Program CIDI and CONGIC 2015 Final Version 23/8/2015 2 Set 2015, Wednesday Morning and Afternoon 9h-13h Workshops Necessitam de inscrição complementar CCBB - Multiuso Where he is, where he wants to go and how: the user in the wayfinding systems Kelli CAS Smythe UnB - Dep. de Design Think Infographic Rafael Andrade e Fabiano de Miranda 16h-17h30 Conference Registration - Secretariat 18h30 Opening of the Exhibition Quadradinho Design 17h UnB - Dep. de Design Calligraphy: learning to write as a child Christopher Hammerschmidt UnB - Maquete Tipocartaz: composition and manual poster printing with cash types Dr. Luiz Fernando Las-Casas Opening Plenary Session Keynote Speech: From Mapping to Data Visualisation: Re-evaluating Design Education at the Royal College of Art, by Professor Teal Triggs - Royal College of Art, UK 3 Set 2015, Thursday Morning 9h-17h 9h30-11h30 Conference Registration - Secretariat CIDI Parallel paper presentations 1 Communication Theory and History Society Approaches about Tourist Guidebooks and Information Design Fabiano de Vargas Scherer, Stefani Zilli Monsú Analysis of two methodological proposals for research on History of Graphic Design Fernanda Martins, Edna Lucia Cunha Lima, Guilherme Lima The McQueen Harlequin: the fashion information translated by transtextuality imagery Andrea Camargo, Olimpio Pinheiro, Monica Moura CCBB - Teatro 2 Visual legibility for labels and nutrition information Livio Lima de Oliveira, Maria Otilia Bocchini Visualização de informação para divulgação científica: uma metodologia Doris Kosminsky Journalism for mobile platforms: an interdisciplinary evaluation of gestural interface communicability Luiz Agner Caldas, Barbara Jane Necyk, Alberto Santagueda, Natanne Viegas, Vitor Zanfagnini Understanding in animated and interactive journalistic health Rafael Castro Andrade, Carla Spinillo 11h30-12h30 Considerations about Almirante Collection (Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo) Swanne Almeida, Solange Coutinho Manuscript letterforms on books from the Guarani-Jesuit Reductions Kollontai Diniz A discussion about the information design object Ravi Passos, Óscar Mealha, Mamede Lima-Marques CCBB - Cinema Street Kiss (“Beijo da Rua”), a newspaper with the voice of the prostitutes Flavio Lenz Cesar, Ana Beatriz Pereira de Andrade, Henrique Perazzi de Aquino Developing of shoes from the reuse of materials, in the conception of a fashion collection from the slow fashion perspective Gisele Corrêa de Moura, Carina Prina Carlan Cousin Basilio (“O Primo Basílio”): weaving Design,Fashion, Art and Society Ana Beatriz Pereira de Andrade, Ana Maria Rebello Magalhães, Paula Rebello Magalhães de Oliveira, Henrique Perazzi de Aquino Communication Education Society Inclusive Graphic Design: a study of packages Julia Yuri Landim Goya, Cássia Letícia Carra Domiciano Analysing the use of digital smart boards in primary education in Recife Sayonara Bittencourt, Renata Cadena, Solange Coutinho Visual communication as a point of reference for analyzing locations and urban space Karoliny G. Miranda, Fátima A. Santos Observational management board – information design assisting in projects administration Giulliano Kenzo Costa Pereira, Priscilla Garone Memories, an eye to the pursuit of life. Lucas, F. Melara. Ana Beatriz, P. de Andrade 2 Notes on the Argentine modern graphic design: the magazines nueva visión and Summa Patricia Amorim, Virginia Cavalcanti CONGIC Parallel paper presentations 1 CCBB - Teatro 2 12h30-13h30 CCBB - Multiuso A study on the use of paper on books published by Cosac Naify Gabriela A. F. Oliveira, Hans N. Waechter Lunch break* CCBB - Multiuso The design approach contributions to the education of children with autism Raquel Pacheco, Tiago Barros P. e Silva CCBB - Cinema Slow