2014 2014 Brazilian Publishers Project Created in 2008, Brazilian Publishers is a sector project that encourages the export of content produced by Brazil’s publishing houses. It is a result of a partnership between the Brazilian Book Chamber – CBL and Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency). This initiative aims to promote the Brazilian publishing industry in the global market in an articulate and well-directed manner and contributing to the professionalization of the nation’s publishing houses. In order to achieve this goal, Brazilian Publishers fosters exports through promotional activities for sales of publishing rights, participation in international fairs and events and the professional training of businesspeople, as well as collaborators and consultants specialized in trade intelligence and prospecting foreign markets. In addition to promoting exports, the project also contributes to the country’s image showing the world Brazil’s capacity for creating technical, literary and scientific content of great importance and quality for the international market. Brazilian Publishers is currently comprised of approximately 70 publishing houses, which operate in the areas of Children’s Books, General Works, Religious, TechnicalScientific and Academic Expertise. Take a lookt at our books and rights catalogue you will learn more about our partner publishing houses. You will find the detailed information about books on the following pages. We wish you a good reading! Dolores “DOSH” Manzano Brazilian Publishers Manager For more information about us, visit our website. www.brazilianpublishers.com.br Brazilian Book Chamber Founded on September 20, 1946, Brazilian Book Chamber (Câmara Brasileira do Livro CBL) represents approximately 600 members throughout Brazil. The organization, whose mission is to expand brazilian publishing market, brings together publishers, distributors, booksellers and, door-to-door sellers, small, medium and large organizations, which gather around a fundamental issue: building a country with better education through appreciation of books and reading. Its history stretches back to the cultural effervescence of São Paulo in the 1940s, when a group of publishers and booksellers first came together to discuss sector problems and search for means of collective and organized action. Out of these meetings arouse the proposal to create an entity qualified to take on the task of publicizing and promoting books in the country. Over 67 years, CBL has been carrying out actions of national and international importance. Its main initiatives feature encouraging the participation of publishers in several international book fairs through the Brazilian Publishers Project, a partnership between CBL and Brazilian Agency for Export and Investment Promotion (Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos - Apex-Brazil); creation and implementation of Bienal International Book Fair (Bienal Internacional do Livro); annual organization of Jabuti Award - the more renowned literary merit in Brazil, in 2014 hold the 56th edition; and CBL International Digital Book Congress (Congresso Internacional CBL do Livro Digital). Book School (Escola do Livro) is another valuable initiative that provides continuing education and professionalism to representatives of publishers, managers, executives, and professionals. Always attentive to the movements of publishing market, CBL, in partnership with National Union of Books Publishers (Sindicato Nacional dos Editores de Livros - SNEL) publishes, annually, a complete market radiography: the research Production and Sales of the Brazilian Publishing Sector, held by the Institute of Economic Research (Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas - FIFE) of the University of São Paulo. CBL also interacts with various government agencies, with the main objective of tracking initiatives relevant to the sector, such as: parliamentary bills and government programs for promoting books and reading. Its dynamism and capacity for national articulation have made it a hub, in Brazil and abroad, for all issues relating to the publishing industry. about apex brasil The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad, and to attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. Apex-Brasil currently supports 12.000 companies from more than 70 sectors of the Brazilian economy, which in turn export to over 190 markets abroad. In partnership with business associations, the Agency organizes different trade promotion activities, such as commercial missions and business rounds; support for the participation of Brazilian companies in large international trade fairs; visits of opinion formers and foreign buyers to learn about the Brazilian productive structure; and market intelligence studies; among other initiatives to strengthen the Brazil brand abroad. The Agency also plays a leading role in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) into Brazil, working to identify business opportunities, promoting strategic events and lending support to foreign investors willing to allocate resources in Brazil. The aim is to attract productive capital from foreign companies that may introduce technological innovations and new business management models into Brazil, as well as to strengthen the countries’ supply chains. In addition to its main office in Brasilia, Apex-Brasil has attention desks in most Brazilian States, and nine business offices located in important global markets, working to support the internationalization process of Brazilian companies, to identify business opportunities and to enhance participation in the main foreign markets, as well as to attract foreign investment. Business offices are located in Asia (Beijing - China), Middle East (Dubai - United Arab Emirates), North America (Miami and San Francisco - USA), South America (Bogotá Colombia), Central America and the Caribbean (Havana - Cuba), Western Europe (Brussels - Belgium), Eastern Europe (Moscow - Russia) and Africa (Luanda - Angola). For more information, please visit: www.apexbrasil.com.br LITERATURE TRANSLATION GRANT The Support Program for the Translation and Publication of Brazilian Authors Abroad, launched by the National Library Foundation of Brazil, a body of the Ministry of Culture, aims at promoting Brazilian Culture and Literature worldwide. This funding scheme is available for any foreign publishers that have acquired publication rights and wish to publish or reissue works of Brazilian authors. In order to apply for a grant, the publisher must present a title for translation or reissue in print, e-book or both. All applications must include a marketing and distribution plan, the translator’s résumé and contract with the publisher, and a signed copyright agreement between the publisher and author, if the work is not within the public domain. A special commission will evaluate each project, which may be awarded with the maximum grant of US$ 8,000, for new translations, and of US$ 4,000 in the case of reprints. For further information, please contact: Fundação Biblioteca Nacional Centro de Cooperação e Difusão • Rua da Imprensa, 16 / 1.110 Rio de Janeiro, RJ • Brasil • 20030-120 Telephone: +55 21 2220-2057 • E-mail: [email protected] • Website: www.bn.br Visit the blog: http://bookcenterbrazil.wordpress.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 12 Bamboo Editorial Children and Young Adults 14 Callis Editora Children and Young Adults 16 Carpe Diem Edições e Produções Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction 18 Casa dos Espíritos Fiction and Non Fiction 20 Ciranda Cultural Publishing Children and Young Adults 22 Companhia das Letras Fiction and Non Fiction 24 Cortez Editora Children and Young Adults STM and Academics 26 Cosac Naify Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction 28 Dedo de Prosa Children and Young Adults 30 Edições Loyola Religious STM and Academics 2 Edições SESC SP 3 Fiction and Non Fiction 34 Edições SM Children and Young Adults 36Editares Fiction and Non Fiction 38 Editora Atheneu STM and Academics 40 Editora Ática Children and Young Adults 42 Editora Blucher STM and Academics 44 Editora Canção Nova Religious 46 Editora do Brasil Children and Young Adults 48 Editora DSOP Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction 82 Escrituras Editora Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction 50 Editora Fama Children and Young Adults 84FTD Children and Young Adults 52 Editora Hagnos Children and Young Adults Religious 86 Gen – Grupo Editorial Nacional STM and Academics 54 Editora IMEPH Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction 56 Editora Manole Children and Young Adults STM and Academics 58 Editora Melhoramentos Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction 88 Girassol Brasil Children and Young Adults 90 Global Editora Fiction and Non Fiction 92 Globo Livros Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction Religious 94 HUB Editorial STM and Academics 60 Editora Moderna/ Editora Salamandra Children and Young Adults 6 Imprensa Oficial – IMESP 9 Fiction and Non Fiction 62 Editora Napoleão STM and Academics 98 Jujuba Editora Children and Young Adults 64 Editora Positivo Children and Young Adults 100 Mauricio de Sousa Editora Children and Young Adults 66 Editora Rideel Children and Young Adults STM and Academics 68 Editora Scipione Children and Young Adults 70 Editora Senac Rio de Janeiro Fiction and Non Fiction 72 Editora Senac São Paulo STM and Academics 74 Editora Unesp STM and Academics 76 Editora Vale das Letras Children and Young Adults 78Edusp STM and Academics 80 Elementar Publicações Children and Young Adults 102 MJV Press STM and Academics 104 Oficina de Textos STM and Academics 106 Pallas Editora Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction 108 Panda Books/Original Children and Young Adults 110 R&F Editora Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction 112 Senai-SP Editora & Sesi-SP Editora Children and Young Adults STM and Academics 114 Solisluna Editora Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction 116Todolivro Children and Young Adults Bamboo Editorial is a Brazilian publishing house focused on high quality illustrated books for children and adults. Bamboo’s goal is to introduce new authors and illustrators and make sensitive books that are rich in information. Additionally, Bamboo seeks to mix traditional publishing with new technologies, developing digital products for each one of its books. Therefore, readers don’t need to choose between print or digital: Bamboo’s books offer both options, making reading more enjoyable and fun. We make unique books that capture the minds of our readers, and that are a valuable source of knowledge and entertainment. Children and Young Adults Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1912, conj. 208 B São Paulo – 01451-000 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Aloma Carvalho 55 11 3097-9922 [email protected] www.bambooeditorial.com.br CURUPIRA, WILL YOU PLAY WITH ME? 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-66587-48-7 Rights available Author: Lô Carvalho Illustrator: Susana Rodrigues THERE ARE ANIMALS THAT … SERIES Author and Illustrator: Toni & Laíse The giraffe has a long neck, the peacock is a show-off, the penguin likes to flock, and the chameleon can change colors… The four books that make up the There are animals that... Series show to kids a little about the ways and the peculiarities of many animals: owl, gorilla, lion, octopus, shark, bee, tiger, zebra, tapir, ant, seal and several others. When children read the books There are animals that... Series, they also learn a bit more about themselves too. After all, every child likes, every child knows, every child is and every child has something of their own. There Are Animals That Know… 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-66587-10-4 Curupira, will you play with me? playfully introduces little kids to the most important mythological beings of the Brazilian folklore. And there is a surprise at the end: everyone plays together! Curupira, will you play with me? was especially created to foster the pleasure of reading. Its format, size, illustrations, text and themes stem from a joint work of several different experts with the purpose of creating an intelligent and playful book. The amazing creatures of the Brazilian folklore found in the book will also charm readers of all ages. There Are Animals That Have… 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-66587-09-8 There Are Animals That Are… 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-66587-08-1 There Are Animals That Like… 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-66587-07-4 Rights available THE CUTE ANIMALS SERIES Author: Lô Carvalho Illustrator: JS Farias Cute Animals 1 28 pages ISBN: 978-85-66587-40-1 Cute Animals 2 28 pages ISBN: 978-85-66587-41-8 Cute Animals 3 28 pages ISBN: 978-85-66587-42-5 Rights available While your baby “reads” the text, the tablet or smartphone plays the animals’ sound. This series gathers books and digital technology to teach the baby the pleasure of reading! In each book, the name of an animal appears followed by a beautiful illustration. The Baby will be surprised with the possibility of look to the image, read the text and hear the sound of the animal while having fun shuffling, and “reading” the pages. ANIMAL SOUNDS! SERIES Author: Lô Carvalho Illustrator: Ana Alzueta Sigaud The Animal Sounds Series is a series of 4 books. They teach kids that animals make a great variety of sounds, and invite everyone to mimic these sounds or to devise ways of writing them. A funny way to learn and play. Brazilian Animals 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-66587-53-1 African Animals 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-66587-54-8 Domesticated Animals 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-66587-55-5 The Animals Around Us 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-66587-56-2 Rights available 12 ANIMALS FROM BRASIL Author: Edson Penha and Xavier Bartaburu Illustrator: Tatiana Clauzet 52 pages ISBN: 978-85-66587-33-3 Rights available You’ll find a little bit of Brazil in this book that contains a CD and an app developed just for our young readers. The book has poems and informational texts. The CD brings songs with Brazilian rhythms. On the internet, a novelty: a digital application specially developed for this book. With your tablet or smartphone you can hear the songs and see the illustrations even more closely. 13 Callis has been on the market for 25 years and has over 300 titles in its catalog. Miriam Gabbai founded the company in 1987, and soon published Famous Children, its first children’s series. Callis works to educate children and young adults in Brazil. Its catalogue includes strives on art, history, popular culture, music, math and literature by well-known authors such as Daniel Munduruku, Ilan Brenman, Silvana Tavano, Jonas Ribeiro, Ionit Zilberman and André Neves. Many of Callis books have been officially recommended by the FNLIJ (National Foundation for Children’s and Young Adult’s Books) and have also won the Jabuti and João-de-Barro awards. PEARL: THE YEAR OF THE DRAGON Authors: Rosana Rios and Georgette Silen Illustrator: Marco Antônio Godoy Format: 17 x 24 cm – 456 pages ISBN: 978-85-7416-910-1 Rights available Pearl, known as Lila by her family, lives in São Paulo with her mother. The story begins when Pearl discovers a bracelet in the shape of a dragon, decorated with precious stones, at a local Chinese shop. She cannot resist trying it on, but then she can’t take it off again. Mrs. Mei, the shop owner, asks her to work at the shop in order to pay for it. Lila is not pleased. Then, strange things begin to happen: every time Lila gets angry, the dragon’s eyes turn as red as fire and she starts dreaming about a white-haired woman and a mysterious young man named Hien. A mysterious incident in Barcelona Author: Rosana Rios Format: 16 x 23 cm – 176 pages ISBN: 978-85-98750-98-9 Rights available 20-year-old Angela has won a scholarship to spend a year at an art school in Barcelona. She is fascinated by the variety of art and culture she finds there. She is also interested in Augusto, especially since, her Brazilian boyfriend, Bruno, has not returned her messages. One day, the news reports that a drawing by Picasso, which was the study of a famous painting, is stolen. Angela remembers having sketched that drawing many times. The more Angela thinks about it, the more confused she becomes. In the end, she helps solve the case, giving some important details to the police. The drawing was in fact never stolen; the gallery was involved in an insurance fraud. Time machines Author and Illustrator: Romont Willy Format: 21 x 25 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-7416-855-5 Not available in: Japanese, Korean and Spanish These days, children use computers for almost everything: to listen to music, talk to friends, do homework, and many other things. But do they know how those things were done when their grandparents were young? Time Machines is a funny story: sometimes things are not exactly what they seem and we can always find a different way to learn. 14 Children and Young Adults Rua Oscar Freire, 379, 6º andar São Paulo – 01426-001 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Claudia Stein 55 11 3068-5600 [email protected] www.callis.com.br Old Bob’s dentureS Author and Illustrator: Thiago Lopes Format: 22 x 22 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-7416-962-0 Rights available One morning, Old Bob, still half asleep, accidentally drops his dentures into the toilet. While he summons many specialists to help recover his false teeth, the animals of both sea and shore are having a great time with the strange object. Thiago Lopes’ tongue-in-cheek illustrations, filled with the funny little details that children love, accompany the story, which is written in rhyme and is as funny as the illustrations. Monkey’s Tail Author: Sônia Junqueira Illustrator: Rafa Antón Format: 25 x 21 cm – 36 pages ISBN: 978-85-7416-844-9 Rights available A very arrogant and vain monkey has a piece of his tail cut off by a barber. This incident makes him feel like the most unfortunate creature in the world. But on his way through town, he is able to barter with many people, giving them just what they need. And finally, during his adventures, the monkey finds something that makes him happy again: a guitar that he can use to sing about his sad story. Monkey’s Tail is based on a traditional tale re-created by the Brazilian anthropologist Luis da Câmara Cascudo. The Legend of the Water Lily Authors and Illustrators: Blandina Franco and José Carlos Lollo Format: 21 x 25 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-7416-907-1 Rights available A very curious little girl loves the stories that her Grandma Betica tells her. One day, she decides to be a star when she grows up. But she is not sure whether she wants to be a TV star, a starfish, or a star in the sky. When she mentions this idea to her grandma, Betica tells her the legend of the water lily, which is a story about a girl who fell in love with the moon and turned into a water lily. 15 The belief in the power of books, in any format, as a driving force of culture and progress, demonstrates that writer Monteiro Lobato is still relevant, as he offered the nation this sage advice: ‘’A country is made with men and books”, meaning that a country needs educated people in order to be respected by its children and the community of nations. Publisher Carpe Diem is aware that with the changes emerging in the so-called new era of uncertainty, books will remain fundamental. It is thanks to books that cultural and social relations and knowledge from all spheres evolve with each generation. See with your ears and listen with your heart Author: Alexandre Camilo Illustrator: J. Borges 56 pages ISBN: 978-85-62648-53-3 Rights available See With Your Eyes and Listen With Your Heart (Rabo do Tatu label) is the first book in the “Ouvi Dizer” (I Heard) Series, which features stories drawn from the oral traditions of five continents. The author Alexandre Camilo used the inner city in northeastern Brazil as the backdrop for an African tale. The book includes illustration from Brazil’s master woodblock artist J. Borges, which is used to illustrate the journey of Dalman, who is a cheerful and intelligent boy who won’t give up on his dreams. No law no king Author: Maximiano Campos 240 pages ISBN: 978-85-62648-23-6 Rights available No Law No King by Maximiano Campo, demonstrates the author’s ability to create unforgettable characters and situations that populate this story depicting life in the Brazilian Northeast. It is the first book in a trilogy. Infiltrated Court Author: Andrea Nunes 222 pages ISBN: 978-85-67713-02-1 Rights available And if you found out that you are no longer owner of your thoughts? An investigative journalist and a nun in training join forces to unmask the murder of a Buddhist master. The fictional plot of The Infiltrated Court, by Andrea Nunes, is based on recent and surprising academic discoveries in the field of neurology. The result is a breathtaking thriller based on real and behind-the-scenes information on Brazilian poltics and courts, revealing the disconcerting complicity between organized crime and power in the country’s capital city of Brasilia, 16 Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction Rua do Chacon, 345 – Casa Forte Recife – 52061-400 – PE – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Veronika Bárbara Zydowics 55 81 3269-6134 [email protected] www.editoracarpediem.com.br Modernity in the tropics: Gilberto Freyre and debates around the national Author: Valéria Torres da Costa e Silva 422 pages ISBN: 978-85-62648-03-8 Rights available Modernity in the tropics: Gilberto Freyre and the debates around the national, by Valéria Torres da Costa e Silva, which recognizes Gilberto Freyre’s importance in the national canon, seeks to identify opposition between modernism and regionalism, which, in a schematic way, opposes works such as those of Mário and Oswald de Andrade. “Reading Gilbert Freyre it means the search of tracks that can help elucidate the Brazilian past and make up proper solutions for the problems of the present, in tune with our tradition and our history”. Endurance in difficult times a look at the contemporary Author: Antônio Campos 204 pages ISBN: 978-85-62648-39-7 Rights available The new era of uncertainty, including other issues that are part of the contemporary history of mankind and peoples, such as the environment, includes crises of values in considerable number and extensions. The great hope in the universal spirit of endurance is among the themes of the collection of articles by lawyer and writer Antônio Campos in the book Endurance in Difficult Times (Resistir em Tempos Difíceis). Hostages of Drought Author: Magno Martins 208 pages ISBN: 978-85-62648-58-8 Rights available After traveling 6.000 kilometers throughout northeastern Brazil, a journalist and blogger from Pernambuco, Magno Martins, produced the book Hostages of Drought, in which the effects of the biggest drought in 50 years in the region are studied. It is estimated that more than 22 million people have been affected in 1.400 municipalities, in a climatic phenomenon with an estimated R$ 6.8 billion in losses. The book is illustrated with photos and covers 20 chapters. 17 Casa dos Espíritos Publishing House does not make books, but instead builds ideas. We learn while teaching and teach while learning. We share thoughts and invite questioning. And we believe. We believe in the soul as the essence of being and as the essence of a successful business. Casa dos Espíritos puts prejudices aside and disregards beliefs, religion and other labels. Celebrating 18 years and more than 1 million copies sold we look forward to the future as one of the top spirituality publishing houses in Brazil. The eternal power of love Author: Robson Pinheiro by the spirit Theresa of Calcuta 318 pages ISBN: 978-85-87781-38-3 Rights available “If I ever become a saint I will surely be one of darkness. I will continually be absent from heaven to light the light of those in darkness on Earth”. Born in the Balkans, Agnes grew up to be the Nobel Prize winner Mother Teresa, a servant to the poorest of the poor. Theresa of Calcuta. Theresa of God. From her place in immortality the “saint of darkness” unveils the truths behind remarks and words attributed to her, with her wisdom on some of life’s most basic yet powerful questions. An icon of compassion to people of all religions, she is a passionate testament to the power of hope and abiding faith in God, who embodied the true significance of what it means to be a Christian. Beyond matter A bridge between science and spirituality Author: Robson Pinheiro by the spirit Joseph Gleber 320 pages ISBN: 978-85-99818-13-8 Rights available This book is a groundbreaking work in the field of spiritual healing as it brings together spiritual knowledge and contemporary science to help people better understand the influence that human energy fields have over matter and on their own well-being. A psychographic book by spirit Joseph Gleber (a Jewish nuclear physicist and physician who lived in Germany during World War II) through Robson Pinheiro, this book speaks of the truths and findings in spiritual science by Doctor Gleber. The book is trailblazing, yet easy to grasp and accessible to people from all walks of life seeking to better understand of our subtle anatomy and the key principles to well-being. CITY OF SPIRITS CHILDREN OF LIGHT TRILOGY – BOOK 1 Author: Robson Pinheiro by the spirit Ângelo Inácio 460 pages ISBN: 978-85-99818-25-1 Rights available We all tend to think that our experiences only take place in this physical, tangible world. Well, they don’t! City of Spirits is an awe-inspiring book that invites readers along on a journey into a parallel dimension, a spiritual universe – the Divine World – where immortals live and life’s experiences in fact happen. The place where angels, agents of justice, divine guides, and guardians live and from where they depart to lead humans through growth, development, and to influence men’s destinies more than we will ever know. This book feels so real that readers will actually experience this mesmerizing realm that transcends time and place. Welcome to Aruanda! 18 Fiction and Non Fiction Rua Floriano Peixoto, 438 Contagem – 32140-580 – MG – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Leonardo Möller 55 31 3304-8300 [email protected] www.casadosespiritos.com Serenity A therapy for the soul Author: Robson Pinheiro by the spirit Alex Zarthú 176 pages ISBN: 978-85-99818-27-5 Rights available All it takes to enjoy every moment to the fullest is learning how to love by loving yourself first. It takes a good look in the mirror, a thorough examination of the person you see and the strength to take the rough road to transformation. This book serves a beacon of thought that has the power to make readers yearn for change with just few words, in a couple of pages. Spirit Alex Zarthú, the Indian, is a spiritual teacher who will guide you to achieve peace of mind and real happiness. He will teach that freedom and liberation come from within and are attainable even under the most trying conditions, regardless of what the nature of the problem is. Come find serenity. Pure Energy Author: Robson Pinheiro under inspiration of the spirits Joseph Gleber and André Luiz 238 pages ISBN: 978-85-99818-02-2 Rights available In times of extreme stress and anxiety it is important to develop a broader vision of health and knowledge of Energetic Reality. Holistic science does just that. It involves a comprehensive approach to energy healing, and how energy can be channeled to assist in the restoration of health and well-being. Scientific meets the spiritual in this book by medium Robson Pinheiro. With over 25 years of experience as a holistic healer, this is the result of Robson’s studies in the extra-physical dimension under the guidance of spirits Joseph Gleber, José Grosso, and André Luiz. It comes with step-by-step illustrated energetic revitalization practices, serving as a roadmap to a full and plentiful life. Spirits in my life Author: Robson Pinheiro 380 pages ISBN: 978-85-87781-32-1 Rights available This is more than a book. It is the story of a spiritual medium deeply connected with immortal souls. The stories, experiences, and spirits in the life of Robson Pinheiro. Read about his childhood friend who was actually a spirit and his banishment from the Evangelical Church under allegations of “demonic possession”. It includes the story of how Robson woke up from a 19-day coma when spirits took over his body, right before the doctors’ eyes, at the very moment they were about to take him off life support. In this page-turner, Robson recounts some of his most remarkable experiences as a medium and servant to the spiritual realm. The book comes with the CD The Voices of the Spirits Speak through Robson Pinheiro. 19 For over 20 years, Ciranda Cultural has been creating books for different audiences: children, teenagers, adults, teachers and caregivers. Ciranda Cultural Publishing aims at providing knowledge for all by releasing high quality, original products at affordable prices. The major differential in Ciranda Cultural’s catalogue is the books’ diversity, innovation and educational character, which contain interactive features such as pop-ups, sounds, textures, flaps, in addition to cloth and bath books, among many others, which contributes to the reader’s development and education from an early age, through playful and meaningful learning. BABY BOOK Format: 200 mm x 270 mm – 48 pages ISBN: 978-85-38050-29-2 Rights available Author: Ciranda Cultural Pregnancy and the baby’s first months are magical moments that are worth being recorded and shared forever. An ultrasound image, name history, photos of the baby’s first visitors and the baby’s development are some of the memories that can be stored with love in this beautiful book. “SEARCH AND SPOT” SERIES Author: Ciranda Cultural Princesses ISBN: 978-85-38054-18-4 Fairies ISBN: 978-85-38054-44-3 Format: 200 mm x 270 mm – 16 pages Rights available Children and Young Adults Alameda Rio Negro, 585, bloco B, 4º andar, conj. 42 – Alphaville Barueri – 06454-000 – SP – Brasil Sales Department: Ms. Ingrid F. R. Calderão 55 11 3761-9500 55 11 99159-1819 [email protected] www.cirandaculturalpub.com CUPCAKES FOR PRINCESSES Format: 205 mm x 255 mm – 96 pages ISBN: 978-85-38055-45-7 Rights available Author: Ciranda Cultural With step by step instructions for recipes that offer impressive culinary results, this book opens the door for girls to learn the wonders of the kitchen. Explanations about ingredients and utensils, decorating cupcakes and important tips are included in this publication, which, in addition to encouraging children to cook, also provides moments of joy, relaxation and learning in the kitchen. SCRAPBOOKS Author: Ciranda Cultural My Secret Fashion Tips ISBN: 978-85-38055-65-5 My Secret Scrapbook ISBN: 978-85-38055-66-2 Format: 270 mm x 260 mm – 48 pages Rights available Princesses and fairies from fanstastic worlds like to play and have fun like every child does. To do this, they call their friends and go to many different places: amusement park, beauty salon, garden... While playing, they make a mess, leaving their shoes, bags and magic dust all over. With all this mess, readers might be surprised with what they can find throughout the pages. These are colorful books with many stickers, filled with amazing illustrations and with plenty of room for children to cut, paste and write, they can to record all moments and memories from this remarkable life stage, which marks the end of childhood and early adolescence. These books help children keep secrets, express feelings, know themselves better and even improve their creativity! 365 BEDTIME STORIES Author: Ciranda Cultural To dress-up Author: Ciranda Cultural 365 Bedtime Stories ISBN: 978-85-38053-99-6 365 Bible Stories ISBN: 978-85-38018-40-7 Format: 237 mm x 302 mm – 196 pages Rights available Before going to bed, why not read a short and charming story to have good dreams... every night of the year?! This is the purpose of this book, which presents 365 classic, and universal tales, such as The Three Little Pigs and The Twelve Dancing Princesses, besides other narratives with characters from Brazilian folklore and several original stories with endearing characters. Princes, queens, fairies and other beautiful creatures live in an enchanted world hidden within the pages of this book. 20 Enchanted Dolls ISBN: 978-85-38046-479 Glittering Fairies ISBN: 978-85-38046-46-2 Sparkling Ballerinas ISBN: 978-85-38032-14-4 Pretty Princesses ISBN: 978-85-38032-15-1 Format: 200 mm x 270 mm – 16 pages Rights available Dolls, fairies, princesses and ballerinas compose this collection of books with graceful stories, paper dolls and matching outfits that can be used over and over again. In addition to play with the combinations presented in the narrative, children can exercise their creativity by mixing clothes and accessories and even creating new adventures for the characters. 