Supremo Tribunal Federal
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Brasília, 14 de outubro de 2010 às 14h26
PDF Internacional: De 08 a 14 de outubro de 2010
08 de outubro de 2010
The New York Times | IN
Thai Leader Defends Crackdown as Way to Ensure Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The New York Times | IN
Judge Rules Health Law Is Constitutional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Chinese human rights campaigners celebrate as Liu Xiaobo wins Nobel peace prize . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Guatemala syphilis experiments: why the US's apology may not be enough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Gaza flotilla attack: calls for international criminal court to step in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16 | IN
Court orders resumption of Congo war crimes trial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reuters | IN
Text: Nobel Peace Prize citation for Liu Xiaobo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Mercurio | Santiago de Chile | BR
Derechos humanos en Argentina: Haga lo que le digo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Pais | Montevidéu | IN
Jueces no ven margen para modificar la legítima defensa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clarín | IN
"Si la coparticipación diera independencia política, este acto no se hubiera realizado" . . . . . . . . .
La República | IN
Francia: Consejo constitucional validó ley que prohíbe burqa y niqab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
La República | IN
Esquivel: si un país se desvía de esa hegemonía (de EEUU), comienza a tener conflictos . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Yo no me voy a inscribir en el Registro Militar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Observador | IN
Rousseff arrancó la campaña hablando contra el aborto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Le Figaro | IN
Les Sages valident la loi sur le voile islamique intégral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Le Figaro | IN
Une femme en burqa expulsée du tribunal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Le Figaro | IN
Lubanga : la reprise du procès ordonnée . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Le Figaro | IN
Loi sur la burqa: Amara "se réjouit" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
09 de outubro de 2010
El Universal - Ven | IN
Parlamento recibirá postulaciones a magistrados . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Demandarán nulidad del alistamiento militar obligatorio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Súmate insta al CNE a llamar a comicios sin esperar fallo del TSJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Pais | Montevidéu | IN
Aviadores a prisión por caso Cháves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 de outubro de 2010
Expresso OnLine - Lisboa | IN
Herança/Feteira: Polícia brasileira vai "finalmente" deixar advogado de Duarte Lima aceder ao
inquérito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The New York Times | IN
No. 1 Alabama Falls, Bruising SEC in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
41 | IN
Chinese Nobel prize winner's wife detained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reuters | IN
U.S. won't appeal Guantanamo witness ruling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Protect police from lawsuits, says Met chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Britain's divided schools: a disturbing portrait of inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Equality report slams divided Britain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Honour killings: Saved from India's caste system by the Love Commandos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
"Crimen no se acaba con penas más duras sino con prevención" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Exigen a la AN y al TSJ anular Ley de Alistamiento . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
La República | IN
Acerca de las consultas populares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
La República | IN
Dinero para legislativas en EEUU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Mercurio | Santiago de Chile | BR
Caso Apablaza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Pais | Montevidéu | IN
Juicio penal, un drama discutido por veinte años . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 de outubro de 2010
Associated Press | IN
Facebook campaign supports Mormon leader's speech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The New York Times | IN
Wife Arrested After Visiting Nobel Winner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Quiet diplomacy at the Commonwealth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
More black people jailed in England and Wales proportionally than in US . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Sri Lanka leader to be guest at close of Commonwealth Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
74 | IN
Chinese Nobel prize winner's wife detained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
76 | IN
Bloggers detained ... but others write on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
78 | IN
Rwandan rebel leader arrested in France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clarín | IN
La relación con Chile, afectada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Proyecto de Código Penal da luz verde a la eutanasia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Mercurio | Santiago de Chile | BR
Caso Apablaza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Desde hoy están abiertas postulaciones para Magistrados del TSJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Copei respalda recurso de amparo contra actual Asamblea Nacional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Le Monde | Paris | BR
Projet de loi immigration : touché, coulé ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Le Monde | Paris | BR
Un responsable des forces rebelles rwandaises arrêté à Paris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Le Figaro | IN
Rebelle rwandais arrêté: Paris confirme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 de outubro de 2010
The New York Times | IN
France Arrests Rwandan Over Congo Atrocities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The New York Times | IN
France Arrests Rwandan Over Congo Atrocities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
92 | IN
Celebrating Nobel, woman arrested for splashing champagne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Gareth Peirce: Why I still fight for human rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
English tests for spouses may breach human rights, UK told . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Quangos on threat list to learn fate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Congo women relive terror of mass rape: 'This is our cry for help' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
US judge orders an end to 'don't ask, don't tell' military policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clarín | IN
Los chicos indígenas, con peor acceso a la educación . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Copei rechaza expropiación de empresas Venoco y Fertinitro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clarín | IN
Los beneficios de la ley alcanzarían a más de 6 millones de personas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clarín | IN
Tras el fallo de la Corte, la Justicia de Santa Cruz reabre el caso del procurador echado . . . . . . .
Le Figaro | IN
Utah: les bars à strip-teaseuses taxés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 de outubro de 2010
The New York Times | IN
Transgender Golfer Sues L.P.G.A. Over Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Music industry dismayed by failure in Irish filesharing case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
My legal hero: Benedict Birnberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
China Communist elders issue free speech appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
BAA will appeal to supreme court over airport sell-off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Chinese Communist party veterans defy censors with call for free speech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clarín | IN
Más jubilados cobran el ajuste de haberes por orden judicial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clarín | IN
Los canales de TV presentan una demanda contra la ley de medios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Defensoría demanda del TSJ anular parcialmente el Código Penal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Pais | Montevidéu | IN
Detectan "uso abusivo" de celulares en juzgados . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Pais | Montevidéu | IN
Construirán edificio para juzgados de Maldonado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
La República | IN
SCJ resuelve pedidos de excarcelaciones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
La República | IN
Para terminar con la impunidad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clarín | IN
La Corte le impidió a San Luis expropiar un parque nacional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Observador | IN
Proponen al FA proyecto alternativo sobre Caducidad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Fedecámaras rechaza proyecto estatista del Gobierno nacional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
El Tribunal Supremo designó más de 600 suplentes de jueces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Procesos en el extranjero se ciernen contra el Gobierno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Mármol de León lamentó falta de autonomía en Poder Judicial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Indígenas de Anzoátegui exigen mayor justicia social . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Le Monde | Paris | BR
Flottille : neuf passagers français attaquent Nétanyahou devant la CPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Le Monde | Paris | BR
L'amnistie d'Asif Ali Zardari examinée par la justice pakistanaise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Le Figaro | IN
Flottille/CPI : plaintes de Français . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Le Figaro | IN
Suisse : mandat présidentiel allongé? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Le Figaro | IN
Karachi: le PS veut rouvrir la mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 de outubro de 2010
The Guardian | Londres | IN
The stigma of leprosy: still much to be done . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Quangos cull: Equality and Human Rights Commission faces major overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Macedonia called to account over extraordinary rendition case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
Home Office to lift ban on deporting failed asylum seekers to Zimbabwe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guardian | Londres | IN
French woman faces fine for tearing niqab from tourist's face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
155 | IN
Head of Afghan panel optimistic over peace moves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reuters | IN
Japan PM: desirable for China to free Nobel winner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Pais | Montevidéu | IN
Acuerdan la liberación de reclusos con delitos leves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Pais | Montevidéu | IN
Las vueltas de la vida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clarín | IN
Solanas: "La Presidenta va a pagar un costo político enorme con el veto" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
La República | IN
Fiscal solicitó el procesamiento de dos generales por crimen de Sabalsagaray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
Fedecámaras invita al Gobierno a trabajar juntos por la nación . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
A propósito del narcotráfico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
El Universal - Ven | IN
La objeción de conciencia al servicio militar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Le Monde | Paris | BR
M. Dumas n'a pas souvenir d'anomalies dans les comptes de campagne de M. Balladur . . . . . . . .
Le Monde | Paris | BR
Garde à vue : la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme condamne Paris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The New York Times/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Thai Leader Defends Crackdown as Way to Ensure
BRUSSELS - Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva of Thailand
acknowledged that a continuing
crackdown against the opposition might have led to possible human rights abuses in his
country, but he insisted that the
emergency policies were necessary to ensure stability.
Related Times Topic: Thailand
"Just as in many other democracies, we cannot allow
newspapers, Web sites or radio
stations that incite violence," Mr.
Abhisit said in an interview this
week while at an Asia-Europe
summit meeting here.
"Having said that, obviously
when you have a special law in
place, there may be cases where
people on the ground might not
have followed either the policy or
the law," he said.
At a time when Thailand holds
the presidency of the United Nations Human Rights Council,
Mr. Abhisit"s government has
been criticized by opponents in
Thailand over the suppression of
so-called red shirt demonstrators
and the closing of some opposition news organizations.
Mr. Abhisit said in an interview
this week that he took any complaints seriously and that he had
taken additional measures in recent weeks to allow human rig-
hts monitors to interview people
who had been jailed and to "make
sure that there were no mistakes,
or abuses."
Mr. Abhisit took office in late
2008, two years after the coup
that removed Prime Minister
Thaksin Shinawatra, the billionaire who is now a fugitive
overseas. Mr. Abhisit soon faced
protests by the red-shirt demonstrators calling for Mr.
Thaksin"s return.
The deepening divisions in Thai
society reached a peak earlier this
year with a nine-and-a-half-week
antigovernment demonstration in
the center of Bangkok. More than
90 people were killed and about
1,400 wounded in clashes
between security forces and protesters. Since then, Mr. Abhisit
has pursued a two-track policy,
reconciliation while arresting his
opponents or silencing them with
the censorship of radio stations
and the Internet.
In the interview, Mr. Abhisit
sought to reinforce his credibility
as a supporter of human rights
and free speech by suggesting
that the policies of the Thai government were little different
from what other democracies, including the United States, would
do in similar circumstances.
"There"s always that difficulty in
terms of the balance that you have to make sure that you maintain
the law, you keep law and order,
and making sure that you"re not
restricting people"s rights," he
said. "It"s not always easy."
A state of emergency that forbids
large public gatherings remains
in effect in Bangkok and surrounding areas.
Mr. Abhisit said he had encountered little criticism from leaders of the European Union at the
summit meeting in Brussels.
"They seemed to understand
what we are trying to do," he said.
"I think everybody now accepts
that violence is not the answer,
not allowing the rule of law to proceed is not the answer."
Mr. Abhisit said that his main
message for leaders in Brussels
was that focusing too closely on
redrawing the world"s financial
architecture could end up distracting from efforts to restart the
engines of global growth through
trade and what he called the real
Mr. Abhisit said he had pressed
the European Commission during his stay in Brussels on access
to markets - in particular for Thai
poultry. He said that issue still
needed to be resolved.
The New York Times/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Judge Rules Health Law Is Constitutional
A federal judge in Michigan on
Thursday dismissed one of more
than 15 legal challenges to the
new health care law, becoming
the first to rule that the law is constitutional.
Related Waivers Aim at Talk of
Dropping Health Coverage (October 7, 2010) Economic Scene:
Health Care's Uneven Road to a
New Era (October 6, 2010)
Two other cases with higher profiles, one in Florida and one in
Virginia, are headed toward hearings on the issues that were decided in Michigan. The central
question, which may ultimately
fall to the Supreme Court, is
whether the Commerce Clause of
the Constitution gives Congress
the authority to require citizens to
obtain a commercial product, namely health insurance.
Starting in 2014, the law will require most Americans to obtain
health insurance, while prohibiting insurers from denying coverage to those with pre-existing
Judge George C. Steeh of Federal
District Court in Detroit ruled that
choosing not to obtain insurance
qualified as an example of "activities that substantially affect interstate commerce." That is the
standard set by the Supreme
Court for Congress"s compliance
with the Commerce Clause.
Judge Steeh, who was appointed
by President Bill Clinton, agreed
with the federal government that
not obtaining health coverage is
effectively an active decision to
pay for medical care out of
pocket. "These decisions, viewed
in the aggregate," Judge Steeh
wrote, "have clear and direct impacts on health care providers,
taxpayers and the insured population who ultimately pay for
the care provided to those who go
without insurance."
The judge wrote that the challenge, which was brought by several Michigan residents and the
Thomas More Law Center, a conservative
presents an issue of first im-
pression," meaning it would be
the first time the courts had considered it. But he ruled that there
was "a rational basis to conclude"
that decisions to forgo insurance
drive up the cost of coverage and
thus affect interstate commerce.
"This ruling marks the first time a
court has considered the merits of
any challenge to this law," said
Tracy Schmaler, a spokeswoman
for the Justice Department, "and
we welcome the court"s decision
upholding the health care reform
statute as constitutional."
Robert J. Muise, senior trial counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, said the case was "set up
nicely for appeal."
The judge in the Florida lawsuit,
which was filed by elected officials in 20 states, is expected to
allow a hearing on the merits that
has been scheduled for Dec. 16.
The Virginia case, filed by the state attorney general, is scheduled
for a hearing on Oct. 18.
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Chinese human rights campaigners celebrate as Liu
Xiaobo wins Nobel peace prize
Pro-democracy protesters in
Hong Kong raise pictures of Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo during
a demonstration outside China's
liaison office. Photograph: Kin
China's human rights campaigners were celebrating the
"happiest day in years" today as
the jailed dissident Liu Xiaobo
was awarded the Nobel peace prize. But the Chinese government
reacted in fury, describing the decision as a "blasphemy".
The Nobel committee said it was
recognising the 54-year-old author's "long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human
rights in China", adding that it
had long believed there was a close connection between human
rights and peace.
Beijing warned the decision
could harm ties with Norway where the awards are based - and
summoned Oslo's ambassador to
make a formal protest.
Liu is serving 11 years for incitement to subvert state power after co-writing Charter 08, a call
for democratic reforms in China.
Human rights campaigners have complained of a broader drive
against lawyers and activists recently.
"This is the happiest day in years
... 1.3 billion Chinese should not
live in an environment where
human rights are being violated," said Mo Zhixu, a friend of
Liu's and Charter 08 signatory. Li
Hai, another signatory, added: "This is the best gift from the international community to the
Chinese people. I hope we can
now see some progress in the political system."
China argues it has no dissidents;
only people who break the laws.
Today's statement by foreign ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu denounced Liu as a criminal and
said his award was a "blasphemy
to the peace prize".
Security officers did not allow
Liu's wife Liu Xia out of her apartment to speak to reporters. In a
statement released via a campaign group, she said: "It is a true
honour for him and one for which
I know he would say he is not worthy." She added that police had offered to take her to Liu's prison in
north-east China, apparently to
prevent her from talking to foreign reporters. "They are forcing me to leave Beijing," she
told Reuters by phone. "They
want me to go to Liaoning to see
Xiaobo. They want to distance me
from the media."
But she said that if they were telling the truth she would at least be
able to see her husband and tell
him he had won.
While Liu's supporters welcomed
the news, they acknowledged the
battle for reform was still extremely difficult.
Few outside intellectual circles
have heard of the author and former academic. "I don't know
about his work so I can't say whether he deserves the prize or not,"
said a salesman passing the dissident's home.
Screens showing the BBC and
CNN went blank in Beijing as
news of the announcement broke.
Earlier, in a sign of the authorities' nervousness, several major news portals had removed
pages devoted to Nobel awards.
Nicholas Bequelin, Asia researcher at Human Rights Watch, said: "Their top concern is the
domestic impact and the fact millions of people may look to see
'Who is Liu Xiaobo and what is
the content of Charter 08?'."
He added that the award might allow moderates in the government
to push back against hardliners.
"The reason Liu Xiaobo has a Nobel prize is because Chinese leapg.12
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Chinese human rights campaigners celebrate as Liu Xiaobo wins Nobel peace prize
ders decided to break the status
quo - he was under surveillance
but basically allowed to pursue
his activities - and jail him to
make an example of him and scare others. That has spectacularly
backfired. People are bound to
ask whether this was worth it."
Liao Yiwu, a fellow dissident and
one of Liu's closest friends, said
he was thrilled, describing the
award as "a big moment in Chinese history" which would encourage other campaigners.
Around a dozen friends and supporters of Liu were taken away by
police after holding a small demonstration outside a Beijing
park, holding up signs congratulating him and shouting:
"Long live freedom of speech,
long live democracy."
Barack Obama, who won the prize last year, welcomed the news.
He urged China to release Liu and
respect human rights.
He said: "Last year, I noted that
so many others who have received the award had sacrificed
so much more than I. That list
now includes Mr Liu, who has sacrificed his freedom for his beliefs. The Nobel Committee has
chosen someone who has been an
eloquent and courageous spokesman for the advance of universal
values through peaceful and
non-violent means."
The Dalai Lama - who won the
prize in 1989, again to the anger
of Beijing - was also among those
who congratulated Liu.
and several others in nominating
the author.
In Norway, the Nobel Committee
chairman Thorbjoern Jagland
told Reuters China should be under greater scrutiny as it becomes
more powerful and said ignoring
its human rights issues would
have undermined the award's authority.
"We have to speak when others
cannot speak," he said. "As China
is rising, we should have the right
to criticise."
The Norwegian prime minister
Jens Stoltenberg said it would be
"negative for China's reputation"
if they punished Norway over the
Another peace laureate, Desmond Tutu, joined Vaclav Havel
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Guatemala syphilis experiments: why the US's
apology may not be enough
precedence over considerations
related to the wellbeing of the
Guatemalan president Alvaro Colom at a press
conference after revalations following the
syphilis experiments revalations. Photograph:
Johan Ordonez/AFP/Getty Images
Guatemalan president Alvaro Colom at a press conference after revalations following the syphilis
experiments revalations. Photograph:
Ordonez/AFP/Getty Images
If medical researchers could infect their subjects with the disease new medicine was
supposed to treat, the world
would be a terrifying place.
As a response to the dehumanisation wrought by human
experimentation in the second
world war, the Nuremberg Code,
and later the Helsinki Code in
1967, were developed to govern
ethics in medical research. Both
instruments ? constituting the
pre-eminent international standards on these issues - propound
the need for informed consent in
all research, and prohibit experiments where injury, disability or death to the participant
is reasonably expected. The Helsinki Code expressly warns that
the "interest of science and
Recent discovery by a Wellesley
College professor, Susan Reverby, of a US-funded syphilis
inoculation project in Guatemala
in the 1940s has brought ethics in
medical research back into public
focus. Records show that in these
studies, infected prostitutes were
deployed to have sex with men in
prisons. Syphilitic growths on
the testicles of infected rabbits
and from infected men were used
to inoculate inmates who were
subjects in these studies. This exposé also uncovered the involvement of the Guatemalan
The US has been remarkably robust in issuing an apology, calling
these research practices "unethical", "abhorrent" and "reprehensible". It has promised "a
thorough investigation into the
specifics of this case" and pledged to launch a Presidential Commission for the Study of
Bioethical Issues to "review and
report on the most effective methods to ensure that all human medical research conducted around
the globe today meets rigorous ethical standards."
Ariel Dulitzky, a professor of law
at the University of Texas law
school and an expert on the inter-American system of human
rights, is of the view that the US
apology does not go far enough,
and believes there should be financial compensation to the victims and their descendants. He is
emphatic that the apology should
have been directed to "the victims, and not the present Guatemalan
Colom], as the government at the
time had been complicit in the research".
Commission on Human Rights has
dealt with a comparable matter
that concluded with a friendly settlement between the government
of Peru and the descendants of a
victim in 2003. María Mamérita
Mestanza was a mother of seven
children in Peru, who was pressured to accept sterilisation as
part of a compulsory and systematic government policy for altering the reproductive behaviour
of poor, Indian and rural women.
She died as a result of a "sepsis"
and bilateral tubal blockage in
In issuing its opinion, the commission observed that "any violation of an international
obligation that results in injury
brings with it the duty for adequate reparation, which can most
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Guatemala syphilis experiments: why the US's apology may not be enough
justly be done through compensation of the victim, investigation of the facts, and
administrative, civil and criminal
penalties for the responsible parties." The Peruvian government
agreed to address all these areas
in the case of Mestanza, and included a pledge to change the
laws and public policies on reproductive health and family
discriminatory approaches and respecting women's autonomy.
was handled supports the view
that adequate reparations - include monetary redress and criminal investigations - in
Guatemala matter. Some would
also argue that the Guatemala
study constituted torture or cruel,
inhuman and degrading treatment, and as such, the US has an
obligation under international
law to pursue criminal investigations and provide the victims with adequate financial
The way that this case from Peru
Philip Dayle is a lawyer who has
worked in human rights at the Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights in Washington
DC and the International Commission of Jurists in Geneva
Matéria similar publicada em
outros veículos:
08 de outubro de 2010
- The Guardian | Londres/IN
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Gaza flotilla attack: calls for international criminal
court to step in
Israeli navy commandos intercept the Mavi Marmara on its
way to Gaza in May. Photograph:
Kate Geraghty/Sydney Morning
Herald/Getty Images
The international criminal
court is being urged to prosecute
members of the Israeli defence
force for the raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship. Turkish victims have formally requested an
investigation, the Guardian has
Lawyers acting for Turkish citizens injured or killed when Israel intercepted the flotilla in May
have written to Luis Moreno
Ocampo, the court's prosecutor,
claiming there is an "overwhelming" case for prosecution.
The request is a significant step
towards a criminal investigation
by the court, which experts say
has jurisdiction to prosecute those involved in the raid despite Israel
"The attack on the flotilla occurred in international waters,
which directly violated many par-
ts of international law as well as
international public and criminal
law," said Ramazan Ariturk, a
partner at Elmadag Law Office,
the Turkish legal body that is representing the Turkish victims
and the human rights group IHH. "The crimes committed by Israeli Defence Forces should be
prosecuted and the International
Criminal Court is the sole authority which is able to do that."
There is mounting pressure on Israel after a UN report into the incident, in which nine Turkish
activists were killed, accused Israel of violating international
The report, published last month,
said Israel "betrayed an unacceptable level of brutality" during
the raid on the flotilla and it
"constituted grave violations of
human rights law and international humanitarian law".
Israel condemned the report as
"biased and distorted". It has created its own state-appointed inquiry, headed by retired supreme
court justice Jacob Turkel.
An Israeli government spokesperson said: "The event is being
investigated by Israel including
international observers, as well
as a UN investigation initiated by
the UN secretary general. Further
investigations are redundant and
unnecessary, and will contribute
to further alienation between otherwise friendly countries."
The likelihood of Israel being
prosecuted for its actions in Gaza
has long attracted controversy.
Last year a group of leading
lawyers publicly accused Israel
of war crimes following Operation Cast Lead, citing the
blockade and destruction of civilian infrastructure in Gaza as
Neither Isreal nor the Palestinian
territories are parties to the Rome
statute, which established the
international criminal court.
An investigation of incidents involving the two countries is possible only after a reference from
the UN security council.
But the Turkish victims' lawyers
say the involvement of Turkey
with the Mavi Marmara and the
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Gaza flotilla attack: calls for international criminal court to step in
fact it was sailing under the flag
of the Comoros Islands give the
court with jurisdiction. Both
countries are members of the ICC.
"Based on the overwhelming volume of materials and evidence in
our possession, amassed since
the date of the incident itself, including expert opinions obtained
from prominent specialists in international criminal law, we are
of the view that the Israeli attack
on the Gaza flotilla involves crimes which fall unambiguously
within the jurisdiction of the
court," the letter says.
The victims' calls were backed up
last week by Desmond da Silva, a
QC and former UN war crimes
prosecutor who said there were
technical grounds for asking the
ICC to intervene.
pg.17, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Court orders resumption of Congo war crimes trial
(CNN) -- The International Criminal Court on Friday reversed a
decision to release a Congolese
militia leader and ordered the resumption of his war crimes trial.
Thomas Lubanga Dyilo has been
accused of conscripting children
under the age of 15 into the Patriotic Forces for the Liberation
of Congo and "using them to participate actively in hostilities in
Ituri, a district of the eastern province of the Democratic Republic
of the Congo."
The accusation covers the period
between September 2002 and August 2003. The trial was the first
launched by the ICC at The Hague in the Netherlands last year.
Judges asked the prosecution to
release the names of two witnesses. But citing a threat to the
security of the witnesses if they
disclosed the identities, the prosecution refused.
The court in July imposed a stay
of proceedings and ordered Lubanga's release "considering that
the fair trial of the accused was no
longer possible because the prosecution had failed to implement
the chamber's orders." Prosecutors appealed the ruling.
The appeals judge, Sang-Hyun
Song said that although "it is undisputed that the prosecutor did
not comply with the orders," the
trial chamber "erred by resorting
immediately to a stay of proceedings without first imposing
sanctions to bring about the prosecutor's compliance with its orders," so the decision had to be
"Sanctions are a key tool for
chambers to maintain control of
proceedings within the trial framework and to safeguard a fair
trial without having to have recourse to the drastic remedy of
staying proceedings," Song said.
Reuters/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Text: Nobel Peace Prize citation for Liu Xiaobo
"The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the
Nobel Peace Prize for 2010 to Liu
Xiaobo for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental
human rights in China. The
Norwegian Nobel Committee has
long believed that there is a close
connection between human rights and peace. Such rights are a
prerequisite for the 'fraternity
between nations' of which Alfred
Nobel wrote in his will.
"Over the past decades, China has
achieved economic advances to
which history can hardly show
any equal. The country now has
the world's second largest economy; hundreds of millions of
people have been lifted out of poverty. Scope for political participation has also broadened.
"China's new status must entail increased responsibility. China is in
breach of several international
agreements to which it is a signatory, as well as of its own provisions ncerning political rights.
constitution lays down that 'Citizens of the People's Republic of
China enjoy freedom of speech,
of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration'. In practice, these
freedoms have proved to be distinctly curtailed for China's
"For over two decades, Liu Xiaobo has been a strong spokesman
for the application of fundamental human rights also in
China. He took part in the Tiananmen protests in 1989; he was a
leading author behind Charter 08,
the manifesto of such rights in
China which was published on
the 60th anniversary of the United Nations' Universal De-
claration of Human Rights, the
10th of December 2008. The following year, Liu was sentenced to
eleven years in prison and two
years' deprivation of political rights for "inciting subversion of state power." Liu has consistently
maintained that the sentence violates
constitution and fundamental
human rights.
"The campaign to establish universal human rights also in China is being waged by many
Chinese, both in China itself and
abroad. Through the severe punishment meted out to him, Liu
has become the foremost symbol
of this wide-ranging struggle for
human rights in China."
(Reporting by Oslo newsroom;
Editing by Kevin Liffey)
World United Nations
El Mercurio | Santiago de Chile/BR, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Derechos humanos en Argentina: Haga lo que le digo
La pareja gobernante de Argentina ha hecho que llevar a juicio la violencia política del
pasado sea un tema emblemático.
Néstor Kirchner, quien fue Presidente en 2003-07, y Cristina
Fernández de Kirchner, su esposa
y sucesora, a menudo piden "memoria" y "justicia" por las víctimas de la dictadura del país
entre los años 1976 y 1983. Durante sus períodos, se ha arrestado
a cientos de ex soldados acusados
de atrocidades.
Esa justicia no se ha extendido a
las víctimas (mucho menos numerosas) de las guerrillas de izquierda de Argentina. De hecho,
varios antiguos miembros de tales grupos se han desempeñado en
los gabinetes de los Kirchner. Pero la pareja asegura que no hay
doble estándar, porque la Corte
Suprema aprobó la reapertura solamente de casos de crímenes contra la humanidad, los que pueden
ser cometidos formalmente sólo
por el Estado. No obstante, el 30
de septiembre, Fernández saboteó su propia afirmación para
apoyar un ajuste de cuentas apolítico con el pasado, cuando sus
subalternos le recomendaron que
diera asilo a un ex líder guerrillero chileno.
En 2004 Chile emitió una orden
de arresto para Galvarino Apablaza, fundador de un grupo guerrillero comunista que combatió
contra la dictadura de Augusto Pinochet. Los crímenes de los
cuales se le acusa, sin embargo,
tuvieron lugar después de la restauración de la democracia: haber planeado el secuestro de un
hijo del dueño de un periódico y el
asesinato de Jaime Guzmán, un
senador pro Pinochet, en 1991.
titerrorista de la época de Pinochet. Fernández tiene sus
propios vínculos con el ex guerrillero: Chaín trabaja en la oficina
de prensa de la Presidenta.
Las autoridades argentinas pronto
capturaron a Apablaza, quien estaba viviendo cerca de Buenos Aires con su esposa, Paula Chaín.
Chile solicitó su extradición, y
Apablaza pidió asilo. La Corte
Suprema señaló que no fallaría
sobre su extradición hasta que se
solucionara el problema del asilo.
El 1 de septiembre, uno de los ex
compañeros de Apablaza lo acusó
de ser el cabecilla en el asesinato
de Guzmán. En respuesta, la
Corte Suprema cambió su decisión, y determinó que debía proceder la extradición a menos que
al ex guerrillero se le otorgara asilo.
Sin embargo, el otorgamiento de
asilo a Apablaza plantea sus propios riesgos. Pondría tensas las relaciones
obstaculizaría las propias solicitudes de extradición de
Argentina; tal como aquella por
ocho iraníes acusados de un atentado explosivo contra un centro
de la comunidad judía en Buenos
Aires en 1994. Además, los Kirchner ya están recibiendo críticas
por clasificar como víctimas de la
"guerra sucia" a ocho guerrilleros
que murieron cuando atacaron
una base del ejército en 1975, lo
que habilita a sus familiares a cobrar grandes sumas. Proteger a
Apablaza haría que sus peticiones
de justicia se vieran incluso más
como una excusa para ajustar viejas cuentas.
Eso dejó a Fernández en un aprieto. Ella es una estrecha aliada de
las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo,
un grupo que protestaba contra
los secuestros de sus hijos durante
la dictadura de Argentina, pero
que más tarde se convirtió en una
organización de extrema izquierda. Ellas sostienen que Apablaza no puede tener un juicio
justo en Chile porque todavía está
en vigor una severa ley an-
Fernández manifestó que seguiría
el consejo de la Comisión Nacional de Refugiados, un organismo
independiente cuyos miembros
con derecho a voto son todos funcionarios de gobierno. El 30 de
septiembre, la comisión respaldó
debidamente la solicitud de asilo
de Apablaza. Ésta declaró que como "un militante político" y
"combatiente contra la dicpg.20
El Mercurio | Santiago de Chile/BR, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Derechos humanos en Argentina: Haga lo que le digo
tadura" él "no era un ciudadano
común"; lo que sugiere que los ex
guerrilleros están por sobre la ley.
Chile llamó a su embajador en Argentina y postergó las reuniones
bilaterales. Su Presidente, Sebastián Piñera, calificó el fallo co-
mo una "derrota para la justicia y
los derechos humanos". Su coalición incluye un partido que fue
fundado por Guzmán. A varios ex
guerrilleros de América Latina
les agradará saber que pueden refugiarse en un país cuyos "principios inalienables", según las
palabras de Kirchner, incluyen
"la lucha constante contra la impunidad". A aquellos que les interesa la justicia tendrán que
mirar para otro lado.
El Pais | Montevidéu/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Jueces no ven margen para modificar la legítima
Código. Lacalle presentará un
informe favorable al cambio
La visión de jueces y fiscales es
contraria a modificar el artículo
del Código Penal (CP) que regula
la figura de la "legítima defensa".
Sostienen que la legislación -a pesar de ser de 1934- es clara cuando
se aplica a cada caso concreto.
El último caso registrado la semana pasada, cuando un comerciante de la zona de Tres
Cruces mató a dos rapiñeros, reavivó la polémica en cuanto a la
"legítima defensa" y la tenencia
de armas por parte de particulares, como forma de defenderse de la delincuencia.
El miércoles, el senador Luis Alberto Lacalle planteó que existe la
necesidad de "analizar las características que el Código Penal
exige para que se configure la legítima defensa". En los próximos
días, el ex presidente planteará el
tema en la Comisión de
Constitución y Legislación de la
Cámara Alta.
En ese contexto, y de encontrar
eco en los demás miembros de ese
grupo legislativo, Lacalle presentará un informe elaborado por
un abogado penalista que propone "modificar algún detalle" de
la normativa, dijo el ex presidente
a El País.
Sin embargo, según coincidieron
en señalar varios jueces y fiscales
penales, la legislación no requiere modificaciones, sino que
la clave ante este tipo de casos es
aplicar el contenido abstracto de
la normativa a cada caso concreto.
Actualmente, la "legítima defensa" está regulada en el artículo
26 del CP, en el capítulo de las
"causas de justificación" que eximen de pena.
El CP, vigente desde el año 1934,
señala que "se hallan exentos" de
responsabilidad penal quienes actúan en su defensa de sí mismos o
de sus derechos, así como de terceros.
Pero se especifica que para configurar la figura exculpatoria, se
circunstancias: la existencia de una
agresión ilegítima; la "necesidad
racional del medio" empleado para repeler o impedir el daño, y la
falta de provocación inicial por
parte de quien se defiende.
El CP exige que estas tres condiciones se configuren para aplicar la "legítima defensa". Si no se
constata alguno de los requisitos,
los jueces pueden aplicar lo que
se conoce como "legítima de-
fensa incompleta", donde se castiga el delito, pero con atenuantes.
Interpretación. "Yo entiendo que
no es necesario modificar la legislación, sino que la clave en estos casos es interpretar la norma
en cada caso concreto; con eso alcanza", dijo el fiscal Eduardo
Fernández Dovat, quien intervino
en el caso del comerciante de Tres
Fernández Dovat dijo que mediante la interpretación de la norma actual, "es posible justificar la
conducta de los ciudadanos que se
defienden", porque se trata de figuras y regulaciones de carácter
Por su parte, el juez Ricardo Míguez consideró que la regulación
de la "legítima defensa" es aplicable en su redacción actual, aunque admitió que "siempre hay
cuestiones mejorables, como en
toda ley".
Míguez coincidió con Fernández
Dovat en que la clave está en aplicar la normativa a cada caso concreto. "Si la legislación fuera muy
concreta se estaría atando al juez
y al fiscal, porque la casuística de
los casos siempre es distinta", dijo.
"Hay que interpretar caso a caso
El Pais | Montevidéu/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Jueces no ven margen para modificar la legítima defensa
viendo la ley, y por eso no veo
cuál sería la modificación", señaló, por su parte, el juez Julio
Olivera Negrín. Agregó que "sería imposible que en una ley se regulen todas las conductas
En tanto, su colega Eduardo Pereyra, dijo que "en general el artículo del CP relativo a la legítima
defensa está bien estructurado.
Su aplicación no pasa por cuestiones de épocas, sino por las situaciones que se van planteando".
El fiscal Diego Pérez coincidió
con la visión de los jueces y de su
colega Fernández Dovat en cuanto a que la actual regulación de la
"legítima defensa" es correcta,
aunque reconoció que se trata de
asuntos que siempre son complejos.
"Se debe analizar, en cada caso
concreto, el riesgo inminente de
la víctima y si su accionar fue proporcionado a la amenaza que recibió", explicó el fiscal.
REFORMA. En el pasado mes de
abril, el Poder Ejecutivo envió al
Parlamento un proyecto que actualiza el CP. La nueva normativa fue elaborada por una
comisión de técnicos creada durante el gobierno de Tabaré
Vázquez, y que fue encabezada
por el catedrático penalista y ex
ministro de la Suprema Corte de
Justicia Milton Cairoli.
dijo el fiscal, que destacó que institutos de este tipo son normas de
vigencia universal. "Ahora los
jueces, además del análisis jurídico de los casos, también tienen en cuenta la realidad y hacen
un estudio criminológico, cosa
que antes quizá no se hacía", señaló el fiscal.
En cuanto a la "legítima defensa",
el cambio principal radica en que
el proyecto prevé que quien se defiende de una manera excesiva en
relación al ataque o al peligro al
que se vio sometido, "responderá
con la pena prevista para el delito
en su forma imprudente de acuerdo con los principios legales", señala el texto.
Cuestión de interpretar
E. Fernández Dovat
Juez penal de montevideo
Fiscal penal de Montevideo
"La norma, tal como está, si se interpreta razonablemente, alcanza
para justificar las conductas de
los ciudadanos que se defienden",
Julio Olivera Negrín
"Hay que interpretar caso a caso
viendo la ley, y por eso no veo
cuál sería la modificación que se
le puede hacer" a la legislación de
la "legítima defensa", dijo el magistrado. Señaló que no es positivo acotar la legislación en
torno a un delito como este, ya que
"va a ser imposible que se regule
en una ley todas las conductas humanas". Sin embargo, destacó
que es bueno rever las normas, "si
tienen algo para mejorar".
El País Digital
Clarín/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
"Si la coparticipación diera independencia política,
este acto no se hubiera realizado"
El acto convocado para hoy en la
provincia de Santa Cruz rechazando la resolución de la
Corte Suprema de Justicia de
reestablecer en su cargo al ex procurador provincial Eduardo Sosa, ha convocado la atención
política del final de la semana.
El laborioso armado del evento
por parte del jefe justicialista,
Néstor Kirchner, promete asistencia fiel de los gobernadores necesitados de un vínculo aceitado y
amable con el ex Presidente.
En primera fila, estará entonces
Daniel Scioli, luego de la "fumata" del pasado martes, cuando
al mediodía el gobernador bonaerense se sentó en Olivos y
acordó pautas de convivencia
Y fundamentalmente, algo de calma para las arcas de la gobernación con domicilio en la
ciudad de La Plata.
Las fuerzas opositoras de la provincia de Santa Cruz rechazaron
hoy la presencia de tantos mandatarios provinciales. Y refutaron que el objetivo sea
oponerse a un fallo de la Corte
Suprema y no, reclamar por los
derechos de coparticipación de
cada distrito.
El senador nacional de la UCR,
Alfredo Martínez, señaló que
"creo que son 15 los gobernadores que van a estar participando de este acto. Y no sé
cómo se verá que 15 gobernadores se junten para estar en
contra de un fallo de la Corte Suprema", expresó el legislador.
Según el radical santacruceño.
"me gustaría que, estando 15 gobernadores junto a Kirchner podrían plantear el tema de la
coparticipación. Habiendo tantos
gobernadores, me parece que es
un buen ámbito para comenzar
con este debate que hace mucho
que no se realiza", dijo a Clarí
"Si la coparticipación le permitiera a cada uno tener independencia política, este acto ni
siquiera se hubiera realizado. Me
gustaría que este tipo de concentración tuviera que ver con discutir el tema federal", señaló
Y disparó: "No sé cómo se verá
que 15 gobernadores se junten en
contra de un fallo de la Corte" Suprema de Justicia, dijo a Clarí
En tanto por el lado del oficialismo, varios gobernadores
estarán presentes pero sin acordar
con un enfrentamiento de perfil
tan elevado contra la Corte Suprema.
Hoy, algunos de ellos hablaron
para manifestar su "fe kirchnerista", enunciaciones que
animan a buscar algún reparo, imposible hoy de hacer visible.
Maurice Closs, gobernador de
Misiones dijo que viajaba a Santa
Cruz "a respaldar a mi provincia,
porque nosotros tomamos nuestras decisiones en el marco del federalismo. Los problemas de los
misioneros siempre los vamos a
resolver los misioneros, como así
creo que debe suceder en Santa
Cruz", señaló.
Closs señaló por radio El Mundo
que "así estamos defendiendo la
autonomía de nuestras provincias. Acá no se está en contra
de un fallo de la Corte, de lo que se
está en contra es que la oposición
quiere instalar esto como un tema
federal", explicó, como pudo, el
mandatario misionero.
Por su parte, José Luis Gioja intentó apagar algunas versiones
que surgieron a partir de una ini-
Clarín/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: "Si la coparticipación diera independencia política, este acto no se hubiera realizado"
cial negativa a concurrir al acto
convocado por Néstor Kirchner.
autonomía de la provincia y la institucionalidad", indicó.
El gobernador de San Juan confirmó por Radio 10 que "voy para
Santa Cruz, fui invitado por el gobernador de esa provincia; me parece importante defender la
Y señaló que "debe haber formas
de encontrar soluciones, esto no
es contra nada". Gioja se esforzó
también con un discurso para no
confrontar pero difícil será ver
qué quedará, luego de las duras
palabras que se esperan conocer
de la propia boca del activo organizador del acto, el ex presidente Néstor Kirchner.
La República/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Francia: Consejo constitucional validó ley que
prohíbe burqa y niqab
El Consejo juzgó que "la prohibición de disimular su rostro en
el espacio público no debe restringir el ejercicio de la libertad
religiosa en los lugares de culto
abiertos al público", según un comunicado.
Con excepción de esta "reserva",
el Consejo constitucional juzgó
la ley presentada "conforme a la
Esta decisión abre la vía a la promulgación de la ley. La prohibición en sí sólo entrará en
vigencia en el segundo trimestre
de 2011, tras seis meses de "mediación" y "pedagogía".
El 14 de setiembre, el Parlamento
francés adoptó definitivamente,
con una última votación en el Senado, la ley que prohíbe el uso del
velo islámico integral en los espacios públicos de Francia, donde reside la mayor comunidad
musulmana de Europa.
tados con 150 euros (unos 190
dólares). Los maridos o concubinos (u otra persona) que
obliguen a sus parejas (o esposas)
a usar el velo, podrán ser condenados a un año de cárcel y a
30.000 euros (cerca de 40.000 dólares) de multa.
Toda persona que obligue a una
mujer a velarse puede ser condenado a un año de cárcel y a
30.000 euros de multa.
Estas penas se duplican cuando la
persona forzada a cubrirse integralmente es menor.
Según los juristas, la ley se exponía a una censura del Consejo
constitucional y Francia a una
condena por parte de la Corte europea de derechos humanos, que
considera que toda persona puede
vivir de acuerdo a sus convicciones si ello no causa perjuicios a otros.
El Senado no aportó modificaciones a la versión aprobada dos meses atrás por la
Asamblea Nacional (cámara baja).
El debate francés se propagó a Europa, ya que otros países (España,
Holanda y Suiza) reflexionan
acerca de una prohibición, votada
únicamente por el momento en
Quienes se opongan al cumplimiento de esta ley serán mul-
La iniciativa, lanzada inicialmente por un diputado co-
munista y retomada en 2009 por
el presidente francés, el conservador Nicolas Sarkozy, había
sido aprobada en julio por aplastante mayoría en la Asamblea
El burka o el niqab son dos formas del velo islámico integral
que cubren de la cabeza a los pies
y tienen una apertura a la altura de
los ojos o una rejilla para poder
"Vivir la República con el rostro
descubierto es un asunto de dignidad e igualdad", había afirmado
ante la cámara alta la ministra
francesa de Justicia, Michelle Alliot Marie, al defender la iniciativa.
