Prezados Clientes, Dando continuidade ao nosso informativo BN-NEWS, anexamos o de numero 16 – Setembro de 2005 - onde destacamos a V.S. o intenso menu de testes que dispõe o sistema de nefelometria (BN-II/BNPS e BN 100) com Nesta Edição Menu Extenso de Provas calibradores, controles, diluente e tampão múltiplos, aonde deixa sua prova por teste muito mais barato. Destacamos nesta lista de produtos, os testes de Ferritina, IgE, Beta 2 microglobulina, SubClasses de IgG1-4, PCR ultrasensível, Versatilidade em Equipamentos Soro Amilóide A (SAA) e Proteína C Reativa (PCR) e seus valores diagnósticos nas Reações de Fase Aguda Cistatina C, sTfR (Receptor Soluvel de Transferrina), , kappa e lambda no soro e na urina, Ceruloplasmina, Haptoglobina, Hemopexina, RPB, PreAlbumina, SAA, â Trace Proteinas e HOMOCISTEÍNA como futuro lançamento, etc... Anexamos também artigos cientificos sobre: Cistatina C , Beta Trace Proteínas e Microalbuminúria como marcador cardíaco. Aproveitamos para sugerir a oportunidade de também enviar esses informativos á alguns médicos que Comparison of B2 Transferrin and B - Trace Protein for Detection of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Nasal and Ear Fluids Cystatin-C and Mortality in Elderly Persons With Heart Failure trabalham com V.S. para um melhor conhecimento da linha de Plasma Proteínas com todas as novidades no mercado mundial e também de saberem que o Laboratório de apoio que utilizam já estão capacitados a realizar tais testes. Atenciosamente CLAUCUS MERCATELLI Gerente de Produto Extenso Menu 2 Código OSAS OSAR OSAT OQGA OQGB OQGC OQGD OSAP OSAO OSAL OSAX OSAV OUVN OUIE OSAW OSAZ OWLA OSAM OSAY OSCA OSCB OUND OWHG OWHH OUIF OUVO OUED OSAN OQBA OQDL OQHL OUUA OQIY OUSS OWIA OUWW OQTH OQNM OQMP OQTC OWTI OQTG NCMH PRODUTO IgG–Soro/Urina/CSF IgA-Soro/Urina/CSF IgM-Soro/Urina/CSF IgG 1 IgG 2 IgG 3 IgG 4 C3c C4 Albumina-Urina/soro Transferrina-Soro/Urina Haptoglobina Hemopexina Ceruloplasmina Alfa1Glicop.Ácida Alfa1Antitripsina Alfa1microglobulina Alfa2macroglobulina Antitrombina III Fibrinogênio Plasminogênio Fibronectina Kappa – Soro/Urina Lambda Soro/Urina Prealbumina RBP Apolipoproteína A1 Apolipoproteína B Apolipoproteína AII Apolipoproteina E Lp(a) Fator Rematóide - RF PCR / PCR ultrasensível ASL Mioglobina Beta2Microgl.Soro/urina Ferritina Cistatina C Soro Amilóide A - SAA STF-Receptor de Transf. ADNase B N Látex IgE CIC TESTES 125/50 125/50 125/50 37 37 37 37 125/50 125/50 125/50 125/50 125/50 125/50 125/50 166/66 125/50 125/50 125/50 125/50 125/50 125/50 40 166/66 50 125/50 125/50 125/50 125/50 50 50 105 300 150 300 75 105 210 90 105 90 105 135 100 teste CAUSAS Imunidade, mieloma, leucemia, lúpus Imunidade, mieloma, cirrose, infecções Imunidade, mieloma, hepatite, infecções Imunodeficiência, sindrome nefrótica Infecções respiratórias, nefrose, Infecções respiratórias, asma Dermatite, asma, doenças parasitárias Lupus, imunidade, infecções, inflamações Lupus imunidade, deficiência congênita Desnutrição, infecções, cirroses, desidratação Anemias, tumores, inflamações, infecções Inflamações, tuberculose, doenças hepáticas Artrites, mielomas, hemólise, inflamações Tumores, infartos, hepatite, inflamações Mielomas, inflamações, infecções Tumores malignos, infecções, inflamações Diabetes, insuficiencia renal, proteinúria Doenças hepáticas, cardíacas, diabetes Trombose, embolismo pulmonar Mieloma, nefrose, cirrose, gravidez, infarto Hiperfibrinólise, coagulação vascular Marcador tumoral Mielomas Mielomas Proteinúrias, desnutrições, inflamações Ulceras, desnutrições, doenças hepáticas Arteriosclerose, infarto –HDL Infarto, arteriosclerose, angina, nefrose-LDL Arteriosclerose, infarto Degradação aterogenica dos quilomicrons Arteriosclerose, aneurisma Rematismo, artrites Reumatismo, Infarto, infecções Reumatismo, artrites, infecç Infarto agudo do miocárdio