21 Companhia das Letras was founded in 1986. Throughout its 28-year history, it has published 3.500 titles from 1.300 authors, including those under the company’s ten other imprints: Companhia das Letrinhas, Companhia de Bolso, Quadrinhos na Cia, Penguin Companhia, Claro Enigma, Paralela, Seguinte, Boa Companhia, Portfolio Penguin and Panelinha. The Time to Die Author: Simone Campos 256 pages ISBN: 978-85-359-2459-6 Rights available After her grandfather’s death, Izabel starts to spend weekend after weekend at her family’s house, which had been virtually abandoned. Gradually the air of abandonment vanishes, and the house comes alive, as if the ruins were being rebuilt via Izabel’s memory. As her life intersects with the lives of the locals in this small, tourist town, the author builts a sexually-charged narrative, a portrait of generations that is both acerbic and gentle, violent and bucolic. Perfect days Author: Raphael Montes 278 pages ISBN: 978-85-35924-0-15 Rights sold to: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Netherlands This second novel by 23-year-old author Raphael Montes tells the story of Téo, a young medical student and a loner who meets Clarice, a free-spirited woman who dreams of becoming a screenwriter. Téo falls in love with Clarice, starts to stalk her, and when she doesn’t reciprocate, he decides to kidnap her. A dark and claustrophobic novel, full of twists and turn, it is a story of obsessive love that confirms the author’s status as one of the most exciting young authors in Brazilian literature today. The End Author: Fernanda Torres 208 pages ISBN: 978-85-35923-59-9 Rights sold to: France, Hungary, Netherlands, Portugal, Italy and Romania Acclaimed Brazilian actress Fernanda Torres turns her talents to writing in the novel The End, and shows that she is as consummate an artist in print as she is on stage or in front of the cameras. It tells the story of five friends in Rio nearing the end of their lives and revisiting their most significant memories: parties, marriages, divorces, obsessions, inhibitions, regrets. It contains pizzazz, sex, sun and sand. But it is also full of resignation and tinged with melancholy. 22 Fiction and Non Fiction Rua Bandeira Paulista, 702, conj. 32 São Paulo – 04532-002 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Rita Mattar 55 11 3707 3547 [email protected] www.companhiadasletras.com.br Artificial Flowers Author: Luiz Ruffato 152 pages ISBN: 978-85-35924-48-0 Rights available In the awaited new novel of one of the most important Brazilian contemporary authors, the protagonist receives a collection of memoirs that Dório Finetto, an official from the World Bank, wrote based on his many workrelated travels. From countless destinations all over the world, he recounted great stories and minor events. He was part of the characters’ lives for a brief moment. He then created Journeys to Another’s Land, the book-withina-book that Ruffato transformed into his novel Artificial Flowers. A Thousand Stolen Roses Author: Silviano Santiago 280 pages ISBN: 978-85-35924-54-1 Rights available This is the story of a passionate friendship between two boys who met by chance in 1952 and became the closest of friends. Sixty years go by and, one afternoon in 2010, Zeca, now a well-respected cultural producer, lies dying in a hospital bed. His friend, now a retired professor of Brazilian history suddenly understands that he is not only losing his lifetime companion but also his possible biographer. It is now his duty to reverse the roles and write the life story of his inseparable friend. The Feint Author: Sérgio Rodrigues 224 pages ISBN: 978-85-35923-26-1 Rights sold to: France, Spain and Denmark Murilo Junior is an eighty-year-old sports columnist who witnessed firsthand the golden age of Brazilian football. Now he tries to build bridges with his son, Neto, who feels unwanted by his father since his mother’s suicide. As if he had been tricked by a football feint, Neto will eventually discover that his father is more than he seems to be. Seeing cracks inside his father’s narrative, a dark family secret and a vile episode during the military dictatorship are revealed. 23 Since Cortez’s founding in 1980, it has released over 1.200 titles and has become a leading name in academia for teachers, professors, alumni and professionals alike in the fields of Social and Human Sciences – especially in Education, Sociology, Social Work, and Linguistics. In 2004, the first children and young adult catalogue was released, and over 330 titles have been published in this category as of July 2014. Today, high-quality works from Cortez´s qualified professionals, among them internationally acclaimed award-winning Brazilian scholars, authors, and illustrators, can be found in public school classrooms all over Brazil, awaking people to the importance of education, mutual respect, tolerance, sustainability, multiculturalism and social diversity. The boy who collected water Author: Elaine Pasquali Cavion Illustrator: Lúcia Hiratsuka Format: 21 x 25 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-249-1959-6 Rights sold to: Spain Young boys love to collect things: stamps, rocks, coins, truck toys, and even bugs. Francisco collects water and he has thousands of reasons to collect it. Water nurtures our imagination, quenches our dreams and holds us forever close to everything and everyone we love. Francisco keeps a jar in his room, filled with the peaceful and wise water he collected the day he went fishing with his grandpa. And he loves the way water reflects the moon! Every tear, every dive in the river, and every summer shower contains the simplicity of happiness. Little Francisco invites children and adults alike to navigate through life with love, poetry, and joy. The ABC of Human Rights Authors: Dulce Seabra and Sérgio Maciel Illustrator: Albert Linares Format: 18 x 28 cm – 64 pages ISBN: 978-85-249-2003-5 Rights sold to: Spain and to the United States A is for Article and there are 30 of them in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The first one states that all humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. This is an extremely important document that exists to ensure justice, peace, mutual respect and dignity for every person. The articles are applicable everywhere and are the same regardless of creed, race, and gender. This book is a fun and entertaining way to introduce the subject to children from an early age so they can build a world that is gentle, just, happy, and full of understanding and mutual respect. Breezy Breeze Author and Illustrator: Elma Format: 21 x 28 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-249-2069-1 Rights available Breeze is a girl who has the world at the tip of her crayons. Her perceptive nature leads her to believe the wind whispers things in our ears, tangles our hair—and our thoughts—and fills our heads with dreams. And so she draws life on floors, walls and furniture. A perfect balance between the predictable and the unexpected, this book’s refreshingly graceful illustrations are combined with a delicate yet powerful story about the winds and the whirlwinds we feel inside when we see life through our hearts. 24 Children and Young Adults STM and Academics Rua Monte Alegre, 1.074 – Perdizes São Paulo – 05014-001 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Antonio Erivan Gomes 55 11 3864-0111 [email protected] www.cortezeditora.com.br Workplace and mental distress Author: Edith Seligmann-Silva Format: 16 x 23 cm – 624 pages ISBN: 978-85-249-1756-1 Rights sold to: Spain A journey into the complex world of the human mind, behavior, and stress in the globalized workplace. In order to comply with new demands, workers must multifunction, work in substandard conditions, and cope with uncertainty about their own futures. In clear and accessible language, covering topics from stress theory to discrimination in the workplace and burnout, this book taps into both social and health sciences with a rich theoretical understandings and research base. It offers a bold, current, and positive contribution for medical doctors, psychologists, therapists, social workers, administrators, engineers, and everyone involved with the well-being of workers. The Citizen School: education for freedom Author: Moacir Gadotti Format: 14 x 21 cm – 120 pages ISBN: 978-85-249-1596-3 Rights sold to: Spain When schools lose their autonomy they also lose the ability to provide education for emancipation. The Citizen School is an innovative educational project and an alternative to neoliberalism. It fights social and educational imbalance, promotes the participation of the community in the construction of its own welfare, and is sensitive to differences and embraces diversity. Technology and communication media are integrated to promote social awareness, and educators – as facilitators – encourage pupils to be free-thinkers who are conscientious of their rights and duties, and who exercise justice, empathy, responsibility, tolerance, in order to build a more just, sustainable, and balanced society. Teachers in today’s society Author: José Carlos Libâneo Format: 14 x 21 cm – 104 pages ISBN: 978-85-249-1594-9 Rights sold to: Spain What is the role of teachers in today’s knowledge-based society? The challenges posed by new communication channels and information technologies require educators to expand their general culture, dominate an informational language, and learn to interact in the classroom of the new millennium. This book discusses the dilemmas of this new reality, identifies the demands and expectations of educators and proposes more emancipative educational projects. Teachers are vital to education and educational policies, as they have a direct impact on the outcomes of formal education, preparing the younger generation to face the future with responsibility and build it with purpose. 25 Cosac Naify is recognized for its high-end catalogue and for the quality of its publications. Currently Cosac Naify’s catalogue includes over 1.000 titles distributed among subjects such as Art, Architecture, Design, Photography, Essays, Literary Fiction, both classic and contemporary, as well as a distinguished list of children’s books. In 2013, Cosac Naify was chosen as the Best Children’s Publisher of the Year in Latin America at the Bologna Fair, the world’s most important literary event dedicated to children’s literature. Some of Cosac Naify’s goals are to contribute to the expansion of the readers’ horizons, to form new audiences and to intervene constructively in Brazil’s cultural and artistic discussion. Superzeroes Author and Illustrator: Marcelo Cipis Format: 11 x 18 cm – 24 pages ISBN: 978-85-405-0105-8 World rights available Marcelo Cipis invented a league of clumsy superheroes. Not by chance, they were nicknamed Superzeroes. In this interactive image-book, each card contains a character posing as a hero, but, when you flip it over, you will see they are not as invincible as they seem... You can read the cards in order, or you arrange them to create your own story – including three-dimensional ones. A highly interactive and playful book. Furniture Family Author and Illustrator: Tatiana Blass Format: 16 x 20 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-405-0456-1 World rights available The artist Tatiana Blass imagined a truly original family, made up by furniture in a house where nothing stays in the same place. She also makes reference to the way we use these objects: Thelma TV always wants to be the center of attention, Theodore Rug is always down, Serge Sofa spends the day taking naps... The author’s artistic, colorful illustrations accompany the text. To read with the whole family. The Sick Author: André Viana Format: 13 x 19 cm – 128 pages ISBN: 978-85-405-0612-1 World rights available In a series of recorded interviews, a man reviews the main events of his life, starting with this father’s death from cancer, which occurred on his 11th birthday. The Sick is the story of a man in search of meaning in a life marked by consecutive cultural, sexual and emotional experiences, along with family tragedies, but told with a dash of humor and shots of Jack Daniel’s. 26 Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction Rua General Jardim, 770, 2º andar São Paulo – 01223-010 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Ricardo Lelis 55 11 3218-1444 [email protected] www.cosacnaify.com.br In the Darkness, Tomorrow Author: Rogério Pereira Format: 13 x 19 cm – 128 pages ISBN: 978-85-405-0530-8 World rights available In his first novel, Rogério Pereira creates a melancholy story, showing exceptional talent. In the countryside of a southern Brazilian state, which differs completely from the tropical image of Brazil, the characters experience a hard rural lifestyle and an increasing inability to communicate. Haunted by the idea of a God without mercy, the protagonists move to the city for a better life, but this will lead to the family’s annihilation. The Cold Outside Author: Flavio Cafiero Format: 13 x 19 cm – 254 pages ISBN: 978-85-405-0560-5 World rights available In this first novel with autobiographic influences, Flavio Cafiero narrates a beautiful story about life changes. The main character, Gustavo Luna, works hard for a large company, but he is not promoted. His girlfriend leaves him. Suddenly the world looks different: relations are unstable, the certainties end, even words lose their natural meaning. In a shifting scenario, he needs to invent a new Gustavo. The solitude of the moment is overwhelming. He finds out that the cold outside can be unbearable. Opisanie Swiata Author: Veronica Stigger Format: 14 x 20 cm – 160 pages ISBN: 978-85-405-0462-2 World rights available Opisanie Swiata means “description of the world”. The title was taken from the Polish version of “Il Milione”, Marco Polo’s travel journal. The novel recounts the journey of Opalka, a Polish man who lived in Brazil in the 1930’s. He receives a letter from Natanael, his unknown son, who is on the verge of death, and decides to travel to the Amazon to meet him. During this long journey, he meets Bopp, an eccentric man who decides to travel with him and becomes his friend. 27 Editora Dedo de Prosa is a publishing house that focuses on publication of books for children and youngsters, within language and literature areas. The main purpose of these books is to provide support materials for teachers in order to help them expand student curiosity. The publisher selects books that enable ongoing exchange and reflection on new and challenging ideas. We hope to create a platform that can transform information and knowledge into practice, showing how theory can be applied to everyday life. The dinosaur’s birthday party Birthdays Collection 1 Author: Índigo Illustrator: Silvana Rando Format: 18 x 23 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-64369-05-4 Rights available Arthur is one year old. When looking at photos from his birthday party, he remembers the event and investigates what really happened. With sensitive and witty comments, this young narrator tells us about debut into the world. The little men’s birthday party Birthdays Collection 2 Author: Índigo Illustrator: Silvana Rando Format: 18 x 23 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-64369-06-1 Rights available Children and Young Adults Rua Fortunato, 252, conj. 22 – Santa Cecília São Paulo – 01224-030 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Silvia Dinucci Fernandes 55 11 3331-1757 [email protected] www.editoradedodeprosa.com.br Vampirola and Vampireca, the naughty vampIREs Author: Regina Sormani Illustrator: Cris Eich Format: 21 x 25 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-64369-04-7 Rights available Have you ever heard about little twin vampire girls? And these are vampire twins who are quite ... different. Vampirola and Vampireca, the naughty vampires, live in Vampiland, a competitor to Transylvania. Did you know that in Vampiland you could schedule an interview with a scary Doctor Van der Pyr, the vampchiatrist? Also, come and meet the S.A.V. – the Society of Alternative Vampires. This is one scary story… well, maybe not. Going on playing Author: Gil Veloso Images: Alex Cerveny Format: 14 x 21 cm – 56 pages ISBN: 978-85-64333-05-5 Rights available Arthur is two years old. He can walk. He has friends and makes plans for the future. This time, his birthday party will take place in a beautiful garden at his grandmother’s house. But Arthur notices some strange creatures among the guests. They are short, bad tempered and very rude. They are garden gnomes. Arthur gets along with them, and together they really celebrate during this unforgettable birthday party. Even though it is targeted to a juvenile audience, Gil Veloso’s poetry is eternal; he writes poems of the highest quality. Go ahead, open a page and be amazed. Everything sings, everything is filled with magic and joy – you won’t be able to put the book down. The discoveries that this poetry promises us are immense – even beyond comprehension. And all with abundant humour. The rabbits that jump from the magician’s top hat self-multiply infinitely, just like Gil’s verses in our souls. The three little pigs’ birthday party Birthdays Collection 3 The chicken and other bright animals Author: Índigo Illustrator: Silvana Rando Format: 18 x 23 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-64369-07-8 Rights available Arthur and two friends will celebrate his birthday in the countryside. Arthur’s dad has a surprise for them. Each child will get his own little house, and will experience the amazing adventures of the three little pigs. 28 Author: Ronald Polito Visual poems: Guto Lacaz Format: 21 x 25 cm – 56 pages ISBN: 978-85-64333-04-8 Rights available A worm in the North Pole? A beaver with a house made of scraps? This is a book about amazing animals, involved in unpredictable situations that require them to act and react intelligently. It is also a book of poems that, without following models, provides plenty of verses, metrics, rhythms and rhymes. This is the first teen book by Ronald Polito, with visual poems by artist Guto Lacaz. 29 Founded by the Jesuits more than 50 years ago, Loyola is open to all branches of thought and knowledge that contribute to the complete development of the human being. We consider the mission of the Jesuits –faithful service and promotion of justice – in terms of the promotion of culture. Faith in the Person of Jesus Author: Paulo Lisboa 96 pages ISBN: 978-85-15-04068-1 Rights available Religious STM and Academics Rua 1822, 341 São Paulo – 04216-000 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Marcelo Perine 55 11 3385-8500 [email protected] www.loyola.com.br Understanding Scotus Author: Cesar Ribas Cezar 144 pages ISBN: 978-85-15-04148-0 Rights available “What we believe in is important, but still more important is the One who we believe in.” Benedict XVI’s sentence inspires this work which is intended to be a helpful guide book for personal encounters with the Lord in prayer. More than a handbook, the work is a true spiritual guide for personal meditation and reflection on the Word, identified with the Word who became flesh and lived among us (Jn 1.14a). The meeting with the Lord is the privileged way to nourish faith in the person of Jesus. Together with Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventura and William of Occam, John Duns Scotus is one of the greatest thinkers of the Scholastic period. His doctrines on human knowledge, freedom and metaphysical themes, among others, exerted unparalleled influence on later philosophy and theology. In a concise and organized way, this book presents its fundamental theses: the human ability to reach absolute certainties; the certainty of the existence of God, the infinite being; the possibility of rationally asserting the moral norms and the plausibility of Christian faith. History and Theology of Spirituality Wallon and Vygotsky: Psychology and Education Author: Danilo Mondoni 184 pages ISBN: 978-85-15-04114-5 Rights available For those who wonder about the mystery underlying the silence of the universe and the weight of history, spirituality is the feeling that encountering the Transcendent causes in the life of every person. Theology is the feeling this encounter that this creates when one tries to understand it and talk about it. Starting with a panoramic overview of the history of spirituality, the author shows the historical roots of the different spiritual movements and schools and theologically reflects on the constitutive elements which establish Christian spirituality and promote its development (spiritual orientation). Attracted by the One who is the source of all life and the God of consolation, the Christian as a person unified in bodily, psychic, and spiritual dimensions follows the way of Jesus Christ – endless brotherhood moved and supported by the dynamism of the Holy Spirit. God Analyzed Author: Ricardo Torri de Araújo 288 pages ISBN: 978-85-15-04092-6 Rights available According to Freud, the origin of the belief in God stems from the father complex. For him, religious belief is a neurosis and an illusion whose main function is to offer protection to the human being; this belief will inevitably disappear, giving rise to a scientific era. The book is a discussion of these ideas. It talks at length about Freud’s personal relationship with religious phenomenon both diachronically and systematically, it provides his criticism of religion, tells the story of the Catholic Church’s reception of psychoanalysis and, finally, provides a critical appraisal of Freudian criticism of religious facts. 30 Author: Alice Beatriz B.I. Bastos 96 pages ISBN: 978-85-15-04102-2 Rights available This book presents and discusses Henri Wallon’s and Lev Vygotsky’s theories, in addition to establishing educational implications resulting from their main theoretical presuppositions. Its reading is accessible for students attending degree or specialization courses in the field of Education and Psychology. It can also help psychologists who are specialists in Pedagogy. Both Wallon and Vygotsky take into account the sociocultural context influences in human development and conceive of the subject as a social individual since birth. For both of them, the subject is constituted in interactions and by the interactions he or she establishes with the human world and culture. They are indispensable authors on psychism evolution analysis, offering relevant contributions with different focuses despite many theoretical approaches. Plato Was Not Sick Author: Marcelo Perine 312 pages ISBN: 978-85-15-04139-8 Rights available “Plato, I believe, was sick” (Phaedo 59 B). This famous sentence in the Phaedo, alluded to by the title of this work, expresses a concealment strategy by means of which Plato clearly indicates that his written work is not intended to be a set of historical documents, a testimony of dialogues that really took place, allowing him at the same time to make the dialogue guide, for the most part Socrates, a dramatis persona of himself. Just like in the direct tradition of writings Plato deliberately conceals himself, but discloses his thought disguised as the literary characters he created, in the indirect tradition his thought is camouflaged, be it by the allusive qualities of many passages in his writings, or by the testimony of his close or distant disciples. 31 Sesc – Social Service of Commerce- is the result of an established socio-educative project that has, since its creation by Brazilian commerce, services and tourism areas more than 60 years ago, served as a source of innovation and social change, with many activities in the fields of culture, education, health and leisure. To expand the scope of its operations, Sesc São Paulo founded its publishing house, Edições Sesc SP, whose publications cover topics as diverse as culture, arts, sports, social sciences, education, philosophy, history and senior citizens. Many books from its catalogue result from the institution’s activities and projects. These works often include different types of media, reaching an audience interested in diversified information. LUIZ’S SKY | 100 years of Gonzaga Photos: Tiago Santana Text: Audálio Dantas Edições Sesc São Paulo and Editora Tempo d’Imagem Format: 28 x 28 cm – 155 pages ISBN: 978-85-7995-083-4 Bilingual edition (English/Portuguese) Rights available The book celebrates the centenary of Luiz Gonzaga’s birth, a folk songwriter and musician, known as the King of Baião. The book includes photographs about life in the northeastern hinterlands and texts that cover key moments in the life of the musician, serving as a catalogue that allows us to understand who he was, where he lived and in what context he developed his production. Accompanied by accordion, bass drum and triangle, Gonzaga brought the joy of fests and forró to the rest of Brazil, raising public awareness about poverty, sorrows and injustices of his land. PIXINGUINHA – OTHER STAVES THE CARNIVAL OF PIXINGUINHA Editors: Bia Paes Leme, Marcílio Lopes, Paulo Aragão and Pedro Aragão Edições Sesc São Paulo, Instituto Moreira Salles, Imprensa Oficial Editor: Adauto Novaes CARLOS MOREIRA – SÃO PAULO Format: 30 x 29 cm – 204 pages ISBN: 978-85-7995-084-1 Trilingual edition (English/Spanish/Portuguese) Rights available In this book, the photographer Carlos Moreira presents photos of São Paulo city, taken between 1960 and 2000. By recording the daily life of the metropolis and its many characters, the artist captures the impact of the changings in the urban landscape at unique moments, translated into population growth and densification, dynamics of passersbys in squares, streets and avenues, and the emergence of important architectural landmarks in the capital. Noteworthy is the fact that Moreira shoots daily, which allows him to not only expose the hard beauty of São Paulo, but also to emphasize the rhythm of the city and of those who live in it. Editor: Marie Ange Bordas Edições Sesc São Paulo and Associação Cultural Videobrasil GERALDO DE BARROS – THAT’S IT Editor: Fabiana de Barros Geraldo de Barros (1923-1998) was one of the most important representatives of Brazilian modernism. He learned the principles of the Ulm Superior School of Design (Germany), brought them to South America and encouraged many of his colleagues to join the movement of concrete art. He cultivated contacts with the European artistic avant-garde and, in Brazil, was a pioneer in developing and experiencing new trends such as pop art. This book presents an overview of his life and work, chronologically arranged and covering all aspects of his production with an emphasis in photography. 32 Format: 16 x 23 cm – 528 pages ISBN: 978-85-7995-102-2 Rights available In the seventh book in the Mutations series, essays address the concept of speech, which gives form and expression to thoughts and passions, and silence before the large volume of information currently produced. Silence is seen as a form of transgression, and the prose as a process of creating works of arts and ideas. Thus, in a dialectical context, the authors address interactions between speech and senses, imagination and silence, music and silence; the poetic speech; the origin of speech; the commonplace; the political discourse; the lie; silent transformations, among others. For this, this book presents essays by some of the most prominent Brazilian and foreign thinkers, such as Francis Wolff, Pedro Duarte, Olgária Matos, Franklin Leopoldo e Silva, Oswaldo Giacoia Jr, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Marcelo Coelho, Renato Lessa, Pascal Dibie, Eugenio Bucci, Eugène Enriquez, Newton Bignotto, José Miguel Wisnik, Elie During, Jorge Coli, Guilherme Wisnik, João Carlos Salles, David Lapoujade, Romain Graziani, Frédéric Gros, Vladimir Safatle, Marcelo Jasmin, Luis Alberto Oliveira, Antonio Cicero and Francisco Bosco. CADERNO SESC – VIDEOBRASIL 9: Geographies in motion Format: 28 x 28 cm – 364 pages ISBN: 978-85-7995-055-1 Bilingual edition (English/Portuguese) Rights available Format: 31 x 22 cm – 748 pages ISBN: 978-85-7995-094-0 Format: 18.2 x 25.1 cm – 332 pages ISBN: 978-85-7995-093-3 Rights available Considered one of the most important and complete Brazilian musicians, Pixinguinha was a brilliant composer, arranger and instrumentalist. After the publication of Pixinguinha in Stave (2010), a new set of scores, with carnival folk songs and orchestral works, broadens the dissemination of the artist’s collection, currently kept by Instituto Moreira Salles. Of the 44 arrangements published in Pixinguinha: Other Staves, 32 are original recordings available to the public. The Carnival of Pixinguinha presents 25 arrangements created in the 1950s and part of them were gathered in the albums Carnaval da Velha Guarda and Assim é que é... MUTATIONS – THE SILENCE AND THE PROSE OF THE WORLD Photos: Carlos Moreira Editor: Rosely Nakagawa Edições Sesc São Paulo and Editora Tempo d’Imagem Fiction and Non Fiction Rua Cantagalo, 74, 14º andar, conj. 1401, bl. A – Vila Gomes Cardim São Paulo – 03319-000 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Marcos Lepiscopo 55 11 2227-7471 [email protected] www.sescsp.org.br/loja Format: 18,5 x 24 cm – 148 pages ISBN: 1983388-1 09 Bilingual edition (English/Portuguese) Rights available In this notebook, the artist creates dialogues between fragments of her path – through Brazil, Europe and Africa – and collaborations by artists and theorists with decisive contributions, such as the South African visual artist William Kentridge and the Cameroonian philosopher Achille Mbembe, who created the expression afropolitanism. 18th SESC – VIDEOBRASIL INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART: Southern Panoramas Edições Sesc São Paulo and Associação Cultural Videobrasil Format: 18 x 23 cm – 264 pages ISBN: 978-85-7995-082-7 Bilingual edition (English/Portuguese) Rights available The bilingual publication presents images of works, synopses, biographical summaries and curatorial texts that situate and approach the main lines of research at the Southern Panoramas competitive show, a part of the 18th Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil. As a showcase of the centraol subjects of visual arts production from the geopolitical scene, the volume discusses issues of contemporary relevance, offering distinct forms of analysis and understanding of reality according to actions, reflections and reinterpretations by artists from Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Asia and Oceania. 33 In Brazil since 2004, Edições SM has as its principal commitment to encourage reading and development of reflection and creativity in children and young people, forming critical readers and awareness in the world in which they live and supporting the teacher’s work in their role as educators. Diversity of themes, variety of genders authors and illustrators, both Brazilian and foreign, classical and contemporary, literary and graphic quality are trademarks of the books in our collections. Thus, this catalogue was developed with young readers in mind, respecting their world, their needs, fantasies and anxieties, without ignoring the importance of learning and reflection about the past, dilemmas and the demands of the present and the future. There are approximately 260 titles for readers of various ages. The Giraffe is Mine! Author: Fabrício Carpinejar Illustrator: Miguel Tanco Format: 17 × 29 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-418-0481-3 Album Collection Rights available Have you heard of the giraffe that eats 20 hours per day and sleeps standing up, little by little? Or that the letter “h” is the giraffe of the alphabet? Father and daughter love to talk about these things when to visit the zoo every Saturday just to see Theo. They don’t even pay attention to the other animals. Love invents its own language, and the two express their love for one another in “giraffe-speak.” Grimm: New Readings Various authors and illustrators Format: 17 x 24 cm – 248 pages ISBN: 978-85-418-0315-1 Fairy Tale Collection Rights available Young Brazilian writers and illustrators, not necessarily associated with children’s literature, recreate traditional stories from Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, in commemoration of the bicentennial of their anthology Children’s and Household Tales. The tribute affirms both the enduring nature of the “Grimm legacy,” now a staple in the canon of children’s literature, and its ability to serve as a basis for rewritings in a modern context, colored by the sensibilities and styles of the authors involved. Lovely on the outside Author and illustrator: Mauricio Negro Format: 17 x 24 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-418-0401-1 Album Collection Rights available Based on stories from his grandfather, with his Italian-Paulistana background, Mauricio Negro recreates old popular Italian fables and anecdotes, maintaining their humorous spirit. The saying “Lovely on the outside, rotten on the inside,” which the title cites, refers to the protagonists of the stories: folks whose moral virtues are not their strength. Apparently sincere, naive or nice, they hide pettiness, selfishness or cruelty within. 