Según fuentes oficiales, sólo
unas 2.000 mujeres en Francia,
muchas de ellas francesas convertidas a la fe musulmana, usan
el burka o el niqab, una práctica
que además no corresponde a un
precepto del islam.
Algunos se preguntan además sobre cómo puede hacerse cumplir
en la práctica una prohibición de
esta índole, en particular en los suburbios de fuerte presencia musulmana.
La República/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Esquivel: si un país se desvía de esa hegemonía (de
EEUU), comienza a tener conflictos
A sus 78 años, Pérez Esquivel se
mantiene muy activo en defensa
de los derechos humanos y la educación para la paz. Actualmente,
es uno de los promotores de la
creación de la Corte Penal Internacional para el Medio Ambiente, bajo el principio de que los
desastres ecológicos son un crimen para la humanidad.
te-Oeste, entre Estados Unidos y
la antigua Unión Soviética. Con
la Guerra de las Malvinas, el problema pasa a ser Norte-Sur. Prontamente Estados Unidos se da
cuenta que es necesario promover
democracias. Pero la política neoliberal, las privatizaciones, la
apropiación de los recursos naturales y no naturales continúa.
Para ello se requiere modificar el
Estatuto de Roma, que en 1998
dio vida a la Corte Penal Internacional, en vigor desde 2002.
IPS: ¿América Latina sigue siendo importante para Washington?
En uno de sus frecuentes viajes a
esta ciudad del noreste de España, Pérez Esquivel dialogó con
IPS sobre la situación de América
Latina y los avances a una cultura
de paz en el mundo.
IPS: Desde el fin de las dictaduras
militares en América Latina, ¿cómo evolucionó la región?
Después de las dictaduras impuestas por la política de Estados
Unidos, se producen hechos importantes que hacen que América
Latina cambie a democracias condicionadas o restringidas. Es un
proceso rápido, vinculado a la
Guerra de las Malvinas (de 1982
entre Argentina y Gran Bretaña).
La confrontación antes era
APE: Pese a que ha tenido que
centrarse en las guerras de Afganistán e Irak, Estados Unidos
nunca deja de estar atenta a América Latina. En cuanto algún país
se desvía de esa hegemonía, comienza a tener conflictos, como
les sucede a Venezuela, Bolivia,
Ecuador o Argentina. Cuando (el
depuesto presidente) Manuel Zelaya, de Honduras, comenzó a tener otra visión de la situación de
su país, le dieron un golpe de Estado legalizado por el Parlamento
y el Poder Judicial. Es una experiencia piloto para aplicar en
otros países, como Paraguay, por
ejemplo, que pasa por algo semejante.
IPS: ¿Hay entonces un reposicionamiento de Estados Unidos con la región?
APE: Están creando una 'pinza'
militar en el continente: El Plan
Puebla-Panamá, para América
Central y el Caribe; el Plan Colombia, con siete bases militares
bajo el pretexto de combatir el
narcotráfico y el terrorismo, la
Triple Frontera (Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay), y, en las Islas Malvinas, una base militar con Gran
Bretaña. Adicionalmente, empresas transnacionales buscan los
recursos que faltan en los países
Pero, a pesar de todo, emergen
fuerzas sociales, culturales y políticas fuertes. El gobierno de Bolivia,
recuperando las empresas nacionales y los recursos naturales
que estaban privatizados.
Son pasos importantes, como
convertirse en un Estado plurinacional, con reconocimiento
de pueblos indígenas, o medidas
para superar el analfabetismo y
los problemas de salud. Igual está
sucediendo en Venezuela.
IPS: Pero hay críticas a esos gobiernos. ¿Cuál es su percepción?
APE: No hay democracias perfectas, lo que hay son democracias perfectibles, que
pueden mejorar. Por ejemplo, en
Venezuela hay una democracia
distinta a la aparente democracia
La República/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Esquivel: si un país se desvía de esa hegemonía (de EEUU), comienza a tener conflictos
de Colombia, donde hay represión, control de grupos paramilitares, intervención de las
Fuerzas Armadas, cuatro millones de desplazados internos y
cinco millones de exiliados.
forma de enfrentar los grandes poderes internacionales.
Los colombianos votan, pero lo
que garantiza una democracia no
es el voto, es la participación del
pueblo. Con todas las dificultades
y errores, países de América Latina dieron pasos cualitativos en
la construcción de democracias
participativas. Son espacios a
APE: Claro. La presidenta de Argentina (Cristina Fernández) hizo
algo interesante. El 25 de mayo,
fiesta patria y del Bicentenario,
recibió a Manuel Zelaya con honores de presidente en ejercicio.
Esto incomoda a Estados Unidos,
que pierde hegemonía. América
Latina tiene que fortalecer su unidad, porque guarda grandes recursos naturales, y la próxima
guerra va a ser por agua, recursos
energéticos y alimentos. La única
manera de fortalecerse son las
alianzas económicas, culturales y
IPS: ¿Con el presidente estadounidense, Barack Obama,
cambiaron algo las cosas?
APE: No, Obama llegó al gobierno, pero no al poder. Él se
comprometió a terminar con la
guerra de Irak y la intensificó,
también la de Afganistán. No
cuenta con condiciones de gobernabilidad como los presidentes de Bolivia, Venezuela y
Ecuador. Sus gobiernos están unidos a través de Mercosur, Unasur
o del Banco del Sur. Es la única
IPS: ¿Esa unión puede impedir el
golpe de Estado en Paraguay que
IPS: ¿Hay avances en la campaña
para instituir la Corte Penal Internacional para el Medio Ambiente?
APE: Entre las cosas que hago,
presido la Academia de las Ciencias del Ambiente de Venecia, in-
tegrada por 120 científicos,
donde trabajamos sobre los grandes problemas ambientales. En
los derechos humanos se ven los
daños a las personas, pero no a los
pueblos. En 1976, la Liga Internacional por los Derechos y la
Liberación de los Pueblos proclamó la Declaración Universal
de los Derechos de los Pueblos. Y
creo que hay que trabajar en el daño a los pueblos indígenas, a poblaciones enteras, por la
contaminación del agua y del ambiente. En 2001, la FAO
(Organización de las Naciones
Unidas para la Alimentación y la
Agricultura) divulgó un informe
que decía que cada día mueren en
el mundo más de 35.000 niños por
hambre. Yo le llamo a eso terrorismo económico.
Estamos proponiendo una reforma del Estatuto de Roma. Al
mismo tiempo, es necesario lanzar una campaña internacional
para que los pueblos presionen.
La resistencia para que los gobiernos hagan cambios debe provenir de las bases.
El Universal - Ven/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Yo no me voy a inscribir en el Registro Militar
Yo no me voy a inscribir en el Registro Militar JORDY ENRIQUE
La Constitución de la República
Bolivariana de Venezuela, esa
que es tan defendida y tan violada
establece en su artículo 134 "Toda persona, de conformidad con la
ley, tiene el deber de prestar los
servicios civil o militar necesarios para la defensa, preservación y desarrollo del país,
o para hacer frente a situaciones
de calamidad pública. Nadie puede ser sometido a reclutamiento
Es decir, el deber que me impone
la Constitución es prestar servicios civiles o militares (uno de
los dos), servicios que pueden ser
de defensa, preservación y desarrollo o hacer frente a situaciones de calamidad. La
Constitución da opciones, militares o civiles, nunca únicas.
El artículo 56 de la Ley de Conscripción y Alistamiento Militar
"Los venezolanos y venezolanas
Constitución de la República,
tienen el deber de inscribirse en la
Junta de Conscripción más próxima a su residencia o domicilio,
dentro de los noventa días siguientes a la fecha en la cual cumplen la mayoría de edad. Los
venezolanos y venezolanas residenciados o residenciadas en
otros países, cumplirán el deber
establecido en este artículo, a través de las representaciones diplomáticas
acreditadas por la República Bolivariana de Venezuela."
La ley parte de un falso supuesto,
Constitución en ningún momento establece la obligación de
inscripción en el Registro Militar.
La invitación es a no inscribirnos
en el Registro Militar, a ejercer
nuestro derecho humano a la objeción de conciencia, a demandar
la inconstitucionalidad de la
norma que impone la obligación
de Registro y sobre todo aquella
que impone sanciones por su
Los venezolanos somos seres libres, la dignidad, la libertad y la
igualdad son nuestras principales
exigencias. Debemos actuar de
conformidad con esas exigencias,
no podemos permitir que por no
estar inscritos en un Registro Militar se nos prive de derechos civiles.
La obligación de presentar la inscripción en el Registro Militar para tener acceso a derechos civiles,
como por ejemplo lo es la educación, es inaceptable. Si nos
inscribimos hacemos el juego, si
nos inscribimos bajamos la cabeza, si nos inscribimos estamos
siendo sumisos ante otra norma
más que es evidentemente inconstitucional.
Una vez más queda de los ciudadanos levantar la voz y decir
A mí que me vengan a multar, que
recurriré cualquier acción derivada de esta ley ante todas las
instancias judiciales pertinentes.
[email protected]
Más artículos de esta firma
Publica aquí
El Observador/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Rousseff arrancó la campaña hablando contra el
En su primer mensaje electoral
para la segunda vuelta, dijo que
quiere defender la vida
La candidata oficialista a la Presidencia de Brasil, Dilma Rousseff, negó este viernes apoyar el
aborto en su primer mensaje electoral para la segunda vuelta de los
comicios del 31 de octubre.
"Quiero hacer una campaña por
encima de todo en defensa de la
vida, con compromiso con los valores más sagrados", afirmó la
candidata el Partido de los Trabajadores (PT) en un anuncio de
radio, que marcó el comienzo de
la propaganda electoral.
que si me elegían, yo iba a cerrar
iglesias y a cambiar el color de la
bandera. ¿Y qué pasó?, más libertad religiosa, más respeto a la
vida, más comida en la mesa y
mejor salario. Eso es lo que Dilma
va a continuar haciendo", dijo el
Pocos días antes de las elecciones
del pasado día 3, la prensa difundió rumores de que Rousseff
era partidaria de legalizar el aborto, algo que ella ha negado insistentemente, pero que le puede
haber restado apoyos entre el
electorado más religioso, según
varios analistas políticos.
El mensaje de Rousseff tuvo el
apoyo del presidente Luiz Inácio
Lula da Silva, quien afirmó en el
anuncio que ahora ocurre "lo mismo" que cuando él se presentó a
las elecciones en 2002.
El aborto es una cuestión polémica en Brasil, donde sólo puede
autorización judicial y siempre y
cuando se demuestre que existen
riesgos para la vida de la madre o
del bebé durante el embarazo.
"Varias personas salieron del submundo de la política para decir
El lado femenino de Rousseff
también es recalcado en el anun-
cio proselitista, en el que, una narradora asegura tener "plena
confianza" en que la candidata
del PT será "una madre" que cuidará de la población brasileña
"como un hijo".
Rousseff fue la más votada en la
primera vuelta, con el 46,91% de
los votos, frente al 32,61% del
opositor José Serra, del Partido de
la Social Democracia Brasileña
(PSDB), su contendiente en la segunda vuelta.
El mensaje electoral también resalta que los partidos que forman
la coalición oficialista ganaron
las elecciones en la Cámara de los
Diputados, en el Senado y en 18
de los 27 estados del país.
El Tribunal Superior Electoral
(TSE) autorizó que los anuncios
en radio y televisión comenzasen
a ser emitidos este viernes y hasta
dos días antes de las elecciones.
Le Figaro/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Les Sages valident la loi sur le voile islamique
François BOUCHON
Le Conseil constitutionnel a jugé que la
restriction apportée à la liberté de se vêtir était
justifiée et proportionnée au but poursuivi.
La peine prévue en cas d'infraction est une amende d'un montant maximal de 150 euros.
Le Conseil constitutionnel a
donné jeudi son feu vert à la loi
prohibant le port de la burqa dans
les lieux publics. La loi «interdisant la dissimulation du visage dans l'espace public» (c'est
son nom officiel) n'a donc pas subi les foudres des Sages,
contrairement aux espoirs de ses
adversaires. Le Conseil avait été
saisi de cette législation, adoptée
après de nombreux mois de débats passionnés, à l'initiative des
présidents de l'Assemblée et du
François Fillon s'est félicité de
cette «décision importante pour
l'affirmation des valeurs de la République». De son
Jean-François Copé, le président
du groupe UMP à l'Assemblée,
très engagé en faveur de l'interdiction du voile intégral, y voit
«une réponse ferme aux extrémistes» et «un signal fort
voyé à toutes les femmes qui se
battent pour leur dignité».
La loi prescrit que «nul ne peut,
dans l'espace public, porter une
tenue destinée à dissimuler son visage». La loi précise que l'espace
public est «constitué des voies publiques ainsi que des lieux ouverts au public ou affectés à un
service public». La rue et les commerces sont donc concernés au
même titre que les postes ou les
gares. Quelques exceptions sont
prévues. La dissimulation du visage reste autorisée si elle est «justifiée par des raisons de santé ou
des motifs professionnels, ou si
elle s'inscrit dans le cadre de pratiques sportives, de fêtes ou de
manifestations artistiques ou traditionnelles». La peine prévue en
cas d'infraction est une amende
d'un montant maximal de 150 euros. Imposer à autrui de dissimuler son visage devient par
ailleurs un délit passible d'un an
de prison et de 30.000 euros d'amende.
Une réserve d'interprétation
Le Conseil constitutionnel a jugé que la restriction apportée à la
liberté de se vêtir était justifiée et
proportionnée au but poursuivi,
en l'occurrence la sauvegarde de
l'ordre public. «Le législateur a
estimé que de telles pratiques peuvent constituer un danger pour la
sécurité publique et méconnaissent les exigences minimales de la vie en société»,
explique le Conseil. Le Parlement «a également estimé que
les femmes dissimulant leur visage, volontairement ou non, se
trouvent placées dans une situation d'exclusion et d'infériorité
avec les principes constitutionnels de liberté et d'égalité», poursuivent les juges de
la Rue Montpensier. Et le Conseil
de conclure «qu'en adoptant les
dispositions déférées, le législateur a ainsi complété et généralisé des règles jusque-là
réservées à des situations ponctuelles à des fins de protection de
l'ordre public».
Les Sages ont toutefois émis une
réserve d'interprétation, qui devra être observée par les autorités
de l'État chargées d'appliquer la
loi. Le Conseil a précisé que l'interdiction de dissimuler son visage dans l'espace public ne
saurait restreindre l'exercice de la
Le Figaro/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Les Sages valident la loi sur le voile islamique intégral
liberté religieuse «dans les lieux
de culte ouverts au public». L'article 10 de la Déclaration des
droits de l'homme et du citoyen du
26 août 1789 proclame en effet
que «nul ne doit être inquiété pour
ses opinions, même religieuses,
pourvu que leur manifestation ne
trouble pas l'ordre public établi
par la Loi».
François Fillon. Reste maintenant à appliquer cette loi.
Ainsi s'achève la longue controverse sur le droit, pour le Parlement, d'interdire le port de la
burqa dans les lieux publics.
«C'est une décision importante
pour les valeurs de la République», s'est aussitôt réjoui
Le Figaro/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Une femme en burqa expulsée du tribunal
Une femme intégralement voilée,
assise dans le public d'un procès
en correctionnelle à Bobigny, a dû
aujourd'hui quitter la salle à la demande de la présidente de la
"Les personnes dont le visage est
visible sont autorisées à rester
dans la salle en conservant leur
foulard. En revanche, pas celle au
premier rang dont seuls les yeux
sont visibles", a dit la présidente
du tribunal après en avoir délibéré
avec ses assesseurs. "Elle est invitée à quitter la salle ou à (quitter)
son voile", a-t-elle ajouté.
«Je m'y attendais»
La femme ainsi interpellée a obtempéré. "Je ne suis pas étonnée.
Je m'y attendais, mais j'ai quand
même pris le risque", a-t-elle déclaré. Elle a refusé de décliner son
identité, se limitant à indiquer
qu'elle avait 35 ans et venait de la
commune proche de Saint-Denis.
La cour siégeait pour juger deux
hommes soupçonnés de s'être introduits en juin au domicile de l'imam de Drancy, Hassan
Chalghoumi, qui se veut la figure
d'un islam modéré et respectueux
des valeurs de la République. Il a
pris position pour une loi contre
le voile intégral.
Dans une 16e chambre comble, de
nombreux proches des prévenus
avaient pris place, dont plusieurs
femmes voilées, mais dont le visage restait visible, et cette femme intégralement voilée. Le
Conseil constitutionnel a validé
hier la loi interdisant le port du
voile intégral (burqa, niqab) dans
l'espace public. Le texte doit encore être promulgué.
Le Figaro/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Lubanga : la reprise du procès ordonnée
La Cour pénale internationale
(CPI) a ordonné aujourd'hui en
appel la reprise du procès pour
crimes de guerre de l'ex-chef de
milice de République démocratique du Congo (RDC)
Thomas Lubanga.
"La décision de suspendre la procédure doit être infirmée", a déclaré le juge Sang-Hyun Song à
propos de la suspension du procès
ordonnée le 8 juillet par la chambre de première instance. Les juges avaient estimé que "l équité
des procédures à l encontre de l ac-
cusé n était plus garantie" après
que le procureur avait notamment
refusé de communiquer le nom
d'un intermédiaire chargé de retrouver des témoins.
Selon la défense de l'ex-chef de
milice, des faux témoignages
avaient été "fabriqués" avec l'assistance d'intermédiaires et la collaboration du bureau du
procureur. Le procureur de la CPI
Luis Moreno-Ocampo avait interjeté appel de la suspension du
procès de Thomas Lubanga, 49
ans, ce qui avait entraîné la suspension de sa remise en liberté de
l'accusé, ordonnée par les juges le
15 juillet.
Thomas Lubanga est accusé d'enrôlement et conscription d'enfants de moins de 15 ans durant la
guerre civile en Ituri (est de la
RDC) entre septembre 2002 et
août 2003. Son procès, le premier
de la CPI, s'était ouvert le 26 janvier 2009. Transféré à La Haye en
mars 2006, l'ancien chef de milice
plaide non coupable.
Le Figaro/IN, 08 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Loi sur la burqa: Amara "se réjouit"
Fadela Amara, secrétaire d'Etat
chargée de la politique de la Ville,
s'est "réjouie" de la validation par
le Conseil constitutionnel de la
loi interdisant le port de la burqa,
dans un discours prononcé cet
après-midi à Nancy.
"Je le dis avec beaucoup de solennité, je me réjouis de la validation (...) et je regrette
profondément que certains représentants de l Assemblée
nationale n aient pas eu le même
courage que nos sénateurs plus
unanimes dans la défense des valeurs de la République", a dit la secrétaire d'Etat, au lendemain de la
décision du Conseil constitutionnel. Les sages ont validé
hier la loi interdisant le port du
voile intégral (burqa, niqab) dans
l'espace public en France.
"Je suis très fière que mon pays ait
été l un des premiers pays à porter
cette loi, qui est une loi juste, une
loi qui protège les femmes, notamment les femmes des quartiers et les femmes les plus
fragiles de notre pays, sans distinction aucune", a déclaré
l'ancienne présidente de l'association "Ni putes ni soumises",
lors de la visite d'un quartier populaire de Nancy.
El Universal - Ven/IN, 09 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Parlamento recibirá postulaciones a magistrados
postulaciones a magistrados
Desde el 11 y hasta el 18 de octubre admitirán recaudos de los
Comenzó la carrera por la renovación del Tribunal Supremo
de Justicia. Designado ya el Comité de Postulaciones Judiciales,
la Asamblea Nacional empezará
a recibir desde el próximo lunes y
hasta el 18 de octubre los recaudos de los aspirantes a magistrados.
A través de un comunicado pu-
blicado ayer, la AN abrió oficialmente la convocatoria a los
abogados interesados. El presidente
Postulaciones Judiciales, diputado
(PSUV-Carabobo), informó en
días recientes que seleccionarán
11 jueces titulares y 32 suplentes.
de la
Constitución establece los requisitos que deben cumplir los
candidatos atogados, entre los
que están "ser venezolano por nacimiento y no poseer otra nacionalidad", y "haber ejercido la
abogacía durante un mínimo de
quince años y tener título universitario de postgrado en materia
Los solicitantes deben consignar
una carta de postulación por iniciativa propia o expedida por una
organización vinculada con la actividad jurídica. La recepción de
los documentos se llevará a cabo
en la biblioteca "Luis Beltrán
Prieto Figueroa", ubicada en el
segundo piso del Palacio Federal
Publica aquí
El Universal - Ven/IN, 09 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Demandarán nulidad del alistamiento militar
Demandarán nulidad del alistamiento militar obligatorio
Varias ONG acudirán al TSJ porque se viola la Constitución
Varias ONG introducirán la próxima semana en el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ) un
recurso de nulidad contra la Ley
de Conscripción y Alistamiento
Militar, que prevé el registro militar obligatorio, lo que viola lo
previsto en la Constitución.
La presidenta de la asociación civil Control Ciudadano, Rocío
San Miguel, dijo que el artículo
134 de la Constitución indica claramente que en Venezuela tiene
que ser aprobada una ley de ser-
vicio civil y una ley de servicio
militar para que "optativamente"
el ciudadano, a partir de los 18
años, escoja su deber con la nación. La acción judicial la acompañará la organización Provea.
"No se trata exclusivamente de
establecer una prórroga para la
inscripción obligatoria en el registro militar, sino que la normativa es violatoria de la
Constitución en tanto establece
sanciones a los ciudadanos que no
acudan a este llamado", dijo San
Miguel, tras la decisión la tarde
del jueves de la Asamblea Nacional de extender el plazo para el
cumplimiento del registro, que se
había planteado en términos pe-
El recurso de nulidad se justifica,
según San Miguel, porque son al
menos 15 artículos de esta ley son
los que violan la Constitución y
solo con la prórroga establecida
para el registro no se solventa la
ilegalidad. "El artículo 1 planteado como que todos los ciudadanos debemos cumplir con el
servicio militar no es legal y el artículo 80, según el cual hay una
prohibición de obtener licencias u
otros trámites si no estás inscrito
en el registro, las exenciones y los
plazos establecidos, también violan la Constitución", dijo.
Publica aquí
El Universal - Ven/IN, 09 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Súmate insta al CNE a llamar a comicios sin esperar
fallo del TSJ
Súmate insta al CNE a llamar a
comicios sin esperar fallo del TSJ
Poder Electoral debe cumplir lapsos legales para las municipales
La organización civil Súmate espera que la Sala Constitucional
del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia
(TSJ) se pronuncie cuanto antes
sobre la acción popular de nulidad por inconstitucionalidad
que introdujeron en julio de 2009,
de modo que ordene al Poder
Electoral convocar los 333 comicios con el fin de elegir a 2 mil
389 concejales y 3.207 miembros
de juntas parroquiales, al gobernador de Amazonas y a los alcaldes de los municipios
Achaguas y Miranda, de los estados Apure y Carabobo, que
debieron realizarse el segundo semestre del año 2010.
En un boletín de prensa, Súmate
recuerda que la Asamblea Nacional reformó el artículo 294 de
la Ley Orgánica del Poder Público Municipal, para postergar
las elecciones municipales y de
juntas parroquiales en contravención de la Constitución.
También exhortan al CNE a no esperar una sentencia desfavorable
del TSJ y convocar de forma inmediata estos comicios.
La tarde del jueves, el CNE informó que convoca para el 5 de diciembre de este año la elección en
dos gobernaciones (Amazonas y
Guárico) y una docena de alcaldes que por diversas razones
debieron realizarse, pero no fijó
fecha para la elección de los concejales y los miembros de las juntas parroquiales.
Publica aquí
El Pais | Montevidéu/IN, 09 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Aviadores a prisión por caso Cháves
Dos ex oficiales procesados por
"homicidio político"
La jueza penal Mariana Mota dispuso ayer los procesamientos con
prisión de los aviadores retirados
José Uruguay Araújo Umpiérrez
y Enrique Rivero, acusados de ser
los responsables del homicidio
del militante comunista Ubagesner Cháves Sosa, ocurrido en
mayo de 1976, mientras se encontraba detenido en la Base de
Boiso Lanza.
Mota compartió el criterio de la
fiscal Ana María Tellechea, que
el mes pasado había pedido los
procesamientos de Araújo y Rivero por el delito de "homicidio
político", previsto en la ley
18.026, que castiga ilícitos de lesa
humanidad establecidos en la legislación de la Corte Penal Internacional.
La fiscal había pedido el procesamiento de un tercer aviador,
Alejandro López. En relación a
él, la magistrada todavía no adoptó resolución, ya que consideró
que es necesario contar con más
pruebas que evidencien su participación en el homicidio de Cháves Sosa, dijeron fuentes
judiciales a El País.
Mota y Tellechea procesaron a
Rivero como autor material del
asesinato y a Araújo como coautor. Los dos aviadores retirados
fueron trasladados a última hora
de ayer a la cárcel de Piedras
Blancas, donde están alojados los
militares procesados por delitos
de lesa humanidad.
Los restos de Cháves Sosa fueron
recuperados en 2006, en el gobierno de Tabaré Vázquez. Estaban sepultados en una chacra de
Pando, cerca de un cuartel.
El País Digital
Expresso OnLine - Lisboa/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Herança/Feteira: Polícia brasileira vai "finalmente"
deixar advogado de Duarte Lima aceder ao inquérito
Lisboa, 09 out (Lusa) -- O advogado no Brasil de Duarte Lima
revelou que a polícia brasileira
vai "finalmente" dar-lhe acesso
aos autos do inquérito sobre a
morte de Rosalina Machado, acusando os investigadores de terem
prejudicado a investigação.
Lisboa, 09 out (Lusa) -- O advogado no Brasil de Duarte Lima
revelou que a polícia brasileira
vai "finalmente" dar-lhe acesso
aos autos do inquérito sobre a
morte de Rosalina Machado, acusando os investigadores de terem
prejudicado a investigação.
"A polícia brasileira comunicou
que finalmente me daria acesso
aos autos do inquérito sobre a
morte de Rosalina Machado - a todos os autos e não apenas a uma
parte. Fico satisfeito que a polícia
tenha dado razão a este meu pedido. Esta decisão, embora tardia,
vem finalmente repor a legalidade da atuação da polícia",
lê-se na carta que o advogado de
Duarte Lima no Brasil enviou à
porque este "sentiu a necessidade
de controlar os abusos de autoridade e constantes atropelos
aos direitos fundamentais praticados pela polícia brasileira".
Matéria similar publicada em
outros veículos:
10 de outubro de 2010
- Expresso OnLine - Lisboa/IN |
De acordo com João Ribeiro Filho, a decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileiro surge
The New York Times/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
No. 1 Alabama Falls, Bruising SEC in Process
The Supreme Court last week
let stand a ruling in favor of the
University of Southern California over the University of
South Carolina, which for well
over a decade has tried to trademark its own brand of "S.C."
Related No. 19 South Carolina
35, No. 1 Alabama 21: Gamecocks Beat Tide at Its Game
(October 10, 2010) No. 17 Michigan State 34, No. 18 Michigan
17: Spartans Contain Robinson
and Romp (October 10, 2010)
East Roundup: It's a First for Illinois: A Victory at Penn St. (October 10, 2010) National
Roundup: After Great Start,
Arkansas Simply Holds on (October 10, 2010)
Interviews, insight and analysis
from The Times on the competition and culture of college
Go to The Quad Blog Division
I-A This Week?s Games A.P. and
Coaches? Polls Scores: Top 25 |
All Div. I-A Conference Standings All Div. I-A Teams Division I-AA Scores | Teams | Polls
Enlarge This Image Brett Flashnick/Associated Press
Marcus Lattimore scored three
touchdowns as South Carolina
beat a No. 1 team for the first time.
An earlier ruling cited federal trademark law, which forbids symbols "likely to cause confusion"
among casual consumers.
South Carolina"s football team,
long a Southeastern Conference
punch line, gave the university an
axis-shifting victory on Saturday.
The No. 19 Gamecocks topped
No. 1 Alabama, 35-21, for the
football team"s first victory over a
top-ranked opponent.
The confusion in this case will ripple through college football, as
Alabama"s early-season dominance had convinced many
that the Crimson Tide (5-1)
would roll to its second consecutive national title. That is still
possible, but the Tide"s loss assures even more debate than
usual in determining the Bowl
Championship Series title game
The biggest loser, other than Alabama, could be the Southeastern
Conference. The league has won
the past four B.C.S. title games
but could end up without a team
playing for the championship for
the first time since Texas defeated U.S.C. - the one with the
trademark - in 2005. Commissioner Mike Slive will spend
the rest of the fall nervous about
whether the SEC can squeeze a
team into the game this season.
No. 8 Auburn and No. 12 Louisiana State are the SEC"s only remaining undefeated teams after
each won on the road in the final
seconds Saturday.
"They didn"t like us too much
when we"re 5-0," L.S.U. Coach
Les Miles said after a fake field
goal in the final minute led to a
33-29 victory at No. 14 Florida.
"Now that we"re 6-0, I hope they
like us more."
Despite L.S.U."s theatrics, the
day belonged to South Carolina.
With Coach Steve Spurrier"s
play-calling channeling his
championship days at Florida,
quarterback Stephen Garcia threw three first-half touchdown
passes to give the Gamecocks
(4-1) a 21-3 lead. He finished the
day 17 for 20 for 201 yards, while
the freshman Marcus Lattimore
rushed for 95 yards and scored 3
Most improbable was the way
South Carolina"s defense pushed
Alabama around. It held the Tide
to 34 rushing yards and sacked
Greg McElroy seven times. Alabama had some uncharacteristic
traits of a Nick Saban team, especially blunders in the red zone
and multiple special-teams implosions.
The reality this year is that the
SEC lacks the depth that was its
hallmark for at least the past five
seasons. Georgia (2-4) has
played poorly, and the Bulldogs
blew out Tennessee, 41-14, on Saturday to show that the Volunteers (2-4) have managed to be
even worse.
South Carolina put itself in the driver"s seat to win the SEC East,
clearly the weaker of the conference"s two divisions. The Gamecocks still have a pivotal game
The New York Times/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: No. 1 Alabama Falls, Bruising SEC in Process
at Florida on Nov. 13. But the Gators are still searching for an
identity after a blowout loss
against Alabama and Saturday"s
loss to L.S.U.
If South Carolina had pulled out
its Sept. 25 game at Auburn - the
Gamecocks lost, 35-27 - it would
have a claim to the country"s No.
1 ranking.
Instead, that spot will almost certainly go to Ohio State (6-0), which routed Indiana, 38-10, on
Saturday. Oregon (6-0) could be a
close second, coming off its thrilling comeback win against
Stanford last weekend and a
43-23 victory at Washington State in which quarterback Darron
Thomas left with a shoulder injury.
There will be a few key questions
Sunday when the polls are re-
leased. How far the Crimson Tide
falls in the rankings will be an interesting referendum on the SEC.
Voters will have to decide whether a one-loss Alabama team deserves to be ranked above
undefeated teams like No. 4 Boise State and No. 5 Texas
Perhaps more interesting, considering the dreadful season the
Big 12 is having, will be whether
undefeated Oklahoma and Nebraska are ranked ahead of Alabama. Does Auburn (6-0), which
won at Kentucky, 37-34, on a last-minute field goal to stay
undefeated, deserve to be ranked
higher than the Tide? Can L.S.U.,
after another last-second victory,
leapfrog Auburn?
The new polls will provide a bit of
clarity, but this season promises
to be one of the most controversial in the history of the
With a nontraditional team like
Oregon from the Pacific-10, two
interlopers from non-B.C.S. conferences in Boise State and
T.C.U. and a host of traditional
powers in the top 10, disarray appears inevitable.
Perhaps the Supreme Court was
right: South Carolina has created
plenty of confusion in the college
football landscape.
Matéria similar publicada em
outros veículos:
10 de outubro de 2010
- The New York Times/IN
pg.42, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Chinese Nobel prize winner's wife detained
(CNN) -- The wife of 2010 Nobel
Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo
has been detained in her apartment in Beijing, China, and is not
allowed to see people or use her
telephone, a human rights group
citing her attorney said Sunday.
The woman, Liu Xia, has not
been charged with a crime, said
Freedom Now, a U.S.-based
"Liu Xia is under enormous pressure," said Dr. Yang Jianli, a
member of Liu Xiaobo's defense
team and a human rights specialist with Freedom Now. "We
hope that world leaders will immediately condemn this shameful
act by the Chinese government
and urge Liu Xia's immediate and
unconditional release."
She was able to tell her jailed husband he had won the prize, the
group said, adding that he cried
upon hearing the news.
Beijing did not comment immediately on the report of Liu
Xia's detention, and the official
news agency Xinhua was silent
on the subject.
Liu Xia said Friday she had been
packing to visit her husband under the surveillance of police officers, who promised to take her
to visit Liu Xiaobo Saturday.
She said she could not wait to see
him to tell him he is this year'speace laureate.
Liu Xiaobo won the prize Friday,
but news of the win has been
blacked out in China, with no
mention of it on Chinese media.
The same censorship applies to
micro-blogging sites like Twitter,
and authorities have blocked the
Nobel Peace Prize section of the
official Nobel website.
At least two international television networks -- CNN and
BBC -- were blacked out as the
Nobel committee announced the
winner on Friday, and CNN's reports on Liu remained blacked
out for most of the day.
Liu was sentenced in 2009 to 11
years in prison for inciting subversion of state power.
He is the co-author of Charter 08,
a call for political reform and
human rights, and was an ad-
viser to the student protesters at
Tiananmen Square in 1989.
His wife called the Nobel Prize
"an affirmation of what he has
fought for."
Liu Xiaobo's longtime friend Pu
Zhiqiang said the prize may not
help Liu right now, but it will have effects for the future.
"In the long run, it will leave a legacy that is sure to help bring democratic reform and freedom to
China, that will far outlast Liu's life," Pu told CNN outside the
gates of Liu'sapartment complex.
The Chinese government was angry at the win, calling it "blasphemy against the peace prize"
that could harm relations
between China and Norway, where the Norwegian Nobel Committee is located.
"Liu Xiaobo is a convicted criminal sentenced to jail by Chinese
justice. His acts are in complete
contradiction to the purpose of
the Nobel Peace Prize," Chinese
Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma
Zhaoxu said.
Human rights groups like Am-
pg.43, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Chinese Nobel prize winner's wife detained
nesty International, world leaders
such as U.S. President Barack
Obama, and governments around
the world all praised the awarding of the prize to Liu, with
many calling on the Chinese government to free him.
CNN's Steven Jiang contributed
to this report.
10 de outubro de 2010
Matéria similar publicada em
outros veículos:
Reuters/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
U.S. won't appeal Guantanamo witness ruling
"The government ... has decided
not to pursue an appeal from the
court's decision," said a letter
from the U.S. Attorney for the
Southern District to the presiding
judge in the case.
On Wednesday the trial of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani at Manhattan federal court was delayed
when judge Lewis Kaplan ruled
against the participation of a key
government witness.
Ghailani, 36, is a Tanzanian charged with conspiring with Islamic
militants to bomb the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in
1998, in which 224 people were
killed. He faces life in prison if
Prosecutors had wanted the court
to hear testimony from Tanzanian
witness Hussein Abebe, who
they say told FBI agents he had
sold explosives to Ghailani that
were used later in one of the bombings.
The defense argues Ghailani was
coerced into naming Abebe, and
that he should not be allowed to
Kaplan said on Wednesday he
would not allow Abebe to testify
and that he was basing his decision on protecting the U.S.
Constitution from admitting
coerced testimony into civilian
From the outset, prosecutors said
they would not use any statements Ghailani may have made
while in CIA custody after his
July 2004 arrest in Pakistan. Prosecutors have acknowledged those statements were likely
"coerced," but the judge said the
government would not have been
able to find Abebe without those
In Sunday's letter, U.S. Attorney
Preet Bharara said the government did not wish to delay
the trial with an appeal, adding
that its case was sufficient without Abebe's testimony, and that
both foreign witnesses and victims had already arrived in New
York and were counting on the
trial's original start date.
Ghailani's trial is being watched
closely as a test of President Barack Obama's approach to handling the 174 suspected terrorists
held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, accused mastermind of
the September 11 attacks.
Obama's administration has adopted what it calls a flexible approach,
tribunals in some cases and civilian trials in others. Most
Republicans say all terrorism suspects should be tried in military
(Reporting by Chris Michaud,
Editing by Sandra Maler)
U.S. Barack Obama
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Protect police from lawsuits, says Met chief
Met chief Sir Paul Stephenson
Photograph: Graeme Robertson
for the Guardian
Sir Paul Stephenson, the commissioner of the Metropolitan police, has privately lobbied the
home secretary to make it harder
for people to take legal action
against his force, the Guardian
has learned.
Critics say the plans amount to an
attempt by the police to put themselves beyond the rule of law and
undermine constitutional safeguards against abuses of power.
The Met's chief says money is
being wasted on speculative
claims, with lawyers gaining large fees that would be better spent
fighting crime.
The proposals are contained in
appendices to a letter marked
"confidential" and sent to Theresa
May by Stephenson, who is Britain's most senior police officer,
on 22 June. In the documents, released after inquiries by the Guardian, he suggests:
crimination and unfair treatment.
? Charging the public a fee for
freedom of information requests.
The Freedom of Information Act
is supposed to help citizens hold
public bodies to account.
Last night, Stephenson's proposals were opposed by an alliance of human rights lawyers
and civil liberties groups. The
main body representing rank and
file police officers attacked the
employment tribunal plans. The
government is considering various ideas to shake up policing,
and the proposals are being considered by ministers and their officials.
Stephenson sets out a list of ideas
to cut costs and free policing from
what he sees as excessive bureaucracy. He says civil actions
against his force generate money
for lawyers, and drain police budgets.
? Making it harder for people to
sue the police for damages in civil
actions. These usually involve allegations of brutality or wrongful
He writes: "We believe there
needs to be a radical shakeup of
the system; currently for every
pound paid out in compensation,
up to £10 or sometimes more has
to be paid out in legal costs to the
claimants' lawyers.
? Loading higher costs on to officers and other staff suing police
forces at employment tribunals.
These cases include claims of dis-
"One of the key aspects is that the
average settlements are well under £10,000 and most under
£5,000, in other words these are
not major areas of police misconduct with long-lasting consequences but often technical
Solicitor Louise Christian denounced the suggestion: "It's
clearly an attempt by the police to
escape the rule of law. When access to justice is denied, the principle of the rule of law is
damaged. The rich and powerful
can always go to court, it's people
without means who can't."
James Welch, legal director of the
civil rights group Liberty, said:
"The ability to challenge police
misconduct in court is a vital constitutional safeguard against abuse
of power. Under current rules, if
you lose a case in the civil courts
you can expect to be ordered to
pay your successful opponent'slegal costs.
"A service bound to uphold the rule of law should not attempt to carve out an exception for itself."
Stephenson also writes that police
are forced to waste money and time defending employment tribunal claims by officers or staff
who then drop them, with no financial risk to the claimant: "As
you will be aware, currently there
are no cost disincentives for claimants lodging speculative employment tribunal claims which
are withdrawn after considerable
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Protect police from lawsuits, says Met chief
public resources have been expended in order to respond to such
"We propose that a fee for issuing
claims could be introduced and
the grounds upon which costs can
be made widened to meet these
Stephenson continues: "Similarly, there is currently no incentive for claimants to accept
early offers of settlement and substantial cost could be saved if
claimants were put on risk as to
costs from the time that such an
offer is made."
Paul McKeever, chief of the Police Federation of England and
Wales, said: "I'm not aware of
speculative claims being made.
Going to an employment tribunal
is the last resort people take after
being frustrated by the system.
Nobody wants to go to an employment tribunal - it's a horrible
process to go through."
Makbool Javaid, who has de-
fended the police against claims
and has also sued forces, said:
"You can bring a claim at an employment tribunal and it costs you
nothing at all ? Employers, not
just the police, say it encourages a
have-a-go culture."
Stephenson also urged that the home secretary introduce fees for
freedom of information requests.
In 2009-10 the force received
3,373 such requests, which it says
takes time and personnel to process. The commissioner writes:
"We welcome the recent government commitment to review
the application of FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] and
would encourage you to consider
introducing a fee (as there is for
Data Protection Act requests) to
bring it into line with the Data
Protection Act."
Releasing the documents, Scotland Yard declined to provide the
commissioner's letter to May, but
did release Stephenson's appendices to the letter, in which he
set out his concerns and proposals.
Maurice Frankel, chair of the
Campaign for Freedom of Information, said the plan would
help police hide from scrutiny
and cost the taxpayer more money: "The intention would be to
discourage people making requests. The effect would be to
shield the police from many of
the requests they get."
A Met source said the government was considering Stephenson's proposals as part of its
plan to reform policing in an era
of cuts expected to be around
Last night, the Home Office said:
The home secretary enjoys a good
relationship with Sir Paul Stephenson. It is usual for him to write
to her with his opinions and the
home secretary always considers
them carefully."
The Metropolitan police authority, which oversees the force,
did not return calls for comment.
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Britain's divided schools: a disturbing portrait of
Children are being failed by Britain's schools because of inequalities relating to gender, race
and cultural issues, according to
the report. Photograph: Alamy
The statistics are stark: boys are
slipping behind girls in 11 out of
13 learning categories by the age
of five; children from the poorest
families are half as likely to achieve good GCSEs; black pupils of
Caribbean descent are three times
more likely to be excluded; four
out of five young people with special needs are being bullied;
between a quarter and a third of
Muslim women have no qualifications.
After decades of reform, during
which governments have tried
desperately to address the social
fault lines in British education,
the problems persist.
In the space of 80 pages - one
chapter of its groundbreaking report on fairness in Britain, due to
be published tomorrow - the
Equality and Human Rights
Commission (EHRC) portrays an
education system in 2010 that is
deeply divided. The inequalities
emerge at nursery, carry on into
primary school and secondary
education, and then university
and beyond. Some relate to race,
others to poverty, disability and
the problems experienced by Britain's boys.
The report, How Fair is Britain?,
reveals evidence of boys in their
early years slipping behind in problem solving and reasoning and
then in social and emotional development. By the age of five,
53% had reached the expected level in writing compared with 72%
of girls.