AIDS, leucemia, mieloma, imunidade, hepatite Anemia, artrite, cirrose, mieloma, ictericia Substituto da Clearence de creatinina Infarto, marcador de inflamação Anemias, marcador de eritropoetina Estreptococos Alergias, doenças parasitárias, etc Complexo Imune Circulante Dispomos também de calibradores, controles e tampões multiplos: CÓDIGO OQIM PRODUTO N Protein Standard SL OUDI N Protein Standard PY OUPG OQKZ OQLV N Apolip.Standard N Rheumat. Std SL N Protein Standard UY TESTES IgG,A,M,E SubClasses,C3C4,Alfa1Glic. Ácida, kappa,Lambda,Ferritina,RPB, Prealbumina,Ceruloplasmina, STF, B2microglob.,Alfa1Antripsina,Albumina, Alfa2macroglobulina ATIII,Fibrinogênio, Fibronectina, Plasminogênio e C1-inibidor. ApoAI,AII,B e E PCR, ASL e RF Cystatina C e Alfa1Microglobulina Extenso Menu PADRÕES CONTROLES CÓDIGO PRODUTO TESTES OQIO OQIN OQIP N/T Protein Control SL/M,L,H OWSY N/T Protein Control PY OUPH OQDB OQDC OQLW Control Apo N/T Rheuma Control SL/1 e2 IgG,A,M,E SubClasses,C3C4,Alfa1Glic. Ácida, kappa,Lambda,Ferritina,RPB, Prealbumina,Ceruloplasmina, STF, B2microglob.,Alfa1Antripsina,Albumina, Alfa2macroglobulina ATIII,Fibrinogênio, Fibronectina, Plasminogênio e C1-inibidor. ApoAI,AII,B e E PCR, ASL e RF N/T Protein Control LC Valores para todas as provas com CSF e Urina. CONSUMÍVEIS CÓDIGO PRODUTO OUMT N Diluent OUMS N Buffer OQTD N Sup.Reag. L OUMU N Reagente Suplementar TESTES IgE e sTfR PreAlbumina, PCR, PCR ultrasensível, SAA, Apolipoproteinas A1 e B, Fibrinogenio, ATIII, Plasminogenio e Sub Classes de IgG2 e 4 teste 3 Versatilidade em equipamentos Plasma Proteínas Sistemas para análises de proteínas plasmáticas, com uma grande variedade de ensaios para auxílio diagnóstico e monitoramento de riscos cardiovasculares; doenças inflamatórias agudas e crônicas; doenças reumáticas; estado imune; estado nutricional; função renal e metabolismo de ferro. BN II Automação completa O Nefelômetro BN II executa automaticamente todos os passos dos ensaios de proteínas plasmáticas desde a leitura das etiquetas de códigos de barras até a validação dos resultados. O alto grau de automação, aliado à grande capacidade de entrada de amostras e reagentes no analisador (100 amostras com acesso contínuo e 35 reagentes a bordo) transformam o BN II no sistema ideal para grandes rotinas, com capacidade de até 225 amostras por hora. BN ProSpec O Nefelômetro BN ProSpec é um analisador de proteínas plasmáticas, flexível, com as seguintes características: Verifica excesso de antígeno; Código de barras em todos os líquidos; SubClasses de IgG e imunoglobulinsas no idoso Detecção de nível, amostras, Acesso randômico; Capacidade de 80 amostras por hora; Operação de 24 horas; Estação de refrigeração de reagentes. reagentes padrões e controles; Módulo de pré-reação, com acesso 4 contínuo de amostras, controles, Capacidade de realizar urgências padrões e reagentes; (STAT); teste Plasma Proteínas Testes especiais de Nefelometria Cardiophase hsCRP - PCR ultrassenssível - Marcador cardíaco Cistatina C - Filtração Glomerular (substituto da Clearence de Creatinina) e agora também como marcador cardíaco beta Trace Proteínas - Detecção de Meningite bacterianas, Lesão osséa (Principalmente crânio) Problemas internos de ouvidos, Corrimento Nasal - Sinusite Inativador C1 - inibidor de esterase C1 - Leucemia linfática crônica, mieloma múltiplo, linfomas malignos, inchaço dos tecidos. ADNase B - Febre reumática, escarlatina, glomerulonefrite, etc.. Complexo Imune Circulante - CIC - Níveis elevados de CIC podem ser encontrados em artrite reumatóide e doenças parasitárias. sTfR - Deficiência de Ferro e monitorização de eritropoetina IgE - Alergias, rinite, asma, doenças parasitárias SubClasses de IgG1-4 - Asma, Infecções respiratórias, dermatite, imunidade, etc. Menu de Testes Marcadores cardíacos ApoA1, ApoB, Lp(a), Cardiophase hsCRP, Mioglobina, Fibrinogênio Infecções cronicas, doenças autoimunes, deficiências imunológicas, tumores, neurologias IgA, IgG, IgM, SubClasses de IgG 1-4, kappa e lambda. Lançamentos previstos para 2005 Doenças Reumáticas ASL, PCR, FR, C3, C4 e ADNaseB Inflamação Alfa 1 Glicop.