Revista de Medicina e Saúde de Brasília ARTIGO ORIGINAL Effects of shiftwork on superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) in Military Police Oficers Efeitos da troca de turnos sobre a atividade da superóxido dismutase (SOD) em Policiais Militares Carlos Kusano Bucalen Ferrari 1, Nubia Andrade Silva 2, Rosaline Rocha Lunardi 3, Adenilda Cristina Honorio França 4, Eduardo Luzia França 4 Resumo Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade da superóxido dismutase (SOD) em policiais militares de um município brasileiro. Métodos: foi desenvolvido um estudo epidemiológico descritivo transversal com indivíduos do 2° batalhão da Polícia Militar em Mato Grosso, Amazônia Legal, Brasil. Dois questionários validados foram utilizados para caracterizar a população estudada e os problemas de sono, sendo o estresse avaliado segundo o inventário de sintomas de estresse de Lipp (LSSI). Foi coletado o sangue e determinada a concentração sérica da CuZn-SOD(E.C. Resultados: entre os policiais que trocam de turno, um terço tiveram redução da atividade da SOD. Entretanto, a redução da atividade da SOD foi maior nos policiais que não trocavam de turno (42%). Conclusões: a troca de turnos pode favorecer os fagócitos na resíntese de SOD que é um biomarcador da explosão respiratória componente essencial na defesa frente a patógenos microbianos. A troca de turno teve efeitos positivos diminuindo o fardo do estresse oxidativo. Palavras chave: superóxido dismutase, estresse, troca de turno, sono, policial militar Abstract Objectives: this study aimed to assess the Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity among police officers from a Brazilian city. Methods: It was performed a descriptive cross-sectional epidemiological study covering subjects from the 2nd Military Police battalion in Mato Grosso, Legal Amazon, Brazil. Two validated questionnaires were used to charactherize the studied population and sleeping disorders, and stress was evaluated by the Inventory of Stress Symptoms for Adults by Lipp (LSSI). In 54 police officers blood were collected and serum CuZn4 1. Professor Adjunto de Saúde Coletiva do Instituto Latinoamericano de Ciências da Vida e Natureza (ILACVN), Universidade Federal da Integração Latinoamericana (UNILA) e Orientador do Programa de Mestrado em Imunologia e Parasitologia Básicas e Aplicadas, ICBS, Araguaia, Universidade Federal de Mato grosso (UFMT) 2. Mestranda em Imunologia e Parasitologia Básicas e Aplicadas (ICBS/UFMT) 3. Professora Assistente do ICBS/UFMT 4. Professor Adjunto do ICBS/UFMT E-mail do primeiro autor: [email protected] Recebido em 24/08/2013 Aceito, após revisão, em 05/03/2014 Ferrari CKB, Silva NA, Lunardi RR, Honorio França AC, França EL Effects of shiftwork on superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) SOD(E.C. levels were determined. Results: Among military officers who shiftwork, one third had impaired SOD activity. However, the impaired SOD activity was higher among police officers who did not shiftwork (42%). Conclusions: Shifwork can give phagocytes a chance to resynthesize SOD which is a biomarker of the respiratory burst activity which is an essential key against microbial pathogens. Shiftwork had positive effects decreasing the burden of oxidative stress. Key words: superoxide dismutase, stress, shiftwork, sleep, military response to the alarm stage. The adaptation Introduction Stress includes a set of organic phase could be chronicized causing fear, reactions associated with physical, psychic, nervousness, hair loss, changes in appetite neuroendocrine, cardiovascular, immune and and social isolation.4. renal changes affecting the homeostasis as Unable adjustment to a chronic proposed by Hans Selye.1 Stress is considered stressor causes exhaustion which compromise a public health problem that raises costs for homeostasis and is characterized by the onset the individual, employer, and society. of heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, Proposed by Selye in 1936, the general and depression. In some cases it may lead to adaptation syndrome has three basic stages: shock, alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion.2,3 subsequently death.4 Alarm phase is the initial conscious or unconscious reaction to a stressor multiple organ failure, and Lipp has characterized a fourth stage of stress, between the resistance phases, being called and characterized by physiologic changes to exhaustion near- counteract the stressor. The sympathetic exhaustion. This phase occurs when the nervous stimulation results in substantial individual becomes unable to adapt or resist release cathecolamins, adrenocorticotrophin, to a stressor, leading to the beginning of cortisol, and antidiuretic hormone, leading to disease pathogenesis.5,6 increased heart rate, blood pressure, sodium Occupational stress can discharge and water retention due to the stimulation of organism energy affecting productivity and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Then, satisfaction at the workplace.3,4,7 Stressful during alarme phase people have headaches, working has been associated with physical abnormal and mental fatigue, cognitive losses, high blood pressure, irritability, insomnia, and tachycardia.4 As an adaptation to the stressful situations, resistance phase is a compensation blood pressure, cardiovascular disorders, behavioral problems, alcohol and drug addiction, and psychosomatic symptoms.1,3,4 5 2238-5339 © Rev Med Saude Brasilia 2014; 3(1):4-11 Ferrari CKB, Silva NA, Lunardi RR, Honorio França AC, França EL Effects of shiftwork on superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) Military Police workers should face (2nd Battalion / MT), Barra do Garças, Brazil. conflicts, tensions, violence, poor health care This population of police officers was support, society criticism and other factors characterized by male predominance (81%), that usually result in job insatisfaction and with aging ranging from 22 and 44 years old distress.1,4,8,9 occupational Shiftwork is (mean of 30 years), e.g., this is a relatively another factor that disturbs police life young population with 6 to 10 years of resulting in a chronobiological disruption service time, and 51% had incomplete college associated with disorders, immunological level. According to the Stress Symptoms impairment, and sleep quality problems.10,11 Inventory for Adults (LSSI) 52% of the Superoxide dismutase is a biomarker sample was not stressed, but 48% of of respiratory burst activity which is an participants had clear stress symptoms. 