Ministério da Educação - MEC Secretaria de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (SETEC) Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará CURSO FIC – INGLÊS BÁSICO DISCIPLINA: CONVERSAÇÃO EM LÍNGUA INGLESA Ministério da Educação - MEC Secretaria de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (SETEC) Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará CONVERSAÇÃO EM LÍNGUA INGLESA CURSO FIC – INGLÊS BÁSICO CRÉDITOS Presidente Dilma Vana Rousseff Coordenador Adjunto - Reitoria Armênia Chaves Fernandes Vieira Ministro da Educação Cid Ferreira Gomes Supervisão - Reitoria André Monteiro de Castro Daniel Ferreira de Castro Secretaria de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica Aléssio Trindade de Barros Reitor do IFCE Virgilio Augusto Sales Araripe Pró-Reitor de Extensão Zandra Maria Ribeiro Mendes Dumaresq Pró-Reitor de Ensino Reuber Saraiva de Santiago Pró-Reitor de Administração Tássio Francisco Lofti Matos Pró-Reitor de Pesquisa, Pós Graduação e Inovação Auzuir Ripardo de Alenxandria Diretor Campus Avançado Jaguaruana Francisco Evandro de Melo Coordenador Geral – Reitoria Jose Wally Mendonça Menezes O QUE É O PRONATEC? Criado no dia 26 de Outubro de 2011 com a sanção da Lei nº 12.513/2011 pela Presidenta Dilma Rousseff, o Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Técnico e Emprego (Pronatec) tem como objetivo principal expandir, interiorizar e democratizar a oferta de cursos de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (EPT) para a população brasileira. Para tanto, prevê uma série de subprogramas, projetos e ações de assistência técnica e financeira que juntos oferecerão oito milhões de vagas a brasileiros de diferentes perfis nos próximos quatro anos. Os destaques do Pronatec são: • Criação da Bolsa-Formação; • Criação do FIES Técnico; • Consolidação da Rede e-Tec Brasil; • Fomento às redes estaduais de EPT por intermédio do Brasil Profissionalizado; • Expansão da Rede Federal de Educação Profissional Tecnológica (EPT). A principal novidade do Pronatec é a criação da Bolsa-Formação, que permitirá a oferta de vagas em cursos técnicos e de Formação Inicial e Continuada (FIC), também conhecidos como cursos de qualificação. Oferecidos gratuitamente a trabalhadores, estudantes e pessoas em vulnerabilidade social, esses cursos presenciais serão realizados pela Rede Federal de Educação Profissional, Científica e Tecnológica, por escolas estaduais de EPT e por unidades de serviços nacionais de aprendizagem como o SENAC e o SENAI. Objetivos • • • • Expandir, interiorizar e democratizar a oferta de cursos de Educação Profissional Técnica de nível médio e de cursos e programas de formação inicial e continuada de trabalhadores; Fomentar e apoiar a expansão da rede física de atendimento da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica; Contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade do Ensino Médio Público, por meio da Educação Profissional; Ampliar as oportunidades educacionais dos trabalhadores por meio do incremento da formação profissional. Ações • • • • • • • Ampliação de vagas e expansão da Rede Federal de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica; Fomento à ampliação de vagas e à expansão das redes estaduais de Educação Profissional; Incentivo à ampliação de vagas e à expansão da rede física de atendimento dos Serviços Nacionais de Aprendizagem; Oferta de Bolsa-Formação, nas modalidades: Bolsa-Formação Estudante; Bolsa-Formação Trabalhador; Atendimento a beneficiários do Seguro-Desemprego. 