Leia – Reflita – Contemple
1 - Consigo_ansiedade. Allen, 15 e Hering 29.
2 - Identifique as rubricas de silicea que estão relacionadas com o MEDO
3 - Identifique as rubricas que indicam alterações da IDENTIDADE
4 - Como o sintoma 56 de Allen fundamenta a idéia de que em Silicea a
insegurança da performance está na concretização da ideação...
5 - Como relacionar o medo de coisas pontiagudas com a dinâmica de
6 - Compare as traduções do sintoma 8 de HAH.
7 - Comente e compare o sintoma 34 de Hah. com o sintoma 3. o sintoma
34 de Hering reflete esta idéia?
8 - Como se expressa o desamparo de Silicea? ver Hah, 71.
9 - Qual o sintoma da sensibilidade relacionado com a insegurança
básica? (ver Hah, 5).
10 - Identifique, pelo menos , 5 rubricas que indicam os traços de caráter
em Silicea.
Estágio ?
Relacionamento - Família
Outro - Você Amor - Ódio
Linguagem - Aprendizado
Apresentação - Peça
Representação - Concretização
Situational Materia Medica
 … is that of a person who is expected to live up to a certain
image even though keeping up that image gets increasingly
tougher, and it seems as though this image would shatter at
any moment.
 Silicea lies between the sycotic and tubercular miasms, as it
has the fixity which looks like sycosis and the resistance to
attacks which looks like the tubercular miasm.
 In the dreams, besides those of anticipation, exams, etc.,
Silicea has "Dreams of being pursued by wild animals". This
represents the internal feeling of being attacked in some way
and the need to stand firm against it.
 The Silicates have the property of Silicea and where there is
a Silicate of a particular cation, we find added to the quality
of that cation the Silicea features - the need to be firm and
rigid in the face of attack.
 The mineral qualities of organization, order and even fastidiousness
are prominent in Silicea.
It also has much to do with cover up, i.e. it sees its survival as
dependent on covering up its inner weakness.
This makes of it a sycotic remedy.
Silica is flint, crystal, and is one of the main components of glass:
this shows its quality of maintaining a specific shape and being
inflexible. It can break but not bend. It stands hard and keeps its
shape at any cost.
Silicea people stand defiant, obstinate, and try to retain the fixed
image they have created for themselves.
The most important feature of a Silicea person is his concern: "What
do others think about me". It is not important that people should
think of him as a good or a nice person (in Palladium there is longing
for the good opinion of others), but that he is thought of in a
particular way, in a fixed manner.
It is a fixed, definite opinion that he longs for, rather than a good
opinion. For example he does not care much whether or not others
say: "This man is a very helpful, sympathetic person", but if he
thinks himself to be a great scientist, then he would want that others
must also think him to be one.
 Silica(H2SiO3):
 The chemical compound silicon dioxide, also known as Silica,
has been better known for its hardness since the 16th century.
It is the principal component of most types of glass and
substances such as concrete.
 In Silica they are very clear about who they are: 'This is me.
They have a very definite image and specific identity. Any
threat to this fixed perception causes anxieties and fear of
identity giving way or breaking down in Silica personalities.
 Therefore each time they get on stage, they hope their identity
will be preserved, impression will remain. Also if Silica writes
an entire assignment and makes one mistake they will redo the
whole assignment. Because the feeling is, 'What impression
will others have about me? And without that impression who
am I?' They are constantly afraid of being discovered. Their
sense of self comes from others impression. The feeling is, 'I
don't have my own self.'
