Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina COMPARATIVE EFFECTS OF ZINC OXIDE TOXICITY IN BULK, NANOPARTICLE AND NANORODS FORMS TO Daphnia magna and Aliivibrio fischeri Cristiane Funghetto Fuzinatto, Dra. Bianca Vicente Oscar, Eng. Renata Amanda Gonçalves, Msc. Sílvia Pedroso Melegari, Dra. Denice Schulz Vicentini, Dra. William Gerson Matias, Dr. Introduction 1 Introduction o Nanotechnology Engineered nanoparticles (ENs), defined as particles smaller than 100nm in at least one dimensions with properties different from their bulk materials. They are classified into five groups based on their chemical composition: Hair • • • • • carbon related materials; metal containing products (including metal oxides); Virus semiconductor nanocrystals; Carbon nanotubes zero-valent metals; Atoms and dendrimers. molecules nanometer (nm) Erythorcytes micron (µm) milimeter (mm) Source: Toma, 2004. Modified by Cristiane Fuzinatto. 2 Introduction o Nanotechnology Worldwide consumption of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Because of its diverse properties, both chemical and physical, ZnO is widely used in many areas. It plays an important role in a very wide range of applications, ranging from tyres to ceramics, from pharmaceuticals to agriculture, and from paints to chemicals. 40 38% 35 31% 30 25 18% 20 15 10 7% 5 2% 4% 0 Far East Africa Near East South America Europe North America Adapted from Kołodziejczak-Radzimska and Jesionowski (2014). 3 Introduction Nanotechnology Application of ZnO NMs TEXTILE INDUSTRY Absorver of radiation RUBBER INDUSTRY Filters, activator of rubber compounds PHARMACEUTICAL AND COSMETIC INDUSTRY: Component of creams, powders, dental pastes, etc., absorver of UV radiation PHOTOCATALYSIS used as Photocatalyst ELECTRONICS AND ELETROTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIES: photoelectronics, field emitters, sensors, UV lasers, solar cells etc. MISCELLANEOUS APLICATIONS Used in: production of zinc silicates, biosensor, process of producing and packing meat and vegetables products etc. 4 Introduction o Increased production of ZnO NMs x Biological impacts of ZnO NMs Potential for release and exposure to nanoscale substances Nanomaterial Synthesis Feedstock Human Exposure (Occupational) Product Manufactures Products Products Consumers Attrition Products Human Exposure (Public) Disposal Environment Ecological Exposure Adapted from: Tsuji et al., 2006. Research Strategies for Safety Evaluation of Nanomaterials, Part IV: Risk Assessment of Nanoparticles. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES 89(1), 42–50. 5 Introduction o ZnO NMs toxicity There is an urgent need to understand their toxicity to organisms and the environment. Adapted from Bondarenko et al., 2013. 6 Introduction o ZnO NMs toxicity Modification on particle properties: NPs’ characteristics that can be controlled could influence toxicity TOXIC Adapted from Chang et al., 2012. 7 Introduction Goals To elucidate the environmental fate and potential toxicity of ZnO NMs the present research has two aims: • Synthesize and characterize the fundamental properties two different shapes of ZnO NM (ZnO as nanoparticles - ZnO NP - and ZnO as nanoroads - ZnO NR). • Evaluate the potential acute toxicity of different morphologies of ZnO to the microcrustacean Daphnia magna and the marine bacteria Aliivibrio fischeri, in comparison to ZnO bulk form. 8 Materials and Methods 9 Materials and Methods o Synthesis of ZnO NP and ZnO NR ZnO NP ZnO NR 7 g of Citric Acid 50 mL of H2O 13,20 g of Zinc Acetate 60 mL of MeOH Heated at 60°C Acid solution 1,5g of ZnO Heated at 70°C Metalic solution 1 g of Ethyleneglycol 7,4 g of KOH 40 mL of MeOH Shake Mix of solubilized products Shake and Reflux, 60°C Heat until concentrate sample Polymeric resine Calcinate 350°C for 1h Expanded resine 1 - Mashed 2 - Calcinate 500°C for 1h ZnO NR 1 – Wash with H2O (3x); 2 – Wash with EtOH (3x); 3 – Dry, 50°C, 24h. ZnO NR ZnO NP (Yang & Liu, 2011) Polymeric Precursors Method (Costa et al., 2007) 10 Materials and Methods o Characterization of ZnO-NP and ZnO-NR Characterization Method Specifications Location of the laboratory Size and morfology TEM TEM JEM 1011 LCME, UFSC (Brazil) Chemical purity XRD X’Pert, Philips LCME, UFSC (Brazil) Zeta Potential Electrophoretic mobility ZetaSizer, Malvern GEIMM, UFSC (Brazil) Hydrodynamic size DLS ZetaSizer, Malvern GEIMM, UFSC (Brazil) 11 Materials and Methods o Toxicity Tests D. magna Test Organism: D. magna Straus, 1823. Principle of the test: Inhibition of swimming ability according to ISO 6341 (ISO, 1996) and OECD 202 (OECD, 2004). NMs ZnO tested: - Bulk; - NP; - NR. Acute toxicity test with D. magna Negative controls Dilutions Becker 