Declaration of Environmental Sustainability Sustainable Production The expression “sustainable production” is clearly a challenge for which the best industrial answer is the proper coordination of a number of factors: - research and specialisation - continuous improvement of processes - environmental quality - good technical performance - durability of materials - low consumption of natural resources - choice of low-energy technologies. Recer implements concrete measures: - investing in research and technology, in the constant quest for more innovative technical solutions - reducing thickness of ceramic products - improving the technical performance of products - using cleaner packaging, with smaller printed areas. 2 These measures translate into a series of benefits for customers and users, such as: - easier to handle, requiring less physical effort and offering greater safety, comfort and productivity in use - lower load/m2 on the building - easier to cut on site - less waste produced - lighter, helping to reduce consumption associated with transport and less space needed for storage. At Recer we combine all of these values in each product, and we inform consumers who choose and buy them so that they can appreciate and compare the social and environmental value of any product that bears the ECOCERAMIC logo. 3 Environmental Sustainability Energy Efficiency Recer uses the best technology available to the ceramics subsector to ensure the efficient use of energy: - it uses natural gas and electricity – sources of energy with low emissions - it uses a cogeneration system of thermal energy and recovers the hot air in the paste preparation process to replace natural gas - it cuts down on the firing cycles and natural gas consumption by utilising the excess hot air from cooling the kilns for pre-kiln drying chambers, for combustion air of the actual kiln, and for the flux materials - it uses fast-firing kilns - continuous milling system. We cut electricity consumption by using electronic variable speed drives which reduce and adjust consumption. 4 Water Consumption Water is consumed at almost every stage of ceramic tile production, from mixing the materials to washing and cooling the equipment. As it is so important to Recer, its management is an ever-present concern to the Company. Recer has implemented measures to recycle water and today all the washing water produced in the Paste Preparation Section is exploited for reuse in the milling process. The water treated in the IWTP (industrial wastewater treatment plant), which are unfit for reuse in the process, meets 100% of the water needs in the rectification and cutting section. It is also used for washing. This reuse has led to a reduction in the specific consumption of water to amounts that meet the criteria implicit in the Eco-label. Liquid Effluent Fully appreciating its environmental responsibilities, Recer pioneered the treatment of industrial effluent in the ceramics industry when it installed its first IWTP in 1990. This has been developed over the years to improve the efficacy of treatment according to the properties of the effluent. The quality of Recer’s industrial effluent is controlled in accredited laboratories and complies with the conditions of the discharge licence. It achieves values 90% below the ELVs, the emission values for the best technologies and the Eco-label. 5 Raw Materials Recer is always keen to reduce the amount of raw materials extracted and to minimise the depletion of geological resources. It very soon adopted good practice by reintroducing into the production process 100% of ceramic products withdrawn from the manufacturing process prior to firing, and the dust collected by the dust removal systems. Continuous research and strict selection of raw materials and suppliers have helped to optimise the productive process throughout the chain of value (energy, waste, water consumption), thereby ensuring minimisation of the impact of extraction and the protection of habitats. More EnvironmentalyFriendly Packaging All the materials used in the packaging of Recer products are recyclable. Cardboard packaging is made from recycled cardboard that is used without bleaching. Printing on the boxes has been cut to a minimum by optimising the design and using inks with negligible levels of heavy metals. Ano: 2010 The wood pallets used for shipping are made from debarked wood and comply with the plant protection measures agreed under FAO International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) no. 15, thus contributing to sustainable forest management. Certificado nº 2010/0002693 Este Documento atesta que a empresa RECER - INDÚSTRIA DE REVESTIMENTOS CERÂMICOS, SA., com o número único de matrícula e de identificação fiscal 500707472, registada na Conservatória do Registo Comercial de OLIVEIRA BAIRRO, se encontra a cumprir as suas responsabilidades para ela decorrentes do Decreto-Lei nº 366-A/97 de 20 de Dezembro, com as alterações introduzidas pelo Decreto-Lei nº 162/2000 de 27 de Julho, no que respeita à gestão das embalagens dos produtos por si colocados no mercado nacional e respectivos resíduos de embalagens, através da adesão ao Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Resíduos de Embalagens (SIGRE), nos