
4875 BRAZIL Radiodifusora Roraima at 2327 in Portuguese with Brasopops – Good Oct 25 Wilkner-FL
4955 PERU Radio Cultural Amauta at 2350 in Spanish with a man with talk – Good Oct 22 Wilkner-FL
6050 ECUADOR HCJB at 1042 in Spanish with Andean music and a man with talk and many time checks - Good Oct 8 Sellers-BC
6070 CANADA CFRX (Toronto, ON) at 0947 with a description of an attack with “ how quickly this happened … then we were on it…” - Good Oct 24
6135 BRAZIL Radio Aparecida at 0100 in Portuguese with a repeating ID loop with mentions of “Aparecida, Sao Paulo” and “Brasil” then a man
with religious talk at 0102 with snippets of a male ballad and mentions of “Jesus Christo” – Good Oct 6 Coady-ON
6173.9 PERU Radio Tawantinsuyo at 1018 in Spabnish with a man with talk – Weak Oct 24 Wilkner-FL
6185 MEXICO Radio Educacion at 0108 in Spanish with jazz and fusion piano music then a woman with talk about the music at 0125 and several
“Radio Educacion” IDs and back to the woman with talk at 0126 – Good Oct 6 Coady-ON
7355 USA KNLS Alaska at 1200 with IS and sign-on with Lucy Grant and Rod Sobey - Fair Oct 23 Sellers-BC
7445 TAIWAN RTI at 1100 with news headlines followed by news - Poor Oct 8 Sellers-BC. Also at 1150 with “Jade Bells and Bamboo Pipes” - Fair
to Good Oct 22 Barton-AZ
9310 THAILAND VOA Deewa Radio at 1640 in Pashto with a man hosting a discussion program then ID at 1644 – Good with static Oct 12
SRI LANKA VOA Deewa Radio at 1646 // 9310 in Pashto with a man hosting a discussion program – Good with static Oct 12 WardaleENGLAND
THAILAND Radio Thailand at 1231 with “evening news” preceded by program lineup then news sponsored by Thai Airline - Poor Oct 23
IRAN VOIRI at 0210 in Arabic with a woman with talk and soft Middle Eastern music – Weak to Fair Oct 4 Forsythe-WI
EAST GERMANY Gospel for Asia presumed the one at 0114 in listed Vadari with subcontinental music and a woman with announcements
and a man with a speech or preaching – Good with CCI from possible Romania Oct 16 Sellers-BC
SOUTH KOREA KBS World at 1652 with a jazz and pop music program then a woman with sign-off announcements at 1655 – Good Oct 12
INDONESIA Voice of Indonesia at 1700 in Spanish with ID and a man with news – Good Oct 12 Wardale-ENGLAND
AUSTRALIA Radio Australia at 1335 // 12065 with “Unearthed” featuring new Australian rock music – Very Good Oct 10 Coady-ON
JAPAN Radio Nikkei 1 at 1258 in Japanese with a woman with talk and into western jazz music at 1300 – Good Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
CHINA CRI at 2110 with a man and woman talking about media surveys - Poor Oct 18 Sellers-BC
ALASKA KNLS at 1210 with a feature on the Exxon Valdez accident – Very Good Oct 26 Barton-AZ
INDIA AIR (Aligarh) presumed the one at 1312 with subcontinental vocals in listed Baluchi - Poor Oct 23 Sellers-BC
JAPAN NHK World Radio Japan at 1028 with schedule changes as of Oct 26 then ID and closing - Fair Oct 23 Sellers-BC. Also at 1015 in
Japanese with a man and woman with talk – Fair Oct 23 Barton-AZ
INDIA AIR at 0038 // 9705 with a news bulletin to 0040 then ID and report on the president visiting Norway - Fair Oct 16 Sellers-BC
NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 1042 with “Ball and Chain” about female jazz vocalist “Big Mama Thornton” – Very Good Oct 4 Coady-ON. Also at
1105 reporting on an upcoming election in Samoa - Poor Oct 8 Sellers-BC. Also at 1714 with “Hymns for a Sunday Morning” - Good Oct 12
Wardale-ENGLAND – the new frequency for our local mornings is 9765 - ed
INDIA-GOA AIR (Panaji) at 2320 with subcontinental instrumentals and a woman with talk about the piece and a “General Overseas Service
of All India Radio” ID at 2329 then a man with a similar ID and “Welcome to Studio One” – Very Good Oct 5 Coady-ON
KUWAIT VOA Ashna Radio at 0158 in Pashto with subcontinental music then a woman at 0200 with ID and station info and into an interview
of a man – Fair to Good Oct 27 Coady-ON – new frequency for B12 – ed
PHILIPPINES Radio Pilipinas at 1731 with ID of “Radio Pilipinas, the Voice of the Philippines” then music – Fair Oct 12 Wardale-ENGLAND
USA RUI (via WRMI) at 2343 with a man with “And now a new program –Ukrainian Perspective” about an exhibit of art being sold to support
soldiers injured in the eastern part of the country – Excellent Oct 21 Coady-ON
PHILIPPINES Radio Veritas Asia at 0110 in listed Urdu with a man and woman with apparent religious talk – Weak but audible Apr 20
INDIA AIR at 2045 // 7550 and 9445 signing on with ID of “This is the General Overseas Service of All India Radio” then sked - Good Oct 18
SINGAPORE NHK World Radio Japan at 1313 in Bengali with talk with chime-like music bridges – Fair with RTTY Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
NORTH KOREA Voice of Korea at 1300 with a man talking about the observance of the 69th anniversary of the Workers Party of Korea – Fair
Oct 11 Barton-AZ
NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 1952 with rap music and a woman with upcoming program highlights and local weather – Fair Oct 3 Coady-ON
BELARUS Radio Belarus at 2016 with female folk vocals and a male presenter then a woman with apparent news at 2022 – Weak but
audible with Zanzibar off Oct 3 Coady-ON
UZBEKISTAN Vatican Radio at 0139 with welcome and into Catholic Church news including details of activities of the Pope - Fair Oct 16
TANZANIA-ZANZIBAR ZBC Radio at 1852 in Swahili with male African folk vocals then time pips at 1900 and a woman with apparent news –
Fair to Good with het Oct 4 Coady-ON. Also at 2017 with traditional vocals to 2035 then posible news in Swahili to 2040 and back to music
to 2058 and announcements and off at 2059 - Good Oct 18 Sellers-BC
INDIA-GOA AIR (Panaji) at 2151 with subcontinental male vocals then a woman at 2100 with a “General Overseas Service of All India Radio”
ID and into news – Good until CRI sign-on at 2100 then fair Oct 10 Coady-ON
SINGAPORE NHK World Radio Japan at 1200 with sign on and into news - Poor Oct 8 Sellers-BC
THAILAND BBC at 1220 // 6195 and 9740 with an interview about ISIS and Iraq - Fair Oct 8 Sellers-BC
BRAZIL Super Radio Deus e Amor at 0311 in Portuguese with an impassioned preacher – Fair Oct 2 Coady-ON
ASCENSION BBC at 2047 with a “Newshour” report from the Vatican – Fair Oct 18 Sellers-BC
RWANDA DW at 2119 // 9655 and 11800 with the final “Hygiene and Diarrhea” episode in the “Learning By Ear” series – Very Good Oct 13
Coady-ON –with the Ebola Virus ravaging parts of Africa this program is most needed - ed
SRI LANKA SLBC at 0148 in Hindi with subcontinental music and definite ID and announcements – Good at first but fading Oct 4 ForsytheWI .Also at 0118 in listed Hindi with traditional Sri Lankan songs then an announcement at 0133 beginning with “The Sri Lanka
Broadcasting Corporation” - Good Oct 16 Sellers-BC
AUSTRIA AWR at 2100 signing on with music and ID of “This is Adventist World Radio, the Voice of Hope” then a musical fanfare and African
singing – Poor Oct 18 Sellers-BC
VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam at 1235 with news - Poor Oct 23 Sellers-BC
AUSTRALIA Radio Australia at 1239 with a panel discussing Australian politics - Poor Oct 23 Sellers-BC
NORTHERN MARIANAS RFA at 1333 // 9335 in Burmese with a man with talk with interview clips – Good Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
UZBEKISTAN TWR at 1334 in listed Hindi with South Asian music and a woman with talk – Weak to Fair with ute Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
RWANDA BBC at 0342 with a “Daily Business Report” report on investments in Myanmar - Good Oct 5 Forsythe-WI
JAPAN NHK World Radio Japan at 2115 in Japanese with a woman with talk and piano music – Fair but choppy signal Oct 12 Barton-AZ
AUSTRIA AWR presumed the one at 2035 in French with religious talk - Poor Oct 18 Sellers-BC
ROMANIA RRI at 2031 // 11795 with a man with news - Fair Oct 18 Sellers-BC
15280 PHILIPPINES Radio Veritas Asia at 0110 in listed Urdu with a man and woman with apparent religious talk – Weak but audible Apr 20
15330 VATICAN Radio Veritas Asia at 1430 in Urdu with subcontinental music and talk with ID at 1500 and e-mail and web addresses in Urdu and
English – Good Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
15335 SINGAPORE BBC at 0021 with “Business Matters” with a man interviewing a man and woman about US economic trade issues – Fair Oct 21
15440 GUAM KSDA (Adventist World Radio) at 1425 in listed Urdu with South Asian music then a woman with English ID at 1430 and into music –
Good Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
15520 IRAN VOIRI at 1338 in listed Urdu with a man with talk with mentions Pakistan and music bridges – Good Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
15720 NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 0219 with a “Nine to Noon” feature and interview on how cheap foreign products disrupt the economy – Good Oct 7
17515 FRANCE Bible Voice at 1610 in listed Oromo with an apparent fire and brimstone sermon - Fair Oct 12 Barton-AZ
Thanks to our contributors:
Rick Barton in Arizona; Mark Coady in Ontario; Carlie Forsythe in Wisconsin; Harold Sellers in British Columbia; Charlie Wardale in England; Robert
Wilkner in Florida
I don't use a lot of abbreviations in this column, preferring to use complete words and phrases, but here are some you may encounter:
ACI – adjacent channel interference (frequency usually 5 kHz apart); CCI – cochannel interference (same frequency); CODAR - Coastal Ocean
Dynamics Applications Radar (the swooping sound on the tropical bands); DRM – digital shortwave radio; het – heterodyne interference; ID – station
ID; IS – interval signal; LSB – lower sideband; OC – open carrier; PNG – Papua New Guinea (when the appropriate radio country is cited); QRN –
noise; QRM – man-made interference; QTH – location; RFE/RL - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty; RTTY – radio teletype; TC – time check; USB –
upper sideband; UTE – utility station; // (#) - parallel (frequency)
Antônio Avelino da Silva
O Grupo nas Ondas do DX Clube Sem Fronteiras
O Grupo nas Ondas do DX Clube Sem Fronteiras chega a mais de trezentos amigos, Dxistas, Radioescutas e Radioamadores. Amigos estes
apaixonados pelo mundo maravilhoso das comunicações, mais precisamente o "rádio". Sejam todos muito bem vindos para trocarem informações
sobre este hobby maravilhoso de ouvir "rádio".