34 Children and Young Adults Rua Tenente Lycurgo Lopes da Cruz, 55 – Água Branca São Paulo – 05036-120 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Graziela R. S. Costa Pinto 55 11 2111-7400 [email protected] www.grupo-sm.com Earth Stitched with Water Author and illustrator: Lúcia Hiratsuka Format: 20.5 x 27.5 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-418-0406-6 Backyard Stories Collection Rights available Every day Tuti plays in Laura’s yard. One day she arrives with something new: a big box of colored pencils. Laura asks for one, but Tuti refuses and leaves in a huff. Disappointed by her friend’s pettiness, she occupies herself with Maria, who is washing clothes in the river and teaches her to sculpt, or “to stitch earth with water.” Laura, who thought one could only sew with needle and thread, learns the secrets of clay, which can mend broken hearts and help her overcome her disappointment. Above Anything Else Author and Illustrator: Paulo Rea Format: 27.5 × 20.5 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-418-0485-1 Album Collection Rights available At the top of a building, Mariana invites Altair to feel the wind. What fascinates the girl challenges the inventor, who builds a device that can hold the wind so he can give it to his friend as a gift. But the force of the air reveals the distance between the desires of each one, prompting a meeting of different nature between the two characters. Smile, Lia! Author: Armando Antenore Illustrator: Rita Taraborelli Format: 23 × 15.5 cm – 48 pages ISBN: 978-85-418-0405-9 What a character! Collection Rights available Lia hid the smile that before she displayed day and night to all. “Smile, Lia, smile!” they all pleaded. But Lia didn’t smile...Could it be sadness, fear, nostalgia, heartburn? Or could it be her soul that was aching? 35 The International Association EDITARES is a not-for-profit institution, founded on October 23, 2004, being independent and maintained through the work of dozens of volunteers. Among its activities are the production, publication, distribution and dissemination of technical and scientific works. The main objective of EDITARES is dissemination of publications rich in conscientiological content. We are a reference in international studies and surveys on psychic phenomena, near death experience (NDE); self-research, out-of-body experience, life after death; bioenergy; foresight; ecotoplasm phenomena; life projects, health consciousness, reincarnation, among others. Projections of the Consciousness Author: Waldo Vieira Format: 21 x14 cm – 268 pages ISBN: 978-85-98966-57-1 Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, Germany Rights available Written as a diary, this book contains dozens of reports of out-of-body experiences (OBE), as experienced by the author. OBE or lucid projection occurs when a person perceives him/herself as lucid and conscious outside his or her body, and can even maintain contact with other people in the same condition or those who no longer possess a physical body, such as others who have passed away or personal benefactors. Aiming to contribute to training of invididuals for conscious projection, the book was developed in a practical, technical and descriptive manner, with the goal of serving as a reference for those interested in the topic and encouraging people to have their own projective experiences. Self-Cure Through Reconciliation Author: Málu Balona Format: 21 x14 cm – 354 pages ISBN: 978-85-98966-29-8 Rights available With a clear and accessible approach, the author shows how self-retractation assists in overcoming low selfesteem, self-blame, resentment, grievances and frustrations, elements that represent major barrier to health and personal development. Effective techniques are proposed for effective self-reconciliation which results in greater personal confidence and emotional stability, among other benefits. With reconciliation, the individual adopts a participatory approach, assuming greater responsibility for life itself, since, in the words of the author, “there is no use trying to outsource self-healing”. Where does Religion End? Author: Marcelo da Luz Format: 23 x17 cm – 486 pages ISBN: 978-85-98966-39-7 Languages: Portuguese, English Rights available Written by a former Catholic priest, this book is an impressive and insightful demolition of the foundations of religious belief. Combining facts, personal experiences, and a multidisciplinary approach that includes history, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, theology and conscientiology, the author exposes the irrationalities and deceptions of Christianity and the world’s other religions. This is an essential text for all of those interested in the analysis of religion’s influence on the human consciousness. 36 Fiction and Non Fiction Av. Felipe Wandscheer, 5.100, sl. 107 – Cognópolis Foz do Iguaçu – 85856-530 – PR – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Paulo Abrantes Ms. Ana Paula Firmato 55 45 2102 1407 [email protected] www.editares.org Clairvoyance: Theory and Practice Author: Rodrigo Medeiros Format: 23 x 16 cm – 208 pages ISBN: 978-85-98966-52-6 Rights available This book addresses the topic of clairvoyance, with theoretical foundations in Paraperceptiology and Projectiology. In addition, the book provides techniques accessible anyone with an interest in the topic. Clairvoyance is defined as the phenomenon of visual perception of present extraphysical realities. The high point of the book is the presentation of dozens of procedures and techniques for the reader to develop his or her clairvoyance, either through self-teaching or coursework. The approach argues that development of clairvoyance improves a person’s performance in life and serves as a tool for development of consciousness. Foreigner Syndrome Author: Málu Balona Format: 21 x 14 cm – 314 pages ISBN: 85-98966-11-8 Languages: Portuguese/Spanish Rights available According to the author, Foreigner Syndrome is an existential malaise, a feeling of not belonging and of displacement regarding the individual and the different environments to which they relate: family, school, work and themselves. The person feels like an odd man out. With a broad interdisciplinary approach, the author relates the syndrome to some strains of Psychology, Psychiatry and the materialist paradigm that is confronted with the ideas of conscientiology. The book is useful for all people who have gone through such unique experiences in childhood and adolescence, with conflicting traits of intellectual, paranormal or parapsychic giftedness that are above average in society. Courage to Evolve Author: Luciano Vicenzi Format: 21 x 14 cm – 188 pages ISBN: 978-85-98966-37-3 Languages: Portuguese/Germany Rights available This book, geared for both the lay public and for veteran researchers of conscientiology, is about the courage to evolve. The author analyzes the human and extraphysical factors that influence personal decision-making. Using an accessible approach, the author shows that our present-future is built on personal efforts, and a lack of courage to evolve and control their development, which makes people prefer to imagine a favorable event of destiny rather than face reality. The courage to challenge paradigms in search of creative solutions, when based on open and logical reasoning, is the essence of the scientific spirit. Without intelligence and courage, there is no evolution. 37 Founded in October 1928, Atheneu’s catalogue already includes more than 1.336 books. We release a monthly average of six publications, all written by Brazilian authors. Due to its dedication to editorial quality, in 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Atheneu received the well known Brazilian Award “Prêmio Jabuti” in the fields of Natural Sciences and Medicine. It is considered the most important prize, and is seen as the “Oscars” of Literature. In 2003, the company won the Latin American Award “Integración”, awarded by Camara Internacional de Pesquisas e Integración Social (International Social Research and Integration Chamber). Atlas de Diagnóstico em Parasitologia Humana (The Atlas of DIagnostic HUman Parasitology) Format: 21 x 28 cm – 296 pages ISBN: 978-85-388-0444-4 Rights available Author: Geraldo Attilio de Carli STM and Academics Rua Jesuíno Pascoal, 30 – Santa Cecília São Paulo – 01224-050 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Ana Paula Matias 55 11 2858-8750 [email protected] www.atheneu.com.br Melanoma – Prevenção, Diagnóstico, Tratamento e Acompanhamento – 2ª ed. (MELANOMA-PREVENTION, DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT AND FOLLOW-UP) Format: 21 x 28 cm – 396 pages ISBN: 978-85-388-0503-8 Rights available Authors: Alberto Julius Alves Wainstein and Francisco Aparecido Belfort The Atlas of Diagnostic Human Parasitology is intended to serve all professionals who research and work in the areas of Parasitology, mainly by providing information on early diagnosis of parasitic diseases, which greatly facilitates their treatments and prognoses. The atlas, as a medical work, presents 800 color and black and white photographs, six sections divided into: Principles of Microscopy: Tools for Obtaining and Analyzing Images in Parasitology; Morphometry by ocular micrometer; Protozoa; Helminths; Confounding Artifacts with Stages of Diagnosis of Parasites and Arthropods. The Atlas of Diagnostic Human Parasitology is undoubtedly the most important and most illustrated work in this field to date published in Brazil. Simples Assim: Células-tronco (STEMS CELLS MADE Easy) Authors: Adelson Alves, M.D. and Alysson Renato Muotri, Ph.D. 224 pages ISBN: 978-85-388-0476-5 Rights available Melanoma – Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-up is an extremely thorough and comprehensive book, the text of which presents new diagnostic tools, such as molecular markers to classify patients into different risk categories for metastasis. The new treatments, which are even more complex, but more effective, include associations and sequencing of drugs, such as the treatment of patients with metastatic melanoma, both as the palliative and effective treatment for stage IV melanoma. They are responsible for increased survival of patients with high-risk, stage II and III melanomas. Thus, this book will be mandatory reading among Medical and Surgical Oncologists, Dermatologists and Oncology and Dermatology Residents. Neuroanatomia Funcional 3ª ed. (FUNCTIONAL NEUROANATOMY) Authors: Angelo B.M. Machado and Lucia Machado Haertel Format: 21 x 28 cm – 360 pages ISBN: 978-85-388-0457-4 Rights available The stem cell is the mother of all cells forming our body. If you want to know more about the way a single cell manages to face such a challenge so perfectly, you must read this book. In this textbook, Alysson Muotri, with accuracy, simplicity and good humor, elucidates basic concepts about stem cells, guiding the reader into a journey through time, illustrating the persistent fascination man has with regeneration and eternal life. Carol Marchetto, Ph.D., a researcher at the Salk Institute for Research in California, is the most internationally influential Brazilian stem cell researcher, with publications in the most important scientific journals, including Nature and Cell. The 3rd edition of Functional Neuroanatomy has been completely rewritten, expanded and updated. The book has 32 chapters, with the last one being an atlas of brain sections, in order to allow quick views of structures and their topographical relationships with neighboring structures. Tractography images were added, showing fibers and connections found with the help of magnetic resonance (MRI). This book’s target audience includes students of medicine, psychology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. Thus, it is an edition that is timeless, remaining fully updated and keeping its didactic value. Clínica Médica – Diagnóstico e Tratamento (INTERNAL MEDICINE-DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT) Fundamentos em Terapia Intensiva (FUNDAMENTALS IN INTENSIVE CARE) Author: Antonio Carlos Lopes Format: 17.5 x 25 cm 6.912 pages – 6 vols. ISBN: 978-85-388-0443-7 Rights available Internal Medicine – Diagnosis and Treatment is a book intended for use by every internist who requires clarification and guidance, not only on internal medicine, but virtually on all clinical medical specialties. Its editor is Professor Antonio Carlos Lopes, head of Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine at Escola Paulista de Medicina, UNIFESP, and President of the Brazilian Society of Internal Medicine, SBCM. This work is entirely written by Brazilian physicians – it is not a translation, and therefore is fully aligned with our culture (habits and customs), including our medical-care reality, which represents the patient’s actual social and economic conditions. Use it as reference, read it, keep it on hand at the office, as well as in the outpatient and hospital rooms. It will be of great use. 38 Author: Dante Senra Format: 21 x 28 cm 1.688 pages – 2 vols. ISBN: 978-85-388-0358-4 Rights available The book addresses all medical specialties in its 156 chapters, emphasizing the most critical stages of disease, written by experts from important universities in Brazil and abroad, with recognized expertise in their area of practice. In addition to presenting fundamental theoretical concepts, the book is designed to emphasize practice, which is supported not only by the authors’ vast experiences but also by medical evidence. This is an updated work directed not only for the internists but also for all those who practice or intend to practice medicine. Its chapters present a large collection of photos, radiological images and figures that are didacticwhile offering a conceptual review of the best national and international literature. 39 Atica is nationally recognized for the excellence of its groups of authors and editorial teams, who have been honored with several Jabuti awards, among others. The company is a part of Abril Educação and has nearly half a century of history, marked by many innovations in the editorial area of educational products. Among other initiatives, the company is responsible for the development of various books and collections on pedagogical orientation and for the famous teacher’s guide, a format that has become practically universal in the organization of teaching materials and textbooks. The company is also responsible for the launches of series that has attracted several generations of readers, like (Bom Livro, Vaga-lume and Para Gostar de Ler), written by numerous major Brazilian authors. The Target Author: Ilan Brenman Format: 22.5 x 27.5 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-0814-263-7 Rights available A beautiful text about the art of storytelling and a teacher and his power of over his students. An old teacher helps people by telling stories: all of them are always delighted and encouraged by their stories. The most intriguing part is that he always finds the right story for the right person at exactly the right moment. It seems like he reads their thoughts and feelings. It is so with the character of the book. The same is true for the talented Ilan Brenman, who literally hits the bullseye with this narrative. The graphic project and the illustrations are unique and eyecatching. All of the illustrations are based on a hole in the book’s center, symbolizing the center of a target—the bullseye. The Athenaeum Author: Raul Pompeia Script and artwork: Marcello Quintanilha Format: 19 x 26 cm – 96 pages ISBN: 978-85-08-15365-7 Rights available At the age of 11, Sérgio must leave behind his toys, the comfort of his home and his caring parents to enter a new phase: boarding school. He is enrolled in the prestigious Athenaeum – commanded by an illustrious director: Aristarco. At first dazzled by the aura of excellence at the school, Sergio finds himself alone in a completely foreign world. Behind the acclaimed modern education that attracts the children of the elite, we discover a tyrannical system, driven by the greedy excesses of the director. Keeping the original text of Raul Pompeia, Marcello Quintanilha creates a masterpiece in comic book form. In the Dark Night Lays a Tree of Wonders! Author and illustrator: Ricardo Azevedo Format: 20 x 24 cm – 120 pages ISBN: 978-85-08-08190-5 Rights available Once upon a time there was a range of stories that great-great-grandparents told great-grandparents, who told grandparents, who told parents… who suddenly stopped telling them. They are stories about life that bring a bit of magic anytime, anywhere, but are at risk of being lost forever. Ricardo Azevedo, a researcher of Brazilian folklore and exceptional storyteller, chose some of the most delightful tales and wrote them down the way everyone likes to hear them: passed on from parent to child… 40 Children and Young Adults Av. Nações Unidas, 7.221, 3º andar São Paulo – 05425-902 – SP – Brasil Editorial Department: Mr. Paulo Nascimento Verano 55 11 4383-8525 [email protected] www.atica.com.br Thorny Brushwood of the Deep Jungle Author: Ricardo Azevedo Format: 17 x 24 cm – 256 pages ISBN: 978-85-08-16200-0 Rights available In the 16th century, a 15-year-old boy finds himself abandoned after the death of his mother, who is persecuted on false charges of witchcraft. He is fated to join the Portuguese overseas fleet, setting off on a risky voyage to the New World. His ship is wrecked, however, and the youth faces months of solitary survival in the unknown and exotic lands of Brazil during its early historical period. Encountering settlers, he witnesses the curious relationship between catechized natives and the Portuguese. Amidst passions, encounters, dangers and discoveries, the youngster is exposed to the conflict between established truths and the unrest of a vibrant and questioning life. Look There! Author: José Paulo Paes Illustrator: Rubens Matuck Format: 17.5 x 30.5 cm – 16 pages ISBN: 978-85-08-14672-7 Rights available The animals of the Brazilian fauna are the protagonists of this delicate masterpiece by José Paulo Paes and Rubens Matuck. The work consists of eight poems accompanied by beautiful watercolors, each one dedicated to a different creature: the ant, the macaw, the sloth, the alligator, the hummingbird, the anteater and the agouti. Through short and amusing verses, the book stimulates children’s interest in the expressiveness of language. The First Kiss Author: Marcia Kupstas Illustrator: Eduardo Medeiros Format: 14 x 21 cm – 56 pages ISBN: 978-85-08-16111-9 Rights available Alex is unhappy with his new life in a big city apartment. He would rather go back to the countryside. There he could play in the street, his parents had time for him and no one called him a hick. Back in his hometown, he had no problems at school and did not have to put up with obnoxious girls like Beth. If only she would just leave him alone, especially now, as he is being punished for something he didn’t do... If only he could explain himself, he would have much to say. Not knowing how to deal with so many changes, Alex barely notices the transformations occurring inside of him. But such conflicts do not prevent him from experiencing one of the best discoveries in life. 41 “Commitment to science and democratization of knowledge” is Blucher’s motto. We have been in the market for 59 years, have received 16 Jabuti awards and have published more than 1.500 high-level scientific research titles. BASIC NOMENCLATURE OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Authors: Henrique Eisi Toma, Ana Maria da Costa Ferreira, Ana Maria Galindo Massabni, Antonio Carlos Massabni Format: 17 x 25 cm – 120 pages ISBN: 978-85-2120-827-3 Rights available Naming is like a language. You must master it to express yourself correctly. This is of major importance in science. In chemistry, names express the nature of substances, composition, structure and properties. Far from being a treatise that must be followed, this book provides a simplified, updated and didactic approach of the reference work “Red Book” by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). It focuses on the inorganic systems and its reading is an inviting journey through the Universe, and the Periodic Table of the Elements. MATH WITH TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS – VOL. 1 Authors: Dirceu D’Alkmin Telles, Suzana Abreu de Oliveira Souza, Seizen Yamashiro Format: 17 x 24 cm – 384 pages ISBN: 978-85-2120-777-1 Rights available STM and Academics Rua Pedroso Alvarenga, 1.245, 4º andar São Paulo – 04531-012 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Eduardo Blücher 55 11 3708-5366 [email protected] www.blucher.com.br PORT ENGINEERING Authors: Paolo Alfredini, Emilia Arasaki Format: 20.5 x 25.5 cm – 1.308 pages ISBN: 978-85-2120-811-2 Rights available The engineer Paolo Alfredini provides expertise on Port Engineering, the subject presented in the first three sections of this book. Additionally, the scientific precision with which Naval, Estuarine and Fluvial Hydraulics is treated is similar to a work of the classical literature, creating models and standards that will serve as references to future works of other authors. The subject of Port Engineering is also highlighted in the last two sections of the book, where information presented in the first three sections is applied for port, costal and waterway construction projects. SOCIOECONOMIC STRATIFICATION AND CONSUMPTION IN BRAZIL Authors: Wagner A. Kamakura, José Afonso Mazzon Format: 20.5 x 25.5 cm – 286 pages ISBN: 978-85-2120-767-2 Rights available This first volume of the collection Mathematics with Technological Applications presents clear and straight basic math through texts, illustrations, examples, and recommended activities with solutions. Its purpose is to guide the student’s learning by elucidating concepts and establishing reasonings that are not well understood in typical math courses. How can you define the “new middle class” and identify its real consumption standards in the current Brazilian society? The authors of this book faced this challenge, developed a new socioeconomic stratification model for Brazil and redefined the socioeconomic classes for purposes of market segmentation and audience. The book provides tools to classify households in many strata, enabling the social stratification for any sample of market, opinion and media research and for analysis of the Brazilian consumer. PATHOLOGIES iN HYDRAULIC AND SANITARY BUILDING SYSTEMS TYPOGRAPHY IN LATIN AMERICA ORIGINS AND IDENTITY Author: Roberto de Carvalho Junior Format: 20.5 x 25.5 cm – 216 pages ISBN: 978-85-2120-759-7 Rights available This book was written with the purpose of presenting engineers, architects, builders, contractors and all professionals involved in civil construction with a more didactic, practical and simplified conceptual perspective of the main pathologies that building’s plumbing subsystems might present, and to show that the study of these problems should be proactive and preventive, especially when such issues result from flaws in the engineering project production process. 42 Authors: Cecilia Consolo (coordinator), Alejandro lo Celso, Marina Garone Gravier, Rubén Fontana Format: 20.5 x 25.5 cm – 160 pages ISBN: 978-85-2120-757-3 Rights available This book explains how the typographic culture developed in Latin American countries. Its authors condense a great and complex process – from the traumatic introduction of the European typographic culture after centuries of development, to the rescue and survival of the native cultures and the contribution for a typographic project in harmony and the past. This book shows multicultural Latin American typographic development in harmony with the cultural aspects of each country, as it continuously preserved and absorbed its acquaintance with the other cultures. 43 A strong player in South America’s religious publishing market, Editora Canção Nova is the publishing arm of Canção Nova Communication Systems, the largest Brazilian TV, Radio and Internet network. With almost 500 titles published over 21 years of steady growth, its main area of market presence is books on spirituality, Christian devotion, prayer, human formation and Catholic Church doctrine. It also publishes educational books for children. THE BIBLE IN MY DAILY LIFE Author: Msgr. Jonas Abib Format: 12 x 18 cm – 96 pages ISBN: 978-85-7677-155-5 Rights sold to:: Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Korea and Latin America Today the Lord needs a rescue squad, highly trained in God’s Word. Without nourishment we will lose the fight. Every day we must receive our “manna”. Otherwise, we will stumble and God doesn’t want to see us defeated by lack of sustenance. Happy are those who understand the importance of the Bible in their daily life. Those will be the winners. THE GIFT OF TEARS Author: Márcio Mendes Format: 11 x 15.5 cm – 144 pages ISBN: 978-85-7677-101-2 Rights sold to:: Latin America The book talks about the charisma of tears and all the good it brings to us, as the power of healing and forgiveness. The author shows us that the gift of tears is a way to express ourselves before God. “It is a simple and humble gift of the Holy Spirit that brings in it a salvation power.” It has nothing to do with dismay, drowsiness, weak will, negativism, depression or even sadness. It may be considered an effective prayer, one that God answers promptly. God has the power to transform into victory the humiliation we are currently experiencing. HOW TO GET ALONG WITH WHO YOU CARE Author: Márcio Mendes Format: 160 x 230 mm – 240 pages ISBN: 978-85-7677-404-4 Free worldwide rights This book has been designed to help you to find true friendships, build solid relationships and make your relationships better day after day. Whatever your current situation, the book promises that it is possible to transform your life. Learning is changing attitudes. With the right attitude and information you can heal wounded relationships and create new bonds of trust and tenderness. 44 Religious Rua São Bento, 43 São Paulo – 01011-000 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Rafael Cobianchi 55 11 3106-9080 [email protected] www.cancaonova.com MOTHERS WHO PRAY FOR THE CHILDREN Author: Angela Abdo Format: 14 x 21 cm – 272 pages ISBN: 978-85-7677-405-1 Free worldwide rights The book Mothers Who Pray for the Children offers real stories of mothers who share their motivations, the difficulties they have already faced and the blessings they have received from the Lord. Beside, Mothers Who Pray for the Children sheds new light on one of the sweetest and most complex female experiences: being a mother, vocation that makes us capable of loving without limits and conditions, giving themselves freely and making them able to understand the sufferings of Mary at the foot of the cross of Jesus. STRONG DURING TRIBULATIONS Author: Fr. Fabrício Andrade Format: 12 x 19 cm – 128 pages ISBN: 978-85-7677-260-6 Free worldwide rights Problems are part of our life. And still there is no trick to make them disappear. The option therefore is to face them. Considering this, Father Fabrício wrote this book to guide us toward the best response to difficulties, always aiming to mature in our faith and to grow in our commitment to the will of God. In this book you will be invited to discover the truth around you, the reason for your sufferings and fears, and to start to experience something completely new. But, to accept this invitation, it is essential to have determination and courage, since you will have to be released from your “oneself” and guided trough the winds of the Lord. YES, YES! NO, NO! Author: Msgr. Jonas Abib Format: 14 x 21 cm – 128 pages ISBN: 978-85-7677-013-8 Free worldwide rights except Italy and Latin America Msgr. Jonas, just like St. Paul, daringly denounces the works of the shadows, leading the reader to reflect on mind control, yoga, astrology, witchcraft and invocation of the dead, revealing the truth about the works of the shadows, with which relations must urgently be broken. 