Design, upcycling and consumption: the role of design in the production chain Suzana Maria, Tiago Barros P. e Silva Information design and physical space at the pre-school in São Tome, Africa Neighborhood Units: between the Carolina do Valle, Eliane Jordy, Rita Maria permanent and the flow de Souza Couto Claudia Schirmbeck, Rogério Camara Design Interfaces Applied to Inclusive Education Emylle Santana, Matheus Lopes e Ivana Maia Unicidade: Proposal to an active citizenship in the augmented urban space of Casa Amarela neighbourhood Madyana T. Souza, Hans N. Waechter 3 Set 2015, Thrusday Afternoon 13h30-14h 14h-14h30 CONGIC Poster presentations (Página 8) Cases Parallel presentations 1 CCBB - Multiuso Divide the dollar: prioritizing features with users Wilson Prata, INDT 14h30-17h Education Technology MapLango app: design of educational digital network for mobile-enabled language learning Thomas Petit, Gilberto Lacerda Santos Analysis of a Brazilian MOOC platform from the perspective of Information Design: VEDUCA Mariana Cantisani Padua, Natalia Nakano, Maria Jose Vicentini Jorente Evaluation, analysis and development of desktop digital serious game on symptoms and emergency procedures of stroke Carlos Felippe Dias Limeira, José Guilherme Santa Rosa, André Luís Santos de Pinho Creative process: complexity and interpretations Julie de Araujo Pires, Marcelo Goncalves Ribeiro Construction guidelines of comic’s hypermedia for the deaf student learning Raul Inácio Busarello, Vania Ribas Ulbricht, Luciane Maria Fadel Study of the collaborative learning process through the synthesis graphical representations (SGR) Juliana Bueno, Stephania Padovani The importance of the design process to create and develop educational digital materials Natalia Brunnet 17h30-18h30 User-centered design approaches to develop a social media text analytics tool Dra. Heloisa Candello, IBM Research Brazil CIDI Parallel paper presentations 1 CCBB - Multiuso 17h-17h30 CCBB - Teatro 2 Coffee Break CCBB - Teatro 2 Orientation aids and obstacles in smartphone interfaces: a user-centred studyry Stephania Padovani, Paula Napo, André Schlemmer, Eron Rocha Evaluation of the interaction between users with low vision and digital graphical interfaces of a tablet: focus on usability Cínthia Kulpa, Fernando Amaral The interaction process evaluation in a glossary in ePub format: an empirical and prospective approach Berenice Santos Gonçalves, Juliane Vargas Nunes, Gabriela Fantini, Gilberto Martini Design and interactive digital literature bilingual Rita Couto, Cristina Portugal, Eliane Jordy, Ana Correia, Felipe Alram The metaverse usability: contributions to human interactions and in interactions of individuals with educational contents and activities Suzana Cardoso Keynote Speech: Pioneering disciplines of History of Design in Brazil: the place of graphic design, by Dr. Marcus Braga, University of São Paulo, Brazil 3 4 Set 2015, Friday Morning 9h-17h 9h30-11h30 Conference Registration - Secretariat CIDI Parallel paper presentations 3 Technology Theory and History Society Social interaction guidelines for Brazilian digital television: the example of “Tereres” TV program Taygoara Aguiar do Carmo Sousa e Paulo Fernando de Almeida Souza Sao Paulo city and London architectonic epigraphs: a comparison from an information design perspective Priscila Farias Typographic Landscapes of Pelotas: initial survey of the colection and some methodological definitions Daniela Brisolara CCBB - Teatro 2 Data visualization: advances by Brazilian researchers Júlia R. Giannella, Rodrigo Medeiros Informational elements in games for children with developmental dyscalculia Matheus Araujo Cezarotto, André Luiz Battaiola, Marcia Maria Alves Between seeing and interpreting: fundamental role of Design Celia Matsunaga 