Ensino Médio – Unidade São Judas Tadeu
Professor (a):
Aluno (a):
Série: 3ª
Alessandra Rezende
Data: _____/ _____/ 2014.
1- Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronoun.
A friend is a present you give______________________________
b- When you eat garlic, it speaks for___________________________
Tact is the ability to describe others as they see____________________________
d- The tree does not die, actually. It recycles__________ for our benefit.
2- Complete with the past continuous ad the simple past tense. Use the verbs in parentheses.
a- Thomas ______________________ (take) a shower when his cell phone_________________ (ring).
b- We _____________________ (leave) Porto Seguro when it___________________ (start) to rain.
c- I_______________________ (mess) up my room when my parents_____________ (arrive) home.
3- Complete the sentences using the present perfect.
a- My cousin ____________________ (see) unidentified flying insect many times in his farm.
b- Children_______________ always_______________ (be) afraid of monsters.
c- My parents___________________________ (take) some pictures of Bigfoot.
4- Complete com o tempo verbal adequado as frases abaixo, sendo ele presente ou passado:
a- Francis ________________ home yesterday.(to leave)
b- I ________________ to Guarujá last week. (to go)
c- She ________________ that house a year ago.(to buy)
d- Mark ________________ to you last month.(to write)
5- Complete com SOME- ANY- SOMEWHERE, dentre outras.
a- She didn't have ________ mistakes in her paper.
b- Are there ________ books for me today? ) No, there are not ______ books for you today.
c- "Have you seen my radio?"
"No, I haven't seen it ___________."
d- He couldn't find ________ wrong with the food.
Fone: Unid. São Judas Tadeu (62) 3205 – 4833 – www.colegiointerativa.com.br – e-mail: [email protected]
e-The room is empty. There is ______ in it.
f- I ever eat _______ for breakfast.
6- Complete com as comparações.
a- (OSEC) The more I study ________________________ I know.
b- (PUC) The “Herald” is ____________________________________ newspaper in the town.
c- (FMU) That table is _______________________________________________ than this one.
d. (MACK – HUM) This book is ______________________________________ the last one we used.
e- (MACK – HUM) Have you heard about the ______________________________________ news?
f- (PUC) She’s surely the __________________________________________________ girl in town.
g- (PUC) Riding a horse is not _________________________________________ riding a bicycle.
h- (PUC) Today the weather is ____________________________________ than yesterday.
i- (FMU) The ___________________________ we study, the __________.
7- Usando os questions words complete.
a- “___________ car is this?” “it belongs to Evans.”
b. ___________ of them gave up studying?
c- “________ is your brother like?”“He is tall and slim.”
d-. I just want to know this : how ______ do you go to the bank?
e- “__________did you make such a silly remark?" – “I did.”
f- _______ did you cry? _______ told you I was crying?It doesn't matter. Let's have some juice.
_____________________ fruit do you like best?
g. __________________ is Mr. Brown? Is he a teacher?
h. (FATEC) _______________________ do you treat your younger brother like that?
i- (UNIP) ______________________ pencil is this, Mario's or Pedro's?
8- Read the text below and then mark the correct option for each of the items that follow.
Everyone should get exercise. People who find the time to exercise every day or several times a week are
usually healthier, feel better, and have fewer problems with their weight. There are many ways of getting
exercise. You should choose the kind of exercise that you enjoy, and you can exercise at a gym, at home, or
even on the street.
Some people prefer gyms where you pay a monthly fee. At a health club, you can do exercises by yourself or
take classes where you will do stretching exercises, aerobics etc. You can bike or lift weights at a health club
too. Of course, you can also do these kinds of exercises home. If you want to lift weights or ride an exercise
Fone: Unid. São Judas Tadeu (62) 3205 – 4833 – www.colegiointerativa.com.br – e-mail: [email protected]
bike, though, you will have to buy some equipment, and this might sometimes be expensive. But you dont need
any special equipment to do aerobics or stretching exercises. You can also get exercise by jogging on the streets
or in a park. If it's still hard for you to find the time to exercise, dont worry. You can get some exercise by
walking every day. Most people find it hard to make excuses for not walking 15 minutes a day. The important
thing is to do something. And start now. Youll feel better.
1.What generally happens to people who exercise?
2.What kinds of exercise should you do?
3.Why is it a good idea to exercise at a health club?
4.Why is it difficult for some people to exercise?
5.According to the text, which of the following statements is FALSE?
9- Read the text below and then mark the correct option for each of the items that follow.
Everyone should get exercise. People who find the time to exercise every day or several times a week are
usually healthier, feel better, and have fewer problems with their weight. There are many ways of getting
exercise. You should choose the kind of exercise that you enjoy, and you can exercise at a gym, at home, or
even on the street.
Some people prefer gyms where you pay a monthly fee. At a health club, you can do exercises by yourself or
take classes where you will do stretching exercises, aerobics etc. You can bike or lift weights at a health club
too. Of course, you can also do these kinds of exercises home. If you want to lift weights or ride an exercise
bike, though, you will have to buy some equipment, and this might sometimes be expensive. But you dont need
any special equipment to do aerobics or stretching exercises. You can also get exercise by jogging on the streets
or in a park. If it's still hard for you to find the time to exercise, dont worry. You can get some exercise by
walking every day. Most people find it hard to make excuses for not walking 15 minutes a day. The important
thing is to do something. And start now. Youll feel better.
1.What generally happens to people who exercise?_________________________________________________
2.What kinds of exercise should you do?________________________________________________________
3.Why is it a good idea to exercise at a health club?________________________________________________
4.Why is it difficult for some people to exercise?__________________________________________________
5.According to the text, which of the following statements is FALSE?_________________________________
10- Leia o texto e responda às questões:
Ethanol by the Numbers
Even those who regard ethanol as the holy grail of energy policy concede that there is a right way and a wrong
way to produce it. Done right, ethanol could help wean the country from its dependence on foreign oil while
reducing the emissions that contribute to climate change. Done wrong, ethanol could wreak havoc on the
environment while increasing greenhouse gases.
Congress was sufficiently excited about ethanol’s promise to order a fivefold increase in production by 2022, as
part of the 2007 energy bill. Less than half would come from corn ethanol, which has been on the market for
years. The rest would come from other sources, like small trees and plants. These advanced biofuels are
nowhere near commercial production. The final bill correctly included environmental safeguards. The most
important is a requirement that ethanol, regardless of its source, achieve at least a 20 percent reduction in
greenhouse gases compared with conventional gasoline. Congress gave the necessary job of calculating
emissions from various forms of ethanol to the Environmental Protection Agency.
(The New York Times, Editorials, February 24, 2008.)
I. De acordo com o texto, qual a vantagem do etanol, se produzido corretamente?
Fone: Unid. São Judas Tadeu (62) 3205 – 4833 – www.colegiointerativa.com.br – e-mail: [email protected]
II. O pronome it em Even those who regard ethanol as the holy grail of energy policy concede that there is a
right way and a wrong way to produce it refere-se a: _______________________________________________
III. De acordo com o texto, o etanol que tem estado no mercado há anos é produzido a partir
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Bom Final de Semana!!!
Fone: Unid. São Judas Tadeu (62) 3205 – 4833 – www.colegiointerativa.com.br – e-mail: [email protected]

1- Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronoun. a