45 For more than 70 years, Editora do Brasil S.A. has been a company based on educational publications, schoolbooks and literature – informative, children’s and youngster’s books, many of them winning awards for quality and innovative features. The books are presented by some of the best Brazilian authors and designers, some of whom are internationally renowned. With more than 1.000 titles in its catalogue, Editora do Brasil is one of the ten most important Brazilian publishing houses in its field. THE CHINESE VASE Author: Tânia Alexandre Martinelli Illustrator: Mariana Zanetti Format: 16 x 21.5 cm – 112 pages ISBN: 978-85-10-05473-7 Rights available Ana Maria is a thirteen-year-old girl who has moved with her mother to a modest house after her father’s death. She loves to write, and now she spends her days deeply immersed in texts and in memories of her father, who she misses a great deal. When she finds a vase at a street fair that is similar to the one her father gave her, she begins to recall many memories. This is a narrative about feelings, discoveries, imagination, and fears of a teenager who is trying to find her own identity. FOFO’S TRIP Author: Telma Guimarães Illustrator: Mima Castro Format: 23.5 x 22.5 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-10-05587-1 Rights available Fofo was a dog loved by his owners. One day, however, he took a trip and didn’t return. Everybody is very sad and starts remembering the amazing moments they had with Fofo. There are so many stories… The family pays tributes to the little dog. Even the little boy Betinho, who repeats everthing his brother says, has his own thoughts. But something new will come along that can ease the sadness caused by Fofo’s absence. INDIGENOUS TALES Author: Antoracy Tortolero Araujo Illustrator: Bruno Gomes Format: 20.5 x 23.5 cm – 56 pages ISBN: 978-85-10-05461-4 Rights available Many indigenous tribes transmit their culture, their lessons, and try to explain the origin of almost everything in the world through tales. Some of them tell us stories about the fauna and flora, others tell us about their own people. How did the first humans discover fire? What is the origin of night? Where did the fish and other animals come from? Antoracy Tortolero Araujo gathered the answers to those questions in his book Indigenous Tales, that now comes with illustrations that are as beautiful as the tales retold by him. 46 Children and Young Adults Rua Conselheiro Nébias, 887 São Paulo – 01203-001 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Felipe Ramos Poletti 55 11 3226-0215 [email protected] www.editoradobrasil.com.br AN ISLAND A THOUSAND MILES AWAY FROM HERE Author: Jonas Ribeiro Illustrator: Victor Tavares Format: 23 x 20 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-10-05456-0 Rights available Marcelo is a young boy who loves being around his grandparents and listening to the stories they tell. One day, when he gets a laptop as a gift, he travels to a very distant island. His grandparents feel lonely and want to try to rescue him, but the boy is already far, far away. During the trip, however, Marcelo realizes that something is missing in his life. Will the boy be able to go back home and find what is missing? THE TERRAPIN AND THE FRUIT Author and illustrator: Rosinha Format: 21.5 x 25 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-10-05458-4 Rights available Indigenous fables are important gems in Brazilian oral literature, and they pass on many teaching to readers. The Terrapin and the Fruit, a fable retold by Rosinha, shows us the story of a very special fruit, desired by all animals. However, only the ones who know the name of the fruit can eat it. The witch, the only one in the forest who knows the name, doesn’t help anyone, and something odd happens every time to all those who try to discover the famous (though unknown) name of the fruit. The very smart terrapin knows how to remember the precious information, but certain events are in the animal’s way. A polar bear in New York Author: Jussara Braga Illustrator: Bruno Gomes Format: 20.5 x 23.5 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-10-05489-8 Rights available Have you ever imagined listening to a speech given by a polar bear? It sounds crazy, doesn’t it? But that is what happens to ministers, presidents, kings, and queens at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. When Kim tells them his life story, he tries to draw the attention of the authorities to the need to preserve the planet and his habitat. The glaciers are melting due to the global warming, the oceans are getting more and more polluted, the animals are being hunted by humans, and Kim, with his exciting speech, is trying to alert the whole world before it’s too late. 47 With the slogan “More than books, dreams!”, DSOP emphasizes its core mission and focus of its activities in the publishing market. After all, as Shakespeare said: “We are such stuff as dreams are made on”. The children’s literature catalogue offers magnificient titles that encourage childrens’ taste for reading and for fantasy, so essential for harmony between their psychic and social lives. The catalogue includes, among its many others works, the first collection of financial education titles for schools in the country. THE BOY AND THE MONEY COLLECTION Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction Al. Santos, 2.326, conj. 86 – Jardim Paulista São Paulo – 01418-200 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Simone Paulino 55 11 3660-5400 [email protected] www.editoradsop.com.br FUTEBOLÍADA Format: 33 x 22 cm – 60 pages ISBN: 978-85-8276-033-8 Rights available Author: Reinaldo Domingos Illustrator: Ariel Fajtlowicz Author: José Santos Illustrator: Eloar Guazzelli The Boy and the Money Collection is comprised of three books that talk about money in a playful and the poetical manner, adressing reflections in a simple manner. The books present some elements that symbolize the universe of money: currencies, piggy banks and other items. Originally written in verse, this book has now been converted into prose in order to have its translation and editing made easier. It contains 20 short paragraphs of 300 characters each, followed by 20 illustrations. It was inspired to some extent by Homer’s Iliad, representing the Trojan War as a game of soccer. Lightly and humorously written, the text describes how the Greek and Trojan teams confront each other. The Money Boy Collection Format: 21 x 21 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-63680-14-3 The Boy, the Money and the Three Piggy Banks Format: 21 x 21 cm – 44 pages ISBN: 978-85-63680-18-1 The Boy, the Money and the Grasshopper-Ant Format: 21 x 21 cm – 44 pages ISBN: 978-85-63680-23-5 Rights available GOD’S BALL 100 YEARS OF THE BRAZILIAN TEAM THE MONEY BOY COLLECTION Author: Reinaldo Domingos Illustrator: Ariel Fajtlowicz With the gentle, amusing language, “The Boy of Money Collection” is composed of books that aim at nurturing a small reader’s dreams, dividing them into material and non-material. Each volume of this collection is based on distinct topics: Family, Diversity, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Autonomy and Citizenship. Authors: Eugenio Goussinsky and João Carlos Assumpção The Money Boy – Family Dreams Format: 20.5 x 26.5 cm – 60 pages ISBN: 978-85-63680-15-0 The Money Boy – Goes to School Format: 20.5 x 26.5 cm – 116 pages ISBN: 978.85.63680-20-4 The Money Boy – Action Between Friends Format: 20.5 x 26.5 cm – 88 pages ISBN: 978-85-63680-29-7 The Money Boy In a Sustainable World Format: 20.5 x 26.5 cm – 84 pages ISBN: 978-85-8276-022-2 THE LESSON OF THE TREES Author: Roberto Parmeggiani Illustrator: Attílio Palumbo Alice’s Secret Dream Author: Simone Paulino Illustrador: Luyse Costa Format: 24 x 18 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-63680-79-2 Rights not available to: Chile Clariana, the Invisible Girl Author: Maíra Viana Illustrator: Cecília Murguel Format: 24 x 18 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-63680-81-5 Rights available 48 The book offers a rare collection of the best moments on and off the field, focusing on the “love affair” between the National Team and the Brazilian people.There is such a wealth of information and interesting facts in this non-fiction book that it feels more like a novel or collection of short stories, full of characters and adventure. The Money Boy – Young Citizen Format: 20.5 x 26.5 cm – 68 pages ISBN: 978-85-8276-023-9 Rights available DREAMS TO BE COLLECTION The “Dreams to Be Collection” is comprised of books that refer to dreams and that provide children first contact with some universal human issues, such as the search for identity, the achievement of citizenship, the right to education and to the very condition of being able to dream. The works presents four female characters seeking to make their dreams come true. Format: 15 x 23 cm – 432 pages ISBN: 978-85-8276-073-4 Rignts available Luana, Diana, Luanda Author: Ana Lasevicious Illustrator: Luyse Costa Format: 24 x 18 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-63680-80-8 Rights not available to: Guatemala and Chile Format: 30 x 18 cm – 56 pages ISBN: 978-85-8276-034-5 Rights available Enrico always always has a question and speaks nineteen to the dozen. On the other hand, Paola doesn’t even speak a word. To better understand his friend, Enrico seeks answers from the teacher Dino. To answer the boy, the teacher tells a touching lesson from the trees. What do trees, fruits, children and questions have to do with each other? This is the mystery that you’ll discover by reading the book, the characters and the trees. Nina and the Oil Lamp Author: Claudia Nina Illustrator Cecília Murguel Format: 24 x 18 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-63680-82-2 Rights available 49 By investing in education, Fama publishing house aims at developing innovative projects that dialogue with the educational demands of 21st century citizens. With a wide and diverse line, Fama publishing house has advanced in proposing tools that enable new learning environments in both personal and distance education, according to the principles of Education 3.0, integrating technology and people. CITIZENSHIP IN MOTORCYCLE TOO Coordinating team: Ivany Klaumann Format: 16.5 x 22.5 cm – 80 pages ISBN: 978-85-63836-06-9 Rights available Safe and preventive behavior in traffic. The program aims at education and awareness for users of two wheels transport, making riders responsible for his or her own safety. It emphasizes citizenship ethics and behavioral actions that promote humanized traffic to prioritize preservation of life. It is a practical program, objective and easy to understand. The motorcycle driver must know how fragile this type of transport is in order to recognize that physical integrity and preservation of life depend on prudent actions, and abidance to traffic rules. Applicable for educational institutions, companies, motorcycle taxis, dealerships and motorcycle driving training activities. IF THIS STREET WERE MINE COLLECTION Coordinating team: Ivany Klaumann Format: 20.6 x 26.6 cm 128 pages – ISBN: 798-85-638336-10-6 96 pages – ISBN: 978-85-63836-09-0 48 pages – ISBN: 078-85-6383611-3 Rights available Education, safety and citizenship in transit. The collection features specific books for each grade from 1st to 9th grade. It provides a bold pedagogical proposal that allows the students to explore research, observation, and analyses of situations that result in concrete actions for safe behavior, the exercise of ethical citizenship and peaceful coexistence in public areas. A new behavior in traffic. The collection covers the principles of Education 3.0 developing curiosity, creativity, problem solving for the common good, specifically in traffic. The collection includes: a teacher’s book for each school year, with detailed instructions on methodological aspects of the work and approaches of the areas of knowledge related to the topic. The collection also features a book directed to the families of the students in order to engage them in the educational process in partnership with the school. IF THIS STREET WERE MINE: CITIZENS TRAFFIC EDUCATION PROGRAM Coordinating team: Ivany Klaumann Format: 20.6 x 26.6 cm 64 pages – ISBN: 978-85-63836-02-1 64 pages – ISBN: 978-85-63836-00-7 32 pages – ISBN: 978-85-63836-01-4 Rights available Designed for 1st –9th graders, the book is about the development of educational activities on the topic of traffic, linked to all syllabus subjects. Based on values and social behavior, the project’s objective is to develop a proactive work, preparing students for the exercise of ethical citizenship, making them responsible and conscious of their rights and duties as an active participant in traffic, thus contributing to the preservation of life. The course support materials include: Student’s Book, Parent’s Book and Teacher’s Book, games, posters, tote bag and certificates for students who engage in the program. 50 Children and Young Adults Avenida Presidente Getúlio Vargas, 3.525 Curitiba – 80240-041 – PR – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Faruk El Khatib 55 41 3016-8051 [email protected] www.famaeducativa.com.br MELISSA AND HER FRIENDS FIGHT ‘MONSTROCRACK’ Coordinator: Ivany Klaumann Format: 16.5 x 22.5 cm – 22 pages ISBN: 978-85-63836-08-3 Rights available For students, the book includes a board game encouraging teens to reflect on and consider what is needed to become productive citizens, to have conscious and responsible freedom, and to be free from drugs, specifically crack. For teachers, the book that helps encourage the construction of thought, knowledge and independence in young people, as well as providing a list of educational suggestions that can be explored during the game. For the family, it guides and advises parents on the relative behavior of the young, the use of drugs and its impact on individuals, families and social environment. In just a few moments the book offers great results! THE STREET IS NOT ONLY MINE Coordinating team: Ivany Klaumann Format: 21 x 24 cm – 190 pages ISBN: 978-85-63836-24-3 Rights available Traffic education is everyone’s responsibility. Statistics show that accidents happen most frequently while traveling to and from work, which harms companies in terms of employee replacement and medical, hospital and legal expenses, not to mention physical and emotional exhaustion for the victims and their families. The program ‘The Street Is Not Only Mine’ offers significant guidance for youth and adults. It aims at educating managers, office workers, students and teachers about the importance of adopting safe, responsible and courteous behavior in traffic, in order to reduce accidents, stress and emotional and financial losses that arise from misconduct and aggressiveness. THIS IS MY CITY TOO Coordinating team: Ivany Klaumann Format: 20.6 x 26.6 cm – 152 pages ISBN: 978-85-63836-04-5 Rights available “This is My City Too” was designed for teens and proposes activities to exercise citizenship in order to build a fairer and happier society. The program consists of a Student’s, Parent’s and Teacher’s Book, posters, DVDs and a card game involving young people in many everyday situations. Practical, objective and easy, the program provides opportunities for teens to exchange ideas about their experiences, problems, doubts and anxieties. Provides tools and activities promoting awareness in youngsters towards reflection, discussion and analysis of the issues, so that they may acquire a perspective on achieving a healthier community. The education of adolescents is the responsibility of the whole society. 51 With more than 350 titles in its catalogue today, Hagnos Publishing House was founded in January 2001, born as the result of Mauro and Marilene Terrengui deep appreciation for the editorial market. With a name whose Greek origin means “pure, holy, clean”, Hagnos is characterized by the quality of its editorial production. Renowned authors, both national and foreign, transparency and social responsibility are some of the pillars which sustain the structure prepared by Hagnos, a relatively young publishing house, but with a broad market vision. THE BOY IN THE BARREL Author and illustrator: Paulo Debs Format: 18 x 25 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-243-0416-3 Rights available Who never wanted to hide from the world, especially the way it is today? In “The Boy in the Barrel”, Paulo Debs shows children that life is a gift from God and we do not need to hide from it, afraid to live. Why not approach each day with a heart full of joy and hope in God – because He cares for us? That’s the secret … leave your fear in the barrel! 101 IDEAS TO SPOIL YOUR HUSBAND Authors: David and Carol Sue Merkh Format: 10.5 x 15 cm – 112 pages ISBN: 978-85-63563-00-2 Rights available Children and Young Adults Religious Av. Jacinto Júlio, 27 São Paulo – 04815-160 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Juan Carlos Martinez Pinto 55 11 5668-5668 [email protected] www.hagnos.com.br AT LAST, YES! PRACTICAL THEOLOGY FROM BEGINNING TO END Author: Luiz Sayão Illustrator: João Spacca Format: 16 x 23 cm – 192 pages ISBN: 978-85-63563-45-3 Rights available Many people are interested in understanding theological thought but encounter difficulty, principally because they are unable to discover the link between theology and the reality of daily life. And many others who specialize in theological knowledge have difficulty transmitting these concepts in a comprehensible and palatable manner.There needs to be balance, dialogue and interaction. In this work, Luiz Sayão discusses a series of important themes such as ethics, racism, fatalism, liberalism, mysticism, biblical theology, theology of the family, theology and society, and church history in a presentation that is full of profound thought, common sense, simplicity, objectivity, creativity and humor. A WORKOUT FOR THE SOUL Author: Israel Belo de Azevedo Format: 16 x 23 cm – 180 pages ISBN: 978-85-63563-37-8 Rights available This small manual encourages women in the challenge to be better wives. It explores biblical principles, values and applications for the home in general, and the role of the wife in particular. The ideas included are practical ways to apply these principles. A Workout for the Soul is an invitation to an abundant life which is attainable here and now, not just later in heaven, for all those who are willing and ready to “exercise” their souls. All of us have habits which we cultivate throughout our lifetime. Some habits are good, others not. The bad news is that even the good habits can become unhealthy habits. We must rid ourselves of these if we want to live healthy lives. We must learn to develop healthy habits as people responsible for the lives we live here and now, which are eternal. 101 IDEAS TO SPOIL YOUR WIFE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIBLE, THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY (6 VOLS.) Authors: David and Carol Sue Merkh Format: 10.5 x 15 cm – 112 pages ISBN: 978-85-63563-05-7 Rights available The text offers words of wisdom from the Proverbs for the husband-wife relationship. Each selection includes a biblical proverb and offers a practical suggestion to apply it in marriage. Here you will discover a wealth of practical ideas for implementing principles which will rekindle the flame in your marriage. 52 Author: Russell Norman Champlin Format: 16 x 23 cm – 5.230 pages ISBN: 85-88234-33-5 Rights available A collection of more than 8.000 articles on the Bible, Theology and Philosophy. One of the broadest and most profound works of Christian culture, in which the reader gains access to archeological and historical research conveniently arranged by subject matter. 53 Editora IMEPH operates in project development, technical and pedagogical support, staff training, promotion of events, student assessment/ teaching and production of books and learning materials for the area of Education. Since 2001, the company has conducted innovative projects focused on Training: Early Childhood Educators, Teachers and Young Adults, Teachers for Inclusive Education, Teachers of Elementary School I and II, as well as Training Managers and student tutors. The company publishes textbooks of recognized quality, with the book Knowledge Meta selected by the MEC for a Literate Brazil Program in 2008/2009 and re-approved for the period 2011-2013. In the area of literature, it publishes nationally renowned authors and prioritizes the publication of regional and local texts. It offers textbooks (from 2nd-9th grade) meeting Law 11.645/2008 for the study of African-Brazilian and indigenous issues literature, contributing to the discovery of our identity, strengthening our values and appreciation of our culture. It participates in the PAIC Literacy Program, in the Department of Education of the State of Ceará, with Structured Learning materials and children’s literature books. Editora IMEPH develops the In Waves Reading project, which works interactively develop creativity, independence of thought, art in its various manifestations, writing and reading. ANIMALS HAVE REASON Author: Antônio Francisco Illustrator: Rafael Limaverde 48 pages ISBN: 978-85-7974-003-9 Rights available The author, a talented poet, narrates an imaginary meeting between several animals in which the agenda is discussion of human behavior. Beautiful illustrations, funny and ironic text, and blunt social criticism. THE DANCE OF THE FIREFLIES Author: Vicência Jaguaribe Illustrator: Eduardo Azevedo 16 pages ISBN: 978-85-7974-031-2 Rights available The dance of the fireflies is a story full of surprises, with pleasant, attractive language, and wonderful figures. This is a children’s tale that offers the reader a small imaginary journey, one he will surely miss when he returns to reality. SEVEN FABLES IN STRING Author: Rouxinol do Rinaré (Organizer) Illustrator: Eduardo Azevedo 72 pages ISBN: 978-85-7974-116-6 Rights available This book is the meeting of seven of the most significant authors of contemporary times. The retellings in verse make these attractive timeless tales for young readers, which revisit the fables attributed to Aesop, the legendary Greek fabulist. Besides retellings, the book offers the fables in prose to expand the possibilities for exploring the genre. 54 Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction Rua Carlos Vasconcelos, 1.926 Fortaleza – 60115-171 – CE – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Evaldo Soares 55 85 3261-1002 [email protected] www.imepheditora.com.br/www.imeph.com.br THE OX IN CoFfee Author: Sergio Viotti 528 pages ISBN: 978-85603-0087-7 Rights available A novel, a story of love and pain that enchants the reader from the first page. A careful editing respects the will of the author, with the text closely transcribed. The last work of the great actor and writer, the book enables us to walk through a small town, filled with intense emotions, great silences and a café where men meet. PATHWAYS OF ART Author: Arlene Holanda 112 pages ISBN: 978-85-60300-96-9 Rights available Paths and possibilities for cultural literacy from the point of view of the visual arts, giving visibility to the artistic events in a context of cultural plurality, deconstructing the idea of focusing on Greco-Roman culture in art history. The book works with different forms of artistic expression: painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, printmaking, and new media. STRING: CREATE, RHYMING AND LETRAR Authors: Arlene Holanda and Rouxinol do Rinaré Illustrator: Eduardo Azevedo 96 pages ISBN: 978-85-60300-94-5 Rights available In this work, the production of string (known in Portuguese as “cordel”) is fully addressed, the creative process to the shape of a booklet. The book retraces the paths of this literary genre, from the Iberian Peninsula to the northeastern hinterland. Techniques of rhyme and meter for building blocks in stanzas, stanzas, the 7th and the 10th are presented. Brings another seven strings in different styles, with guidelines for exploration in the classroom. 55 Editora Manole is leader in providing essential content for the training of students and professionals in scientific and technical fields. Its catalogue, with over a thousand titles by local and foreign authors, places value on excellence in both graphic design and editorial content, seeking to provide the reader with the best in academic production in Brazil and in the world. With more than 40 years in the market, Manole continues to innovate through its divisions, which encompass general interest, children’s literature, distance learning, self-publishing and new digital platforms. THE GIRL WHO SPOKE EMBROIDERY Author: Blandina Franco Illustrator: José Carlos Lollo Format: 24 x 17 cm – 36 pages ISBN: 978-85-204-2936-5 Rights available This book tells the story of a very quiet girl. But she was not quiet because she was sad or couldn’t speak. She was quiet because for her embroidery was better than speaking and because she thought her embroideries explained very well her many points of view. TIBI AND QUEQUÉ AND THE ADVENTURES IN THE WORLD OF GROWN-UPS Author: Daniela Manole and Natalia Manole Pimentel Mendes Illustrator: Guilherme Jotapê Rodrigues. Format: 14 x 21 cm – 44 pages ISBN: 978-85-204-3450-5 Rights available Daniela Manole, partner-director of Editora Manole, and her daughter Natalia bring us a story filled with fun and surprises, inspired by Natalia’s daily routine as a child (today she’s a teenager). They both tell everyday episodes from the character Nathy, who lives with her imaginary friends Tibi and Quequé. Their visits to the vegetable garden, the arrangements for Christmas and other daily activities, such as teeth brushing, showing how important it is to stimulate the imagination as a primary aspect in the learning process. Children are free to use their creativity to color the black-and-white illustrations created by Guilherme Jotapê Rodrigues. THE WASP OF THE QUILOMBO Author: Heloisa Pires Lima Illustrator: Rubem FIlho Format: 21 x 28 cm – 24 pages ISBN: 978-85-204-3085-9 Rights available An eagle brings the boy back to his kingdom of Zambi. It was during a nap that the claws of the bird carried him away from there. Then, the quest for what was lost begins, with the boy searching for his kingdom and the eagle searching for its lizard. And what about the wasp? The wasp tells an exciting story as well. 56 Children and Young Adults STM and Academics Av. Ceci, 672 Barueri – 06460-120 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mrs. Denise Yumi Chinem (STM and Academics) Mr. Enrico Giglio de Oliveira (Children and Young Adults) 55 11 4196-6002/Fax: 55 11 4196-6007 [email protected] www.manole.com.br ENERGY, NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRACTICE OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 2ND EDITION Authors: Lineu Belico dos Reis, Eliane A. F. Amaral Fadigas, Cláudio Elias Carvalho 460 pages ISBN: 978-85-204-3220-4 Rights available In this new edition, energy is related to topics in natural resources and sustainable development through the discussion and analysis of issues such as the link between energy, infrastructure and sustainability; energy in the global context of infrastructure; natural resources, energy matrix, and the bases for an energy plan directed at sustainable development. NEW TREATISE ON SPEECH LANGUAGE AND HEARING THERAPY, 3RD EDITION Editor: Otacílio Lopes Filho Coordinators: Alcione Ramos Campiotto, Cilmara Cristina Alves da Costa Levy, Maria do Carmo Redondo, Wanderlene Anelli 760 pages ISBN: 978-85-204-3603-5 Rights available This book’s aim is to minimize disabilities and improve quality of life for patients with hearing, voice, orofacial motricity, swallowing and language disorders, as well as head and neck oncological patients. The book is organized into four parts: Clinical Audiology, Educational Audiology, Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy: orofacial motricity and oropharyngeal dysphagia, and Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy: voice and rehabilitation in head and neck oncological cases. REHABILITATION, 2ND EDITION Coordinators: Antonio Carlos Fernandes, Alice Conceição Rosa Ramos, Mauro César Morais Filho, Marcelo de Jesus Justino Ares 1.040 pages ISBN: 978-85-204-3493-2 Rights available The book presents current and recurring topics in multidisciplinary rehabilitation and conditions treated by the AACD (Brazilian Association for the Welfare of the Handicapped Children), in addition to techniques, exams, prostheses, orthoses and the technologies used by the institution. It also emphasizes how joint efforts of the interdisciplinary team can help discover the latent potential in each patient, as well as assist in their social inclusion as a whole. 57 Melhoramentos has published books for children and young adults since 1915, when it published Hans Christian Andersen’s The Ugly Duckling, the first children’s book printed in color in Brazil. Since then, Melhoramentos, as one of the oldest publishing houses in Brazil, has published great Brazilian authors, such as José Mauro de Vasconcelos, Ziraldo, Ruth Rocha, Pedro Bandeira, as well as careful translations of American and European texts. Special attention is given to the release of new talents like Tiago de Melo Andrade, Antonio Carlos Vilela and Rogério Andrade Barbosa. Melhoramentos also publishes a great line of dictionaries, cookbooks and non-fiction books for adults. FLICTS Author: Ziraldo Alves Pinto Format: 20.5 x 26 cm – 48 pages ISBN: 978-85-06-05558-8 Rights sold to: Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium and Italy Once upon a time there was a very rare and very sad color called Flicts, who was looking for a friend among the innumerous colors of the universe. He did not have Red’s strength, nor Yellow’s intense light, nor the peace transmitted by Sky Blue. Everything in the world had its color: Blue or Rose, Green, Purple or Violet. But nothing was Flicts... so he decided to disappear. Flicts was Ziraldo’s first children’s book. Published in 1969, it immediately won the hearts of children, adolescents and adults around the world. DREAMS IN YELLOW THE BOY WHO DIDN’T FORGET VAN GOGH Author: Luiz Antonio Aguiar Illustrator: Luiz Lorenzón Format: 13.5 x 20.5 cm – 128 pages ISBN: 978-85-06-03344-9 Rights sold to: Italy and Colombia The author researched the time Van Gogh spent in Arles, in the south of France, to create this novel for young readers. In this work of fiction, an attentive, intrigued and fascinated eye follows the painter: it belongs to Camille Roulin, the postman’s eleven-year-old son, whose family became close friends with Van Gogh. Perhaps only Camille could have perceived that Van Gogh created for himself in his paintings the only world where he could find love and peace. Luiz Antonio Aguiar is one of Brazil’s most important writers of literature for young readers. LITTLE BIG HERO Author: Angela Leite Souza Illustrator: Cris Eich Format: 15.5 x 23 cm – 92 pages ISBN: 978-85-06-07147-2 Rights available Maintaining a poet’s sensitive intelligence even when writing prose, Angela Leite de Souza retells the story of a young Chinese hero. With a close account of the reality that inspired it, we witness the frightening consequences of an inevitable natural disaster, to which no country is immune. Xiao Li, a boy with such a small name, acted in a big way by deciding to help those in the same situation as him. By addressing a subject largely absent from texts aimed at young readers, the book revives literature that brings essential values to mankind: cooperation, hope and friendship. 58 Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction Rua Tito, 479 São Paulo – 05051-000 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Walter Weiszflog 55 11 3874-0854 [email protected] [email protected] www.editoramelhoramentos.com.br EDUARDO AND THE ELEPHANTS Author: Celso Sisto Illustrator: Aline Abreu Format: 20.5 x 27.5cm – 48 pages ISBN: 978-85-06-01124-9 Rights available If every story has two sides, which one is correct? “Eduardo always sets his elephants free soon after he arrives at a place. Everywhere, no matter where he goes. There were a lot of animals, a true herd. If just one person would come closer to talk to him it was certain that the elephants would be released!” Will the elephants dominate Eduardo, or will he become an excellent tamer? MY SWEET ORANGE TREE Author: José Mauro de Vasconcelos Format: 13.5 x 20.5 cm – 192 pages ISBN: 978-85-06-05804-1 Rights sold to: Latin America, Europe, Japan, Korea, China, Turkey and Thailand An autobiographical novel in which the creatures that played a fundamental role in the author’s early childhood are transformed into characters. The book captures, in an eminently lyric tone, the world of a boy called Zezé. He lives in the heart of a very poor family, with an unemployed father, a working mother and several brothers. Since the outside world is very harsh, the boy creates a world in which he seeks refuge, and in which he confers a soul to animals and trees, escaping through imagination and playful inventiveness. Since its release in 1968, the book has been successfully adapted to theater, soap-opera and movie. THE BARNACLE GOOSE AND OTHER KITCHEN STORIES Author: Breno Lerner Illustrator: Domingos Takeshita Format: 15.5 x 23 cm – 232 pages ISBN: 978-85-06-06816-8 Rights sold in Spanish for: Spain and USA Breno Lerner has collected his chronicles and reflections written for his column, “Kitchen Talk”, published in several newspapers and magazines since 2001. The result is a vast conversation ranging from gastronomy, to types of foods and kitchen activities. What was served at the last meal on the Titanic? What did sailors eat during the Great Navigations? When you start reading The Barnacle Goose, won’t be able to stop. Isn’t that what they also say about eating? This is no doubt Breno Lerner’s goal: to serve his chronicles up as the perfect meal. 59 Editora Moderna is a Brazilian Publishing Group founded in 1968 and acquired by Grupo Santillana in 2001. It is the leader in the public and private school textbook markets. It also publishes literary fiction and nonfiction. Salamandra Publishing (since 1980), is an imprint of Editora Moderna for publishing literature and interactive books for children. Together Moderna and Salamandra incorporate quality at every step. Editora Moderna has signed exclusive contracts with renowned Brazilian authors: Eva Furnari, Pedro Bandeira, Ruth Rocha and Walcyr Carrasco, with an important contribution for Brazilian children’s and youth literature. THE CAGE Author: Adriana Falcão Illustrator: Simone Matias 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-1608-950-4 Rights available A girl and a little bird meet. They are both eager to be loved, and from then on, it is difficult to see life from the point of view of each one. But if the little bird’s place is in the sky and the girl’s is on the ground, then this story might differently… EVERY CHILD IN THE WORLD LIVES IN MY HEART Author: Ruth Rocha Illustrator: Mariana Massarani 64 pages ISBN: 978-85-1609-084-5 Rights available Ruth Rocha fills your heart with love, dedicating the poems in this book to all children. Friendship, nature and freedom are treated by the author in a light and humorous way, always thinking about the smile each verse brings to the reader’s face. FABULOUS LISTS Author and illustrator: Eva Furnari 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-1608-448-6 Rights available Grômio has decided to take his penchant for making lists seriously and to set up the List Club. There’s only one problem, though: he’s the only member. A newspaper ad, however, will soon resolve the issue and Grômio will find eleven friendly and fellow eccentrics. A year later, after many meetings washed down with tea and biscuits, the unusual club launch their book “The Fabulous Lists of the List Club of Syrup City”, which is soon on the city’s bestseller list. 60 Children and Young Adults Rua Padre Adelino, 758 – Belenzinho São Paulo – 03303-904 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Maristela Petrile 55 11 2790-1312 [email protected] www.modenaliteratura.com.br THE INVENTION OF SPORTS OLYMPIC CHRONICLES Author: Carlos Eduardo Novaes Illustrator: Pablo Mayer 152 pages ISBN: 978-85-1609-128-6 Rights available How did sports start? Any idea of when canoeing transformed from transportation to sport? Ever wondered who invented basketball? And volleyball? Carlos Eduardo Novaes’ book “The Invention of Sports” seeks to answer these and many other questions on the subject through essays on various sports, with a wealth of information and fluid text that is humorous, clear and informative. Brazil is the country hosting two huge global sporting events: The World Cup in 2014 and the 2016 Olympic Games. Sports are a part of the everyday and the imagination of the Brazilian people, who were already very interested in the topic. Schools must be in tune with what happens in the world we live in and must discuss and deepen in many ways these issues. This is why we suggest reading “The Invention of Sports” as a starting point for discussion on the subject. ONE, TWO, THREE...NOW IS YOUR TIME Author: Ana Maria Machado Illustrator: Maria José Arce 24 pages ISBN: 978-85-1608-546-9 Rights available One, two, three, count with me four, five, six, Count with your friend Now it’s your time. No mistakes, without danger In this book children will learn to count rhyming! PANIC AT THE SCHOOL Author: Pedro Bandeira Illustrator: Julia Bax 152 pages ISBN: 978-85-1608-569-8 Rights available Five heavily armed escapees from prison invade a public school. The criminals were willing to die if necessary in their search for freedom, but taking with them the lives of defenseless students...With a suspenseful plot, Pedro Bandeira points out the light of hope in a Brazil that must improve, and shows the reader the harsh reality of so many Brazilians children and youngsters. 