11h25-11h55 11h30-12h30 Analytical study of graphicsinformational elements in m-commerce: trends and characteristics Paula R. Napo, Sthepania Padovani Exhibitions and its Graphics Memory Collection and production in Area Village´s Museum and Room People’s Artist in Rio de Janeiro Simone Silva Melo, Edna Cunha Lima CCBB - Cinema Green eternity Juan Carlos Araño Information Design and city: an embryonic exercise taking Brasilia as a backdrop Photon Phototypesetter, an example of Fátima Aparecida Santos technological innovation in the printing industry Design method study for integrated Almir Mirabeau, Edna Cunha Lima, Brand Identity, Information Design and Guilherme Cunha Lima, Ligia Medeiros Wayfinding systems Fabiano Scherer, Gabriel Bischoff Scherer Visual identity of the first catalogs of the Pinacoteca: historical relations Innovation in service of merchantability Jade Piaia, Edson Pfutzenreuter crafts Wadson Gomes Amorim, Maria Bernadete Tuscan typefaces in Jorge Seckler Santos Teixeira, Wesley Dias Maciel typographic repertoire (1883-1895) Priscila Farias, Marina Onoda ‘Greeting moment’ Vision Plus and CIDI CCBB - Teatro 1 CONGIC Parallel paper presentations 2 Communication Technology Theory and History Designer-made visual communication and consumer perception: a case study Marcus Vinícios de Oliveira Santos, Virginia Tiradentes Souto Application of sensory interaction and synesthetic visualization Filipi Dias de Oliveira, Doris Clara Kosminsky Cataloguing movable types from FAUUSP printing shop collection: type cabinet A Jessica R. Strazzi, Renata C. Portella e Priscila L. Farias CCBB - Cinema Development of mascot for Chocolates Garoto – a semiotic course Giulliano Kenzo Costa Pereira, Patrícia Campos Lima, Letícia Pedruzzi Health and diabetes: a contribution of information design Anderson Pereira, Diana Cassel, Cláudia Mont’Alvão Bergman faces: visual rhetoric applied to the creation of conceptual movie posters Hana Leite, Hans Waechter 4 CCBB - Multiuso CCBB - Teatro 2 Hypermedia design: the website for Ala Cultural Fábio Alexandre Hermogenes, Mateus Savaris, Rafael Jackson da Roza, Berenice Santos Gonçalves, Claudia Regina Batista, Luciane Maria Fadel Design Quiz: A digital game based on pictograms for the teaching of Art History and Design Lucas de Oliveira Santos, Wesley Cordeiro, Michelle Pereira de Aguiar e Ana Paula França Study of possible interactions for a interactive e-book for deaf children Lucas Ribeiro, Rita Couto, Cristina Portugal CCBB - Multiuso The International Typographic Style on the covers of Módulo magazine (1955– 1965) Gustavo Schlindwein Botelho, Patricia Amorim Tuscan types on the Almanak Laemmert of Rio de Janeiro during the 19th Century Edna Lucia Cunha Lima, Ana Luisa Figueiredo, Carlos A. Cidrini Cidrini 4 Set 2015, Friday Afternoon 12h30-13h30 Lunch break* 14h-14h30 Cases, Parallel presentations 2 13h30-14h 14h30-17h CIDI Poster presentations (Página 9) CCBB - Multiuso Usability study as a success factor: Language and meaning in design: case of application Live on Youtube by Analysis from user’s perspective Xperia. Vivian L.M. Bittar, Motorola Izabela Cristiane Amaral, Venturus Centro de Inovação Tecnológica CIDI Parallel paper presentations 4 Information as a dimension of experience in services in the health sector Dr. Aguinaldo dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Paraná Education Virtual presentations Found! A “lost and found” campaign as an information design proposal Michaella Pivetti, Fernanda Molinaro Graphic-informational interface of health education applications: an analysis of the app - Children’s Health I of UNA-SUS/UFMA Eurides Castro Jr., Edilson Reis, Carla Galvão Spinillo, Ana Emilia F. de Oliveira Seven Theories for ID Rune Pettersson The designer as identity builder: the relationship between user experience and generating meaning in the design field Axel Sande Dynamics images: conceptual elements, graphics elements and reader participation Renata Garcia Wanderley Printed daily newspapers and the hierarchy of information Renon Pena de Sá, Virgínia Tiradentes Souto The distintion of comic characters through lettering Marjorie Yamada, Luiz Fernando LasCasas Draw your path: data visualization about the space usage and user participation on the design of the signage system for Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Mauro Pinheiro, Ricardo Esteves Gomes, Matheus Rocha de Souza Ramos 17h30-18h30 CCBB - Teatro 1 Communication CCBB - Teatro 2 17h-17h30 CCBB - Teatro 2 Coffee Break CCBB - Multiuso Bibliographical survey: comparative analysis between information design methodologies and educational and noneducational board games Giselle Araújo, Yelitza Lópes, Solange Coutinho m-Learning: formas de construção coletiva a partir de aplicativos móveis Marina D. L. Cunha, Daniela F. Garrossini, Ana Carolina Kalume Maranhão CCBB - Teatro 1 Doulas, mothers, and cell phones: Storytelling and a supportive doula approach for mothers at risk for postpartum depression Judith A. Moldenhauer, Judith Fry McComish, Carla J. Groh Little men, little boxes: limitations of Neurath’s International Picture Language as a tool for statistical visualization Pino Trogu Teaching materials for early childhood education: a proposal in action from the perspective of Design Rita Couto, Flavia Nizia Ribeiro, Roberta Portas, Maria Aparecida Mamede-Neves A teaching method to develop infographics based on visual thinking and design thinking Carla Cristina da Costa The animated pedagogy of things - a case about Design in Animation principles discipline Gabriel Filipe Santiago Cruz Keynote Speech: Semiotics and information design. ‘Metabolism’ an interactive tool for designers, by Dr. Bernard Darras - Universidade de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France 5 5 Set 2015, Saturday Morning 9h-16h 9h30-11h30 Conference Registration - Secretariat CIDI Parallel paper presentations 5 Communication Education Technology Theory and History Semantic mediation of paper on editorial projects: an Activity Theory approach Eduardo Souza, Gabriela Oliveira, Silvio Campello Pictograms and teaching drawing in visual impairment: the case study of bird by a teenager Mari Ines Piekas Comparative study of informational characteristics of crowdsourcing platforms considering the user’s perspective Isadora Dickie, Roy Schulenburg, Carlos Felipe Urquizar Rojas, Marina Pezzini, Aguinaldo dos Santos Dupla Coração do Brasil: hick visual language on album covers of the 1960’s Maria Beatriz Ardinghi, Priscila Farias CCBB - Cinema Interactive levels in social midia Barbara Nicolau, Alexandre Oliveira The relationship of experts and non-experts users with text typefaces: distinction and assignment of subjective concepts Luiza Falcão, Solange Coutinho Semiotics for information design: a study of 2016 olympic pictograms Murilo Scoz, Rafael Garcia Motta, Sandra Regina Ramalho e Oliveira A signage system for Cabedelo campus – IFPB Luciana Pereira, Adson Santos Contribuiçoes do Design Gráfico para uma comunicaçao eficaz das campanhas de saúde Marina Borba, Hans N. Waechter, Vicentina R. Borba 11h30-12h30 CCBB - Multiuso Analytical framework to support the development of tactile images for accessible learning objects - CIDI 2015 and 7th Information Design Student Conference CONGIC 2015 Dominique Adam, Carla Spinillo Reflections on the techniques of tactile image construction found in museums and possible paths Elizabeth Romani, Juliana Harrison Henno, Clice de Toledo Sanjar Mazzilli Tactile perception of graphic variables in recognition of three-dimensional