Ácida, Alfa1-Antitripsina, Ceruloplasmina, Haptoglobina, Cardiophase hsCRP Malnutrição Prealbumina, Albumina, RBP, Transferrina, Ferritina, PCR Nefropatias (renal) N Látex Homocisteína* para BN II e BNPS marcador cardíaco Alfa1-Microglobulina, Alfa2-Macroglobulina, Beta2-Microglobulina, Cistatina C, Albumina, Transferrina. Atividade do Complemento C3c e C4 Alergia IgE N Látex CDT* Carbohidrato Deficiente de Transferrina C - marcador específico para o diagnóstico e monitorização para alcoolismo crônico Anemias Haptoglobina, Ferritina, sTfR, Transferrina Coagulação Antitrombina III, Fibrinogenio, Plasminogênio, C1 Meningite Beta Trace Proteínas *- Em fase de registro 5 Clinical Chemistry 50, No. 3, 2004 4. Matsushita M, Hijikata M, Ohta Y, Iwata K, Matsumoto M, Nakao K, et al. Hepatitis C virus infection and mutation of mannose-binding lectin gene MBL. Arch Virol 1998;143:645–51. 5. Zhao H, De BP, Das T, Banerjee AK. Inhibition of human parainfluenza virus-3 replication by interferon and human MxA. Virology 1996;220:330 – 8. 6. Thiel S, Vorup-Jensen T, Stover CM, Schwaeble W, Laursen SB, Poulsen K, et al. A second series protease associated with mannan-binding lectin that activates complement. Nature 1997;386:506 –10. 7. Ozsoz M, Erdem A, Kerman K, Ozkan D, Tugrul B, Topcuoglu N, et al. Electrochemical genosensor based on colloidal gold nanoparticles for the detection of factor V Leiden mutation using disposable pencil graphite electrodes. Anal Chem 2003;75:2181–7. 8. Authier L, Grossiord C, Brossier P. Gold nanoparticle-based quantitative electrochemical detection of amplified human cytomegalovirus DNA using disposable microband electrodes. Anal Chem 2001;73:4450 – 6. 9. Patolsky F, Lichtenstein A, Willner I. Detection of single-base DNA mutations by enzyme-amplified electronic transduction. Nat Biotechnol 2001;19:253–7. 10. Boon EM, Ceres DM, Drummond TG, Hill MG, Barton JK. Mutation detection by electrocatalysis at DNA-modified electrodes. Nat Biotechnol 2000;18: 1096 –100. 11. Cha J, Han JI, Choi Y, Yoon DS, Oh KW, Lim G. DNA hybridization electrochemical sensor using conducting polymer. Biosens Bioelectron 2003;18:1241–7. 12. Vagin MY, Karyakina EE, Hianik T, Karyakin AA. Electrochemical transducers based on surfactant bilayers for the direct detection of affinity interactions. Biosens Bioelectron 2003;18:1031–7. 13. Fan C, Plaxco KW, Heeger AJ. Electrochemical interrogation of conformational changes as a reagentless method for the sequence-specific detection of DNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2003;100:9134 –7. 14. Umek RM, Lin SW, Vielmetter J, Terbrueggen RH, Irvine B, Yu CJ, et al. Electronic detection of nucleic acids: a versatile platform for molecular diagnostics. J Mol Diagn 2001;3:74 – 84. 15. Hashimoto K, Ito K, Ishimori Y. Novel DNA sensor for electrochemical gene detection. Anal Chim Acta 1994;286:219 –24. 16. Hashimoto K, Ito K, Ishimori Y. Sequence-specific gene detection with a gold electrode modified with DNA probes and an electrochemically active dye. Anal Chem 1994;66:3830 –3. 17. Hashimoto K, Ito K, Ishimori Y. Microfabricated disposable DNA sensor for detection of hepatitis B virus DNA. Sens Actuators B Chem 1998;46:220 –5. 18. Hashimoto K, Ishimori Y. Preliminary evaluation of electrochemical PNA array for detection of single base mismatch mutations. Lab on a Chip 2001;1:61–3. 