Next they underachieve at GCSE, failing to go in such large
numbers to university; when they
do, they are less likely to gain a
2:1 or a first. It is not just an academic problem - the report finds
that boys are also three and a half
times more likely to be permanently excluded from school.
"A lot of boys feel they do not fit
into the way education is now,"
said Gaynor Sbuttoni, an educational psychologist. She argued that schools placed too
much emphasis on skills that
boys often struggle with but which were not necessarily relevant
in adulthood.
Take neat handwriting as an
example, she said, describing
seeing a beautifully written piece
by a male pupil that had one comment scrawled across it by a teacher: "Please write more neatly."
Or sitting still - something girls
tend to be better at. "So a boy can't
sit still, so he gets told off, so he
starts to feel like a bad boy, so he
starts to behave like a bad boy, so
he gets told off some more, so he
gets angry, so the teacher gets angry and so on," said Sbuttoni, her
words tumbling out as she described the vicious circle. "And so
his work will suffer."
The under-achievement of boys
is an international phenomenon
that has emerged in recent years.
New Labour sought to tackle it in
the late 1990s when Stephen
Byers, then the schools standards
minister, said we "should not simply accept with a shrug of the
shoulder that boys will boys". So
councils were ordered to draw up
plans that addressed the issue. Later, there was an intensive project
in more than 50 schools. Some
blamed the lack of male primary
teachers so there was a drive to recruit more.
For Sbuttoni the solution is obvious. "We need to change the
way we teach, we need to make it
more attractive, more fun, take
the pressure away so we are not
just worrying about the amount of
information we can stuff into
children's brains," she said. She
remembered watching pupils collect spiders and worms and use
them to learn about nature, geography and maths. Boys thrived
in that environment, she claimed.
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
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Continuação: Britain's divided schools: a disturbing portrait of inequality
Many parents agree. Late last
week, mothers writing on the
Mumsnet website discussed the
issues. "I think that boys take longer to be ready to learn than girls,"
wrote one woman. "When a boy is
six to seven they are still very active and have a short attention
span." Erratic boys found it hard
to be told suddenly to calm down
and concentrate, she added.
Another mother described how
one "chaotic" school with few opportunities to play outside sent
boys "stir crazy".
According to the EHRC report,
bullying is rife in the classrooms,
corridors and playgrounds of Britain's school. Two thirds of young
people claimed to have been bullied at some point between 2004
and 2006. That proportion rises to
four fifths when it comes to children with special educational
needs (SEN). One woman writing on Mumsnet said her son had
high-functioning autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. "He was bullied daily,"
she wrote. "The children knew
that they could coax a reaction
from him, so would goad him and
call him names, walk up behind
him and poke him like a dog and
then run off." Yet it was her son
who was excluded.
It is a depressingly familiar story
to campaigner Julie Maynard,
who has a 15-year-old autistic
son, Joshua, and who has represented dozens of other parents
of children at the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal.
"Are you really surprised that
children who are perceived as different are bullied? The sadness is
that many SEN children do not have the language ability or cognitive
themselves," said Maynard. She
talked of children with learning
disabilities and autism having to
"fend for themselves in dizzy,
unsupervised at lunch and play".
But Maynard wanted to talk about
parents, too. "What appals me is
the lack of sympathy by parents
of able children towards our children, who they perceive as a nuisance and a burden. It adds
educational pressure to school
staff who have to deal with the
wishes of both competing groups
of parents," she said.
The EHRC report also highlights
homophobic bullying - and
cyber-bullying, which it says affects one in three young people of
secondary age. It also points to research that suggests children with
religious beliefs have been targeted because of their faith.
Charities that offer support to
young people abused at school
say that an increasing number are
being driven to suicide.
Emma-Jane Cross, chief executive of Beatbullying, said it was
"unacceptable" that between a
third and half of all children in the
UK think bullying is a problem in
their school - a statistic revealed
in the report.
Taken to the extreme, bullying
meant criminal behaviour, she added, explaining that her organisation was lobbying for a
school safety bill to make it unlawful to harass pupils or teachers
at school. Next month, thousands
will take part in an online "Big
March" in protest at the problem.
And the impact of bullying permeates children's school achievement as well. According to the
EHRC, children who have been
bullied do worse in GCSEs - scoring on average 15% lower than
those who have not. They are also
twice as likely to end up out of
education and without a job.
Some of the trends highlighted in
the EHRC report are clear - boys
are falling behind girls, children
with disabilities are highly vulnerable and those from the poorest families face disadvantage
from the very start.
The study highlights the fact that
just over a third of children who
qualify for free school meals - ofpg.49
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Continuação: Britain's divided schools: a disturbing portrait of inequality
ten used as an indicator of deprivation - reach a "good" level of
development by the age of five.
That compares with more than
half who do not.
For white British, Bangladeshi
and black Caribbean boys on free
meals, the number is closer to a
quarter. And the trend continues
throughout school, with pupils
from the poorest families half as
likely to get good GCSE results
and twice as likely to be permanently excluded.
Policymakers know that poverty
matters when it comes to attainment. That is why league tables based on a "value-added"
measure were introduced that
looked not just at overall results
but at how far pupils had come.
And while many argue about
their worth, academies brought in
by the last government to replace
struggling schools in deprived
communities were meant to break
down such social divisions.
The coalition also says it is driven
by a desire to stamp out such unfairness. Sarah Teather, the Liberal
minister, said: "We have a moral
duty to eradicate the unacceptable inequalities that still
exist in our society, to narrow the
gaps between rich and poor and
between different ethnic groups,
to work as hard as we can to make
our society fairer." She said policies such as the pupil premium,
which will provide extra funding
for the poorest pupils, will be at
the heart of her government's
Russell Hobby, general secretary
of the National Association of
Head Teachers, said Teather was
right to highlight economic disadvantage as key.
But he argued that the inequalities
emerged well before children reached the school gates: "Schools
are not adding to the problem they are part of the solution."
Once it was a story of black and
white, in which racial discrimination was a major driving
force. But in tomorrow's report,
the story of ethnicity is a complicated one - in which poor black
boys underachieve, as do those
from Irish Traveller families, but
poor Chinese girls overachieve;
Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities see different outcomes
to Indian ones; and there is a
growing group of mixed race children who in themselves have
complex outcomes.
Take exclusions, for example.
Pupils from non-white British
backgrounds were as likely in
2008-09 to be permanently excluded as pupils overall. But a more detailed analysis shows large
differences between groups.
The lowest permanent exclusion
rates were among the Asian community, with five out of every
10,000 pupils being excluded, followed by children with one white
and one Asian parent.
Those closer to the average of 10
permanent exclusions per 10,000
were white British, black African, Irish and mixed white/black
African children. Yet children
with one white and one black Caribbean parent were 2.5 times more likely to be excluded than
average, with a rate of 25 per
10,000 pupils. The highest rates
of exclusions were found among
Gypsy/Roma children, who were
more than three times more likely
to be excluded, followed by black
Caribbean pupils.
Last week, at the Conservative
party conference, deputy headteacher Katharine Birbalsingh declared:
underachievement is due in part
to the chaos of our classrooms,
and in part to the accusation of racism. If you keep telling teachers
that they're racist for trying to discipline black boys ... the schools
stop reprimanding these children."
Rob Berkeley, director of the
Runnymede Trust, a leading race
equality thinktank, said the comments were a concern. "My worry
is the race to say that racial discrimination is never a problem,"
he said. But tomorrow's report
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
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Continuação: Britain's divided schools: a disturbing portrait of inequality
makes clear that ethnicity still
matters - even if you control the
factor of class, he added. So it is a
little early to declare "mission accomplished".
He said the issue of race inequality had become complex and
it was urgent to highlight what
parts of disadvantage were about
racial discrimination and what
were about something else.
"A lot of the time you look at the
figures and say there is inequality
and that needs to be tackled. But
when you come to the real stats,
then some is about class, some
about gender and some about cultural patterns."
Hobby argued that it was important to maintain high expectations of all children, be they
black, brown or white, male or female, rich or poor, disabled or
not. "The solution is not to single
out separate groups," he said. After all, as the EHRC report makes
clear, disadvantage is much more
complicated than that. It is often
about people who fall into two, three or four categories that are highlighted.
where you are likely to end up.
Tomorrow, the government's
equalities body lays down the
most comprehensive set of evidence ever published; a fairness
map of Britain that spells out just
how far we have to go. It is up to
politicians to decide if and how
they will embark on the journey.
Groundbreaking fairness report
says British education still split
along class, race and gender lines,
despite decades of reform
What the EHRC report does show
is that inequality remains a stark
reality in Britain - not just throughout a deeply split education
system, but on into adulthood,
where who you are and where you
came from continues to define
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
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Equality report slams divided Britain
Report charts inequalities in Britain from birth,
through education, into the workplace and on to
retirement. Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty
Report charts inequalities in Britain from birth, through education, into the workplace and on
to retirement. Photograph: Jeff J
Mitchell/Getty Images
The most comprehensive study
ever conducted into inequality in
Britain has revealed a country in
which boys struggle academically, disabled children face
shocking levels of bullying and
progress towards pay equality for
women has stalled.
How Fair is Britain?, a definitive
700-page report from the Equality and Human Rights Commission on discrimination and
disadvantage in British society,
charts inequalities from birth, through education, into the
workplace and on to retirement.
Trevor Phillips, chairman of the
EHRC, said the study revealed
that while British attitudes towards issues of race, gender and sexuality are now "light years"
ahead of previous generations,
the reality on the ground has yet
to fully catch up. In consequence,
there are deep divisions in Britain's classrooms, different experiences of the criminal justice
system and a stubbornly large pay
gap between men and women. In
full-time work, women are still
paid 16.4% less than men, a figure that rises to 55% in the finance sector.
Phillips will say tomorrow, when
the report is launched, that despite the progress made, Britain is
a country where long-standing
inequalities are unresolved and
where new social and economic
fault lines are now emerging.
In publishing the report, the equality body is laying down a challenge
government, warning that the
economic outlook and public service reforms are "major risk factors" in progress towards a fairer
In his speech, Phillips will declare: "It is not the commission's
role to advise on economic policy. But it is our role to ensure
that whatever is done is done fairly." Already the body has written
to the Treasury warning that it
must take account of the impact
of policy decisions on groups
who could be disadvantaged.
Campaigners and Labour have
accused the government of
making women bear the brunt of
the spending cuts announced in
June's emergency budget.
Phillips will also highlight how
complicated the issue of equalities has become. "Inequality and
disadvantage don't come neatly
packaged in parcels marked age,
or disability, or gender, or race.
They emerge often as a subset of a
strand - not as a disability issue,
but as a mental health issue; not as
a generalised ethnic penalty, but
as a result of being Pakistani; not a
pay gap for working women, but a
pay gap for working mothers," he
will say.
The study will also reveal the
deep injustices faced by young
people of certain ethnicities by
showing how much more likely
they are to be stopped and searched by police. And it will highlight a shocking disparity
between the child mortality rates
for black and white babies.
In a chapter on education seen exclusively by the Observer, the
study highlights a growing gender gap at school that is seeing
boys slip behind at the age of five,
underperform at GCSE and enter
university in lower numbers.
It also reaffirms concerns about
class divides, showing once
again that children born into disadvantaged families face a long,
uphill struggle that too often ends
in lower life chances. And it re-
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
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Continuação: Equality report slams divided Britain
veals that four out of five children
with special educational needs have been bullied.
Phillips will argue that fairness is
not just a measure of equality whether of opportunity or outcome. "It involves a judgment, based on objective data, as to
whether what is being done is reasonable and proportionate in the
circumstances, and that sometimes means treating some
people differently," he will say,
adding: "To coin a phrase - when
it comes to addressing inequality
and unfairness, we really are all in
it together."
Money cannot always buy people
fairness, he will add, giving the
example of a billionaire in a
wheelchair who cannot get into a
restaurant because there is no
Campaigners on gender, race, disability and other issues have welcomed the report. Andy
Burnham, the new shadow education secretary, said he wanted
fairness to be at the heart of his role. He argued that too often the
postcode a child is born in determines where he or she ends up.
Burnham spoke specifically of
the way that young people from
deprived backgrounds are frozen
out of top jobs because they are
not well enough connected, or rich enough, to accept unpaid internships - a culture that has
spread from the media to every
part of the workplace.
meanwhile, will jump on the issue of equal pay. Ceri Goddard,
chief executive of the women's
rights group the Fawcett Society,
said closing the gap required much "greater political will" than
had been apparent for years.
Matéria similar publicada em
outros veículos:
10 de outubro de 2010
- The Guardian | Londres/IN
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Honour killings: Saved from India's caste system by
the Love Commandos
na caste while she is a more exalted Jat. And the Love
Commandos are celebrating
another victory against the forces
of conservatism that decree that a
couple's feelings have no part to
play in marriage.
Sanjay and Aarti, who lived next door in Agra,
home of the Taj Mahal, were forbidden to marry
because she was a Thakur and he came from a
lowly Kashyap family. Photograph: Gethin
Sanjay and Aarti, who lived next
door in Agra, home of the Taj Mahal, were forbidden to marry because she was a Thakur and he
came from a lowly Kashyap family.
Kripa waits in her room. A boy
slips in and hands her a small canister of pepper spray, which she
tucks beneath her dupatta. She
waits again. Someone else is coming. She raises the canister, holds her breath and presses the
trigger. As her would-be captor
gasps for air, Kripa dives for the
door, running between the houses. There is a car waiting just outside the village. She jumps in and
the driver guns the engine,
kicking up dust as they speed
A few hours later she is in a safe
house with Prashant, the boy she
loves, the boy she was barred
from marrying on pain of death
because he is from the lowly
It is a reflection of just how tightly
caste still holds India in its grip
that a group such as the Love
Commandos should need to exist
at all. But exist they do, a volunteer force dedicated to rescuing young lovers from families
who would rather kill them than
suffer the social stigma of an unsuitable match, and from the khap
panchayats, the notorious village
caste councils that rule on who
can and cannot marry and regularly pass sentence of death on
those who refuse to accept their
diktats on caste or gotra (another
subdivision based on lineage).
The Love Commandos' phones
ring night and day. What started
as a group of like-minded friends
protecting couples trying to celebrate Valentine's Day is rapidly
becoming a national movement,
with 2,000 volunteers across the
country and more coming
forward every day.
Founder Sanjoy Sachdev leans
against the blue-painted wall of
the back room of their headquarters, a small house tucked
away among a warren of backstreets in the heart of old Delhi, retelling Kripa's story. His legs are
stretched out in front of him on the
bed that fills half the room. The
51-year-old is smoking a cigarette and talking on a mobile
phone. "Welcome to the Love
Commando helpline, Channel
12. Good afternoon. Sir, kindly
speak in English or Hindi. Yes,
yes, we can help you," he tells the
caller. Sachdev draws on the cigarette, listening to the voice on
the other end of the phone. It is a
young boy from Andhra Pradesh,
worried that his girlfriend's parents will take her away.
"If your girlfriend accepts that she
is rich and you are poor, let the
people in the village be angry,"
Sachdev tells him. "We are here
to support you. Continue your love affair and call us when there is
a problem. You can always call
us. " It is not always so simple: sometimes they have to act fast.
"When we get a call to say someone's life is in danger our
teams rush to help," says Sachdev.
The volunteers - doctors, lawyers, engineers, shopkeepers, students - are unarmed save for the
pepper spray. "We wanted to
shun violence with non-violent
means," says Sachdev. "But we
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
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Continuação: Honour killings: Saved from India's caste system by the Love Commandos
use the pepper spray when someone has to be rescued and life is
in danger."
The Love Commandos claim to
have helped hundreds of couples
marry since they set up the hotline in July. "You have to understand that in every nook and
corner of the country there are
couples under threat," Sachdev
says. "Our society does not accept love. There is a social stigma
involved in a boy and girl in love."
It was an outbreak of so-called honour killings in northern India
this year that spurred the Love
Commandos into action, convincing Sachdev and his friends
to transform their ad hoc operation into a 24-hour national hotline. It also prompted the
supreme court to issue notices to
the national government and six
states to protect couples from the
edicts of the panchayats.
Officially, the police recorded 19
murders in northern India as honour killings between 19 April
and 30 June this year. But with
many such killings dismissed as
"suicides", the true figure is probably about 10 times higher. One
recent study estimated that there
are more than 1,000 honour killings in India every year, the vast
majority in the northern states of
Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.
The obsession with caste and
tus is nowhere better demonstrated
matrimonials section of India's
national papers. Brahmins are
much sought after by parents
seeking a suitable match for their
offspring. Rajputs, too. Even those claiming to be more cosmopolitan are no less demanding.
"Caste no bar," one advert declared
stipulating that the successful
groom must be a "Nasa space
scientist, age 29-30".
Those who fail to make the grade
are in mortal danger if they insist
on pursuing the affair: so is the
son or daughter of the family opposed to the match.
Aarti found that out the hard way.
The Love Commandos saved her
in the end, but not before her mother had sold her three times in an
attempt to get her out of the way.
Better that than suffer the shame
of her daughter marrying Sanjay,
the boy Aarti had fallen in love
with the first time she clapped
eyes on him on the rooftop of the
neighbouring house in the city of
Agra, home of the Taj Mahal, that
most familiar monument to love.
She gazes at him now as she talks,
her fingers playing with the fabric
of her pink and orange dupatta.
The 19-year-old has a slash of vermilion running along her central
parting, the sign of a married Hindu woman.
"The first time I saw him I fell for
him. It was my heart's feeling.
Even if I attempt to forget him, I
never can," she says. He is a day
labourer, aged 21, making cardboard boxes for a handful of rupees. He sits beside her in his
faded jeans and cheap printed
T-shirt on the bed of the safe house. "I had a clear view into her house," Sanjay says. "We used to talk
to each other across the rooftops.
It was love at first sight. But it was
when we fell in love that the problems started."
Never mind that both their mothers worked as domestics, both
their fathers were dead and they
lived next door to each other: Aarti's caste, Thakur, the dominant
one in the street, easily outranked
Sanjay's Kashyap caste.
Three years ago, Aarti's mother,
Laxmi Devi, overheard her
talking to Sanjay. "It was just
sweet nothings," she says. "I love
you, that sort of thing."
Laxmi Devi could not contain her
fury. Her daughter was consorting with a lower-caste boy and
bringing shame on them all. She
resolved to do whatever it took to
get Aarti out of the picture.
"My cousin was beating me and
my mother was beating me and
the whole neighbourhood was
beating me because my mother
made such a hue and cry about it,"
says Aarti. "They just didn't want
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
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Continuação: Honour killings: Saved from India's caste system by the Love Commandos
me to marry him. They said they
would kill me, they would never
let us get married."
She dabs at her tears. The first time her mother sold her was in
2007, for 10,000 rupees (£140).
"She took me to a temple. I thought she was going to let me marry
Sanjay. But a woman and a man
came there. My mother was haggling with them," she says. "She
wanted to sell me as a slave for extramarital relations," she says.
Aarti protested so much that the
couple called her mother to take
her home, and the beatings started
again. "Sometimes it was a stick,
sometimes with a bat, sometimes
my head was banged into walls or
I was slapped and punched. They
used to lock me up in my room."
Last year Laxmi Devi sold her
again. This time a man came to the
house. Aarti was summoned. Her
mother said she had decided to
drop her opposition to the match.
Aarti was to go with this man to
find Sanjay. When the man tried
to rape her, she ran to a nearby village and the women there sent her
home. Again she was beaten. But
her mother appeared to be tiring
of the fight.
On 8 May this year, she took Aarti
and Sanjay to Ghaziabad, near
Delhi, presented them at a temple
and told them they were now man
and wife. For four days, the couple were together. Then Laxmi
Devi changed her mind. Aarti
was summoned home again, ostensibly to be presented to her relatives. Instead she was sold for
the third and final time.
This time she found herself in Sobi Pura village near Firozabad in
Uttar Pradesh. Some people had
come to the house and given money to her mother. She says she
was threatened with a gun if she
tried to escape, but she seized her
moment and ran. When she reached the road, she called Sanjay.
He had heard about the Love
Commandos a few days earlier on
a late-night television bulletin.
Now he dialled the number. The
voice on the other end told him to
get to Delhi immediately. When
they arrived, they were taken to
the safe house. The group's
lawyers advised that, having already accepted each other as husband and wife in a Hindu temple,
they were legally married.
"They will stay with us until we
have a guarantee that they will
not be attacked or assaulted," says
But money is tight. The Love
Commandos rely on individual
donations of 100 rupees (£1.40) a
year from their volunteers to keep
going. "We need places where the
khap panchayats can't come and
kill us," says Sachdev. "We are
appealing to everyone who appreciates love to help us. We are
branded people. We have had
death threats and our effigies burned."
He flicks through the files. Here
is a marriage certificate for Sandeep and Kavita from Haryana.
The panchayat had threatened
them and volunteers went to the
village to rescue her. They got Kavita into a car and then drove the
couple to a temple where the marriage ceremony was carried out
immediately. The families were
informed by telegram.
And here is a picture of Sunil and
Geeta from Rajasthan, at their
wedding ceremony in Delhi's
Arya Samaj Mandir, a temple specialising in love marriages. Sonu
Rangi, the group's operational
commander, is in the centre of the
picture, helping with the ceremony.
"It is disgusting that the government is allowing these panchayats to take place," Sachdev
says. "But the sorry state is that
the political leaders, for the sake
of votes, have never dared, and
the officers of the police have never respected the law."
The pressure for action has mounted with the number of cases of
honour killing this year: a young
couple, Asha and Yogesh, were
tied up and tortured to death in Delhi in June because he was from a
lower caste; a newlywed man, Rajesh Negi, was set alight for marrying against the wishes of his
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
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Continuação: Honour killings: Saved from India's caste system by the Love Commandos
family, again in Delhi, in August;
a couple, Inderpal and Maya, were killed and left in a field in Tamil
Nadu two weeks ago. The list
goes on. Stung by the public
backlash, the Indian government
has started making noises about
tackling the problem, with the home affairs minister, P Chidambaram, announcing that he is
actively considering a new law
targeted at honour killing.
Even Bollywood is paying attention. A new movie, Aakrosh,
focuses on the murder of Nitish
Katara, 24, who was killed in
2002 after falling in love with
Bharti Yadav, daughter of an Uttar Pradesh politician, DP Yadav.
Katara was hit on the head with a
hammer before being doused in
petrol and set alight. "The affair
was damaging my family's reputation," Yadav's son, Vikas,
said in his confession to the crime.
It is a mark of just how conservative many Indians still are in
their attitudes towards caste that
the film's director, Priyadarshan,
felt the need to stress that it was
not intended as a criticism of honour killings. "We have left a
question mark at the end for the
audience to decide whether the
practice is right or wrong," he
Kripa and Prashant would doubtless think the latter. They are in
hiding in a safe house, 800km
from Delhi. The death sentence
passed on them by their khap panchayat remains in place.
Aarti and Sanjay may be married,
but they are still not free. They,
too, are under sentence of death.
Those who defend the practice of
arranged marriage often argue
that other cultures fall in love before marriage and out of love afterwards, while in India they
marry first and fall in love later.
All Aarti and Sanjay want is a
chance to find out for themselves
which way is right for them.
"We love each other and we want
to be together. What is so wrong
with that? Why should anyone have the right to keep us apart?"
asks Aarti, anger flashing in her
eyes. "None should have such a
mother," she says.
? Discrimination on grounds of
caste is banned under Indian law,
but still persists in arranged marriages.
? The highest caste are Brahmins.
The lowest, once known as untouchables, are Dalits. Movement between castes is not
possible, and the Indian government still defines a number
of castes just above Dalits as "other backwards castes".
? Though ancient Hindu scripts,
the Vedas, make little mention of
caste, the codification appears to
have developed over thousands
of years.
? Khap panchayats, the local caste
councils, issue rulings on who
may or may not marry.
? Caste councils also take into
consideration the complex gotra
system, an ancestral system under
which people are allotted to a certain lineage at birth. Unlike the
caste system, those in the same
gotra are barred from marriage.
El Universal - Ven/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
"Crimen no se acaba con penas más duras sino con
"Crimen no se acaba con penas
más duras sino con prevención"
Alberto Arteaga aplaude reforma
del Código Penal, pero hace observaciones
Contenido relacionado Una necesidad
Aunque saludó la iniciativa de la
Comisión de Política Interior de
la Asamblea Nacional de redactar
un nuevo Código Penal, ajustado
a la Constitución de 1999 y que
agrupe en un solo instrumento las
más de 70 leyes que contienen delitos, el experto penalista Alberto
Arteaga Sánchez le salió al paso a
quienes desde el Parlamento aseguran que este instrumento será
"el arma más eficaz contra la inseguridad".
"(La inseguridad) no se combate
con más tipos delictivos, con penas más graves o simplemente
con más normas penales. La inseguridad se combate con una
verdadera política criminal; con
más prevención y menos represión; con el funcionamiento
adecuado de los órganos que tienen en sus manos la justicia penal;
con mayor celeridad procesal y
con un verdadero y humano sistema penitenciario", afirmó el ex
decano de la Facultad de Ciencias
Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.
Tras revisar los más de 900 artículos que tiene el proyecto elaborado por la Comisión de
Política Interior, Arteaga aseveró
que el mismo, "en sus normas generales, responde a las exigencias" de la Carta Magna y
"consagra principios garantistas
de un moderno derecho penal".
Sin embargo, el catedrático criticó que se mantengan disposiciones
complicidad correspectiva, por
considerarla "caduca y contraria
a la presunción de inocencia".
Asimismo rechazó que se refuercen los llamados delitos de
desacato (vilipendio e injuria),
por ser contrarios a la tendencia
mundial en materia de libertad de
expresión; y consideró "inaceptable" que se proponga que
el hecho de ser comunicador social sea considerado agravante en
algunos delitos como el de instigación a la desobediencia de las
leyes, devastación o saqueo.
Propuesta inconstitucional
Arteaga rechazó de plano la pro-
puesta de despenalizar el aborto,
por estimar que "lesiona el bien
supremo de la vida y no se justifica en forma alguna" y porque
"propicia la cultura de la muerte,
producto del hedonismo, del materialismo y del utilitarismo".
En el artículo 191 del borrador se
abre las puertas a la interrupción
del embarazo, siempre que este se
produzca antes de la decimosegunda semana de gestación.
En países de nuestro entorno como Brasil, se autoriza esta medida dentro del mismo lapso,
siempre y cuando ocurran otras
circunstancias como que el embarazo haya sido producto de una
violación, que el feto tenga graves deformidades o que la vida de
la mujer se encuentre en peligro.
Exige debate
El penalista demandó de los diputados que cumplan su palabra
de que no aprobarán el proyecto
de Código Penal en este año, por
ser tema que requiere un debate
profuso y amplio.
"La tarea de reformar un Código
Penal -la ley más importante después de la Constitución- debe
contar con el mayor consenso de
El Universal - Ven/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: "Crimen no se acaba con penas más duras sino con prevención"
toda la población y con la consulta a los especialistas en la materia, sin exclusión alguna",
Por último, Arteaga lamentó que
el borrador no haya depurado el
abultado listado de delitos existente en el país. "Creo que ningún
código moderno pasa de 600 artículos y este tiene más de 900. A
título de ejemplos, el Código Penal de España no llega a los 650 artículos; el de Colombia a los 500;
el de Cuba no llega a 400, el de
Alemania no llega a 350", concluyó.
Publica aquí
El Universal - Ven/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Exigen a la AN y al TSJ anular Ley de Alistamiento
Exigen a la AN y al TSJ anular
Ley de Alistamiento
Red de Apoyo por la Justicia y
Provea afirman que el texto es inconstitucional
La anulación de la Ley de Conscripción y Alistamiento Militar,
la cual obliga a todos los venezolanos de entre 18 y 60 años de
edad a registrarse para prestar el
servicio militar, demandaron de
la Asamblea Nacional y del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)
la Red de Apoyo por la Justicia y
la Paz y el Programa Venezolano
de Educación-Acción en Derechos Humanos (Provea).
En sendos comunicados ambas
organizaciones calificaron el texto, que estos días trae de cabeza a
más de uno debido a que el 21 de
este mes vencía el lapso para inscribirse,
Las agrupaciones recordaron que
la Constitución de 1999, en su artículo 134, establece: "Toda persona, de conformidad con la ley,
tiene el deber de prestar los ser-
vicios civil o militar necesarios
para la defensa, desarrollo y preservación del país, o para hacer
frente a situaciones de calamidad
pública. Nadie puede ser sometido a reclutamiento forzoso".
Asimismo, Provea agregó que el
artículo 61 de la Carta Magna
también reconoce que los venezolanos tienen derecho a ejercer "la libertad de conciencia y a
manifestarla, salvo que su práctica afecte a la personalidad o
constituya delito".
Sin embargo, las organizaciones
consideran que el texto, el cual
obliga a los venezolanos a inscribirse en el registro militar so
pena de multas de 12 unidades tributarias (780 bolívares) y como
condición imprescindible para
inscribirse en universidades, obtener documentos como la licencia de conducir y el pasaporte
y postularse a un cargo en la administración pública, en la
práctica representa un reclutamiento forzoso y además
deja sin efecto la objeción de conciencia.
El viernes el presidente Hugo
Chávez se refirió al tema y como
ya es tradicional en él acusó a la
oposición y a los medios de "generar miedo y poner a la gente
contra la Fuerza Armada y eso es
parte de un plan para desestabilizar al país".
En un intento por disipar las dudas el mandatario aseguró que el
registro previsto en la nueva Ley
de Conscripción y Alistamiento
Militar es igual al establecido en
la derogada Ley de Servicio Militar. "Eso siempre ha sido así", remató.
Sin embargo, el jefe de Estado al
parecer olvidó que según la
Constitución que él impulsó el
servicio militar ahora es un deber,
el cual puede ser cumplido también de manera alternativa prestando servicios a la comunidad, a
diferencia de lo que establecía la
derogada Constitución de 1961,
la cual en su artículo 53 estipulaba: "El servicio militar es
obligatorio y se prestará sin distinción de clase o condición social".
Publica aquí
La República/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Acerca de las consultas populares
La democracia representativa, régimen sobre el que hay consenso
en catalogar como el mejor sistema político y de convivencia entre los hombres, cede paso en
ciertas ocasiones a mecanismos
de democracia directa. No una democracia directa tal como la concebían y practicaban los
atenienses, sino bajo la forma de
referendos, plebiscitos y en general todo lo que tenga que ver con
la consulta directa al soberano.
Siempre hemos defendido estas
excepciones a la democracia representativa pues consideramos
pertinente que, para laudar ciertos asuntos de envergadura, se recabe la opinión del cuerpo
Por estos días se ha vuelto a hablar
de los mecanismos de democracia
directa. Recientemente, el presidente Mujica ha expresado su
opinión favorable a que la tan polémica despenalización del aborto sea resuelta mediante una
consulta popular. Para ello, se debería sancionar una ley como la
que propone Mónica Xavier, y
luego, que un grupo de ciudadanos promueva un recurso de
referendo que habilite la convocatoria a un plebiscito cuyo re-
sultado derogará la norma o la
Hasta aquí, nada que objetar. Sin
embargo, hay otros dos asuntos
vinculados a las consultas populares que merecen un análisis
más detenido. Nos referimos a la
Ley de Caducidad, por un lado y,
por otro, a la propuesta del sector
colorado liderado por el senador
Pedro Bordaberry que plantea la
recolección de firmas para plebiscitar una reforma de la
Constitución que habilite reducir
en dos años la edad de imputabilidad.
La Ley de Caducidad de la Pretensión Punitiva del Estado fue
sometida a plebiscito impulsando
su derogación en abril de 1989, y
más cerca en el tiempo, proponiendo su anulación en octubre
de 2009. En las dos oportunidades, la mayoría del cuerpo
electoral decidió mantener la vigencia de la norma. Ahora bien,
el hecho que la Ley de Caducidad
haya sido ratificada por el soberano no la legitima, puesto que
su inconstitucionalidad ha sido
declarada por la Suprema Corte
de Justicia. Y por si ello fuera poco, la opinión prácticamente unánime
de los
internacionales la cataloga como
una norma contraria a principios
generales del derecho y que, además, colisiona con disposiciones
específicas contenidas en tratados internacionales ratificados
por el Estado uruguayo.
Esto da la razón a Ibsen, cuando
hace decir al protagonista de 'El
enemigo del pueblo' que las
mayorías no siempre tienen razón. En ese sentido, la iniciativa
de Vamos Uruguay apuesta al
triunfo debido a la casi convicción de que una considerable
mayoría de uruguayos está de
acuerdo con la propuesta y, en general, con toda medida que tienda
a aumentar el rigor punitivo contra los niños y adolescentes en
conflicto con la ley.
Creemos que no hay que "cobrar
al grito", como hacen algunos árbitros de fútbol que marcan una infracción inexistente por la
presión de los gritos de la hinchada. No corresponde seguir
una corriente de opinión aparentemente mayoritaria cuando
esa corriente expresa percepciones
contrarios a principios y valores
de profundo contenido humanista.
La República/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Acerca de las consultas populares
El incremento de las sanciones
penales no tiene el efecto disuasorio que muchos creen, y su
resultado no es otra cosa que el aumento de la población carcelaria
sin garantía alguna de re-
habilitación de los infractores.
El sistema político debe buscar
otras respuestas al problema de la
minoridad infractora, medidas
que pueden perfectamente bien
llevarse a la práctica sin necesidad de estigmatizar a los jóvenes en conflicto con la ley.
La República/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Dinero para legislativas en EEUU
"Las compuertas están abiertas",
se quejó el jueves el presidente
Barack Obama al denunciar los
fondos aportados a los republicanos, principalmente por
"sociedades extranjeras", mientras que los demócratas enfrentan
dificultades en los sondeos a menos de un mes para las elecciones.
Según el 'Center for responsive
politics', organización que sigue
el financiamiento de los partidos,
3.400 millones de dólares ya han
sido gastados para los comicios
legislativos del 2 de noviembre,
contra 2.800 millones que fueron
empleados para la elección anterior de medio mandato, en 2006.
En enero, la Corte Suprema puso fin a los límites al financiamiento de las campañas
electorales nacionales para empresas, grupos de interés o
sindicatos, una revolución para el
derecho estadounidense que reglamentó estas donaciones desde
la década de 1940. Este giro podría haber pasado inadvertido en
un país donde el dinero y la libertad de expresión son valores
dominantes y donde la publicidad
electoral alcanza proporciones industriales. Pero la ventaja se tornó en favor de los adversarios de
Obama: estos últimos son receptores de las donaciones
provenientes de grupos que favorecen a los conservadores que
no revelan generalmente el origen de sus fondos.
"Observamos mayores gastos por
parte de estos grupos, en particular del lado republicano", precisó
especialista en financiamiento de
campañas del centro de reflexión
Sobre el origen de esos fondos,
Corrado citó a entidades tales como la Cámara de Comercio o las
compañías aseguradoras, en desacuerdo con la reforma de la cobertura de salud adoptada por el
Congreso en marzo y que los republicanos
derogar. El flujo de dinero también beneficia a los demócratas,
que anunciaron una recaudación
récord de 16 millones de dólares
en el mes de septiembre.
Así como en la campaña de 2008,
los donantes pequeños que permitieron alcanzar la victoria a
Obama, comenzaron a realizar
sus aportes al acercarse el 2 de noviembre.
El Mercurio | Santiago de Chile/BR, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Caso Apablaza
Señor Director:
Nuestra institucionalidad sobre la
extradición radica en la Corte Suprema, que tiene competencia exclusiva para conocer y resolver
las solicitudes sobre esa materia.
Nuestro sistema institucional difiere por lo tanto del sistema argentino, que reviste un carácter
mixto, con participación jurisdiccional y de un órgano
político-administrativo. Por ello,
para nuestra cultura jurídica es difícil entender que un órgano político-administrativo revoque y
esté por encima de una decisión
de la Corte Suprema en un estado democrático de derecho.
Más aún, que uno de los fun-
damentos de la decisión de ese órgano sea la valoración de prueba,
materia que en Chile es de la exclusiva atribución de juzgar que
tienen constitucionalmente los
jueces. Por otra parte, las aprensiones que revela la decisión del
órgano argentino importa un desconocimiento de la actual independencia y profesionalismo
con que los jueces chilenos resuelven los conflictos de
connotación pública o política,
cuya prueba más evidente es la
justicia que en democracia se ha
impartido y se sigue impartiendo
a los violadores de derechos humanos, única tal vez en el mundo.
ta negativamente, por otra parte,
la necesaria cooperación internacional que requiere la lucha
contra el delito nacional y transnacional , uno de cuyos instrumentos es la extradición y uno
de sus principios la reciprocidad
internacional, particularmente relevante tratándose de países vecinos. La decisión del órgano
argentino se inserta en el tema
más amplio de la relación de la política con la justicia, de por sí
complejo y pletórico de episodios
Luis Bates
La decisión que se comenta afec-
El Pais | Montevidéu/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Juicio penal, un drama discutido por veinte años
Procesos. Esos casos, como
otros, se resolverán de forma
más ágil y en menos tiempo
Pablo Meléndrez
El sistema penal se agilizará si se
aprueba el nuevo modelo procesal, que propone un proceso
acusatorio y oral. El comerciante
que protagonizó el último caso de
"legítima defensa", desde su rol
de indagado y víctima a la vez,
criticó las demoras.
La instrumentación de un nuevo
proceso penal es un tema de debate al menos desde hace dos décadas en Uruguay. El primer
código data de 1888, que rigió
hasta 1980 cuando entró en vigencia el que actualmente se aplica. En 1997 se aprobó uno nuevo,
pero nunca se puso en práctica
por falta de presupuesto. Ahora
una comisión creada por la ley de
humanización carcelaria de 2005,
terminó de elaborar un nuevo
proyecto que espera el visto bueno del Poder Ejecutivo antes de
que lo trate el Parlamento.
"El sistema es malo y no tiene
cambio. En este país nos pasamos
la pelota uno al otro sin resolver
nada". Esa frase, del comerciante
Jesús Dávila, quien el 30 de septiembre mató a dos rapiñeros que
intentaron asaltarlo y que fue eximido de culpa por la Justicia, refleja el sentimiento de un hombre
que vivió una situación límite y
que después se enfrentó a un sistema judicial lento y burocrático.
El comerciante, que fue absuelto
en virtud de la figura de la "legítima defensa", fue detenido e incomunicado por la Policía el
mismo día del hecho en horas del
mediodía, y liberado dos días después, a pesar de que en la noche el
fiscal había anunciado que no pediría su procesamiento.
La experiencia de declarar en un
juzgado penal y estar detenido e
incomunicado, caló hondo en el
comerciante. "Vivimos en un país
que yo pienso que es civilizado,
pero me está demostrando todo lo
contrario. Es una burocracia y
unas leyes imposibles de creer",
dijo Dávila a El País el miércoles
El hombre también cuestionó la
demora en cuanto al interrogatorio de los testigos que
propuso su defensa. "Es lamentable que alguien que me salga de testigo lo citen a las ocho de
la mañana y termine declarando a
las dos de la tarde", dijo.
De aprobarse la reforma del Código del Proceso Penal (CPP) las
grandes demoras y complicaciones que se viven a diario
en los juzgados de turno, podrían
mejorarse mediante la aplicación
de un modelo procesal basado en
un sistema oral, público y acu-
satorio, que suplantará al actual
"En el nuevo proceso, el imputado tendrá que estar detenido
unas horas, hasta que sea conducido al fiscal, pero si éste decide que no cometió ningún
delito, o que hay alguna causa de
justificación o de inculpabilidad,
no tiene por qué pasar a juez, y se
evitaría pasar por todo lo que pasó
en este caso", dijo a El País el abogado y profesor de Derecho Penal
José Luis González.
¿CÓMO SERÁ? Si el caso que involucró a Dávila hubiera tenido
lugar bajo el CPP propuesto, la situación del comerciante se hubiera resuelto más rápidamente,
ya que al estar el fiscal a cargo de
la investigación -y no el juez como ocurre actualmente- la indagatoria hubiera sido mucho
más ágil.
La nueva legislación prevé que el
indagado, así como los testigos y
las víctimas, deben prestar una
declaración inicial ante el fiscal.
En base a esos elementos, se resolverá si hay mérito para profundizar la investigación y pedir
una audiencia al juez, o clausura
el caso.
Si el fiscal decide "formalizar" la
investigación ante el juez, el caso
-que también se deberá resolver
en el plazo de 48 horas que prevé
El Pais | Montevidéu/IN, 10 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Juicio penal, un drama discutido por veinte años
la Constitución- será mucho más
ágil, porque las audiencias se desarrollarán de forma oral y serán
públicas. Además, el nuevo CPP
establece necesariamente que el
juez debe estar en la audiencia sin
poder hacerse representar por un
funcionario judicial.
El sistema propuesto
La persona indagada por un aparente delito es detenida por la Policía, pero da aviso al fiscal de
turno, y no al juez como ocurre
48 horas
Se mantiene el plazo de detención
regulado por la Constitución, pero se prevé que en cuanto sea posible, el indagado, las víctimas y
los testigos deben prestar una declaración primaria ante el fiscal.
Tras la indagatoria primaria, el
fiscal puede decidir que no iniciará una investigación en profundidad, y por ello no plantea el
caso al juez de turno.
Si hay elementos, el fiscal pedirá
formalizar la investigación y solicitará una audiencia al juez.
El modelo en vigencia
comienza a computar el plazo
constitucional de 48 horas para resolver el caso.
En las 48 horas, se deben tomar
las declaraciones al indagado, las
víctimas y los testigos. También,
en caso de ser necesario, se deben
realizar las pericias técnicas del
El sospechoso de un presunto delito es detenido e incomunicado
por la Policía, que da cuenta de la
situación al juez penal que esté de
Antes de vencer el plazo, el juez
debe decidir si ordena el procesamiento del indagado, decreta
su absolución o dispone su libertad para seguir investigando el
caso en el futuro.
48 horas
El País Digital
Desde la detención, al juez se le
Associated Press/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Facebook campaign supports Mormon leader's
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- A Facebook campaign launched in
support of a Mormon church leader's sermon on same-sex relationships has drawn more than
4,500 responses.
The "I support Boyd K. Packer"
page was started Oct. 5, two days
after the senior leader of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints called homosexual
attraction unnatural and said gays
can and should change.