objects for congenitally blindy Fernanda Poletto Silva, Stephania Padovani, Vânia Ulbricht Variables for analyzing interactive infographics: a descriptive study of educational artefacts for secondary school Gabriele Santos, Silvio Campello, Solange Coutinho CONGIC Parallel paper presentations 3 Information about medicinal products on mobile devices: An analysis of typographic features on the MedSUS application Christopher Hammerschmidt, Carla G. Spinillo Interactivity and immersion in digital storytelling of interactive storybook Deglaucy Teixeira, Berenice Gonçalves Brain-Machine Interfaces: interaction design based on concentration and meditation users Marx Menezes, Virgínia Tiradentes Souto Theory and History Academic hackerspace – technology and participatory design Leandro Cruz, Rodrigo Franco, Francisco Aviani, Andrea Judice Montage: from alienative process to enlightment for a Russian avantgard contribution Paulo Diniz Violation of intellectual property in design Gustavo Lima Ramos, Maria Aurileide Ferreira Alves 6 Holography: Innovation and Metaphor of Interactivity in Communication and Optics Representation Ekaterina Barcellos, Marlon Mercaldi, Olympio Pinheiro, Galdenoro Botura Education CCBB - Teatro 2 12h30-13h30 CCBB - Teatro 2 Design and education: analysis and development of educational methods for students at primary schools applying the design projects methods Luana Farias, André Fleury Lunch break* CCBB - Multiuso CCBB - Teatro 1 Language and Design: about the impossibility of neutrality of information Ricardo Artur Pereira Carvalho, Barbara Emanuel Plain language associated with the Information Design with a focus on environmental communication and sustainability Meiriédna Mota, Hans Waechter Digital graphic memory: collecting internet memes Barbara Emanuel, Camila Rodrigues, Edna Cunha Lima Methods and practices of Brazilian designers on digital projects Paula C. L. de A. Faria, Virginia T. Souto The visual pattern of illustrated magazines in Pernambuco dated the second half of the nineteenth century Maria Poças, Hans Waechter CIDI paper presentations 6 Education; Theory and History CCBB - Cinema Design-Based Learning: a pedagogy that strengthens the paradigms of contemporary education Bianca Martins e Rita Couto A Raposa: influences of Herb Lubalin in Magazine Chanaan and the graphics Miran’s work memory capixaba Julia Azerêdo, Aline Toso, Letícia Pedruzzi Leonardo Caldi e Edna Lucia Cunha Lima Narrativas em hipermídia para ambiente virtual de aprendizagem inclusivo Silvia Quevedo e Tarcisio Vanzin 5 Set 2015, Saturday Afternoon 13h30-14h CIDI Poster presentations (Página 10) 15h-16h CIDI Parallel paper presentations 7 14h-15h SBDI Assembly Technology Theory and History Communication Pay by cash? Quickly design-inspired studies to gain insights about people financial transactions. Heloisa Candello, David Millen, Silvia Bianchi, Alan Braz An Overview of the research on creativity in Graphic Design Josinaldo Barbosa, Fabio Campos, Silvio Barreto Campello New media perspectives for information and data design Patricia Search CCBB - Teatro 2 Proposal for a new digital product for the newspaper Zero Hora Henrique Monteiro, Gabriela Perry Effects of the heads-up display in the occurrence of immersion: an experiment with gamers Rafael P. Araujo, Virginia T. Souto 16h-17h 17h30-18h30 CCBB - Multiuso The visual perception of the hydraulic tiles in the city of Recife and its social representation by Brazilian tourists and devotees from Recife Camila Vasconcelos, Silvio Campello A proposal for cataloging and analysis of the beer labels of microbreweries in the state of Rio de Janeiro Luis Gustavo Dias Coutinho, Guilherme Cunha Lima CCBB - Teatro 1 Focus group reading of a sequential narrative involving the representation of