The 2nd Iberoamerican Congress on Integrated Coastal Zone Management GOVERNANCE FOR ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN COASTS AND OCEANS Miguel Von Behr MAY 2016 THE EVENT The 2nd Iberoamerican Congress on Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Governance for ecosystem services in coasts and oceans (2nd ICZM Iberoamerica) will take place in the city of Florianopolis, Brazil from the 3rd to 6st of May, 2016. This event is organized and led by the Iberoamerican Network for Integrated Coastal Management (Red IBERMAR), which is composed of 15 countries. The 2nd ICZM Iberoamerica will be organized in conjunction with the Brazilian Federal Universitis of Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul and Rio Grande; the University of Cadiz- Spain, and CEI-MAR - Campus of International Excellence for Sea Studies. The 2nd ICZM Iberoamerica Congress will follow the success of the last Congress, held in Cádiz, Spain in 2012. In Cádiz we developed the Cádiz Declaration, which urged iberoamerican coutries to implement effective action on managing the coastal and marine zones. At Florianópolis we will work on a platform for dissemination, discussion, knowledge exchange, training and capacity building, contributing to the achievement of global and regional commitments related to the integrated and sustainable management of coastal and marine areas, their ecosystem services and human well-being. Please join us, participate in the 2nd Iberoamerican Congress on Integrated Coastal Zone Management and help us to find inspiration and solutions for a better management of our coasts and oceans. Marinez Scherer Congress’ President 2 Projeto Livro 40 anos da Oceanografia no Brasil GENERAL INFORMATION AND OBJECTIVES: The 2nd Iberoamerican Congress on Integrated Coastal Zone Management emphasizes the “Governance for ecosystem services in coasts and oceans”and will be held in Florianópolis, SC, Brazil, from the 3rd to the 6th of May 2016. The 2nd ICZM Iberoamerica Congress intends to give continuity to the goals set in the 1st ICZM Iberoamerica Congress held in Cádiz, 2012, working on the development of a regional framework for the exchange of experiences and knowledge that will improve the governance for the coastal sustainability in Iberoamerica. The focus of this second edition, the ecosystem based management (EBM), is an approach that links the environmental health to the human well-being, as the environment provides valuable natural services, or “Ecosystem Services” to human communities. These services depend on the complexity of ecosystems, the connections among them, the link between land, fresh and salt water, and their integration with the human beings. The application of EBM in marine environments is new, happening mostly as an answer to the deteriorating state of its ecosystems. This necessity overlaps with the “Aichi Biodiversity Targets”, defined in the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity for the period from 2011 to 2020. The Florianopolis Declaration, one of the main objectives of the event, will be the result of collaboration between assistants and members of the Scientific Committee, and will achieve a “framework for the governance of coastal and marine ecosystem services”, with the ambition to serve as reference for decision-makers and the scientific community. Given the Ibero-American scope of this Congress, the official languages will be Spanish and Portuguese. Nevertheless, communications (oral and posters) will be accepted in English. REGISTRATION Registration is available through this Link (Registration is available at Values are in US$ and deadlines are as follow: Deadline ($USD ) Group Until December 15th/2015 Until February 28th/ 2016 Until Apri l 20th /2016* Under graduate students 50 75 100 Post-graduate students (Masters and Doctorate) 100 165 190 Professionals ** 150 220 275 Members of Red IBERMAR e Fórum do Mar (Brazil) 80 100 130 Accompanying persons*** 50 (at any moment) The field tri ps before and after the event will have extra costs . II CONGRESSO IBEROAMERICANO DE GESTÃO INTEGRADA DE ÁREAS LITORANEAS - GIAL 3 * After April 21st, registering is limited and can be only made in person, during the event, with an additional of 20%. ** Academic community, public agencies, companies, NGOs, etc. *** Access to the initial conference, opening event and other cultural events. Note: 01(one) courtesy inscription will be made available for each Brazilian coastal municipality. Please contact us via e-mail: [email protected] PAYMENT FORMS: - PagueSeguro (Brazilians) - PayPal (International participants) SUBMISSIONS Access the online submission system here (Access the online submission at: http://www. Submission process: Submissions for the 2nd Iberoamerican Congress on Integrated Coastal Zone Management must be made no later than November 30th, 2015. Rules for submission of scientific abstracts: 1. Submissions must be in the form of an abstracts, in Spanish, Portuguese or English. Project descriptions without results will not be accepted. 2. The files must be sent online, through the link above. In order to submit an abstract, the submitter must be registered on the 2nd ICZM Iberoamerican Congress online registering system. 