Projeto Nova Cartografia
Social da Amazônia
New Social Cartography of the
Amazon Project
1st International
Social Cartography of Traditional Peoples
and Communities in Kenya, Zimbabwe and
Guests/ Participating Institutions:
Convidados/ Instituições participantes:
- Coordenação das Nações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira - COIAB
- Coordenação Nacional das Comunidades Quilombolas - CONAQ
- Federação das Organizações Quilombolas do Município de Barreirinha - FOQB
- Movimento dos atingidos pela base espacial de Alcântara - MABE
- Movimento Interestadual das Quebradeiras de Coco Babaçu - MIQCB
- Associação dos Artesãos do Rio Jauaperi - AARJ
- Associação de Moradores do Bairro Novo, Penalva (MA)
- Associação dos Moradores do Quilombo rural da Ilha de Camaputiua (MA)
- Associação dos Moradores Comunidade Remanescente de Quilombos de
Cachoeira Porteira - Amocreq-Cpt (PA)
I Seminario
Cartografia Social de Povos e Comunidades
Tradicionais no Quênia, no Zimbábue e no
May/maio 25, 2015
Auditorium Rio Negro, Universidade Federal do Amazonas
(UFAM), Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Letras (ICHL)
09:00 – 09:45 am: Opening Panel/Mesa de abertura
- “Rural Women's Capacity to demand their Constitutional Rights to Land and
Tenure Security in Zimbabwe”
- Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM): Dr. Márcia Perales Mendes Silva/ Dean
Sharon Jairosi Chipunza, Women and Land Zimbabwe
- State University of Amazonas (UEA): Dr. Cleinaldo de Almeida Costa/ Dean
- Postgraduate Program Society and Culture in the Amazon (PPGSCA/UFAM):
Dr. Marilene Corrêa da Silva Freitas/ Coordinator
- Postgraduate Program in Social Cartography and Politics of the Amazon (PPGCSPA/
UEMA): Dr. Cynthia Carvalho Martins
- University of Nairobi: Patricia Kameri-Mbote/ School of Law/ Dean
- “Eco-mapping approaches in South Africa”
Juliana Thornton, Mupo Foundation, South Africa
- “Social cartography as an instrument of struggle and knowlegde production”
Dr. Rosa Acevedo Marín, Federal University of Pará, New Social Cartography of the
Amazon Project (PNCSA)/ Coordinator
- Kenya Land Alliance: Richard Odenda Lumumba/ Chief Executive Officer
- “Recent Legal Norms for Traditional peoples and Communities in Brazil”
- The Ford Foundation: Aurélio Vianna Jr./ Senior Program Officer
Sheilla Borges Dourado, Ph.D in Law, Federal University of Pará, Researcher of the New
Social Cartography of the Amazon Project (PNCSA)
- Social Cartography Institute: Alfredo Wagner Berno de Almeida/ Coordinator
10:00am – 12:00pm: Panel/Painel: Land, ethnicity,
rights and social movements in Kenya, Zimbabwe, South
Africa and Social Cartography experiences in the
- “Quilombola struggles and social cartography experiences in the Amazon”
Ednaldo Padilha (Cabeça), Camaputiua Quilombola Community (similar to maroon
peoples), Cajari, Maranhão State
- “Constitutional and legal reforms to protect rights of ethnic minorities and marginalized groups in Kenya”
Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Professor of Law/ University of Nairobi
Dr. Collins Odote Oloo, Lawyer, Ph.D in Law, University of Nairobi
- “Civil Society Engagement with Land Reform process in Kenya”
Richard Odenda Lumumba, Kenya land alliance, Human Rights
- “Rights of Traditional peoples and Ethnic Minorities: the struggle for recognition
in Kenya”
Yobo Rutin, Executive Director, Centre for Minority Rights and Development (CEMIRIDE)
- “GIS and mapping experiences in securing land and property rights in Kenya”
James Wanyoike, GIS and Mapping Expert at Centre for Urban Research and Innovations,
University of Nairobi
- “Property Rights and Communities in East Africa”
Margaret A. Rugadya; Ivan Tumuhimbise,
Ford Foundation
Project Social Cartography and Technical Training of
Researchers and Social Movements in Kenya and Brazil
This Project facilitates scientific exchange between universities in Kenya and Brazil, as well
as between the social movements in these countries, considering their different sociopolitical contexts. Some of the main objectives of this initiative include: facilitating training
in social mapping techniques for the production of booklets containing interviews with
members of traditional peoples and communities – their essential knowledge, experiences
and views about such social situations; exchange experiences between both countries in
respect to territorial rights and rights to natural resources; as well as developing comparative analysis about the pertaining legal frameworks in both Kenya and Brazil.

Folder-Seminário Internacional