REPÚBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL EMBAIXADA DO BRASIL EM RIADE CAMPANHA PELA AGILIZAÇÃO DA ENTREGA DOS SERVIÇOS CONSULARES PRODUZIDOS PELA EMBAIXADA DO BRASIL EM RIADE Prezado cidadão e cidadã brasileiros residentes na Arábia Saudita e no Iêmen, Se você solicitar um serviço consular na Embaixada do Brasil em Riade, o período de espera para ter seu serviço pronto está entre 25 a 30 dias úteis, dado o número elevado de solicitações e poucos funcionários no Setor. É, portanto, com espírito cooperativo que a chefia do Setor Consular da Embaixada do Brasil em Riade lança a campanha pela agilização da entrega dos nossos serviços consulares para você. Caso colabore conosco e confie em nossa fase de reformulação, em muto breve teremos um Setor ágil. Diante disso, contamos com sua colaboração, lendo o que solicitamos abaixo: 1. Setor Consular da Embaixada do Brasil em Riade somente produzirá o serviço solicitado se não houver nenhuma pendência entre as documentações exigidas. É favor não insistir porque não faremos o serviço caso falte algum documento entre os exigidos. 2. Entre 25 e 30 dias úteis, a contar da data em que toda a documentação exigida for entregue no Setor Consular, o cidadão receberá o serviço de volta. Planeje-se com muita antecedência. Rogamos que não insista para furar fila. Apenas emergências, casos de vida ou morte, serão analisados pela chefia do Setor Consular. 3. Reclamar pela demora na entrega do serviço é um direito seu. Sua reclamação pela demora deve ser diretamente enviada para [email protected], que é o Setor competente no Itamaraty, em Brasília, para solucionar a carência por que passamos. Por fim, informamos que estamos reformulando nossa metodologia de trabalho, dada a carga de serviços solicitados e a escassez de funcinários para servi-los. Nossa meta no curto prazo, é atendê-lo em até 5 dias úteis, caso algumas condições se realizem, mas, no momento, nossa capacidade em atendê-lo está entre 25 e 30 dias úteis. FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL EMBASSY OF BRAZIL IN RIYADH AWARENESS CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE DELAY ON THE DELIVERY OF OUR CONSULAR SERVICES Dear citizens requesting visas or other consular services at the Embassy of Brazil in Riyadh, Your consular request will be met between 25 to 30 working days counted from the date that all required documents have been presented to the Embassy. In a cooperative spirit with the Consular Section of the Embassy of Brazil in Riyadh, we invite you to join effort with us to help improving the range of time necessary to deliver a service to you. We are currently reshaping our work methodology, given the burden of high quantity of requests for our services and scarcity of staff to serve you. However, by now, we regret to inform you that our delivery capacity is between 25 and 30 working days. We kindly and strongly ask you NOT to insist on a fast track, because one source of burden and delays in our Section is the time of our few staff spending talking to citizens asking for fast track. We repeat: do NOT ask for a fast track. Instead, plan your trip in advance. Only emergency cases such as death certificate requests for speeding up burial procedures and other emergencies of life and death, will be carefully analyzed by the head of the Consular Section only. With your collaborative spirit and your trust on our redesigning phase, we will reach that goal of 5-day delivery Therefore, we cout on your understanding and we invite you to help us by: 1. planning your trip so that it allows us 25 to 30 working days to deliver your visa, counting from the date the Embassy receives all the documentation required from you; 2. not insisting on skiping line, because you have a flight to catch. If you ask a fast track for you, another person in the line will have his or her service necessarily delayed. Do you think this is fair with them? They also have to catch a flight. 3. trusting us that between that timeframe of 25 to 30 working days your service will be delivered; 4. refraining from contacting us just to check on your service, be it service requested personally or by DHL, because the time spending with you just saying that we are working on your service could be spent more productively by our busy consular staff; and 5. refraining from asking us, by phone or by email, if your DHL envelope has arrived, if you checked at DHL webpage that it has already arrived at the Embassy. Trust that we will be working on it in due time. Our short-term goal after reshaping our Consular Section is to serve you within 5 (five) working days counting from the date all documentation demanded is delivered from you to us. We expect that this happen in six months from now, if the conditions established by us is attended by our Minisrty. Complaints for the delay in service delivery is your right and can be directly communicated to the Ministry’s Consular Ombudsman Office, in Brasilia, [email protected] We count on your understanding and cooperation. Head of Consular Section