50 mL Medium test: ISO Results: EC50,48h 10 D. magna neonates per becker 12 Materials and Methods o Toxicity Tests A. fischeri Test Organism: Bacteria suspension of A. fischeri Principle of the test: Luminescence inhibition test performed according to ISO 11348-3 (ISO, 1998). Equipment: Microtox 500© NMs ZnO tested: - Bulk; - NP; - NR. Medium test: NaCl 2% Results: EC50,15min 13 Results and Discussion 14 Results and discussion Characterization of Nanoparticles ZnO NR ZnO NP TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY (TEM) TEM images confirmed the elongated morphology of 2D-type ZnO NR with diameters between 30 and 40 nm and lengths between.100 – 200 nm. X-RAY DIFRACTION (XRD) ZnO NP with diameters between 20 and 50 nm. Intensidade u.a NP ZnO 10 ZnO NR 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2 The diffractogram obtained showed the purity of the crystalline phase of hexagonal ZnO NP synthesized. The structure of NP was identified as international database card (JCPDS No. 361451 CARD). 15 Results and discussion Acute toxicity to D. magna NM Suspension pH CE50,48h (mg/L) Zn+2 (mg/L) DLS (nm) Zeta (mv) Bulk ZnO 7,90 NT - - - ZnO NP 7,88 2,7±0,22 0,38±0,04 235,72±58,34 12,61 ZnO NR 7,73 2,9±0,18 0,39±0,01 392,78 ±148,26 11,35 Similar toxicity to different morphologies Zeta potential indicate instability of both suspensions DLS size much higher for NP and NR powder Medium agglomerations of NM on media Toxicity can be attributed to Zn+2 dissolved in medium test 16 Results and discussion Inhibition luminescent test to A. fischeri NM Suspension pH CE50,15min (mg.L-1) Zn+2 (mg.L-1) DLS (nm) Zeta (mv) Bulk ZnO 7,32 19,21±2,39 6,70±0,55 796,59±205,28 -14,25±0,91 ZnO NP 7,50 12,3±1,43 1,03±0,13 538,16±133,50 -8,74±1,10 ZnO NR 7,33 28,8±2,52 0,45±0,04 1248,14 ±161,01 -9,35±1,34 ZnO NR more toxic than Bulk and NP Zeta potential indicate instability of NMs suspension DLS size of NR much higher than NP Large agglomerations of NM on media 17 Conclusions 18 Conclusions For D. magna both ENMs showed higher toxicity when compared to Bulk form. Different morphologies of NM showed similar toxicity. The toxicity were attributed to instability of NM solution and the Zn+2 dissolved in the medium test. ZnO + H2O → Zn+2 + H2O2 For A. fischeri, the morphology of ZnO affected in the toxicity: NR were more toxic than NP and Bulk forms Further researches are being done to understand the behavior of ZnO in different medium tests. Studies related to the chronic effect and penetration of ZnO in the organism D. magna are being conducted. 19 Acknowledgements Rede cooperativa de pesquisas em nanotoxicologia aplicada a nanopartículas de interesse da indústria petrolífera e de tintas. Projeto CAPES/PNPD Institucional 2590/2011 Nanotoxicologia: métodos toxicológicos, genéticos e epigenéticos como uma estratégia para avaliar o risco de nanopartículas ao ambiente. Equipe: William Gerson Matias, Dr – Coordenador do LABTOX Ana Letícia O. F. Rossetto, MSc – Doutoranda Bianca V.Oscar, IC Cristiane Funghetto Fuzinatto, Dra Denice S. Vicentini, Dra. Karine G.de Oliveira, Mestranda Martina Garcia de Cezar, IC Miriam Arl, bolsista AT Paula Magro, IC Renata A.Gonçalves, MScDoutoranda Rodrigo C. Puerari, Mestrando Silvia P.Melegari, Dra Apresentação disponível em nosso website: www.labtox.ufsc.br 20 Acknowledgements 21 References Bondarenko et al., 2013. Toxicity of Ag, CuO and ZnO nanoparticles to selected environmentally relevant test organisms and mammalian cells in vitro: a critical review. Arch Toxicol 87:1181–1200 (2013). Chang et al., 2012. The Toxic Effects ZnO Nanoparticles Materials 2012, 5, 2850-2871. and Mechanisms of CuO and Costa et al2007. Avaliação do tamanho da partícula do ZnO obido pelo método Pechini. Revista Eletrônica de Materiais e Processos v. 2.3, p. 14 -19. ISO, 1996. International Standard Organization. Water quality - Determination of the inhibition of the mobility of Daphnia magna Straus (Cladocera, Crustacea) - Acute toxicity test. ISO 6341, 1996. Kołodziejczak-Radzimska, A.; Jesionowski, T. Application: A Review. Materials 2014, 7, 2833-2881. Zinc Oxide—From Synthesis to OECD, 2004. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Guideline for testing of chemicals. 202 Daphnia sp., Acute Immobilisation Test. 13 april 2004. TOMA, H.E. O mundo nanométrico: a dimensão do novo século. Editora oficina de textos,p. 102, 2004. Tsuji et al., 2006. Research Strategies for Safety Evaluation of Nanomaterials, Part IV: Risk Assessment of Nanoparticles. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES 89(1), 42–50. Yang, Y.; Liu, T. Fabrication and characterization of graphene oxide/zinc oxide nanorods hybrid. Appl Surface Science 257.21, 2011. 22