70% essential key for killing pathogenic bacteria, of police women were found in some stage of fungi, protozoa.12-14 and In order to metabolize superoxide free radicals (O2-) stress and 43% the policemen had also been stressed as previously published.6,14 anions avoiding its excessive amounts the Data were collected in the second SOD enzyme converts superoxide anions to battalion, on previously scheduled days hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)11. during the second semester of 2010. Many studies with animal models of both acute and chronic stress have been Determination of CuZn-SOD concentration showed impaired SOD levels among stressed (CuZn-SODdE.C. animals.15-19. Police officers (54) were randomly Then, the aim of this study was to evaluate symptoms the SOD among activity police and officers assigned in order to measure the serum SOD stress activity. SOD was measured in during service who entry and after service exit. The CuZn-SOD shiftwork or not. enzyme concentration was determined using the nitroblue tetrazolium test (NBT; Sigma, St Subjects and Methods Louis, USA) and read at 560 nm with the This study was an observational, spectrophotometer.20 A 0.5 mL volume of descriptive, and prospective investigation serum samples was placed in test tubes, and regarding SOD levels in military policemen 0.5 mL of standard hydroalcoholic solutions and women who shift work or not. (1:1 v/v) were prepared in other tubes. Both The study population consisted of 54 samples of sera and the standard solutions military police officers from the 2nd Military were added to 0.5 mL of chloroform-ethanol Police Battalion of the State of Mato Grosso solution (1:1 ratio) followed by 0.5 mL of a 6 2238-5339 © Rev Med Saude Brasilia 2014; 3(1):4-11 Ferrari CKB, Silva NA, Lunardi RR, Honorio França AC, França EL Effects of shiftwork on superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) reactive mixture of NBT and diaminoethanetetraacetic acid at a 1:1.5 ratio comparing three or more independent samples (v/v). After 2.0 mL of carbonate buffer plus by BioStat2.0® software. hydroxylamine were added, pH increased to Following 10.2.24 The tubes Ethical resolution No.196/10/1996, the study design temperature for 15 minutes and underwent was submitted and approved by the Research spectrophotometrical reading. The reactive Ethics Commitee of the “Júlio Müller mixture reached zero values (for 3.5 mL). The University SOD was calculated by the following University of Mato Grosso (protocol nº relationship: 601/CEP-HUJM/09). (Ab at Brazilian room SOD= remained the standard_Ab Hospital” from the Federal sample/Ab standard) X 100 = % reduction of NBT/CuZn-SOD. The results were expressed Results Comparing the SOD values during job in international units of CuZn-SOD. Statistical analysis was performed service entry and exit, the enzyme activity using analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the was strongly impaired among police with nonparametric test for administrative working but not among those comparing two independent samples, and directly working in street operations (Figure nonparametric Mann-Whitney Kruskal-Wallis test for 1). Figure 1. Superoxide dismutase mean values in Military Police officers (n-54) at entry and exit from working according to type of function. ٭p=0,0048 in the exit according to service function 7 2238-5339 © Rev Med Saude Brasilia 2014; 3(1):4-11 Ferrari CKB, Silva NA, Lunardi RR, Honorio França AC, França EL Effects of shiftwork on superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) SOD levels were lower among police Norwegian police staff studies which reported workers who did not shifwork compared with inadequate working schedules, lack of chief that did (33% and 42%, respectively). and organizational support, and bad working conditions as the major risk factors for both stress and psychiatric disorders32,33. Discussion Recent insights into the molecular Although this study confirmed that mechanisms of myocardial infarction revealed both operational work and shifwork had less that lower SOD levels were closely associated impact on SOD levels, this study was limited with increased risk of myocardial injury21,22. by small sample size, absence of an adequate In fact, decreased SOD levels have been control group, its transversal design, and the associated with hypertension, kidney damage, absence of similar studies on the subject for myocardial adequate comparisons. ischemic injury, pancreatic damage, and stroke23-30. On contrary, SOD overexpression rescue cell death in vital organs (brain, kidney, heart) decreasing diseases’ risk and its complications20-23,30. This study is the first report regarding decreasing SOD activity among Conclusions Police women suffered from more stress than policemen. Women officers had predominantly the exhaustion stage of stress. police Since lacking of hobbies and leisure-time officers. Police working is a chronic stressful activities were strongly associated with stress job. So, impairment of SOD activity could be among police officers in France34, further a plausible finding. Unexpectedly, police studies are necessary to address the potential workers who shiftwork experienced a lesser benefit of preventive strategies as stated by SOD decay compared with who did not Cooper35, and more research is also relevant shiftwork. to evaluate the value of lifestyle factors such Maintainance of adequate SOD levels as physical activity, adequate nutrition and is important to avoid infections which are body composition, avoidance of smoking and typical among in diabetic and chronic alcoholic beverages, and availability of granulomatous disease patients13,31, and in leisure-time activities on the stress symptoms cardiovascular and brain protection after of police officers during shiftwork. 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