Version pregation
• In hora that quer como quer quando quer God of
form that quer onde quer and us no temos never
the see with this is ele that quer us somos the barro
he is the oleiro senhor!! Because he no i ele is
soberano my brother existem things vindas of God
that no entendemos sole temos that aceitar for this
that se God start used crente here i say is sole given
vaso!! Fica in brecha!!
until because the work is dele the power is dele the
unção is dele the gifts are dele used the litllle god
used the big god used the branco used the preto
god used the alto used the baixo god gosta de usar
the pequeno, he usou davi sl89;20 1co1;27 in start
all is litlle jó8;7 ma god too used the big como
paulo ensinado the pés de gamaliel assim como
• Lucas, name greek that means; “one who” brings
the light, God used one man many capable to
instruct the church about doings of lif of Jesus of
form confident of form concreta the book of lucas
us show some parable among she lucas 18-known
as the parable of judge unjust or judge iniquitous
or of widow inopportune of widow persistent this is
a parable of master the more counter of parable
this parable se resembles the a other parable the
parable of friend impportuno
• the that is parable? Is a figure of language one
gender literary, a comparation, a analogy, a
ilustration, is a narrative short that, upon the
employment of figurative language, transmits a
content moral, “is therefore” erroneously confused
with a fable. se caracterizam por serem de certa
forma curtas e objetivas.
Jesus when preachede, when teach, he used the
things phísical to explain the spiritual, when he was
between the pescadores he said the king of sky is
semelhante the uns pescadores that lançando the
his networks made certain jesus speak to
nicodemos “verily I “say unto” that nobody see king
of heaven if no “be born again” nicodemos asks
with can the man being old “be born again”? the
that jesus resplied if i lhe speak of things earthly
and do not understand like “shall ye believe” if you
speak of things spirituais?
the that jesus resplied if i lhe speak of things
earthly and do not understand like “shall ye
believe” if you speak of things spirituais?
6- Finalidade of parable
The parable chamava atention and Was a form of
transmitir the menssage with more facilidade the a
folk no many letrado when he was in midlle of
fishermen he said the king of god is similar the one
fishermen that casting the their networks.... he no
preachede difficuilt like some preachers of today he
used language of époch the culture of époch speak
of a form simples but that all understand the word
of God is simples the man is that complica
• in parable two characters main; the judge unjusto
and the widow the adversary is apenas mencionado
the judge represents the parte more strong of
society the post that occupied demonstrated that
age someone many important the widow represent
the part more fragile, more weak, without
This parable us alguns temas God just judge, oração
perseverança The topic main this parable is;
oration, This gospel has more referências the pray
of that the other gospel, that type of pray? Because
the bible speak of pray in set, pray in particular, in
book of job pray of intercession whats? Is pray
persevering, pray continuade the motivo of bigs
derrotas of many cristãos is justamente the
• In lc 18;1 the bible us speak of a duty the that is
duty, duty is a obrigation duty is a goal, duty is a
mission, is one target the be followed is a forget the
be conquered. That tudy is this? Is the tudy of pray
always, and “not to faint” the expression pray
always indicates something continuing lacking
whereabouts lacking faint without discourage this
me recall the words of master in world you will have
distress but tends good cheer i won the world
nossa oração, muitas vezes, é pedido de ajuda
numa necessidade. E é normal para o homem,
porque temos necessidade de ajuda, temos
necessidade dos outros, temos necessidade de
Deus. Assim, é normal pedir alguma coisa a Deus,
buscar a ajuda Dele; e devemos lembrar que a
oração que o Senhor nos ensinou, o “Pai Nosso”, é
uma oração de pedido but... Pray no is sole pedir
pray is aprender the se relacionar with God
That widow tinea some difficulties some obstacles
that prevented the his blessing
First- she age woman and “back then” the woman
no tinea the right, the positions that has today
Second-she age widow and a widow back then age
someone helpless
Third-she was suffering a big injustice for one
adversary that no is revealed in text and to worsen
the things the judge of city age unjust
and he start sayng; had a cidade certain juiz, that
nor the God feared, nor respected man no exist