19. Watanabe H, Enomoto N, Nagayama K, Izumi N, Marumo F, Sato C, et al. Number and position of mutations in the interferon (IFN) sensitivity-determining region of the gene for nonstructural protein 5A correlate with IFN efficacy in Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b infection. J Infect Dis 2001;183:1195–203. DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2003.023283 Comparison of 2-Transferrin and -Trace Protein for Detection of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Nasal and Ear Fluids, Claudia Schnabel,1* Ercole Di Martino,2 Joachim M. Gilsbach,3 Dieter Riediger,4 Axel M. Gressner,1 and Dagmar Kunz1† (1 Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, 2 Otorhinolaryngology and Plastic Head and Neck Surgery, 3 Clinic of Neurosurgery, and 4 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital, Pauwelsstrasse 30, 52074 Aachen, Germany; * address correspondence to this author at: Institut für Klinische Chemie/ Zentrallaboratorien, Universitätsklinik Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52, 20251 Hamburg, Germany; fax 49-40428039037, e-mail [email protected]; † current address: DRK-Hospital Neuwied, Department for Laboratory Medicine, Marktstrasse 104, 56567 Neuwied, Germany) Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistulas occur mainly in basal skull fractures or operations at the skull base entailing a 661 dural defect; up to 40% of CSF fistulas are spontaneous (1 ). The treatment consists of surgical closure of the dural defect. Complications such as intracranial abscess or bacterial meningitis may develop, with a mortality rate of 25–50%. Therefore, a simple and reliable diagnosis of CSF fistulas is of great importance. -Trace protein is synthesized mainly in the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus and is found in CSF in concentrations ⬃35-fold higher than in plasma (2 ). Thus, -trace protein represents a potentially useful marker for the diagnosis of CSF leakage (3 ), with immunoelectrophoresis having a specificity of 100% and a sensitivity of 91% for the diagnosis of CSF leakage (4 ). 2-Transferrin, the asialo form of transferrin, is produced by neuraminidase activity in the brain and is usually detectable only in CSF, perilymph, and aqueous humor. Thus, like -trace protein, it is a potentially useful marker to diagnose CSF leakage (3 ). In the present work we compared the first two commercially available assay systems: a new, sensitive immunofixation method from Sebia GmbH for detection of 2-transferrin and an automatic, quantitative immunonephelometric assay from Dade Behring for detection of -trace protein. We also established a cutoff value for -trace protein and evaluated the potential of both markers as indicators of CSF leakage. The -trace protein assay is based on latex particle enhancement using rabbit polyclonal antibodies against -trace protein. Calibrators contain -trace protein purified from CSF (N Protein Standard UY®; Dade Behring). Imprecision was assessed by assaying N/T protein Control LC® (Dade Behring). Measurements were performed on a BN II analyzer (Dade Behring). The assay covers a range of 0.25–15.8 mg/L in the initial 1:100 dilution. The within-day imprecision (CV) was 12% at 0.68 mg/L (n ⫽ 10) in serum and 2.8% at 18.3 mg/L (n ⫽ 10) in CSF. Between-day CV were 15% at 0.74 mg/L (n ⫽ 10) in serum and 10% at 19.4 mg/L (n ⫽ 10) in CSF. At least 200 L (35-L sample volume) is required for a single measurement, which requires 20 min. 2-Transferrin was detected with the Hydrasys LC (Sebia GmbH) electrophoretic system, which separates the more cathodic asialo form of transferrin from an anodic fraction containing the sialo forms. Both transferrin fractions are detected by immunofixation with anti-transferrin antibodies labeled with peroxidase. A patient’s serum sample is investigated in parallel in a 1:100 dilution to avoid false-positive results in case of alcoholism. The assay required 10 L and 120 –150 min. For comparison of the detection limits for 2-transferrin (Sebia GmbH Hydrasys LC) and -trace protein (Dade Behring BN II), both proteins were analyzed in samples generated by dilution of a CSF pool (containing 16.3 mg/L -trace protein). We measured -trace protein and 2-transferrin in nasal fluids from 7 healthy volunteers and -trace protein in nasal and ear fluids from 26 patients (17 males and 9 females; age range, 5–74 years) and 2-transferrin in samples from 25 patients. All were admitted to the Otorhinolaryngology, Neurosurgery, or 662 Technical Briefs Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery departments at our Hospital between July 2000 and August 2003. Laboratory investigations were performed without information about the clinical diagnosis. Rhinoliquorrhea was suspected in 22 patients, otoliquorrhea in 2 patients, and subcutaneous and transcutaneous fistulas in 2 patients (Table 1 in the Data Supplement that accompanies the online version of this Technical Brief at vol50/issue3/). Laboratory investigations were performed as a precaution or because the patients presented with suspicious clinical symptoms or on computed tomography scans after surgical intervention, accidents, or spontaneously. Evidence for a CSF fistula was obtained in 13 patients (9 males and 4 females) by typical clinical symptoms, computed tomography, cysternography, or intraoperative findings (Table 1 in the online Data Supplement). The CSF and serum samples were collected for diagnostic workup. Nose and ear fluid was collected in the gauze of Salivettes (Sarstedt). The secretions were separated from the Salivette gauze by centrifugation at 2000g for 10 min and stored at 4 °C at most for 1 day. Serum was collected into serum separator tubes (Sarstedt) and centrifuged at 2000g for 10 min immediately after arriving in our laboratory. CSF was centrifuged for 10 min at 2000g. Statistical analysis was performed with SigmaPlot 2001 for Windows. Parallel measurements of -trace protein and 2-transferrin in samples from a CSF pool (16.3 mg/L -trace protein) diluted down to 0.1 mg/L -trace protein (1:128 dilution) revealed linear quantification of -trace protein (r2 ⫽ 0.999; y-intercept, 0.0286 mg/L), whereas the detection limit for 2-transferrin was at the 1:32 dilution. In nasal fluids from the seven volunteers, -trace protein concentrations were ⬍0.25 mg/L, and 2-transferrin was detected in none. In patients without CSF fistula, -trace protein concentrations were ⬍0.25– 0.95 mg/L. In one patient with nasal secretion during provocation test- A Fig. 1. Electrophoretic detection of 2-transferrin in a CSF pool (A), and representative results of electrophoretic detection of 2-transferrin in nasal fluid/serum pairs from four patients suspected for rhinoliquorrhea and CSF as positive control (B). (A), the pool was variably diluted with saline from 1:1.5 to 1:128. (B), the numbering corresponds to that of Table 1 in the online Data Supplement. N, nasal fluid; S, serum. B ing (bowing during abdominal press), a typical symptom for rhinoliquorrhea, no 2-transferrin was detected and -trace protein tested 3 months later was ⬍0.25 mg/L (patient 13 in Table 1 in the online Data Supplement). These results might be attributable to collection of nasal fluid without actual CSF leakage in an intermittent rhinoliquorrhea. In 12 patients with confirmed CSF fistulas, -trace protein concentrations were 2.5–35 mg/L. At a cutoff of 1 mg/L, the sensitivity was 100% (statistical uncertainty, 78 –100%; P ⬎0.05), and the specificity was 100% (86 – 100%; P ⬎0.05) for the diagnosis of CSF leakage. 