time Eva Rolim Miranda The adaptation of journalistic infographics: the relationship between on-line and printed versions Ricardo Cunha Lima, Rafael Castro Andrade, André S. Monat, Carla Spinillo Keynote Speech: From Science to Art, from Data to Insight: Data Visualization Now, by Dr. Fernanda Viegas - Google, Boston, USA Awards and Closing plenary session 7 Posters presentations CONGIC 2015 3 Set 2015, Thrusday, 13h30-14h Communication Brand identity based on experience and emotion. Priscila Soares, Ravi Passos Bathrooms signs: syntactic, semantics and pragmatics of pictorial representation Karen Cristine Munê, Michelle Aguiar Pictorial representations in the Olympic games: a study of the syntax, semantics and pragmatics relations Nicolli Schwartz Mognon, Michelle Aguiar Symbols of a criminal life: Identities unveiled in tattoos Ariadne Mathias, Ana Beatriz Andrade Visualizing Reddit: Exposing user communication patterns through data visualization on Jessica Peter Education The information hierarchy as a tool for facilitating user navigation in online learning platforms - Case study: My English Online Vanessa M. Paulino, Walter G. Lima, Michelle B. Pedrosa, Erika S. Ferreira, Solange G. Coutinho. The use of design thinking method in the development of interdisciplinary projects the course of technology degree in Public Management Frederico Imbuzeiro, Julio Alessi, Akemi Ishihara Zoonotico: Game Design and Ludicity apliyed for Education Julia Yuri Landim Goya, Beatriz Mayumi Kayo Orfão, Leonardo Martins Bortolussi, Lucas Wakamatsu, Luiza Boarato Tagliatela, Osmar Vicente Rodrigues 8 Technology Study of Human-Computer Interaction in online collective portfolios Fellipe Silva, Danielly Lopes Model of analysis tool for digital magazines Maria Luciana Santos, Lais Licheski Data visualization: graphic representation and data patterns Amanda Pereira, Carolina Riff, Doris Kosminsky Visualization on social networks data Carolina Riff, Amanda Pereira, Doris Kosmin Society The exhibition design of Young Typographers: from the crafts school to the Brazilian graphics memory Daniel Gomes, Letícia Fonseca The role of the designer as mediator of human relations Rafael Gomes, Tiago Barros Pontes e Silva Owl Guardian: drone for the visually impaired Franciane Dias, Valéria Rosa Posters presentations CIDI 2015 4 Set 2015, Friday, 13h30-14h Communication Infographics: Trends in editorial design from the magazine Superinteressante Bruna Ciafrei Rinaldi, Cassia Leticia Carrara Domiciano Child interpretation of illustrated procedures Rafaella Peres, Norminanda Vilar, Silvio Campello Models and Flow maps: Tools to Design Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo (Ceues-Ufes) Signage Ricardo Esteves Gomes, Mauro Pinheiro, Viviani Gama Carnielli Rethoric of design: visual discourse and persuation in the production of infographics Daniel Nogueira, Vera Lúcia Nojima e Frederico Braida An experimental study of the communicative functionality of dynamic images in electronics products manuals. Renata Garcia Wanderley Education Disabled and non-disabled students: Similarities and differences in operations in light of Activity Theory Janaína Campos Branco e Silvio Barreto Campello Principles for graphic analysis of vinyl record jackets Luiz Vidal Gomes, Marcos Brod Junior, Ligia Medeiros, Valeria Santana Inhotim education network: information design and educational methodology using digital network and mobile application Cláudio Rodrigues, Sérgio Silva, Maria Rapolês Relationship Between the emotional design end learning theory : Tools for the Study of Children’s Interaction with the toy. Lais Rodrigues, Silvio B. Campello Maritime safety through information design Yazmin Pamela da Silva Moroni, Janaina Luisa da Silva Moroni The information visualization in