By Monday afternoon, more than
4,500 people had joined the page
as fans.
Packer, 86, is the second-ranking
leader in the church and next in line to be president of the 13.5 million-member faith. He was
speaking at the faith's semiannual general conference.
When the text of the speech was
posted on a church Web page
days later, Packer's remarks had
been altered.
In the speech, he said: "Some suppose that they were born pre-set
and cannot overcome what they
feel are inborn tendencies toward
the impure and unnatural. Not so!
Why would our Heavenly Father
do that to anyone? Remember he
is our father."
On the website, the word "temptations" has replaced "tendencies" and the question about
God's motives has been removed
Church public relations officials
said the changed wording was
part of a routine practice that allows conference speakers to edit
their speeches to clarify their
National gay rights activists, including the Human Rights Campaign, have denounced the
speech as factually inaccurate
and dangerous, and have called
on Packer to recant his remarks.
A Thursday protest of the speech
in Salt Lake City drew thousands.
The Facebook page has sparked
some opposing viewpoints, but
most responses have praised
Packer and thanked him for defending the values of traditional
marriage and family and "speaking the truth." One poster
called Packer a "Christian hero."
Latter-day Saints consider their
senior leaders prophets who lead
the church through direct communication with God.
A poster from the United Kingdom said those who speak at conferences "say the things we, as a
Church, and the world as well,
need to hear. They speak the words that Jesus Christ Himself
would say, if He were here."
Some posters said Packer's sermon simply restated long-held
church doctrine and that people
didn't understand why it had caused such an uproar.
The HRC has said it will deliver
more than 150,000 letters to the
Mormon church's downtown Salt
Lake City office building Tuesday.
A second Facebook site started
by a group described as LDS
Young Men and Women seeks to
counter the HRC effort with its
own "We Love You President
Boyd K. Packer" campaign. The
page calls for Mormon youth to
send 100,000 letters of support to
Associated Press/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Facebook campaign supports Mormon leader's speech
Packer by Friday.
"... simply tell him how much we
love him and sustain him as a
prophet, seer, and revelator," the
site organizers wrote. More than
6,800 people had signed on as
fans by Monday afternoon.
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The New York Times/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Wife Arrested After Visiting Nobel Winner
BEIJING - The wife of this year"s
Nobel Peace Prize winner, Liu
Xiaobo, was allowed to meet with
her husband on Sunday at the prison in northeastern China where
he is serving an 11-year sentence,
but she was then escorted back to
Beijing and placed under house
arrest, a human rights group
Prison officials had informed Mr.
Liu that he won the award - a decision vehemently condemned by
the Chinese government - the day
before. In their hourlong visit,
Mr. Liu"s wife, Liu Xia, said her
husband had told her, "This is for
the lost souls of June 4th," and
then was moved to tears.
Hundreds died June 4, 1989,
when Chinese troops and tanks
crushed pro-democracy demonstrations in Beijing"s Tiananmen Square. Mr. Liu told his
wife the award commemorates
the nonviolent spirit in which those who died fought for peace,
freedom and democracy, the
group, Human Rights in China,
said in a statement.
In Beijing, Ms. Liu"s telephone
and Internet communication has
been cut off and state security officers are not allowing her to contact friends or the media, the
statement said. Nor can she leave
her house except in a police car,
according to the group. Her brother"s phone has also been "interfered with," the statement said.
Mr. Liu, who was active in the
1989 movement, spent the next
two decades pressing for political
reform in China. A 54-year-old
former literature professor, he
was one of the main authors of
Charter "08, a pro-democracy
manifesto that calls for expanded
liberties and the end to single-party rule in China.
Roughly 10,000 people signed
the document before the government blocked its circulation
on the Internet. Based on his
pro-democracy writings, Mr. Liu
was convicted last December of
"inciting subversion of the state."
The Chinese government has described Mr. Liu"s award as "blasphemy" and has imposed a
blackout on news about it. Security in some areas has been
tightened, and the road to Jinzhou
prison in Liaoning Province, where Mr. Liu is held, has been
On Friday night, the police detained 20 bloggers, lawyers and
academics who gathered for a celebratory banquet at a private
room in a Beijing restaurant. By
Sunday night, 10 guests had been
released, according to a prominent activist, Zhang Zuhua,
another of Charter "08"s main
authors. Three were given eight
days in detention for disturbing
the peace, and seven have been escorted out of Beijing, Mr. Zhang
The Chinese journalist Zan Aizong sent a Twitter message on
Sunday saying that Chinese Internet media outlets had been ordered to post a Xinhua News
Agency article that Russian media were attacking the Nobel
Peace Prize as a "political tool of
the West."
Analysts speculated that Chinese
leaders would gather soon to define the Communist Party"s position on the Nobel award. Until
then, Nicholas Bequelin, a Hong
Kong researcher for Human Rights Watch, predicted that government agencies would tread
"The statement released by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs is almost word for word what they have said before," Mr. Bequelin
said. "The treatment meted out to
dissidents and lawyers is the regular one. Everyone is sitting tight and awaiting instructions from
the top."
The New York Times/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Wife Arrested After Visiting Nobel Winner
Several key Chinese officials are
currently out of the country, including Zhou Yongkang, a member of the Standing Committee of
the Political Bureau of the Communist
Jonathan Ansfield contributed reporting. Li Bibo contributed research.
11 de outubro de 2010
- The New York Times/IN
Matéria similar publicada em
outros veículos:
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Quiet diplomacy at the Commonwealth
There is no leak of a memo (Commonwealth 'has abandoned'
human rights role, 8 October)
because there is no memo directing staff not to respond to reports of human rights abuses.
There was an options paper for
discussion among senior managers about how we could strengthen our human rights
pronouncements and encourage
the buy-in of member governments to address concerns.
Many of our 54 member governments are indeed reluctant
about criticising each other publicly, preferring to do so behind
the scenes.
So the Commonwealth secretariat works on human rights
under the radar screen, unlike
human rights groups that use the
media to try to create change. We
produce results, even if we don't
claim credit for it. We build national human rights institutions,
and free and trained media, and
we work behind the scenes with
governments for change. We
don't engage in megaphone diplomacy, but offer a practical hand. We can make public
statements. We have continued to
express strong concern about the
situation in Fiji - even if the media
has not published our views. We
will continue to take this approach, because it is the Commonwealth way and it has proven
an effective diplomatic strategy.
Eduardo del Buey
Commonwealth secretariat
? Recent criticisms of Commonwealth secretary-general Kamalesh Sharma are unfair. Since
the creation of the secretariat in
1965, the secretary-general has
been either a former politician or
a career civil servant. On the whole they have acted according to
type, with the politicians comfortably dispensing soundbites,
while the civil servants, like Sharma, have preferred discreet and
patient diplomacy. There is little
in the 45-year history of the organisation to suggest that megaphone
necessarily more effective.
1995 Commonwealth heads of
government adopted a plan which
called on the secretary-general to
express disapproval at serious
violations of democratic values
or human rights. But this was in
the atmosphere of outrage which
followed the execution of Ken
Saro-Wiwa in Nigeria, and it gave little thought to the practical
problems of delegating this role
to the secretary-general. Seven
years later, heads of government
adopted an elaborate and lengthy
procedure, mostly conducted in
private, to deal with states perceived to have violated Commonwealth values. Within this
framework, an "immediate" expression of disapproval by the
secretary-general would be inappropriate. A review currently
taking place would do well not to
dismiss the value of the quiet diplomacy in which Sharma has
Professor Philip Murphy
Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Nor is the role of the secretary-general well-defined. In
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
More black people jailed in England and Wales
proportionally than in US
The number of black people jailed in England and Wales is seven
times larger than the amount they
make up of the population. Photograph: i love images / Alamy/Alamy
The proportion of black people in
prison in England and Wales is
higher than in the United States, a
landmark report released today
by the Equality and Human Rights Commission reveals.
The commission's first triennial
report into the subject, How Fair
is Britain, shows that the proportion of people of African-Caribbean and African
descent incarcerated here is almost seven times greater to their
share of the population. In the
United States, the proportion of
black prisoners to population is
about four times greater.
The report, which aims to set out
how to measure "fairness" in Britain, says that ethnic minorities
over-represented in the custodial system". It suggests many of those
jailed have "mental health issues,
learning disabilities, have been in
care or experienced abuse".
Experts and politicians said
over-representation of black men
was a result of decades of racial
prejudice in the criminal justice
system and an overly punitive
proach to penal affairs.
"People will be and should be
shocked by this data," said Juliet
Lyon, director of the Prison Reform Trust. "We have a tendency
to say we are better than the US,
but we have not got prison right."
Lyon said that although there had
been "numerous efforts to address racism in the prison system
? we have yet to get a better relationship between justice authorities and black communities.
Instead we have ended up with
mistrust breeding mistrust."
Evidence of this damaged relationship can be found in the
commission's report. On the
streets, black people were subjected to what the report describes as an "excess" of 145,000
stop and searches in 2008. It notes
that black people constitute less
than 3% of the population, yet
made up 15% of people stopped
by police.
The commission found that five
times more black people than
white people per head of population in England and Wales
are imprisoned. The ethnic minority prison population has doubled in a decade - from 11,332 in
1998 to 22,421 in 2008. Over a similar period, the overall number
of prisoners rose by less than two
thirds. The commission says that
the total number of people behind
bars accelerated in the last decade
despite "a similar number of crimes being reported to the police
as in the early 1990s ? the volume
of indictable offences has fallen
over this time".
A quarter of the people in prison
are from an ethnic minority. Muslims now make up 12% of the prison population in England and
Some on the left of the Labour
party blame its policies while in
power. Diane Abbott, who raised
the alarm over the growing numbers of jailed black men as a
backbencher, said she "very much regretted that the last Labour
government swallowed [former
home secretary] Michael Howard's line that 'prison works'."
"There was never a serious examination of the consequences of
locking up a generation of young
black men. The result is there are
some prisons in the south east
which are now virtually all black.
Many are converting to Islam."
The problems may start at school.
The commission points out that
black children are three times as
likely to be permanently excluded
from education.
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: More black people jailed in England and Wales proportionally than in US
"We are reaping the effects of criminalising a community in the
1970s," says Ben Bowling, professor of criminal justice at Kings
College London and a former adviser to the home affairs select
"The question is how you break
the cycle when young men experience custody. Three quarters
simply re-offend. We have to intervene with families more effectively to stop kids going to
prison. That means looking at
school exclusions. You need to
deal with issues like mental health and substance abuse. It is not
enough to throw our hands in the
The policies implemented in the
last decade mean incarceration levels in Britain are now among the
highest in western Europe. England and Wales have an imprisonment rate of 155 per
100,000 and Scotland of 149 per
100,000 of the population. This
contrasts with rates of less than
100 per 100,000 for most of Britain's neighbours.
The commission also warns of
the rising numbers of women in
jails. It says that the "number of
women prisoners has nearly doubled since 1995 in England and
Wales, and since 2000 in Scotland - currently around 5% of prisoners are women".
The Ministry of Justice said that
the government would not comment on individual portions of the
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Sri Lanka leader to be guest at close of
Commonwealth Games
Sri Lanka president Mahinda Rajapaksa visits a Hindu temple in
Jaffna, earlier this year. Photograph:
Mahinda Rajapaksa, the controversial president of Sri Lanka,
is set to be the guest of honour at
the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in India, on
Thursday night.
Diplomatic sources and protocol
officials in Delhi today confirmed that Rajapaksa had accepted a "joint" invitation from
the Indian government and the
event organisers, and would be
flying to India on Wednesday.
His presence next to Prince
Edward, who will close the games on behalf of the Queen, will
spark anger from campaigners
who have accused Rajapaksa of
failing to protect many thousands
of civilians who died in battles
which ended the long civil war
against Tamil separatists last
year, and of flouting international
human rights law.
In January, the 64-year-old politician won a second six-year
term in a landslide victory and recently pushed through a constitutional amendment that will
allow him to stand an unlimited
number of times.
Rajiva Wijesinha, a Sri Lankan
member of parliament and former
minister, said that it would have
been "rude and improper" not to
accept the invitation.
ces last year to protest at alleged
human rights abuses. "It is unfortunate that the heads of state
says one thing and then there is inconsistency," said Surendiran.
"We've moved on. A lot of people
are now aware that the allegations against us were not correct and the new government in
the UK have made it clear that
they are not continuing the patronising attitude of their predecessors," he told the Guardian.
The head of the Commonwealth
is the Queen but due to an overcrowded travel schedule, Prince
Charles opened the games.
Aslam Khan, head of protocol for
the games, confirmed that the
choice of guest for the closing ceremony in the Jawaharlal Nehru
stadium in Delhi was a "joint venture between the Indian government and the organising
committee". Rajapaksa is not expected to speak at the event, Khan
Tamil campaigners expressed outrage. "It is a shame. The Commonwealth is mainly composed
of developing countries and
needs to apply international law
and humane standards," said Suren Surendiran of the Tamil Global Forum.
Sri Lanka was blocked from hosting the next meeting of Commonwealth leaders in 2011, after
Britain and Australia joined for-
The presence of Rajapaksa
among the senior dignitaries in
front of 65,000 spectators and
hundreds of millions of television
viewers will renew criticism of
the Commonwealth for avoiding
tackling tough issues.
Last week, the Guardian revealed
that the current secretary general,
Kamalesh Sharma, had told his
staff that it was not the organisation's role to "speak out"
against abuses by the 54 member
David Cameron and the foreign
secretary, William Hague, have
both said they will put new emphasis on the Commonwealth in
Britain's foreign policy.
India's invitation is part of a
charm offensive aimed at countering diplomatic inroads made
by China in Sri Lanka in recent
years. The two Asian powers are
both investing much effort in
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Sri Lanka leader to be guest at close of Commonwealth Games
wooing Rajapaksa, who remains
popular with the Sinhalese majority in the island state, with economic aid packages, technical
help with infrastructure projects
and other initiatives.
The Sri Lankans are considering
their own bid for the Commonwealth Games. Rajapaksa is
hoping to win the 2018 event for
Hambantota, the southern Sri
Lankan port, which is his home
pg.75, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Chinese Nobel prize winner's wife detained
(CNN) -- Despite being allowed
to tell her husband he won the
2010 Nobel Peace Prize, the wife
of Liu Xiaobo was detained in her
apartment in Beijing, China, according to a human rights group
and her attorney.
Liu Xia has not been charged with
a crime, but "appears to be under a
de facto house arrest," said Beth
Schwanke, legislative counsel for
the U.S.-based group Freedom
She was taken to see Liu Xiaobo
in a prison several hundred miles
northeast of Beijing, Schwanke
said, and tell him of the honor.
Upon hearing he had received the
peace prize, Schwanke said, Liu
Xiaobo began to cry, and said, "This is for the martyrs of Tiananmen Square."
But upon return to Beijing, Liu
Xia was not allowed to leave her
apartment, Schwanke said. No
one is allowed in, and her telephone is believed to be "destroyed," Schwanke said. Liu Xia
has been able to post to some
Twitter accounts, said Schwanke,
who called the action "absolutely
"Brothers, I have come back,"
said a Twitter post purportedly
from Liu Xia. "I have been under
house arrest since the 8th and
don't know when I'll get to see
everyone again. They broke my
mobile phone so I can no longer
make or receive calls."
"I saw Xiaobo, who learned about
his winning the prize in prison on
the evening of the 9th," she wrote.
"We'll talk about the future later."
Since her husband was named as
a 2010 Nobel laureate, Liu Xia
has gained 1,000 new Twitter followers.
"Xia can't use her mobile phone
anymore," tweeted Chinese dissident Wang Jinbo. "I got in touch
through some other means. She
can't leave home -- they've tightened the security outside." He
said Liu Xia can tweet -- "a little
"Liu Xia is under enormous pressure," said Dr. Yang Jianli, a
member of Liu Xiaobo's defense
team and a human rights specialist with Freedom Now. "We
hope that world leaders will immediately condemn this shameful
act by the Chinese government
and urge Liu Xia's immediate and
unconditional release."
Beijing did not comment immediately on the report of Liu
Xia's detention, and the official
news agency Xinhua was silent
on the subject.
On Friday, Liu Xia said she was
packing to visit her husband under the surveillance of police officers, who promised to take her
to visit Liu Xiaobo Saturday. She
said she could not wait to see him
to tell him he is this year's peace
Liu Xiaobo won the prize Friday,
but news of the win has been
blacked out in China, with no
mention of it on Chinese media.
The same censorship applies to
Chinese blogs, and authorities have blocked the Nobel Peace Prize
section of the official Nobel website.
At least two international television networks -- CNN and
BBC -- were blacked out as the
Nobel committee announced the
winner on Friday, and CNN's reports on Liu remained blacked
out for most of the day.
Liu was sentenced in 2009 to 11
years in prison for inciting subversion of state power.
He is the co-author of Charter 08,
a call for political reform and
human rights, and was an adviser to the student protesters at
Tiananmen Square in 1989.
His wife called the Nobel Prize
"an affirmation of what he has
fought for."
pg.76, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Chinese Nobel prize winner's wife detained
Schwanke said Liu Xiaobo is
doing well in prison -- much better physically than when he was
held in solitary confinement.
Mentally, he remains very strong,
she said, adding that this prison
sentence is his fourth and "he
knows this is necessary to secure
democracy and human rights in
help Liu right now, but it will have effects for the future.
"In the long run, it will leave a legacy that is sure to help bring democratic reform and freedom to
China, that will far outlast Liu's life," Pu told CNN outside the
gates of Liu'sapartment complex.
Freedom Now attorneys, as Liu's
international counsel, will leverage international political and
legal support while his attorneys
in China will continue to work on
his behalf in Beijing, she said.
The Chinese government was angry at the win, calling it "blasphemy against the peace prize"
that could harm relations
between China and Norway, where the Norwegian Nobel Committee is located.
Liu Xiaobo's longtime friend Pu
Zhiqiang said the prize may not
"Liu Xiaobo is a convicted criminal sentenced to jail by Chinese
justice. His acts are in complete
contradiction to the purpose of
the Nobel Peace Prize," Chinese
Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma
Zhaoxu said.
Human rights groups like Amnesty International, world leaders
such as U.S. President Barack
Obama, and governments around
the world all praised the awarding of the prize to Liu, with
many calling on the Chinese government to free him.
CNN's Brian Walker and Steven
Jiang contributed to this report.
pg.77, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Bloggers detained ... but others write on
(CNN) -- Across the world blogging has become a way of spreading your message but for some
that message can cost them their
From Iran to Vietnam, bloggers
take risks going online to spread
news and views authorities have
no wish to see or hear.
In Egypt, Wael Abbas is an award
wining blogger and international
human rights activist recognized for his work by institutions such as the Human
Rights Watch and Reporters without Borders.
His blog Misr Digital which translates as "Egyptian Awareness"
gained worldwide attention for video posts of torture sessions in prisons, mass sexual harassment of
women, and police brutality in the
streets of Egypt.
"In oppressive regimes you get
both sides of the story from bloggers, who can tackle taboo issues
such as torture, homosexuality,
and corruption. Bloggers are a necessity in countries where media
is not free; they are the main source of free information," Abbas
We refused to let them destroy us
--Wael Abbas RELATED TOPICS Internet Social Software
and Tagging Amnesty International Human Rights
But many governments do not allow bloggers to operate freely.
"Bloggers in Egypt face many
challenges especially those who
are out on the street covering protests and taking pictures. It can
start with confiscating your camera and can go as far as police officer beatings in the streets,"
Abbas said.
Earlier this year, Abbas was charged with "providing a telecommunications service to the
public without permission".
The Egyptian government did not
return calls to CNN when asked
for comment on its attitude towards bloggers and Abbas' allegations.
T. Kumar, Advocacy Director
Asia & Pacific at Amnesty International USA, said that due to
countless restrictions some bloggers are forced to become what he
terms "underground bloggers."
"Restrictive countries want total
control over information. They
do not want any independent information that is not approved by
the government to be disseminated to the public. Bloggers
are targeted because they challenge this authority by acting independent of traditional media,"
Kumar told CNN.
In some parts of the world maintaining an active blog can lead to
consequences ranging from police harassment to imprisonment.
In addition to legal obstacles bloggers may face technical barriers
such as site blocking, and Internet
Wael Abbas says he was held in
prison last year for 15 hours without charge. Since the arrest, he
says he has endured harassment
designed to discourage him from
traveling abroad.
"Every single time for the past
year I arrive in the airport I go to
the passport check, my name
pops up on the system, and my
passport is taken. I often sit for several hours and wait until my passport is returned," Abbas said.
He said Egyptian bloggers were
also defiant after Kareem Amer in
2007 became the first blogger in
Egypt to be convicted for his online publications. "We knew they
were targeting Kareem Amer to
make an example of him to other
bloggers, and we refused to let
them destroy us."
Kumar said that arresting a blogger can be a powerful fear tactic
for authorities wanting to silence
opposition or deter Internet users
from publishing anti-government
material online.
pg.78, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Bloggers detained ... but others write on
"The blogging community in restrictive countries has been affected enormously by these
arrests. They have to blog under
the radar fearful of arrest. It also
affects what bloggers publish,
and they may chose to be less critical for fear of being targeted by
the government," Kumar said.
According to Kumar, governments often keep tabs on
bloggers by setting up Internet police units to enforce restrictions,
report on anti-government activity, and monitor Internet cafes.
This is a huge obstacle for bloggers in many developing countries who depend on internet
cafes because they do not own
personal computers or internet
bloggers to abandon the activity
and stifled the growth of social
But Abbas said many bloggers
carry on defying government restrictions as they try to help reach a
freer society.
Kumar said fear has caused some
pg.79, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Rwandan rebel leader arrested in France
(CNN) -- A Rwandan rebel leader
was arrested Monday in Paris,
France, under an International
Criminal Court warrant involving mass rape and other crimes committed in the Democratic
Republic of Congo, the court announced.
Callixte Mbarushimana, a leader
of the Democratic Forces for the
Liberation of Rwanda, or FDLR
in its French-language acronym,
is charged with 11 counts of crimes against humanity and war crimes including rape, gender-based
persecution and property destruction by the FDLR in 2009, the
ICC statement said.
ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno
Ocampo thanked authorities in
France, Germany, Congo and
Rwanda for their help in the arrest
of Mbarushimana, calling it a
"crucial step in efforts to prosecute the massive sexual crimes
committed in the DRC," the statement said.
The ICC statement called Mbarushimana the first senior leader
arrested for the atrocities in North
and South Kivu provinces of Congo.
The FDLR comprises mainly Hutu extremists who fled to Congo
after taking part in the 1994
Rwandan genocide.
The statement blamed the group
for instigating war in Congo as
part of its efforts to topple the government in neighboring Rwanda, and of attacking civilians in
North and South Kivu provinces
in 2009.
The ICC "is satisfied that there
are reasonable grounds to believe
that Mr. Mbarushimana, as Executive Secretary of the FDLR 'Steering
personally and intentionally contributed to a common plan of
conducting attacks against the civilian population in order to
create a 'humanitarian catastrophe' and to launch an
international campaign to extort
concessions of political power for
the FDLR," said a separate ICC
document issued Monday.
CNN's Tom Cohen contributed
to this story.
Clarín/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
La relación con Chile, afectada
La reciente decisión del Gobierno de concederle asilo político al ex dirigente guerrillero
chileno Galvarino Apablaza
Guerra amenaza con provocar el
mayor deterioro en las relaciones
bilaterales con el país trasandino
de los últimos tiempos.
Es evidente que la decisión ha
obedecido a razones de política
doméstica y más aún de compromisos personales, afectando
innecesariamente una relación binacional basada en la confianza y
la cooperación. En primer lugar,
porque al considerar a Apablaza
Guerra como un refugiado político, se está desconociendo que
Chile es una república en la que ri-
gen plenamente el Estado de Derecho y las garantías jurídicas.
Como se sabe, el reclamo de extradición se vinculaba con una
causa judicial en la que se investiga el asesinato del ex senador Jaime Guzmán y el
secuestro del editor periodístico
Cristián Edwards en el año 1991,
hechos atribuidos al Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez, la organización
Apablaza Guerra. La Corte Suprema había dado curso al pedido
de extradición, hasta tanto el Gobierno se expidiera sobre la
condición del ciudadano chileno
reclamado por la Justicia de su
Al resolver finalmente en favor
del asilo, basado en el dictamen
confidencial de la Comisión Nacional para los Refugiados, el Gobierno desconoce el reclamo
chileno. No sólo la decisión, sino
el modo en que fue defendida y la
manera en que fue comunicada,
evidencian el descuido oficial de
la calidad de los vínculos con el
país hermano dañando las relaciones bilaterales.
La concesión del asilo político a
Apablaza Guerra descuida la
relación con Chile privilegiando compromisos domésticos o personales.
El Universal - Ven/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Proyecto de Código Penal da luz verde a la eutanasia
Proyecto de Código Penal da luz
verde a la eutanasia
Experto cuestiona el planteamiento por ser contrario a la
Contenido relacionado La "buena muerte" en el mundo
Una persona que padezca un cáncer terminal podrá solicitarles a
los médicos que lo tratan ayuda
para morir y ellos podrán atender
esa petición, sin que eso pueda
acarrearles alguna consecuencia
Esto podría ser así, siempre y
cuando se apruebe el proyecto de
Código Orgánico Penal que elaboró la Comisión de Política Interior de la Asamblea Nacional,
en el cual se legaliza la eutanasia.
En el artículo 163 del texto se establece que "no será punible el
médico quien, por voluntad expresa de una persona hábil por la
ley, sea requerido para poner fin a
su vida, por procedimientos científicos, siempre y cuando: Conste
por escrito de cualquier forma la
expresión clara y libre de su voluntad; se trate de persona mayor
de edad o emancipado; la persona
solicitante presente una en-
fermedad terminal, incurable, en
fase terminal constatada y ratificada en condiciones clínicas y
la opinión manifestada por dos
médicos ajenos a la relación médico-paciente; cuando la persona
solicitante esté mentalmente incapacitada, o se haya diagnosticado la muerte cerebral por
metodología científica prevaleciente, se tomará como
expresión de voluntad la otorgada por documento público ante
autoridad competente en oportunidad anterior al suceso que lo
incapacite y en su defecto por los
dos familiares más allegados".
También llama la atención que
pese a que se propone legalizar la
llamada "buena muerte" en el texto se continúa penalizando la instigación y ayuda al suicidio
(artículo 162), con penas que van
de cuatro a ocho años de prisión.
timos años que en Venezuela se
formula una propuesta de este tipo. En 2004, en el anteproyecto
de Código Penal que el Tribunal
Supremo de Justicia (TSJ) presentó a la Asamblea Nacional, se
realizó un planteamiento similar,
aunque en él se preveían casos
que podían ser sancionados.
Voces en contra
El ex decano de la Facultad de
Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de
la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Alberto Arteaga Sánchez,
constitucionalidad de la propuesta contenida en el proyecto
elaborado por la Comisión de Política Interior del Parlamento.
"La vida debe ser respetada desde
el momento de la concepción hasta el momento de la muerte y no se
trata de un bien jurídico disponible", afirmó el experto,
quien recordó lo señalado por la
Constitución en sus artículos 2 y
43. En el primero se califica a la
vida como uno de los "valores superiores" del Estado venezolano
y en el segundo se establece: "El
derecho a la vida es inviolable.
Ninguna ley podrá establecer la
pena de muerte, ni autoridad alguna puede aplicarla".
Esta no es la primera vez en los úl-
Internacionalmente uno de los ar-
Sin embargo, en el borrador no se
habla de eutanasia, sino de "autonomía de voluntad" y se deja en
claro que solo el afectado puede
revocar su consentimiento a recibir o dejar de recibir un tratamiento que podría poner fin a su
El Universal - Ven/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Proyecto de Código Penal da luz verde a la eutanasia
gumentos esgrimidos con mayor
fuerza para rechazar esta práctica
es que la eventual legalización de
la eutanasia reduciría los niveles
de confianza en los sistemas de salud pública, pues los enfermos podrían temer que por representar
una carga financiera para el Estado se optara por inducir su
muerte. Asimismo hay quienes
sostienen que ella conduciría a la
reducción de los fondos para la investigación de enfermedades que
hoy son consideradas incurables.
Junto a la eutanasia otro de los temas polémicos que figuran en el
proyecto de Código Penal es el de
la regularización del aborto.
Publica aquí
El Mercurio | Santiago de Chile/BR, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Caso Apablaza
Señor Director:
La decisión de un órgano gubernativo argentino, con directa
participación de autoridades superiores del gobierno, de impedir
la extradición de un ciudadano
chileno solicitada por la Corte
Suprema de Chile, y aprobada por
la Corte Suprema de ese país, al
recurrir al ardid de otorgarle asilo
político, es un acto inamistoso hacia Chile.
Pero cuando la extradición solicitada está fundada en la necesidad de que comparezca ante
el tribunal chileno para responder
eventualmente por la participación que se le imputa en la
conspiración y asesinato de un senador de la República en ejercicio, tal negativa pasa a ser ya
una grave violación de una obligación internacional por parte de
Argentina. En efecto, tal asesinato configura precisamente un
acto de terrorismo selectivo.
Argentina es parte en convenciones internacionales y en
otras propias de nuestro continente, que la obligan no sólo a
no dar protección ni asilo en su
territorio a una persona que es requerida por los Tribunales de Justicia del Estado de la
nacionalidad del solicitado, sino
que, además, "deberá utilizar todas las medidas disponibles conforme a la ley para perseguir,
capturar, extraditar y castigar" al
individuo que es imputado de un
crimen semejante (Acuerdo de la
XXIV Reunión de Consulta de
los ministros de RR.EE., de la
OEA, adoptada en virtud del
gentina, en un intento por eludir la
gravedad de la ofensa a la justicia,
ha negado la naturaleza terrorista
del asesinato de un senador en
ejercicio, sin percatarse de que
con ello desconoce la gravedad y
existencia del terrorismo selectivo. Y al aprobar la negativa a
la extradición y al otorgar asilo
político ha olvidado que el "asilado" también es imputado por
su participación en el secuestro
de una persona, y también por ese
tipo de delitos el derecho internacional convencional contempla la obligación del Estado
donde se encuentra el inculpado
de no proteger ni asilar, y de perseguir, capturar, castigar o extraditar si es el caso.
La propia Presidenta de Ar-
El Universal - Ven/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Desde hoy están abiertas postulaciones para
Magistrados del TSJ
Desde hoy están abiertas postulaciones para Magistrados del
El lapso para presentar la documentación necesaria es entre el
11 y el 18 de octubre de este año,
en la sede del Palacio Federal Legislativo.
Caracas.- Hoy inició el proceso
de postulación de candidatos a
Magistrados principales y suplentes del Tribunal Supremo de
Justicia, quienes laborarán por un
único periodo de 12 años, tal como plantea el artículo 264 de la
Constitución Nacional.
Podrán postularse candidatos o
candidatas ante el Comité de Postulaciones Judiciales, por iniciativa
organizaciones vinculadas con la
actividad jurídica. El Comité, oída la opinión de la comunidad,
efectuará una preselección para
su presentación al Poder Ciudadano, el cual efectúa una segunda preselección que será
presentada a la Asamblea Nacional, quien hará la selección
definitiva; destaca información
publicada en el sitio web de la
Asamblea Nacional.
lacio Federal Legislativo, de
acuerdo con lo establecido por el
artículo 263 de la Carta Magna.
Los interesados deben ser de nacionalidad venezolana por nacimiento y no poseer otra; ser
ciudadanas y ciudadanos de reconocida honorabilidad. Ser
jurista de reconocida competencia, gozar de buena
reputación, haber ejercido la abogacía durante un mínimo de
quince años y tener un título universitario de postgrado en materia
correspondiente a las candidaturas
será recibida en la sede del Pa-
El plazo para las postulaciones
vence el próximo lunes 18.
Publica aquí
El Universal - Ven/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Copei respalda recurso de amparo contra actual
Asamblea Nacional
Copei respalda recurso de amparo contra actual Asamblea Nacional
El Secretario Nacional de la tolda
verde señaló que la solicitud, realizada por el abogado Edgar Parra,
materialización de las amenazas
presentadas por dirigentes del oficialismo.
Caracas.- Jesús Alberto Barrios,
secretario nacional de Copei, informó que la tolda verde dio su
respaldo al recurso de amparo
con medida cautelar contra la actual Asamblea Nacional, introducido ante el Tribunal
Supremo de Justicia por el abogado Edgar Parra Moreno, para
advertir sobre la posibilidad de
que la dirigencia oficialista sancione leyes orgánicas o una Habilitante antes del próximo
período legislativo.
"Respaldamos de manera seria y
contundente el escrito del doctor
Edgar Parra, en relación a la amenaza de los dirigentes del PSUV y
del Presidente de la República de
sancionar leyes Orgánicas, de
aprobar una Ley Habilitante así
como de designar nuevos magistrados al TSJ y miembros del
poder ciudadano antes del 15 de
diciembre. Esto no es más que una
clara violación a la Constitución
Nacional y un grave irrespeto a la
voluntad popular", afirmó el dirigente político.
En este sentido, Barrios señaló
que la solicitud pretende impedir
la materialización de dichas amenazas, pues lo único que intenta el
oficialismo es fortalecer el
proyecto político e ideológico de
carácter socialista.
Por su parte, el jurista explicó que
la actual Asamblea Nacional pretende violar las normas constitucionales de derechos humanos
y a la vez desconocer los resultados de las elecciones del
pasado 26 de septiembre.
En cuanto a las expropiaciones de
industrias Venoco y Ferninitro
así como a las confiscaciones ejecutadas por el gobierno durante
los últimos años, la tolda verde
manifestó rechazó contundente.
"En estos 11 años el presidente
Hugo Chávez ha abusado de su
poder arremetiendo contra el sector privado y violando reiteradamente la Carta Magna con
el único objetivo de avanzar hacia
el socialismo", dijo Barrios.
El Secretario General Nacional
de Copei reiteró que, una vez se
instale la nueva Asamblea Nacional, se rescatará el equilibrio
institucional a la vez que volverá
el control y la fiscalización en la
administración pública.
Publica aquí
Le Monde | Paris/BR, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Projet de loi immigration : touché, coulé !
La justice française est, pour des
raisons historiques, coupée en
deux : justice judiciaire et justice
administrative. Les juges administratifs sont majoritairement
représentés par le Syndicat de la
juridiction administrative (SJA),
qui s'exprime ici. Le SJA est opposé à l'actuel projet de loi sur
l'entrée et le séjour des étrangers.
Certes, ce projet de loi constitue,
pour partie une transposition de la
directive européenne "retour" du
16 décembre 2008, mais pour partie seulement. Puisque tout n'est
pas couvert par la directive, le débat en France reste ouvert.
cédures. Mais après la libération
par le JLD de ressortissants afghans interpellés lors du démantèlement de la jungle de
Calais, ce partage des compétences a été critiqué par le
président de la République dans
un entretien au Figaro du 16 octobre 2009. Celui-ci a souhaité
une unification de la procédure
devant un seul juge. Cette réforme sonnait comme une punition infligée au juge judiciaire
accusé d'annuler de nombreuses
procédures. Cette réforme de l'unification aurait cependant nécessité
constitutionnelle et a été provisoirement abandonnée.
Les deux ordres de juridiction, qui
se partagent le contentieux des
étrangers, sont tous les deux concernés par la réforme. Le tribunal
administratif (TA) est compétent
pour le refus de séjour, l'obligation de quitter le territoire
français (OQTF) et la décision
initiale de placement dans un centre de rétention administrative.
L'autorité judiciaire étant la "gardienne de la liberté individuelle",
le juge des libertés et de la détention (JLD) est compétent pour
la prolongation de la rétention.
Avec le projet de loi Besson, la réforme avortée de l'unification du
contentieux des étrangers refait
surface de façon insidieuse. Par
un dispositif chronologique astucieux, l'intervention du JLD se
révélera sans intérêt en pratique :
le juge judiciaire est sournoisement contourné. Le gouvernement veut, en effet, porter
de 48 heures à 5 jours le délai de la
rétention administrative initiale
non soumise à l'autorisation préalable du JLD. Donc, pendant ce
délai, les conditions de l'interpellation ne feront pas l'objet
d'une décision judiciaire, ce qui
laisse le temps à la préfecture
d'organiser le départ de l'étranger. L'autorité judiciaire est
ensuite éclipsée. Le chêne de jus-
Ce système fonctionnait assez
bien : les escortes de police et les
greffes des deux juridictions
avaient acquis l'expérience de la
nécessaire coordination des pro-
tice est un peu taillé en bonsaï
comme pour décorer l'Etat de
L'idée qui sous-tend la réforme
n'est pas flatteuse pour le juge administratif qui est considéré comme moins "gênant" que le juge
judiciaire par le gouvernement.
Pourtant, le juge administratif a
conquis de haute lutte une indépendance qui ne lui est pas encore
Constitution. Le juge administratif va de nouveau passer
pour un serviteur de l'administration plutôt que de la loi.
Le sous-entendu selon lequel
nous serions plus "conciliants"
avec les préfectures que le juge judiciaire porte atteinte à notre honneur de magistrat. Cette idée
fausse tient à la différence des
taux d'annulation. Mais les deux
juges ne contrôlent pas l'application de la même législation :
le juge administratif doit appliquer une législation sur le séjour des étrangers qui est
relativement rigoureuse, alors
que le juge judiciaire applique la
procédure pénale en matière de
contrôles d'identité, laquelle est
plus protectrice.
La mise hors jeu du juge judiciaire par le projet de loi Besson, va provisoirement créer un
Le Monde | Paris/BR, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Projet de loi immigration : touché, coulé !
vide juridique. Le juge administratif va être conduit d'une
façon ou d'une autre à s'emparer
du dossier du contrôle d'identité.
Ce qui est certain, c'est que le contentieux administratif de la décision initiale de placement en
rétention, qui était jusqu'à présent
marginal, va connaître un engouement
L'escamotage du juge judiciaire va
donc entraîner un transfert de
charge très important au juge administratif qui est déjà très fortement sollicité.
Mais il y a pire. La précédente réforme, à savoir la loi Sarkozy du
24 juillet 2006 complétée par la
loi Hortefeux du 20 novembre
2007, avait compliqué la pro-
cédure administrative tout en imposant au juge administratif un
délai de trois mois pour juger les
refus de séjour. L'effet de la réforme est aujourd'hui indiscutable : le contentieux a
augmenté et le but de respecter le
délai de trois mois a été atteint au
détriment des autres matières.
Or, la nouvelle loi complexifie
encore davantage le système. Elle crée de nouvelles décisions
comme l'interdiction de retour
sur le territoire français et son
abrogation, en relation avec une
autre nouveauté : la décision de ne
pas accorder le délai de départ volontaire de trente jours. Il n'y a pas
eu d'étude d'impact sur le contentieux administratif. Il est pour-
tant certain que la réforme aura
un impact encore plus lourd que
la précédente. Pourvu que cette
bataille navale ne soit pas occultée par des questions plus médiatiques comme la déchéance de
nationalité, car l'accès au juge
pour les étrangers n'a pas moins
d'importance, de même d'ailleurs
que la possibilité pour tous les autres justiciables de voir leurs affaires jugées dans des délais
Laurent Gros, Syndicat de la
Juridiction Administrative En
charge des questions de droit
des étrangers
Le Monde | Paris/BR, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Un responsable des forces rebelles rwandaises arrêté
à Paris
AFP PHOTO / INTERPOL Photographie diffusée par Interpol,
montrant Callixte Mbarushimana
en 2004.
Un haut responsable des rebelles
des Forces démocratiques pour la
libération du Rwanda (FDLR),
soupçonné de crimes de guerre et
crimes contre l'humanité dans les
Kivus en République démocratique du Congo, en 2009, a
été arrêté lundi 11 octobre à Paris.
Les autorités françaises ont procédé "en vertu du mandat d'arrêt
délivré sous scellés par les juges
de la Cour pénale internationale
(CPI) le 28 septembre 2010", a
indiqué la CPI dans un communiqué. Une information confirmée par le ministère des
affaires étrangères français.
Sur le même sujet Les faits Un
responsable des forces rebelles
rwandaises arrêté à Paris Les faits
Le Rwanda critique le rapport de
l'ONU sur les crimes commis en
RDC Les faits Un médecin rwandais accusé de génocide libéré en
France, Kigali "indigné" Les faits
Crimes en RDC : Ban Ki-moon en
visite surprise au Rwanda pour
apaiser Kigali Profil Paul Kagamé, l'homme fort du Rwanda,
réélu Compte-rendu Kagamé re-
cueille 93 % des voix à la présidentielle rwandaise Edition
abonnés Thématique : Le Rwanda de Paul Kagamé Paris ne veut
plus de la veuve de l'ex-président
rwandais Abonnez-vous au : 6€ / mois
+ 1 mois offert
Callixte Mbarushimana, 47 ans,
secrétaire exécutif du FDLR depuis 2007, serait pénalement responsable de cinq chefs de crime
contre l'humanité et de six chefs
de crime de guerre, notamment
des meurtres, viols, tortures et
destructions de biens, précise la
Il aurait joué un rôle essentiel
dans la planification des attaques
systématiques et généralisées
lancées contre la population civile des Nord et Sud-Kivu en
2009, selon le bureau du procureur. Ces crimes auraient été
commis dans le cadre de plusieurs
conflits armés ayant opposé les
FDLR aux Forces armées de la
République démocratique du
Congo (FARDC).
Les FDLR ont lancé "des attaques généralisées et systématiques contre la population
civile afin de déclencher une catastrophe humanitaire", selon le
bureau du procureur. M. Mbarushimana est accusé, en sa
qualité de haut responsable,
"d'avoir utilisé la violence contre des civils comme principale
monnaie d'échange dans le cadre de la campagne internationale visant à exercer des
pressions" et "obtenir une forme
de pouvoir politique" au Rwanda, selon la même source. Quatrième personne arrêtée par la
CPI dans le cadre de la situation
en RDC, M. Mbarushimana est la
première personne mise en accusation pour des crimes commis
au Kivu.