2-Transferrin was detected in 8 of 11 patients (73%) with CSF leakage. In 37% of all investigated patients (three patients with and six without CSF fistulas), no interpretation of the immunofixation was possible because of an overlap of the transferrin band with the 2-transferrin band. The detailed data are presented in Table 1 in the online Data Supplement and in Fig. 1B. Diagnosing CSF fistulas is always challenging. Particularly in subclinical liquorrhea with a loss of small quantities of CSF, the fistula may not detectable by radiologic imaging. Because of the risk of developing meningitis from a CSF leak, a reliable diagnostic tool to identify trace amounts of CSF is required. Chemical identification of glucose and protein is obsolete for this purpose (5, 6 ), but 2-transferrin assays are widely used. This protein is detected by immunoblotting (7 ) or immunofixation and silver staining (8 ), both of which are time-consuming and labor-intensive. The immunoblot assay on the Hydrasys LC takes 2–2.5 h and requires many manual steps. Moreover, interpretation of 2-transferrin electrophoresis is complicated by the overlap of the application area and the detection point for 2-transferrin. Finally, the main disadvantage is the interference of higher concentrations of transferrin with the 2-transferrin band, which prevents interpretation. No improvement is achieved by sample dilution because 2-transferrin is diluted to concentrations below the detection limit. Clinical Chemistry 50, No. 3, 2004 -Trace protein has been identified by rocket immunoelectrophoresis, which has a reported sensitivity of 91% in diagnosing CSF leakage (4 ). For the automated assay from Dade Behring, a range of 0.22–1.69 mg/L for healthy individuals was reported, and a cutoff at 1.31 mg/L (97.5 percentile) was proposed (9 ). At concentrations between 1.31 and 1.69 mg/L, however, there is overlap of individuals without and patients with CSF leakage (9 ). In our study, -trace protein measured without predilution was ⬍1 mg/L in individuals without CSF leakage. In the earlier study, nasal fluids were partly prediluted 1:100. At a cutoff of 1 mg/L, the Dade Behring assay had a 100% sensitivity (78 –100%; P ⬎0.05) and specificity (86 –100%; P ⬎0.05) for diagnosing a CSF leakage. Thus, in our opinion the nephelometric quantification of -trace protein is preferable, particularly because this method is less timeconsuming and labor-intensive than the electrophoretic method. We gratefully acknowledge the excellent technical assistance of Jutta Breidenich and Ursula Emmler. References 1. Ramsden JD, Corbridge R, Bates G. Bilateral cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea. J Laryngol Otol 2000;114:137– 8. 2. Melegos DM, Freedman MS, Diamandis EP. Prostaglandin D synthase concentration in cerebrospinal fluid and serum of patients with neurological disorders. Prostaglandins 1997;54:463–74. 3. Felgenhauer K, Schädlich HJ, Nekic M. -Trace protein as marker for cerebrospinal fluid fistula. Klin Wochenschr 1987;65:764 – 8. 4. Bachmann G, Nekic M, Michel O. Clinical experience with -trace protein as a marker for cerebrospinal fluid. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2000;109:1099 – 102. 5. Oberascher G, Arrer E. Efficiency of various methods of identifying cerebrospinal fluid in oto- and rhinorrhea. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 1986;48:320 –5. 6. Steedman, DJ. CSF rhinorrhea: significance of glucose oxidase strip test. Injury 18 1985;5:327– 8. 7. Delaroche O, Bordure P, Lippert E, Sagniez M. Perilymph detection by 2-transferrin immunoblotting assay. Application to the diagnosis of perilymphatic fistulae. Clin Chim Acta 1996;245:93–104. 8. Ritchie RF, Smith R. Immunofixation I: general principles and applications to agarose gel electrophoresis. Clin Chem 1976;22:497–9. 