peole that not afraid the God but afraid the man,
no afraid the God but afraid the judge the advocate
the deputy, this judge no afraid or the God nor man
some i quero acreditar that this judge era a people
iracunda sem paz no heart because the bible said in
sl 128;1; with is feliz that... Because? 1cor2;9
That widow was have without the judge sayng;
make me justice about my adversáry, agora imagine
the frustações!! Imagine you ir in hospital and no
be atendida God sabe!!imagine you ir atras of one
emprego and receber one não you fica desanimado
And for many time “did not want”; the bible said
that for many time
The gospel of lucas alredy with one big milagre in chapter 1
v5 says that existia one sacerdote chamado zacarias and
the name of his woman age isabel v7-and no tinha sons,
porquanto isabel age estéril, and ambos age avançados in
idade no verse 13-the anjo said; zacarias, no temas,
because the tua oration was ouvida, and isabel, tua mulher,
te dará the light one son The eye human age impossible be
resolved the cause daquela viuva se she recebesse one
conselho na época the conselho seria desiste! You no will
conseguir!! And in verity the eye human lc1;37to God nada
is impossivel
when Jesus said to the jovem the dicipulos perguntaram
quem poderá salvar-se Jesus respondeu the that impossível
the mans is possível the God when jesus speak of faith he
said se tiverdes faith como one grão de mostarda direis the
this monte passa daqui to acolá and nada vos será
Exist moment in lif that we have that have attitude
take decision As escolhas que fazemos na vida
dependem das opções que temos Há momentos na
vida em que somos confrontados por situações em
que (segundo tudo indica) temos de fazer uma
escolha e tomar uma decisão. Em situações assim,
não nos é ofertada a opção da continuidade: ou
seguimos por um lado, ou pelo outro. this widow
sole tinea two option the firt age desist, wash
hands, and the second “go ahead”, fight persevere
então she all the day estava the pertubar that juiz but
depois said entre si; ainda that no temo the God, nem
respeito man algum, todavia, with this viúva me molesta,
hei de make justiça, to that no venha and importune many.
De fato existem muitas coisas que podem nos
preocupar. Problemas familiares: o que será dos
nossos filhos? o que acontecerá se eu perder o
emprego – many things no leva the preocupações
but no podemos nos esquecer of words of jesus
“não andeis ansiosos” end like the our faith ás
vezes prayng today alredy queremos receber
amanhã bem cedo she precisou of vários encontros
with that judge to that he viesse resolver ipd5;7
lançando about he all the vossa ansiedade because
he tem cuidado of vós
• And said the lord; hear the that says the unjust
judge. And God no will do justice the his chosen,
that “cry to him” of day and of night, yet that late to
with he? 8- “I tell you” that quickly you will justice
the judge unjust made justice “as more” God that is
• Many tem lose the faith for tantas things, tem
desanimado pararam of pray and in number cada
vez more *
• 1tm4;1
• (2 Timóteo 3:1,4-5)
• 2tm4;3
• That widow if humble cada vez that age ia until that
judge was if humble but in end was exaltada lá if
will one conselho of parte of God quer exaltação of
God te humble that bible said se the my folk se
humilhar and orar and se converter of seus maus
caminhos i the ouvirei of sky and sararei the his
earth 2cr7;14
Recall too that God is judge gn18;25 abraão speak
not do justice o judge? With a difference that judge
age unjust 2tm4;8 from now, the “crown of justice”
me is saved, that the lord, just judge, me give that
day and for cause this justice he no tem the culpado
for inocente he is tão just that rm2;16 há of julgar
the segredos of mans
He is judge with one detail judge of all earth
Abraham completed not do justice the judge of all
the earth? Sl94;2 “thou” judge of the earth he no
juiz sole of israel is of all earth is juiz of áfrica,
américa, antarctica, ásia, oceania, europa he it´s
here he it´s ali is the same God
in epoch be widow age leave of be people not
served to many thing age desprezada tg said
religion true is care of widow normally the woman
was widow with vary sons age the people more
helpless of world Sl68;5judge of widow is god
is33;22because the lord is the our judge; the lord is
the our legislator
.the função of juiz is make justice O juiz põe fim á
causa dando uma sentença, ei quem sabe God no
põe this day end the tua cause dando-te a setença
one juiz manda prender and manda soltar
Sl75;7but God is the judge; the one slaughtering,
and the other exalts one judge he condemns and
he ecquit
28 of junho cult of integration same thing of ter
preach in sede

Parabola juiz iniquo (117790)