Antônio Avelino da Silva
Para aqueles que desejam ter em seus veículos
Para aqueles que desejam ter em seus veículos um som automotivo atualizado com recursos como tocador de CD com conexão USB para tocar .mp3
e .wma, e até mesmo com bluetooth para atender o telefone, controle remoto e FM RDS, sem abrir mão das ONDAS CURTAS, isso mesmo, SW =
shortwave, seguem alguns modelos da Pioneer que pesquisei e confirmei no site do fabricante:
Fabr. 2014: "DEH-X6680bt" (bluetooth/cd/usb/mp3/wma/am/fm rds/sw/mixtrax/controle)
"DEH-X3680ui" e "DEH-X1680ub";
Fabr. 2012/2013: "MVH-358bt", "DEH-X6580bt" e "DEH-1580ub";
Fabr. 2011/2012: "DEH-4480bt", "DEH-3480ub", "DEH-1480ub"; "MVH-1480ub".
obs: 1) todos encontrados facilmente no Mercado Livre ou lojas especializadas; e
2) fonte site da Pioneer no Brasil: www.pioneer.com.br/automotivos/cd
Cabe observar que em 2014 ainda tem empresas investindo na recepção digital em ondas curtas. Peço divulgar aos associados e que eles
divulguem aos amigos. Forte 73 - Luis Valério Valladão
Carlos Gonçalves
Denis Zoqbi: RDPi - R.Portugal, 03SET'14
Caro Denis Zoqbi e demais membros:
Passaram quase 20 dias sobre o que escreveu aqui, no Fórum, mas conviria corrigir alguns pontos a propósito do seu comentário, ao mesmo tempo
que acrescento umas quantas explicações.
1. A RTP-Rádio e Televisão de Portugal (engloba a tv e a rádio públicas) usa uma sigla, "RTP", que, infelizmente, se presta a confusão, porque o
ramo tv usou-a sob a designação de Radiotelevisão Portuguesa a qual, porém, continua a usar a sigla "RTP", mas apenas a sigla, as letras, v.g. p/
identificar os seus vários canais tv, como RTP 1, RTP 2, RTP África, RTP Internacional, RTP Memória, RTP Informação. Confuso, claro, mas foi a
[triste] opção escolhida.
2. No ramo rádio, a Rádio e Telev. de Portugal também optou por manter, talvez por tradição, siglas, como "RDP", que não passam disso mesmo,
apenas identificam o ramo em si; assim, temos RDPi e RDP África, mais valendo que se chamassem Antena Internacional, Antena África, a ex.
doutros canais, como Antena 1-2-3 ou ainda Antena 1 Açores e Antena 1 Madeira. Logo, nova confusão.
3. A onda curta, oficialmente, não foi deixada, foi suspensa, tal como sucedeu com a rede DAB, que difundia vários canais de rádio: Antena 1-2-3 e
RDP África, pelo menos.
4. A onda curta foi suspensa por motivos economicistas, sim, embora sob o pretexto falacioso de que se tornara num meio obsoleto a que, segundo
a RTP, a sua esmagadora audiência já não (?) recorria... apesar de investimentos de vulto ocorridos poucos anos antes da decisão de suspender a
OCurta, o que, no mínimo, soa a contra senso. Já o disse aqui e já o comuniquei à RTP: o pretexto apresentado focou-se na OCurta, não noutros
canais ou meios da empresa porque, convenhamos, a OCurta é um meio que poucos dos contribuintes conhecem, logo, não sentem a sua
suspensão ou até o seu fecho, se ele vier a ocorrer, como muitos temem. É mais fácil "atirar" com o "papão" da vetustez da OCurta e silenciá-la,
temporária ou definitivamente, do que cortar em algo em que a audiência nacional iria perceber, sentir de imediato.
5. O canal RDPi não chegou a suprir financeiramente os gastos com a operação RTP-rádio, vulgo "RDP". Isto não faz sentido porque se trata de um
canal dentro do ramo rádio. O que sucedeu - *em tempos* - foi o apoio financeiro que a ex-Radiotelevisão Portuguesa chegou a obter, ao ter
recebido verbas da RDP, quando uma e outra eram entidades separadas, ou seja, antes da fusão de ambas. A RDP, sucessora da EN-Emissora
Nacional, recebia verbas estatais e também uma contribuição (actualmente designada por "Contribuição Audiovisual", ex-contrib. para
radiodifusão sonora) que era e é uma das parcelas pagas por todos os consumidores de energia eléctrica; em cada factura, temos uma parcela
afecta a essa contribuição, que é entregue à RTP). A par disso, outra fonte de receita da RDP, e, agora, a RTP são os dividendos obtidos ao prestar
formação de técnicos e quadros estrangeiros. Convém não esquecer que há ainda outra fonte de receita da RTP, já do tempo da Radiotelevisão
Portuguesa, que é a receita da publicidade; desde a fusão, o ramo rádio - que nunca emitiu, nem emite publicidade - passou, naturalmente, a
usufruir desta outra fonte de receita.
6. Posto tudo isto, não diria que se tratou de "um barril de pólvora", apenas uma escolha triste e cobarde, ao cortar num meio, a OCurta, de que o
contribuinte não se apercebe, salvo se estiver informado, e dado que os governos, anterior e presente, se limitaram a ouvir os pareceres da RTP, e o
que se pretendia era diminuir despesa, ter-se-á preferido dar luz verde à dita suspensão, *sem mais pormenores*, e autorizado a administração a
levá-la por diante.
7. Eu já disse que teria sido preferível optar por cortar noutros pontos, no seio da RTP, mas, òbviamente, essa seria opção mais melindrosa;
melindrosa para a administração, para o governo, para a empresa em si, visto que implicaria certamente, entre outras coisas, cortes salariais e
reduções de pessoal. Estas últimas têm, de facto, ocorrido, alegadamente e segundo a administração da empresa, mediante saídas voluntárias.
8. E os investimentos na OCurta, de que falei atrás? Curiosamente, disso, procurou-se comentar o mínimo, porque se trata de uma situação que até
roça o escândalo. Terão sido feitos porque houve interesse de terceiros? Se houve, é muito grave. Se não houve, não seria de "chamar à pedra"
quem os promoveu e depois os pretendeu menosprezar? Não se tratou de suspender algo que foi modernizado muito tempo antes, não, a
modernização no Centro Emissor de Ondas Curtas terminara poucos anos antes de 2011, último ano em que se registaram operações em OCurta.