3. Academic/scientific abstracts, as well as results of experiences of good practices/technical works will be accepted. •Academic/scientific abstracts are those that show results originated from scientific research. 4 Miguel Von Behr •Technical work abstracts are those that show results originated from practical experiences developed by public managers, NGOs, consulting enterprises, academics, among others. •All abstracts must express explicitly the contribution of the results shown for the Integrated Coastal Management of Coastal and/or Oceanic areas. 4. For the submission of the abstracts, data about the first author and the co-authors must provided, each one to be inserted individually. The necessary data of each author are name, surname, e-mail and CPF (Brazilians) or passport for other nationalities. 5. Each abstract must include: •Introduction: set out the reasoning, highlighting the importance/relevance, and objectives of the work (minimum 100 and maximum 125 words). •Methodology: detail and highlight the method used. Describe the steps in chronological order (minimum 100 and maximum 225 words). •Results and discussion: present data, analysis, and discussion about the results. Highlight community involvement, if any, and the changes in the problem situation (minimum 200 and maximum 400 words). •Conclusion: Relate the results achieved and their contribution to Integrated Coastal Management of Coastal and/or Oceanic areas. •Financial support and acknowledgments: cite funding agency and / or support received for the execution of the work (no minimum or maximum word, this field can be left blank). Notes: a)The system will warn the author and can block the system in case the minimum or maximum word count is not met; b)There will be two modes of work presentation, and the submitting author must choose one: oral presentations or e-posters/electronic panel. In the “oral” category, the Scientific Commission is in charge of the final decision, and the abstract can be designated for presentation in the other mode. 6. Subtitles, figures, graphs and/or tables will not be accepted in the abstract. 7. The minimum length of the abstract is 500 words, and the maximum is 900 words, each field having their own minimum and maximum length. No field of the item 5 can be left blank, except the item “Financial support and acknowledgments”. 8. Each author who submits abstracts can choose from one the great areas that best fits their work, as described below. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to redirect an abstract to a more suitable area. 9. Each participant can be listed as author in an undetermined number of abstracts; however, each author can only present, orally or as e-poster, up to three works. 10.The deadline for submission is November 30th, 2015. II CONGRESSO IBERO AMERICANO DE GESTÃO INTEGRADA DE ÁREAS LITORAIS - GIAL 5 THEME AREAS Descriptors and proposed themes, linked to Integrated Management of Coastal Areas of the Iberoamerican community of nations: 1. Uses, and Human dependence on ecosystem services in coastal and marine areas • Uses and conflicts related to the provisioning services: Fishing, production of oil and gas, aquaculture, mining, energy sources, coastal agriculture, other. • Uses and conflicts related to support services: Housing, Transportation, port activities, telecommunications, naval security, infrastructure, marine and coastal sheltered areas, other. • Uses and conflicts related to regulating services: coastal protection, climate regulation, receiving effluents, maintenance of physical-chemical water quality, others. • Uses and conflicts related to cultural services: Recreation, tourism, religious activities, education, institutional and social connections, historic and cultural heritage, others. 2. Planning and management for the sustainable use of oceans and coasts and their ecosystem services • Global Climate Change Adaptative process. • Ecosystem Based Management. • Management support tools. Spatial ordination, management plans, monitoring, others. • Vulnerability in the oceans and coasts. Social and environmental risks. • Beach Management. • Extreme Events. • Connected management: River basins – Coastal Zone – Adjacent Oceanic Zone. • Planning and Management of Large Marine Ecosystem and their services. • Integrated Management of Insular areas. • Evaluation and Valuation of Ecosystem Services. • Background information and knowledge for management. Scientific and traditional knowledge. 3. Governance of oceans and coasts • Ocean and Coastal Policies. • Institutional integration and cooperation. • Legal basis for ecosystem management and its services. • Participative marine and coastal management. • Social communication and strengthening of the management. • Formation, capacitation and Environmental Education. • Cooperative network for the study and management of marine ecosystems and its services. • Planning of Oceanic areas beyond National Jurisdiction. 