Telephone: 754-321-2650
Facsimile: 754-321-2701
Signatures on File
July 19, 2012
High School Principals
Jeffrey S. Moquin
Task Assigned Chief of Staff
Desmond K. Blackburn, Ph.D.
Chief Performance & Accountability Officer
The purpose of this memorandum is to notify students, parents, and school staff that SAT and
American College Test (ACT) concordant scores previously used for students who did not pass
the 10th grade Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) will differ from concordant
scores needed to pass the FCAT 2 or End of Course (EOC) assessments. All students entering
9th grade in 2010-11 or later, must pass the required statewide assessments in order to earn a
standard high school diploma from a public high school. However, a student may graduate by
receiving a score comparable (concordant scores) to the FCAT 2 or EOC passing score on the
SAT or ACT. Concordant scores for students entering 9th grade in 2010-11, and scheduled
to graduate in 2013-14 or later, are not yet available. These students should attempt to
pass the FCAT 2 or EOC until concordant scores are set by Florida Department of
Education (FDOE) (
What you need to do?
Notify students and parents that the SAT and ACT concordant scores that were used for students
who did not pass the FCAT will differ from the concordant scores needed to pass the FCAT 2 or
EOC. The scores have not been established yet, but schools will be notified as soon as FDOE
has conducted the concordant analysis and set new scores.
What will happen if you do not know that the concordant scores will change?
Students and parents will think that they have met the graduation requirement when they have
not. Current rising grade 11 students may forego an opportunity to retake FCAT 2 or EOC
because they think they have met the appropriate SAT or ACT concordant scores required for
Who needs to know?
School administration, parents, students, teachers, all staff involved in testing, including the
testing coordinators and guidance data specialists.
July 19, 2012
Page 2
How will you communicate follow up?
E-mails will be sent periodically to Principals and Testing Coordinators. Attached to this
memorandum, is a sample letter that can be used to distribute to parents and students regarding
this FCAT 2 concordance information.
If you need further information, contact Paul Houchens, Director, Student Assessment and
Research, 754-321-2500.
Senior Leadership Team
Directors, School Performance & Accountability
Dr. Marie P. Wright, Executive Director, Instruction and Interventions
Ms. Jody Perry, Director, Charter Schools Support
Ms. Laura Cohen, Coordinator, Guidance, BRACE and Academic Advisement
High School Guidance Directors
Dear Parent/Student:
This letter is intended to inform students who have not met the current test requirements for
graduation. Students who have not passed the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test
(FCAT 2) Reading test or the Algebra End of Course (EOC) test should continue to attempt to
pass these exams because a comparable passing score or concordant score on the SAT or
American College Test (ACT) has not yet been established. The District will inform schools and
student when the Florida Department of Education establishes these concordant scores. All
students entering 9th grade in 2010-11 or later, must pass the required statewide assessments in
order to earn a standard high school diploma from a public high school. However, a student may
graduate by receiving a score comparable (concordant scores) to the FCAT 2 or EOC passing
score on the SAT or ACT. Concordant scores for students entering 9th grade in 2010-11, and
scheduled to graduate in 2013-14 or later, are not yet available. These students should
attempt to pass the FCAT 2 or EOC until concordant scores are set by Florida Department
of Education (FDOE) (
(Haitian Creole)
Pou Paran/Elèv:
Rezon nou ekri lèt-sa-a se pou enfòme elèv ki pa satisfè kondisyon pou diplome. Gen nouvo