9. Arrer E, Meco C, Oberascher G, Piotrowski W, Albegger K, Patsch W. -Trace protein as a marker for cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea. Clin Chem 2002;48:939 – 41. DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2003.024158 Use of the Fetal Fibronectin Test in Decisions to Admit to Hospital for Preterm Labor, Ellen F. Foxman* and Petr Jarolim (Clinical Laboratory, Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 75 Francis St., Boston, MA 02115; * author for correspondence: fax 617-731-4872, e-mail [email protected]) Early delivery attributable to preterm labor remains a significant cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Obstetricians often face the challenge of deciding whether to admit a woman to the hospital when she presents with possible preterm labor. In recent years, there has been much emphasis on developing laboratory tests that can 663 help clinicians predict the likelihood of “true” preterm labor. The fetal fibronectin (fFN) assay has attracted interest because of its reported high negative predictive value for preterm labor. We implemented the Rapid Fetal Fibronectin lateral immunodiffusion assay on the TLiIQTM System (Adeza Biomedical) in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital clinical laboratory in October 2001. To determine how the test results would influence clinical decisionmaking in our hospital, we created a survey to be completed by clinicians at the time of test requisition. In this report, we compare the survey results, which reflect the pretest intention of the ordering clinicians, to the clinical course of tested patients. fFN, a uniquely glycosylated form of the abundant plasma protein fibronectin, is found in the placenta and amniotic fluid, primarily at the uteroplacental junction, and is released into the upper vagina near the onset of labor (1 ). Although the presence of fFN in vaginal fluids does not necessarily indicate the onset of labor (positive predictive value, 15–25%), its absence rules out labor within 7 days with a very high negative predictive value (97–99.5%) (1–3 ). Therefore, a negative result indicates a low likelihood of delivery, but a positive test should not be interpreted as an indication of labor or a reason for admission. From January to June 2002, all physicians requesting a fFN test at Brigham and Women’s Hospital were asked to complete a brief survey with the test requisition. On this survey, the physician was asked to record the gestational age of the fetus and the number of fetuses and to answer the following question by circling any or all of four possible responses: “I am sending a fFN test on this patient, because a negative result will help me to avoid one or more of the following interventions that I am currently considering: (1) antenatal corticosteroids, (2) admit to observation, (3) tocolysis, and (4) other”. Institutional Review Board approval was obtained from the Human Research Committee at Brigham and Women’s Hospital to review the medical records of patients who received a fFN test during the study period. A total of 245 tests were performed during this time period. Gestational age was between 22 and 34 weeks for all of the patients, with a mean maternal age of 26 years. We were able to obtain relevant clinical data for 175 tests. Only patients with singleton gestations (152 of 175 tests; 139 patients) were included in subsequent analyses. Twelve of these patients received more than one fFN test during the study period; only the first fFN test result was included in the analysis. Of the 139 patients studied, we were able to obtain survey results for 58 (42%). Positive test rates were similar in the overall patient population, in the subset of patients with clinical data, and in the subset of patients with data and survey results (⬃22%; Table 1A). The proportion of patients who delivered within 7 days and the test performance were similar in the patients with clinical data (n ⫽ 139) and in the subset with data plus survey results (n ⫽ 58). These observations suggest that the smaller patient subset with survey results is representative of the larger subset. Data