termos, âmbito e períodos temporais estabelecidos no contrato nº EMB/0002567 assinado com a Sociedade Ponto Verde – Sociedade Gestora de Resíduos de Embalagens, S.A., e de acordo com o previsto no nº 2 do artigo 5º do Decreto-Lei nº 366-A/97 de 20 de Dezembro e no nº 1 do artigo 7º da Portaria nº 29-B/98, de 15 de Janeiro. Plastic is sent for recycling by the final user. Resumo do âmbito material e temporal do presente certificado: Embalagens Não Reutilizáveis abrangidas Período Temporal De: Até: Urbanas ou Equiparadas 01-01-2010 31-12-2010 Não Urbanas 01-01-2010 31-12-2010 Algés, 31 de Dezembro de 2009 P' Sociedade PontoVerde, S.A. 6 Recer signed up to the Sociedade Ponto Verde for handling waste packaging, contributing to the national strategy for the management of packaging and waste packaging. Gaseous Effluent Recer has invested in highly efficient technology to ensure that its gas emissions into the atmosphere are consistently below the ELVs for atmospheric pollutants. Recer monitors CO2 emissions in compliance with the EETS (European Emissions Trading Scheme), established under the Kyoto protocol, in line with its commitment to cut emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Waste Recer sets out to utilise waste, whenever possible. Its on-site waste separation and identification system make it possible to send 99% of the waste produced in Recer for utilisation in licensed plants. The fired shards are inert and reintegrated in the ceramic paste manufacturing process, which takes place outside the supplier’s production plant. 7 Contribution Of Recer Ceramics To Sustainability In The Building Industry Recer products use only regional raw materials, which helps local development and reduces the impact of transportation. The use of around 30% recycled materials and resources is yet another instance of good practice being implemented. Replacement of natural stone Recer ceramic products can be used instead of natural stone and offer similar aesthetic and functional performance. They have advantages in terms of water absorption, compressive strength and frost resistance. Release of substances Recer products do not release any volatile substances, a feature which helps to provide a healthy atmosphere. Fire They are not combustible, a characteristic that helps limit the outbreak and spread of fire. Maintenance and cleaning The environmental impact of the product is very slight in the use stage. Recer products are easy to maintain – they simply require cleaning. Durability Ceramic products have a long life. They need little maintenance and cleaning. Their inorganic nature and low porosity prevents/minimises the proliferation of fungi and other microorganisms. When ceramic tiles are applied to a ventilated façade they improve the building’s energy efficiency by reducing the consumption of resources. When applied to a ventilated façade ceramic tiles can be reused. End-of-life At the end of their life Recer products constitute an inert waste material and their packaging should be sent for recovery. 8 Environmental Certification Recer obtained environmental certification under ISO 14001, and unremittingly shows its commitment to encouraging sustainability: promotion of environmental balance; reduction of the impact of its activities; satisfaction of customers, employees and society. 9 Mission Image of trust and sincerity Never before has the world been so open, forcing companies to find distinctive offers. For Recer, being able to lead and be recognised for it is being aware that responsibility grows in the quest for solutions that are more useful and influential. Committed as it is to the search for new generations of products that are more versatile and sustainable, Recer renews its pledge each day to create floor and wall tiles that will inspire the imagination and marry styles and materials. Recognised worldwide, Recer reflects an image of trust and sincerity – but it is also linked with such attributes as research, technology, design, service and sustainability. This is the visible face of a brand that never fails to instil trust and ambition, always keen to satisfy its markets and each individual consumer. From product to service, complete customer satisfaction is the main object of the brand. 10 11 HEAD OFFICE Oliveira do Bairro Recer – Indústria de Revestimentos Cerâmicos, S.A. Apartado 20 3771-953 Oliveira do Bairro Tel.: (+351) 234 730 500 Fax: (+351) 234 730 501 [email protected] Lisbon Rua Fernando Palha, 29 A 1950-130 Lisboa Tel.: (+ 351) 218 620 740 Fax: (+ 351) 218 620 749 [email protected] Oporto R. Delfim Ferreira, 776 /780 (à Via Rápida) 4100-199 Porto Tel.: (+351) 226 199 320 Fax: (+351) 226 199 329 [email protected] RECER - INTERNATIONAL Espanha Recer Cerámicas, S.A. Head Office /Showroom Avda. de Castellón - S/N (Nave 12) 12540 Villarreal (Castellón) España Tel.: (+34) 964 524 601 Fax: (+34) 964 537 489 Móvil: (+34) 669 357 470 [email protected] France Recer - France, SARL Sede /Salão de Exposição 109 Bis, Bd. Henri Barbusse 78800 Houilles France Tel.: (+33) 1 39 14 53 97 Fax: (+33) 1 30 86 00 82 [email protected] Showroom 2, Rue de la Pompadour Z.I. de la Haie Griselle 94470 Boissy Saint Leger France Tel.: (+33) 1 45 95 99 06 Fax: (+33) 1 45 95 91 39 [email protected]