9. Finalmente, "a RDP nunca figurou entre as grandes emissoras internacionais (...)". Correcto; a operação da OCurta da EN/RDP/RTP foi
delineada com único objecto, o que servir os portugueses espalhados pelo mundo, e as emissões em línguas estrangeiras, enquanto as houve,
(terminaram em Março de 1998), foram como que um mero "adereço", um pequeno extra. A filosofia foi, portanto, diferente, pelo que estabelecer
um paralelismo com essas outras emissoras ditas internacionais peca por erro. Noutras palavras, creio não exagerar se disser que a nossa OCurta
era quase para uso exclusivo dos portugueses.
Mais haveria a acrescentar, já não no âmbito do tema que me levou a tecer estas considerações e explicações, mas sim acerca de quem, na RTP,
mantém o centro de onda curta operacional e de quem seria o responsável técnico (director), se a OCurta fosse reactivada. Muitos ficariam
surpreendidos com o que, por prudência, não divulgarei.
Já Portugal apresenta um cenário completamente diferente. A RDP passou por crises consecutivas de má gestão, que encareceram suas operações,
e numa manobra suicida de unificação de Rádio e Televisão, acabou perdendo o fio da meada e deu um tiro nos próprios pés. O governo que por sua
vez no auge da crise financeira (que aconteceu em 2008), não teve outra alternativa do que preferir que a máquina pública finalizasse suas
operações, ao invés de ficar financiando algo cuja audiência já era 40% menor do que 10 anos antes. Portugal deixou as Ondas Curtas por
problemas exclusivamente operacionais e financeiros, já que a RDP nunca figurou entre as grandes emissoras internacionais, mas mantinha uma
audiência e credibilidade de sua operação muito constante no rádio internacional. Em alguns momentos, a RDPi chegou suprir financeiramente os
gastos da operação da RDP nacional, o que demonstra claramente que a rede era um barril de pólvora com tempo certo para explodir." Denis Zoqbi,
Bons DX e melhores 73. Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL.
Yimber Gaviria
The 50th Anniversary of Manx Radio
The 50th Anniversary of Manx Radio Sets - Sheets A set of eight stamps specially designed to celebrate Manx Radio’s 50th birthday and pictorially
reflect some of the history, talents, news and events that station has seen since 1964.
Migdiel Cruz
Emisión del pasado fin de semana, VOA Radiogram
Emisión del pasado fin de semana, VOA Radiogram 77... a las 2:30-3:00 UTC, por los 5745 KHz.... decodificando modos digitales con notas
informativas e imágenes, producido por el Ing. Kim Andrew Elliot de la Voice of America.
Jorge Isacc García Rangel
¿Quién Dijo Que La Onda Corta Era Cosa Del Pasado?
Como es sabido La Voz de Rusia que el año pasado suprimió su servicio internacional de radio por onda corta, por decisión del presidente Vladimir
Putin aludiendo razones de presupuesto, y apostando al internet con su Agencia de Noticias RT en varios idiomas. Pero al recrudecerse el conflicto
con su vecino Ucrania, y sabiendo que con el Internet no tuvo el alcance esperado en bastas regiones del mundo, cambiaron la decisión. La Voz de
Rusia regresa al éter el próximo mes de Octubre. Entre sus emisiones, programas en idiomas español y portugués
La Voz de Rusia tiene prevista su vuelta a la onda corta tras reservar de nuevo un buen número de frecuencias. Según el esquema que hará efectivo a
partir del 1 de octubre, emitirá en nuestro idioma de 00.00 a 02.00 UTC por 12.060 KHz, con una potencia de 500 kilovatios, desde el centro emisor
de Armavir, y de 22.00 a 00.00 UTC por los 7.240 KHz, con 500 kilovatios de potencia, desde la propia capital Moscú.
En todo caso, estas frecuencias estarán activas hasta el 26 de octubre.
Por tal motivo, y en una sorpresiva noticia, nos enteramos de que Radio Ucrania Internacional, regresa de nuevo a la onda corta. No lo hace con
transmisores propios, ya que prácticamente por razones económicas fueron desmontados. Lo harán a través de la estación de onda corta de WRMI
en Okeechobee, Florida. Estados Unidos.
Dichas emisiones que serán en idioma inglés hacia Norteamerica, comenzando este jueves 25 de Septiembre en la frecuencia de 11.580 kHz,entre
las 23:30 y 00:00 UTC. Esta transmisión estará dirigida principalmente al este de América del Norte, aunque es probable que sea audible en Europa
"Estamos muy contentos de poder ofrecer este servicio a los oyentes de onda corta en un momento en que gran parte de la atención del mundo
está en la situación en Ucrania", dijo Jeff White, Gerente WRMI. Las transmisiones continuarán al menos hasta finales de 2014. Informes de
escucha y comentarios son bienvenidos en [email protected].
Lo cierto es que la guerra de propaganda entre Rusia y Ucrania comienza ahora a través de las ondas de Radio, y hay que estar presentes para
escuchar las dos emisoras, y sacar nuestras propias conclusiones de este conflicto.
Alfredo Meurer Jr
Filtro de seletividade do receptor Degen modelo De1103 e em outros
Boa noite amigos. Eu vou tentar mostrar aqui da forma mais pratica possivel para os novatos e
para aqueles que não estão interados com eletrônica como funciona um filtro de seletividade do
canal de FI de AM e SSB de pelo menos duas posições em um receptor de radio, no caso vamos ver
o receptor Degen modelo De1103 muito popular no mundo inteiro.
Sem teorias, apenas olhando a imagem e conseguindo visualizar como ele funciona.
O receptor Degen De1103, estamos focando nele agora, possui uma chavinha lateral que está
escrito abreviado; Nar Wid, isso significa; Wide (largo) e Narrow (estreito), isso atua somente no
canal de FI ( frequência intermediária) do circuito que compreende todas as OL, OM e as OC na
posição AM e em SSB/CW, ele não atua no FM, pois são circuitos completamente diferentes.
Erradamente essa chavinha lateral é confundida por muitos como graves e agudos, isso não é a
realidade, até realmente faz o som do receptor, vamos dizer no modo AM, o mais usado pelos
DXistas ficar mais aberto na posição Wide (largo) e mais fechado (mais grave), na posição Narrow,
mas isso não foi uma mudança no circuito de audio, isso foi uma mudança no circuito de Radio
Frequência no canal de FI de AM/SSB que está com o centro de sua ressonância em 450Khz, não
tendo portanto, nada à ver com um controle de graves e de agudos no circuito de audio.
Aqui está a folha escaneada que eu desenhei de uma forma bem simples, espero que sim, para
mostrar como as duas posições do circuito de seletividade do canal de FI do Degen funciona frente
a um ruído não tão intenso.
Infelizmente o meu scanner HP já está velho, e apresenta um defeito na lateral, aparece duas
cores, amarelo e verde, mas isso não afeta o que desejamos ver.
- Olhando a curva de seletividade na parte de cima do desenho, podemos ver que ela é larga na posição da chave em Wide, e a sua seletividade é de
mais ou menos uns 8Khz para mais e para menos para uma atenuação de -30decibeis isso significa na pratica que nessa posição, segundo o
manual do operador do radio e das características do filtro cerâmico 450H, esse filtro deixa passar com facilidade 8Khz nas duas bandas laterias do
AM, a superior e a inferior, ou em apenas uma banda lateral em SSB bem dentro de cerca de quase 30 decibéis e à partir daí, ele é bem atenuado,
então o som da estação escutada fica aberto, fica muito nítido, mais agudo, porém, se olharmos os riscos em vermelho que são os ruídos que estão
sendo captador pelo receptor nessa curva mais aberta eles têm uma maior área de captação dentro da seletividade mais larga desse filtro cerâmico
450H (450 é a frequência central do filtro cerâmico do canal de FI de AM/SSB e H é a letra da seletividade dele, (seletividade mais baixa, quanto
menor a letra, menos seletivo é o filtro cerâmico), portanto ouviremos o audio da estação com mais ruídos, pois eles são mais capatados por uma
curva mais larga, estarão em maior quantidade de microvolts dentro da curva de seletividade mais larga do canal de FI.
- Olhando o desenho da parte de baixo veremos que a curva de seletividade está mais fechada, mais estreita, pois nessa posição da chave seletora
de seletividade na posição Narrow (estreita) vai captar menos ruídos dentro dela, então o som do audio ficará mais fechado. Atenção! não porque foi
acionado algum controle de graves no circuito de audio do radio, mas porque a banda passante de audio no canal de FI de AM/SSB ficou mais
estreita e as freqências de audio mais altas foram cortadas e com isso vemos nitidamente também que a quantidade em microvolts de ruído
também é menos captada dentro da curva dessa seletividade mais estreita.
Então podemos ver que, no circuito da parte superior do desenho o audio fica mais agradável, porém a quantidade de ruídos será também mais
captada pela faixa mais larga do canal de FI e no desenho da parte de baixo veremos que o som do audio ficará mais grave, mais fechado porque ele
foi cortado as frequencias mais altas das duas bandas laterias que estão presentes no modo AM, ou em uma banda lateral somente no modo SSB;
em LSB ou USB e também a quantidade de ruídos será menos captada por essa curva mais fechada.
