May 19 – 22 de Maio, 2015
May 26 – 29 de Maio, 2015
Terça-feira, 19 de Maio – 7:00 pm
Augusto Moniz e Pais – Nadir Moniz
Manuel Branco e Familiares – E. Branco
Adriano Simões – I. Simões
Ação de graças ao S. Cristo e ao S.S. do Mundo – O. Borges
Terça-feira, 26 de Maio – 7:00 pm
José e Conceição de Melo – Lídia Medeiros
António Machado – Nascimento, Tony e Joe Moniz
Jaime Cabral – Nazalia Medeiros
Manuela Elias – Grupo de oração de Nª Sr.ª do Rosário
Wednesday, May 20 – 7:00 pm
Rose Medeiros, Grandmother of Rose & Ana Barbosa
Parents of Manuel Gonçalves
Rosalina Martins – Maria Pereira
Maria Ramos – João & Adriana Aguiar
Wednesday May 27 – 7:00 pm
Manuel Cadete – Wife & Daughters
Guilherme Vieira – José V. Pacheco
Ernesto da Silva & Wife – Lúcia Ferreira
Maria José Couto – José & Dina Cabral
Quinta-feira, 21 de Maio – 7:00 pm
Décio Frada e seus avós – M. Frada
António Serafim e Familiares - Esposa
Albano Miranda e Alcida Miranda – A. Miranda
Pais e Marido de Natália Soares
Quinta-feira, 28 de Maio – 7:00 pm
Tios e Tias de Zulmira Soares
Leonor e Álvaro Almeida – Palmira Gonçalves
Álvaro Almeida – Esposa
Pais de Luís Medeiros
Basílio Claro – Família
Adelaide e Américo Regateiro
Friday, May 22 - 9:30 am
Dolores Silva - Friends
Parents and Family of Maria Rebelo
Manuel & Elvira Raposo – Merilda de Melo
Leo Capstick – Farrell & Frances MacInnis
Friday, May 29 – 9:30 am
Fernando & Mariana Borges – Olinda Borges
António Ferreira & Wife – Lúcia & Nuno Ferreira
Sábado / Saturday, 23 de Maio, 2015
6:00 pm – Missa em Português
Sábado / Saturday, May 30, 2015
6:00 pm – Missa em Português
Domingo / Sunday, May 24, 2015 (Pentecost /Pentecostes)
9:00 am – Missa em Português
11:00 am – English Mass
Domingo / Sunday, May 31, 2015 (Confirmation Celebration)
9:00 am – Missa em Português
11:00 am – English Mass
2:00 pm – Confirmation
First Reading: Acts 2: 1-11
Gospel: John 20: 19-23
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 3b-7, 12-13
First Reading: Deuteronomy 4: 32-34, 39-40
Second Reading Romans 8: 14-17
Gospel: Matthew 28: 16-20
Holy Cross parishioners thank you for your generosity towards St. Vincent de
Paul every 2nd weekend of the month.
Who gives to the poor, lends to the Lord!
Holy Cross SVDP conference
Please continue to pray for the youth of our Parish who will celebrate
their Confirmation / Rezemos pelos jovens de nossa Paróquia que receberão
o sacramento da Crisma no Domingo – Sunday May 31st @ 2:00pm
May, (Month of Mary Prayer)
O Most Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of the most holy Rosary, you were pleased to
appear to the children of Fatima and reveal a glorious message. We implore you,
inspire in our hearts a fervent love for the recitation of the Rosary. By meditating
on the mysteries of the redemption that are recalled therein may we obtain the
graces and virtues that we ask, through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord and
Redeemer. Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for us!
This Month of May, Pray the Rosary with your family!
Nossa Gratidão para os que contribuem para a vida desta Comunidade de Fé!
Thanking all who financially contribute with our Community of faith!
May 2 – 3 de Maio….........................................................................$3,482.00
May 9 – 10 de Maio..........................................................................$3,495.00
Nepal Collection (May 9 &10)…………………………………..…...….….$4,475.00
Novos Paroquianos New Parishioners
Bem-vindos! Por favor, apresente-se e em contacto com o escritório paroquial para se
registar como membro.
We welcome all new members to our faith community.
Please introduce yourself and contact the Parish Office to register as a member.
All are welcome!