1 SUMÁRIO UNIT 1 Greetings Personal Information UNIT 2 Talking to the class Who is who? Describing people The colors UNIT 3 Days of the week Months ofthe year Countries and nationalities UNIT 4 Ordinal Numbers Cardinal Numbers The alphabet UNIT 5 Question words Family members UNIT 6 Simple Present sentences UNIT 7 Simple Present sentences UNIT 8 Simple Present sentences UNIT 9 Simple Present sentences UNIT 10 Oral practice Sports UNIT 11 What are Pople doing? UNIT 12 Simple Past sentences UNIT 13 Simple Past sentences UNIT 14 Simple Past sentences UNIT 15 Chamadas telefônicas Fazendo compras No restaurante Pedindo comida Pedindo direções Comprando uma passagem aérea Fazendo uma reserva no hotel Chegando em um hotel GLOSSARY Verbos Vocabular Expressions REFERÊNCIAS 03 04 05 06 07 08 08 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 26 26 27 27 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 32 31 31 34 34 2 Unit 1 - Greetings LET’S WARM UP A. Relacione a 2ª coluna de acordo com a 1ª. ( 1 ) Good Night! ( 2 ) Welcome! ( 3 ) So long! ( 4 ) Hi! ( 5 ) Good Bye! ( 6 ) Hello! ( 7 ) Good Morning! ( 8 ) See you tomorow! ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Bom dia! ) Até logo! ) Até amanhã! ) Adeus! ) Boa noite! ) Oi! ) Alô! ) Bem-vindo! B. Passe as expressões abaixo para o inglês: a) Bom dia, Jane! Como vai você?___________________ b) Eu estou bem. E você?__________________________ c) Boa tarde, Carla! Como vai você?_________________ d) Eu estou bem, obrigada. E você?__________________ e) Adeus, Pedro! Adeus, professor!___________________ C. Escreva o significado de cada expressão na tabela. Use as que estão na caixa. Tenha um bom fim de semana! - Pra você também! - Pode repetir, por favor? - Bom (boa) dia / tarde / noite! - Desculpa, não entendo - Como digo... em inglês? - Te vejo na segunda / próxima semana! - Como vai você? E aí? Posso sair da sala? - Professor, venha aqui! - Qual a página? - Preciso ir ao banheiro – De nada – O que está acontecendo? - Qual o significado de...? - Como pronuncio...? - Obrigado Fale devagar, por favor! EXPRESSIONS 1. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 2. Can you repeat, please? 3. Sorry, I don’t understand! 4. How do I say ... in English? 5. What’s the meaning of ...? 6. How do I pronounce ...? 7. Thank you. / Thanks 8. You’re welcome. 9. May I leave the classroom? 10. See you! / Goodbye! / Bye! 11. Teacher, come here! 12. What’s the page? 13. I need to go to the restroom. 14. Speak slowly, please! 15. Have a nice weekend! 16. For you, too! 17. See you on Monday / next week! 18. How are you? 19. What’s up? 20. How’s is going? TRANSLATION 3 Personal Information. D. Observe as informações do famoso abaixo. Preste atenção como ele responderia essas perguntas. WHAT’S YOUR NAME? My name’s Ronaldo. WHAT’S YOUR LAST NAME? Aveiro. WHEN’S YOUR BIRTHDAY? It’s in February. HOW OLD ARE YOU? I am 29 years old. WHERE ARE YOU FROM? I’m from Madeira, Portugal. WHAT’S YOUR JOB? I’m a football player. E. Agora pratique com as suas informações. F. Pratique com um colega o diálogo abaixo. YOU: Hi, my name’s ______________. What’s your name? CLASSMATE: My name’s _____________. YOU: Nice to meet you. CLASSMATE: Nice to meet you too. YOU: Where do you live? CLASSMATE: I live on ______________________. YOU: Are you from Jaguaruana? CLASSMATE: Yes, I am. / No, I’m from ____________. YOU: How old are you? CLASSMATE: I’m ___________. YOU: Ok. Good-bye. CLASSMATE: Good-bye. See you. 4 MORE PERSONAL INFORMATION A. Learn these questions and answers. Aprenda essas perguntas e respostas. QUESTIONS TRANSLATION ANSWERS Where are you from? De onde você é? I’m from Ceará / Brazil / Jaguaruna Where do you live? Onde você mora? I live in Jaguaruana / on São José Street. How old are you? Quantos anos você tem? I’m 29 years old. What do you do? O que você faz? I’m a teacher. What’s your job? Qual a sua profissão? I’m a house maide. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Você tem namorado(a)? Yes, I have. / No, I don’t have. Are you married? Você é casado(a)? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. Are you single? Você é solteiro(a)? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. Are you involved (with anyone)? Você está envolvido (com alguém?) Yes, I am. / No, I am not. Do you have (any) children/kids? Você tem (algum) filho? Yes, I have. / No, I don’t have. Do you live alone / by yourself? Você mora sozinho(a)? Yes, I live. / No, I don’t live. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Você tem irmão ou irmã? Yes, I have. / No, I don’t have. B. Practice na interview with a classmate. Pratique uma entrevista com uma colega. YOUR QUESTIONS HER ANSWERS What’s you name? Where do you live? How old are you? What’s your job? Do you have a boyfriend? Are you married? Are you single? Do you have kids? Do you live alone? Do you have any brothers or sisters? C. Now present a dialogue with the questions of B. Agora apresente um diálogo com as perguntas da questão B. 5 UNIT 2 Reading and pronunciation. A. Read and repeat with your teacher. Leai a repita com seu professor. Talking to the class Teacher: Good morning, class! Class: Good morning! Teacher: My name’s Rose Silva. I’m your English Teacher. Class: Hello, Miss Silva! Teacher: Let’s call the roll…Number one? Girl: Present! Teacher: What’s your name, number one? Girl: My name’s Amanda. Teacher: Number two? Boy: Present! Teacher: What’s your name, number two? Boy: My name’s Daniel. I’m Dan! Teacher: Thank you, Dan! B. Responda com base nesse diálogo. 1) Que expressão a professora usa para cumprimentar os alunos? 2) Em que período do dia a aula está acontecendo? 3) Com que frase, em inglês, a professora diz o seu nome? 4) Com que frase Rose diz a disciplina que vai lecionar? 5) Com que frase a professora pergunta o nome do primeiro aluno? 6) Com que expressão a professora agradece a Daniel? To be forms I am – I’m You are – You’re He is – He’s She is – She’s It is – It’s We are - We’re You are – You’re They are – They’re C. About you. Responda em Inglês: a) What’s your first name? And your last name? b) What’s your school’s name? c) What’s the name of your English Teacher? d) What’s your telephone number? e) What’s your father’s name? f) What’s your mother’s name? D. Complete as frases, usando I – you – am – are ou is: a) _________________am a student. b) You_________________a teacher. c) Your name ________________André. d) I ____________________your friend. e) You__________________my friend. f) I__________Mark. And___________? 6 WHO IS WHO? Describing people. A. Repeat with you teacher these adjectives. DESCRIBING PEOPLE 7 B. Observe the description of these people. Ivete Sangalo is tal, pretty and slim. Her hair is long, straight and black. Gisele Bundchen is tal, thin and White skinned. She has lond wavy blond hair. C. Now describe these famous people. _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ THE COLORS UNIT 3 8 Days of the week B. Practice a dialogue. A. Find the days in the word grid. What’s your favorite day? What day is today? What day was yesterday? What day will be tomorrow? What day is communication class? Months of the year C. Write the months of the year in the correct order. May / June / August / November / March / September October / February / April / January / December / July 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. D. Practice a dialogue. What’s your favorite month? When is carnaval / Easter / Mother’s Day? When’s your birthday? How old are you? Countries and nationalities E. Write the countries and the corresponding nationalities below the flags. The United States - French - China - Brazil – British - Japanese - Italian - Argentina - Great Britain Portugal - Italy - American - Spain - Japan – Argentinian - Spanish - Brazilian - Chinese - France - Portuguese 9 UNIT 4 Numbers A. Repeat after your teacher. CARDINAL ORDINAL The alphabet B. Repeat the letters of the alphabet. A–B–C–D–E–F–G– H–I–J–K–L–M–N–O–P Q–R–S–U–T–U–V– W–X–Y–Z 10 C. Read and repeat the dialogue. The interview Nancy: Good morning! Can you answer some questions for my school project? Johnny: Ok, no problem. Go ahead. Nancy: What’s your name? Johnny: John Brown. My nickname is Johnny. Nancy: How do you spell your nickname? Johnny: It’s J – O – H – N – N – Y. Nancy: Where are you from, Johnny? Johnny: I’m from Bristol. Nancy: Is Bristol in the USA? Johnny: No, it isn’t. It’s in England. Nancy: What’s your occupation? Johnny: I’m an engineer. Nancy: How old are you? Johnny: I’m 28 years old. Nancy: When’s your birthday? th Johnny: It’s on the 19 of January. Nancy: What’s your telephone number? Johnny: It’s 5753-6890. Nancy: What’s your zodiac sign? Johnny: I’m a Capricorn. Nancy: What’s your favourite sport? Johnny: It’s volleyball. Nancy: Who are your favourite singers? Johnny: They are Madonna and Michael Jackson. Nancy: OK, thank you! Goodbye! Johnny: You’re welcome! Bye! D. Now practice with: What’s your name? _______________________________ How do you spell your name? _____________________________ What’s your telephone number? ____________________________ 11 UNIT 5 Question words A. Match the columns. 1. WHAT...? 2. WHO...? 3. WHEN...? 4. WHY...? 5. WHERE...? 6. HOW...? ( ( ( ( ( ( ) COMO...? ) ONDE..? ) QUANDO...? ) POR QUE..? ) QUEM..? ) QUAL...? B. Read and practice a dialogue. Who is your teacher? It’s Emerson Ferreira. Who is she? She’s Meryl Streep. What is your cell number? It’s 5755-9826. What is your favourite film? It’s Artificial Inteligence Where is your school? It’s in Jaguaruana. th When is the show? It’s on December, 18 . How are you? I’m not bad. How old is your brother? He is 34 years old. Family members C. Repeat with your teacher. Father Mother Brother Sister Son Daugther Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Grandaughter Uncle Aunt Cousin Nephew Niece Brother-in-law Sister-in-law Father-in-law Mother-in-law How is your family? Pai Mãe Irmão Irmã Filho Filha Avô Avó Neto Neta Tio Tia Primo (a) Sobrinho Sobrinha Cunhado Cunhada Sogro Sogra Can you draw them? 12 D. Draw your Family. 13 UNIT 6 SIMPLE PRESENT VERBS 14 15 UNIT 7 16 17 UNIT 8 18 19 UNIT 9 20 21 UNIT 10 Oral practice A. Oral translation. A) I work in the morning. I don’t work in the afternoon. B) I want to drink wine now. C) I play with my son and my daughter in the evening. D) I don´t work with my father. Do you work with your brothers and sisters? E) Do you speak German? Sorry, I don´t speak German. B. Follow the example to make negative and affirmative sentences. EXAMPLE: Is this an orange? No, it’s not an orange. It’s a notebook. A) Is this a light? B) Is that a floor? C) Is this a chair? D) Is this the first lesson? C. Change sentences into the interrogative form. A) The picture is on the wall; B) The orange is on the table. C) The pencil is on the desk. D) The maps are on the floor E) The rules are in the boxes. Write the answers D. Choose a classmate to ask some questions. 1) What time do you have lunch? 2) When do you study English? 3) Where do you live? 4) How do you call your mother? 5) Where do you watch TV? 6) What do you have for breakfast? 7) Where do you work or study? 8) What time do you sleep? 9) What’s your favorite sport? 10) Do you practice any sport? SPORTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 baseball golf ice skating basketball cycling ice hockey swimming bowling karate surfing boxing 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 running tennis skiing diving volleyball windsurfing weight lifting American football Olympic gymnastics soccer / football table tennis 22 UNIT 11 What are people doing? A. Match these sentences to the pictures. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) He is eating salad. ) They are dancing. ) She is singing. ) She is swimming. ) It is sleeping. ) He is crying. ) He is speaking on the phone. ) He is playing the guitar. ) They are watching TV. B. Describe what people is doing now. Tom __________________________________________________________________. (sing) Sam and Danny_________________________________________________________. (drink) Jason and Calire ________________________________________________________. (laugh) Helen and Eve __________________________________________________________. (talk / eat) Lucy, Dave and Jodie _____________________________________________________. (dance) C. Let’s play with the teacher. What is he doing now? What are you doing, teacher? 