Bem, isso é uma forma menos eficiente de reduzir ruídos num receptor de radio que apresenta, nesse caso, duas faixas distintas de seletividade do
canal de FI de AM/SSB, na verdade o que reduz muito os ruídos nos receptores de radio são os circuitos chamados Noise Blankers, quanto mais
poderoso um circuito Noise Blanker, menos ruídos teremos na recepção.
Alguns receptores Desktop, ou chamados de mesa, tipos; R-1000, R-2000, R-5000, R-71, R-71, R-75, JRD 525 e tantos outros mais profissionais
possuem circuitos noise blankers, porém alguns desses radios o seu NB não é nada bom, chegam a ser decepcionantes, o receptor Kenwod R-5000
possui dois circuitos NB, o NB2 tem uma atuação fantástica e associado a uma seletividade mais estreita para escutas de estações em SSB a
recepção chega a ficar praticamete limpa diante de ruídos muito fortes.
Eu sinceramente não entendo por que empresas tão poderosas que fabricaram receptores de radio portáteis fantásticos como a Sony, nunca
colocou um circuito de um poderoso Noise Blanker em seus radios, esses circuitos podem ser extremamete eficientes e o custo que eles
apresentariam seria muito pouco sendo fabricado em larga escala, podemos ver o circuito do NB do lendário Transceptor para a faixa do cidadão
marca Cobra, modelo 148GTL, o seu NB é impressionante! bate de forma incrível muitos grandes receptores profissionais, eu posso afirmar aqui
que o NB do cobra 148GTL é muito melhor que dos R-1000, R-2000, R75 da Icom, mas muito mesmo, eu vi isso ao vivo há 25 anos atrás e era de
deixar o queixo da gente caído no chão quando se escutava uma estação PX com muito QRM e no cobra 148GTL apertava o seu NB, a estação ficava
limpinha e no R-1000 e no R-2000 praticamente nada acontecia, se não acreditam nisso, façam vocês mesmo essa experiência com os receptores
citados e um cobra 148GTL que esteja realmente em ótimas condições.
O circuito do NB do 148GTL se tivesse sido implementado num desses receptores portáteis, muitos de nós não estaríamos nos queixando dos ruídos
por causa dele com um receptor portátil que tivesse sido implementado um poderoso Noise Blanker, a falta desse circuito é imperdoável para as
grandes empresas nos receptores portáteis de ponta, ainda mais aqueles que usaram componentes de estrutura física SMD, os micro componentes.
Espero que os novatos e os menos experientes na eletrônica possam ter uma idéia de como a seletividade de um circuito de FI em um receptor pode
atenuar bem um ruído não tão intenso.
Como sugestão, nos seus receptors que apresentem duas opções de seletividade para o canal de FI de seus radios, para escutas em SSB ou CW
usem a seletividade mais estreita, narrow, vocês verão que o som será muito bom e o ruído será bem atenuado, desde que ele não seja incrivemente
Neto Silva
Universidade de Twente na Holanda. http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901
Neto Silva - Brasilia DF
Nesta página você pode ouvir e controlar um receptor de ondas curtas localizado no amador clube rádio ETGD na Universidade de Twente. Em
contraste com outros receptores controlado por web, este receptor pode ser sintonizado por vários usuários ao mesmo tempo, graças ao uso de
Rádio Definido por Software. Este site, que em 2008 foi o primeiro site de WebSDR nunca, finalmente foi reativada em julho de 2012 depois de
uma interrupção de mais de 1,5 anos; leia também o velho notícias desde então.
[imagem do hardware SDR]
O sistema é composto atualmente por uma antena de "Mini-Whip", uma placa homebuilt SDR (foto acima, ver aqui para o fundo) que amostras de
todo o espectro de ondas curtas e envia tudo isso através de uma ligação Gigabit Ethernet para um PC, onde uma especial versão do software
servidor WebSDR processa. O Mini-Whip é baseado em um projeto de PA0RDT (google encontra-lo); veja algumas fotos. O elemento de recepção
activa é de cerca de 5 em 10 cm de largura. Essa antena só funciona bem com um bom aterramento; nossa é no topo de um edifício elevado 20m, a
parte superior de todo o metal que é. 27 de maio de 2014: Uma vez que uma semana ou assim, o sistema ocasionalmente falhar e depois só dá
breves explosões periódicas de áudio. Isto é causado por um problema na conexão ethernet entre a placa SDR eo computador servidor, e persiste
até que eu redefinir manualmente a conexão. Desculpe pela inconveniência; Claro que vou tentar corrigi-lo permanentemente, mas isso pode levar
algum tempo. Mais detalhes para os interessados: a ligação entre a SDR eo servidor é um link gigabit ethernet. Em uma ligação, ambos os lados
"negociar" qual velocidade para uso, eo problema ocorre quando eles acidentalmente negociada para usar 100 Mbit / s. Isso não é quase rápido o
suficiente para transportar todos os dados da SDR para o servidor, portanto, as interrupções. Acho que o problema é na placa SDR, desde melhorar
a refrigeração da placa recentemente ajudou um pouco para melhorar a estabilidade da ligação ethernet. Mas encontrar a verdadeira causa não é
fácil; pode ser um mau contacto ou assim. Desde usuário um chatbox aparentemente acha que ele / ela sabe melhor e diz às pessoas o problema
não está na conexão ethernet, aqui está um extrato do registro de semente mostrando as mensagens Ethernet relevantes.
Alfredo Meurer Jr
OJ0AM Market Reef ativo em 14255
Boa noite amigos. Acabei de fazer uma longa lista de estações trabalhadas por OJ0AM, estação que está na ilha ártica Market Reef, pertencente a
Finlândia, operada or dois amadores, um dels, o managr da estação, o lendário OH2BH Martti que foi um grande DX ma dirante a sua vida, fez
incontáveis Dxpeditions, inclusive no Pacífico, eu tenho vários qsls dele operando e vários países DXCC, aqui está um qsl dele operando de T32 Line
Island no passado.
Inicialene eu usei o Sony 7600G, mas o qrm em 20m estava ligeramente alto e so prejudicava um puco as escutas, mas nao peri seus reortes, deis
passei para o Degen De1103 e coloquei no modo Narrow, mais estreito do canal de FI AM SSB, mas estreito que os sonys 7600G e GR e o som do
qwrm diminuiu muito e o som ficou bem mais claro, is com o estreitamento da banda passante do canal de FI de AM CW SSB melhorou a qualidade
do audio e fiz as ecutas com o De1103, o que posso reportar é que o sinal que eu escutava OJ0AM no 7600G era o mesmo que no De1103, a
diferença marcante foi a escuta dele no De1103 com o filtro de FI narrow, usando o filtro 450J, que é o mais estreito para AM, na verdade a letra J no
final desses filtros cerâmicos já é bem indicada para uma ótima escuta em SSB e abafada para AM.
Dados da escuta de OJ0AM
Receptor De1103, modo Narrow, SSB, antena dipolo para 40m com acoplador e bom terra.
Escuta dele em 14255, RS entre 42/43 ligeiro QSB.
- Inicio da escuta 20:50z RS 41/42
- Fim da escuta 21:25z ele QRT sinal maximo 43, não acendeu em nenhum momento mais
que uma barrinha do S meter do De1103.
Essa estação me salvou mais uma confirmação de um país DXCC, pois no passado eu não
cofirmei todos os OJ0/AP em 4 bandas que que operou nessa mesma ilha eu não confirmei no
ele no passado e OH2AP não existe mais, OJ0 era um DXCC que eu tinha escutado muito bem,
mas não poderia mais confirmá-lo.
Felizmente eu terei ele com um grande amador, o lendário OH2BH que esperemos que ele
ainda faça muitas DXpeditions para o nosso deleite.
Tenho visto que eles estão operando somente em 20m fonia e 15m digimode.
Muito boa sorte a todos e está aqui a dica de pegar esse OJ0AM nesse QTR anunciado acima
na banda de 20m.