61 The Editora Napoleão started its activity as a bookstore in 1985. Headquartered in the city of Nova Odessa /SP, Brazil, we dedicate ourselves on the publication of books in the health area and in projetcs in the childish area. We work with 3D illustrations state-ofthe-art that join technique and art and prize the details. We keep looking for a modern view and we offer a high artistic quality in our works, aside from providing the reader an unique experience. THE BEAUTY OF SMILING VOL 02 SPECIALTY IN FOCUS Authors: Andre Callegari and Wilson Chediek Format: 23 x 31 cm – 496 pages ISBN: 978-85-60842-61-2 Rights available The result of an innovative idea, as well as the large success of the “The beauty of smiling – Volume 1” gathers the highest quality articles about several aspects of clinical cases related to Esthetical rehabilitation in Dentistry. With a flawless visual presentation, brilliant authors and young talents. The balance between the scientific support and detailed presentation of the clinical cases define the structure of this project. The chapters are divided in current and relevant topics about the best of esthetical Dentistry. CLINICAL CASES ADHESIVE CERAMIC RESTORATIONS A CLINICAL VISION DENTAL CONTACT Lens / Fragments / Facets / Dental Crowns Authors: Artur Napoleão and Telmo Rodrigues Format: 30 x 21 cm 160 pages (vol. 1) and 226 pages (vol. 2) ISBN: 978-85-60842-69-8 Rights available Divided in two volumes, it brings to the reader all the clinical aspects that, being specialist or not, the student (undergraduate or graduate) and the teachers want to know in a easy, didatic and illustrative way. Since the indication till the clinical cases resolutions, starting from the clinical cases planning till the final cementation, pointing out the step-by-step of the clinical and laboratory stages with extreme scientific base. This “work” gives us the best about resolutions in cases with ceramic restorations. DENTAL PREPARATION SCIENCE AND ART Author: Clovis Pagani Format: 23 x 31 cm – 312 pages ISBN: 978-85-60842-60-5 Rights available The book is divided in eight chapters, providing the theory, the practise and safety orientation for future studies. The basic and current principles of cavitary preparation, the utility and practical functionality, the step-by-step and the current demand for future indications. The purpose of this book is to provide the accurate attention to the cavitary preparation details. 62 STM and Academics Rua Prof. Carlos Liepin, 534 Nova Odessa – 13460-000 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Guilherme Napoleão 55 19 3466-2063 [email protected] www.editoranapoleao.com.br TECHNOLOGICAL AND MINIMALLY INVASIVE IMPLANTOLOGY Authors: Frederico Nigro and Luis Guillermo Peredo-Paz Format: 23 x 31 cm – 368 pages ISBN: 978-85-60842-74-2 Rights available In this book, Dr. Nigro, PhD and Dr. Peredo, PhD have gathered major names of Implantology in the Latin America and Hispanic to address themes and technological concepts about implantology, especially those related to prosthesis, CAD/CAM system and crowns. For the surgical area, it includes topics about laser and PRF-L in guided regeneration, the utilization of less invasive devices in maxillary sinus grafts, the current guide for surgeries as well as the limits of Endodontics and Periodontics for Implantology. ORTHODONTIC PROTOCOLS II Authors: Cláudio Rodrigues Azenha and Eduardo Macluf Filho Format: 23 x 31 cm – 752 pages ISBN: 978-85-60842-72-8 Rights available The book is divided in 4 parts: Diagnosis, Objectives and Treatment Plan, Treament of First and Second Phase. Each part is subdivided. The main objective is not to create new concepts, but to organize ideas full of information. Its content brings lessons to the experienced orthodontist and to the recent specialist, with details acuracy in all the presented items. Without a doubt, the orthodontic community is scientifically enriched with the release of this book. SELF-LIGATION WITH EXCELLENCE CLINICAL PROTOCOL Author: Jurandir Barbosa Format: 23 x 31 cm – 600 pages ISBN: 978-85-60842-50-6 Rights available Today the modern life requires comfort, speed and excellent results. The technique increases the efficiency of spaced consults and faster treatments, eliminating the negative perception of the Orthodontics in relation to the treatment time. The esthetical results have been surprising if compared to the conventional. We use to say that we do “Plastic Orthodontics”, because the concern goes beyond a functional occlusion, the possible facial modifications are priority. Every concept has 35 clinical cases compiled to 14 years of Self-ligation experience. 63 Founded in 1979, Editora Positivo specializes in the education field and is responsible for all of Grupo Positivo’s publications in this area. It is present in more than 4.000 private and public schools in Brazil and Japan through its Positivo Educational System. Editora Positivo also publishes and sells textbooks, aimed at both primary and secondary school, as well as literature, atlases and dictionaries. The highlight of its catalogue is the Aurelio Dictionary, one of the most important references for speakers of Portuguese. The publishing house has its own research center with more than 200 specialists in different fields of knowledge who provide intellectual support for the development of all books and new products. ARGENTINEAN APPLES Author: Paulo Venturelli Illustrator: Odilon Moraes 56 pages ISBN: 978-85-385-6553-6 Rights available Zeza is a smart guy and full of desire. Lately, his greatest wish is to try those red, juicy, fragrant fruits sold in front of the bus station: Argentinean apples. How would this be possible though, as his father’s income wouldn’t allow such an extravagance? Along with good humor and poetry, the book invites us to consider what separates dream from reality, and the flavor of things we wish for and experience in life. THE HOARSE ANGEL Author: Paulo Venturelli Illustrator: Laurent Cardon 64 pages ISBN: 978-85-385-4349-7 Rights available A strange sound haunts the people living in a countryside town. Sometimes deafening, sometimes like moaning, either close or far away, but always frightening. What sound is that? Where does it come from? When will peace return? In search of answers, a boy sets off for an adventure during which he will face the fear of the unknown and the dangers of the night. This sensitively written story is filled with mystery and features a surprise ending. MARCÉU Author: Marcos Bagno 48 pages ISBN: 978-85-385-6642-7 Rights available This story by Marcos Bagno is an ode dedicated to his dead brother. It recounts a simple and dignified life resulting from close contact with nature. The tragedy of death is faced in a sensible way, with no drama, but as a learning and growth experience. 64 Children and Young Adults Rua Major Heitor Guimarães, 174 Curitiba – 80440-120 – PR – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Marcelo Del’Anhol 55 41 3312-3534 [email protected] www.editorapositivo.com.br MEMORIES OF EUGÊNIA Author: Marcos Bagno Illustrator: Miguel Bezerra 88 pages ISBN: 978-85-385-4874-4 Rights available This story’s main character and narrator relates to the world and people in a very particular way: Eugênia is a tree who witnesses the founding and development of the city, and suffers the consequences of progress. With a precise writing style and a touch of poetry, this book invites the reader to learn the surprising secrets Eugênia holds in her memory. THE SNAP Author: Luís Dill Illustrator: Rogério Coelho 104 pages ISBN: 978-85-385-4348-0 Rights available A heavy rain, a loud noise, a snap. There is no time to think. Rui and Júlia can’t go anywhere. They are alone with the whole night ahead of them and nothing much to do. While they wait, conversation flows and they get to know each other better. This absorbing narrative is exclusively dialogue, which will catch the attention of the young reader, who can easily relate to the captivating characters and their story. VISIT TO THE WHALE Author: Paulo Venturelli Illustrator: Nelson Cruz 64 pages ISBN: 978-85-385-5118-8 Rights available The boy had just finished his homework when his father appears, announcing that a whale has just arrived downtown. How could this be possible so far from the sea? They soon head to the city center to see the whale with their very own eyes. With a good dose of humor and great illustrations by Nelson Cruz, this is a book you can’t put down. In 2013, the title was awarded Best Children’s Book and Best Illustration by the National Foundation of Children’s and Youth Literature (FNLIJ). 65 Operating for 43 years, Editora Rideel is a landmark figure among Brazilian publishing houses. It offers direct sales and publishes educational and children books, and is one of the largest publishers of dictionaries and law books in Brazil. 365 DRAWINGS FOR COLORING Author: Jefferson Ferreira Illustrator: Jaison R. Carvalho Format: 20 x 27 cm – 184 pages ISBN: 978-85-339-2525-0 Rights available Everybody knows that every day is special. So how about a book with 365 drawings for children to color – one for each day of the year? Children will also find special drawings commemorating important dates, such as the Moon Landing and World Environment Day, with an accompanying short text that helps children understand these important dates. Children will enjoy this book and show their friends that they are amazing artists! THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG? Authors: Maria Cristina Raposo de Mello, Milton Célio de Oliveira Filho and Gustavo Rosa Illustrator: Gustavo Rosa Format: 25 x 25 cm – 36 pages ISBN: 978-85-339-1973-0 Rights available The book is fully illustrated by renowned artist and painter Gustavo Rosa, with text by Maria Cristina Raposo de Mello and Milton Célio de Oliveira Filho. The brief and playful texts, accompanied by the dazzling images by Rosa, create an enchanting, magical effect on young readers. Winner of the Jabuti 2013 Best Illustration Award. PRACTICING MATH Author: Eduardo Starke Illustrator: Juliano Quintino and André Rebelo Format: 20 x 27 cm – 100 pages ISBN: 978-85-339-2565-6 Rights available Children count since their younger years – using fingers, toys, candies, stickers and so on. The world is full of things for counting, and numbers are part of daily life! So why not to make children start practicing? In this collection children will be lead to the Math world, in which famous Fairy Tale characters will help them to get to know the numbers in a delightful way! 66 Children and Young Adults STM and Academics Avenida Casa Verde, 455 São Paulo – 02519-000 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Iara Andozia 55 11 2238-5127 [email protected] www.rideel.com.br SAMIRA – BUTTERFLY WINGS Author and illustrator: Taciana Ottowitz Format: 21 x 28 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-339-3014-8 Rights available This beautiful story presents the beginning of a friendship between two children, Samira and Frederico, who live in a small village. Frederico admires Samira’s lovely face, her sweet voice and her talent as a storyteller. After becoming friends with her, he stops playing with his own friends to instead listen to her amazing fables. Even after leaving the village with his father, Frederico keeps on dreaming of Samira and thinking about the day he would return for her and live happily every after. TREATMENT OF WOUNDS AND PLASTERS Author: Telma Geovanini Format: 17 x 24 cm – 512 pages ISBN: 978-85-339-3077-3 Rights available This book deals with techniques and new technologies for the care of wounds and injuries, in a holistic approach. The chapters fully address origins, causes and consequences of a wound, considering all the biopsychosocial and spiritual aspects of the individual. Therapeutic intervention is discussed in terms of prevention, harm reduction and available advances in wound and injury care. OBESITY IN CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE Author: Rejane Teixeira Mendonça Format: 17 x 24 cm – 240 pages ISBN: 978-85-339-3247-0 Rights available Obesity is rising in Brazil and worldwide. This has already become a public health issue. This book was developed to aid in prevention and to provide nutritional re-education to children and young people. Subjects addressed include the historical development of obesity, epidemiology, risk factors and nutritional orientation, in addition to healthy recipes. 67 For over 20 years, Scipione Publishing has developed textbooks and other educational products from renowned Brazilian and foreign authors. Concern with meeting the changes and needs within the educational industry has always guided the company. Therefore, Scipione presented its first collection of literature books to the public, composed of the great classics in world literature, retold by talented writers. Since then, much has changed. With approximately 650 works in its literature catalog, with particular attention to the children and youth market, Scipione is extremely committed to literary and illustration quality, which has garnered the company many important awards. THE CROW Author: Manu Maltez Format: 28 x 21 cm – 64 pages ISBN: 978-85-262-7958-2 Rights available A mysterious crow lands on the breast of a statue of Athena and sees the profound heartbreak of a man after the loss of his beloved, Lenore. One of the best known poems in literature, “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, is presented in this book. This is a graphic and Brazilian version of the classic by the artist and musician Manu Maltez. The hardcover volume includes exquisite graphics and also contains the original version of the poem in English and two translations of it into Portuguese. CRYSTAL SKULL SOCIETY Author: Andréa Del Fuego Illustrator: Rogério Coelho Format: 15.5 x 22 cm – 184 pages ISBN: 978-85-2626-7633 Rights available The world is experiencing an epidemic caused by an unknown virus, the Bola. The virus has killed many people, including Victor’s grandfather. He’s a thirteen-year-old boy that lives isolated from the world in front of his computer. He is in love with Samara, and through her he discovers the game “Skull” and joins the mysterious “Crystal Skull Society”. To advance in the game, Victor must sleep with his computer on and connected to the Internet, because it is only in his dreams that the game continues. Victor and his friends realize that something is wrong in this story and that together they can save the world from the Bola. HUNT Author and illustrator: Fernando Vilela Format: 33 x 21 cm – 64 pages ISBN: 978-85-262-8562-0 Rights available During a war in the Middle East, two young men fighting on opposite sides live through both their dreams and nightmares. The western fighter pilot, whose objectives are so secret not even he knows them, revisits his childhood while flying over the desert. On land, an opposing crack shot soldier looks forward to realizing his greatest dream: shooting down an enemy plane. They end up meeting in surprising circumstances and discover the power of human relationships to break down political and cultural barriers. 68 Av. Nações Unidas, 7221, 3º andar São Paulo – 05425-902 – SP – Brasil Editorial Department: Mr. Paulo Nascimento Verano 55 11 4383-8525 [email protected] www.scipione.com.br IN THE KINGDOM OF HERE AND THERE – A TRIP TO THE WORLD OF BRAZILIAN FOLK POETRY Author: Fábio Sombra Illustrator: Flavio Morais Children and Young Adults Format: 19.5 x 26 cm – 56 pages ISBN: 978-85-262-9082-2 Rights available The narrator begins by introducing himself: “I’m a poet and minstrel, creator of characters and romances of cordel (*)”. His story reveals a terrible mystery: Veridiana, his fiddle, has disappeared, and now he cannot create his poems. For some money, the gypsy Esmeralda unravels the truth behind the disappearance. To recover his instrument, the minstrel must go there and face seven difficult tasks. The challenges involve traditional characters and stories of cordel literature, filled with action, humor and fantastic events. (* Literatura de cordel –literally, string literature- is folk poetry which thrived in Brazil for most of the 20th century.) OSCAR, THE ARCHITECT OF DREAMS Authors: Neide Duarte and Mércia M. Leitão Illustrator: Patrícia Lima Format: 17 x 22.5 cm – 48 pages ISBN: 978-85-2625-6187 Rights available Oscar Niemeyer was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1907. Architect, designer, sculptor and writer, he was considered one of the key figures in the development of modern architecture. Among his most famous projects are the government buildings of Brasília, the planned city that became the Brazilian capital in 1960. He died in 2012 at the age of 104. In this story, Oscar is a boy who dreams of flying. One night, he meets a bird who wants to know how it is to be a boy. This friendship inspires drawings that imitate flight, and that, later, turn into buildings. The book reveals, in a poetic way, the creative inspiration Oscar Niemeyer used to conceive of his famous constructions. SKETCHES AND FRAGMENTS Author: Rainer Maria Rilke Illustrator and translator: Angela-Lago Format: 17 x 24 cm – 56 pages ISBN: 978-85-262-9098-3 Rights available In addition to creating the illustrations, Angela-Lago also selected and translated Rilke’s poems, thus ensuring the unity of the book and reinforcing the dialogue between text and images. The designs of her mandalas were based on marks, scribbles and writings she found and photographed. Like Rilke in his poems, she sought inspiration in daily life to investigate the relationship between man and the universe. This bilingual edition features the poems in their original language, allowing readers to appreciate the delicacy and subtlety employed in their translation. 69 Senac is an established Brazilian private institution created more than 60 years ago, and Editora Senac Rio de Janeiro is a unit within its large network. Editora Senac Rio de Janeiro also addresses cultural themes, seeking broad dissemination of knowledge. Culture as an encompassing theme comprises our titles. Our goal is to attain excellence in content that promotes the enrichment of technical skills, enhancing worker competitiveness and prosperity. Our areas of interest include: Culture & Communication, IT, Business Development, Tourism & Hotel Industry, Gastronomy, Fashion, Beauty, Design, Languages, Entrepreneurship & Commercial Development, etc. ABRIDGED ENOLOGY DICTIONARY IN SIX LANGUAGES Author: Roberta Malta Saldanha Illustrator: Camila Simas 184 pages ISBN: 978-85-7756-197-1 Rights available The dictionary includes more than 700 carefully selected enological terms, followed by their translations into the English, Spanish, French, Italian and German languages. The book also contains a section that includes tips and curiosities about the universe of wine, in addition to covering subjects related to wine-tasting techniques and the processes of winemaking and grape growing, among other items. Ideal for gastronomy and enology students and professionals, as well as wine lovers. BRAZILIAN HOLLYWOOD A PANORAMA OF SOAP OPERAS IN BRAZIL Author: Mauro Alencar 176 pages ISBN: 85-87864-18-1 Rights available Fiction and Non Fiction Rua Pompeu Loureiro, 45, 11º andar – Copacabana Rio de Janeiro – 22061-000 – RJ – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Manuel Vieira 55 21 3138-1214 [email protected] www.rj.senac.br/editora THE CHEF’S DIET: LOW CALORIE HIGH-END GASTRONOMY Author: Roland Villard 208 pages ISBN: 978-85-7756-036-3 Rights available Roland Villard is a kitchen chef who prepares light, delicate, creative and very tasty menus. His difference is in the small details, and in the keen perception of the best way to please clients. Roland is a chef with refined sensibility and, for this reason, is daring with many dishes. He got in shape after losing 30 kg, and the purpose of the book is to offer surprising low calorie and high-end gastronomy menus. Winner of the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards of 2009, in the “Best Chef Book” category. STORIES, LEGENDS AND CURIOSITIES ABOUT GASTRONOMY Author: Roberta Malta Saldanha 356 pages ISBN: 978-85-7756-098-1 Rights available This book by Mauro Alencar traces the path of the most important Brazilian televisual genre, the soap opera, from feuilletons and radio series to the current productions. Outstanding stories, characters and soundtracks are highlighted, and the book also includes photos of and remarks from great names in Brazilian teledrama. It also covers detailed creative processes, soap opera production, and everything about employment opportunities offered by this fascinating industry. The book is a compilation of curiosities on the origins of notable beverages and dishes as well as the usage of ingredients in world cuisine. Presented as a dictionary, but divided into topics (Poultry and Game Meat, Cooking Oils, Feasts, Beverages, etc.), the work aims to unravel some myths and highlight the unusual aspects that surround the creation of certain dishes and ingredients. Roberta Malta Saldanha uses simple, precise and engaging language, with text based on extensive research. From its first pages onwards, the book awakens the reader’s curiosity with the fun stories it presents. RIO GOOD FOOD GUIDE: From The Traditional Addresses to Those off The Beaten Track, Discover Rio’s Fine Dining TUBINO’S ENCYCLOPEDIC DICTIONARY OF SPORTs 304 pages ISBN: 978-85-7756-165-0 Rights available Author: Senac Rio de Janeiro Consultant: Bruno Agostini In an authentic and relaxed manner, the Rio good food guide presents restaurants and bars not to be missed, in addition to cafes, markets, shops and services in the city of Rio de Janeiro and its surrounding areas (Serra, Costa Verde, Região dos Lagos, etc.), which are considered to be excellent in quality. This guide to good food in Rio, organized by Bruno Agostini, is dedicated to listing only the establishments that identify with the city’s lifestyle, regardless of price and location. 70 Authors: Manoel José Gomes Tubino, Fábio Mazeron Tubino and Fernando Antonio Cardoso Garrido 1.060 pages ISBN: 978-85-7756-010-3 Rights available Manoel Tubino has dedicated 15 years of his 40-year career as a lecturer and international researcher to preparing this comprehensive encyclopedic dictionary of sports. With more than 6.000 entries, it is an unrivalled technical reference work on physical education and the international sports movement. Its authors highlight the significance of sport in our society, describing in detail different sports played worldwide and current issues of that passionate universe. 71 Senac (National Commerce Training Service) is a private non-profit institution committed to culture, professional training and business development in commerce, services and tourism in Brazil. It also offers evening, technical, professional, undergraduate and graduate courses, and holds various special events in all of these areas. In order to fully accomplish its mission of providing professional training and fostering the development of people and organizations, Senac promotes educational activities that are committed to social responsibility and offers, through its publishing houses, publications related to wide range of areas of knowledge – Communications, Education, Urbanism and Landscaping, Arts and Design, Entrepreneurship, Fashion, Beauty, Health, Tourism, Environmental Education, Hotel Management, Gastronomy, Information Technology and Business Administration. In order to help accomplish that mission, Senac São Paulo aligns its publications to its courses and areas of training. It presently has about 900 books in its catalogue, which are distributed all over the country. FASHION AND ART REREADING THE PROCESS OF CREATING Author: Dinah Bueno Pezzolo Format: 19 x 23 cm – 208 pages ISBN: 978-85-396-0306-0 Rights available STM and Academics Rua Rui Barbosa, 377 – Bela Vista São Paulo – 01326-010 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Adriana Freita 55 11 2187-4478 [email protected] www.editorasenacsp.com.br Rebellion in the backlands and other drawINGs Author: Paulo Barreto Format: 27 × 20 cm – 266 pages ISBN: 978-85-396-0724-2 Rights available This book contains a selection of paintings, illustrations and prints – from Antiquity to the present day – that reveal the relationship between art created with brush and paint and art that is displayed on the catwalk. This publication offers a critical view of artistic activity and its link with the demanding fashion market. Over 250 color images show the power of the arts to enchant, and the power of fashion, as a mirror of the art, to seduce. Through excerpts from Rebellion in the Backlands, Euclides da Cunha, Paulo Barreto creates a series of drawings, portraying the atmosphere of an unjust and violent war in Brazil, which was highlighted by incomprehension. The intolerance of the government, the newly created Republic, faced the Brazilian community of Canudos and the conflict began due to the misunderstanding of the reality of backcountry life conditions, in addition to their hard struggle to survive and their only support: the faith in God, personified in the figure of the devout leader Antônio Conselheiro. Art in scene: the art direction in the Brazilian cinema MENUS OF BRAZIL: RECIPES, INGREDIENTS AND PROCESSES Author: Vera Hamburger Format: 28 x 28 cm – 420 pages ISBN: 978-85-396-0440-1 Rights available Author: Ana Luiza Trajano Format: 29 × 29 cm – 331 pages ISBN: 978-85-39604-05-0 Rights available The book includes evolution of scenography and art direction in Brazilian cinema, from the early 20th century to today, including topics such as script analysis, transposition of the story to the visual plane and the process of adapting the ideas of the director, art director and photography director to production conditions. With excellent graphics, the book highlights drawings, sketches, models and movies sets, showing the relevance of these elements and demonstrating the step-by-step creative process. Vera Hamburger presents her extensive experience, alongside other respected art directors, through interviews with Pierino Massenzi, Clovis Bueno, Marcos Flaksman and Adrian Cooper; these elements make the publication an important source for research on Brazil’s audiovisual production. A survey of recipes from throughout Brazil, chef Ana Luiza Trajano interprets the 15 menus in this book with respect and great sensitivity. Stunning images illustrate the processes, techniques and the variety of flavors that are part of Brazil’s culinary tradition. The book also provides an important and detailed photographic glossary of ingredients. The English and French versions of the texts delve even deeper into the world of Brazilian culinary habits and traditions. Winner of the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2013 – Cookbook of the Year. Jewelry: fundamentals, processes and techniques The Emperor’s banquet: menus collected by Dom Pedro II Recipes and history of Brazilian gastronomy in nineteenth-century Author: Rita Santos Format: 19 x 24 cm – 296 pages ISBN: 978-85-7458-346-4 Rights available Format: 32 × 24 cm – 448 pages ISBN: 978-85-3960-423-4 Rights available Authors: Francisco Lellis and André Boccato Rita Santos, jewelry designer and goldsmith teacher, demonstrates the main processes and techniques used in production of jewelry. The book contains basic knowledge of metals, alloys, chemicals and tools used in the production of pieces. The photos and accompanying DVD, especially produced for the publication, offers stepby-step explanations of the jewelry-making processes and the most important techniques. 72 This masterpiece of the history of Brazilian gastronomy, collected and published for the first time, presents 130 selected menus of banquets and dinners that were part of the daily life of Emperor Dom Pedro II and the imperial family, therefore describing the beginning of Haute Cuisine in Brazil. Selected from the Thereza Christina collection, the menus are classified as: Brazilian Menus, Worldwide Menus and Ship Menus. The book also features several recipes from that period. A ‘must read’ for food lovers. Winner of the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2014 – Culinary History Book. 73 Editora Unesp was established in 1987 as the publishing branch of Universidade Estadual Paulista (São Paulo State University) “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, one of the largest and most important institutions of higher education in Brasil. Since the start, our goal has been to support a pluralist view and disseminate knowledge in a way that can be understood by all, in an effort to offer major intellectual contributions, which are traditionally the privilege of academics, to a broader audience. Abolition Author: Emília Viotti da Costa 140 pages ISBN: 978-85-39300-71-6 Rights available An analysis of the political, economic, social and ideological context that led to the abolition of slavery in Brazil, this book demonstrates that although abolition was a conquest, the mere liberation of the slaves was only a first step toward the true emancipation of Brazil’s black population. The author connects the process of abolition to both the rise of the bourgeoisie in Europe, and the increasing interest of Brazil’s own plantation class in the employment of white immigrant free labor. Brazil as destination Author: Eva Blay 424 pages ISBN: 978-85-93049-12 Rights available The Jewish immigrants arrived in Brazil at the beginning of the 16th century, and would continue to do until the first decades of the 20th century. Brazilian historiography, however, ignores the existence of this immigration: there is no trace of these immigrants in school or university textbooks. In this work, the sociologist Eva Blay proposes retaining this long-lasting historical incident. Voices of the program ‘Bolsa Família’ Autonomy, money and citizenship Authors: Walquíria Domingues Leão Rego and Alessandro Pinzani 248 pages ISBN: 978-85-39303-97-7 Rights available In this study the authors make an assessment of the family allowance program known as the ‘Bolsa Familia’, with focus not on economic improvement but on achievement of moral, economic and political autonomy of women who are entitled to receive this benefit. Furthermore, it demonstrates that cash aid generates significant impacts on the beneficiaries’ lives, incomparable to those provided by other types of benefits. 74 STM and Academics Praça da Sé, 108 – Centro São Paulo – 01001-900 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Jézio Gutierre 55 11 3242-7171 [email protected] www.editoraunesp.com.br In search of the Brazilian people – Artists of the revolution, from CPC to the TV era Author: Marcelo Ridenti 450 pages ISBN: 978-85-39305-04-9 Rights available Relating to the “people” was one of the most desired aspirations of both left-wing militants and Brazilian artists and intellectuals during the civil-military dictatorship of 1964-1985. The new country they aimed to construct, necessarily, would flourish through national roots. What inspired them in this quest, which was set back after the triumph the logic of global markets, in the 1990’s? What legacy would it have left? The Brazilian Expeditionary Force campaign for the Liberation of Italy Author: Durval de Noronha Goyos Junior 152 pages ISBN: 97- 88-57983-42-0 Rights available Meticulous and well-documented, this study leads the reader through a historic walk through the military, social and economic events that would lead to the Second World War. The author incorporates these episodes to demonstrate the little recognized importance of the participation of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB) in the conflict. Machado de Assis: literary critique Authors: Sílvia Maria Azevedo, Daniela Mantarro Callipo & Adriana Dusilek (org.) 721 pages ISBN: 978-85-3930-41- 4 Rights available Presenting Machado de Assis as a literary critic, this book also covers the beginnings this discipline in Brazil, which flourished in the mid-18th century. In addition to discussing a significant number of pieces published during the periodicals of the era, the work traces his career as a critic, showing how he matured into one of the forerunners of literary criticism in the country. 