23 UNIT 12 24 25 UNIT 13 26 UNIT 14 27 28 UNIT 15 CHAMADAS TELEFÔNICAS Hello? Hi, may I speak to (Cláudia), please? Hi, is (Cláudia) there? This is (Juliana) Who’s calling, please? This is (Juliana) speaking Would you like to leave a message? Listen, I have to go Take care See you FAZENDO COMPRAS I’m just looking, thanks Do you take (American Express)? Do you take traveler’s check? Do you have…? I’m looking for… Is this on sale? What’s the sale price on this? NO RESTAURANTE Table for (two), please Where’s the restroom? I’ll have a/the… I’ll have the same / what you’re having Can I have another fork / spoon / knife, please? Can I see the menu again? That was great, thanks Could I have the check, please? PEDINDO COMIDA Hello sir, welcome to the French Garden Restaurant. How many? One Right this way. Please have a seat. Your waitress will be with you in a moment. Hello sir, would you like to order now? Yes, please. What would you like to drink? What do you have? We have bottled water, juice, and Coke. I’ll have a bottle of water, please. What would you like to eat? I’ll have a tuna fish sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup. 29 PEDINDO DIREÇÕES Excuse me, I’m looking for the Holiday Inn. Do you know where it is? Sure. It’s down this street on the left. Is it far from here? No, it’s not far. How far is it? About a mile and a half. COMPRANDO UMA PASSAGEM AÉREA Next, please. Hello, how can I help you? I’d like to buy a ticket to New York. Would you like one way or round trip? Round trip. When will you be leaving? When does the next plane leave? In about 2 hours. I’d like a ticket for that flight, please. First class or coach? Coach. OK, let me check availability. I’m sorry, tickets for that flight are sold out. How about the one after that? Let me see. Yes, that one still has available seats. Would you like me to reserve a seat for you? Yes, please. That’ll be 120 dollars. Ok. Thank you. Here’s your change. FAZENDO UMA RESERVA DE HOTEL Hello, Marriott Hotel, how may I help you? Hi, I’d like to make a reservation. Just a moment. OK, for what date? July 25th. How many nights will you be staying? Two nights. What’s the room rate? 75 dollars a night, plus taxes. Would you like me to reserve a room for you? Yes, please. Your name? João da Silva. Mr. Silva, how will you be paying? Visa. Card number, please. 4198 2289 3388 228. Expiration date? 1/9/2012 OK, You’re all set. 30 We’ll see you on the 25th. CHEGANDO EM UM HOTEL Good evening. Hi. Do you have any vacancies tonight? Yes. The rate is 55 dollars. Do the rooms have internet access? We have wireless. If you have a computer you can use the wireless network for an additional 5 dollars. OK, I’d like a room, please. Would you like a smoking or a non-smoking room? Non-smoking. How will you be paying? American Express. Here you are. How many people? Two. Would you like a king size bed or two double beds? King size, please. You’re in room 237. It’s on the second floor. Here’s your key. Sign here, please. What time is the checkout? 11:30 am Obrigado pela atenção e dedicação até o final desses encontros. Continue os estudos e alcançará mais sucesso nessa vida. Good Luck Emerson Rodrigo Carvalho Ferreira Professor especialista em língua inglesa (FIJ 2010) 31 GLOSSARY 32 33 REFERÊNCIAS OXENDEN, Clive & LATHAM-KOENING, Christina. English File Intermediate. New York. Oxford Press, 1999 MARQUES, Amadeu. On Stage: Ensino Médio. São Paulo. Ática, 2010. LIMA, Júlio César Ferreira. Curso FIC Inglês Básico. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará. Fortaleza, 2013. Google images. Acessos: janeiro de 2014. Guia Prático de Inglês. Disponível em: Acesso em 01 de janeiro de 2015. 34