Pour en savoir plus :
- Sur les rebelles hutus, lire l'article de Jeune Afrique "Qui sont
les FDLR ? "
- Consulter le site de la correspondante du quotidien belge
Le Soir dans la région, "Le carnet
de Colette Braeckman" ;
- Voir le reportage de France 24
daté d'octobre 2008 sur les origines de l'instabilité dans l'est du
Congo :
Le Figaro/IN, 11 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Rebelle rwandais arrêté: Paris confirme
Paris confirme l'arrestation d'un
des principaux dirigeants des rebelles hutu rwandais, Callixte
Mbarushimana, lundi sur le territoire français, en application
d'un mandat d'arrêt émis par la
Cour pénale internationale (CPI), indique le ministère des Affaires étrangères.
C'est la première fois que la France procède à une arrestation sur
mandat de la CPI.
"Nous confirmons que Callixte
rwandais, a été arrêté aujourd'hui
sur le territoire français en application d'une requête de coopération, notifiée par le greffier
de la Cour pénale internationale, le 30 septembre
2010", a indiqué le ministère dans
un communiqué.
Le secrétaire exécutif des Forces
démocratiques pour la libération
du Rwanda (FDLR) a été interpellé lundi matin par les gendarmes à son domicile dans le
nord de la capitale où il vivait
avec sa famille depuis plusieurs
années, et placé en garde à vue,
avait auparavant indiqué à La
Haye un membre du bureau du
procureur de la CPI.
Soupçonné de cinq chefs de crimes contre l'humanité
Callixte Mbarushimana, 47 ans,
faisait l'objet d'un mandat d'arrêt
sous scellés (secret) délivré le 28
septembre par la CPI située à La
Haye. Il est soupçonné de cinq
chefs de crimes contre l humanité
et de six chefs de crimes de guerre, notamment de meurtres, viols,
tortures, persécutions et destructions de biens commis en République démocratique du Congo
(RDC) en 2009.
"Pour la suite de la procédure applicable à Callixte Mbarushimana, nous renvoyons au
ministère de la Justice et des Libertés ainsi qu'à la Cour pénale
internationale", poursuit le Quai
d'Orsay. Selon un membre du bureau du procureur, le dirigeant
des FDLR devrait être remis à la
CPI "dans les prochaines se-
maines". "Cette arrestation est
une nouvelle illustration de la
pleine coopération qui caractérise
les relations de la France avec la
CPI et témoigne de la volonté
constante de la France de lutter
contre l'impunité", ajoute le ministère français des Affaires
étrangères dans son communiqué.
L'arrestation de Callixte Mbarushimana fait suite à celles du
chef des FDLR, Ignace Murwanashyaka, et de son adjoint, Straton Musoni, interpellés le 17
novembre 2009 en Allemagne en
vertu d'un mandat d'arrêt délivré
par la Cour fédérale de justice allemande.
Basées dans l'est de la République
démocratique du Congo, les FDLR, dont certains éléments sont
recherchés par la justice rwandaise pour leur implication présumée dans le génocide des Tutsi
de 1994, sont considérées comme
l'un des principaux responsables
de l'insécurité dans la région des
Grands lacs.
The New York Times/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
France Arrests Rwandan Over Congo Atrocities
PARIS - French police on Monday arrested a Rwandan believed
to be a leader of a movement involved in a recent terror campaign in the Kivu region of
Congo in which thousands of civilians have been killed and
Armed with an arrest warrant
from the International Criminal Court in The Hague, police detained the Rwandan,
Callixte Mbarushimana, 47, shortly after dawn at his home in
Paris, a court official said. He is
wanted on charges of war crimes
and crimes against humanity, according to a statement from the
The Rwandan"s activities had
been tracked for more than 18
months in several countries including France, Germany, the
Congo and Rwanda, the court official said.
Mr. Mbarushimana, who has the
status of political refugee and has
lived in France for several years,
was to appear later Monday before a local judge, who must decide on his transfer to the
international court in The Hague. The process could take
several days, because the decision can be appealed.
The prosecutor"s office in The
Hague in a statement said that Mr.
Mbarushima was one of the top
leaders of the Rwandan rebel
group FDLR, that from its base in
the Congo was fighting to gain
power in Rwanda and was using
massive crimes against civilians
to demonstrate its power.
"In 2009, the FDLR leadership
decided to attack civilians in the
North and South Kivu provinces
in order to create a massive humanitarian catastrophe; the FDLR then tried to blackmail the
international community and to
extort concessions of power, in
exchange for ending the atrocities," the statement said.
"As a result of this deadly
blackmail, victims were killed, raped and forcibly displaced and en-
tire villages were razed to the
It was Mr. Mbarushima"s job to
conduct an international campaign to convince foreign governments that that the FDLR
was a legitimate political group
that had to be reckoned with, an
official in the prosecution office
The arrest, evidently some time in
the making, follows an incriminating United Nations report about the intractable
violence in the Congo in the fight
over its mineral wealth and political control in the Great Lakes
Region. United Nations peacekeepers in the region have been
widely criticized for failing to
protect civilians.
Following the report, Human
Rights Watch, Amnesty International and others have repeated their calls for prosecution
of the leaders in different capitals
who are fueling the violence.
The New York Times/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
France Arrests Rwandan Over Congo Atrocities
PARIS - French police officers on
Monday arrested a Rwandan believed to be a leader of a movement involved in a recent terror
campaign in the Kivu region of
Congo in which thousands of civilians have been killed and raped.
Enlarge This Image Interpo, via
Callixte Mbarushimana in a handout photo from Interpol.
Armed with an arrest warrant
from the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the
police detained the Rwandan,
Callixte Mbarushimana, 47, shortly after dawn at his home in Paris, a court official said. He is
wanted on charges of war crimes
and crimes against humanity, according to a statement from the
The Rwandan"s activities had
been tracked for more than 18
months in several countries including France, Germany, Congo
and Rwanda, the court official
Mr. Mbarushimana, who has the
status of political refugee and has
lived in France for several years,
was to appear later Monday before a local prosecutor. A court
must then decide on his transfer to
the international court in The
Hague. The process could take several days or more, because the
decision can be appealed.
The prosecutor"s office in The
Hague said in a statement that Mr.
Mbarushimana was one of the top
leaders of the Rwandan rebel
group F.D.L.R., that from its base
in Congo was fighting to gain
power in Rwanda and was using
widespread crimes against civilians to demonstrate its power.
"In 2009, the F.D.L.R. leadership
decided to attack civilians in the
North and South Kivu Provinces
in order to create a massive humanitarian catastrophe; the
F.D.L.R. then tried to blackmail
the international community and
to extort concessions of power, in
exchange for ending the atrocities," the statement said. "As a
result of this deadly blackmail,
victims were killed, raped and forcibly displaced and entire villages
were razed to the ground."
It was Mr. Mbarushimana"s job
to conduct an international campaign to convince foreign governments that that the F.D.L.R.
was a legitimate political group
that had to be reckoned with, an
official in the prosecutor"s office
The arrest, evidently some time in
the making, follows an incriminating United Nations report about the intractable
violence in Congo in the fight
over its mineral wealth and political control in the Great Lakes
Region. United Nations peacekeepers in the region have been
widely criticized for failing to
protect civilians.
Following the report, Human
Rights Watch, Amnesty International and others have repeated their calls for prosecution
of the leaders in different capitals
who are fueling the violence.
The United Nations report on the
Congo, prepared one year ago and
finally released this month, paints
a picture of a complex web of interests in which armies and militias from a half-dozen African
countries were involved in slaughtering civilians between 1993
and 2003. By some estimates, those wars left up to 4 million people
The arrest of Mr. Mbarushimana
is linked to a cycle of violence that
took place mostly in 2009. The
Hague court"s chief prosecutor,
Louis Moreno-Ocampo, has said
that one of the hallmarks of the
F.D.L.R. has been a large-scale
campaign of rape to terrorize the
population in the Congo"s Kivu
The prosecutor said in the statement announcing the arrest that
it was a "crucial step in efforts to
prosecute the massive sexual crimes" in the Congo. He said that
more than 15,000 cases of sexual
violence were reported in 2009
alone. As late as August 2010, the
F.D.L.R. was involved committing more than 300 rapes in
Northern Kivu, he said.
One official in the prosecution office said there was evidence the
group was also linked to the
The New York Times/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: France Arrests Rwandan Over Congo Atrocities
Rwandan and Congolese fighters
who stormed into the village of
Luvungi in late July and gang-raped at least 200 women.
According to court documents,
Mr Mbarushimana is an ethnic
Hutu who fled Rwanda after the
Hutu regime"s genocide of ethnic
Tutsis. Many Hutu refugees reconstituted into rebel groups that
launched attacks in Rwanda in a
bid to return to power. The
F.D.L.R. is an offshoot ofone of
those rebel groups and is seeking
to expand its influence through its
armed wing operating in Congo.
The official at the Hague prosecutor"s office said the prosecutor had requested an arrest
warrant for Mr. Mbarushimana
on Aug. 20, and that the judges
signed it on Sept. 28. But the warrant had been kept secret until
French police made their move on
The official also said that the
Rwandan had lived in Paris for several years as a political refugee
where he had a job as a computer
technician. An Interpol photo
shows him as a slender man, wearing glasses, on what appears to
be a wintry Paris street.
pg.93, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Celebrating Nobel, woman arrested for splashing
Hong Kong, China (CNN) -- A
woman celebrating the awarding
of the Nobel Peace Prize to a Chinese dissident has been charged
with assault for accidentally
splashing champagne on a security guard outside the Chinese
central government's liaison office in Hong Kong.
"The officer walked up as I was
opening a bottle of champagne
and he was splashed," said Ip
Ho-yee, 22. "It was a minor incident. I never guessed that opening a bottle of champagne would
lead to this."
Ip, who was arrested Sunday afternoon, made her comments in
The security guard was not injured, but he made a complaint, so
Ip was arrested and charged with
common assault, said Hong
Kong police spokesman Lawrence Li.
"This is an absurd case," said Law
Yuk-kai, director of Human Rights Monitor, a group based in
Hong Kong. "This just shows
who's the boss," Law said, referring to the mainland Chinese
Video: China censors Nobel coverage Video: Liu Xiaobo wins
Nobel Prize Video: China's reaction to Liu win Video: Liu Xiaobo wins Nobel (Chinese)
RELATED TOPICS China Nobel Peace Prize
The British returned Hong Kong
to China in 1997, with China's
promise that Hong Kong could
continue to govern itself for the
next 50 years. But critics of Beijing say the mainland government has encroached on
Hong Kong residents' rights and
interfered with the special administrative
a call for political reform and
human rights, and was an adviser to the student protesters at
Tiananmen Square in 1989.
Ip was released on her own recognizance and is to appear before police in late November, said
the police spokesman.
"We have a very strong tradition
of awarding the prize to human
rights activists of many different
kinds," Geir Lundestad, director
of the Nobel Institute, told CNN.
She and others were celebrating
the Nobel victory of Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, who is serving
an 11-year prison sentence after
repeatedly calling for human rights and democratization.
Liu was sentenced in 2009 for inciting subversion of state power.
He is the co-author of Charter 08,
The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the prize to him
on Friday.
A Chinese foreign ministry
spokesman said the awarding of
the prize to Liu was "blasphemy
against the peace prize" that
could harm relations between
China and Norway.
The Nobel Committee stood by
its choice and said it had expected
China to react strongly.
"This is a tradition we are very
proud of, and this is a tradition for
which the Norwegian Nobel
Committee has received much applause," Lundestad said. "We felt
that if we were serious about this
tradition, we did have to come to
terms with the question of China
in this perspective, and this is
pg.94, 12 de outubro de 2010
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Continuação: Celebrating Nobel, woman arrested for splashing champagne
what we then did this year."
A record 237 names were submitted for the 2010 Nobel Peace
Prize, the Nobel committee said.
Thirty-eight of the nominees are
organizations. Nominees are not
revealed for 50 years.
12 de outubro de 2010
Matéria similar publicada em
outros veículos:
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Gareth Peirce: Why I still fight for human rights
Gareth Peirce, the leading human rights lawyer.
Photograph: Jenny Duval/EMPICS
Gareth Peirce, the leading
human rights lawyer. Photograph: Jenny Duval/EMPICS
'I don't have any memories of my
childhood now," says Gerry Conlon, as he rolls a cigarette in the
sun-dappled garden of a cafe in
Camden Town, north London.
"But everything that happened
from Saturday 30 November
1974 is absolutely vivid." That
was the day the 20-year-old was
arrested in Belfast for his supposed part in the Guildford pub
bombings, in which five people
died and 65 were injured. It was
15 years before Conlon was finally released from prison thanks mostly to the human rights lawyer Gareth Peirce.
Conlon became known as one of
the Guildford Four, whose convictions, along with those of the
Birmingham Six and the Maguire
Seven, remain among the most
grievous miscarriages of justice
in British history. Here's a typical
vignette from Conlon's 15 years
in British jail: "When they put me
in a cell in the police station, there
was no mattress or anywhere to
sit. There was no glass in the windows, so flurries of snow were coming in. I was shivering. To make
myself small I rolled into the foetal position. A policeman came
into the cell with an alsatian as I
was lying on the floor naked. He
loosened the lead and the dog leaped at me. Its teeth were not even
an inch away from my face. He
said, 'Don't lie down again or I'll
come back with the dog and take
it off the leash.'"
In her new book, Dispatches from
the Dark Side: On Torture and the
Death of Justice, Peirce argues
that these miscarriages catalysed
conflict in Northern Ireland.
"Central to the anger and despair
that fuelled the conflict was the
realisation that the British courts
would offer neither protection
nor justice," she writes. "This
should be always in our minds as
we analyse the experiences of our
new suspect community." Certainly, this thought has been in her
mind a long time. Moazzam Begg, the one-time terror suspect
whom Peirce represented before
and during his imprisonment in
Guantánamo Bay, says, "She said
soon after I met her in 1998: 'It
was the Irish first and I can see
now it's the turn of the Muslims.'"
Peirce, who represented many
wrongfully jailed Irish men and
women in the 1980s and has spent
much of the last decade working
for Muslim terror suspects, adds:
"Muslim men and women here
and across the world are registering the ill-treatment of their
community, and recognising the
analogies with the experiences of
the Irish."
Conlon says that, after losing his
1977 appeal and learning of the
death of his father Giuseppe Conlon (also wrongly convicted for
terrorist crimes) in a British jail in
1980, he gave up all faith in British justice and British lawyers.
Only in 1987 did a Catholic nun
change his mind. Sister Sarah
Clarke told him that she had a
friend she'd like him to meet. That
was Gareth Peirce.
It must have been some meeting
in Long Lartin prison. Peirce
looked and sounded like the a pillar of the British establishment;
Conlon did not. She had been educated at one of Britain's most exclusive schools for girls,
Cheltenham Ladies, before
studying at Oxford and the London School of Economics. And
yet: "Within 20 minutes, I felt this
is the person who's going to get
me out of prison," Conlon now
says. "She was so convincing in
her belief that the system had the
ability to own up to huge errors
and mistakes. She spoke in a calm, intelligent way that gave me
hope for the first time. She was so
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Gareth Peirce: Why I still fight for human rights
believable when she said: 'My job
is to get you out and I'm going to
get you out.'"
Peirce found a suppressed police
statement from Charles Burke,
who had been living in the same
Kilburn hostel as Conlon, which
gave Conlon an alibi. In 1989,
mostly as a result of the overwhelming doubt Peirce's work cast on
his conviction, Conlon was freed.
His ordeal isn't over. In 2005, he
had a month's worth of state-funded therapy: "Until then,
I'd never thought about my father's death and what happened to
his body, but it haunts me now."
The story of the treatment of Giuseppe Conlon's corpse, when staff
at Belfast Airport refused to handle the coffin, is told on the final
page of Peirce's book: "His body
was flown back to England three
times. A British army officer, after Conlon's body was flown to
Belfast a fourth time, informed
the undertaker, 'It is on that plane
but it is not coming off. The problem is the press have been notified and we can't be seen to be
handling the body of an IRA
Peirce relates this incident not just
to show how a lie can pursue an innocent man after his death, but to
draw a parallel between the treatment of Giuseppe Conlon and Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the Libyan
jailed for the Lockerbie plane
bomb in 1988 in which 243
sengers and 16 crew were killed.
Giuseppe, she writes, was wrongly convicted on disputed forensic scientific evidence, as later
was al-Megrahi.
Peirce has no doubts that the
Libyan, like the Conlons, was fitted up for a crime he did not commit by a British state prioritising
its own supposed interests over
justice. She writes: "Only a simpleton could believe that Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi . . . was
not recently returned to his home
in Libya because it suited Britain
considerably to have him do so.
The political furore has been very
obviously contrived, since both
the British and American governments know perfectly well
the history of how and for what
reasons he came to be prosecuted."
There is, Peirce argues, "clear and
compelling evidence" linking the
bombing to a Palestinian splinter
group, the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine - General
Command, which at the time hired itself out to regimes known to
sponsor terrorism, notably Syria
and Iran. On this account, Lockerbie was a tit-for-tat response to
the US shooting down an Iranian
plane and killing 290 passengers,
including pilgrims flying to Mecca, in July that year. For two years, the Lockerbie investigation
focused on that link. Then something changed, and the
Palestinian splinter group was no
longer in the frame for Lockerbie.
Peirce argues that Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, threatening 10% of US oil supplies,
drove the US and Britain to change geopolitical tack. She writes:
"A sudden shift of alliances was
essential: if Iraq were to be confronted, then Iran had to be treated differently and the Syrian
regime needed to be brought on
board." And one way of cosying
up to Iran and Syria was to change
the Lockerbie investigation's focus, so that these countries were
no longer suspected of harbouring the terrorists or commissioning them. By this stage,
the CIA rather than Scottish police
investigation, and the finger of
suspicion moved from the Iranian
state's hired terrorists to Libya.
The result? The wrong man
wound up in a British jail, Peirce
This is the great theme of her book
and, arguably, her professional life too: that justice dies when the
law is co-opted for political purposes. "Justice has been subverted many times in this country
for political ends that seem hard
to credit," Peirce tells me when
we meet at Birnberg Peirce & Partners, the law firm in Camden
where she trained and is now a
"She thinks this is a good country
and that justice will eventually be
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Gareth Peirce: Why I still fight for human rights
done," Conlon tells me, adding
that in the 1960s, before Peirce
became a lawyer, she spent time
as a journalist in the US. "She followed Martin Luther King
around on his campaign and embraced his struggle for human
rights for black people. She saw
there that the system had the capacity for change and she sees
that here too." But when I put this
to Peirce, she is sceptical. "We're
very apathetic politically and morally in this country. We take it on
trust that if the government suspects people of terrorism and
locks them up, or puts them on
control orders without charge,
they must be terrorists."
After 9/11, the Bush administration introduced the Patriot Act, which, Peirce says,
legitimised the detention of
so-called "enemy combatants" by
presidential order, the abolition
of habeas corpus, and the subjection of detainees to torture in
Afghanistan or Guantánamo, or
their outsourcing via rendition
flights to countries specialising in
what she calls "even more grotesque interrogative practices".
"In Britain, Blair bulldozed through parliament a new brand of
internment claiming that Britain
faced a similar emergency," Peirce says. "This resulted in the arrest on 17 December 2001 of 12
foreign nationals living in Britain
who were all sent to Belmarsh prison. These men have been locked
up indefinitely without trial, never told the accusations against
them, never questioned, never
spoken to by the police, the detainee's lawyer not permitted to
see the evidence against him.
Nothing this bad happened during
the Irish conflict."
But wasn't Blair right to say that
the rules have changed - that Britain has to respond to an unprecedented terrorist threat by
any means necessary? "No. What
has to be done is that the cases
against these men have to be made in public, evidence needs to
presented in court, the accused
should be questioned by the police, and they must know why
they are in jail. None of this has
happened in the cases of the men I
The men she means are the 12
so-called Belmarsh detainees.
Peirce fought against their detention for three years until the
2005 House of Lords ruling that
holding the men without trial was
illegal. Soon after that ruling, these men and others were subjected
to control orders involving curfews, tagging, communication
bans and restrictions on internet
access. Some tags, she says, have
voice-recognition systems that
don't work for Arabic accents.
After the 7/7 bombings in London
in 2005, says Peirce, diplomatic
agreements were established so
that some detainees could be de-
ported to their countries of origin,
although the government knew
the use of torture was still routine
in several of these states. "Many
of the detainees came here precisely because they sought
asylum here thinking this is a home of justice," she says. "That's
proved to be a sick joke." She cites
the case of an Algerian asylum
seeker who decided his control
order made life so miserable that
he would risk torture by returning
to his native Algeria. Benaissa
Taleb was tortured, and charged
on the basis of a false confession
obtained from torture. Worse yet,
says Peirce, his interrogation in
Algeria was based on information supplied from the UK.
Peirce looks what she isn't - a timid figure. She is in her early 60s,
married and with grown-up children, but has a fringe that dangles
over her eyes like a gauche schoolgirl's response to the intolerableness of being looked at.
She will not talk about herself,
not even to tell me why she decided to be known not by her birth
name Jean, but as Gareth. Yet this
is the woman who has represented some of the highest-profile human rights cases
in recent British legal history.
"For over 30 years, she has
worked in an area where the most
vulnerable are often facing the
full might of the state," says her
colleague, Dame Helena Kennedy QC. Among her clients have
been the Tipton Three, the Birpg.98
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
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Continuação: Gareth Peirce: Why I still fight for human rights
mingham Six, the Guildford
Four, former spy David Shayler,
and Jean Charles de Menezes's family. "She specialises in representing pariahs of society,"
says Moazzam Begg. "I know because I'm one of them."
Begg tells me that some of the
Arabic-speaking detainees she
has represented in the last nine
years call her al-Umm. "In Arabic, 'al-Umm', which means mother, can signify the greatest. She's
organised rotas with people in her
office for babysitting so men on
control orders can go to hospital.
Sympathy is the word that comes
to mind. She genuinely cares."
Why does Peirce represent peo-
ple whom Begg calls pariahs?
"It's because the minority has to
be protected from what the majority thinks - otherwise the Benthamite thing, the greatest
happiness of the greatest number,
prevails. Most think secret trials,
torture, rendition flights and all
the rest - that these things are the
right thing to do. But secrecy kills
justice: it has the effect of burying
But didn't some of her clients train
at al-Qaida camps? "Those men
were thinking of fighting for the
Chechens or for the Taliban before the allies invaded Afghanistan. I've represented these
men for a very long time, men
who are stigmatised as a threat to
national security when they're
not. I know that they are intelligent, thoughtful men."
How long these men will suffer
from their treatment by British
authorities is depressing to contemplate. Conlon, now 56, says:
"It's 20 years since I got out. In
those years I've been addicted to
drugs and alcohol, I've had
breakdowns, I've tried to kill
myself twice. I wake up crying.
It's better sometimes not to go to
sleep, because the memories are
waiting for me."
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
English tests for spouses may breach human rights,
UK told
Indian wedding ... spouses from
South Asia will need to pass a test
of English before coming to the
UK. Photograph: Janet Wishnetsky/Corbis
The UK government's plans to introduce an English language test
for those coming to Britain to marry UK citizens could breach
human rights and race relations
laws, leading human rights
lawyers have said.
A legal opinion by Rabinder Singh QC and Aileen McColgan, of
Matrix Chambers, said the decision to impose the test from November has more to do with
reducing the number of immigrants to Britain than
minimising abuse.
The lawyers said that the introduction of pre-entry tests
amounted to a breach of the right
to family life under human rights
laws. They also said it was likely
to be discriminatory to require someone with a degree in English
from India to take the test but not
someone from California who
speaks only Spanish.
The legal opinion was commissioned by the human rights
group Liberty. Its director, Shami
Chakrabarti warned that the opinion would support a high court
challenge if the tests, which will
affect more than 25,000 spouses a
year, go ahead.
"We have warned that pre-entry
English tests are discriminatory
and unlawful - a view now endorsed by one of the foremost barristers
Chakrabarti said. "If the government persists with this
half-baked policy, it will face embarrassing litigation unworthy of
a coalition built on fundamental
The tests apply only to those who
non-English-speaking countries. The top
five countries of origin of those
coming to marry UK citizens are
Pakistan (8,570), India (5,110),
Bangladesh (2,780), the US
(2,110) and Thailand (1,776).
Ireland sets sights on 50% rise
in foreign students
The Irish government has set a target to increase the number of international
universities by 50% and in English language schools by 25% by
The aim of the new five-year strategy, entitled Investing in Global
Relationships, is to increase the
contribution of the education sector to the Irish economy to $1.6bn
by 2015, up from an estimated
$1.2bn currently.
As part of the strategy, the government has also launched new
immigration rules for international students that reduce
requirements but put in place additional safeguards that aim to
prevent abuse of the system.
A statutory code of practice and a
quality mark for education institutions will be introduced to
strengthen international marketing of Ireland as a study destination.
Numbers of full-time students are
intended to rise from the current
level of 17,000 to 25,500 by 2015.
Numbers of English language students would rise from 100,000 to
120,000, ministers said.
Arizona investigated for accent
Education officials in Arizona
are under investigation by the departments of justice and education to determine whether the
state breached the civil rights of
teachers who are not native English speakers by singling them
out because of their accents.
The state's education officials have defended their policy of monitoring the fluency in English of
teachers who are teaching English language classes in schools
with high numbers of non-Enpg.100
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
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Continuação: English tests for spouses may breach human rights, UK told
glish speakers.
British Columbia offers lessons
to child refugees
Children from among a group of
nearly 500 Tamil refugees who
arrived by ship off the Canadian
coast in August are being given
English lessons while they accompany their parents, who are
being held in custody. "The more
we can give them a head start if
they are settling in our country,
the better off they will be," said
Elliott Grieve, associate superintendent of the Burnaby
Board of Education in British Columbia.
[email protected]
Matéria similar publicada em
outros veículos:
12 de outubro de 2010
- The Guardian | Londres/IN
Max de Lotbinière
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Quangos on threat list to learn fate
ped, 94 were still under threat of
being axed, four would be privatised and 129 merged, while
350 other bodies have won a reprieve.
Bedgebury Pinetum, close to the Kent-East
Sussex border, is owned by the Forestry
Commission, one of a number of quangos about
to learn whether it will survive the government's
cuts. Photograph: David Levene
Bedgebury Pinetum, close to the
Kent-East Sussex border, is
owned by the Forestry Commission, one of a number of quangos about to learn whether it will
survive the government's cuts.
Photograph: David Levene
Nearly 750 publicly-funded bodies will tomorrow learn whether
they are to be shut down, merged
or saved as ministers outline what
has survived the coalition's "bonfire of the quangos". Thousands
of jobs are expected to be lost as
ministers cut down on advisory
and regulatory bodies, many set
up under the last government.
Unions are readying themselves
to provide assistance to those who
face losing their jobs. Thousands
more are expected to transfer into
their parent department in Whitehall, which will require complex changes to their job
The Cabinet Office minister,
Francis Maude, will inform parliament on Thursday of the final
decision but chief executives and
the directors will learn tomorrow
in order to be able to brief staff.
Among those certain for closure
are the Film Council, the Audit
Commission and, at the time of
the leak, 50 bodies related to the
Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs and 30
linked to the Department of Health, including the Human Fertilisation
Authority, the Health Protection
Agency and the Commission for
Rural Communities.
Energy Savings Trust, Equality
and Human Rights Commission, Forestry Commission
and Office for Fair Trading.
They could be abolished, reformed or privatised.
A leaked letter from the head of
the Audit Commission to the permanent secretary at the Department for Communities and
Local Government reveals they
are making 500 redundancies by
April and that complete closure
would require another 1,500 job
losses, which would cost £75m in
redundancy deals alone, though
many may move over to successor bodies.
Thursday's announcement will
resolve the fate of others including the BBC World Service,
British Council, Environment
Agency, Competition Commission, Design Council, the
A document listing the fate of the
750 bodies in the review was
leaked over the summer. It suggested that 177 would be
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Congo women relive terror of mass rape: 'This is our
cry for help'
A Congolese woman walks down
the main road in a village where
hundreds of women and children
were raped earlier this year. Photograph: Marc Hoffer/AFP/Getty
Shedla Abedi's age was no protection when the rapists came to
her village.
"Imagine - a young boy of 20, and
me aged 62, old enough to be his
grandmother," she said. She pointed to a frail, older woman
walking with a stick. "Her too,"
she said, "And she's over 80."
The women of Kampala village,
where 35 were raped, still sleep in
the forest at night, for fear the rapists will return. Earlier this month, they gathered in the village to
tell their troubles to Margot Wallstrom, the UN secretary
general's special representative
on sexual crime in conflict.
"This is our cry for help. We are in
pain," said Abedi, to cheers and
applause. "You are our fellow
women and we believe our enemies wouldn't hesitate to rape you
if they were given the opportuntity. They are merciless."
The mass rape of more than 300
women, several men and children
in villages deep in the forest of the
eastern Democratic Republic of
Congo at the beginning of August, has renewed momentum to
tackle the sexual violence in what
Wallstrom has called "the rape
capital of the world". On Thursday, she will present the findings
of her recent visit to the United
Nations security council.
international criminal court in
The Hague is sending a team to investigate the mass rapes, which
occurred in a dozen villages
between Walikale and Kibua in
North Kivu, between 30 July and
2 August.
Mbarushimana, executive secretary of
the Forces Démocratiques pour
la Libération du Rwanda, one of
the rebel groups implicated, was
arrested under an ICC warrant in
Paris. The core of the FDLR are
Hutus who fled Rwanda after participating in the genocide of Tutsis in 1994, and are accused of
war crimes in the DRC.
ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo described the arrest as a "crucial step in efforts to
prosecute the massive sexual crimes committed in the DRC". The
court is expected to issue more
weeks.Last week, UN peacekeepers arrested Lieutenant
Colonel Sadoke Kokunda Mayele, who was identified by several
villagers as a commander of the
Although a peace treaty in 2003
formally brought to an end the decade-long war, which at its height
sucked in troops from seven other
African countries, atrocities - primarily against women - have not
subsided. Militia groups and the
Congolese army now fight over
access to mining areas around Bisie and Omate, where they exploit
gold as well as coltan and cassiterite, used in mobile phones
and other electronic goods. "It's
not a problem which can wait until we get peace. It's something we
have to start resolving now in order to get peace," said Wallstrom.
Rape is a way of humiliating and
cowing local populations who
may be used as slave labour, but
the scale of the August incident
shocked even local doctors who
have seen many horrors. "It's the
first time I have seen something
like this," said Dr Cris Baguma of
the International Medical Corps,
one of the first organisations to
help the women. "I can't understand it, because they didn't
kill people, it was only for rape."
UN peacekeepers have been widely blamed for failing to prevent
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Congo women relive terror of mass rape: 'This is our cry for help'
the attack. A preliminary internal
inquiry found that the nearest
contingent of 80 Indian soldiers
had no training in protecting civilians - even though that is their
mandate - and employed only one
Congolese interpreter. The UN is
meant to support Congolese forces, but they are often as brutal
and ill-disciplined as the militia
and rebels they are fighting.
A confidential UN report, seen by
Channel 4 News, said that "attacked villages were vulnerable
as all FARDC (Congolese army)
soldiers left in July 2010 to participate in 'lucrative' military operations in Omate and Bisie
mining area."
After the rapes, the government
of President Joseph Kabila announced a temporary ban on mining, which may be lifted later
this week, when a new "centre de
negoces" should open at Mubi,
near Bisie. The idea is that government agents should tax the
miners rather than leave them to
run a gamut of illegal roadblocks
manned by rebels, militia and rogue soldiers. But this seems unlikely to stop the brutality.
UN sources say that several battalions of government troops,
which have fanned out across the
jungle around Walikale since the
mass rape, do not get provisions.
They are now preying on the population, looting and raping.
Responding to pressure from activists, the US Congress has approved a financial reform law that
requires US-listed companies to
disclose whether their products
contain "conflict minerals" from
the DRC. "There has to be reaction from [the] EU, from countries all over the world to support
and follow suit," said Wallstrom.
"There's also a responsibility on
consumers and those who manufacture these articles."
they will only feel safe if UN peacekeepers patrol more often and
stay close. "I was raped by eight
men, and they kidnapped my five-month-old baby," said Sikiliza
Buunda. "I was screaming 'I'm
dying'.The whole forest was on fire. Women, children and men were all screaming throughout the
forest. It was a nightmare."
Her friend, Mawaza Misori, said:
"We don't know the real reason
these people won't leave us alone.
It's like the devil attacking for no
reason. We had the courage to
speak out in public because we've
had enough. We're like dying people, who are no longer afraid because they know they're at the
end of their journey."
? Lindsey Hilsum's film on rape
in the Democratic Republic of
Congo will be broadcast on
Channel 4 News tomorrow at 7pm
In Nyasi village, the women say
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
US judge orders an end to 'don't ask, don't tell'
military policy
hern California in 2004.
Former US army lieutenant Dan Choi, an Iraq
combat veteran who was discharged under the
'don't ask, don't tell' policy, appears at an
equality rally in Fresno, California, in 2009.
Photograph: Gary Kazanjian/AP
Former US army lieutenant Dan
Choi, an Iraq combat veteran who
was discharged under the 'don't
ask, don't tell' policy, appears at
an equality rally in Fresno, California, in 2009. Photograph:
Gary Kazanjian/AP
America's "don't ask, don't tell"
policy, which bans gay men and
women from serving openly in
the US military, suffered a potentially crippling blow tonight
after a federal judge ordered a halt
to its enforcement.
The move, which could bypass
political deadlock on the measure
in Washington, sprang from a
court case brought by a Republican gay rights group - the
Log Cabin Republicans.
US district court Judge Virginia
Phillips ordered an immediate
worldwide injunction on the
17-year ban after hearing lengthy
arguments in the case, which was
first brought in Riverside in
Gay rights groups hailed the decision as historic, putting an end
to a practice that they say is both
prejudiced towards gay people
and harmful to the military, as it
kicks out experienced soldiers at a
time of numerous conflicts
around the world. "The order represents a complete and total victory for the Log Cabin
Republicans, and reaffirms the
constitutional rights of gays and
lesbians in the military for fighting and dying for our country,"
said Dan Woods, a lawyer for the
Log Cabin organisation.
But the reality is not quite as simple as that. The US Department of
Justice now has 60 days to appeal
the decision to issue the injunction. The Obama administration has insisted it wants
to get rid of the ban - but only after
Congress has voted on it.
Yet getting a vote through Congress to overturn the policy might
not be easy. An attempt earlier
this year - when a measure ending
"don't ask, don't tell" was tacked
onto a defence bill - ended up
being defeated in the Senate.
Gay rights groups say that the
White House should now let Phillips's judgment and injunction
stand, and thus allow a legal decision to get around the policy
deadlock. If the department elects
not to appeal the decision then it
will effectively become law, they
"The president has said this law
harms our national security, and
we believe it would be a mistake
to appeal the decision. Each additional day that this unjust law remains in force is one more day the
federal government is complicit
in discrimination," said Joe Solmonese, president of the Human
Rights Campaign, which fights
for gay equality.
But so far justice department
lawyers are keeping mum on their
future plans when it comes to a
potential appeal. Tracy Schmaler,
a spokesman for the Department
of Justice, told the Associated
Press that the federal government
was reviewing the ruling and had
no further immediate comment.
"Don't ask, don't tell" has been a
source of complaint from gay rights campaigners ever since it was
brought in by President Clinton in
1993. It allows any soldier who
admits to being gay or is caught
engaging in homosexual activity
to be discharged from the army.
Those opposed to the law say it
discriminates on the basis of sepg.105
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: US judge orders an end to 'don't ask, don't tell' military policy
xual orientation in a way that
would not be tolerable if it instead
covered a soldier's ethnicity or
Upholding the ban remains popular among many politicians
and generals, especially Republicans and conservatives. Former Republican presidential
candidate John McCain has
spoken out strongly in favour of
maintaining the ban.
Judge Phillips's ruling is good
news for gay rights groups at a time when anti-gay crimes have
dominated US headlines this
week. They include several beatings in New York - one in the Stonewall bar which gave the
modern gay rights movement its
November's bitterly contested
midterm elections. Comments by
top Republicans like New York
state governor candidate Carl Paladino, and South Carolina senator James DeMint have been
particularly egregious. Both have
said that they do not feel gay people should be allowed to teach in
At the same time, several politicians have made anti-gay statements as they campaign for
Clarín/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Los chicos indígenas, con peor acceso a la educación
La Constitución garantiza a los
pueblos originarios "el derecho a
una educación bilingüe e intercultural". Sin embargo, los chicos y chicas indígenas son los que
más dificultades tienen para terminar la escuela primaria y los
que reciben educación de peor calidad. Son pocos quienes pueden
aprender en su propio idioma, y
menos aún los que llegan a completar la secundaria.
"En los últimos 30 años se avanzó
mucho en escolaridad primaria, y
en reconocimiento de la identidad de los pueblos indígenas",
reconoce Elena Duro, coordinadora del Diagnóstico socioeducativo de los niños, niñas
y adolescentes indígenas de la
Argentina , que acaba de concluir
Unicef Argentina, y que Clarín
adelanta en exclusiva. "Pero aún
inaceptables de exclusión", agrega
(ver Indicadores negativos...).
El trabajo está basado en la Encuesta Complementaria de Pueblos Indígenas (ECPI), realizada
por el INDEC en 2004-2005. Entonces se asumieron como
indígenas o como descendientes
de primera generación 600.329
personas (es probable que tras el
Censo 2010, la cifra sea superior).
Se identificaron 31 etnias, cuatro
de ellas más numerosas: mapuche, kolla, toba y wichi.
Las dos últimas tienen niveles
críticos de analfabetismo :
19,5% los toba y hasta el 23,4%
los wichí; en los mbyá guaraní,
llega al 29,4%, mientras que la
media nacional es del 2,6%. En la
mayoría de los pueblos, al menos
la quinta parte de los jóvenes y
adultos no terminó la primaria ,
con picos dramáticos entre los
mbyá guaraní (54%), los wichí
(52%), los pilagá (39,8%), los
chulupí (39,5%), los chorote
(37,5%) y los toba (35,2%). En
general, no llega al 15% la población que completó el secundario.
Y apenas el 4,8% alcanzó un título superior.
El 89% no recibe clases en su
"El costo de sostener una lengua
originaria es muy alto. Los pueblos que todavía la hablan son los
que están en peor situación de salud, educativa y de pobreza -señala Duro-. Si bien reconocemos
avances en la primaria, los tránsitos que hacen por la escolaridad
son de pésima calidad : están de
5 a 7 años y salen sin las competencias básicas, ni en la lengua
originaria (cuando la tienen), ni
en la segunda lengua. En la Argentina no hemos encontrado aún
las respuestas más efectivas de la
enseñanza bilingüe e intercultural. En nombre de un hi-
pócrita respeto por la cultura del
otro se ha excluido durante décadas
originarias, y en esto hay una cuestión de derechos".
Comienzan más tarde la escuela,
se alejan cuando deben trabajar
con su familia, y repiten de grado entre tres y cuatro veces más
. El 65% de los chicos wichí tiene
3 años o más de retraso en la escuela primaria. "El panorama de
la educación intercultural es bastante crítico -sostiene la especialista-. Hay déficit de
bibliotecas y de materiales didácticos, en especial en las
escuelas rurales; pero sobre todo
se nota una deficiente formación
de los recursos humanos que trabajan en comunidades indígenas.
Las escuelas de calidad que atienden a población indígena son la
El económico es uno de los principales motivos de deserción. Sobre todo, de que no accedan al
secundario: deben salir a trabajar,
muchas adolescentes forman pareja y quedan embarazadas, en especial en los pueblos más
excluidos; no hay escuela cerca de
la comunidad ni plata para pagar
una pensión, y los caminos son
malos; les cuesta comprender lo
que se enseña y además, en el aula, la discriminación se hace sentir.
Clarín/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Los chicos indígenas, con peor acceso a la educación
En la fecha de la ECPI casi no
existían becas escolares para los
pueblos originarios. Esto ha mejorado, pero Clarín no pudo establecer en qué medida, ya que el
funcionario encargado del área en
el Ministerio de Educación no
atendió a la consulta.
"Las causas de abandono en adolescentes indígenas están más claras que en los no indígenas. Para
estos chicos, el subsidio universal, políticas de becas y una
mejora sustantiva en la calidad de
los servicios son prerrequisitos
indispensables", reclama Duro.
De todos modos, el informe destaca que las becas escolares "no
son suficientes si no vienen acompañadas de programas que logren
motivar y generar interés en la
educación formal como proyecto
de vida personal y de apoyo a la
"Es el mayor atraso en políticas
de infancia en el país, aún re-
conociendo los avances -sostiene
la experta-. La deuda aún es demasiado grande, para un país que
crece al ritmo de la Argentina y
con un porcentaje tan minoritario
de pueblos originarios. No hubo
esfuerzos sostenidos, ni decisión
de invertir en recursos ni dinero.
Invirtiendo en estrategias, tiempo
y recursos se notan cambios. Son
decisiones políticas y de alianzas
con los líderes indígenas, que es
preciso promover cada vez más".
El Universal - Ven/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Copei rechaza expropiación de empresas Venoco y
Copei rechaza expropiación de
empresas Venoco y Fertinitro
Respaldan demanda en el TSJ
contra la Asamblea Nacional
Jesús Alberto Barrios, secretario
general nacional de Copei, respaldó el recurso de amparo introducido en el TSJ contra la
actual Asamblea Nacional, que
promovió Edgar Parra Moreno el
6 de octubre.
La acción persigue enfrentar la
amenaza de los diputados del
PSUV de aprobar antes de fin de
año leyes que otorguen más poder
al Presidente Hugo Chávez y de-
signar nuevos magistrados del
TSJ. Con la nueva correlación de
fuerzas, el oficialismo ya no podrá aprobar leyes orgánicas ni
legislativas al Ejecutivo.
Sobre las expropiaciones de Venoco y Fertinitro, ordenadas por
el Presidente Chávez en su programa dominical, Barrios reiteró
que "en estos once años el Presidente Chávez ha abusado de su
poder arremetiendo contra el sector privado y violando reiteradamente la Carta Magna con
el único objetivo de avanzar hacia
el socialismo".
Dijo que el compromiso de la
alianza de la Unidad es que una
vez se instale en enero de 2011 el
nuevo parlamento plural, "se rescatará el equilibrio institucional y
por sobre todo se va a controlar y
fiscalizar la administración pública". También denunció que los
miembros actuales de la Asamblea Nacional pretenden violar
las normas constitucionales de derechos humanos y a la vez desconocer los resultados de las
elecciones del 26S.