75 Editora Vale das Letras is a 12 years old Publishing house specialized in creating children books, that in spite of their highquality and enriching contents, have very attractive prices . Our main goal, over these years, has been spreading the joy of reading among the children, offering families a wide universe of fun and knowledge. Little Red Riding Hood (PUzzle) Author: Editora Vale das Letras Format: 16 x 16 cm – 2 pages ISBN: 978-85-410-0148-9 Plus: 6 puzzles Padded cover Rights available Puzzles are an excellent resource for children’s development. Our puzzle books are beautifully illustrated, with image guides and cushioned pages. The little ballerina bee (Bath Book) Author: Editora Vale das Letras Author: Jean C. Ferreira Story telling is a wonderful way to bring children together. Explore a world of culture with these glove books, which provide an innovative way of learning and plenty of fun. 76 vehicles and Colors (Chunky Books) Author: Editora Vale das Letras Format: 15.5 x 10.5 cm – 10 pages ISBN: 978-85-410-0632-3 Rights available This beautiful series was developed with special pedagogical care, aiming to entertain as well as teach children about colors, numbers, shapes and sounds. Made using a new type of material, the books have painted edges, making them beautiful, tactile and durable. Format: 24 x 24 cm – 6 pages ISBN: 978-85-766-1553-8 Bifold single spread Made of waterproof EVA Rights available 365 Stories Format: 10 x 7.8 cm – 6 pages ISBN: 978-85-410-0572-2 1 glove with 5 finger puppets Rights available Princess Magic Slate (Magic Slate Book) Bath books are a great way to have fun at bath-time, at the pool or at the beach. They are soft, easy to wash and safe, with beautiful, colorful pictures. Farm Animals (Glove Book) Children and Young Adults Rua Bahia, 5.129 – Salto Weissbach Blumenau – 89032-001 – SC – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Fredy Grecco 55 47 3340-7045 [email protected] www.valedasletras.com.br Author: Editora Vale das Letras Format: 20.5 x 28 cm – 4 pages ISBN: 978-85-410-0073-4 Padded cover with foil stamping Rights available This beautiful book is a definitive version of the fairy tale books. With 365 stories, children will have a new and exciting tale for each day of the year. Author: Editora Vale das Letras Format: 22.5 x 32.5 cm – 20 pages ISBN: 978-85-410-0166-3 Includes 1 pen, 1 magic board and 3 stamps Rights available Children love to draw. With the Magic Slate book, they can bring their imagination to life, drawing creative ideas on a magic board. This series has several themes and a step-by-step drawing guide. 77 Edusp – University of São Paulo Press – is one of Brazil’s major publishers, printing works from specialists across all areas of academic research. As well as focusing on scientific production from the university – a reference in Brazil and abroad – other works, both classic and contemporary, are also published, meeting the needs of students, professors and researchers. Edusp has implemented a new concept of university publishing in Brazil, combining the quality of academic works with an original graphic identity, offering its readers the best of the Brazilian university’s output. A CONCISE HISTORY OF BRAZIL Author: Boris Fausto 328 pages ISBN: 978-85-314-0592-1 Translated into English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, Hungarian, Albanian and Russian Rights sold to: Slovenia Covering a period of more than 500 years, from the origins of the Portuguese colonization to the current day, Boris Fausto narrates the most important facts in Brazil’s history. Through a detailed analysis of the defining forces in the country’s formation, the author examines political systems such as colonial rule and the authoritarian regimes of the 20th century. He focuses on socio-political practices, challenges controversial issues and presents synthetic and updated statistical data, and reviews Brazil’s most recent history in the concluding chapter. ARCHITECTURE IN BRAZIL (1900-1990) Author: Hugo Segawa 232 pages ISBN: 978-85-314-0445-0 Translated into English and Spanish. Rights available STM and Academics Rua da Praça do Relógio, 109-A – Cidade Universitária São Paulo – 05508-050 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Carla Fernanda Fontana 55 11 3091-4007 [email protected] www.edusp.com.br GRAMMAR OF STANDARD PORTUGUESE Author: Amini Boainain Hauy 1.344 pages ISBN: 978-85-314-1419-0 Rights available This reference book acknowledges the transformation of Brazil’s official language, structuring traditional academic grammar theory to analyze the current state of Portuguese. Its main objective, however, is to highlight the social and cultural importance of standard norm in textbooks. The linguistic body of this research aims on the literary and normative modalities. The examples presented include literary texts from different periods and written according to the operating “educated” standard. I AM HERE. I ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. I ALWAYS WILL: BRAZILIAN INDIANS. THEIR IMAGES (1505-1955) 688 pages ISBN: 978-85-314-1265-3 Rights available Author: Carlos Eugênio Marcondes de Moura Presenting Brazilian architecture throughout the 20th century, Hugo Segawa’s work is organized into three sections: pragmatic Modernism, pragmatic Modernity and current Modernity, opening with a reinterpretation of the Modernist movement up to World War II. On the Post-war period, the author analyzes ideological impacts, the main architectural works and their originators – among them Oscar Niemeyer, Lúcio Costa and Vilanova Artigas. It is an original study of the controversies, achievements and failures in the effort to construct spaces, buildings and cities in a country that is in constant transformation. This book is a precious catalog of more than 4.000 images – 500 of which are reproduced in this volume – of 220 indigenous Brazilian peoples. The stimulus for the author was locating each of the images, identifying their sources and organizing them. The book includes maps that pinpoint each community, as well as indexes by ethnic group, descriptions, topographic information, artworks, anthropomorphic pottery and masks, artists, photographers, authors, and collections. It’s a real course in the history of Brazil. BLESSED & DAMNED SAMBA: A STUDY ON POPULAR DISCOURSE Author: Nádia Battella Gotlib Author: Ricardo Azevedo 784 pages ISBN: 978-85-314-1417-6 Rights available In Brazilian Popular Music, samba represents an essential collection of formal resources, aesthetic procedures and human themes. The book aims to identify and understand what can be gathered from samba’s popular discourse – produced by the individuals, hierarchies, contexts, religiousness, common sense, oral practice, and revelry – in spite of its diverse and multifaceted qualities. It means considering different traditions to understand it as an instrument of social, cultural and artistic change and development. 78 CLARICE’S PHOTOBIOGRAPHY 656 pages ISBN: 978-85-314-1038-3 Rights sold to: Mexico The pictures of Clarice Lispector reveal the writer in several roles. The author of this photo-biography spent years gathering images of the famous Brazilian writer by researching archives in places where she lived – Ukraine, Italy, Switzerland, England, the United States and Brazil – as well as in numerous library files, periodicals and museums. The photographs are organized in chronological order, grouped by the locations where they were taken. Captions provide concise contextual information, complemented by the comments in the final chapter. 79 Committed to education, and strong in its belief that it’s possible to create a fairer and more fraternal world through ethical values, Elementar Publicações was founded in 2000 to publish literary and educational books for children and young people, which they would enjoy reading and would make them question and investigate. The aim is that this, in turn, stimulates a new way of looking at the world – with more sensitive eyes – and promotes solidarity among people. A moral lesson… Aesop’s Fables Author: Rosane Pamplona Illustrator: Eugenia Nobati Format: 22 x 28 cm – 64 pages ISBN: 978-85-99306-89-5 Rights available The fables told by Aesop have survived the centuries – and even the millennia – without losing their relevance. They let us ponder human nature and understand the world we live in. Aesop, who lived as a slave in Ancient Greece, earned his freedom thanks to the stories he told. And he didn’t make them up; some had been written on Egyptian papyruses, dating almost a thousand years earlier. And we’re still surprised by the wisdom of such fables. Who’s the Big Bad Wolf Afraid of? Author: Silvana de Menezes Format: 21 x 28 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-99306-59-8 Rights available In an endangered forest an old, vegetarian wolf lived, sad and lonely, until the moment he came face to face with a hunter; his skin shivered as it used to in the old days, but his killer instinct was gone. He could no longer smell the hunt. In this story of life and death, extremes of emotion are captured by shades of black and white. Who is the man and who is the wolf? Does it even make sense to ask this question? Vanda Vamp, Mirror of mine, who am I? Author: Silvana de Menezes Format: 21 x 28 cm – 40 pages Full Color ISBN: 978-85-99306-70-3 Rights available Vanda Vamp is a little vampire girl who loves music and dance but is troubled about her future: she can’t see her own image reflected in the mirror. In this story, the little vampire girl’s questioning, and the path her life takes, show the reader that deep feelings can turn the impossible into reality. Silvana de Menezes is a writer and illustrator of children’s books. 80 Children and Young Adults Rua Bernardino Fanganiello, 543 – Casa Verde São Paulo – 02512-000 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Elisabete Kawano 55 11 3857-0740 [email protected] www.editoraelementar.com.br Be brave, little owl! Author: Sami and Bill Format: 20.5 x 20.5 cm – 36 pages ISBN: 978-85-99306-90-1 Rights available The owl could hardly keep her eyes open. She was so sleepy… But she was so scared that she was unable to fall asleep. The moon grew worried and told the owl not to be scared. Was the moon able to calm the owl down? Could the owl finally get to sleep? What sort of animal is this? Author: Liana Leão Illustrator: Eve Ferretti Format: 20.5 x 20.5 cm – 64 pages ISBN: 978-85-99306-91-8 Rights available A trunk, a wing, a very long tongue, a huge neck and an elegant purse – these are the clues about some of the animals from nearby and far away. Native Loves Authors: Lenice Gomes, Fabiano Moraes and Severino Rodrigues Illustrator: Laerte Silvino Format: 21 x 28 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-99306-93-2 Rights available “A Gift of Love”, “Ponaim’s Wish”, and “Potira and Itagibá” – the love stories in this book treasure the beauty of the legends of Brazil’s original peoples. The indigenous tribes, along with the Portuguese and the Africans, form Brazil’s historical and cultural identity, its nation. As such, its oral traditions must be preserved for the next generation. 81 Escrituras Editora was founded in March 1994 and has established itself as a publisher of important names in Brazilian and international literature and photography. It is well known in the Brazilian publishing industry for both editorial quality and the graphic design excellence of its publications. It has received over 30 awards, the prominent ones including an APCA award, the Brazilian Writers Union award and the Brazilian Academy of Letters award. Bolota, a Certain Very Smart Jabuticaba Author and illustrator: Iray Galrão Format: 18 x 23 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-75314-75-3 Rights available Iray Galrão, an academic specializing in African legends, takes part in the series Improbable Authors, with the book Bolota, a Certain Very Smart Jabuticaba (published by Escritinha), featuring embroidered images by the author. Bolota is hanging around at the top of the jabuticaba tree’s trunk, with her small eyes wide open to everything going on in the backyard. Up there, she learns about the virtue of differences, about racial equality, and that seeds are a metaphor for continuity and the natural cycle of life. That Really Surprised Me! Author: Raimundo Gadelha Illustrator: Bruno Gomes Format: 18 x 26 cm – 48 pages ISBN: 978-85-75314-68-5 Rights available Poet Raimundo Gadelha opens the series Improbable Authors with the book That Really Surprised Me! (published by Escritinha) about a good-natured gang of monsters, ideal for kids looking for a fright. He wrote the book with the illustrations in mind, wanting them to jump off the page in full color (as they indeed do), filling readers’ attentive heads with dynamic characters, particularly that of mother Vivinha. The book is illustrated by Bruno Gomes, an artist from Alagoas. Somewhere over the horizon Author: Raimundo Gadelha Format: 14 x 21 cm – 160 pages ISBN: 978-85-86303-77-7 Rights available Poet Raimundo Gadelha released his first novel, Somewhere Over the Horizon, which has been published in Portugal, Mexico and Greece. Carlos Nejar, a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, says about the book: “In Somewhere Over the Horizon, editor and poet Raimundo Gadelha excels as a thriller writer, both in the peculiar art of storytelling and in his creative characterizations. Using simple, direct language, the novel frames things as in a movie, depicting characters with solitude and freedom”. 82 Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction Rua Maestro Callia, 123 – Vila Mariana 04012-100 – São Paulo – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Raimundo Gadelha 55 11 5904-4499 [email protected] www.escrituras.com.br Leather Stars – The Aesthetics of the Brazilian Cangaço Author: Frederico Pernambucano de Mello Format: 23.5 x 30.5 cm – 258 pages ISBN: 978-85-75313-24-4 Rights available Frederico Pernambucano is an expert on the subject of the cangaço – the rebellion of a group of bandits in Northeastern Brazil against the government and landowners. He provides an immersion in the unfamiliar world of its material culture, giving an insight into the significance of the pieces worn by the cangaceiros (so-called “social bandits”), such as Solomon’s shield, the Maltese cross, the fleur-de-lis, the figure eight, the Greek sashes, the variations of local flora and the multiple combinations that the cangaceiros used to create a “uniform” that pandered to the decorative vanity of the fierce warriors and their yearning for mystical protection. Film Music: everything that you would like to know about film music Author: Tony Berchmans Format: 16 x 23 cm – 208 pages ISBN: 978-85-75314-28-4 Rights available Written by composer and musician Tony Berchmans, this book is a celebration of the magic of music composed for the movies. It gives a rich introduction to the fascinating universe of original soundtracks, their history and styles, the major musical themes and composers, as well as interesting facts and trivia behind the scenes. The insights into the creative and production processes will let the less familiar reader experience, enjoy, and fall in love with film music. Deal! Business Travel Guide Author: Suzana Doblinski Jöhr (Administration/Behavior/International Etiquette) Format: 13 x 21 cm – 264 pages ISBN: 978-85-75314-66-1 Rights available Deal! Business Travel Guide (Escrituras Editora, in partnership with KPMG) is the compass that executives need for navigating business cultures across the world. In a borderless economy, attitude and etiquette are important success factors for doing business. 83 FTD is a Brazilian publisher founded in 1902 and is the consolidation of the work of the Marist Brothers (a Catholic institute dedicated to education, founded in France, in 1817), which has been establishing schools in Brazil since 1897. FTD publishes a wide range of textbooks and learning materials for readers from nursery school age through to grade 12, as well as training courses for illiterate adults, literature, atlases, dictionaries and a number of online educational resources. Today, FTD has a reputation for providing teachers and pupils with the very best resources and being the leading Brazilian educational publisher and one of the world’s 60 largest book publishers. THE ILLITERATE PRINCESS Author: Heloisa Prieto Illustrator: Janaina Tokitaka 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-322-7196-9 Rights available Rose is a beautiful, smart princess who has something of a problem; she refuses to learn to read. One day, however, while out wandering near the castle, she gets lost in the woods and is captured by the wicked Snaky Witch. Because Rose doesn´t know how to read, she doesn´t realize that the way out is right under her nose, in the letters written on the wall. This book is an eye-opening reminder to young children that reading is a form of liberation, which can raise self-esteem. Children and Young Adults Rua Manoel Dutra, 225 – Bela Vista São Paulo – 01328-010 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Ceciliany Alves 55 11 3598-6415 [email protected] www.ftd.com.br AFRICAN TALES Author: Júlio Emílio Braz Illustrator: Salmo Dansa 112 pages ISBN: 85-322-4814-4 Rights available For many, Africa is just a setting for civil wars and disease epidemics. In reality, Africa is a stunning, diverse continent, brimming with cultural and natural riches. This book brings back to life Africa’s forgotten heritage, introducing it to a new generation of readers, of African origin and otherwise. The wonderful stories entertain the young reader and broaden their view of the world. Prize: Viriato Corrêa Award (UBE-RJ) Children’s and Young Adult’s: 1st place WARRIOR – GIRLS Author: Yaguarê Yamã Illustrator: Taisa Borges 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-322-8428-0 Rights available This is the story of five girls, daughters of Amazon warriors – legendary female warriors known for their strength and skill in battle – who lent their name to the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. One day, the girls go out to play by the Moon Mirror Lake and are surprised by young men from an enemy tribe. The Amazon girls aren’t intimidated, however, for they are the daughters of the finest fighters. This book contains important messages for women about embracing their inner strength and overcoming obstacles, and encouraging young girls to live up to their full potential and be the best they can be. CROCODILE ISLAND Author: Geraldo Costa Illustrator: Mauricio Negro 72 pages ISBN: 978-85-322-8272-9 Rights available This award-winning book is a compilation of some of the beautiful stories, legends and oral storytelling traditions from the people of East Timor (a crocodile-shaped island in Southeast Asia). Down-to-earth illustrations pepper each story in this culture-packed book that will open the eyes of children, educators and parents as they learn about the likes of the babadhok drum – a musical instrument played by women to accompany the traditional tebedai dance, which they perform in honor of their ancestors. Prizes: Jabuti Award 2013 – Best Children’s Book: 3rd place FNLIJ Award 2013 – Highly recommended – Best Retelling of a Story 84 AMALIA Author: Majori Claro Illustrator: Anna Anjos 112 pages ISBN: 978-85-322-7949-1 Rights available Amalia is a scarecrow brought to life in order to scare the birds that come to feed in the cornfield where she stands. But she has never understood why she has to scare them away if they are hungry. With each flap of the birds’ wings, Amalia will experience life, nature and poetry, and discover the reason why she came to be in such a time and place. The words of Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa are present in each line of this enchanting story of love, selfdiscovery and rebirth in which a little scarecrow awakens to life’s possibilities and most important values. FREEDOM WRITER: TOMÁS ANTÔNIO GONZAGA Author: Álvaro Cardoso Gomes Illustrator: Alexandre Camanho 256 pages ISBN: 978-85-322-8053-4 Rights available The life and works of Portuguese-born Brazilian poet Tomás Antônio Gonzaga are unveiled through the author’s conversations with Antônio, a teenage boy. Acting as a spokeman for the readers, the boy puts questions to the poet that we would all love to ask. The conversations between Gonzaga and his young friend shine a light on issues that go way beyond literature, touching on every aspect of life. This is an intelligent book about the greatness of a sentimental man who embraces the cause of liberty, fighting against all-toocommon, oppressive tyrants. 85 Founded in 2007, GEN is a market leader in STP (scientific, technical and professional) publishing in Brazil, with 12.4% market share in this segment (SNEL-FIPE 2011 survey). An editorial platform for some of the most prestigious publishers in the areas of health, law and applied human and social sciences, GEN has a catalog of more than 3.500 books, over 700 of which are available in digital versions and/ or apps. In Latin America, GEN has been building a catalog of books in Spanish, distributed in 15 countries. In 2012, the group’s export catalog was acknowledged by the Agency of Export Promotion (Apex Brasil) in the Diversity of Markets category. Emergency Room Handbook Authors: Marco Tulio Baccarini Pires and Sizenando Vieira Starling Publishing House: Guanabara Koogan [10th Edition/2014] – 1.072 pages ISBN: 978-85-277-2375-6 Rights available STM and Academics Travessa do Ouvidor, 11, 7º andar – Centro Rio de Janeiro – 20040-040 – RJ – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Helber Oliveira Mr. Sergio Pechman 55 21 3543-0865 [email protected] [email protected] www.grupogen.com.br Facial Renewal Hints On Being Successful Authors: Alessandra Nogueira and Sérgio Escobar Publishing House: Editora AC Farmacêutica 2014 – 1st Edition – 140 pages ISBN: 978-85-811-4236-4 Rights available A hands-on, didactic and wide-ranging book, the 10th edition of the Emergency Room Handbook is an excellent reference tool for emergency medical care, in which time can be the difference between success and failure in treating a patient. Thoroughly revised and updated, with illustrations and redesigned algorithms, in addition to new chapters, this is a must-read book for students, resident doctors, physicians and other healthcare professionals. Aiming to demystify cosmetic dermatology, the authors have developed valuable content for those interested in health and beauty. Written in clear, straightforward language, the book covers aesthetic treatments, their impact on the self-esteem and well being of the patient, as well as benefits and limitations. Veterinary Semiology The Art Of Diagnosis Human Resources: Strategy and Personnel Management in the Global Society Author: Franciscllo Leydson F. Feitosa Publishing House: Editora Roca 3rd Edition- 2014 – 644 pages ISBN: 978-85-412-0399-9 Rights available Author: Antonio Cesar Amaru Maximiano Publishing House: Editora LTC 2014 – 1st Edition – 406 pages ISBN: 978-85-216-2589-6 Rights available The first edition of this book, released in 2004, has had high sales and been used widely in Brazilian veterinary schools thanks to its quality, depth and breadth. The new edition of Veterinary Semiology is fully revised and updated, with the collaboration of renowned experts in several species, as well as new topics such as the evaluation of newborns of different species. Written by the renowned Professor Amaru (FEA-USP – School of Economics and Business/University of São Paulo), this book covers essential ideas and techniques in human resources management. The book describes strategies – in particular relating to human capital – as well as organizational structures, processes and concepts, such as skills management, which have become universal references for the globalization of society. Diagnosis and Treatment of Peri-Implant Changes Author: Nilo Índio do Brasil Author: Marco Aurélio Bianchini Publishing House: Editora Santos 2014 – 11th Edition – 220 pages ISBN: 978-85-412-0377-7 Rights available This book establishes treatment protocols for peri-implant changes of hard and soft tissues, highlighting the healthy long-term maintenance of implants and implant-supported prostheses. It also differentiates between what is normal and physiologic from what is pathologic or iatrogenic. A highlight of the book is the images, used in their original form. 86 Oil and Gas Processing Publishing House: Editora LTC 2014 – 2nd Edition – 292 pages ISBN: 978-85-216-2606-0 Rights available A successful publication within the oil and gas sector, this book is now in its second edition, presenting a detailed history of oil and gas in Brazil. The book covers the production, processes, equipment, petroleum byproducts, refining schemes and distribution logistics, among other topics of paramount importance for those needing to keep up-to-date with all the stages of oil and gas processing. This book is broad and didactic, and was revised and updated by some of the top professionals in Brazil. 87 Girassol Brasil is 14 years old and, despite being a young company, is a big player in the children’s book scene, thanks to the quality and interactivity its books offer to the young reader. There are educational books, children’s literature from renowned Brazilian authors, tales and fables, world literary classics and several reference books. The catalog also has pop-up, bath-time and wipe-clean titles, with an array of different finishes that provide a pleasant reading experience and make learning fun for early and young readers. ANGELINO, THE ABSENT MINDED LITTLE ANGEL – GOING TO SCHOOL Author: Renato Cavalher Illustrators: Toni and Laíse Rodrigues Format: 21 x 21 cm – 36 pages ISBN: 978-85-394-0151-2 Softcover Rights available Angelino is a guardian angel, but a very absent-minded one. No matter how hard he tries, he can’t manage to keep watch all the time in order to prevent problems, meaning adults and children have to be cautious. The good news is that 90% of the problems can be avoided with just a few simple precautions. In this helpful book, you follow the Silva family during Annie’s first day at school and all the adventures of Angelino, the absentminded little angel. The story’s message is that you can’t rely just on the guardian angel; adults must learn how to prevent accidents and teach children to protect themselves from an early age. BOO THE LITTLE GHOST HAUNTED NUMBERS Author: Flávia Muniz Illustrator: Attílio Format: 21 x 28 cm – 28 pages ISBN: 978-85-394-0675-3 Softcover Rights available Onboard a ghost train, Boo the Little Ghost and his creepy friends take us on a ride through the world of mathematics. Presented in an attractive way, with humorous illustrations and characters that spark preschool 4-6-year-olds’ imaginations, this lovely book practices counting and subtracting from 1 to 10, with rhyming texts and a playful tone. TALES HEALING TALES Author: Paula Furtado Illustrator: Biry Sarkys Format: 16 x 23 cm – 64 pages ISBN: 978-85-394-0968-6 Softcover Rights available The tales in this charming book take the reader into a magical world, pointing ways out of conflicts, revealing new paths and giving examples of faith and overcoming – as well as identifying – problems. They help children develop self-confidence, fellowship and courage, while at the same time “healing” negative feelings of pride, envy and wickedness. Above all, they bring the chance of a happy end. 88 Children and Young Adults Al. Madeira, 162, 17º andar, sl. 1.702 – Alphaville Barueri – 06454-010 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Karine Pansa 55 11 4196-6699 [email protected] www.girassolbrasil.com.br FANTASTIC BEINGS OF BRAZILIAN FOLKLORE Author: Regina Drummond Illustrator: Taciana Ottowitz Format: 19.5 x 27 cm – 136 pages ISBN: 978-85-394-0976-1 Softcover Rights available Using a blend of reality and fantasy, this book explores the four corners of Brazil though its most popular, folkloric creatures. Among them, the Amazonian Boto, the backlander Saci and the forest guardian Caipora spark our imagination and curiosity of stories that have survived generations. After each story, the author provides interesting facts about each character and where they are from, giving historical, geographic and social details that put the origin of each legend into context. This is an important work for broadening children’s cultural backgrounds. SAUDADE Author: Ricardo Viveiros Illustrators: Zélio Alves Pinto and Luiza Whitaker Format: 23.5 x 23.5 cm – 28 pages ISBN: 978-85-394-1045-3 Hardcover Rights available This book about saudade – a word for longing that only exists in Portuguese – is a must-read for the whole family, exploring the meaning and finitude of life, and reflecting on the value of relationships, and on loss and grief. The book explains that anyone with saudade is never alone, because saudade has nothing to do with loneliness. Quite the contrary, life is a big jigsaw puzzle and over the course of the years we build up saudade from everything that was important and left its mark on us. As we fit more pieces into life’s jigsaw, we gradually cease feeling saudade until we stop feeling and start spreading saudade. TALE THERAPY FOR HEART HEALING Author: Paula Furtado Illustrator: Carol Juste Format: 22 x 22 cm – 168 pages ISBN: 978-85-394-0670-8 Softcover Rights available This captivating book addresses everyday issues in children’s lives such as fear, grief and divorce, helping to awaken the inner healer in little ones through touching stories, told in verse. Meet the bird family that has a new member when the mother bird hears a child crying; and Alex the elephant, who wanted to be elegant; and Clara, the ostrich who had two homes. And much more! 89 Over the course of 41 years, Global Editora has established itself as a traditional publisher devoted to Brazilian literature’s best authors. The second largest exporter of Brazilian authors published in Spanish, distributing across all of Latin America, the Caribbean and the United States of America, Global Editora also distributes books in Portugal and Germany. The publisher, renowned for children’s and teens’ literature, has internationally recognized authors and illustrators in its catalog, including Ana Maria Machado, Marina Colasanti, Ignácio de Loyola Brandão, Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós, Roger Mello, Marcos Rey, Gilberto Freyre, Câmara Cascudo, Cecília Meireles and Manuel Bandeira. Maíra Author: Darcy Ribeiro 19th edition Format: 16 x 23 cm – 328 pages ISBN: 978-85-260-1935-5 Rights available Fiction and Non Fiction Rua Pirapitingui, 111 – Liberdade São Paulo – 01508-020 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Jefferson Luiz Alves 55 11 3277-7999 – ext.214 [email protected] www.globaleditora.com.br Libertinism Author: Manuel Bandeira 2nd edition Format: 13.5 x 23 cm – 128 pages ISBN: 978-85-260-1889-1 Rights available Darcy Ribeiro´s first published novel, Maíra, reveals his experience as an anthropologist and defender of indigenous rights. The book tells the story of Avá, an Indian adopted by a Catholic priest and convinced to go to Rome and become a priest himself. When returning to his tribe, he starts to question his faith, struggling to align it with the culture of the tribe. Avá´s story reveals the richness of indigenous culture, which doesn’t always correlate with the values of a Christian society. Formal liberty is one of the great features of this book of poems, covering simple themes such as childhood innocence to those characterized by a keen irony and an irreverent humor. A tone of Brazilianism can be seen in the poems Mangue (‘Marsh’), Belém do Pará, and Evocação do Recife (‘Recollection of Recife’), characteristic of the most important Brazilian literary manifestations in the 1920s. Poems like Vou-me embora pra Pasárgada (‘Going away to Pasárgada’) and Pneumotórax (‘Pneumothorax’) have taken root in the souls of generations of readers and put Bandeira’s name among the greatest Brazilian poets. Simple thngs of daily life Poems Written in India Author: Rubem Braga 2nd edition Format: 16 x 23 cm – 80 pages ISBN: 978-85-260-1882-2 Rights available The seventeen chronicles in this book, beautifully illustrated by Soud, and written by the genre master Rubem Braga, present what really matters – or should matter – in life, in a simple and honest way. Braga invites us to observe everyday things as “a lesson we must learn, to value each minute of our existence.” The simple things, like a tree full of flowers and birds, reveal the lyricism of the greatest Brazilian chronicler. Ocara´s Honey (read, travel, eat) Author: Ignácio de Loyola Brandão 1st edition Format: 16 x 23 cm – 240 pages ISBN: 978-85-260-1890-7 Rights available Ocara´s Honey is written by one of a new profile of Brazilian writers, characterized by getting out and about, helping to educate readers at literature fairs and schools across the country. When meeting his readers, Loyola not only shares his knowledge with the audience, but is also nourished by it. It’s an incredible experience to tag along the author on his trips across Brazil and abroad, listening to him talk about literature, people, places, food and drink. In short, celebrating life. 90 Author: Cecília Meireles 2nd edition Format: 16 x 23 cm – 168 pages ISBN: 978-85-260-2010-8 Rights available In 1953, Cecília Meireles journeyed to India, visiting about fifteen cities and carefully observing each place, over the course of two months. Based on the experience, Cecília wrote Poems Written in India, one of the most sublime creations in Cecília Meireles´s oeuvre. India´s cultural mosaic is the thread uniting the poems; with its places, people and landscapes, this book is a true declaration of love to India and its people. Prelude and Fugue from Reality Author: Luís da Câmara Cascudo 2nd edition Format: 16 x 23.5 cm – 328 pages ISBN: 978-85-260-2037-5 Rights available Always remembered for his research into Brazilian popular culture, Luís da Câmara Cascudo writes fiction in this book, and does it with the same quality and brightness that made him famous for his folkloric studies. The book presents conversations between the author and imaginary as well as real interlocutors, including biblical figures such as Mary Magdalene, historical characters like Machiavelli and fantasy heroes like Pan and Don Quijote. Prelude and Fugue from Reality mixes reality with fantasy, truly surprising the reader. 