May 24- Pentecost Sunday: one of the most ancient feasts of the Church,
celebrated early enough to be mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles (20:16)
and St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians (16:8). When the Holy Spirit
descended upon the Apostles, they were granted the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Those gifts helped them to fulfill their mission to preach the Gospel to all
nations. For us, too, those gifts are granted through our baptism infusing us with
sanctifying grace and the life of God in our souls guiding us to live a Christian life.
Prayer: Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of
your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the
face of the earth.
THE HOLY LAND: Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus “Come and See”
Join the team of Fr. John Sharp, Mary Ann Alexander and Joan Bolt for this Journey of
Faith. Departure November 5-17, 2015. 13 days for $3,395.00 Cdn per person sharing
a room. Includes; Airfare, Hotel, Buffet dinners, entrance fees to sites and much more.
For information call Joan Bolt @ 1800-530-4667 email: [email protected]
Walkathon for Right to Life (Saturday, June 6, 2015)
This is the main fundraising event for London Area Right to Life, but is also an
important pro-life witness for the sanctity of human life. Mass prior to the walk is at
St. Mary’s Church at 8:30am, registration is at St. Mary’s School at 9:15am, the walk
begins at 9:45am with a BBQ to follow.
You can participate by walking or sponsoring others.
Call 519-659-3334 for more information.
Migrant Workers Ministry Conference:
“Sharing Faith and Life with Migrant Workers II”
This free conference will be held from June 19 - 21, for those currently offering parishbased outreach to migrant workers, and those who would like to be involved. For more
information about the conference, and to register, visit: or contact 519-433-3491 x4312. There is no
registration fee, but you must register in advance. Donations to help offset the costs of
meals are accepted. Early Bird Deadline: June 8.
CCLC 2015: Registration Now Online:
The summer of 2015 is shaping up to be full of adventure for Catholic Christian
Leadership Camp. CCLC will take place at different locations this summer, which will
provide even more opportunities for fun and recreation. Camp includes daily Eucharist,
Reconciliation, leadership skill development, traditional camp activities and a host of
creative catechetical activities. To register online, visit:; Youth & Events;
CCLC 2015. If you have any questions, contact Mike at 519-455-3217 ext. 29.
(Maio, Mês de Maria) Oração
Ó Santíssima Virgem Maria, Rainha do Rosário e mãe da misericórdia, que
dignaste manifestar em Fátima a ternura do vosso Imaculado Coração,
trazendo mensagens de salvação e de paz. Confiados em Vossa misericórdia
maternal e agradecidos pela bondade de Vosso amantíssimo coração, vimos
aos Vossos pés para render o tributo de nossa veneração e amor. Concedenos as graças que necessitamos para cumprir fielmente Vossa mensagem de
amor. Nossa Senhora de Fátima, Rogai por nós!
Este Mês de Maio rezem o terço em família
TERRA SANTA: Seguindo os passos de Jesus
Já pensou em conhecer a Terra Santa? Junte-se ao gupo do Padre John Sharpe, Mary
Ann Alexander e Joan Bolt para esta caminhada de fé. Partida 5 de Novembro, 2015
por 13 dias, custo: $ 3,395.00 por pessoa partilhando o quarto. Incluído: passagem
aérea, hotel, jantares buffet, taxas de entrada nos locais e muito mais. Para
informações ligue para Joan Bolt 1800-530-4667 email: [email protected]
24 De Maio – Domingo de Pentecostes: uma das mais antigas festas da
Igreja. Para nós católicos, o Dia de Pentecostes celebra a descida do
Espírito Santo sobre os apóstolos e seguidores de Cristo. Os discípulos
estavam reunidos em oração com a presença da Virgem Maria e em um
dado momento a Bíblia afirma que repousou sobre suas cabeças como se
fossem línguas de fogo e esta presença do Espírito Santo deu-lhes uma nova guinada
em suas vidas e sobretudo em seus ministérios. Para nós, esses dons são concedidos
através de nosso batismo infundindo-nos com a graça santificante em nossas almas
guiando-nos a viver uma vida cristã.
Oração: Vinde Espírito Santo, enchei os corações dos vossos fiéis e acendei neles o
fogo do Vosso Amor e enviai o Vosso Espírito e tudo será criado e renovareis a face da

22 de Maio, 2015 Terça