Ontem eu não escutei ele, mas peguei 9N1AA, radio é isso mesmo, ontem eu não ouvi nada de
OJ0AM e ele estava operando na mesma qrg 14255 e no mesmo QTR, mas hoje ele foi
escutado mal, seu sinal poderia estar melhor por aqui, mas confirmadissimo com uma boa
Alfredo Meurer Jr - ZY1-0001 SWL
Ivo Ivanov
BBC Changes
Changes effective from Sept.20/22:
on 17880 WOF 300 kW / 152 deg to CeAf French, ex MEY 250kW/342deg
on 17830 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Sat "Premier League"
on 21470 DHA 250 kW / 205 deg to EaAf Somali Sat "Premier League"
on 17780 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa Sat "Premier League"
on 17755 WOF 100 kW / 107 deg to N/ME English on Sept.24 DRM mode
on 17830 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Sat "Premier League"
on 21470 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf Somali Sat "Premier League"
on 6195 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi, ex 1500-1600 on same
on 15310 NAK 250 kW / 300 deg to WeAs Farsi, ex 1500-1600 on same
on 9915 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WCAf English Mon-Fri, additional
on 12095 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg to WeAf English Mon-Fri, additional
73! - Ivo Ivanov - QTH*: Sofia, Bulgaria - Equipment*: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire - Web: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com
Hard-Core-DX mailing list [email protected] http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx
THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science
License published by Michael Stutz at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/dsl.html
Glenn Hauser
Logs September 22-23, 2014
** CHINA. 18980, Sept 23 at 1329, CNR1 jammer, very poor with flutter, matching the Tue & Fri 13-14 hour of RFA Tibetan, 250 kW, 78 degrees
from Kuwait, unheard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5040, Sept 22 at 0520, RHC English frequency has wobbling transmitter, while 5025 Rebelde is OK, as are the other four overkill of The
Cuban Five.
6000, Sept 23 at 0534, RHC English missing again from this frequency; and 5040 is still wobbling (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 9965, Sept 22 at 0227, R. Cairo with whine and Arabic not too distorted
9315, Sept 22 at 0229, R. Cairo, poor with flutter, undermodulated presumably English
13850, Sept 22 at 0229, R. Cairo, Qur`an with distorted, suppressed modulation
13850, Sept 23 at 0523, R. Cairo, fair with flutter, Arabic with some distortion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 9935, Sept 22 at 0227, ERTOPen with Greek music, // slightly stronger 9420
9420, Sept 22 at 0513, now ERTOpen playing a jazz standard, good signal but not on 9935
15630, Sept 23 at 0524, ERTOpen, open carrier/dead air, fair signal, and // OCDA on 9420. A pity, as 15 MHz is propagating much better than
usual. Then I seek third transmitter: 11645, poor with flutter, also OCDA, Sept 23 at 0526 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 13590, Sept 23 at 0521, VIRI IS, good with heavy flutter, and modulation cuts out irregularly; carrier off around 0521:45* --- tail of
Russian semihour via Kamalabad also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRELAND [and non]. Chuck Albertson explains why I was hearing football already in the second half at 1327 Sept 21 on 17820 via SOUTH AFRICA:
``Glenn, The RTE special today was the All-Ireland Senior Football Championship, between Kerry and Donegal, which didn't start until 1430 (I was
watching the match at an Irish pub downtown). What you heard earlier was the minors match, also between Kerry and Donegal (by coincidence). Kerry
teams won both championships.
Next week's special will be the All-Ireland Hurling Championship, starting at 1600 on Saturday [Sept 27]. It's a replay, as the two teams (Kilkenny
and Tipperary) played to a draw in the championship match two weeks ago. Don't think there will be a supporting match, as Clare won the under-21
hurling championship last week. Chuck Albertson, Seattle``
BTW, news has just broken that RTÉ will be closing down LW 252 kHz on Oct 27:
Tnx to Kevin Carroll, Ireland, for this news (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 6185, Sept 22 at 0516, XEPPM is still on late, piano jazz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1610, Sept 22 circa 1830 UT, I can now hear the NOAA Weather Radio relay of Wichita on WQCL720, Great Salt Plains State Park,
on caradio from a quiet location in western Enid, so its coverage is about the same as the old transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3385, Sept 23 at 1118, R. East New Britain, Rabaul is back on the air, very poor but some talk audible; Ron Howard says
this resumed Sept 22 when he heard it at exactly the same hour. ``Had been off the air since Aug 29, the day of the eruption of the Tavurvur
volcano.`` Also VP carrier here on 3260 which would be Madang (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1739 monitoring: confirmed Sept 23 at 1120 amid the 1100 Tuesday transmission on WRMI 9955, fair to good at peaks
and atop at least two Cuban pulse jammers; tnx a lot, Arnie! No CCI from France in Chinese via Taiwan audible. I now have a positive response from
RFI about clearing out from 9955 in B-14 if not sooner.
Meanwhile, the Thursday 2330 WOR airing on WRMI 11580 is replaced starting Sept 25 by a daily relay of R. Ukraine International in English! (It has
continued to be a webcaster after abolishing its own shortwave). Also replaces a number of other DX and musical program placeholders (Glenn
Migdiel Cruz
Experimentar con los SDR
Para los que están incursionando o deseen experimentar con los SDR
Radio definido por software:
Algo más completo y en ESPAÑOL, quizás no haya... Tips y tutoriales
Cómo decodificar satélites NOAA y de radioaficionados, etc.
Cómo instalar el software. ntenas
http://www.latinquasar.org/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=61&topic=13509.0 - con Jese David Gutierrez y Alex Dx.
Confirmacion de radioescucha
Congratulations to you on your new unique SWL identification sign
This Call Sign cannot be used for operating Amateur Radio station
but only for listening and QSL identification purposes. SWARL
certificate is valid document for proving your SWL identity in
organizations like eQSL.cc, QRZ.ru or QRZCQ.com
You can also register domain name and create website, using your
new call sign, at hosting provider designed specially for you HAMHOST.eu
The link to your personal certificate image is located here:
http://certificates.swarl.org/certificate.php?r=4981 You can save
this image to your computer and print it out in printing office. You
can also share this link with anyone you want
All the best in your hobby - 73, Yury Bondarenko - SWARL Call Sign
desk manager
Márcio Dias
Com a devida licença e permissão dos moderadores, estou disponibilizando para venda os seguintes rádios portáteis:
1) Rádio DEGEN DE1128H novo na caixa, liguei-o apenas para testes -FM MW SW 4GB 8 in 1 Intelligent Multifunctional LED STEREO Radio MP3
PLAYER/ 4G DIGITAL RECORDER/ REPEAT/LOUDSPEAKER ( confira em http://www.ebay.com/itm/Neuf- DEGEN-DE1128H-FM-MW-SW-DSP- 4GBMP3-Recorder-Dual-Speaker- Radio-FM-RDS-/271441633177?pt= FR_LC_TV_Son_Home_Cinema_ Audio_Portable_Radio_Radios&
hash=item3f332e9f99 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Neuf- DEGEN-DE1128H-FM-MW-SW-DSP- 4GB-MP3-Recorder-Dual-Speaker- Radio-FM-RDS/271441633177?pt= FR_LC_TV_Son_Home_Cinema_ Audio_Portable_Radio_Radios& hash=item3f332e9f99 )
2) Rádio Pan Crusader 8000, um excelente rádio com cobertura de 150kHz até 512 MHz !!!! Uma jóia, super conservado. Possui sintonizador de
antena, BFO, squelch, duas antenas telescópicas, display digital retroiluminado, OM, SW, FM-W, FM-N ( confira vídeo
em https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=yX1BiMmEIwY https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=yX1BiMmEIwY ).
Rádio para pessoas exigentes, possui entrada para antenas externas long wire e HF. Valor: R$1.100,00.
3) Rádio NATIONAL PANASONIC modelo GX280 super conservado - OM/ FM / SW com antena de ferrite externa giratória com excelente
performance, tem um pequeno chiado ao girar o controle de volume mas não atrapalha em nada seu funcionamento. ( confira
em http://www.radiomuseum.org/r/ panasonic_rf_879.html http://www.radiomuseum.org/r/ panasonic_rf_879.html ) Valor: R$250,00.
4) CC WiFi Radio - Internet Radio. Aparelho novo na caixa, desembalado apenas para testes. Chegou ontem dos EUA, aparelho muito interessante
que possibilita ouvir inúmeras rádios ao redor do mundo usando conexão à internet. Possui 99 memórias, permite escolher estações pelo gênero ou
país, incrível verificar que práticamente todas as nossas grandes estações estão também disponíveis neste canal. Um aparelho para quem gosta de
ouvir estações por longo período sem se preocupar com espaço, antenas, nada apenas ouvir sua programação predileta.
Fiz alguns testes ouvindo no Brasil as grandes rádios AM (CBN/GLOBO/NACIONAL/etc) e FM, USA, Espanha, China, Japão, Ìndia, etc. Basta ter uma
internet estável para obter ótimos resultados, minha internet é de apenas 2megas e os testes muito satisfatórios.
Confira mais detalhes no link abaixo. VALOR: R$500,00
CC WiFi Internet Radio w/ Clock, Alarm & 99 Memory Presets
Interessados, entrar em contato PVT com Márcio Dias através do e-mail marcio.antonio.dias20@gmail. com
Márcio Dias - Divinópolis - MG ( CEP 35.500-004)
Jose Ronaldo Xavier
09/21 0306 USA The Overcomer Ministry,Lebanon-TN,in English;rlg.prgr.,ID,Addrs.,35433.
09/20 2326 USA Family R.,Okeechobee-FL,in Spanish,rlg.christian preaching,ID,35433.
09/20 2334 CHN CRI,Urumqi,Spanish sce.;prgr."Carta de Beijing",ID,55444.