kondisyon pou tès yap pran. Elèv ki pa pase tès lekti FCAT 2 (Florida Comprehensive
Assessment Test (FCAT 2) Reading oswa ki pa pase egzamen final Aljèb (Algebra End of Course
- EOC) dwe kontinye eseye pran toude ekzamen-sa-yo paske yo poko tabli yon nòt pasaj
konparab oswa nòt konkòdan avèk tès SAT oswa tès American College Test (ACT). Distrik-la va
enfòme lekòl-yo ak elèv ki konsènen lè Depatman Edikasyon Leta Florid (Florida Department of
Education) va tabli rezilta ki konparab. Tout elèv kap pral fè klas nevyèm anne (9th grade) diran
anne eskolè 2010-11 oswa apre sa, dwe pase tès evalyasyon Leta, obligatwa pou yo kab diplome
nan ayeskoul (lekòl segondè) lekòl piblik. Sepandan, yon elèv kapab diplome lè li resevwa yon
nòt konparab (nòt konkòdan) avèk tès FCAT 2 oswa gen yon nòt pasaj nan egzamen final (EOC)
nan tès SAT oswa ACT. Nòt konkòdan pou elèv kap antre nan 9vyèm anne diran anne
eskolè 2010-11, epi ki pare pou diplome an 2013-14 oswa apre sa, poko disponnib. Elèv-sayo ta dwe eseye pase tès FCAT 2 oswa EOC annatandan nòt konkòdan Depatman
Edikasyon Leta Florid (FDOE) tabli (
Document translated by ESOL Department (08/12)
Estimado Padre/ Estudiante:
Esta carta tiene el propósito de informar a los estudiantes que no han cumplido con los actuales
requisitos de examinación para poder graduarse. Los estudiantes que no aprobaron el examen de
lectura, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT 2) o el examen de fin de curso de
Algebra (EOC), deben continuar tratando de aprobar estos exámenes porque todavía no se ha
establecido una puntuación comparable o concordante con el SAT o el American College Test
(ACT). El distrito le informará a las escuelas y a los estudiantes cuándo el Departamento de
Educación de la Florida (FDOE) establezca estas puntuaciones concordantes. Todos los
estudiantes que comenzaron el 9no grado en el año escolar 2010-11 o después, deben aprobar los
exámenes estatales requeridos para poder obtener el diploma regular de escuela secundaria que
otorga la escuela pública. Sin embargo, un estudiante puede graduarse si obtiene una puntuación
comparable (puntuación concordante) con el FCAT 2 o la puntuación concordante en el EOC del
SAT o ACT. Las puntuaciones concordantes para los estudiantes que comenzaron el 9no
grado en el año escolar 2010- 11, y que se espera se gradúen en el año 2013- 14 o después,
todavía no están disponibles. Estos estudiantes deben tratar de aprobar el FCAT 2 o el
EOC hasta que el Departamento de Educación de la Florida establezca las puntuaciones
concordantes. (
Document Translated by the ESOL Department (08/12)
Prezado(a) Pai/Mãe/Estudante:
O objetivo desta carta é informar os estudantes que não tenham cumprido com os requisitos
atuais de exames para a graduação. Os estudantes que não passaram no exame de leitura do
Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT 2), ou no exame de final de curso de álgebra
(EOC), devem continuar a tentar passar esses exames porque ainda não foi definida uma
pontuação comparável de aprovação, ou uma pontuação correspondente no SAT ou ACT
(American College Test). O Distrito irá informar as escolas e os estudantes quando o
Departamento de Educação da Flórida definir essas pontuações correspondentes. Todos os
estudantes que entraram na 9ª série em 2010-11, ou depois, devem passar nas avaliações
estaduais exigidas para receber um diploma padrão de ensino secundário de uma escola pública.
No entanto, o estudante pode se graduar ao receber uma pontuação comparável (pontuação
correspondente) à pontuação de aprovação do FCAT 2 ou do EOC no exame de SAT ou ACT.
As pontuações correspondentes para os estudantes que entraram na 9ª série em 2010-11, e
que devem se formar em 2013-2014 ou depois, aind não estão disponíveis. Estes estudantes
devem tentar passar no FCAT 2 ou EOC até que as pontuações correspondentes sejam
Document translated by ESOL Department (08/12)

FCAT 2 Concordance Update