91 The history of Globo Livros is closely tied to the history of book publishing in Brazil. Founded in the19th century, it was acquired in 1986 by Globo Group, the largest media group in Brazil and one of the largest in Latin America. Globo Livros has pioneering and historical editions in its catalog, including the complete works of Proust and Balzac and books by Aldous Huxley and Agatha Christie. Currently, Globo publishes the works of international writers and prestigious Brazilian authors. Globo Livros is known for the quality of its translations and has won many awards over the years. As Globo has diversified its catalogue over the years, it has launched six imprints in 2012. LITTLE NOSE´S PRANKS Author: Monteiro Lobato Illustrator: Jean Gabriel Villin e J.U. Campos Format: 16 x 23 cm – 376 pages ISBN: 978-85-250-5649-8 Rights available Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction Religious Avenida Jaguaré, 1.485 São Paulo – 05346-902 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Marianna Olivieri 55 11 3767-7907 [email protected] www.globolivros.com.br The emperor’s librarian Author: Marco Lucchesi Format: 14 x 21 cm – 112 pages ISBN: 978-85-250-5531-6 Rights available Little Nose’s Pranks by Monteiro Lobato, the most important Brazilian children’s writer, is a literary classic. First published in 1931, it remains a timeless work. With a new graphic design and classic illustrations, this edition showcases the crew from the Yellow Woodpecker Ranch. In their first adventures, we are introduced to Emília, the loquacious and clever rag doll, Aunt Nastácia, famous for her delicious cakes, and Dona Benta, a very special grandmother, as well as granddaughter Lúcia, the girl with a special nose. Nicknamed “Narizinho” (Little Nose), she guides us through fantastic voyages in the phantasy world. A patron of the National Library of Brazil, researcher and curator of important exhibitions from its collection, Marco Lucchesi honors the institution and pens a love letter to all bibliophiles and readers in The Emperor’s Librarian. Lucchesi recalls the 19th century in telling the story of Dom Pedro II’s librarian. The author uses this real-life character, who was an insider to Petrópolis Palace and the Rio de Janeiro Court, to tell the story of changes on the chessboard of power and daily life in Rio de Janeiro, resulting from the Proclamation of the Republic in Brazil. The Collected Stories 1808 Author: Monteiro Lobato Format: 16 x 23 cm – 660 pages ISBN: 978-85-250-5583-5 Rights available Monteiro Lobato has been immortalized as the father of Brazilian children’s literature. This complete collection containing all his short fiction shows he was also one of the greatest short story writers of the time. The edition includes all stories from Urupês(1918), Dead Cities (1919), Black Girl (1920) and The Monkey Who Became Man (1923). It also offers a bonus useful for Brazilian studies about the author: a vast compilation of literary criticism. The collection includes such classics as “My Maupassant story,” “A Pastoral,” “Little Horses,” “The Pennants of Life,” “The Good Husband” and dozens of others. The Little Lady of the Central Market Author: Stella Maris Rezende Illustrator: Laurent Cardon Format: 14 x 21 cm – 112 pages ISBN: 978-85-250-4969-8 Rights available What is in a name? Maria gets an idea: she decides to adopt a personality corresponding to the meaning of her chosen name wherever she goes. This results in many adventures. The Little Lady of the Central Market is unique. It is a cross between a novel, which tells the story of the main character, and a series of short stories set in the different cities she travels through. The work shows life during a transformational phase, full of discoveries and challenges that are typical of youth. 92 Author: Laurentino Gomes Format: 16 x 23 cm – 384 pages ISBN: 978-85-250-5751- 8 Rights available During wartime, Prince Dom João was forced to cross an ocean with the entire Portuguese royal family, in order to live and reign on the other side of the world, as the troops from French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte’s army marched over Lisbon. The purpose of this book, resulting from a decade of research, is to recover and tell the story the arrival of the Lusitanian court in Brazil, faithfully recreating the characters from 200 years ago in a manner accessible to today’s readers. Kairos Author: Father Marcelo Rossi Format: 14 x 21 cm – 112 pages ISBN: 978-85-250-5400-5 Rights available In this book, released in 2013, Father Marcelo uses the Greek word kairos, which means “the right time”, as a starting point to talk about God’s time as opposed to chronos, chronological time, the time of men. In the book’s 14 chapters, the author selects Bible passages with characters that have experienced moments of incomprehension and suffering and knew how to wait for God’s time. All of them had their lives transformed at the time God judged appropriate. After each quoted biblical passage, reflections and comments by Father Marcelo invite the reader to reflect on their own anxieties and to strengthen their faith. 93 Focusing on excellence and on the dissemination of knowledge, HUB Editorial aims at meeting the needs of the publishing market, by supporting educators and institutions, always seeking innovation and anticipating trends. This commitment has allowed the development of educational materials which are notable in their market share. These materials include over 300 titles especially produced by competent professionals in the fields of languages and education, including books, dictionaries, digital materials and apps. Como está o seu Português? Basic to Advanced Author: Maria Harumi Otuki de Ponce 165 pages ISBN: 9788580761689 Rights available STM and Academics Rua das Palmeiras, 214 São Paulo – 01226-010 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Helio Felix 55 11 3661-1150 [email protected] www.hubeditorial.com.br CELPE-Bras sem segredos 41 pages ISBN: 9788580760705 Rights available Author: Graziela Forte Como está o seu Português? was designed to meet the needs of foreign learners who realize that speaking and writing a language properly requires not only learning hte meanings of words in a sentence, but also the rules for usage. CELPE-Bras Sem Segredos is the first completely digital material in the Brazilian editorial market that prepares the student of Portuguese as a Foreign Language for the CELPE-BRAS Portuguese proficiency exam, through a method with a communicative focus. The student or teacher will receive a password, by e-mail, which will give access to a platform of online studies with interactive exercises which focus the Brazilian culture, with mock tests, texts, videos and audio materials. Access the product site at www.hubeditorial.com.br/celpe-bras. Vamos Falar Português! DIGITAL CONTENT (PLE PASSWORDS) Bem-vindo! Digital Authors: Anna Claudia Ramos and Susanna Florisssi Illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa Produções 164 pages ISBN: 9788580761436 Rights available Hosted by Pelezinho (a character based on Pelé), the Portuguese language is presented to young readers based on different Brazilian regions and customs. The material is intended for PHL (Portuguese as a Heritage Language) audiences, such as children living outside Brazil and have Brazilian parent(s). The book can also cater to other audiences, such as children of foreigners living in Brazil, and similar students. The book will soon include apps that will make your experience more dynamic. CORPORA no ensino de Línguas Estrangeiras Authors: Vander Viana and Stella O. Tagnin 85 pages ISBN: 978-85-63623-66-9 Rights available The works presented in this book explore applications for language teaching and translation, in addition to offering theoretical support and reflections on this emergent sub-area in linguistics studies. The book firmly establishes the profile of research and applications of Corpus Linguistics in Brazil and can also be of interest to language teachers, translators, linguists and other professionals in the field, who can develop their skills with methodologies and applications based on Corpus Linguistics. 94 220 pages ISBN: 9788580760767 Rights available Authors: Maria Harumi de Ponce, Susanna Florissi and Maria Harumi de Ponce. Bem-Vindo! is for young adults and adults of any nationality who want to learn Portuguese as a foreign language with a Brazilian accent. This material was developed for use with students ranging from beginner level up to postintermediate level. The material is quite easy to use. It can be accessed through the internet and with a password that is valid for one year following initial access. The material may be purchased separately, by levels: basic, intermediate, advanced and/or the complete work. Access the product site at www.bem-vindodigital.com.br. PLE Graded Readers The Graded Readers Series offers stories from remarkable Brazilian authors, adapted for the teaching of Portuguese according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Each story provides a password for the interactive part, with audio material, interpretation and vocabulary exercises and the dynamic features that only digital content can offer. The Graded Readers are classified according to learning levels, in a flexible, totally digital format to makes the learning of the language easier, which is ideal for teaching of foreigners. Altogether, the series will have six books, from level A1 to C2. A Carteira – A1 Author: Machado de Assis 23 pages ISBN: 978-85-8076-067-5 A Polêmica Author: Artur Azevedo 31 pages ISBN: 978-85-80761-023 A Dança dos Ossos Author: Bernardo Guimarães 45 pages ISBN: 978-85-8076-126-9 A Dívida – A2 Author: Artur Azevedo 35 pages ISBN: 978-85-8076-091-0 O Homem que Sabia Javanês Author: Lima Barreto 29 pages ISBN: 978-85-8076-1115 A Nova Califórnia Author: Lima Barreto Coming Soon! Rights available 95 – For 123 years, the São Paulo State Official Press has been publishing the Official Gazette. With its own publishing house, created in 1990, it acts in several fields encompassing Art, History, Literature, Architecture and Photography. It also reedits titles long out of print that private publishers typically do not tend to publish. The Press, equipped with top technological equipment, is known for its excellent standards in printing. Given the relevance and quality of its chosen titles and authors, it has been recognized by the most important institutions in the country. Modernist Magazines (Box) Authors: Samuel Titan Junior, Pedro Puntoni [organization] 1.182 pages ISBN: 978-85-401-0111-1 2014 A box containing six books with editions of the most important magazines from Brazilian Modernism of the 1920’s. Each publication will be fully reproduced with all issues of the corresponding magazine. The magazines are: Klaxon, Revista de Antropofagia, Verde, Terra Roxa e Outras Terras, A Revista and Estética – plus essays written by six experts: Eucanaã Ferraz, Ivan Marques, Antonio Arnoni, Gênese Andrade, Eduardo Coelho and Júlio Castañon. The project also has cultural support of Library Mário de Andrade and CEDAE-Unicamp. Coedition: Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin. A REVISTA Format: 15 x 22.5 cm – 208 pages ISBN: 978-85-401-0113-5 2014 KLAXON Format: 18.5 x 27.8 cm – 192 pages ISBN: 978-85-401-0112-8 2014 TERRA ROXA Format: 33 x 46.5 cm – 64 pages ISBN: 978-85-401-0114-2 2014 ESTÉTICS Format: 16.5 x 24 cm – 384 pages ISBN: 978-85-401-0115-9 2014 ANTROPOFAGY Magazine Format: 24 x 33 cm – 110 pages ISBN: 978-85-401-0116-6 2014 VERDE (Green) Format: 21.5 x 27.5 cm – 224 pages ISBN: 978-85-401-0117-3 2014 Copan Building’s History [v.1] Author: Carlos A. C. Lemos Format: 14 x 20.4 cm – 168 pages ISBN: 978-85-401-0050-3 2014 The first volume in a trilogy dedicated to the Copan Building. The author is Carlos A. C. Lemos who was selected by Oscar Niemeyer, the building’s conceptual architect, to finish building the massive project. This first book tells the story of the project, its development and evolution, and its situation in the historical context of São Paulo. The text is illustrated with historic photos of the city and the building’s construction, and with advertisements from that era. The book also includes all of the building’s technical drawings. Impressions of Brazil Authors: Fraya Frehse and Samuel Titan Jr. [organization] Format: 18 x 27.6 cm – 224 pages ISBN: 978-85-7060-954-0 2011 Roger Bastide, French sociologist and professor, arrived in Brazil in 1938, living there for 16 years. As a deep observer of various aspects of Brazilian life, he was interested in topics including baroque art, voodooist religions, photography and visual arts, and urban evolution. He wrote articles, essays and reviews, some of them published in academic magazines. Many of the essays in this book are previously unreleased, and include magnificent images from the Pierre Verger Foundation, the Moreira Salles Institute, the Ermakoff Collection and collections from prestigious international museums. 96 Fiction and Non Fiction Rua da Mooca, 1921 São Paulo – 03103-902 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Carlos Roberto de Abreu Sodré 55 11 2799-9688 [email protected] www.imprensaoficial.com.br The São Paulo of German Lorca Authors: German Lorca [photos], José de Souza Martins [text] Format: 25 x 25 cm – 232 pages ISBN: 978-85-401-0093-0 2013 German Lorca is one of the great Brazilian photographers, responsible for impressive photojournalism, with the visit of Nelson Rockefeller to Brazil and the celebrations of São Paulo’s IV Centenary, in 1954. This book includes history and photography, and provides a special record of São Paulo, its inhabitants and their urban daily life. He brings us today’s current demonstrations and protests, in scenes that recall events from 50 years ago. Lorca is someone who can best present São Paulo via photographic image, who had the ability to create unique and perceptive images throughout 60 years. Coedition: Casa da Imagem. TEATRO OFICINA LENISE PINHEIRO PHOTOGRAPHS Author: Imprensa Oficial do Estado de São Paulo Format: 28 x 19.9 cm – 472 pages ISBN: 978-85-7060-497-6 2014 Lenise Pinheiro, photographer specializing in theater, photographing Brazilian theater since 1982, brings together in this book a unique quality of work performed in the Teatro Oficina during the years 1991-2014, resulting in a unique retrospective of the Teatro Oficina. The texts are written by Lenise, Zé Celso and members of the group as Carla Caffé, Leona Cavalli, Marcelo Drummond and Pascoal da Conceição. In the words of Pascoal, Lenise is a creative snapshot, someone who produces and selects moments. Book of ex-líbris Authors: Alberto da Costa e Silva and Anselmo Maciel [organization] Format: 18 x 27.6 cm – 224 pages ISBN: 978-85-7060-954-0 2014 Organized by Alberto da Costa e Silva and Anselmo Maciel, the book — with an essay by Ubiratan Machado — reveals the history of the Ex líbris (bookplate) since its origin in the 15th century to today. Illustrated with examples of extraordinary collections (Academy of Fine Arts, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Library and also the private collections of Paulo Bodmer, Santos Sobrinho and Luiz Felipe Stelling). The Ex líbris were reproduced in facsimile and contains technical information that make this book a true reference work. Coedition: Academia Brasileira de Letras. 97 JUJUBA is a publisher with a passion for literature. Our mission is to publish books that can introduce children to the literary world, and to amaze and encourage readers from 0 to 100 years old. What Now, Mr. Parrot? Author: Gilles Eduar Format: 20 x 20 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-61695-46-0 Rights available Fom high up, the parrot foresees what comes up ahead. Numbers are presented as rhymes to young readers in a guessing game: what does he see? Readers are invited to hop on a bike with our character and take part in the story, guessing the number of elements in the image. Stamps Collection Author: Renata Bueno Format: 12 x 16 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-61695-42-2 Rights available For every poem, a riddle. And the answer is hiding in each illustration. Starting with a stamp, the author creates an illustration to disguise it, challenging the reader to solve the poem and find the stamp. Renata Bueno was the only Brazilian artist selected for the 2014 Ilustrarte Biennial Exhibition of Children’s Books Illustration with illustrations for “Where is the Horse?”, the first book for the Stamps Collection. Little Crumpled Girl Author: Aline Abreu Format: 26.5 x 18 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-61695-39-2 Rights available With delicate lines, artist Aline Abreu tells the story of a girl and how she relates to the absence of her father. One day, her father leaves and never returns... The story describes the emptiness inside the child, and how this love is transformed with all its joys and sorrows. 98 Children and Young Adults Rua Dr. Homem de Mello, 644, conj.12A São Paulo – 05007-001 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Daniela Padilha 55 11 2592-4302 [email protected] www.jujubaeditora.com.br Paper World Author: Jean-Claude R. Alphen Format 22 x 28 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-61695-40-8 Rights available The boy in this tale lived alone in his paper world, filled with drawings, lines and colors. His parents worried and took him to see a doctor, but to no avail. What Nicolai really wanted was to explore his invented worlds. His parents one day decide to enter the boy’s world and see it from his eyes. A story of family love and affection. A sunny day Author: Renato Moriconi Format: 22 x 22 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-61695-11-8 Rights available What can we do on a sunny day? Run, play-- sleep? No way! But, can you imagine if the Sun also decided to come out and play? In this story, the author plays with visual elements and makes the Sun come alive, making the day a happier one. Collection Paper Party Author: Edith Derdyk Format: 14 x 24 cm – 4 pages ISBN: 978-85-61695-19-4 Rights available The Paper Party collection, coordinated by artist Edith Derdyk, allows children to be authors. By detaching the book leaves, the reader can interact in the process of creation: folding and cutting lines, children will articulate and fold to devise their own narrative. Collection titles: The Cat, The Wool Ball and the Birdie, by Edith Derdyk; Thousands of Ants and Thousands of Stars, by Edith Derdyk; Water to Pick, by Laura Teixeira; Two Haikus, by Alice Ruiz and illustrated by Aline Abreu; Visions, by Luiz Tatit, Dante Ozzetti and illustrated by Carlos Matuck; Aniline, by Andrés Sandoval. 99 Mauricio de Sousa Produções (MSP) was founded by cartoonist Mauricio de Sousa in 1963. The company produces content for comic books, animations, creation and development of characters, product licensing and many more related projects with all original concepts. The company is dedicated to entertainment and learning through fun, and can proudly boast more than 300 collaborators and the fourth-largest comic book production studios in the world. This studio is comprised of more than 150 artists that produce an average of 1.200 pages of comic book content per month. Within the field of publishing and editing, MSP has distinguished itself, with than 1 billion comic books sold in Brazil, leading the children’s comic book market with an 86% share, and a distribution average of 2.5 million copies sold per month. It is also a leader in the children’s book market in Brazil. Monica’s Gang Brazilian Legends Author and Illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa 200 pages ISBN: 978-85-7488895-8 Rights available In this book you’ll find a collection of the most popular Brazilian legends. Saci, Mula Sem Cabeça, Curupira, Lobisomem (the Werewolf ), Iara (the Mermaid), Pink Boto, and many others. The most attractive feature to readers is that these legends are all graciously represented by members of Monica’s Gang, which was created by Mauricio de Sousa. This artwork even comes with a CD in which Mauricio himself narrates each one of the stories. The folklore and legends have also been individually released in different editions. Monica’s Gang Andersen, Grimm, and Perrault tales Author and Illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa 238 pages ISBN: 978-85-7488 713-5 Rights available It’s not easy to find children who have never heard of the classic tales from Andersen, the brother Grimm and Perrault. Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Snow-White, The Ugly Duckling, Hansel and Gretel, Sleeping Beauty and other stories are artfully “interpreted” through Mauricio de Sousa’s characters. In 2012, this artwork won a Bing Xin literature prize for children’s work in China. These works have also been released separately. The Genie and the Roses and other tales Author and Illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa 64 pages ISBN: 978-8525048653 Rights available The most internationally famous writer from Brazil is, without a doubt, Paulo Coelho. Though typically writing for an adult audience, in 2004 he separated 24 of his stories for Mauricio de Sousa to illustrate, using characters from Monica’s Gang. The stories were modified a bit for a younger audience. According to recent Brazilian research, the two authors have been cited as among the top ten most admired writers in the country. 100 Children and Young Adults Rua do Curtume, 745, bloco F – Lapa São Paulo – 05065-001 – SP – Brasil Rrights Department: Mr. Rodrigo Paiva 55 11 3613-5061 [email protected] www.monica.com.br Pelezinho – Historical Collection Author and Illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa 148 pages Rights available From 1977 to 1982, Pelé, the most famous soccer player of all time, was a character in the comic book world through Mauricio de Sousa’s ‘Pelezinho’ comic strip. In 2012, the title returned, with re-release of older stories. Other famous soccer stars have been represented in Mauricio’s stories, including Ronaldinho Gaúcho, in works that have been released in various countries and Neymar Jr., who was recently transferred to play in Barcelona. Monica Comic Book Author and Illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa 82 pages ISBN: 0104-2882 Rights available Since 1970, the comic book Monica has been published by Abril, Globo, and Panini. This has become one of the longest-running comics series in Brazil (there are more than 500 editions), with continued excellent sales. The character is such a success that she has become a UNICEF ambassador (the only character to have such an honor) for Culture and Tourism in Brazil. The comic book is also published in English and Spanish. Monica Teen Comic Book Author and Illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa 130 pages ISBN: 978-85-4260-026-1 Rights available In 2008, Mauricio de Sousa took yet another bold step when he released a comic book featuring his classic characters as adolescents (at age 15), meshing his own style with that of Japanese Manga. It was a huge success! Monica Teen has become the best selling comic book in Brazil in the last 30 years, reaching impressive numbers, such as 500.000 copies sold per month. There are also an English and Spanish versions. 101 Established in January 2012, MJV Press is a publishing company that belongs to MJV Technology & Innovation. It was created with the objective of disseminating knowledge throughout the areas it has operated in for 18 years: technology, mobile and innovation. MJV has acquired expertise by developing and implementing several projects for diverse clients. Therefore, the publication of books has become essential for the company’s objective: disseminating knowledge. Seeking to become a global company, MJV Press printed has first book in several languages. “Design Thinking: Innovation in Business” has been read by over 100.000 readers in several countries. In June, the book rights were sold to the German Publishing Company logos Verlag. DESIGN THINKING: BUSINESS INNOVATION GAMIFICATION, INC RECREATING COMPANIES THROUGH GAMES Authors: Ysmar Vianna, Maurício Vianna, Bruno Medina, Samara Tanaka 116 pages ISBN: 978-85-65424-08-0 (paper book) ISBN: 978-85-65424-09-7 (e-book) Language: Portuguese/English Rights available The term Gamification corresponds to using game tools geared to the goal of solving practical problems or arousing public interest in a specific problem. Today, Gamification techniques are applied by companies as alternative tools to traditional approaches, mainly to encourage people to adopt certain behaviors, to familiarize themselves with new technologies, to streamline their processes and make tasks considered tedious or repetitive more enjoyable. Authors: Maurício Vianna, Ysmar Vianna, Isabel K. Adler, Brenda Lucena, Beatriz Russo DESIGN THINKING: INNOVACIÓN EN NEGOCIOS Authors: Maurício Vianna, Ysmar Vianna, Isabel K. Adler, Brenda Lucena, Beatriz Russo 164 pages ISBN: 978-85-65424-00-4 (paper book) ISBN: 978-85-65424-03-5 (e-book) Language: Portuguese Book in Portuguese Rights available Innovating is a hard and often frustrating task, but one which is essential in order to differentiate yourself in the market. Design Thinking deals with traditional business problems from multiple perspectives, helping to solve them in an effective way, which leads to new paths. The objective of this work is to spread the use of design culture as a strategic tool for businesses, together with the idea that financial returns are often linked with the ability to approach old issues from new angles. This book presents stages, techniques and tools, illustrated with genuinely Brazilian cases, to inspire and aid in innovation. 164 pages ISBN: 978-85-65424-02-8 (paper book) ISBN: 978-85-65424-01-1 (e-book) Language: English Book in English Rights available This book is addressed to professionals in all areas of business. Through it, we intend to cover the genesis of innovation, as well methods and practices for its implementation. The latter is at least as important as innovation itself, if not so more. We hope this book will encourage many companies to create their own prototyping labs and business innovation departments, and to introduce Design Thinking as standard management practice. Authors: Maurício Vianna, Ysmar Vianna, Isabel K. Adler, Brenda Lucena, Beatriz Russo DESIGN THINKING: INOVAÇÃO EM NEGÓCIOS STM and Academics Av. Mal. Câmara, 160, gr. 205/206 – Castelo Rio de Janeiro – 20020-080 – RJ – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Janaina Vieira 55 21 2532-6423 – ramal 0253 [email protected] www.mjv.com.br 164 pages: ISBN: 978-85-65424-04-2 (e-book) Language: Spanish Book in Spanish Rights available From this book’s conception, a initial view of the stages inherent to Design Thinking’s approach applied to innovation projects is extended to its potential readers. Companies in general and even entire industries worldwide feel threatened by rapid change in the field of technology with the resulting impacts on society and the market, and fall prey to surprise attacks by newcomers, new products and business models. Innovating may be risky, but not innovating is also risky. DESIGN THINKING: INNOVATION IM UNTERNEHMEN Authors: Maurício Vianna, Ysmar Vianna, Isabel K. Adler, Brenda Lucena, Beatriz Russo 164 pages ISBN: 978-3-8325-3434-9 (paperback) Language: German Publisher: Logos Verlag “I am particularly pleased that you are holding this book in your hands, which presents first in Portuguese, then English and now also in the German language Design Thinking from a Brazilian perspective and will inspire you with many examples into their own world of networked immerse thinking. Because that‘s the core in everything around Design Thinking, in a time of paradigm shift and complex problems, but with the greatest possible diversity.” (Prof. Ulrich Weinberg, Director School of Design Thinking at Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam, Germany) 102 103 Oficina de Textos is a young yet highly qualified Brazilian publishing house founded in 1996. The company upholds the mission of supporting the Brazilian technical community by consolidating and publishing national expertise in areas related to environmental matters. Oficina de Textos publishes academic and professional books on Civil Engineering, Sustainable Architecture, Geology, Geography, Physics, GIS, Energy, Mining, Environmental Science & Technology and related subjects. Grid-connected photovoltaic systems Authors: Roberto Zilles, Wilson Negrão Macêdo, Marcos André Barros Galhardo and Sérgio Henrique Ferreira de Oliveira Format: 21 x 28 cm – 208 pages ISBN: 978-85-7975-052-6 Rights available Environmental impact assessment: concepts and methods 2nd editon revised and extended Author: Luis Enrique Sánchez Grid-connected photovoltaic systems (GCPS) are a technology used in distributed generation of electricity, allowing the production of energy where it is consumed with low environmental impact. This work presents an overview of the main technical and operational characteristics of GCPS, settings and calculations for the dimensioning of GCPS and examples of systems in operation. Roberto Zilles is an associate professor at the Electrotechnical and Energy Institute at University of São Paulo (IEE-USP). Wilson N. Macêdo and Marcos A. B. Gallardo are Professors at the Institute of Technology at the Federal University of Para. Sergio H. F. de Oliveira is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of ABC. Engineering Geology Author: Nivaldo Chiossi Format: 21 x 28 cm – 424 pages ISBN: 978-85-7975-083-0 Rights available In addition to presenting the main geological concepts applied to Engineering, such as the formation of rocks and soils, geotechnical cartography, and subsoil and environmental investigation, the book also contains chapters specifically on Engineering Geology applied to the design of dams, tunnels, subways, linear construction, mining and oil exploration. Nivaldo José Chiossi has ample experience working as a geologist in the São Paulo Subway System (studies and construction of the North-South line and studies of the East-West line). He was president of the Brazilian Association of Engineering and Environmental Geology (ABGE) and vicepresident of the International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG). Geostatistics: concepts and applications Authors: Jorge Kazuo Yamamoto and Paulo Milton Barbosa Landim Format: 21 x 28 cm – 215 pages ISBN: 978-85-7975-077-9 Rights available The book introduces the application of Geostatistics in multiple areas of Earth and Environmental Sciences, from spatial inference and the nature of random variables to experimental variograms and geostatistical estimation. All these subjects are presented in clear language and through detailed explanations of equations and algorithms. Paulo Milton Barbosa Landim majored in Geology, from Universidade de São Paulo, where he also completed his PhD degree in Stratigraphy. He currently works as a volunteer professor at UNESP, in the Applied Geology Department. Jorke K. Yamamoto majored in Geology from Universidade de São Paulo, in 1976. Currently, he is a full professor at USP, in the Sedimentary and Environmental Geology Department, where he teaches Geostatistics in undergraduate and graduate courses. 