09/22 2340 USA WINB,Red Lion,in English;mv.:rlg.preaching;ID at 2345utc;rlg.anthem,45433.
09/22 2348 USA VOA,Tinang-PHL,Burmese sce.;fv./mv.:talks;ID,45433.
09/22 2355 USA WWCR,Nashville-TN,in English;rlg.prgr.;ID at 2358utc,freqs,s/off,45433.
09/21 0033 G BBC,Hakhon-Sawa,English sce.;fv./mv.conversation,cms.abt.Islamic State terrorism,ID,45433.
09/21 0028 IRN VoIRI,Zahedan,Arabic sce.;fv.talks,collision this time-QRM by ERT in Greek,on 9420kHz,33432.
09/21 0022 CHN China Nat.R.1,Lingshi,Mandarin sce.;fv./mv.continuous talks,45544.
09/21 0015 USA WTWW,Lebanon-TN,rlg.prgr.in English;mv.preaching,45433.
09/21 0008 CHN CRI,Kashgar,Sinhalese sce.;ID,Addr,fv./mv.conversation,35432.
09/18 2330 IND Athmik Yatra R.,Nauen-D,in Sherpa lang.;IS,ID,fv.talks,25432.
09/23 0229 ROU RRI,Galbeni,Spanish sce.;cms.abt.romanian economy,ID,535 Anniversary of Bucharest,55544.
09/18 0047 E REE,Noblejas,in Spanish;cms.abt.spanish exportation products-prgr.Trade in Spain,ID,55444. //9620kHz,55544;
09/18 2242 USA R.Marti,Greenville-NC,in Spanish;Marti News,ID,35443. // 11930kHz,45433.
09/18 0100 TUR VoTurkey,Emirler,in Spanish;ID,programing,News,highlights; at 0106,slight QRM by All India R. in Hindi lang.,44544.
//9870kHz,good signal and propagation,55444.
09/24 0006 CHN CRI,Kashgar,Spanish sce.;News,ID,homepage,55544.
09/22 2247 AUS R.Australia,Dabbaya-UAE,English sce.;fv./mv.:conversation;ID.at 2300utc,fv.presents News,poor signal and
modulation,25432 to 25431.
09/22 2305 G BBC,Ascension,English sce.;fv.presents News;very good signal and propagation,55544. Note: Add 9915kHz at this
time,2300-2400utc in english.
09/19 0112 USA WRMI,Okeechobee-FL,in Spanish; DX prgr.Antena Dx by Victor Gutierrez,45433.
09/22 2322 USA WWCR,Nashville-TN,in English;mv./fv.:low conversation abt.rlg.theme,good signal but carrier disturbance,54443.
09/22 2334 B Observatorio Nacional,Rio de Janeiro-RJ,in Portuguese;TS station;fv.announcer says Brasil time each 10´´(no UTC-GMT )
good signal and no interference this log,45554.
2241 CUB Cuban Spy Numbers,in Spanish;fv.reading a numbers each 30 seconds,nearly,45543.
09/21 0158 IND All India R.,Bangalore,Urdu sce.;mv.talks,Indian songs,45433.
09/21 2310 MLA RTM Wai FM,Kajang,in Maly lang.;First Log;fv.presents a musical prgr.;A long interview w/a man;ID. at 2351,Music;News
presumed ar 0000utc,35433 to 35432.
09/23 0000 MLA RTM Wai FM,Kajang,Malay sce.;Bip Time,ID,News presumed;today,good signal,music,man discourses,45433.
09/19 0202 CUB RHC,Habana,in Spanish;Newsletter,ID,a very large news prgr.,35443. // 13740kHz,55444.
09/21 0236 USA RFA,Dhabbaya-UAE,in Tibetan;fv.talks;mv.talks,man discourses,music at 0258,45433.
09/23 0241 USA RFA,Dhabbaya-UAE,Tibetan sce.;mv.talks,music,fv.talks,35433.
09/21 0153 B R.Brasil Central,Goiania-GO,in Portuguese;ID various,musical prgr.,45433.
09/21 0145 USA Brother Stair,Okeechobee-FL,rlg.English sce.;mv.Christian preaching,music,35432.
09/24 0300 CUB RHC,Habana,Spanish sce.;IS,ID,prgr."La Trova Cubana",55444.
09/21 0138 B R.Aparecida,Aparecida-SP,in Portuguese;The Rosary,rlg. anthem,ID,QRM by CRI in Nepali,on 11860kHz,54543.
09/21 0131 CHN CRI,Kashgar,Nepali sce.;IS,mv.talks,News presumed,55433.
09/21 0125 USA WEWN-RCM,Vandiver-AL,in Spanish;Catholic R.,prgr.The Rosary by many people voices;music,ID,45544.
09/24 0157 USA EWTN-RCM,Vandiver-AL,Spanish sce.;ID,RCM News,Addrs.,prgr."Fe hecho Canción",slight QRM by CRI in Pashto
lang.from 0200-0230utc,54544.
09/18 2252 CUB RHC,Habana,in Portuguese;Nxs,cms.abt.Bolivia,ID,45444.
09/21 0115 CHN PBS Xinjian,Urumqi-Changji,in Uyghur lang.;mv./fv.talks,35432.
09/24 2345 CVA Vatican R.,Tinang-PHL,in Vietnamese; mv.talks;music,fv.talks,IS at 2358utc,45433
09/18 0145 CLN SLBC,Trincomalee,in Hindi;music,mv.talks,music,35432.
09/21 0048 CHN China Nat.R.2,Baoji-Sifangshan,Mandarin sce.;Business;fv./mv.continuous talks;many jingles,Bip Time at
09/20 0115 G BBC,Singapore,Hindi sce.,mv.talks,35433.
09/21 0042 IRN VoIRI,Kamalabad,Spanish sce.;mv.presents News;ID,goodsignal and distorted modulation,45442.
09/21 1937 D D.Welle,kigali,Portuguese sce.;News,prgr.Learning by Hear,45433.
09/20 2341 PHL FEBc Manila,Bocaue,Tai-Lu sce.;man singing,mv.talks,55444.
09/20 2346 CHN CRI,Xi´an,Mongolian sce.;prgr.Chinese Class,presumed,45433.
09/20 2351 USA WTWW,Lebanon,in Yoruba lang.;mv.talks,Addr.in english,35432.
09/18 2231 USA RFA,Saipan-MRA,in Khmer;fv.talks,music,poor signal and modulation,25432.
09/20 1700 F RFI,Issoudun,Portuguese sce.,fv./mv.presents News,ID,55444. Note: //15300kHz,25432; 17620kHz,45443;
17850kHz,collision w/REE good signal in Spanish; 9755kHz,no signal; 9800kHz,in French.
09/21 1715 F RFI,Issoudun,in Portuguese;Sport News,music,ID,45544.
09/22 1708 F RFI,Issoudun,in French;cms.abt.Islamic State and USA attak;ID,45544. Note: Freqs.this time, 9800. 13740 .15300
17620.17850kHz,all in French lang.;REE on 17850kHz,no signal;only RFI in French.
09/21 2249 KRE VoKorea,Kujang,in Spanish;ID,martial anthens,45443.
09/24 0145 CHN CRI,Beijing,in Amoy lang.;fv.talks;very poor transmision,25432.
09/21 2230 CUB RHC,Habana,in Portuguese;IS,ID,prgr.Cuba em Foco-Cuban weekly News,45444.
09/21 1802 KRE VoKorea,Kujang,English sce.;Nat.Anthem,ID,fv.talks,45443.
09/18 2305 PHL RVA,Palauig,in Tagalog;mv.talks,ID,preaching w/musicalbackground,35432. Note: R.Sultanate of Oman,on 15355kHz
no signal this time.
09/19 0000 CHN Cnina Nat.R.13,Lingshi,in Uyghur;fv.talks,news presumed,good signal and propagation,55444.
09/19 0011 PHL FEBC Manila,Bocaue,in Shan lang.;mv.talks,45444.
09/18 2320 AUS Reach Beyond,Kununurra,in Taiwanese lang.;mv.talks, rlg.anthem,ID,freq.,s/off at 2329,35432.
09/20 0030 THA R.Thailand,Udon Thani,English sce.,fv./mv.talks,News,very poor signal and modulation,ID,25331.
09/19 0024 GRC ERT,Avlis,in Greek;fv.presents News,45443.
09/18 0130 PAK R.Pakistan,Islamabad,in Urdu lang.;mv.talks,35432. //17830kHz,35443.
09/18 2346 AUS R.Australia,Shepparton,in English;fv./mv.:conversation, 25432 to 25431.
09/19 0146 PAK R.Pakistan,Islamabad,in Urdu lang.;mv.talks,learning the Qur´an text in arabic lang.;35432. // 15730kHz,25431.
09/19 0054 USA AWR Guam,Agat,in Chinese lang.;music,IS,ID in English,The Voice of Hope,,45444.
