DISCURSO DIRETO E INDIRETO RELATIVE PRONOUNS RELATIVE PRONOUNS REFERE-SE AO ANTECEDENTE. São eles: WHO – WHOM WHICH – THAT que, quem o qual, os quais WHOSE - cujo (a), cujo (s) WHERE - onde RELATIVE PRONOUNS OLHE O MACETE!!! ANTECEDENTE Pessoa Pessoa PRONOME WHO WHOM (WHO) Pessoa+preposição Animal/coisa Pessoa/animal/ coisa Lugar PROCEDENTE verbo pronome/ nome WHOM pron./nome WHICH verbo/ pronome / nome WHOSE substantivo WHERE RELATIVE PRONOUNS EXEMPLOS: 1. The man WHO came here is my brother. pessoa verbo 2. The man WHOM you saw is my brother. pessoa pronome 3. The man TO WHOM you gave the money, is here. pessoa+ pronome preposição (to-for-from-of-with-without-in-on-at-about..) RELATIVE PRONOUNS EXEMPLOS: 4. The box WHICH you bought is broken. coisa pronome 5. The girl WHOSE mother is a doctor wants to see pessoa substantivo you. 6. The house WHERE she lives is near the park. lugar RELATIVE PRONOUNS THAT (proibido) Pode substituir WHO – WHOM e WHICH em todos os casos, exceto: Após preposição – neste caso, usa-se então WHOM (pessoa) e WHICH (animal/coisa) Exs.: The man about WHOM we were talking is near the door. The dog to WHICH you gave the food is dead. Oração entre vírgulas (explicativa): Ex.: James Thurber, WHO was an American writer, was blinded in 1815. RELATIVE PRONOUNS THAT (obrigatório) COM ANTECEDENTE MISTO: Ex.: Tell me about the people and the places THAT you know. Após ALL – EVERY, INDEFINIDOS e COMPOSTOS (some-any-no/somebody, anything...): Exs.: All THAT glitters is not gold. Nothing THAT you say will convince her. APÓS NÚMEROS ORDINAIS E SUPERLATIVOS: Exs.: You are the first person THAT said that to me. She is the smartest girl THAT I know. RELATIVE PRONOUNS OMISSÃO QUANDO O PRONOME RELATIVO FOR OBJETO, ELE PODE SER OMITIDO: Exs.: The man (X) I saw is a pilot. The dog (X) I saw was hurt.