Publica aquí
Clarín/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Los beneficios de la ley alcanzarían a más de 6
millones de personas
Ocho de cada diez jubilados y
pensionados -más de 4,5 millones- resultaría beneficiado si el
nuevo haber mínimo pasa al 82%
del piso salarial de los trabajadores en actividad, como establece el proyecto que debate el
Congreso. También se beneficiarían
personas que cobran las pensiones no contributivas o
asistenciales que equivalen al
70% de la jubilación mínima. Y
casi otro millón de jubilados vería
sus haberes recompuestos por la
aplicación del caso Badaro -contemplado en la media sanción de
Diputados-, lo que implica un incremento de más del 55%. Es decir que las mejoras llegarían a
más de 6 millones de personas .
Así surge de los datos oficiales de
la Seguridad Social que marcan
que el 72,9% de los jubilados y
pensionados cobra el haber mínimo que hoy es de $ 1.046. Si ese
valor pasa a $ 1.426,80 (82% del
sueldo mínimo de $ 1.740), todos
los que hoy ganan menos de esa
cifra tendrían un aumento de hasta el 36% o de hasta $ 380 por
A su vez, la recomposición de los
haberes de acuerdo a los fallos de
la Corte Suprema podría alcanzar a casi otro millón que hoy
tienen sus haberes deprimidos
porque desde 2002 recibieron aumentos muy inferiores a la evolución de los salarios. En esos
casos el ajuste de los haberes podría ser de entre el 55 y 70%.
Lo que el proyecto no resuelve es
el pago de la retroactividad más
los intereses de los 400.000 juicios ya iniciados y que, si los reclamos son similares a la doctrina
de la Corte Suprema, deberían
tener una sentencia favorable. Pero esos jubilados deberán esperar
la sentencia porque tampoco la
Justicia aceptó extender el caso
Badaro, como lo solicitó la Defensoría del Pueblo.
se jubilan aproximadamente con la mitad del
sueldo promedio de los últimos
10 años, muy lejos del 82%.
Así las cosas, por el achatamiento
de la pirámide previsional, por los
aumentos inferiores a la suba de
los sueldos y las bajas jubilaciones nuevas, el haber promedio del sistema es uno de los
más bajos de la historia previsional argentinas: apenas de 32
por ciento . Es decir que equivale
a una tercera parte del sueldo del
trabajador activo.Mientras el haber jubilatorio promedio es de $
1.350 , el salario medio ronda los
$ 4.200.
A favor del sistema, y a través de
la jubilación por moratoria, hay
que contabilizar la ampliación de
la cobertura en más de 2 millones
de beneficiarios , pero eso se hizo
a expensas de los haberes de los ya
jubilados y de los nuevos jubilados.
Además, quedaría pendiente la situación de los nuevos jubilados,
Clarín/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Tras el fallo de la Corte, la Justicia de Santa Cruz
reabre el caso del procurador echado
La Justicia de Comodoro Rivadavia ordenó reabrir una causa
contra el Gobierno de Santa Cruz,
días después de que la Corte Suprema de Justicia radicara una denuncia
gobernador provincial Daniel Peralta por no devolverle el cargo al
desplazado procurador general
Eduardo Sosa.
La decisión fue tomada por la Cámara Federal de Comodoro Rivadavia, al revocar el archivo de
una causa que se había iniciado en
abril pasado contra el Gobierno
de la Provincia de Santa Cruz por
desobediencia y violación de los
deberes de funcionario público.
En primera instancia, la causa había sido archivada, pero la Cámara comodorense ordenó su
reapertura el pasado 29 de septiembre, según se reportó hoy a
través del Centro de Información
Judicial (CIJ), sitio de noticias de
la Corte Suprema de Justicia.
El viernes pasado, el ex presidente Néstor Kirchner movilizó
a 14 gobernadores hasta su provincia natal para apoyar el "federalismo" de Santa Cruz luego
del fallo de la Corte, que generó
proyectos de intervención desde
la oposición.
Así, la decisión de la Justicia de
Santa Cruz renueva el criterio del
máximo tribunal de Justicia de la
Nación que, el 14 de setiembre pasado decidió avanzar contra Peralta por el incumplimiento de las
reiterados sentencias que disponían buscar una solución para
reponer a Sosa en su cargo.
gubernamental- radicó en abril
pasado una denuncia contra el
Gobierno de Santa Cruz en los tribunales federales de Retiro que,
por una cuestión de competencia,
fueron remitidos a los juzgados
del sur.
Ahora, en el fallo de la Cámara de
Comodoro Rivadavia, los camaristas Aldo Suárez, Javier Leal
de Ibarra y Hebe Corchuelo de
Huberman advirtieron que corresponde reabrir la investigación
penal sobre el Gobierno de Santa
Cruz "más allá de eventuales
planteos de ausencia de antijuridicidad o inculpabilidad que
podrán ser o no esgrimidos por el
imputado" Peralta luego del reciente fallo de la Corte Suprema.
La jueza subrogante de primera
instancia de Río Gallegos entendió que los hechos denunciados no constituían delito.
Pero el denunciante apeló diciendo que Peralta debía ser
investigado porque -planteó- "el
señor gobernador de la Provincia
de Santa Cruz ha desobedecido e
incumplido manifiestamente una
orden judicial, cuyo preciso texto
no pudo haber provocado en él
ninguna duda en cuanto a su sentido y finalidad".
Sosa fue desplazado de la Procuración General santacruceña
durante el mandato de Néstor Kirchner hace 15 años, y ya en 1998
la Justicia había ordenado reponerlo en su cargo. Ese criterio
se repitió en varias oportunidades, pero las mandas judiciales no fueron acatadas. El
último plazo que fijó la Corte para que la provincia cumpla con la
medida venció el 29 de diciembre
de 2009.
Al analizar la cuestión, los camaristas repasaron la sentencia
dictada por la Corte Suprema el
20 de octubre de 2009 instando a
Peralta a reponer en el cargo a Sosa "dentro de los 30 días que se le
notifique esta sentencia, bajo
apercibimiento de dar intervención a la Justicia Penal para
que investigue la eventual comisión de un delito de acción pública".
Fue en ese marco que el abogado
porteño Enrique Piragini -en
nombre de una organización no
En aquel fallo, la Corte dejaba en
claro que "el cumplimiento de esta sentencia no será oponible la
estabilidad o inamovilidad que
Clarín/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Tras el fallo de la Corte, la Justicia de Santa Cruz reabre el caso del procurador echado
pudiera invocar quien se desempeñe actualmente como
Agente Fiscal".
El fallo de Comodoro Rivadavia
reseñó que, en busca de acatar esa
orden, el 21 de diciembre de 2009
Peralta dictó un decreto "mediante el cual requirió la in-
tervención de la Honorable
Cámara de Diputados a los fines
de que se disponga el desdoblamiento del cargo de Agente
Según se precisó, uno de esos
agentes debía encargarse del fuero "civil comercial y laboral" y al-
lí sería asignado Sosa, mientras
que otro se encargaría del área
"contencioso administrativa, superintendencia, electoral, criminal, correccional de menores y
de minería'". Ese proyecto aún no
fue convertido en ley.
Fuente: DyN
Le Figaro/IN, 12 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Utah: les bars à strip-teaseuses taxés
La Cour suprême des Etats-Unis
a décidé aujourd'hui de laisser l'Utah taxer à 10% les bars et espaces
accueillant des employés nus afin
de financer les thérapies destinées
aux auteurs de violences sexuelles.
La plus haute juridiction des Etats-Unis n'a pas justifié sa décision
de ne pas se saisir de la demande
de deux établissements de cet
Etat, connu pour être fortement
imprégné par la religion mor-
mone, de déclarer la taxe inconstitutionnelle.
Le propriétaire d'un club de
strip-tease à Salt Lake City s'acquittant déjà de cet impôt et celui
d'un espace ne vendant pas de
boissons alcoolisées, mais qui
souhaite pouvoir proposer des
spectacles incluant de la nudité,
demandaient à la Cour suprême
de casser la décision de la Cour
suprême de l'Utah confirmant le
bien-fondé de la taxe. Pour eux,
celle-ci "ne respecte pas le premier
Constitution", c'est-à-dire la liberté d'expression.
Mais pour l'Etat, il s'agit d'"aider
le système carcéral à augmenter
les budgets consacrés aux thérapies pour les auteurs de violences sexuelles" et la Cour
suprême de l'Utah a estimé que
l'intérêt public prévalait sans débat sur une éventuelle limite à la
liberté d'expression.
The New York Times/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Transgender Golfer Sues L.P.G.A. Over Policy
A transgender woman filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday against the
L.P.G.A., arguing that its requirement that competitors be
"female at birth" violates California civil rights law.
P.G.A. Leader Board Schedule/Results Stats | Earnings
L.P.G.A. Leader Board Schedule/Results Stats | Earnings
Champions Leader Board Schedule/Results Stats | Earnings European
Schedule/Results Stats | Earnings
Lana Lawless, a 57-year-old retired police officer who underwent
surgery in 2005, made her name
as an athlete in 2008 after winning
the women"s world championship in long-drive golf with a
254-yard drive. But earlier this
year, Lawless was ruled ineligible to compete in the same
championship because Long Drivers of America, which oversees
the competition, changed its rules
to match the policy of the
L.P.G.A. Lawless wrote a letter in
May asking for permission to apply for L.P.G.A. qualifying tournaments and was told by a tour
lawyer that she would be turned
"It"s an issue of access and opportunity," Lawless said in a telephone interview Tuesday. "I"ve
been shut out because of prejudice."
She is also suing Long Drivers of
America, two of its corporate
sponsors - Dick"s Sporting
Goods and Re/Max - and CVS,
the sponsor of the LPGA Challenge, which begins Thursday in
Danville, Calif.
A lawyer for Long Drivers of
America and a spokesman for the
L.P.G.A. declined to comment on
the 13-page lawsuit because they
said they had not yet seen it. The
lawsuit, filed in United States
District Court in San Francisco,
seeks an unspecified amount in
damages and a permanent injunction preventing the tour from
holding tournaments or qualifying events in California as
long as it continues to exclude
transgender people.
Lawless is not the first professional female golfer to be
transgender. Mianne Bagger, a
Danish athlete, competed in the
Women"s Australian Open in
2004 and has since toured professionally in Europe and Australia.
The L.P.G.A."s policy has remained the same even as several
sports bodies have changed their
rules to accommodate people
who are transgender. In 2004, the
International Olympic Committee began allowing transgender people to compete if they
have undergone reassignment
surgery and at least two years of
hormone-replacement therapy. Several other sports organizations
then passed their own policies
permitting transgender people to
compete, including the United
States Golf Association, the Ladies Golf Union in Britain and the
Ladies European Golf Tour.
"I think the L.P.G.A. is really out
of step with other professional
sports organizations of its size,
and it"s a wake-up call to other entities that we"re not going to tolerate discrimination based on
gender identity," said Kristina
Wertz, the legal director of the
Transgender Law Center in San
Francisco. She said California is
one of 13 states, and the District
of Columbia, that have laws that
prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity.
Lawless said she had no competitive edge over other female
golfers. The reassignment surgery removed her testes, and her
hormones and muscle strength
are in line with someone who was
genetically female, she said. According to her birth certificate,
she is a woman. "It doesn"t say
"female-ish," " Lawless said. "There is no such thing as born female. Either you"re female, or
you"re not."
Her view was challenged by an
unlikely source: Dr. Renee Richards, the transgender tennis
player who famously won the right to play in women"s events in
the 1970s. In a telephone interview, Richards - who wearily
noted she has spent more than 25
years fielding calls from reporters
The New York Times/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Transgender Golfer Sues L.P.G.A. Over Policy
seeking comment on such cases said she thought physically
strong transgender women could
have an advantage. Speaking of
the Olympic committee, Richards said, "they"re going to get
in trouble someday because somebody"s going to come along
who"s strong in sprints or weight
throwing or whatever and streak
the field."
However, Richards said that in individual cases, allowing a transgender athlete to play could be
appropriate. Richards noted that
she was 40 when she filed her suit,
and said Lawless, at 57, probably
fell in the same category.
"Maybe it"s O.K.," she said. "Let
her play and be done with the
whole big argument about it.
She"s not going to be on the tour."
Although Lawless said she had
played golf all her life - as an amateur, she played with a 1 handicap
- she became interested in competing professionally after watching the women"s long-drive
championship on ESPN in 2006.
She placed third in 2007 and won
the title in 2008. Sponsorships
followed, including with Bang
Golf, which sells golf drivers. She
said she lost the sponsorship after
she was ruled ineligible to compete in the 2010 championship.
"It was devastating to me,"
Lawless said of the rule change.
"How can they say that rule was
not changed specifically directed
at me if you have a rule that allows me to play and you come
back and you change it?"
Because Lawless has received
prize money and sponsorship
payments for playing golf, she
said she was considered a professional and could not compete
in amateur tournaments unless
she applies to the U.S.G.A. for
reinstatement, something she is
not willing to do.
Because the U.S.G.A. allows
transgender people to compete,
Lawless could play in the United
States Women"s Open. But without entry into the L.P.G.A., she
said she has just one chance to
qualify, by playing in a local tournament.
"All the girls from the L.P.G.A.
that are in the top percentile, they
get to go straight to the U.S. Open.
I have one day," she said. "Tiger
Woods doesn"t play his best golf
every day."
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Music industry dismayed by failure in Irish
filesharing case
The process of pursuing and penalising illegal filesharers in Ireland has been thrown into
uncertainty after a failed attempt
by four of the world's largest record companies to legally enforce
the "three strikes" rule.
Warner Music, Universal Music
Group, Sony BMG and EMI on
Monday lost an Irish high court
bid to establish a controversial legal precedent that would force internet service providers to
temporarily cut off illegal filesharers' internet connections.
Influential music industry bodies
say the judgment is "a setback for
the Irish music business".
It could also complicate the situation in the UK, where the Digital Economy Act offers similar
provisions to discover and warn and potentially throttle the connections of - people who illicitly
access copyrighted content.
The high court judgment ruled
that laws enabling illegal downloaders to be disconnected from
the internet after being warned three times were not enforceable in
Ireland - while noting that piracy
is "destructive" to the creative industries. The ruling was a victory
for UPC, Ireland's third-largest
broadband provider, which was
appealing against an injuction
quiring it to block access to filesharing website The Pirate Bay.
A "substantial portion" of UPC's
150,000 customers were shown
to have shared copyrighted content during the court case; Judge
Justice Peter Charleton said it
was acknowledged that illegal filesharing "undermines their [the
creative industries] business but
ruins the ability of a generation of
creative people in Ireland, and elsewhere, to establish a viable living".
But in what might be a significant
development for future UK cases,
the same method was used to detect copyright infringement by
UPC customers - tracking based
on IP address - as has been used in
thousands of claims being pursued in the UK by ACS:Law, a
London-based solicitors firm,
against Britons over music and
films. In Ireland the evidence was
accepted as proof of access and infringement.
However the judge ruled that the
injunction could not be upheld.
Geoff Taylor, chief executive of
the British Phonographic Industry, which represents UK record labels, told the Guardian: "It
is a setback for the Irish music business that due to Ireland's
inadequate implementation of
European directives, the judge
did not believe he had the power
to order UPC to implement a graduated response solution which
the judge considered to be both
proportionate and effective.
"In making his ruling, the judge
made a number of interesting findings. First, he agreed the recording industry - locally in
Ireland and more broadly - is
being devastated by piracy. He also found that the Irish ISP, UPC,
knowingly profits from illegal
UPC disputed Taylor's claim that
Ireland inadequately implements
EU directives on copyright. But it
said it would not be adding to the
statement issued following the
court judgment.
The broadband provider said
then that the ruling supports the
principle that an ISP cannot be
held liable for content transmitted on its network, and in court
disputed the claim that the three
strikes rule was a workable solution to piracy.
"UPC has repeatedly stressed that
it does not condone piracy and
has always taken a strong stance
against illegal activity on its
network," the company said on
Monday. "It takes all steps repg.116
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Music industry dismayed by failure in Irish filesharing case
quired by the law to combat specific infringements which are
brought to its attention and will
continue to co-operate with rights
holders where they have obtained
the necessary court orders for alleged copyright infringements."
The Irish Recorded Music Association, which forced Ireland's
largest broadband provider, Eircom, to adopt the "three strikes"
policy after an out-of-court settlement in February 2009, said it
is considering whether to appeal
to the Irish supreme court or to
lobby the Irish government for a
change in legislation.
Taylor also noted that the high
court had deemed the methods
used to identify illegal filesharers
were accurate enough to be used
as evidence.
The evidence put forward by
DTecNet, a piracy-tracking software supplier, which linked the
IP address - rather than the physical address - to a person suspected
of sharing copyrighted content,
was deemed to be reliable as a
means of identifying infringers.
Industry bodies from pressure
groups to internet service providers have consistently warned
that this evidence could easily
wrongy implicate someone of a
crime they have not committed.
Taylor said: "The judgment made
clear that the methods rightsholders use to gather evidence
are reliable and accurate, and that
solutions to illegal downloading
such as graduated response and
network filtering would be effective. Furthermore, the judge
found that implementing these
solutions would not impose disproportionate costs on ISPs."
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
My legal hero: Benedict Birnberg
in the law.
Birnberg has been a lifelong supporter of the
Citizens Advice Bureau movement. Illustration:
Frank Baron for the Guardian
Birnberg has been a lifelong supporter of the Citizens Advice Bureau movement. Illustration:
Frank Baron for the Guardian
Benedict Birnberg, solicitor advocate and pioneer radical
lawyer, is an unlikely colossus.
Mild and understated in manner
and appearance, he has a fire in his
belly and passion for justice that
has caused him to tower over his
contemporaries for more than
four decades.
One of my first jobs at Birnberg's,
a firm run perpetually on a shoestring (Ben was otherworldly in
that respect) and therefore reluctant to employ bailiffs, was to
chase recalcitrant defendants
around numerous housing estates
in London while attempting to
serve court papers on them. To
work with Ben Birnberg was to
occupy a world in which the clients were varied and the causes mixed and not always popular.
Birnberg had begun his civil liberties work with CND and
represented Equity in its internal
battles over the boycott of South
Africa. The Redgraves were frequently in the office, as were numerous ANC luminaries.
Several generations of lawyers
started out with him. The late Larry Grant of the National Council
for Civil Liberties (Liberty), John
Wadham, another of its legal officers, Gareth Pierce, Paul Crane,
Imran Khan and myself, to name
just a few, got their start at Birnberg's.
He fought for gay rights before
the term was invented, representing the Albany Trust. He
struck a blow for artistic freedom,
defending David Hockney's right
to bring back magazines deemed
obscene by customs and excise.
This didn't inhibit a lifelong friendship with Lord Longford. They
shared a passion for prison reform
and Ben Birnberg went on to help
form the Butler Trust.
He founded a law firm with a civil
liberties and human rights focus
in constantly crowded premises
in 1962. He was joined by Alan
Patterson, Tess Gill and Judith
Walker. These two women, who
also inspired me and many, were
early advocates of women's rights
I had come to be articled to him having seen Birnberg featured in a
TV series entitled Radical
Lawyer. This showcased his
work for the then very much be-
leaguered black community; he
highlighted the systematic harassment of the Osei family and
assisted Frank Crichlow, the recently deceased community activist, who with Darcus Howe and
others bore the brunt of a concerted campaign by police
officers, leading to the Mangrove
trial. Ben worked with the families and defendants in a way
that respected them and their experience.
He displayed a talent and skill as a
community lawyer which won
the admiration even of his opponents. Birnberg's was a name to
conjure with whether in the court
of appeal or in Bow Street. Whenever I or any others of his partners or protégés appeared there,
generations of chief metropolitan
stipendiary magistrates would inquire when the proceedings had
been completed: "And how is Mr
Birnberg was tireless. His teaching for those of us articled to
him tended to be practical, on the
job and intermittent. A bundle of
papers would land on your desk
and you were expected to get on
with it but when you did ask for
help, he was kind, patient and wise. The ideal teacher.
And what did one learn? I think
for me the most important lesson
was that in advocacy, preparation
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: My legal hero: Benedict Birnberg
is the key. When you've got that
sorted, go for the most vulnerable
part of your opponent's case and
worry at it like a dog with a bone,
until the whole structure falls
apart. Ben was a meticulous and
skilled advocate and an unfailingly courteous one.
His background was one of public service and the law. His grandfather had been a lawyer, his
uncle a colonial attorney general
in mandated Palestine. Ben's tradition was one of secular, liberal,
good works. A non-sectarian,
non-partisan figure of the broad
left, he represented for me one of
the best aspects of a very English
tradition. His was a clear-minded
radicalism aligned with non-
conformity and excellence attached
institutions and best values of the
common law. This tradition has
been under bureaucratic assault
these past 20 years or so. I fear
that the government of which I
was a part is failing to grasp the
opportunity of the radical reform
of legal services and has in part
contributed to this.
Ben Birnberg long campaigned
for a salaried legal service and has
been a lifelong supporter of the
Citizens Advice Bureau movement. I think that the chances
of the former are as remote as
ever. But the CAB movement,
with its salaried lawyers working
lunteers, surely chimes with the
"big society". Ben Birnberg has
already secured his place deservedly in the "legal hall of fame" and I doubt that anyway is of
much concern to him. However,
the difference that a well-funded
CAB movement would make in
providing a comprehensive service to his fellow citizens would
be tribute indeed to this exemplary solicitor advocate.
? Lord Boateng was a civil rights
lawyer before becoming one of
Britain's first black MPs, the first black cabinet minister and
then high commissioner to
South Africa.
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
China Communist elders issue free speech appeal
An open letter on free speech has been published
just days after the Chinese government reacted
angrily to the awarding of the Nobel peace prize
to jailed Liu Xiaobo. Photograph: Tyrone
An open letter on free speech has
been published just days after the
Chinese government reacted angrily to the awarding of the Nobel
peace prize to jailed Liu Xiaobo.
Photograph: Tyrone Siu/Reuters
A group of eminent Chinese
Communist party elders has issued a bold call to end the country's wide-ranging restrictions on
free speech, just days after the government reacted angrily to the
awarding of the Nobel peace prize to imprisoned dissident Liu
In an open letter posted online,
the retired officials state that although
constitution guarantees freedom
of speech, the right is constrained
by a host of laws and regulations
that should be scrapped.
"This kind of false democracy of
affirming in principle and
denying in actuality is a scandal in
the history of democracy," said
the letter, which was dated Monday and widely distributed by
Wang Yongcheng, a retired professor at Shanghai'sJiaotong University who signed the letter, said
it had been inspired by the recent
arrest of a journalist who wrote
about corruption in the resettlement of farmers for a dam
China's government has denounced Liu's prize as an attempt
to interfere in its political and legal systems and said it would
harm relations with Norway,
where an independent committee
presents the Nobel peace prize each year.
"We want to spur action toward
governing the country according
to law," Wang said in a telephone
The letter called on the National
People's Congress, China's legislature, to scrap restrictions on
publications and implement a system of post-facto review as many
other nations did long ago.
"If the constitution is violated,
the government will lack legitimacy. The people must assert
and exercise their legitimate rights," he said.
"Our current system of censoring
news and publications is 315
years behind Britain and 129
years behind France," the letter
Coming on top of Liu's Nobel prize, the letter further spotlights
China's tight restrictions on freedom of speech and other civil rights, although Wang said the two
events were not directly related.
Work on the letter began several
days before the prize was awarded, and drafters decided against
including a reference to Liu out of
concern the government would
block its circulation.
Censorship has become so reflexive and restrictive that passages urging political reform
were expunged from official media reports of speeches by the
prime minister, Wen Jiabao, the
letter said. Wen has drawn attention in recent weeks with a series of unusually direct calls for
the communist system to evolve.
Liu, a 54-year-old literary critic,
is in the second year of an 11-year
prison term after being convicted
of inciting subversion over his role in writing a 2008 manifesto for
political reform.
"Not even the nation's premier
has freedom of publication," the
letter said.
China implements overlapping
and usually unwritten rules and
regulations on what can or cannot
be published, but the final call is
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: China Communist elders issue free speech appeal
made by the Communist party's
shadowy central propaganda department. Members of the department regularly notify editors
about what topics are taboo,
usually by telephone to avoid leaving a paper trail, with the list
changing constantly depending
on events.
The letter described the department as an "invisible black
hand" and questioned what right
it had to override both the government and the premier.
The 23 signatories to the letter include Li Rui, the former secretary
to revolutionary leader Mao Zedong, and other retired high officials in state media and the
propaganda apparatus who were
once themselves responsible for
enforcing strict censorship.
The government insists it guarantees freedoms and points to
vast improvements in incomes
and quality of life among its citizens as evidence that the
one-party authoritarian system is
best suited to the country's realities.
Calls to the National People's
Congress news office were not
answered today.
Li, who is in his 90s, is in hospital
and could not immediately be reached for comment, nor could
most other signatories to the letter.
Members of the group have signed other letters in the past, including one addressed to the
Beijing leadership in early 2009
that voiced support for the government's $586bn (£358bn) economic stimulus package but
warned that without transparency
it could be frittered away by corrupt officials.
Matéria similar publicada em
outros veículos:
13 de outubro de 2010
- The Guardian | Londres/IN |
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
BAA will appeal to supreme court over airport
the commission then went to the
court of appeal.
Stansted Airport terminal at night
Photograph: Alamy
Stansted Airport terminal at night
Photograph: Alamy
Heathrow airport's owner BAA
today said it would appeal to the
supreme court after judges reinstated an order forcing the company to sell two more of its
A panel of judges at the court of
appeal this morning backed the
decision of competition authorities seeking to break up
BAA's stranglehold on the UK's
The Competition Commission
ruled in March last year that
BAA, which is owned by Spanish
firm Ferrovial, must divest
Gatwick, which has now been
sold, Stansted and either Glasgow or Edinburgh airports.
The appeal judges agreed with the
commission, which argued that to
conclude there was a real possibility that the "apparent bias" of
Professor Peter Mozier, who sat
on the inquiry panel, had affected
the final decision was "moving
into the reaches of fantasy".
Mozier was an external advisor to
the Greater Manchester Pension
Fund, which had been considering a bid with Manchester
Airport Group for Gatwick.
BAA said it was "disappointed"
by the decision. "We note the
court's view that apparent bias in
relation to a panel member existed during part of the commission's investigation and will
study this judgment carefully.
We will be seeking permission to
appeal to the supreme court."
cluding the requirement for BAA
to sell Stansted and either Edinburgh or Glasgow airports,
Gatwick having already been sold. Our intention now is to work
with BAA to implement these
measures in the interests of the
travelling public."
The commission added that it
took "very seriously" the need for
inquiry panels to be impartial.
"We have already tightened our
procedures and in January of this
year we commissioned a comprehensive, independent review
chaired by Dr Brian Woods-Scawen of our rules and procedures on conflicts of interest.
We shall now be taking further
action on the basis of its recommendations to prevent any recurrence of this kind of issue."
The Competition Commission
said: "The effect of this decision
is to restore in full our report, together with its remedies, in-
BAA successfully challenged the
decision at a tribunal by arguing
that a committee member had
links to a prospective buyer of one
of the airports, and had potentially been compromised. But
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Chinese Communist party veterans defy censors with
call for free speech
Protesters in Hong Kong carry
placards of the Chinese pro-democracy activist Liu Xiaobo during a march to demand his
release. Photograph: Ym Yik/EPA
Communist party elders are
defying China's censors by pressing ahead with a bold demand for
freedom of expression, after authorities erased their attack on the
"invisible black hand" of central
propaganda officials.
Defence University.
Twenty-three former senior officials known for their reformist
views, including Mao Zedong's
secretary Li Rui and a former editor of the People's Daily, Hu
Jiwei, signed the open letter.
He added: "Currently the central
propaganda department is the
most conservative and stupid force. If one day the Chinese Communist party really goes down, I
think the propaganda department
should take quite a lot of credit."
Analysts expressed scepticism
about the prospects for change in
the near future, and stressed that
the signatories no longer had
power, but said their action might
help people within the leadership
to push for reforms.
Members of the group said they
would publish the letter formally
tomorrow, with hundreds more
signatures, after censors scrubbed the call from websites.
"The truth can't be blocked; now
the letter has spread," said Xin Ziling, one of its authors and a former official at the China National
"We will release a formal version
tomorrow and you will see the names of all the 500 people who signed."
Xiao Mo, another signatory and
formerly a senior architecture official, added: "They can keep deleting, but we will keep posting.
We will not be silenced so easily."
The letter accuses officials of ignoring China's constitution, which guarantees the rights of free
speech and a free press. "This false democracy of formal avowal
and concrete denial has become a
scandalous mark on the history of
world democracy," it says.
prize to the dissident Liu Xiaobo,
who was jailed after co-writing a
document calling for democratic
reforms, and before a major political meeting which begins on
Friday. It also follows repeated,
highly unusual remarks by the
Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao,
about political reform, most recently in a CNN interview.
"Even the premier of our country
does not have freedom of speech
or of the press," the authors complained, pointing out that Chinese
media had omitted Wen's advocacy of political reform from
reports of his comments.
An industry source said authorities summoned the editor-in-chief of the Beijing News
after it referred to the remarks,
even though it did not quote
Wen's most sensitive comments.
Staff at the paper said they did not
know about such a summons.
Several of the signatories have
been prevented from publishing
books themselves.
Signatories said the letter was
prompted by the censorship of
Wen and the recent detention of
Xie Chaoping, a writer who reported corruption, although he
has since been released.
The document began appearing
on websites yesterday, days after
the government denounced the
decision to give the Nobel peace
They distanced themselves from
Liu, although some analysts suggested that was to prevent their
appeal being written off.
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Chinese Communist party veterans defy censors with call for free speech
"Day to day these people have zero power. But in symbolic terms
this is certainly unwelcome to
Beijing," said Nicholas Bequelin,
Asia researcher at Human Rights Watch, noting the respect
awarded to elders in China.
"It adds to the evidence that there
is some disquiet within the party
regarding the hardline tone and
reaction that we have seen."
He said there was concern at the
inexorable rise in power of the security apparatus.
But he cautioned that the disagreement "is not between conservatives and reformers, but
between hardliners and more
pragmatic leaders".
Many in China think freedom of
expression would be the most
plausible starting point for wider
but incremental political reform.
Xin said that could be a breakthrough. "It doesn't cost much, it
doesn't need investment, it won't
cost 4 trillion yuan," he said, referring to the cost of China's stimulus package last year.
"There are people [in the leadership] who object to the idea of
reforms, and their power is not
small, but they are not big enough
to control the whole society and
such a big country.
"There is a historical inertia, quite
severe within the Chinese Communist party, which means many
people do not dare to express their
opinion. That doesn't mean they
don't agree."
Xiao said conditions had improved since Mao's time. "If you
said something that was 'wrong'
during the cultural revolution,
you'd be killed ? Now there is space, although limited."
But he added that censorship had
become stricter recently. "They
often use 'maintaining stability'
as an excuse. True, stability is the
foundation of a country, but you
cannot maintain stability by suppressing the people ? You have to
actually solve the problems."
Several signatories contacted by
the Guardian declined to be interviewed. Others could not be
Clarín/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Más jubilados cobran el ajuste de haberes por orden
Por la acumulación y demora que
se registra con los juicios de los jubilados en los Tribunales de la Seguridad Social, algunos jueces
optaron por aprobar y ordenar el
reajuste inmediato de los haberes jubilatorios a través de medidas cautelares. Esto hace que
aunque la ANSeS apele esos fallos igual debe cumplirlos
mientras se desarrolla el proceso.
Así, ya suman casi 200 los jubilados que pidieron y obtuvieron
el reajuste de sus jubilaciones por
la vía de una medida cautelar.
Como ejemplo de estos casos, la
ANSeS informó a la Justicia que,
a partir de noviembre, el jubilado
Alfredo Márquez tendrá un ajuste del 42,8% en su jubilación por
la aplicación de la medida cautelar dispuesta por la Sala II de la
Cámara de la Seguridad Social.
Otro caso mencionado por el organismo corresponde al jubilado
Raúl Rosso. Desde junio pasado
su jubilación que era de $
1.108,37 pasó a ser de $ 1.687,08:
Pero también hay casos menos
afortunados. Como el jubilado
Néstor Capa, quien falleció horas
antes de que la cautelar pudiera
ser cumplida. Algo similar pasó
con Edmundo Balbuena quien
falleció días atrás, por lo que no
pudo ser informado de la medida
cautelar que la Sala II dictó a su favor el 17 de agosto pasado.
Por la medida cautelar, el jubilado no tiene que esperar a
que finalice el juicio para cobrar
con el reajuste. Si la demanda es
similar a la que la Corte Suprema ya resolvió en otros casos,
como en Badaro, contra la presentación de una garantía, el Juez
dispone el reajuste, de cumplimiento inmediato y obligatorio por parte de la ANSeS,
mientras prosigue el juicio. Y el
reajuste no se interrumpe por la
apelación de la ANSeS.
Con eso se busca evitar que el jubilación siga cobrando un haber
mal liquidado. Luego cuando finaliza el juicio, el jubilado cobra
la retroactividad más los intereses . Si el juicio le es desfavorable, debe reintegrar lo
cobrado de más.
En primera instancia, el Juzgado
Federal de San Nicolás aprobó va-
rias cautelares. Lo mismo hicieron los Juzgados Federales de
Primera Instancia N° 3 y 7 en forma excepcional no sólo por la
naturaleza previsional de la prestación, sino especialmente por la
edad avanzada o al delicado estado de salud de los demandantes.
Ahora, por la apelación de "inaplicabilidad" que interpuso la
ANSeS, los jueces de la Sala III
de la Cámara, donde recayó la
causa, deben decidir si lo declaran o no "admisible". En caso
afirmativo, el caso pasaría a la
presidenta de la Cámara para que
convoque a una sesión "plenaria"
-es decir, de todos los jueces de la
Cámara- donde deberán decidir
si revocan o no las cautelares .
Si las revocan, no se podrán pedir
medidas cautelares análogas durante los próximos diez años.
Actualmente hay unos 400.000
juicios en los Juzgados de la Seguridad Social. Y todos los meses
se suman unas 10.000 demandas
nuevas, mientras la ANSeS está
pagando unas 2.000 sentencias
por mes.
De esta manera, ingresan más
juicios que los que se liquidan ,
provocando lo que la misma Cámara ha calificado de "colapso"
del Fuero de la Seguridad Social.
Esta situación agrega más demora a la resolución de las depg.125
Clarín/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Más jubilados cobran el ajuste de haberes por orden judicial
mandas que las que ya de por sí
tienen este tipo causas.
Paso a paso
A partir del fallo de la Corte en el
caso Badaro, de 2006, se produjo
una verdadera avalancha de demandas de los jubilados y pensionados sobre los tribunales de la
Seguridad Social, alentados por
la sentencia que ordenaba un ajus-
te de los haberes.
involucradas, de edad avanzada.
En contra de lo que establece la
Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humano, el Estado argentino -a través de la ANSeSapela las sentencias en primera
instancia que favorecen a los jubilados. Así estira los plazos procesales sin preocuparse por las
consecuencias que esto puede tener
La liquidación acotada de las sentencias -que atiende a las necesidades de la "caja" del Estadodeterminó que ya se acumularan
más de 400.000 causas en la Justicia que están esperando un fallo
que autorice el reajuste de los haberes.
Clarín/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Los canales de TV presentan una demanda contra la
ley de medios
Teleradiodifusoras Argentinas (ATA) presentó una demanda ante
la Justicia, pidiendo que se declare la inconstitucionalidad de
33 artículos de la ley de medios
audiovisuales, pues sostiene que
allí se plantean una serie de medidas que "debilitarán económicamente a los canales de
televisión abierta privada. Sin canales
económicamente rentables, no
existirá libertad de expresión", dice en la presentación el director
ejecutivo de ATA, Carlos Molinero, con el patrocinio del constitucionalista Gregorio Badeni.
fruto de la imposición por el Estado a las emisoras, de ciertos contenidos y la prohibición de otros".
En sus 144 páginas, la entidad
que representa a los canales privados de TV abierta cuestiona las
restricciones al derecho a la información y a la libertad de expresión de la ley de medios
audiovisuales, tanto a nivel individual como al derecho
colectivo a difundir y recibir
"cualquier información y a conocer la expresión del pensamiento ajeno".
La entidad también cuestiona que
los canales de TV no podrán cubrir con programación en red más
del 30% de sus emisiones diarias,
ni llegar a más del 35% de la población nacional.
Para ATA, la ley de medios "impone regulaciones, limitaciones y
obligaciones que debilitan al extremo la actividad privada gratuita , cuya única fuente de
ingresos son los obtenidos por la
venta de publicidad. Todo ello,
por otra parte, es en buena medida
Por ejemplo, ATA menciona en
su denuncia que -con la nueva
ley- si un canal quiere transmitir
los almuerzos de Mirtha Legrand
"en los veranos de Mar del Plata",
no podrá hacerlo sin la autorización de la Autoridad Federal de medios, que "dispone de
60 días hábiles para expedirse".
Es decir, que a Mirtha se la podrá
ver en las provincias "sólo si la
autoridad de aplicación lo permite , y ello podría ocurrir recién
en el invierno".
Eso "perjudica la libre elección
de los ciudadanos, ya que quienes
no tengan acceso a la televisión
por cable no podrán acceder a
aquellos programas que son de su
mayor interés".
Además, los canales tendrán
que ceder espacios para transmitir los temas de interés relevante que sean fijados por el
Consejo Federal; emitir avisos
considerados de interés público
por la Autoridad Federal; y ceder
la programación ante las cadenas
nacional, provincial y municipal.
También deberán ceder el 10%
de los espacios para publicidad
polític a en forma gratuita, durante los 30 días previos a las elecciones -cuando antes el cobro de
la publicidad política era ese mes
el 25% de sus ingresos-.
Otro aspecto que cuestiona ATA
es que se obliga a cada canal de
TV de Capital a comprar ocho
películas nacionales al año, antes de iniciar su rodaje ; es decir,
"sin tener idea de cuál será la calidad final del producto", dice
ATA. "Debemos destacar que los
productores de cine reciben subsidios a través del instituto INCAA, el cual también es
financiado con un gravamen del
5% de los ingresos brutos de los licenciatarios de TV abierta".
ATA considera que con estas medidas, entre otras, el Gobierno
económicamente inviable la subsistencia de los canales de
televisión privada para todos
aquellos que no reciban una ingente publicidad estatal".
Constitución, a la Convención
Americana y a fallos de la Corte
Suprema, ATA sostiene que "se
ve en la necesidad imperiosa de
promover la presente demanda,
Clarín/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Los canales de TV presentan una demanda contra la ley de medios
ya que de otra manera, a través de
distintos mecanismos de asfixia
económica, la televisión abierta
privada podría dejar de existir
o, como mínimo, comenzará a
requerir del propio Estado a la
hora de lograr su subsistencia ".
ATA representa a Telefé, Canal
13, América 2, Canal 9 y varios
canales de TV de las provincias.
Por primera vez, la entidad pre-
sentó una denuncia contra la ley
de medios audiovisuales. La causa la tiene el juez federal Guillermo Rossi, según publicó el
Centro de Información Judicial.
El Universal - Ven/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Defensoría demanda del TSJ anular parcialmente el
Código Penal
Defensoría demanda del TSJ anular parcialmente el Código Penal
Gabriela Ramírez considera inconstitucional el que un juez pueda ordenarle a una persona que
haya cumplido una condena que
se presente regularmente ante los
prefectos, jefes civiles o la policía
para que ellos lo vigilen
Caracas.- Dejar sin efecto la pena
accesoria de la "sujeción a la vi-
gilancia de la autoridad" prevista
en los artículos 13.3, 16.2 y 22 del
Código Penal vigente demandó
del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia
(TSJ) la defensora del Pueblo,
Gabriela Ramírez.
Ramírez considera que el hecho
de que un juez pueda ordenarle a
los condenados por un delito presentarse ante un prefecto, jefe civil o policía con regularidad,
después haber cumplido su sen-
tencia, viola el derecho
constitucional a la libertad personal.
La encargada de velar por los derechos humanos de los venezolanos también solicitó a la
Sala Constitucional, instancia ante la que presentó su demanda,
que mientras se pronuncia sobre
el fondo de la cuestión que suspenda la aplicación de las normas.
Publica aquí
El Pais | Montevidéu/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Detectan "uso abusivo" de celulares en juzgados
Sindicato tildó de "patética" la
visión de la Suprema Corte
La Suprema Corte de Justicia (SCJ) recomendó a los jerarcas de
los juzgados y tribunales de apelaciones que mejoren los controles respecto al "uso de
celulares durante el horario de
trabajo por parte de los funcionarios judiciales".
En una circular enviada a todas las
sedes, la SCJ señala que la División de Servicios Inspectivos
del Poder Judicial, detectó en
varios juzgados "el uso abusivo
de celulares, especialmente en la
modalidad de mensajes de texto,
incluso a la vista del público".
La circular, firmada por el director de los Servicios Administrativos de la SCJ, Elbio
Méndez Areco, sostiene que "de
acuerdo a la cantidad y continuidad" de mensajes de texto
que envían y reciben los fun-
cionarios, se "distorsiona" la tarea de los trabajadores.
El documento agrega que si se logra controlar el uso de los
celulares por parte de los trabajadores administrativos del
Poder Judicial, se "podría hacer
variar la necesidad de funcionarios, tema recurrentemente
planteado por los jerarcas, ya que
se optimizaría el tiempo para realizar las tareas y no se vería perjudicado el servicio".
"PATÉTICO". Por su parte, el dirigente de la Asociación de Funcionarios Judiciales del Uruguay
(AFJU), Raúl Vázquez, consideró que la circular emitida por
la SCJ en relación al uso de celulares por parte de los
trabajadores es "patética". El sindicalista planteará que el tema sea
analizado hoy en la reunión de la
directiva del sindicato, porque
"esto merece una respuesta gremial".
Vázquez negó que el uso de los
celulares afecte el normal trabajo
en las oficinas judiciales, y resaltó
que actualmente los teléfonos móviles "han pasado a ser casi una
extensión de las personas, pero de
ahí a sostener que afectan el trabajo, hay una gran diferencia".
El funcionario dijo a El País que
muchas veces el ambiente de trabajo en los juzgados se ve afectado porque los responsables
administrativos "no saben cómo
generar un buen clima laboral en
un lugar donde hay 15 o 20 personas".