09/20 0108 PHL RVA,Palauig,in Urdu,mv.talks,breaks various,distorted sound,35443. // 15280kHz,good transmission,45444.
09/21 0904 CVA R.Vaticano,SMGaleria,in Portuguese;special transmission;Pope celebrates Holy Mass in Latin lang.;35443.
Allan Stern
USB 0858z: New York Oceanic working airliner for Selcal check; hands off aircraft to New York Oceanic freq 8906 kHz, backup 5550 kHz.
(26/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0850z: San Francisco Radio working airliners. (26/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0757z: New York Oceanic working "Caribbean" flight for Selcal check on EGPS. (26/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0804z: New York Oceanic working "United 1506" for position report. (26/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0857z: New York Oceanic switches airliner to freq 3455 kHz. (26/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida). (26/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0121z: Gander Radio working "N782MB" for position report. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0236z: Shanwick Radio working airliners. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0205z: WLO Marine Weather Station reciting weather. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0129z: New York Oceanic working "Delta 2364" for routing. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0756z: New York Oceanic working "Caribbean" flight for Selcal check on EGPS; passed to 5550 as primary. (26/Sept/2014)
USB 0211z: New York Oceanic working "American 56" for position report; handed off to Gander freqs 5616 primary, 2872 secondary.
(20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0213z: New York Oceanic working "American 38" for Selcal check; secondary is 5550 kHz. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0155z: Gander Volmet reciting weather for Toronto, Goose, Montreal, Ottawa etc. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0215z: Gander Radio working "American 62." (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
kHz USB 0221z: Gander Radio working "CG-PPX"; requests 40 West position report; hands off to Shanwick freq 3476 kHz.
(20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0222z: Gander Radio working "Air Transat 510." (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0223z: Gander Radio working Delta 407" for Selcal check. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0128z: Santa Maria Radio working airliners. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0820z: New York LDOC working airliner; shifts comms to LDOC freq 8933 kHz. (26/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0906z: Shanwick Radio working airliners. (26/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0229z: Gander Radio working airliner for Selcal check on CJRS. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0230z: Gander Radio working "American 210" for Selcal check on BHFL. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0400z: Gander Radio working airliners; passes Shanwick freqs 3476 primary, 5649 backup. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0524z: Gander Radio working "Al Italia 62J" for Selcal check. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0108z: New York Oceanic working "KLM 767" for Selcal check on APBL. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0109z: New York Oceanic working "691" at FL350. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0052z: Shannon Volmet reciting weather for Amsterdam, etc. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 1945z: New York Radio reciting aviation weather for Bermuda, Miami, Nassau, etc. (19/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 2214z: New York Volmet reciting weather for Boston, Baltimore, Bermuda, etc; then recites Miami Sigmet J3. (19/Sept/2014)
USB 0114z: New York Volmet reciting Aviation weather for New York-Kennedy, Newark, Boston, Baltimore; then recites Miami Sigmet Juliet
4. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 0133z: San Francisco Radio working airliners. (20/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 2230z: Gander Volmet reciting weather forecast for Montreal IAP, Toronto, etc. (19/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 1933z: New York Oceanic working "Martinair" flight for position report. (19/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 1929z: New York Oceanic working "Eagle" flight for position report and Selcal check. (19/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
kHz USB 1929z: New York Oceanic working "Europa" flight for position report at 18 North, 49 West; asks him to retune radio to this freq.
(19/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 2152z: New York Oceanic working "Martinair 067" for position report. (19/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 1448z: New York Oceanic working "Iberia 6361. (19/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 1439z: New York Oceanic working "United 41" for position report; backup freq is 11354 kHz. (21/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 1440z: New York Oceanic working "Air France 792" for Selcal check on EKGM. (21/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 1441z: New York Oceanic working "Iberia 6361" for Selcal check. (21/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 1444z: New York Oceanic working "American 235" for Selcal check. (21/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
USB 1445z: New York Oceanic working "Delta 91" for Selcal check on CKBL. (21/Sept/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
AL STERN Satellite Beach FL - [email protected]
Claudio Galaz
99.1 Rumba Estéreo. 20/9 0135 UT. Id de la emisora como Rumba, avisos del grupo RCN, la empresa telefónica Claro, locales de Barranquilla
como Supermercado Metro, Universidad del Norte y música de salsa. SINPO: 45444. Se mantiene en el aire hasta las 0158,
aproximadamente cuando se desvanece de manera completa. La distancia entre Barranquilla y Barraza Bajo es 4641 km = 2883 Millas.
19/9 1019 UT. R. LA INOLVIDABLE. Música del recuerdo e id. SINFO: 33333 con QRM de R. UC.
19/9 0229 UT. R. RURAL. ID como RTM Uruguay con horario, además del noticiero "iglesia en marcha", promoción de la emisora. Y
comienzo del programa "Llamada de medianoche" con temas de los apóstoles y el avivamiento de la iglesia primitiva. SINFO: 34434 con
algo de fading y muy poco QRM de R.Nueva Vida de Stgo en 600.
Claudio Galaz - RX: Golon RX-221 UAR - Ant: Mini loop - QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile.
Rodolfo Tizzi
Reception of Radio Free Asia (transmitter Agignan Point, Mariana Islands) on 13790 kHz by CX2ABP in Montevideo, Uruguay (GF15wc). September
17, 2014 at 0537 UTC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LLq2VFfkn4
Reception of Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (Honiara, Solomon Islands) on 5020 kHz by CX2ABP in Montevideo, Uruguay (GF15wc).
September 20, 2014 at 0940 UTC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bqng_3xVptY&feature=youtu.be
Reception of All India Radio (Bengaluru, India) on 13605 kHz by CX2ABP in Montevideo, Uruguay (GF15wc). September 20, 2014 at 1035 UTC.
Recepción de FM Pasión (Buenos Aires, Argentina) en 102.7 mHz por CX2ABP en Jaureguiberry, Uruguay (GF25hf) (272 km). Setiembre 21, 2014 a
las 1849 UTC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsGD7z_jvg4&feature=youtu.be
Reception of ABC Northern Territory (Alice Springs, Australia) on 4835 kHz by CX2ABP in Montevideo, Uruguay (GF15wc). September 20, 2014 at
0936 UTC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMnmpAhLfoI&feature=em-uploademail
Dinan Rogerio
Hoje 09/20/14, depois de muitas tentativas consegui finalmente copiar sinais de dois beacons transmitindo QRSS são eles o G0MBA e o G0PKT ,
foi por volta das 1845UTC em 28.000.770mHz , na verdade consegui "VER" os sinais usando o software ARGO, a potencia com que eles
transmitem ....300mW, aproveitei que houve uma pequena abertura e conseguia ouvir algumas estações inglesas em CW e fiquei monitorando .
Dinan Rogerio - PU2UIB/PY2162SWL
Francesco Cecconi
AUDIOCLIP GALEI ZAHAL 945 KHz, 20/9 19.00 945 Galei zahal, id, news, low signal. The audioclip is available here:
AUDIOCLIP RADIO ANTENA 1 720 KHz. 20/9 05.00 720 Radio Antena 1, news and portuguese traditional music, low signal. The audioclip is
available here: http://blog.libero.it/radioascolto/12963367.html
AUDIOCLIP: ONDA CERO MADRID 954 KHz, 19/09 23.00 954 ONDA CERO MADRID SS, ID, NEWS. The audioclip is availbale here:
RADIO UKRAINE INTERNATIONAL 11580 KHz. 25/9 23.30 11580 Radio Ukraine International, via WRMI, EE, id, news, commentary, strong signal
The audioclip is available here: http://blog.libero.it/radioascolto/12966572.html
73's de Francesco - QTH: CENTRAL ITALY - RX: ICOM R71 - ANT: 100mt LW
Samuel Cássio Martins
17/09 0611 FO5JV ,Tahiti, Polinésia Francesa, QSO com PT7MM, 53
21/09 0315 VK9NT, Norfolk Island, vários QSO, CQ DX, 53 audio em http://www.ipernity.com/blog/76129/780635
15/09 0030 NP2X , U.S Virgin Islands, QSO com vários japoneses, 55
20/09 1603 A41KC , Omã, QSO com PY3VY(sem escuta), 57
73 - Samuel Cássio MArtins - São Carlos SP
Manuel Méndez
3985 Voice of Mongolia via Kall Krekel, 1903-1910, 20-09, inglés, noticias de Mongolia, comentarios. 23322. (Méndez)
6005 Voice of Mongolia via Kall Krekel, *1730-1741, 20-09, música de sintonía, identificación: "Voice of Mongolia", inglés, comentarios.
12321. (Méndez)
7265 European Music Radio, *0700-0710, 21-09, inglés, identificación, comentarios, música pop, canción "Take my breath away". 24322.
15476 LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 1940-2005, 16-09, comments in Spanish, female, mentioned Argentina,
songs, tangos and other songs in Spanish, more comments, "continúen en nuestra compañía". 14321.