104 STM and Academics Rua Cubatão, 959 – Vila Mariana São Paulo – 04013-043 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Shoshana Signer 55 11 3085-7933 [email protected] www.ofitexto.com.br Format: 21 x 28 cm – 584 pages ISBN: 978-85-7975-090-8 Rights sold to: Spanish (Ecoe Ediciones) A reference book for the academic and professional public, written by the president of the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), it presents the most up-to-date material on environmental impact assessment and legislation. It contains methods and real cases, as well as all the stages of the assessment process: impacts, planning and execution of the environmental study, decisions and post-approval monitoring. The extended and updated 2nd edition adds new case studies and examples from many different countries, such as Australia, Canada, South Africa, United States and Portugal; the role of environmental assessment and performance in international project funding; and new material on cumulative impacts and compensatory measures, among others. Luis Sánchez is a Mining Engineer and a Geographer. He holds a PhD in Natural Resources Economics and Development from Paris School of Mines. He is currently a professor at University of São Paulo and a consultant on the preparation and review of environmental impact evaluations. In 2011, he was elected president of the International Association for Impact Assessment. Open-pit mining planning Author: Adilson Curi Format: 16 x 23 cm – 232 pages ISBN: 978-85-7975-149-3 Rights available Planning for open-pit mining is essential to guarantee a safe project, maximize economic potential and limit environmental impacts. Open-Pit Mining Planning deals with all the processes involved in mining planning, ranging from basic concepts of mining and project, deposit analysis and mining geometry, to establishing mining limits and sequence, taking into account geotechnical, technological, economical, operational and environmental aspects. Adilson Curi holds a PhD in Mining Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon Technical University) and carried out his postdoctoral research at Université Laval, in Québec (Canada). He is an experienced mining engineer and participates in research related to mining, mining planning and environment. Quantification of Forest Resources Authors: João Luís F. Batista, Hilton Thadeu Z. do Couto, Demóstenes F. da Silva Filho Format: 21 x 28 cm – 400 pages ISBN: 978-85-7975-153-0 Rights available The book deals with the measurement, assessment and estimate of the amount of trees in a given area, grove or forest. Among its topics are fundamentals of metrology, destructive and non-destructive measurement, tree monitoring and silvimetry. Using a practical approach, it presents best practices for quantification, explaining its main concepts and how to best apply them in real case scenarios. João Luís F. Batista holds a PhD in Forest Measurements and Biometrics from University of Washington and is currently a professor at University of São Paulo (USP). Hilton Thadeu Z. do Couto holds a PhD in Biometrics from North Carolina State University (1977). He is a professor at USP and participated as a Lead Author in the 2013 Revised Supplementary Guidance Arising from Kyoto Protocol. Demóstenes F. da Silva Filho is also a professor at USP. He holds a PhD in Agronomy from Universidade Estadual Paulista. 105 Pallas is a Brazilian publisher with more than 35 years of experience in the market. It specializes in Afro-Brazilian themes for children, teenagers and adults. Pallas’ publications include human sciences, art, religion and literature for adults and children.The relevance of the African contribution to Brazil guides its editorial choices, creating a unique portfolio in the Brazilian market. the girl who loses colors Author: Marcelo Moutinho Illustrator: Anabella López Format: 20 x 23 cm – 36 pages ISBN: 978-85-347-0499-1 Rights available Colors are the first things a child’s eye can distinguish. For them, it is one of the strongest experiences of visual interaction with the world around them. Even before knowing the names of colors, they already give a name to the sky, to the sun, to the animals and toys.Once children learn to give the name of colors to things they jump to the next level when things have meanings. But what could happen if one of these children loses the ability to recognize these colors? What meaning would the world have, ready to be colored again? In this book “The Girl Who Loses Colors”, the journalist and writer Marcelo Moutinho tells us about a girl who suddenly sees the world without colors. Everything becomes a boring scene of frightening shadows in gray, black and white. After searching for the beauty of her lost rainbow, the girl discovered another way to understand the world and happily learns to use the brush of her own life. If imagining means turning into reality, perhaps this girl can teach us to color the lives of children of every color and every size. Eshu and the liar Author: Rogério Athayde Illustrator: Clara Zúñiga Format: 23 x 21 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-347-0491-5 Rights available Do you think lies have short wings? Yes? Good! But Amosu thought otherwise, and lied so much that he even believed his own lies. Of course this would not end well. One day, King Abati-Alapa, uncomfortable with the consequences of those lies, proposes a life or death challenge to Amosu. A hopeless case may have a different ending because of Eshu, the smart and playful orisha. But you can’t read and tell the end of the story to everyone. Unless it is a little lie... When the slave ESPERANÇA GARCIA wrote a letter Author: Sonia Rosa Format: 22 x 25.5 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-347-0471-7 Rights sold to: Benin, France, Canada and USA In 1770, Esperança Garcia, a black slave who learned to read and write with the Jesuit priests, wrote one of the oldest letters, speaking out about the abuses suffered by slaves in Brazil. In fact, her letter is probably the first such letter. Sonia Rosa’s prose and Luciana Justiniani Hees’s beautiful illustrations tell this tale of resistance and freedom. Youngsters can learn that no matter how bad a situation is, it is small when compared with the power of the words. 106 Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction Rua Frederico de Albuquerque, 56 – Higienópolis Rio de Janeiro – 21050-840 – RJ – Brasil. Rights Department: Ms. Mariana Warth 55 21 2270-0186 [email protected] www.pallas.com.br Cora’s hair Author: Ana Zarco Câmara Illustrator: Taline Schubach Format: 21 x 28 cm – 32 pages ISBN: 978-85-347-0496-0 Rights available When we talk about appearance among boys and girls, and innocent opinion might feel like criticism. Weight, height, or an unusual haircut can cause problems for a child who does not have as much self-esteem as Cora.Cora is a typical girl, who loves going to school and is proud of her hair. It is not straight like the other girls’ hair. She has curly hair, just like her Aunt Vilma and her Grandma Ana, but some of her friends at school don’t think that “Cora’s Hair” is so pretty. She may need some help to learn how to love it again. Cora discovers that her hair is part of her. She’s got curly hair. You have straight hair. Have fun with Cora’s story and make your differences part of you. The bicycle that has a mustache Author: Ondjaki Format: 13.5 x 20.5 cm – 92 pages ISBN: 978-85-347-0480-9 Rights available This book is a true gesture of friendship and solidarity. The Angolan National Radio promotes a competition and offers a bicycle as grand prize to the child who writes the best story. This is the backdrop tp Ondjaki´s touching fiction, a story that recalls the enchantment of childhood, its friendships, tenderness and discoveries, but also reminds us about the consequences of the Angolan political process on its children. We are reminded that, among many other things, sometimes searching is more important than finding and that living a good story can be as exciting, or even more, than inventing one. WaNIng Sad Moon Author: Nei Lopes Format: 14 x 21 cm – 168 pages ISBN: 978-85-347-0474-8 Rights available Nei Lopes is one of the most important artists responsible for the exaltation of black culture among Brazilian popular music. Samba and the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro feature heavily in this novel. In Waning Sad Moon, Lopes tells about the people from Rio de Janeiro, known as the Cariocas, who lived on the city’s outskirts during early twentieth century, mostly illiterate or with little education. This is a journey into the heart of Rio, and about the changes that urbanism produced in Rio’s daily life. Waning Sad Moon has outstanding sociological value in the language, relations and the social context in which the story unfolds itself. 107 Since 1999, Panda Books/Original has aimed to publish books that combine information and entertainment. In a market led by large publishers, we stand out with quality titles, and new authors and illustrators. It is with great pride that we see our books distributed to public schools throughout Brazil by means of governmental programs, and adopted in private schools. Our books are the result of our commitment to the reader and to publishing the unusual and the curious. INNER TRAVEL – A KID’S FANTASTIC JOURNEY INTO THE BRAIN Author: Daniel Martins de Barros Illustrator: Fábio Sgroi Format: 21 x 28 cm – 44 pages ISBN: 978-85-7888-307-2 Rights available As a present for his 10th birthday, Arthur asks to go on a trip: he wants to travel into the brain! With the help of Aunt Tati, a neurologist, he takes off on an incredible journey that explains how different parts of the human body function with the brain. Filled with new words and concepts that the early reader can grasp and absorb, this book will amaze parents and educators with how the information is presented in a dynamic way. Kids will have so much fun they won’t even realize that they’re learning! CHOCOLATE CRAZE Author: Simone Izumi Format: 21 x 28 cm – 240 pages ISBN: 978-85-7888-237-2 Rights available Chocolate Craze explains in a simple but detailed way how to prepare 70 delicious chocolate recipes. The book reveals the secrets, techniques and tips on melting, temperature, and cooling so you can work properly and become a real chocolatier. You will find all you need to make cupcakes, brownies, tiramisù, pancakes, harumaki, fudges and many special sweet treats that will please every chocolate-lover. POP KITCHEN Authors: Mariane Lorente and Laura Salaberry Format: 20 x 20 cm -144 pages ISBN: 978-85-7888-328-7 Rights available How about tasting food from your favorite movie or TV series? This is the premise of Pop Kitchen! The book mixes food and pop culture with large doses of fun by naming the 100 best culinary scenes from the movies and TV. It presents more than 60 recipes from breakfast to dinner, including drinks and desserts. Illustrated in a fun way, movie lovers will love this book and even the most inexperienced chefs can use it to create a feast worthy of Hollywood! Have fun and enjoy! 108 Children and Young Adults Rua Henrique Schaumann, 286, conj. 41 – Cerqueira César São Paulo – 05413-010 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Tatiana Fulas 55 11 3088-8444 [email protected] www.pandabooks.com.br THE PRINCESS AND THE CLOUD FISHER Author: Alexandre Rampazo Format: 21 x 28 cm – 40 pages ISBN: 978-85-7888-352-2 Rights available With sensitive text and poetic illustrations, The Princess and the Cloud Fisher, resonates deeply in dealing with loss. A princess and a pet dragon draws dreams on the clouds. One day, the king disappears from the realm, and the princess embarks on a challenging adventure to find him. She makes discoveries with the mysterious cloud fisher. “To be in the clouds is to dream,” and this book is an invitation to awaken our sensitivity and playful dreams. SOCCER: THE ART FROM HEAD TO TOE Author: Renata Sant’Anna Format: 21 x 28 cm – 60 pages ISBN: 978-85-7888-351-5 Rights available In Soccer: The Art from Head to Toe, the stars – not the soccer players – are talented artists who were inspired by this sport to create artworks that are real goals. The book brings 31 works from a renowned selection of stars: Candido Portinari, Francisco Rebolo, Rubens Gerchman, Regina Silveira, Nelson Leirner, Raul Mourão, José Roberto Aguilar, José Antonio da Silva, Felipe Barbosa, Maria Bonomi, Leda Catunda, Paulo Climachauska, Caio Reisewitz, Rochelle Costi and Jorge Barrão. WITH OWN HANDS Authors: Acelino “Popó” Freitas and Wagner Sarmento Format: 14 x 21 cm – 200 pages ISBN: 978-85-7888-325-6 Rights available Fighting, struggle and strength are not always synonyms of violence. These words can also mean survival, conquest and success. With Own Hands brings the touching story of Acelino “Popó” Freitas, one of the biggest Brazilian boxers and icons. He won the world boxing champion four times, overcoming such battles as hunger, destitution, family problems and the temptation to follow the wrong path, until he discovered boxing and reached stardom. A touching story of love for life and sport. 109 For 15 years, R & F has sought to publish quality books and now has a catalog of over 200 titles – general literature with a strong emphasis on children’s and young adult books. In 2013, R & F expanded to include two new quality imprints; they are: Pé de Letras and Pé de Letrinha, which are unique in children’s literature. Chapeuzinho verde (LITTLE GREEN RIDING HOOD) Author: Augusta Faro 20 pages ISBN: 897-8587479-73-0 Rights available Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction Rua C-134, 168, esquina com C-146, quadra 272, lote 12 – Jardim América Goiânia – 74255-480 – GO – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Izaura Maria Ribeiro Franco 55 62 3281-5452 [email protected] www.rfeditora.com.br As coisas que a vida esqueceu de me ensinar (THE Things that Life forgot to teach me) Author: Thiago Mendes 96 pages ISBN: 978-85-87480-10-1 Rights available This delightful story transforms the familiar Red Riding Hood tale from the woods to the city. Even so, our young hero makes sure to wear a hat, even to music lessons. Now an environmentalist, Little Green Riding Hood lives with grandmother, an old but ery lvively, chatty woman whose kitchen is filled with great delicacies. Now seeing the city through environmentalist eyes, Little Green Riding Hood creates a “Green Guards” club and changes the color from red to modern, hyper-green chlorophyll. What would you do if suddenly the great lost love of your life appeared right before your eyes offering you coffee? For the chance to dance a song with God, what would you change in your life? Could you believe some signs lead us toward everything we need? It may be that, at some point, life simply forgot to teach us discovery of these mysteries: signs, God, good and evil, love, desire, instinct, reason... Things That Life Forgot to Teach Me introduces challenging concepts that sometimes clash with those to which we are accustomed and excites the reader from the first to the last page. With a refined touch of philosophy, self-help and generosity towards everyone, the author invites us to wander through unimaginable places of our mind. O patinho da galinha (THE CHICKEN’S LITTLE DUCK) O etéreo ser de carbono (THE ETHEREAL BEING OF CARBON) Author: Izaura Franco 28 pages ISBN: 978-85-66912-02-9 Rights available Author: Cristiano Deveras 200 pages ISBN: 978-85-66875-05-8 Rights available Mr. Zuza’s farm is very famous, because many different kinds of animals live there in harmony. The chicken was a friend of the duck, and the pigs and calves played together, as did dogs and cats. All are happy and the place is lively and fun. Everyone enjoys the tranquility and pace of life, until the chicken makes a scene.The story playfully illustrates how we sometimes make things worse by the way we behave in the face of difficulties. Our reactions may prevent us from seeing things as they really are, rather than helping us maintain the balance necessary in emergency situations. These tales from Cristiano Deveras are such fantastic stories that it is hard to believe they are just a work of his imagination. The light tone of the stories is sometimes humorous, and we feel engaged and complicit in the plots. O homem da Capadócia (THE MAN FROM CAPPADOCIA) A última página de um sonho (THE LAST PAGE OF A DREAM) Author: Wilson R. 304 pages ISBN: 978-85-66875-09-6 Rights available In the transition between the III and IV centuries, a new religious vision that would forever change the history of mankind dominated Rome. This era saw the rise of the Kingdom of Cappadocia, and St. George, valiant warrior and beloved by his subjects, who would have a decisive role in the fate of the world. The action then moves to the capital of São Paulo, featuring a group of firefighters. Here the characters live their lives, their doubts, their friendships and their loves. What unites these two generations of fighters? What, after all, is capable of turning men into heroes, saints, heroes and saints legends? 110 Author: Breno Leite 384 pages ISBN: 978-85-66875-11-9 Rights available This novel, based on real events, retraces the path of Keko, a medical student in the 80’s, through a fitful path that relates the abandonment of medicine to the present moment, where the narrative resumes. In an encouraging and heartening way, the story details the social consequences of alcohol and drug addiction. The theme of impoverishment reoccurs throughout Keko’s story with persistent influences of poverty, drug abuse, and family breakdown as sad realities that increase the number of lonely deaths, unclaimed bodies and corpses of indigent people dumped in the country. The work rekindles within us the power of love and human solidarity. 111 – – Following the objective of SENAI and SESI to disseminate knowledge and culture, these publishers came up with the proposal of filling gaps in the current publishing industry in the diverse areas of education and vocational teaching where SENAI-SP currently operates. They also seek to raise awareness, in an organized and systematic fashion, about the research produced by SESI-SP in areas such as culture, education, sport, nutrition, among others, as well as identifying opportunities that can help enrich these areas. Since their creation in 2011, both publishers have published around 180 titles. SHUI AMONG THE WORMS ABOVE GROUND (SHUI ENTRE OS VERMES DA SUPERFÍCIE) Author: Paulo Garfunkel Illustrator: Yuri Garfunkel Collection: Quem lê sabe por quê 136 pages ISBN: 978-85-65025-68-3 Rights available Author: Luiz Bras Illustrador: Alexandre Camanho Collection: Quem lê sabe por quê 36 pages: ISBN: 978-85-8205-274-7 Rights available This is the story of a little girl who discovers the incredible power of the imagination. Young Aline and her friends enter into the fantastic universe of the unknown, sparked by the memories of an old man who lives on a bench in the town square. The central character in this adventure is a sailor who is looking for a mermaid. SCATTERBRAINS (DESMIOLAÇÕES) Author: Lu Lopes Illustrator: Edith Derdyk Collection: Quem lê sabe por quê 48 pages: ISBN: 978-85-8205-136-8 Rights available The 14 stories presented by Lu Lopes portray a range of discoveries made by children and the transformations that take place in their lives. With extremely fun and colorful illustrations, Edith Derdyk depicts the dream world of reveries and marvels of these imaginative scatterbrain children that the author invites us to get to know. Moreover, Scatterbrains invites us to discover that, secretly, we can all free ourselves to the imagination in all walks of life. 112 POWER ELECTRONICS APPLIED TO THE OPERATION OF ELECTRIC DEVICES (ELETRÔNICA DE POTÊNCIA APLICADA AO ACIONAMENTO DE MÁQUINAS ELÉTRICAS) 328 pages ISBN: 978-85-65418-81-2 Rights available Author: Sérgio Luiz Volpiano Series: Technological Information That hot afternoon, when Zeca was impatient for class to finish and finally to go home, he never would have imagined the adventure he was about to embark on. He hadn’t been in the neighborhood long and he didn’t yet have many friends. How could he imagine that a mysterious old woman and her three-legged dog could take him on a fantastic journey through a world which, though invisible, permanently surrounds us? MERMAID WANTED (PROCURA-SE UMA SEREIA) Children and Young Adults STM and Academics Avenida Paulista, 1.313, 4º andar São Paulo – 01311-923 – SP – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Rodrigo de Faria e Silva 55 11 3146-7124 [email protected] www.sesispeditora.com.br www.senaispeditora.com.br Power electronics is the area of expertise that controls and conditions electric energy using electrical equipment, allowing for a range of solutions for the automation of industrial manufacturing processes. This book aims to explain the techniques employed by power energy, as well as the operation of power modules applied for controlling the speed and torque of electrical devices with sustained alternating current, as well as discussing the influences of electric loads connected to the power supply network. CELLULOSE (CELULOSE) Author: SENAI-SP Series: Technological Information 352 pages ISBN: 978-85-65418-70-6 Rights available Using simple and instructive language, this book intends to facilitate the learning process for understanding the basics of industrial processes for the manufacturing of cellulose. Based on the research of SENAI-SP teachers, the book is aimed at professionals and vocational students. Brazil is one of the main producers of cellulose and paper in the world, and one of the reasons for this is the competence of Brazilian factories. In order to maintain the high level of automation that this manufacturing process requires, it is necessary for the professionals in the area to be kept constantly up to date and well prepared. The objective of this book is to offer assistance with high quality content. TREATMENT FOR METALS – From the theory to the practice (TRATAMENTO TÉRMICO DOS METAIS – Da teoria à prática) 200 pages ISBN: 978-85-65418-86-7 Rights available Author: SENAI-SP Series: Technological Information This book, which is full of examples, looks at the technology employed for the transformations in the microstructures of metals and the techniques applied in the practice of making this important manufacturing process viable. It is a process that allows for the alterations of the characteristics of a wide range of metals, in order to meet the various demands for mechanical components projects for metallic equipment. The book endeavors to use simple language, while maintaining the necessary technical depth. 113 Aware of the appeal of Brazilian ethnicity and diverse identity, Solisluna, a publishing house located in the state of Bahia, is dedicated to publishing books about the Brazilians’ diverse artistic, cultural and historical expressions. Their graphic designs creatively reproduce the Brazilian and Bahian cultural context, while being influenced by it. Solisluna books are distinguished by graphic designs that portray Brazilian and Bahian context and influences. Since its inception, Solisluna has gained a reputation for disseminating high-quality books: prose, poetry, Afro-Brazilian culture, and technical, art and children books. Little Steamboat Author: Enéas Guerra 36 pages ISBN: 978-85-89059-21-3 Rights available Written and illustrated by Enéas Guerra, mingling colors and short verses with the flavor of cookies and popsicles, this children’s book was inspired by the steamships of the former Bahian Navigation Co. Its little steamboats transported people and goods between the port of Salvador and the historic town of Cachoeira, in the bay area of Bahia, sailing on All Saints Bay, the largest in Brazil. ECLIPSE OF THE BLUE MOON Authors: Débora Knittel and Érica Falcão 224 pages ISBN: 978-85-89059-58-9 Rights available John Crane is an archeologist who is always going off on expeditions. After the death of his wife, he decides to move to Rio de Janeiro along with his daughter, Holly, to be closer to their friends Dr. Ramos, his wife, Dr. Rita, and their daughter, Maiara. Just before her 18th birthday, Holly receives an artifact and tries to unravel the mysteries surrounding her father’s disappearance, Maiara’s vision, and the growing imbalance in Nature. In this adventure, Holly and her friend Maiara meet Celino and Kami and embark on a journey in which the basic values of humanity will be put to the test. Marce Author: Gláucia Lemos 144 pages ISBN: 978-85-89059-54-1 Rights available Looking at the mirror of time, Gláucia Lemos sees in this work the wrinkles of the human soul, sculpting them with words that carve grooves, sometimes deep, sometimes delicate, set off by the clash between losses and ambitions, and the stunted dreams and ruptured characters of a family who reunite after 26 years to discuss and sign a will. The distance of the past overwhelms them and makes them strangers, exposing painful memories. 114 Children and Young Adults Fiction and Non Fiction Al. Praia de Barra Grande, quadra 12, lote 33 – Vilas do Atlântico Lauro de Freitas – 42700-000 – BA – Brasil Rights Department: Ms. Valéria Pergentino Procópio 55 71 3369-2028 [email protected] www.solislunaeditora.com.br Long Live the Saveiro Authors: Carlos Ribeiro and Pedro Bocca Photos: Nilton Souza 132 pages ISBN: 978-85-89059-56-5 Rights available This book covers historical and geographical aspects of this sailing vessel and its voyages: the many cities, towns and villages where saveiros docked. It underscores the deep impression they made in the cultural landscape of the state, reflected in the fine arts, music, film, literature and photography. The book also details environmental, economic and technological aspects involved in its manufacture; the strategic importance of the saveiro’s role in historical events and remarkable practices related to life at sea, including navigational techniques handed down from father to son. My Life with the Poet Author: Gessy Gesse 256 pages ISBN: 978-85-89059-49-7 Rights available Gessy Gesse tells the story of her life as a woman, actress and partner of Vinicius de Moraes, one of Brazil’s leading poets, providing a unique glimpse into their private life. While describing the social context of the time in Bahia, this book reveals how the seven years de Moraes spent in Salvador, living with his muse in a house he built in Itapuã, changed the life of that poet originally from Rio de Janeiro. The people he met and befriended include Mãe Menininha, Calazans Neto, Jorge Amado and Zelia, and Camafeu de Oxóssi. Carybé & Verger – Folks from Bahia Author: José de Jesus Barreto 168 pages ISBN: 978-85-88971-04-2 Rights available Richly illustrated, this book tells the story of the friendship and partnership of two major foreign artists who adopted Bahia and contributed to Afro-Bahian culture: the Argentine-born but quintessentially Bahian artist Carybé and the French photographer and ethnologist Pierre Verger. In addition to presenting a carefully researched essay, this edition innovates by combining Verger’s photos with Carybé’s drawings and paintings. Published for the Pierre Verger Foundation in June 2008, this is the first book in the Between Friends trilogy. 115 TodoLivro is a children’s book publishing house with more than 50 years of history, focusing on hard work, effort and commitment to its readers. We produce books with passion and exquisite quality. Our colorful books combine fun and great educational appeal, awesome illustrations and easy-to-read texts. TodoLivro’s headquarters are located in Blumenau, in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. This city is strategically close to important cities in Mercosur (Southern Common Market) and to port facilities through Itajaí Harbor. In addition, the city of Blumenau is known for its excellence in education, infrastructure and its skilled labor force. We offer a wide selection of great titles providing high quality children’s books for readers aged 0-9. Squeeze and Listen series What’s that sound? Read the story and press the button to find out and have fun with nice little animal friends. This exciting series of interactive books will enchant the little ones wit its simple text and beautiful illustrations. Shake me series Join these lovely and playful animal babies in their funny adventures with this charming series of cardboard books. Read the stories and shake me – squeak, squeak! Woof Woof ISBN: 978-85-376-175-9 Ribbit Ribbit ISBN: 978-85-376-1759-5 Meow Meow ISBN: 978-85-376-1761-8 My Musical Book series Enchanting and delightful illustrations come to life with this charming series of musical books with lovely bedtime stories. Quack Quack ISBN: 978-85-376-1762-5 All with 12 pages Rights available Lilly the little lamb ISBN: 978-85-376-1514-0 Peggy the pigglet ISBN: 978-85-376-1513-3 Eddie the litlle elephant ISBN: 978-85-376-1511-9 Children and Young Adults Rua das Missões, 696 Blumenau – 89051-000 – SC – Brasil Rights Department: Mr. Stephan König 55 47 3221-2222 [email protected]/[email protected] www.todolivro.com.br Riki and his Gang – A cloth book Twinkle, twinkle, little star! ISBN: 978-85-376-1559-1 The Missing Star ISBN: 978-85-376-1560-7 Who’s the best little star? ISBN: 978-85-376-1561-4 All with 10 pages Rights available ISBN: 978-85-376-1170-8 With 8 pages Rights available Meet Riki, a very smart and naughty little mouse who wants to have lots of fun and adventures with his friends in this lovely cloth book. Children will love taking along this nice little pal for a night of rest. Mike the little monkey ISBN: 978-85-376-1512-6 All with 14 pages Rights available LEARN AND GROW THROUGH STORIES SERIES A collection of amazing princess stories are featured in this fantastic “Fairy Tales to Learn and to Grow” series, which will awaken the wonderful world of dreams and magic inside the child’s imagination. Be thrilled and touched by these enchanting stories that are true treasures and discover how the princesses’ dreams come true in these wonderful illustrated tales. 116 Princess Tales ISBN: 978-85-376-1882-0 Tales and Virtues ISBN: 978-85-376-1883-7 Farm Baby Animals ISBN: 978-85-376-1884-4 Lovely Little Bears ISBN: 978-85-376-1885-1 All with 20 pages Rights available Cube Jigsaw Puzzle series As you open this book you’ll be enchanted by a timeless classic fairytale with six cube jigsaw puzzles illustrations to solve! You just need to turn the little cubes and put them in the correct position to solve amazing jigsaw puzzles. The book stimulates early learning in a playful way through recognition and matching of pictures and texts. Children will love reading and playing over and over again. Snow White ISBN: 978-85-376-1577-5 Little Red Riding Hood ISBN: 978-85-376-1578-2 Pinocchio ISBN: 978-85-376-1579-9 The Three Little Pigs ISBN: 978-85-376-1580-5 All with 10 pages Rights available 117 CÂMARA BRASILEIRA DO LIVRO BOARD OF DIRECTORS BRAZILIAN PUBLISHERS TEAM CEO Karine Gonçalves Pansa – Girassol Brasil Edições Brazilian Publishers Executive Manager Dolores ‘Dosh” Manzano VP Business and Finance Bernardo Gurbanov – Editora Letra Viva Brazilian Publishers Project Assistant Aparecida Fontes VP Comunication Hubert Alquéres – Bandeirantes Comércio de Material Didático – Editora Jatobá Brazilian Publishers Administrative Assistant Edmar Munhoz VP Secretary Vítor Tavares – Distribuidora Loyola de Livros Brazilian Publishers Market Intelligence Elizete Nicolini Executive Director Mansur Abunasser Bassit – Câmara Brasileira do Livro COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY BRAZILIAN PUBLISHERS PROJECT. Publishing Directors Henrique Kiperman – Artmed Editora Wagner Veneziani Costa – Madras Editora Proofreading Claudia Barros Vilas Gomes ME. Book Directors Susanna Florissi – Hub Editorial Marcos Pedri – Distribuidora Curitiba de Papeis e Livros Antonio Erivan Gomes – Cortez Editora e Livraria Marcus Teles C. de Carvalho – Leitura Distribuidora e Representações Distributors Directors Francisco Salvador Canato – Disal Editora Paulo Victor de Carvalho – Inovação Distribuidora de Livros Nassim Batista da Silva – Bookmix Comércio de Livros José de Alencar Mayrink – Editora e Distribuidora Lê Door-to-Door Directors Luiz Antonio de Souza – Editora Globo Mario Amadio – Editora Rideel Ltda. Diego Drummond e Lima – Editora Escala Luís Antonio Torelli – Editora Trilha das Letras Translation Óscar Curros Layout and Cover design Via Impressa Reprinting in full or in part is not permited. The organisers accept no responsability for incomplete or incorrect entries. Catalogue entries received after the print deadline (12 September 2014) could not be included or are only partially listed. Layout and Cover design by: Via Impressa Edições de Arte Ltda. São Paulo | Setembro/2014