Vázquez lamentó que la SCJ haya
emitido una circular de ese tenor
por el uso de los celulares, siendo
que si se entendía que existía un
problema, se podía solucionar de
forma individual en cada juzgado.
En los últimos meses, la AFJU y
la SCJ tuvieron duros cruces por
el presupuesto para el Poder Judicial.
El País Digital
El Pais | Montevidéu/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Construirán edificio para juzgados de Maldonado
Reunirán oficinas: hoy pagan
de alquiler US$ 30.000 por mes
Después de varios años de reclamos y gracias a la mediación
de magistrados, fiscales y legisladores, la Ley de Presupuesto
Nacional prevé recursos para la
creación de un nuevo Juzgado Penal en Maldonado.
Está planeado, por otra parte, que
todas las sedes judiciales de la capital departamental pasen a funcionar en un local propio, que será
construido en un predio de la Suprema Corte de Justicia en la
esquina de Florida y Michelini, a
sólo dos cuadras de la plaza principal de la capital fernandina. Actualmente en dicho predio existe
una cancha de baby fútbol.
En 2001 se analizó realizar un
convenio con el Banco Hipotecario para levantar, en ese
mismo lugar, un edificio donde
funcionaran los Juzgados.
Pero el proyecto cayó en el olvido
con la crisis financiera del año
Ahora el tema ha sido retomado
en vistas de las necesidades del departamento. El Poder Judicial
paga unos US$ 30.000 mensuales
por concepto de alquiler de locales en Maldonado. Los Juzgados Civiles y de Familia
funcionan en un edificio de cuatro
plantas ocupados íntegramente
por el Poder Judicial.
Los dos Juzgados Penales se ubican en locales céntricos por los
que también se abona un alto arrendamiento.
Fuentes judiciales estimaron que
los costos de la construcción de
una sede propia serán amortizados en pocos años.
Presupuesto Nacional, que se discute actualmente en el Par-
lamento, figura la creación de
cinco nuevos juzgados de primera instancia en todo el país en
el próximo año. En 2012 se prevé
crear cuatro nuevas sedes, en
2013 tres y en 2014 otros tres. Serán creados también numerosos
administrativos, alguaciles y defensores de oficio, entre otros.
Los recursos para la construcción
no figuran detallados en la norma
presupues-tal pero fueron expuestos por autoridades de la Suprema Corte de Justicia en la
Cámara de Representantes.
El edificio proyectado tendría todas las comodidades que requiere
la Justicia Penal y Civil, contemplando incluso las necesidades locativas que impondrá
la reforma del proceso penal, que
comenzará a regir a mediano plazo.
El País Digital
La República/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
SCJ resuelve pedidos de excarcelaciones
La Suprema Corte de Justicia (SCJ) resolverá la próxima semana,
en acuerdo de ministros, el pedido de "excarcelación provisional" impetrado por algunas
de las figuras públicas más relevantes procesadas con prisión,
en el marco de la indagatoria judicial denominada "Operación
Las defensas del reconocido abogado Carlos Curbelo Tammaro,
el escribano Lorenzo D'angelo, el
contador Ruben Weiszman y el
narcotraficante José Luis Suárez
interpusieron recursos de "excarcelación provisional" para sus
clientes, en virtud de tratarse de
reclusos sin condena.
En este sentido, los ministros Jorge Larrieux y Jorge Ruibal Pino
resolvieron ayer, durante la visita
de cárceles en Cárcel Central,
postergar la resolución sobre los
pedidos de excarcelación, por
cuanto se trata de "un expediente
muy complejo, que no puede resolverse en el momento", según
indicaron fuentes de la indagatoria a LA REPUBLICA.
"La complejidad del expediente
torna muy difícil resolver los pedidos de excarcelación durante la
visita de cárceles, por lo cual los
ministros resolvieron elevar la decisión al acuerdo de ministros, como forma de analizar el tema con
todos los integrantes de la Cor-
poración", explicaron las fuentes.
La resolución del máximo órgano
del Poder Judicial seguramente
se conocerá la próxima semana,
Curbelo Tammaro, D'angelo,
Weiszman y José Luis Suárez
fueron procesados por "lavado de
activos", en diversas etapas de la
indagatoria, por sus vínculos con
una organización desbaratada en
setiembre de 2006. Suárez, incluso, fue imputado por un delito
de "narcotráfico". La Justicia
otorgó oportunamente el beneficio de "prisión domiciliaria"
para Curbelo Tammaro y Weiszman.
La República/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Para terminar con la impunidad
En momentos en que el Parlamento analiza el proyecto de
ley interpretativo enviado por el
Ejecutivo para dejar sin efecto la
Ley de Caducidad, bueno es recordar un fallo histórico de la Suprema Corte de Justicia que, por
inconstitucional aquella norma
oprobiosa. Los cinco ministros de
la Corte por primera vez en 20
años dejaron oficialmente establecida
inconstitucionalidad de la llamada Ley de Caducidad de la Pretensión Punitiva del Estado. Este
criterio había sido expuesto de
manera contundente desde que dicha ley fue sancionada, en diciembre de 1986, por los juristas
más destacados, pero la Corte desestimó la inconstitucionalidad,
y se tomó aquella primera declaración del máximo organismo
del Poder Judicial como precedente y cosa juzgada.
El texto de este último fallo de la
SCJ contrario a aquella primera
declaración de la Corte demuele
uno por uno los argumentos esgrimidos por los defensores de la
constitucionalidad de la Ley, y
en definitiva deja sin asunto a
quienes pretendieron una defensa
de la norma desde el punto de vista jurídico; a partir de ahora y co-
mo viene ocurriendo desde hace
ya un tiempo los partidarios de la
Ley de Caducidad no podrán razonablemente
argumentos jurídicos, sino que
deberán reconocer que la norma
que consagró la impunidad de los
terroristas de Estado no fue sino
una "solución política" a una previsible crisis institucional, pero
que carece de legitimidad.
La SCJ entiende que la Ley de Caducidad violenta los artículos 4,
82 y 233 de nuestra Carta, así como diversas normas del Derecho
Internacional aprobadas por el
Estado uruguayo; al mismo tiempo, el fallo de la Corte desecha el
argumento de que se trató de una
amnistía, ya que, de ser así, sería
inconstitucional por razones formales. Asimismo, pulveriza la
idea de que una supuesta "lógica
de los hechos" surgida de un
acuerdo político pueda tener previsión constitucional que autorice
a desconocer lo establecido por
los artículos 4 y 82 de la
Por otra parte, los cinco ministros
entienden que la hipótesis de caducidad de la pretensión punitiva
también es inconstitucional, pues
excede las facultades de los legisladores e invade el ámbito de
una función constitucionalmente
asignada a los jueces.
Y finalmente, ha quedado clara la
violación más flagrante al principio de la separación de los Poderes del Estado por cuanto
atribuye al Poder Ejecutivo la potestad de decidir si el juez puede
actuar o no: "En la medida en que
la potestad jurisdiccional queda
limitada a una previa decisión del
Poder Ejecutivo, se viola flagrantemente el artículo 233 de la
Constitución", sostiene el fallo.
Y por fin, una consideración no
menor: el mero hecho que la norma haya sido ratificada por el
cuerpo electoral en nada la legitima ni le hace perder su condición de ley violatoria de la
Los legisladores que están estudiando el proyecto de ley interpretativo deberían volver a leer
ese fallo histórico. Terminarían
por comprender definitivamente
que la Ley 15.848 no solamente
es injusta e inmoral sino que atenta
institucionalidad democrática y
constituye una mancha en nuestra
Clarín/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
La Corte le impidió a San Luis expropiar un parque
El gobernador Alberto Rodríguez Saá había previsto una fecha simbólica como el 12 de
octubre, para desalojar el Parque
Nacional Sierra de las Quijadas
-el único de San Luis- y entregárselo a integrantes del pueblo huarpe que viven en la capital
puntana. Pero la Corte Suprema
de Justicia de la Nación respondió
a tiempo y le ordenó no innovar.
Situado en el noroeste de la provincia, el parque fue creado en
1991, para conservar ambientes
representativos del Chaco árido y
del monte, y para preservar sus
yacimientos arqueológicos y paleontológicos. Fue Adolfo Rodríguez
gobernador y hermano del actual,
quien firmó la cesión de las
73.534 hectáreas, compradas a
los particulares íntegramente con
fondos de la Administración de
Parques Nacionales (APN), tras
la sanción de una ley nacional.
Pero el 28 de julio pasado, la Cámara de Diputados de San Luis
votó la expropiación del parque
, manteniéndolo como área protegida, para restituirlo "a sus ancestrales
pobladores, el Pueblo Nación
Huarpe de San Luis". Según la ley
V-0721, el Estado nacional debía
considerarse compensado con las
deudas que mantendría con la provincia.
El 8 de agosto, APN solicitó una
medida cautelar ante la Corte
Suprema de Justicia de la Nación . Y el 7 de octubre pidió la revocación del desalojo ante la
Justicia Federal de San Luis.
ministran varios servicios. Emprendimientos
comparten con los avá guaraní en
Calilegua, y con los mbyá guaraní
en Iguazú. Más aún: en Sierra de
las Quijadas vive una comunidad
huarpe, en Guanacache, aunque
sin relación con el gobierno provincial.
Ayer, la Corte resolvió que la ley
V-0721 no podrá ejecutarse. Además pidió al Juzgado Federal de
San Luis remitirle las actuaciones, ya que la causa es de
competencia originaria del Supremo Tribunal.
APN mantiene una política de
creciente integración con las comunidades indígenas que viven
dentro o en la periferia de los parques nacionales. En el Lanín se
estableció un comanejo con las
comunidades mapuche, que ad-
El Observador/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Proponen al FA proyecto alternativo sobre
El ex senador socialista, José
Luis Korzeniak, presentó un
proyecto que declara sin efecto
las leyes que contradigan los convenios internacionales firmados
por Uruguay sobre protección de
derechos humanos
El constitucionalista hizo llegar
al Frente Amplio (FA) un proyecto que declara sin efecto las leyes
que contradigan los convenios internacionales firmados por Uruguay sobre protección de
derechos humanos.
En medio de las controversias que
desató el proyecto que la bancada
oficialista presentó en el Parlamento para declarar inaplicable
la ley de Caducidad, el ex senador
socialista, José Luis Korzeniak,
presentó una alternativa nueva.
Según publica el diario El Observador, el texto propuesto por el
ex senador y constitucionalista,
evita declarar a la ley de Caducidad como violatoria de la
Constitución. Ahora, el MPP
acepta correcciones, pero el PCU
y las bases del FA apoyan el
proyecto original. Anoche, diputados del FA se reunieron para
analizar la propuesta de Korzeniak.
El proyecto original del FA fue
constitucionalidad por catedráticos de distintas universidades, tras la cual los
legisladores del oficialismo comenzaron a analizar una salida.
El Universal - Ven/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Fedecámaras rechaza proyecto estatista del Gobierno
Fedecámaras rechaza proyecto
estatista del Gobierno nacional
Al cierre de su Asamblea Anual,
el gremio cuestionó el modelo
12:00 AM Contenido relacionado
Datos referenciales
Puerto Ordaz.- El "despotismo
económico" del Gobierno de Hugo Chávez ha colocado a la nación en un "estado de conmoción"
y sólo conllevará a la "destrucción del país". Con esas
expresiones, Noel Álvarez, presidente de Fedecámaras, resumió
la percepción de los empresarios
locales ante la actuación del Ejecutivo.
"Abatimiento económico y excusas son los únicos resultados de
un proyecto económico insensato
e inviable que pretende colocarnos en el trance de un solo
patrono que con la tiranía del monopolio quiere decidir cada una
de las dimensiones de nuestra vida pública y privada", afirmó el
directivo en el acto de cierre de la
66 Asamblea Anual de Fedecámaras, celebrada en Puerto
Ordaz, estado Bolívar.
Para la cúpula empresarial, los retos y desafíos que impone la realidad económica no se alcanzarán
en el marco del denominado "socialismo del siglo XXI", sino a
través de un cambio de dirección
que incluya la participación de la
empresa privada y fomente las inversiones y el "emprendimiento
"La presión social que significa
crear cada año trescientos mil
nuevos empleos pone en entredicho todo el sectarismo económico propio del socialismo del
siglo XXI a la vez que pone de relieve la necesidad social de contar
con la empresa privada, con los
empresarios emprendedores, con
sus trabajadores, con todos los activos sociales de más de 500 mil
empresas", sostuvo Álvarez.
Para el gremio, la acentuación de
la política de expropiaciones,
confiscaciones y estatizaciones
también constituye una forma de
desconocer los resultados electorales del pasado 26 de septiembre, a favor de la instauración
de un "socialismo arbitrario y excluyente".
"No podemos aceptar que el objetivo central de la política
económica del gobierno sea la
destrucción del país. Cada vez
que se confisca una empresa privada Venezuela pierde calidad de
vida y oportunidades para construir un futuro esperanzador".
Categóricamente el gremio empresarial expresó su rechazo al
proyecto estatista del Gobierno
nacional y a su plan "de apropiarse del aparato productivo interno y de las principales
instituciones privadas del país, a
través de la trampa retórica de una
ideología política socialista que
no está alineada con la
Constitución Bolivariana de Venezuela"
Igualmente, el presidente de Fedecámaras condenó que a través
de las acciones y el discurso oficial se pretenda perseguir y amenazar a la clase empresarial.
"Rechazamos que la vocería oficial esté llena de amenazas
proferidas contra la estabilidad
de las empresas (... ) Rechazamos
que los empresarios sean los presos políticos del socialismo del siglo XXI y que los canales del
Estado sean los vehículos para dañar su reputación sin que se les
reconozca el derecho a la legítima
defensa y a la preservación de su
integridad y dignidad personal".
En la declaración final de la
Asamblea, el gremio empresarial
dijo dirigirse al país "para ratificar el compromiso que tenemos para construir una
Venezuela productiva y eficiente
que sea capaz de contribuir a la solución de los problemas de la gente".
Agotar los recursos
Fedecámaras también resolvió
El Universal - Ven/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Fedecámaras rechaza proyecto estatista del Gobierno nacional
acudir al Tribunal Supremo de
Justicia (TSJ) para que emita un
pronunciamiento sobre las actuaciones del Ejecutivo en contra
de la propiedad y la iniciativa privada.
Según explicó Álvarez, acudirán
al máximo tribunal para solicitar
una "acción de protección de los
derechos económicos". El pasado
lunes, durante la inauguración
del evento, el directivo señaló
que desean saber "si de verdad la
iniciativa privada está derogada
en Venezuela", a la luz de las úl-
timas acciones protagonizadas
por el Gobierno sobre diversas
empresas privadas.
[email protected]
Publica aquí
El Universal - Ven/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
El Tribunal Supremo designó más de 600 suplentes
de jueces
En la lista de nombrados destaca
el nombre de la actual jueza de
Juicio de Aragua, Marjori Calderón, y quien ahora también podrá
magistrado de la Corte de Apelaciones de esa entidad.
sempeñó como fiscal ante las distintas salas del Tribunal Supremo
y es considerada como una de las
funcionarias mejor preparadas y
más respetadas de la instancia garante de la legalidad.
Otros decisiones
El Tribunal Supremo designó
más de 600 suplentes de jueces
También oficializó la destitución
de seis funcionarios de distintos
647 abogados fueron designados
por el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ) como suplentes de los
jueces penales ordinarios y de la
sección de responsabilidad penal
del niño y adolescentes.
Calderón condujo el juicio contra
los comisarios Iván Simonovis,
Henry Vivas y Lázaro Forero y
contra los ocho agentes de la Policía Metropolitana señalados de
participar en los sucesos de abril
de 2002. Su actuación en este proceso, uno de los más largos de la
historia reciente del país, fue
cuestionada pues está vinculada
sentimentalmente con un dirigente del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV).
Este lunes la Comisión Judicial
también oficializó la destitución
de seis jueces de distintos estados,
la suspensión sin goce de sueldo
de dos más, la aceptación de la renuncia de uno y la jubilación de
otros cuatro.
Los profesionales del Derecho
fueron nombrados por la Comisión Judicial del máximo juzgado el pasado 2 de agosto. No
obstante, no fue sino hasta el lunes de esta semana que la
decisión fue oficializada con la
publicación de la resolución en la
página web del organismo rector
del Poder Judicial.
Otro nombre que resalta es de
Mercedes Prieto, actual directora
de Apoyo Jurídico del Ministerio
Público y quien tras aprobar los
cursos de capacitación dictados
por la Escuela de la Magistratura,
para hacerse con un cargo de juez,
ahora podrá llenar alguna de las
vacantes que se produzcan en la
Corte de Apelaciones de Vargas.
Los designados deberán cubrir
"las faltas temporales" de los funcionarios cuando estos se encuentren de permiso, reposo,
vacaciones, se inhiban de conocer un caso determinado o sean
recusados por la defensa o la Fiscalía.
Prieto hasta hace poco se de-
De la misma manera informó la
designación de otros tantos, entre
los que destaca la de Kerly Sánchez como nueva coordinadora
de los tribunales laborales de Charallave (Miranda).
[email protected]
Publica aquí
El Universal - Ven/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Procesos en el extranjero se ciernen contra el
Procesos en el extranjero se ciernen contra el Gobierno
Caso de La Haya es analizado por
el fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional
relacionado Denuncian plan nuclear secreto entre Irán y Venezuela
Al Gobierno Bolivariano se le
han venido abriendo varios "frentes de batalla" fuera de las fronteras de Venezuela, que podrían
colocarlo en serio riesgo. Procesos judiciales en la Corte
Internacional Penal (CIP) de La
Haya, autos judiciales en España,
denuncias ante la Comisión Interamericana de los Derechos Humanos, acusaciones de la
participación de altos funcionarios públicos en actividades
de narcotráfico y lavado de dinero
y recientes señalamientos sobre
la preparación de un supuesto
programa nuclear con Irán, forman parte de expedientes que
avanzan en paralelo contra el Gobierno de Hugo Chávez Frías.
En La Haya
Hasta que el abogado Jaime Granados -asesor legal del ex presidente de Colombia Álvaro
Uribe- entregó ante la CPI una demanda contra Hugo Chávez, por
delitos de lesa humanidad, el tema de la supuesta colaboración
entre el Gobierno venezolano y la
guerrilla colombiana estaba solo
en el plano de las acusaciones públicas, pero sin ningún proceso judicial abierto.
Granados, en representación de
un grupo de supuestas víctimas,
introdujo ante la Corte de La
Haya en agosto pasado un legajo
de 116 páginas para sustentar la
denuncia penal contra el presidente de Venezuela.
De acuerdo con el diario El Colombiano, la denuncia está compuesta por una descripción de
hechos ocurridos en 2010, que podrían ser caracterizados como
violaciones a los derechos contenidos en la Convención
Americana, en el documento se
dan cuenta del supuesto conocimiento de las autoridades de
Venezuela sobre la presencia de
las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias
de Colombia
(FARC) y el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) en el
territorio venezolano y una descripción de hechos que probarían
la relación militar entre las autoridades de Venezuela y la guer-
rilla colombiana.
En el material aparecen los nombres de varios funcionarios y ex
funcionarios del Gobierno venezolano como el ministro de
Energía Eléctrica, Alí Rodríguez;
el ex ministro de Interior, Ramón
Rodríguez Chacín y el general
Clíver Alcalá Cordones.
Según dijo Granados (en un artículo de opinión publicado en el
diario colombiano La República)
ese material "deja claro el apoyo
de Chávez y las Fuerzas Armadas
bajo su control a estos grupos terroristas mediante el suministro de
uniformes, municiones y armamento de uso privativo del
Ejército venezolano, dinero, servicios de salud, la adecuación de
lugares de práctica y refugio en
territorio venezolano".
Añadió que también "se relacionan solicitudes del Gobierno
del país vecino al grupo terrorista,
para trabajar de manera conjunta
en el secuestro de ciudadanos venezolanos".
En este proceso serviría de testigo
excepcional el propio Álvaro Uribe, quien suministraría testimonio sobre "los constantes
requerimientos" que habrían realizado él y su Fuerza Armada
para que el Gobierno venezolano
tomara acciones militares contra
El Universal - Ven/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Procesos en el extranjero se ciernen contra el Gobierno
la guerrilla supuestamente refugiada en Venezuela.
El caso se encuentra en fase de
análisis por la Fiscalía de la Corte
Penal Internacional para determinar si procede una investigación.
El caso de ETA
Al menos dos autos judiciales de
la Audiencia Nacional de España
da indicios de la supuesta colaboración entre el Gobierno de
Venezuela y la organización separatistas vasca ETA.
Que la banda terrorista haya efec-
tuado su entrenamiento en Venezuela no sería noticioso si no se
creyera que los cursos eran conocidos por el Gobierno
venezolano, en este sentido, la figura clave es José Arturo Cubillas
Fontán, ciudadano que trabajó
con ETA y que reside en Venezuela desde el año 1989 y quien
aparece como afiliado activo del
Instituto Venezolano de los Seguros Sociales por su labor en el
Instituto Nacional de Tierras.
Según el auto judicial del juez
Eloy Velasco de febrero pasado,
y el testimonio de Juan Carlos Besance y Xabier Atristain -dos
capturados-, Cubillas utilizaba su influencia en el Gobierno para
efectuar los cursos de adiestramiento, en algunos de los
cuales, supuestamente
participaron guerrilleros de las
Estos proceso siguen su curso para
responsabilidades penales. Serán
llamados a declarar dos testigos
venezolanos: el general retirado
Nelson González González y el
embajador Diego Arria.
Publica aquí
El Universal - Ven/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Mármol de León lamentó falta de autonomía en
Poder Judicial
Mármol de León lamentó falta de
autonomía en Poder Judicial EL
La magistrada del TSJ, Blanca
Rosa Mármol de León, manifestó
que el caso de la jueza María
Lourdes Afiuni, "es la representación del Poder Judicial
venezolano. Es lo que tenemos y
es la negación de un Poder Judicial autónomo".
En declaraciones a Globovisión
mostró su preocupación por la situación del Poder Judicial y resaltó que en la actualidad está
"sometido" y "anulado". "Un país
con falta de autonomía está perdido, sin esperanzas".
Mármol de León reveló que sobre
la renovación de los magistrados
planteada por algunos diputados
de la Asamblea sólo se manejan
rumores en el seno judicial. Afirmó que sólo pueden ser cambiados 8 o 9 magistrados y que se
trata de un proceso pendiente desde hace tiempo. A su juicio es
necesario revisar la conveniencia
de mantener en 32 el número de
magistrados en el TSJ.
Publica aquí
El Universal - Ven/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Indígenas de Anzoátegui exigen mayor justicia social
Indígenas de Anzoátegui exigen
mayor justicia social
En actos del descubrimiento reclamaron atención oficial a las etnías
Barcelona.- Pasados 518 años
del descubrimiento de América,
para unos, y del Día de la Resistencia Indígena, para otros, se
realizaron sendos actos en Monagas y Anzoátegui. En ambos
manifestaron el deseo de que el
Gobierno apoye acciones que dignifique a los aborígenes venezolanos, aunque reconocieron
el apoyo del Ejecutivo a las comunidades autóctonas.
En la Plaza Bolívar de Barcelona,
el Consejo Legislativo de Anzoátegui celebró una sesión solemne para conmemorar la fecha
de "la invasión a Venezuela por
parte de España". El orador de orden fue el pemón Luis González
González, diputado electo a la
Asamblea Nacional.
Luego de reflexionar sobre el
concepto que maneja la re-
volución de esta fecha, González,
del PSUV, agradeció que en las
décadas recientes se le ha dado la
significación exacta al 12 de octubre.
Sin embargo, no dejó de reconocer que todavía hay mucho
que hacer por el pueblo indígena
Resaltó que hay exclusiones de
sus tribus en esta sociedad "a pesar de que han muerto por defender la patria" y agregó que
"compartimos con Chávez la revisión de la actuación de los entes
públicos y la aplicación de las tres
R: revisión, rectificación y reimpulso".
Dijo que en Venezuela hay 40
pueblos indígenas "que superaron
una invasión, pero que siguen resistiendo para sobrevivir". Estimó que se hace necesario hacer
cumplir lo establecido en la
Constitución Bolivariana, que en
su artículo 169 establece la protección a los indígenas. Consideró que debe haber equilibrio
en la sociedad y por eso ayer solicitaron más justicia social,
porque "el indígena ha hecho
aportes valiosos a la Nación, como por ejemplo el cuido y el amor
a la tierra, de la cual no se debe
abusar extrayendo sus elementos
en forma descontrolada".
Festejos en Monagas
Más de 60 planteles y representantes de los grupos aborígenes se celebró el 12 de
octubre en Monagas.
La plaza del cacique José Miguel
Guanaguanay, ubicada en el sector Alto Los Godos, fue el lugar
donde se llevaron a cabo las actividades
correspondientes, luego del colorido
desfile que partió desde la plaza
El Indio de Maturín.
Darwin Ágreda, secretario regional de gobierno, representó en
el acto al gobernador José Gregorio Briceño, "Conmemoramos
este día, por cuanto representa esa
lucha de nuestros pueblos indígenas en una reivindicación de
nuestra cultura, , porque aquel
mal llamado día de la hispanidad
fue una transculturización. No se
nos deben olvidar".
Publica aquí
Le Monde | Paris/BR, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Flottille : neuf passagers français attaquent
Nétanyahou devant la CPI
AFP/URIEL SINAI Neuf militants turcs avaient été tués dans
des heurts avec les commandos de
la marine israélienne lors de l'abordage du navire amiral de la
Neuf passagers français de la flottille arraisonnée par Israël au large de Gaza le 31 mai ont déposé
une "dénonciation" pour crimes
de guerre et crimes contre l'humanité auprès de la Cour pénale
internationale (CPI) de La Haye,
a annoncé mercredi 13 octobre
leur avocate. La procédure de dénonciation, la seule accessible
pour les particuliers, vise à ce que
le procureur de la CPI saisisse la
chambre préliminaire de la Cour
pour être autorisé à faire une enquête.
Sur le même sujet Les faits La militante pacifiste Mairead Maguire
sera bien expulsée d'Israël Entretien "Les Israéliens ne veulent
pas voir les crimes commis contre
les Palestiniens" Les faits L'ONU
avalise le rapport dénonçant le
comportement d'Israël dans l'affaire de la flottille Les faits La marine israélienne arraisonne un
bateau de pacifistes juifs au large
de Gaza Les faits Un nouveau bateau humanitaire en route pour
Gaza Les faits Flottille : il existe
des "preuves claires" pour poursuivre Israël, selon l'ONU Edition
abonnés Thématique : Gaza : la
flottille de la discorde La Prix Nobel de la paix 1976 n'est pas bienvenue en Israël Abonnez-vous
au : 6€ / mois
+ 1 mois offert
Déposée auprès du procureur de
la CPI, la dénonciation vise le premier ministre israélien, Benjamin
Nétanyahou, son ministre de la
défense, Ehoud Barak, et son
chef d'état-major, le général
Gaby Ashkenazi, "puisqu'ils ont
revendiqué la responsabilité de
cette opération", a précisé Me Liliane Glock, avocate de neuf des
dix Français qui participaient à la
flottille, ainsi que de deux veuves
de Turcs tués lors de l'opération et
d'un Turc rescapé. L'avocate, basée à Nancy, a en outre assuré
qu'une dénonciation similaire allait être déposée jeudi au nom des
autres victimes turques de l'attaque de la flottille.
Neuf militants turcs avaient été
tués dans des heurts avec les commandos de la marine israélienne
lors de l'abordage du navire amiral de la flottille, dans les eaux internationales, alors que le bateau
tentait de forcer le blocus israélien de la bande de Gaza. Les
plaignants considèrent que l'attaque de la flottille d'une part, le
blocus de Gaza d'autre part, constituent des crimes de guerre et des
crimes contre l'humanité.
Les plaignants font notamment
valoir un rapport du Conseil des
droits de l'homme de l'ONU, qui
affirme qu'il y a "des preuves
claires permettant d'appuyer des
poursuites" contre Israël pour des
crimes incluant l'homicide intentionnel et la torture à la suite de
l'assaut. Me Glock avait déjà déposé des plaintes en France en
"séquestration" auprès des procureurs de Marseille et d'Evry, où
résident deux de ses clients.
Pour aller plus loin :
la chronologie des événements
Le Monde | Paris/BR, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
L'amnistie d'Asif Ali Zardari examinée par la justice
AP/Anjum Naveed Asif Ali Zardari, veuf de Benazir Bhutto.
Asif Ali Zardari, surnommé dans
son pays "M. 10 %" en raison des
commissions qu'il était accusé
d'empocher sur des marchés publics dans les années 1990, va
peut-être devoir comparaître devant ses juges. La Cour suprême
du Pakistan examinait mercredi
13 octobre une requête du gouvernement visant à maintenir une
amnistie qui a bénéficié au président et à huit mille autres notables. Alors
qu'un rejet
permettrait de relancer des enquêtes pour corruption jusqu'au
sommet de l'Etat, la plus haute juridiction du pays quelques heures
après l'ouverture de l'audience a
ajourné la séance jusqu'à la première semaine de novembre, sans
fixer de date précise.
Sur le même sujet Les faits L'amnistie d'Asif Ali Zardari examinée par la justice pakistanaise
La Cour suprême avait invalidé et
annulé le 16 décembre 2009 un
décret d'amnistie datant d'octobre
2007, qui avait permis à M. Zardari, veuf de l'ancienne première
ministre Benazir Bhutto, assassinée la même année, de se présenter
présidentielle en 2008.
l'annulation de l'amnistie, la Cour suprême
gouvernement de relancer toutes
les procédures contre les quelque
huit mille bénéficiaires, dont M.
Zardari, accusé de corruption et
de détournements de fonds publics quand son épouse était chef
du gouvernement et lui ministre.
Depuis le 16 décembre 2009, le
gouvernement traîne les pieds
pour relancer les procédures judiciaires visant de nombreux caciques du pouvoir, mais aussi de
l'opposition, et refuse catégoriquement de demander à la
justice suisse de rouvrir une enquête visant M. Zardari et Mme
Bhutto pour le blanchiment de
quelque 12 à 13 millions de dollars. Le gouvernement invoque
l'immunité présidentielle dont
jouit le chef de l'Etat, ce qu'a confirmé la justice suisse. Le gouvernement a fait appel de
l'invalidation du décret d'amnistie et c'est cela que devait juger
la Cour suprême à partir de mercredi.
Par ailleurs, des requêtes parallèles ont été introduites devant
la justice pour contester l'immunité de M. Zardari, invoquant
notamment l'illégalité et l'inconstitutionnalité de son élection
en 2008 si le décret d'amnistie est
bien considéré comme nul et non
avenu. En effet, la Constitution
pakistanaise stipule que les candidats à la présidentielle ne peuvent pas être sous le coup d'une
procédure judiciaire.
Le Figaro/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Flottille/CPI : plaintes de Français
Neuf passagers français de la flottille arraisonnée par Israël au large de Gaza le 31 mai ont déposé
une "dénonciation" pour crimes
de guerre et crimes contre l'humanité auprès de la Cour pénale
internationale (CPI) de La Haye,
a annoncé aujourd'hui leur avocate.
La dénonciation, déposée auprès
du procureur de la CPI, vise le
Premier ministre israélien, Benjamin Netanyahu, son ministre de
la Défense Ehud Barak et son
chef d'état-major, le général
Gaby Ashkenazi, "puisqu'ils ont
revendiqué la responsabilité de
cette opération", a précisé Me Liliane Glock, avocate de neuf des
10 Français qui participaient à la
flottille, ainsi que de deux veuves
de Turcs tués lors de l'opération et
d'un Turc rescapé.
L'avocate, basée à Nancy, a en outre assuré qu'une dénonciation similaire allait être déposée jeudi
au nom des autres victimes turques de l'attaque de la flottille.
Neuf militants turcs avaient été
tués dans des heurts avec les commandos de la marine israélienne
lors de l'abordage du navire amiral de la flottille, dans les eaux internationales, alors que le bateau
tentait de forcer le blocus israélien de la bande de Gaza.
En août, le général Ashkenazi
ainsi que MM. Netanyahu et Barak avaient justifié devant une
israélienne les tirs de l'armée lors de
le blocus de Gaza d'autre part,
constituent des crimes de guerre
et des crimes contre l'humanité.
La procédure de dénonciation, la
seule accessible pour les particuliers, vise à ce que le procureur de la CPI saisisse la
chambre préliminaire de la Cour
pour être autorisé à faire une enquête.
Les plaignants font notamment
valoir un rapport du Conseil des
droits de l'Homme de l'ONU, qui
affirme qu'il y a "des preuves claires permettant d'appuyer des
poursuites" contre Israël pour des
crimes incluant l'homicide intentionnel et la torture à la suite de
Les plaignants considèrent que
l'attaque de la flottille d'une part,
Le Figaro/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Suisse : mandat présidentiel allongé?
La Suisse veut allonger d'un an
actuellement à deux ans le mandat
de la présidence tournante de la
Confédération helvétique, afin
d'assurer une plus grande continuité pour cette fonction.
Le prolongement du mandat présidentiel, essentiellement une
fonction honorifique, "permettra
au président de mieux remplir sa
fonction de direction et de coordination au sein du Conseil fédéral" et "lui donnera les moyens
de mieux assumer ses devoirs de
représentation et de nouer des
contacts plus solides avec l'é-
tranger", selon la chancellerie fédérale.
La Suisse a été confrontée ces
deux dernières années à plusieurs
reprises à des situations difficiles,
autant sur le plan international
que national, avec la quasi faillite
de la banque UBS, les attaques
contre le secret bancaire et l'affaires des deux Suisses retenus en
Libye. La fonction présidentielle,
qui est assurée par un membre du
gouvernement en parallèle de son
portefeuille ministériel, etait
alors apparue trop faible et inefficace, selon certains ob-
L'idée d'une présidence à quatre
ou cinq ans, telle qu'elle existe
dans les pays européens, a cependant été rejetée, a indiqué Doris Leuthard, ministre de
l'Economie et présidente de la
Confédération jusqu'à la fin de
L'allongement du mandat présidentiel exigeant une modification de la Constitution
helvétique, le texte sera soumis
aux citoyens suisses lors d'un référendum populaire.
Le Figaro/IN, 13 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Karachi: le PS veut rouvrir la mission
Le PS va demander la réouverture
de la mission parlementaire sur
l'attentat de Karachi en 2002 en
raison de l'apparition d'éléments
nouveaux sur le financement de
la campagne présidentielle d'Edouard Balladur en 1995, a dit aujourd'hui le rapporteur de cette
mission, le député PS Bernard Cazeneuve.
"Nous allons regarder comment
l'on peut réouvrir la mission d'information parlementaire compte
tenu des éléments nouveaux,
éventuellement en la transformant en commission d'enquête
pour qu'elle dispose des moyens
dont la mission ne pouvait dis-
poser", a dit Bernard Cazeneuve.
Les travaux de cette mission se
sont achevés en mai.
Onze salariés de la Direction des
constructions navales (DCN) ont
été tuées le 8 mai 2002 alors qu'ils
travaillaient à la construction de
sous-marins commandés par le
Pakistan à la France en 1994.
Le financement de la campagne
électorale d'Edouard Balladur a
récemment été de nouveau posé
en raison de soupçons de rétrocommissions sur la vente de
ces sous-marins au Pakistan en
1994, qui a donné lieu au ver-
sement de commissions.
Trois rapporteurs du Conseil
constitutionnel avaient proposé
le rejet des comptes de campagne
du candidat Balladur en raison de
dons en espèces d'une dizaine de
millions d'euros "sans justificatifs enregistrés comme des
dons de personnes physiques", selon des extraits de leurs conclusions récemment dévoilés.
Le Conseil constitutionnel avait
finalement validé les comptes de
campagne en octobre 1995.
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
The stigma of leprosy: still much to be done
It is to be commended that the
Guardian has chosen to highlight
self-stigmatisation of people affected by leprosy ('This place is
paradise': Egypt's last leprosy colonists resist lure of freedom, 11
Guardian followers could, however, be forgiven for reading this
piece and consigning leprosy and
the extreme social stigma surrounding this disease to the history books. This is of course not
the case, and despite the "significant medical advances"
mentioned in the piece we find,
sadly, that the "sea-change in social attitudes towards leprosy" is,
in many places, yet to happen. Leprosy stigma in its various forms
is alive and well.
With the equivalent of one person
diagnosed with leprosy every two
minutes (around 250,000 new cases last year) leprosy is still affecting hundreds of thousands of
people worldwide. Years after a
cure for leprosy, social stigma is a
major obstacle to the early diagnosis needed to avoid the disabilities that for too long have
been associated with the disease.
Many people diagnosed with leprosy are still ostracised by their
communities and families, with
even children forced to leave home. People who have had leprosy
also find themselves discriminated against in law. In India, home to 54% of all new cases
of the disease, leprosy is still
grounds for a divorce, and in 2009
the supreme court upheld a law
prohibiting former leprosy patients from holding public office.
Fear of repercussions stops many
people coming forward for diagnosis and treatment. The disabilities that develop as a result
further fuel the stigma.
There is still so much work to be
done on tackling leprosy stigma
in all its guises, with activities to
reduce stigma forming part of any
modern leprosy control programme.
Sarah Nancollas
Chief executive, Lepra Health in
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Quangos cull: Equality and Human Rights
Commission faces major overhaul
week's spending review, how much the GEO is allocated and how
much of that it in turn allocates to
the commission. It has already
taken a 15% funding cut this year.
Trevor Phillips, chair of the Equality and
Human Rights Commission. Photograph:
Graham Turner
Trevor Phillips, chair of the
Equality and Human Rights
Commission. Photograph: Graham Turner
The Equality and Human Rights
Commission (EHRC) faces a major overhaul - and a longer wait after the government confirmed it
will not be scrapped but will face
substantial reforms and will have
to prove it is properly using taxpayers' money.
In addition, the National Women's Commission will be abolished and its functions brought
into the Government Equalities
Office (GEO). Francis Maude,
the Cabinet Office minister, told
parliament that it would be "childish" to assume that the abolition
of a commission meant that the
government was no longer committed to the issues it handled.
The GEO said in a statement today that the EHRC would be "radically" reformed" and stripped
of some responsibilities.
It said: "The EHRC's work will
be refocused on its core functions
of regulating equality and anti-discrimination law in Great Britain, of fulfilling EU equality
requirements and of being a National Human Rights Institution.
As part of our drive to increase the
accountability of public services
to ministers, and to parliament,
ministers are considering the scope for transferring some of EHRC's functions and services to
government departments or contracting with private or voluntary
sector bodies to undertake them.
"In light of the commission's history of poor financial control, we
propose to strengthen requirements around financial and
management controls to ensure
that government and parliament
can better hold EHRC to account
for its performance and how it
spends taxpayers' money."
There is no mention in the statement of the commission's original responsibility to promote
social cohesion and good community relationships, which is
likely to be one of the aspects it
could be stripped of.
The EHRC has had a troubled beginning, with a string of high-profile resignations from its
board last year in disputes over
the leadership of its chair Trevor
Phillips. Phillips was seen as close to New Labour, and many
questioned whether he could survive the controversy around his
role and the change in government.
The body also had its accounts for
2008-09 qualified in July by the
National Audit Office, which said
it had breached rules on pay rises
for permanent staff and badly managed money and its finance director left earlier this year.
A spokesman for the commission
said: "We are pleased the government has recognised the valuable role the commission will
The EHRC is now in the hands of
the government and awaiting some indication of how it will be reformed. Those decisions are
understood to hinge on next
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Quangos cull: Equality and Human Rights Commission faces major overhaul
continue to play as an independent regulator of equality
and human rights in Great Britain."
outros veículos:
14 de outubro de 2010
- The Guardian | Londres/IN
- The Guardian | Londres/IN
Matéria similar publicada em
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Macedonia called to account over extraordinary
rendition case
Khaled El-Masri has taken his case to the
European court of human rights. Photograph:
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Khaled El-Masri has taken his case to the European court of
human rights. Photograph: Chip
Somodevilla/Getty Images
The European court of human
rights has for the first time told a
state it has a case to answer over
the CIA's practice of seizing terror suspects and subjecting them
to mistreatment in secret jails.
It has called Macedonia to account for seizing Khaled el-Masri, a German citizen, at the
request of the US in December
2003 and held him incommunicado for 23 days. Masri
was handed over to the CIA and
flown to a detention centre in Kabul, Afghanistan, where he was
confined in what have been described as appalling conditions, interrogated and abused.
Four months later, Masri was
flown by the CIA to a base in Albania where he was dumped on a
The case against Macedonia, which has become the first government called to account by an
international court for its collaboration with the CIA's
extraordinary rendition programme, was brought by the
Open Society Justice Initiative,
an independent New York foundation supported by George Soros.
The Strasbourg-based court told
the Macedonian government it
had a case to answer on 8 October.
"With this case, the European
court has gone beyond the US judiciary in responding to the torture and abuse associated with
unlawful rendition," said James
Goldston, executive director of
the Open Society Justice Initiative. "Khaled el-Masri has endured a terrible ordeal, and he has
a right to justice and public
acknowledgement of his mistreatment."
He described the court's move as
a major step forward, since only
about 10% of all cases brought before it advance to this stage. Macedonia, which has denied any
involvement in Masri's abduction, will have to answer
specific questions posed by the
court about its alleged role in the
CIA's rendition programme. The
court has also invited Germany to
submit comments.
The US has never publicly
acknowledged rendering Masri.
In 2007, the US supreme court
declined to question an appeal
court ruling on grounds of US state secrets privilege.
Flight records show that on 23 January 2004, a Boeing 737 business jet owned by a US-based
corporation, Premier Executive
Transportation Services, operated by another US-based corporation, Aero Contractors
Limited, and registered by the US
Federal Aviation Administration
as aircraft N313P, flew Masri
from Macedonia via Baghdad to
Afghanistan, according to the
Open Society Justice Initiative.
The same aircraft has been identified as being involved in other
rendition flights.
Masri was seized on 31 December 2003, when he was travelling from his home in Ulm,
Germany, to Skopje, the capital
of Macedonia, by bus. When he
reached the border, Macedonian
officials confiscated his passport
and detained him for several
hours before he was handed over
to armed officers in plain clothes.