Also listened 1950-2006, 17-09, comments in Spanish and songs. 14321. (Méndez)
15345.4 Radio Nacional, General Pacheco, 2001-2016, 20-09, Spanish,"Para todo el país, Nacional, la Radio Pública, Nacional te informa",
news, at 2005 program "Derecho Viejo", "Radio Nacional Argentina presenta Derecho Viejo, crónica para recordar el derecho a la
justicia". 34433. (Méndez)
4875 Radiodifusora Roraima, Boavista, 0355-0501*, 15-09, Portuguese, religious comments, Brazilian anthem and close down. 24322.
5790 Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, 0448-0510, 20-10, Portuguese, comments. 14321. (Méndez)
9645.4 Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0553-0620, 20-09, Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs. 24322. (Méndez)
9820 Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0555-0612, 20-09, religious comments, program "Com a Mae Aparecida", "Santuario Nacional da Nosa
Senhora Aparecida". 34433. (Méndez)
10000 Time Signal Station Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 0442-0450, 20-09, time signal announcements: "Observatorio Nacional, 1
hora, 44 minutos, 10 segundos". 23322. (Méndez)
15190 Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 1955-2003, 17-09, Portuguese, comments. 14321. (Méndez)
6010 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0449-0607, 21-12, Spanish, religious comments "El ministerio de Dios", "Desde Colombia, una
radio diferente". Between 0459-0555, strong interference from BBC World Service. 13221 (Méndez)
4765 Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0352-0400*, 15, Cuban songs, anthem and close down. 34433. (Méndez)
4780 Radio Djibouti, Arta, 1743-1751, 20-09, Vernacular, comments. 14221. (Méndez)
3985 Voice of Mongolia via Kall Krekel, 1903-1910, 20-09, English, news of Mongolia, comments. 23322. (Méndez)
6005 Voice of Mongolia via Kall Krekel, *1730-1741, 20-09, tuning music, identification: "Voice of Mongolia", English, comments. 12321.
7265 European Music Radio, *0700-0710, 21-09, English, identification, comments, pop music, song "Take my breath away". 24322.
4055 Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0540-0607*, 20-09, male, religious comments, English, identification, anthem and close. 14321. (Méndez)
4920 AIR, Chennai, 1730-1741*, 20-09, English, news, identification: "All India Radio", at 1735, comments, Vernacular. 24322. (Méndez)
5010 AIR, Thiruvananthapuran, 1720-1741*, 20-09, Vernacular, comments, news in English at 1730, // with 4920. 14321. (Méndez)
9635 Radio Mali, Bamako, 1748-1801*, 18-09, Vernacular songs. 23322. (Méndez)
6185 Radio Educación, Mexico D. F., 0440-0505*, 20-09, classic music, Spanish, comments: "Una forma de proteger el patrimonio nacional",
"Revista del consumidor", "Radio Educación, 1060 AM". 23322. (Méndez)
7120 Radio Hargeisa, Hargeisa, 1645-1710, 20-09, East Africa songs, Vernacular, comments, amateur radio interference. 32322. (Méndez)
11735 Zanzibar, Bo. Co. Dale, 1837-1850, 20-10, African songs, comments, Swahili. 34433. (Méndez)
LRA 36 recepction report
Manuel Méndez - Lugo, Spain
ANTARCTICA, 15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, I've sent a reception report for transmission between 1953-2012, 21-08 to the
e-mail address [email protected] and they reply in one moth:
"Buenas tardes Manuel,
Es un gusto para nosotros recibir sus noticias. Agradecemos inmensamente su información y nos hace felices el hecho de que nuestra señal haya
sido captada desde España. Nuevamente, muchas gracias. Un cordial saludo desde Base Esperanza,
Ignacio Roman Labrousse. LRA 36 "Arcángel San Gabriel" - CAI 2014 - Base Esperanza"
"Good afternoon Manuel,
It is a pleasure for us to receive your news. We greatly appreciate your information and makes us happy that our signal has been received in Spain.
Again, thank you very much. Greetings from Base Esperanza,
Ignacio Roman Labrousse - LRA 36 "Arcangel San Gabriel" - CAI 2014 - Base Esperanza "
Manuel Méndez - Lugo, Spain - Logs in Lugo - Tecsun PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters.
Evandro Rocha
22/09/14 0024 R. Itatiaia, Português, conversando com um ouvinte por tel., Belo Horizonte 55555 TR-450 com ant. telescópica em
7370 22/09/14 0108 ALL INDIA RADIO, Sindhi, Delhi (Kingsway) 25232 TR-450 com ant. telescópica em Viçosa-MG
7385 22/09/14 0049 PBS Xizang, Tibetan, Lhasa-Baiding 602 24232 TR-450 com ant. telescópica em Viçosa-MG
9575 22/09/14 0011 R.MEDITERRANEE Int., Arabic, Nador 25332 TR-450 com ant. telescópica em Viçosa-MG
11855 23/09/14 0001 R.VERITAS ASIA, Sinhala, Palauig-Zambales 35343 TR-450 com ant. telescópica em Viçosa-MG
13640 23/09/14 0023 VOICE OF AMERICA, Tibetan, Udon Thani 25121 TR-450 com ant. telescópica em Viçosa-MG
Uender Marques
Emissora: Radio Taiwan International. Frequência: 3965 khz (75 metros) - Potência: 250 KW - Distância: 8.299 km. Localidade: Transmissor esta
localizado em Issoudun na França (Europa). Ouvida em Unaí- Minas Gerais - Brasil no dia 21/09/2014, ás 17:40 horas local no horário de Brasília
do Distrito Federal e ás 20:40 horas UTC com transmissão em Espanhol.
Receptor: Tecsun PL 660. - Antena: Telescópica.
Antônio Avelino da Silva
Cartão E-QSL da Rádio Brasil Central recebido 20/09/2014, e-mail enviado para: [email protected] , [email protected]
Neto Silva
Ontem Domingo 21/09/14 a propagação vindo da Bahia estava show, recebi a Radio Juazeiro 1190 Khz, mas estranho a emissora saiu do
ar as 18h40, poxa nao sabia que ainda existia radios Am que saiam do ar tao cedo, ela sai do ar as 20 horas todos os dias logo apos a voz
do Brasil e no prefixo cita Am Stereo, mas nao acendeu o piloto stereo do meu Denon Tu 680 Nab o sinal estava forte entao nao é Am
PU 3 HAG - Neto, como tens certeza que a emissora saiu do ar? :) Será que ela não entrou em potência norturna?. Na lista DXCB você
encontra que esta emissora usa 10KW durante o dia, 1KW à noite. O horário de comutação de potência pode ser visto no link abaixo. A
emissora se atrasou em 1 hora. Sulrádio - Horário para Alteração de Potência
Fran Jr
Amigos, postei no youtube 2 videos da abertura de propagação transequatorial ocorrida ontem.
The Observer Radio - 91.1 Mhz - Antigua – Caribe http://youtu.be/jjLD3dd-Io8 http://youtu.be/NqTy7gekU1Q
73's Fran - São Paulo SP - Sony XDR-F1HD - Antena interna yagi 7 elementos
Hironori Takeuchi
QSL: FEBC Filipinas (FEBC Hong Kong), 23-ago-2014, 14:02 UTC, 9345 kHz, programa en mandarín. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos "Voice of
Friendship Monitoring Verification Card" con el sitio como "Iba, Philippines", firmado por Peter Tong, Deputy Station Manager, que he recibido en
22 días, junto con los paños de limpieza de microfibra para 65 aniversario de FEBC, para un informe de recepción con 1 IRC por correo aéreo.
QSL: Voz de Vietnam, 05-sep-2014, 22:00 UTC, 12020 kHz, programa en japonés. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos "Do Son Buffalo Fighting
Festival", que he recibido en 13 días para un informe de recepción por correo electrónico
QSL: Voice of America via Tinian, 12-Jul-2014, 12:00 UTC, 9490 kHz, program in Korean. QSL card with full data: "Assignments editors discuss the
latest story developments in the VOA newsroom in Washington, D.C." received in 66 days, along with T-shirt, world atlas, VOA plates, key ring, coin
purse, wristwatch, pin badge, wristbands and coaster, for a reception report by email.
Alfredo Cañote
Estimados Amigos DX: Extrañamente capté Grecia (Me parece que cerraron transmisiones por un tema de dinero):
9935 ERT (Greece) 22:30 UTC 44323 greek music
11930 Asimismo en la misma frecuencia dos estaciones: R.Martí 11930 Khz 22:40 UTC 31411 .QRM:BSKSA y una nueva en mi "lista" de
15190 Radio East Africa 22:50 UTC 33422 English
Buenos DX y Cordiales 73! - ALFREDO CAÑOTE – Lima – Perú - TELF: 51-1-99958-6329 (13:00 - 01:00 UTC)
ANTENNAS: SW: RADIO SHACK 20-181 - MW: CPDS-1 QUAD - MW: Select-A-Tenna 541-M