6 4. Iberoamerican initiatives centered around governance of ecosystem services of the oceans and coasts •Strategies. • Plans and Programs. • Good Practices and Lessons Learned. • New Tendencies and Orientations How to participate in the II GIAL Congress: ORAL PRESENTATIONS: The oral presentation is the traditional method of presentation of scientific or technical works, supported by a projector. Each presenter will have a turn established by the organizers and will have 10 minutes to make his/her presentation, with an additional five minutes for questions. Requisites for oral presentations: - Each presentation must be made in one of the official languages (Spanish or Portuguese), English will be accepted too. There will not be simultaneous translation. - Every presentation must include the name of the authors, their institution and a contact email. - The presentation should be delivered to the organizers, with sufficient advance in the presentation day (to be informed by the organization), and the author should be in the room at the time indicated by the organization in the event program. - It is advised the work be in MS-PowerPoint (*.ppt and *.pptx) or .pdf format files. - If the author has particular requirements for their presentation (sound, video, internet, exceptional format, etc.) please inform the organization in advance (otherwise, it cannot be ensured appropriate technical conditions). E-POSTERS (Electronic panel): An e-poster is an electronic poster, shown on smart screens, available for the presenters. Short presentations of work will be shown in this modality (format?) replacing the traditional paper format. For prior preparation and exposition during the event, the author should follow the instructions available below: - It must be in one of the official languages (Spanish or Portuguese) or in English. - It must follow a common pattern, on instructions to be sent by the congress organizers. - Every work must contain the author’s name(s), their institutions, one contact email, and (if there is one) a webpage in which it is possible to access more details. - Once written, the presentation must be delivered to the presentation (more information on appropriated time), in MS-PowerPoint (*.ppt or *.pptx) or .pdf. No animations, sounds, or transitions of any kind will be allowed. 7 8 Night Afternoon Morning OPENING KEY SPEAKER WELCOME RECEPTION 18:30 – 20:00 CEREMONY 16:30 – 18:30 16:00 – 16:30 TECHNICAL SESSIONS ROUND TABLES ROUND TABLES TECHNICAL SESSIONS E-POSTERS ORAL PRESENTATIONS ORAL PRESENTATIONS E-POSTERS BREAK BREAK ROUND TABLES ROUND TABLES REGISTRATION 14:00 – 16:00 E-POSTERS ORAL PRESENTATIONS ORAL PRESENTATIONS E-POSTERS LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH ROUND TABLES BREAK 12:30 – 14:00 BREAK KEY SPEAKER 05/05 Thursday ROUND TABLES TECHNICAL SESSIONS KEY SPEAKER 04/05 Wednesday 10:00 – 12:30 10:00 – 10:15 09:00 – 10:00 03/05 Tuesday FAREWELL PARTY CLOSING CERIMONY FINAL TALK BREAK ROUND TABLES E-POSTERS ORAL PRESENTATIONS LUNCH ROUND TABLES BREAK KEY SPEAKER 06/05 Friday FIELD TRIPS 07/05 Saturday Program ORGANIZATION – 2nd Iberoamerican Congress on Integrated Coastal Zone Management President of the 2016 Congress: Dr. Marinez Scherer President Emeritus (2012): Dr. Juan Manuel Barragán Muñoz Scientific Commission President: Dr. Milton L. Asmus Executive Secretariat: MSc Javier García Onetti and MSc Cristina Pallero Flores ORGANIZING COMMISSION Dr. Marinez Scherer, President and Finantial Commission Dr. Milton Asmus, Scientific Commission Dr. Andreora D. Schmidt, Cultural Commission Dr. Washington Ferreira, Communication Commission MSc Javier García Onetti, Executive Secretary MSc Cristina Pallero, Executive Secretary MEMBERS Andre de Souza de Lima Andrea Pellin Dr. Andreora D. Schmidt MSc Bruno Andrade Bruna Amante Carolina Martins MSc Cristina Pallero MSc Fabricio Basilio MSc Francisco Veiga Lima MSc Javier G. Onetti Dr. Marinez Scherer MSc Ricardo Hernández MSc Ricardo Pérez Thais Fonseca Rech Dr. Washington Ferreira SCIENTIFIC COMMISION Dr. Milton Asmus, FURG-UFSC (Responsible) Dr. Nelson Gruber (UFRGS) Dr. Pedro Arenas (UCA) Dr. Rafael Sperb (FURG) Dr. Antonio Henrique da Fontoura Klein (UFSC) EVALUATION AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITEE - II GIAL 2016 President: Dr. Milton Asmus (FURG/UFSC, Brazil) President of the Congress: Dr. Marinez Scherer (UFSC/Brazil) Dr. Alexander Turra (USP, Brazil) Dr. Alvaro Morales (CIMAR, Costa Rica) Dr. Antonio Henrique da Fontoura Klein (UFSC, Brazil) Dr. Carlos Tagliani (FURG, Brazil) Dr. Daniel Conde (UDELAR, Uruguay) Dr. Fabio Perdigão (UECE, Brazil) Dr. Fernando Peña (UCT, Chile) Dr. Filomena Ferreira Martins (UA, Portugal) Dr. Guillermo Villalobos (EPOMEX, México) Dr. Humberto Garcés Botacio (UMIP, Panama) Dr. José Roberto Dadón (UBA, Argentina) Dr. Juan Alfredo Cabrera (UMCC, Cuba) Dr. Marcus Polette (UNIVALI, Brazil) Dr. Monica Costa (UFPE, Brazil) Dr. Nelson Sambaqui Gruber (UFRGS, Brazil) Dr. Norberto Horn Filho (UFSC, Brazil) Dr. Paulo Roberto Tagliani (FURG, Brazil) Dr. Pedro Arenas Granados (UCA, Spain) II CONGRESSO IBERO AMERICANO DE GESTÃO INTEGRADA DE ÁREAS LITORAIS - GIAL 9 Miguel Von Behr II Congresso Ibero Americano de Gestão Integrada de Áreas Litorais Co-organizadores