National investigations related to
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Macedonia called to account over extraordinary rendition case
Masri's rendition are continuing
in Germany and Spain. The Polish, Lithuanian and British governments are being investigated
over their alleged role in CIA extraordinary renditions.
Matéria similar publicada em
outros veículos:
- The Guardian | Londres/IN |
14 de outubro de 2010
- The Guardian | Londres/IN |
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Home Office to lift ban on deporting failed asylum
seekers to Zimbabwe
tain of Zimbabweans was halted
in autumn 2006 after a high court
ruling that those who were unable
to demonstrate their loyalty to Robert Mugabe's regime would face
X Factor contestant Gamu Nhengu has been
supported in her fight againt deportation by
neighbours in Tillicoultry, Clackmannanshire.
Photograph: Andrew Milligan/PA
X Factor contestant Gamu Nhengu has been supported in her fight
againt deportation by neighbours
Clackmannanshire. Photograph: Andrew
The four-year-old ban on sending
more than 10,000 failed asylum
seekers back to Zimbabwe is to be
lifted, the immigration minister,
Damian Green, has announced.
The Home Office minister said
the time was right to lift the ban given the improved situation in
Zimbabwe after the formation of
an "inclusive" government in
Among those who could be affected by the decision is Gamu
Nhengu, the former X Factor contestant whose family fled Zimbabwe eight years ago and now
face deportation. The UK Border
Agency has refused to extend the
family's visas.
Ministers first considered lifting
the ban on removals in the wake
of the presidential election of
Morgan Tsvangirai in March
2008 but Mugabe's Zanu-PF followers unleashed a whirlwind of
violence in which more than 180
people, mostly supporters of Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change, were killed.
Green's announcement comes before an immigration and asylum
tribunal test case on the general
safety of Zimbabwe. "We expect
the case to reflect the improvements in Zimbabwe since
the previous country guidance case was decided in 2008," said
Green. Ministers said they would
not send anyone back to Zimbabwe until the case was settled.
"Those who have no right to remain in the UK, and who choose
not to return home voluntarily,
will then face enforced return, in
exactly the same way as failed
asylum seekers of all other countries," said the minister. The new
policy did not reflect any change
in the British government opposition to human rights abuses
in Zimbabwe, he said.
The current Foreign Office advice to British travellers says the
situation in Zimbabwe has improved from the violent low point
of 2008, but "remains unpredictable and could deteriorate.
demonstrations and any areas where
incidents of violence are taking
"Human rights abuses and instances of political violence continue, particularly in agricultural
and mining areas."
The decision to declare Zimbabwe a safe country for returns
partly rests on the report of a UK
fact-finding mission in August.
That was based on interviews
with seven people who had voluntarily returned from Britain,
who officials said faced no significant problems at Harare airport or in resettling in Harare or
The forcible removal from
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Home Office to lift ban on deporting failed asylum seekers to Zimbabwe
The mission's report said Harare
and Bulawayo were considered to
be relatively safe from violence,
especially for ordinary MDC supporters. However several human
rights organisations said small ur-
ban centres such as Bindura and
Chiredzi and the rural heartlands
of Zanu-PF were subject to the
risk of sporadic violence.
Zimbabwe," it adds.
"Someone walking around in an
MDC T-shirt would be putting
themselves at risk anywhere in
The Guardian | Londres/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
French woman faces fine for tearing niqab from
tourist's face
Women are no longer permitted to wear niqabs
in France since a ban came into force earlier
this year. Photograph: Reuters
Women are no longer permitted
to wear niqabs in France since a
ban came into force earlier this
year. Photograph: Reuters
A 63-year-old French woman
should serve a two-year suspended prison sentence and pay a
fine of EUR750 (£659) after she
admitted tearing a full Islamic
veil from the face of a tourist from
the United Arab Emirates, prosecutors have said.
The woman, a retired English teacher who has been identified only
as Marléne, said she was "irritated" by the sight of two women shopping in Paris in their
"I tore her niqab off and I shouted.
I wanted to create a bit of a scandal," she told Le Parisien. Her anger, she said, sprang from
witnessing the treatment of women in the Middle East, where
she used to teach. "I think it is
unacceptable for the niqab to be
worn in the country of human rights. It's a muzzle," she said.
Although she admits removing
the veil, Marléne denies allegations that she hit and bit the
tourist, who claims to have been
so distressed by the incident that
she had not returned to France since. The victim's lawyer said her
client was on the receiving end of
"an attack on religious freedom".
She said that although at the time
of the attack in February the full
Islamic veil was still legal attire,
the accused's actions would still
be reprehensible now - a month
after a ban on face-covering was
passed into law by French MPs.
Critics of the ban, which threatens
wearers of the niqab with a fine of
EUR150 and a course in French
citizenship, have warned it is an
unnecessary step that affects a
very small minority of women but
stirs up tensions.
A verdict is expected on 4 November.
In a Paris court, prosecutor Anne
de Fontette said the behaviour
was not something that could be
permitted in France. "Living together requires, quite simply, an
acceptance of the other, of the
way in which [the other] is dressed," she said.
She said that not realising the pair
were foreigners, she initially pulled one of their veils while chastising them in French for covering
their faces. Minutes later, upon
noticing that the woman concerned had replaced her veil, she
became further enraged.
pg.155, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Head of Afghan panel optimistic over peace moves
Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- A
former Afghan president who
heads a panel seeking peace discussions with the Taliban says
he's optimistic that serious talks
can be forged one day but cautioned that it will take time.
Burhanuddin Rabbani spoke to
reporters on Thursday at a press
conference the day after the Taliban issued a statement denying
reports of contact between the Afghan government and the Taliban.
Head of the High Peace Council,
Rabbani said Afghan officials'
"first steps" have been taken to
pursue peace initiatives and some
contacts have taken place.
"I feel a tendency among the Taliban that there were and there are
some people who have a message
for the preparation of peace process. But it will take time until this
develops into a practical reality
and good news. We are now at the
beginning of the avenue and we
have more things in front of us."
Rabbani said he will ask NATO,
which is leading the military effort in Afghanistan, to support the
peace process. Its operation in Afghanistan is called the International Security Assistance
Senior peace council member
Mahsoom Stanikzai said NATO's
cooperation is "something essential" and suggested that the military should stop operations in
areas where talks would be helpful.
NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that
while the military operations
should continue, the political process should be Afghan-led.
Video: Battling Afghan counter-insurgency RELATED TOPICS The Taliban Afghanistan
"I believe the best way to facilitation, reconciliation and
reintegration is to keep up military pressure on Taliban,"
Rasmussen told reporters on
Rabbani says Taliban members
have suggested tough conditions
for talks and he is hopeful this "demonstrates that they also want negotiations to take place and that
they have something to say."
Rabbani said there had been stages in Afghanistan where the government and the international
community were not frequently
talking about peace.
But he said he thinks that a view
has emerged that "war cannot solve the problem of this country," a
position that "has turned into a
fact today."
"Considering this, everyone is
convinced today that the issue
should be solved through negotiations and political ways."
He said the government also has
conditions and principles for
talks. One is that the existence of
the Afghan constitution cannot
be negotiated, even though he
said he's not against talk on modifying parts of the document.
Meanwhile, the Taliban says reports that its members have held
talks with the Afghan government are "futile claims" and
"baseless propaganda."
"It is a part and parcel of a regular
psychological warfare of the
enemy," the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan said in a statement
on Wednesday.
"We would like to make it clear
that the stance of the Islamic Emirate is unequivocal and final regarding the negotiation -- that is,
holding negotiation with the
enemy in conditions of their military presence in Afghanistan, is
a waste of time."
The group cites comments made
by Afghan President Hamid Karzai on CNN that unofficial talks
with the Taliban have been taking
place and other similar reports.
Karzai told CNN's "Larry King
pg.156, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Head of Afghan panel optimistic over peace moves
Live" that "we have been talking
to the Taliban as countryman to
countryman, talk in that manner."
gotiation or cease-fire" unless the
"invaders"pull out of the country.
who've surrendered or were detained don't represent the group.
In an interview aired Monday night, he said the talks are "not as a regular official contact with the
Taliban with a fixed address, but
rather unofficial personal contacts have been going on for quite
some time."
"The enemy has never contacted
the leaders of the Islamic Emirate, let alone holding any kind of
talks with them. Nor any effort
has been made by the enemy directly or indirectly to initiate contacts with the leadership of the
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan."
The statement also calls the Afghanistan government's peace
council "a contemplated endeavor" to distract attention and
mislead Afghans.
The Taliban statement says it
won't "accept any kind of ne-
It says any "minuscule numbers"
of former Taliban officials
CNN's Matiullah Mati and Najibullah Sharifi contributed to
this report
Reuters/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Japan PM: desirable for China to free Nobel winner
Ties between Asia's top economies worsened after Japan
held a Chinese trawler captain
whose boat collided with Japanese patrol ships near disputed
islets, but signs of improvement
followed recent informal talks
between Kan and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.
"It is desirable for him to be released," Kan told a parliamentary
committee, referring to Liu.
"Japan-China ties are now returning to the original point of
(improving) strategically mutually beneficial ties. In this situation ... my position is to act by
taking into consideration national interest as well as my
personal views."
spokesman Ma Zhaoxu did not directly comment on Kan's remarks, but repeated that China
viewed Liu as a criminal and did
not welcome attention on his case.
"Some foreign politicians and governments have supported awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu
Xiaobo. I do wonder what their intent is. Could it be that they object
to China's path of development,
object to China's political system?" Ma said.
The award has strained China's
ties with Norway, home to the
Nobel Peace Prize committee,
even though the government there has no say in who receives it.
China has canceled several meetings with Norwegian officials
since last week.
The spokesman Ma said that step
was "understandable."
Managing ties with China, which
is edging past Japan to become
the world's second-biggest economy, poses a headache for Kan.
Japan needs good relations with
its biggest trading partner but Kan
has already come under fire domestically for appearing to cave
in to Beijing's demands by releasing the trawler captain.
China, infuriated by the Nobel
Peace Prize that was awarded this
week to jailed dissident Liu, has
loudly criticized foreign governments over the issue.
Japan greeted the award by stressing the importance of respecting
human rights, but unlike some
countries, has not specifically called for Liu's release.
Japan and China are trying to arrange a formal summit meeting
between the two countries' leaders at end-October on the sidelines of a regional summit in
Vietnam, Japan's Chief Cabinet
Secretary Yoshito Sengoku said.
Japan, China and South Korea
may also hold a trilateral summit
there, Japanese media reported.
Kan and Chinese Premier Wen
Jiabao both called for better ties
at an informal meeting this month
but they also stressed their claims
to the uninhabited islands in the
East China Sea, called Senkaku in
Japan and Diaoyu in China.
The recent bilateral row underscored the fragility of ties, plagued by bitter Chinese attitudes
toward Japan's wartime occupation and Japan's jitters about
China's military buildup.
(Reporting by Yoko Kubota; Additional reporting by Chris
Buckley in Beijing)
World China China Labor Unrest
El Pais | Montevidéu/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Acuerdan la liberación de reclusos con delitos leves
Plan. Abarcará al 7% de los presos; incluye a los que cumplieron media pena
/ E. BAR-
Gobierno y Poder Judicial acordaron un plan para bajar el hacinamiento
abarcará a 644 de 9.200 presos.
Incluye liberación de primarios
con delitos leves. Quedarán libres los presos con dos años de reclusión sin acusación fiscal.
El plan fue elaborado por una comisión integrada por dos asesores del ministro del Interior,
Eduardo Bonomi, en materia carcelaria (Silvia Izquierdo y
Gabriela Fulco) y dos representantes del Poder Judicial
(Alfredo Gómez Tedeschi y Carlos Alles).
El acuerdo será enviado al Parlamento como proyecto de ley
luego que Bonomi y el presidente
de la Suprema Corte de Justicia,
Jorge Chediak, lo firmen la próxima semana.
La liberación abarcará como mínimo un 7% de los reclusos del
país, que cometieron delitos leves
y cumplieron una prisión preventiva superior a los dos años. A
estos se sumarán otros grupos de
internos como enfermos terminales, mujeres embarazadas o
que amamanten a sus hijos y
mayores de 70 años, con exclusión de aquellos que hayan cometido
humanidad, dijeron a El País
fuentes gubernamentales y del
Poder Judicial.
Uno de los capítulos del plan será
la liberación automática de presos poco peligrosos al cumplir
media pena. El objetivo de esta
medida será coyuntural para descomprimir el hacinamiento carcelario que se estima en un 138%,
según el comisionado parlamentario, Álvaro Garcé.
Las fuentes señalaron que adentro de este grupo se incluirán internos remitidos a la cárcel por
hurtos simples. Quedarán excluidos aquellos que cometieron
homicidios, rapiñas en concurso
con otro delito, peculado y violaciones.
También quedarán al margen de
la norma los que protagonizaron
delitos económicos, de crimen organizado y de corrupción pública
que afectan intereses estratégicos
del Estado uruguayo.
Además no se beneficiarán de estas medidas aquellos delincuentes que cometan robos a
mano armada, con participación
de menores o con resultado de lesión.
cidentes. Este un problema que
frena, en parte, el plan de descongestionamiento del gobierno
y de la Suprema Corte de Justicia,
ya que la gran mayoría de los presos uruguayos son reincidentes y
cometieron delitos graves. Sin
embargo, las fuentes indicaron
que la medida igualmente beneficiará a un número importante
de internos.
Otras soluciones coyunturales
que, según las fuentes consultadas, incidirán en el descongestionamiento,
será la
aplicación de medidas alternativas a la prisión para presos
poco peligrosos.
Por dentro de éstas se manejan los
controles de la Oficina de Seguimiento de Libertad Asistida
(OSLA), la utilización de pulseras electrónicas y la asistencia
de programas del Patronato de
Encarcelados y Liberados del
Uruguay. (Ver recuadro).
A las medidas coyunturales, se
sumarán otras permanentes. La
fundamental de ellas es que se establecerá un plazo razonable para
el trámite de un juicio penal, lo
que es un viejo reclamo del movimiento de los derechos humanos del Uruguay. La medida
prevé que en cualquier proceso
que no tenga acusación fiscal en
un plazo de dos años, el juez a pedido del abogado defensor tendrá
El Pais | Montevidéu/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Acuerdan la liberación de reclusos con delitos leves
que automáticamente poner en libertad al procesado. La otra norma permanente tiene que ver con
el cupo penitenciario en caso de
hacinamiento crítico.
Se determina una obligación para
los defensores, fiscales y jueces
de revisar todas causas a fin de
aplicar medidas alternativas a la
prisión en caso de hacinamiento
Tras una gira por Rusia e Israel,
Bonomi arribará hoy jueves y se
reintegrará mañana viernes al Ministerio del Interior. Para la próxima semana está prevista una
reunión con Chediak para sellar
el acuerdo.
menores. Uno de los temas que no
se incluyó en el acuerdo es el
mantenimiento de los legajos de
los menores que cometieron delitos graves.
El régimen actual establece que
los antecedentes de los adolescentes que delinquen se destruyen cuando estos cumplen los
18 años.
Bonomi y Chediak estaban dispuestos a mantener los legajos sólo en algunos casos. Pero adentro
del Frente Amplio, las opiniones
estaban divididas.
Pulseras electrónicas
El proyecto de ley, que será firmado entre el gobierno y la Suprema Corte de Justicia, autoriza
la utilización de dispositivos de
control extra domiciliarios, lo que
hasta el momento no está previsto
en la legislación uruguaya. Las
pulseras, que tienen un costo de
US$ 200, sólo pueden ser usadas
por las personas a las que se le
otorgó libertad domiciliaria. Con
este cambio en la normativa, se
prevé potenciar la libertad vigilada.
El País Digital
El Pais | Montevidéu/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Las vueltas de la vida
Impuestos a desnudos
estadounidense decidió que el estado de Utah grave en 10% a los
bares y espacios que acogen a empleados desnudos para financiar
terapias destinadas a autores de
violencia sexual. La más alta instancia jurídica estadounidense no
justificó su decisión de desestimar la demanda de dos es-
tablecimientos de este estado,
conocido por tener una fuerte presencia de la religión mormona, de
impuesto inconstitucional. El propietario de
un club de strip-tease de Salt Lake
City, que ya paga este impuesto, y
el de un local en el que no se sirven
bebidas alcohólicas pero que desea poder proponer espectáculos
que incluyen desnudos, afir-
maban que la resolución "no respeta la primera enmienda de la
Constitución", la libertad de expresión. Pero para el Estado se
trata de "ayudar al sistema carcelario
presupuestos dedicados a las terapias".
El País Digital
Clarín/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Solanas: "La Presidenta va a pagar un costo político
enorme con el veto"
La posibilidad de que el Gobierno
vete la ley del 82% móvil para las
jubilaciones mínimas ya despertó
reacciones desde el arco opositor.
Esta mañana, el jefe de Gabinete
de Ministros y el titular del bloque de senadores K anticiparon
esa conducta presidencial, ante la
sanción de la ley.
Aníbal Fernández y Miguel Ángel Pichetto dijeron que sería vetada hoy mismo por Cristina
Fernández y criticaron a Julio Cobos y a quienes permitieron con
su voto, la aprobación de la presente ley.
Fernando "Pino" Solanas señaló
hoy que "vetar nada menos que la
ley del 82% móvil, que es la reivindicación por la que por décadas vienen luchando el gran
sector de la clase pasiva, va a significar para la Presidenta pagar
un costo político muy grande", indicó.
En declaraciones a Clarí,
Solanas indicó que "el costo político que va a pagar el Gobierno
es enorme". Y razonó que es una
"verdadera vergüenza que la Presidenta considere prioritario pagar a los bancos que nos estafaron
y no ajustar el 82% móvil al mínimo salarial", de acuerdo a los
fallos Badaro y Sánchez de la
Corte Suprema.
Por su parte, Hilda "Chiche" Duhalde pidió a la Presidenta que
"no se equivoque nuevamente" y
no vete la ley del 82% móvil. La
senadora bonaerense apeló que
"es mujer y siempre aspiro a que
las mujeres tengamos más sensibilidad que los hombres", dijo a
También "Chiche" Duhalde criticó los embates oficiales contra
el vicepresidente Julio Cobos y
contestando dichos de Miguel
Ángel Pichetto expresó que "Cobos no es el principal opositor, si
cada día tienen más", en referencia al rechazo que generan
las políticas oficiales.
"El Gobierno lo vive tomando como un enemigo desde que asumieron. Entonces después se
sorprenden de que Cobos vive an-
dando solo por la vida. Los que
deben replantearse cómo se relacionan con todos los sectores de
la sociedad son ellos", dijo Duhalde.
En tanto, Francisco de Narváez
consideró que "es un acto de justicia" que los jubilados perciban
un haber mínimo superior a 1.400
pesos (tal como se estima en la
ley) y arguyó que "no es verdad el
argumento de que la plata no está,
porque la plata está", indicó a
Y respecto de la posibilidad del
veto, señaló que "espero que la señora Presidenta no la vete", agregó el diputado peronista federal.
"El kirchnerismo toma como si
todas las iniciativas fueran malas
cuando no surgen de ellos. Si este
es el problema, yo diría que asuman ellos el éxito de otorgar el 82
por ciento móvil, pero démosle ya
a los jubilados lo que necesitan
imperiosamente, porque es un acto de justicia, y dejemos de lado
los protagonismos", dijo De Narváez a Clarí
La República/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Fiscal solicitó el procesamiento de dos generales por
crimen de Sabalsagaray
La fiscal Mirtha Guianze solicitó,
en las últimas horas, el procesamiento con prisión del general Miguel Dalmao y el general
(r) José Nelson Chialanza por el
"homicidio muy especialmente
agravado" de la militante de la UJC, Nibia Sabalsagaray, en las entrañas
Transmisiones Nº1 (hoy Batallón
de Comunicaciones Nº 1), en
mayo de 1974.
La representante del Ministerio
Público analizó el voluminoso
expediente y solicitó al juez penal
de 10º Turno, Rolando Vomero,
el enjuiciamiento de ambos oficiales como "coautores" del crimen de la joven. La imputación
del delito en grado de "coautoría"
implica que no pudo determinarse "la autoría material
del homicidio", pero sí la responsabilidad de ambos imputados en los hechos, dijeron
fuentes judiciales a LA REPUBLICA.
En este sentido, el pedido de procesamiento formulado por la fiscal Guianze implica la primera
imputación contra un militar en
actividad por los crímenes perpetrados por el aparato represivo
del Estado en dictadura, ya que
Dalmao es el actual jefe de la División de Ejército IV, con asiento
en Minas.
Dalmao era uno de los principales
implicados, por cuanto no sólo
admitió ser integrante del S2 (inteligencia militar) en el Batallón
de Transmisiones Nº 1, como
"sustituto"del capitán Mario Cegnini (entonces bajo arresto disciplinario), sino que también por
las declaracions contradictorias
aportadas ante la Justicia en diversas etapas de la indagatoria.
En tanto, el general (r) Chialanza
era el jefe del Batallón de Transmisiones Nº 1 cuando se produjo
la muerte, presuntamente en torturas, de Sabalsagaray. Chialanza
declaró ante la Justicia que los integrantes del S2 eran los únicos
con potestades en la unidad para
interrogar a los detenidos.
En este sentido, el juez Vomero
deberá resolver si hace lugar al
pedido de la Fiscalía. Ambos oficiales serán citados para audiencia ratificatoria (artículo 126
del CPP), donde podrán rebatir
los argumentos utilizados por la
fiscal Guianze para solicitar sus
El general Miguel Dalmao negó
durante su última comparecencia
ante la Justicia (marzo de 2010)
cualquier implicancia en la muerte de la joven Nibia Sabalsagaray,
manteniendo la versión aportada
en 1974 ante el Supremo Tribunal
Militar (STM), durante la indagatoria del caso en plena dictadura.
"Siendo aproximadamente la hora 12.10, el suscripto (Dalmao) recorrió los calabozos en los que se
encuentran los detenidos por actividades subversivas, ya que
pensaba hablar con la detenida
Nibia Sabalsagaray Curutchet, y
al asomarme a la celda número
tres, notó que la mencionada se
encuentra arrodillada en el piso y
colgando de un pañuelo anudado
al cuello y a un hierro saliente de
la pared que da a la cabecera de la
tarima". "Una vez dentro de la
celda constató que la prisionera
estaba aparentemente muerta, solicitando de inmediato la presencia del enfermero de servicio y
procediendo a comunicar el hecho", declaró Dalmao ante el
Sin embargo, al comparecer ante
la Justicia en 2006 el oficial afirmó haberse enterado de la muerte
de Sabalsagaray "por información que circuló (en el Batallón) apenas constatado su
deceso". Al ser interrogado durante su última comparecencia
sobre las contradicciones existentes entre sus testimonios de
1974 y 2006, el oficial afirmó que
en el último caso declaró "lo que
La República/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Fiscal solicitó el procesamiento de dos generales por crimen de Sabalsagaray
tenía en el alma, sin asesoramiento jurídico ni haber analizado la documentación sobre el
inconstitucionalidad de la Ley
Nº 15.848, "Ley de Caducidad de
la Pretensión Punitiva del Estado", dispuesta por la Suprema
Corte de Justicia (SCJ) en octubre
de 2009, implicó un resurgir en la
indagatoria judicial por el crimen
de Sabalsagaray.
El fallo del máximo órgano del
Poder Judicial determinó la posibilidad de citar como "indagados" a una decena de
militares, integrantes de Transmisiones Nº 1, en 1974. El hecho
posibilitó un interrogatorio más
profundo que el efectuado en
2006, cuando los efectos de la
Ley de Caducidad aún estaban vigentes para el caso.
La indagatoria judicial permitió,
además, deslegitimar la versión
oficial de la dictadura, por la cual
se catalogó el caso como "suicidio". Sin embargo, una autopsia
"altamente improbable que la muerte (...) haya sido consecuencia de
una conducta suicida", mientras
un peritaje técnico forense consideró "imposible" que el cuerpo
fuera hallado en la posición descrita por la versión oficial.
En este sentido, el médico forense
Domingo Mederos consideró "inconsistente" la versión oficial,
por cuanto Sabalsagaray debía
medir 2,50 metros para ser hallada "arrodillada en el piso y colgando de un pañuelo anudado al
cuello y a un hierro saliente de la
pared", como afirmó Dalmao ante el STM. El hierro estaba a 1,80
metros del suelo.
La carrera de Dalmao
férez del arma de Ingenieros el 15
de setiembre de 1973, ya en plena
dictadura cívico-militar, integrando la promoción "Con libertad no ofendo ni temo".
Como oficial subalterno prestó
servicios en el Batallón de Ingenieros de Combate Nº 3, el Batallón de Transmisiones Nº 1, el
Estado Mayor del Ejército y el
Batallón de Ingenieros de Combate Nº 1, siendo promovido al
grado de capitán el 1º de febrero
de 1981.
Dalmao continuó su carrera dentro del Ejército hasta ascender al
generalato el 1º de febrero de
2005, año en el cual fue designado director Nacional de Sanidad de las Fuerzas Armadas. El
1º de febrero de 2008 asume como Comandante de División de
Ejército IV, cargo en el cual permanece hasta la fecha.
El general Miguel Dalmao ingresó a la Escuela Militar el 1º de
marzo de 1970 y egresó como al-
El Universal - Ven/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Fedecámaras invita al Gobierno a trabajar juntos por
la nación
Fedecámaras invita al Gobierno a
trabajar juntos por la nación
El presidente de la cúpula empresarial, Noel Álvarez, destacó
que el sector privado representa
actualmente 70% de los bienes
que componen el Producto Interno Bruto.
Caracas.- El presidente de Fedecámaras, Noel Álvarez, restó
descalificaciones del primer mandatario Hugo Chávez en contra de
la cúpula empresarial y ratificó el
compromiso de lucha en el desarrollo de la nación.
"Los muertos que vos mataste gozan de buena salud, y eso lo acabamos de demostrar en la
Asamblea de Puerto Ordaz", dijo
Álvarez en declaraciones a Unión
Radio, al destacar que Fe-
decámaras es representante fiel
de la libre iniciativa venezolana.
Recientemente, el presidente Hugo Chávez dijo que no reconoce
al gremio empresarial privado
"no sé quienes son, no reconozco
a esos señores. Eso es una 'Fede-golpistas'; para mí no tienen
valor, para mí lo que tiene valor
en nuestro país es esta
Constitución que ellos no reconocen y por lo tanto no los reconozco a ellos; como ellos a mí
no me reconocen".
Álvarez destacó que el sector privado representa actualmente 70%
de los bienes que componen el
Producto Interno Bruto, lo que
significa que el "Gobierno no ha
avanzado en lo que él quiere avanzar".
Aseguró que seguirán trabajando
y lamentó que no se practique el
diálogo social en el país. En tal
sentido, exhortó al Gobierno a
convocar a todos los sectores, "y
estoy seguro que a vuelta de dos
años nos habremos establecido
como un país en vía de crecimiento".
Precisó que la cúpula empresarial
prevé elevar ante el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia una demanda
contra el Gobierno nacional y en
protección de los derechos económicos de los empresarios. Una
vez agotadas las instancias internas, también acudirán a los organismos internacionales, como
la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la ONU para denunciar
la violación del derecho de la propiedad.
Publica aquí
El Universal - Ven/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
A propósito del narcotráfico
A propósito del narcotráfico
El 80% de la cocaína que llega a
España procede de Venezuela y
el 50% a Europa
El siglo XXI con sus procesos de
globalización encuentra internacionalizada la criminalidad.
El espacio mundial con su libertad para las transacciones y
circulación de hombres, capitales
y mercancías ha facilitado la mundialización de los cuatro jinetes
del Apocalipsis: la droga, el crimen organizado, el terrorismo y
la corrupción, estos afectan la estabilidad, la seguridad y el desarrollo de los 192 Estados de la
ONU. Tanto el terrorismo como
la delincuencia organizada, el comercio ilícito y la corrupción necesitan recursos financieros
donde la droga es fundamental
con el reciclaje de dinero, el blanqueo, lavado y la legitimación de
capitales. El ciberespacio y su dimensión virtual facilitan el narcotráfico y le dan una dimensión
universal e instantánea. Estos
años son de crisis generalizada,
inmobiliaria, alimentaria, económica, financiera, política y ecológica, terreno propicio para el
crecimiento y modernización de
esta criminalidad.
El fin de la bipolaridad con el control del planeta que ejercían Moscú y Washington facilitó la
creación de nuevos polos y
mas del delito. El mercado de los
estupefacientes y sustancias psicotrópicas
autoridades nacionales e internacionales, con su crecimiento
El mercado de la droga es diez veces superior al de las armas y representa el doble de los ingresos
de los países de la OPEP, puede
llegar a los 300.000 millones de
dólares, grandes y pequeñas economías están afectadas por este
flagelo. Las estrategias de blanqueado de dinero de la droga cada
vez son más complejas con sociedades fantasmas y la falta de vigilancia de bancos, seguros y
Tercer mundo
En los países del tercer mundo, casos Colombia y Afganistán con la
cocaína y el opio, los grupos armados al margen de la ley amenazan al Estado y a la sociedad
civil, corrompiendo al poder político, militar y conflictuando la
geopolítica de la región. En los
países desarrollados motiva la
estupefacientes, arruinando el futuro de los jóvenes y el incentivo
de la delincuencia en las zonas
más desfavorecidas. Lo que está
ocurriendo en México es una verdadera guerra contra el funcionamiento del Estado. Nuestro
país no está exento de este fenómeno, el problema de las
drogas ha escapado de todo control, la geografía nos determina
una frontera de 2.046 km, del país
productor por excelencia de cocaína. El 80% de la cocaína que
llega a España procede de Venezuela según datos de la DEA y
el 50% a Europa, según la Junta
Internacional de Fiscalización de
Estupefacientes de Viena.
En los conflictos africanos en el
Chad, Angola, Mozambique, Liberia, Sierra Leona, Somalia, Burundi, Ruanda y al sur de Sudán
las drogas juegan un papel fundamental con la criminalización
de los conflictos locales. En Asia
la mayor parte de las guerrillas
funcionan con el comercio de drogas la Armada del Pueblo de Filipinas, los Tigres de Sri Lanka.
En el Medio Oriente y en el Extremo Oriente dos zonas que
están determinadas por el narcotráfico, el triángulo de oro en
las tres fronteras de Birmania,
Laos, Tailandia y la región de Afganistán, Pakistán e Irán todos estos con producción de Opio. En
América Latina la hoja de coca se
produce fundamentalmente en
Bolivia y Perú y se transforma en
Colombia donde las FARC y el
ELN que perdieron el sentido de
los movimientos de liberación,
han encontrado en el narcotráfico
el financiamiento para sus actividades.
El Universal - Ven/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: A propósito del narcotráfico
La sociedad mundial ha respondido ante el narcotráfico con
la creación de la Comisión de Estupefacientes de la ONU desde
1961 y perfeccionada en 1971 con
el Convenio sobre Sustancias Psicotrópicas. Además de la Convención de la ONU de 1988 con
sede en Viena, para la fiscalización internacional de las
drogas y supervisión en cada continente.
En Venezuela el Congreso promulgó la Ley Orgánica sobre Sustancias
Psicotrópicas en el año 1993, aunque ya desde el Código Penal de
1964 se sancionaba el suministro,
tráfico, comercio, elaboración y
adquisición de sustancias estupefacientes.
también estableció normas de retención, control y fiscalización
para evitar legitimación de ca-
pitales y la Constitución de 1999
en su artículo 271 establece la extradición de responsables de
delitos de legitimación de capitales, drogas, delincuencia
organizada internacional.
[email protected]
Más artículos de esta firma
Publica aquí
El Universal - Ven/IN, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
La objeción de conciencia al servicio militar
La objeción de conciencia al servicio militar IGNACIO J. ÁLVAREZ | EL UNIVERSAL
09:59 AM
La objeción de conciencia al servicio militar implica el rechazo a
prestarlo en base al cuestionamiento ético o religioso que
una persona tenga respecto a la
fuerza militar y a la obligación de
utilizar armas. La Constitución
consagra que nadie puede ser sometido a reclutamiento forzoso y
que toda persona tiene derecho a
la libertad de conciencia y a manifestarla.
Aunque el rechazo público a disposiciones de la Ley de Conscripción y Alistamiento Militar
habría obligado a la Asamblea
Nacional a dejar sin efecto la fecha límite para la inscripción en
el registro y a suprimir el capítulo
concerniente a las sanciones, es
importante tener presente la agenda del Gobierno en la materia. El
propio presidente de la Comisión
de Defensa de la AN, Juan José
Mendoza, declaró que "por aho-
ra, no consideramos adecuado
sancionar" a quienes no se afilien
al registro militar.
El derecho a la objeción de conciencia constituye un derecho humano cuya violación puede
implicar responsabilidad internacional para el Estado
venezolano. Los órganos internacionales
humanos son unánimes al reconocer ese derecho en los países
como Venezuela en donde la
Constitución reconoce la condición de objetor de conciencia.
Por ejemplo, la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la ONU reconoció el derecho de cualquier
persona a tener objeciones de conciencia frente al servicio militar
como un ejercicio legítimo del derecho a la libertad de
pensamiento, conciencia y religión contemplado en el Pacto de
Derechos Civiles y Políticos de la
ONU y en la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos.
La Comisión Interamericana de
Derechos Humanos (CIDH) ha
señalado igualmente que la consagración constitucional de la objeción de conciencia por un
Estado parte de la Convención
Americana de Derechos Humanos implica que, para los ciudadanos de ese país, la objeción
de conciencia queda reconocida
como un derecho humano integrante del derecho a la libertad
de conciencia y religión.
En el contexto de su política macro de militarizar el país, la pretensión del Gobierno de
establecer el servicio militar obligatorio y de eliminar la objeción
de conciencia es totalmente contraria no solo a la Constitución,
que tanto el mismo solía citar y
defender, sino también a los derechos humanos consagrados en
los tratados internacionales.
[email protected]
Más artículos de esta firma
Publica aquí
Le Monde | Paris/BR, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
M. Dumas n'a pas souvenir d'anomalies dans les
comptes de campagne de M. Balladur
AFP/STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN Le socialiste Roland Dumas
fut président du Conseil constitutionnel de 1995 à 2000.
Le président du Conseil constitutionnel, Jean-Louis Debré, n'a
manifestement pas l'intention de
lever le voile sur l'étrange validation, en octobre 1995, des
comptes de campagne d'Edouard
Balladur, alors premier ministre,
contre l'avis négatif des rapporteurs.
Sur le même sujet Les faits Affaire de Karachi : où en est l'enquête ? Les faits Karachi :
Michèle Alliot-Marie dément
toute entrave à la justice Les faits
Karachi : le parquet fait appel de
la décision du juge Van Ruymbeke d'enquêter sur de possibles
rétrocommissions Les faits Les
révélations de "Libération", le démenti de Balladur Les faits Karachi
compromettants pour l'Etat français Les faits Attentat de Karachi
: enquête pour "entrave à la justice" Karachi : le juge Van
Ruymbeke veut enquêter largement
au : 6€ / mois
+ 1 mois offert
"Toutes les archives sont entreposées à Fontainebleau, indique-t-il au Monde, nous
n'avons plus rien rue Montpensier, je ne sais évidemment
pas ce qu'a saisi la justice. Je n'é
tais pas à cette place en 1995, je
n'ai pas le droit d'interroger les
anciens membres, il faudrait
que j'ai une bonne raison pour
rapatrier les archives. Donc, en
l'état, je ne vois pas comment tirer les choses au clair, seule est
valable la délibération du
Conseil constitutionnel, en
Interrogé, Roland Dumas, le président socialiste du Conseil constitutionnel en 1995, ne semble
pas, quant à lui, se rappeler de cet
épisode troublant : "Je n'ai pas le
souvenir d'avoir infirmé le rapport des rapporteurs, assure-t-il
au Monde. Je ne me souviens
pas qu'il y ait eu le moindre problème sur les comptes de campagne de M. Balladur, comme je
ne me rappelle pas que leur rejet
ait été préconisé. Pourtant, j'étais quand même dans l'opposition à cette époque..."
Cette affaire s'invite dans un climat politique tendu, en marge de
l'enquête sur l'attentat de Karachi. La séance d'octobre 1995
du Conseil constitutionnel revêt
une importance cruciale. En effet,
l'une des hypothèses soulevées
par l'instruction de M. Trévidic
est que l'arrêt des versements des
commissions promises au Pakistan par le gouvernement Balladur
aurait enclenché un mécanisme
conduisant à l'attentat de Karachi,
dans lequel ont péri, en 2002, 14
personnes, dont 11 Français.
Le juge Van Ruymbeke estime,
dans une ordonnance datée du 6
octobre, qu'un lien peut être établi
rétro-commissions opérées en
France à l'occasion de ce marché,
via plusieurs intermédiaires, et
l'alimentation suspecte du compte de campagne de M. Balladur.
D'où l'intérêt subit pour la séance
houleuse d'octobre 1995 du
Conseil constitutionnel.
En effet, les rapporteurs chargés
d'inspecter les comptes de l'ancien premier ministre relèvent
plusieurs anomalies de taille,
dans leur rapport que Le Monde a
pu consulter. Ils dénoncent le versement en espèces de 10 250 000
francs (1 562 602 euros), le 26 avril 1995, "dépourvu de tout justificatif (...) et dont l'origine n'est
accompagnée d'aucun commencement de preuve". Et les
rapporteurs de préciser : "Le candidat ne sait manifestement pas
quelle argumentation opposer
aux questions de vos rapporteurs."
Curieusement, le Conseil constitutionnel présidé par M. Dumas
finira pourtant par valider les
Le Monde | Paris/BR, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: M. Dumas n'a pas souvenir d'anomalies dans les comptes de campagne de M. Balladur
comptes de M. Balladur, au grand
dam des rapporteurs.
"Ce rapport des enquêteurs du
Conseil constitutionnel est accablant, déclare le député PS Bernard Cazeneuve, rapporteur de la
parlementaire sur l'attentat de
Karachi. Nous souhaitons savoir pourquoi le Conseil
constitutionnel est allé à l'encontre de l'avis de ses
l'édition Abonnés du site et dans
Le Monde daté du vendredi 15
octobre et disponible dans les
kiosques ce jeudi à partir de 14
Gérard Davet et Patrick Roger
Lire l'intégralité de l'article dans
Le Monde | Paris/BR, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Garde à vue : la Cour européenne des droits de
l'homme condamne Paris
La Cour européenne des droits de
l'homme (CEDH) a condamné,
jeudi 14 octobre, la France dans
une affaire de garde à vue, comme
l'affirmait France Info. Les juges
européens ont estimé que les gardés à vue doivent pouvoir bénéficier d'un avocat dès le début
de la procédure et durant tous les
interrogatoires et insisté pour que
soit respecté le droit d'un mis en
cause à garder le silence. "Le
droit français ne peut répondre
aux exigences du procès équitable", écrivent-ils.
Sur le même sujet Les faits Alliot-Marie espère diviser par
deux le nombre de gardes à vue
Les faits Le parquet général juge
la garde à vue non conforme au
droit européen Analyse La
vraie-fausse réforme de la garde à
vue Les faits Réforme de la garde
à vue : l'avocat pourrait être présent toute la procédure Blog Garde à vue : un pétard place Beauvau
Entretien Garde à vue : "Nous demandons de pouvoir assister aux
interrogatoires" Edition abonnés
Thématique : La garde à vue au
banc des accusés Garde à vue : la
Cour de cassation examine les régimes
Abonnez-vous au :
6€ / mois
+ 1 mois offert
La CEDH était saisie du cas d'un
homme dont le "droit au silence" en garde à vue n'avait pas
été respecté, selon lui. Par ailleurs, le plaignant n'avait pu voir
son avocat qu'après vingt heures
de garde à vue. Cette décision affirme que, dès le début de la garde
à vue, toute personne doit se voir
garantir l'ensemble des droits de
la défense, en particulier celui de
ne pas participer à sa propre incrimination et d'être assisté d'un
avocat durant les interrogatoires.
La décision des juges européens
intervient quelques jours après
que le parquet général de la Cour
de cassation a recommandé de déclarer les dispositions régissant la
présence de l'avocat en garde à
vue non conformes aux règles européennes, y compris pour les régimes dérogatoires (stupéfiants,
organisée). La Cour de cassation
rendra sa décision le 19 octobre.
La chambre criminelle de la haute
juridiction était saisie de trois
pourvois dans trois procédures
distinctes, soulevant la question
de la conformité de la garde à vue
française à la Convention européenne des droits de l'Homme
Le 30 juillet, le Conseil constitutionnel a déjà censuré le régime français de garde à vue au
regard des droits et libertés garantis au citoyen. Dans la foulée,
la Chancellerie a rédigé un nouveau projet de loi autorisant
l'avocat à assister aux auditions
des suspects durant toute la garde
à vue. Les Sages ont donné au gouvernement jusqu'au 1er juillet
2011 pour mettre en uvre une nouvelle loi, plus respectueuse des
droits de la défense. En revanche,
ni le Conseil constitutionnel, ni
la Chancellerie n'ont remis en
cause les régimes dérogatoires.
Plus de 790 000 mesures de gardes à vue ont été décidées en 2009,
dont plus de 170 000 pour les
seuls délits routiers.
La ministre de la justice, Michèle
Alliot-Marie, a présenté mercredi
en conseil des ministres son pro-
Le Monde | Paris/BR, 14 de outubro de 2010
Justiça no Exterior
Continuação: Garde à vue : la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme condamne Paris
jet de réforme de la garde à vue,
qui renforce la présence de l'avocat mais reste critiqué tant par
cette profession que par la plupart
des policiers. Ce texte répond à
une "double nécessité" :
"réduire le nombre des gardes à
vue" et "tirer les conséquences
de la décision du Conseil constitutionnel de juillet, qui avait déclaré le régime de droit commun
des gardes à vue contraire à no-
tre Constitution" a déclaré ,le
porte-parole du gouvernement,
Luc Chatel à l'issue du conseil des
Brasília, 14 de outubro de 2010
Índice remissivo de assuntos
Justiça no Exterior
10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31,
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43, 45, 46, 48, 52, 54, 58,
60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 81, 82,
84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 100, 102, 103,
105, 107, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122,
123, 125, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136,
138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149,
151, 153, 155, 156, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166,
168, 169, 171

Supremo Tribunal Federal em pauta