the teaching material Distance Education developed in the IFSC Luciano Adorno, Gilson Braviano, Bruna Rovere Reginato, Francisco Fialho Technology Adaptations of classic works of literature for mobile devices Julio Alessi, Akemi Ishihara The improvement of interface perception for people with visual disabilities through smartphone’s components: An information design perspective on digital accessibility Antonio Filho, Gabriele Santos Interface analysis of the interactive digital book Volcano Boy Marcele Cassol Licht, Bruno Carvalho de Melo Rodrigues, Berenice Santos Gonçalves Applying Nielsen’s heuristics in augmentative and alternative communication devices for autistics Angela Samways Murta, Natália de Melo Franco, Robson do Nascimento Fidalgo Projective features of responsive design applied to digital interfaces Lucas Anjos, Tobias Mülling Fast development of videogame assets using Pixel Art Vinicius Castro, Wagner Nitsch, Felipe Marlon Information Design and Social Network Analysis: exploring forms of network visualization Gabriela Zago Text in digital library environments: An analysis of the elements of digital narrative Juliane Vargas Nunes, Berenice Santos Gonçalves Theory and History Analysis of the graphic aspects of the Journal Vanguarda Marcela Fernanda de Carvalho, Galvão Figueiredo Bezerra, Rosângela Vieira de Souza Bohemian Art Noveau: the influence of Alphonse Mucha in illustrations by Calixto Cordeiro Deisson Xenofonte, Mariana Hennes Metacognitive aspects in user´s interaction with information artifacts during wayfinding in hospitals Kelli Cas Smythe, Carla Spinillo The evolution of hearing aid instruction manuals under the design perspective Camila Medina, Deborah Viviane Ferrari, Cassia Leticia Carrara Domiciano 9 Posters presentations CIDI 2015 5 Set 2015, Saturday, 13h30-14h Education The interdisciplinary experience in game development methodology Tiago Barros Pontes e Silva, Carla Denise Castanho Development of reflective practitioners: analysis of Design courses and ENADE Cláudio Ferreira, Miriam Lona, Vanessa Chimirra Legibilidade e leiturabilidade: a correlação entre leitura e escrita a partir de opiniões de professores do ensino fundamental Daniel Lourenço, Solange Coutinho Children’s reading: methodological and evaluative techniques involving legibility and readability Daniel Lourenço, Solange Coutinho A look to the classrooms under the perspective of the Information Design Erika Ferreira, Solange Coutinho Theory and History The impact of speculative fiction in interaction design Allan Mendes, Tiago Barros Pontes e Silva The influence of print culture in the digital types of the first GUIs Dennis Messa da Silva Researching the state of the art: graphics memory, cultural heritage and participation of active observer in meaning artifacts Camila Vasconcelos, Fábio Campos, Hans Waechter Brazilian Graphic Memory - From memory to the ephemera: the case of the vinyl album covers Shayenne Resende Reis, Edna Oliveira Cunha Lima, Guilherme da Silva Cunha Lima Landscape transformation views of Belo Horizonte City: From Aarão Reis until nowadays Thiago Alfenas Fialho, Roberto Eustaáquio dos Santos Towards a Taxonomy for Drawing Based on the Media Ecology Principles Nora Aguilar e Luiz Antonio Coelho 10 Technology Open data for e-citizenship: an experience in information design to present the Report and prior diagnosis on the Brazilian Federal Government accounts Gabriela Assreuy, Marina Cunha, Matheus Santos, Daniela Garrossini, Cristiane Arakaki Challenges of uses of technology as a social integration factor Daniela Barbosa, Marisa Cobbe Maass Designing health mobile applications: framework focusing on persuasion Maria Luiza Demonte, Virginia Tiradentes Souto Design management and the restructuring of qualification at UFSC: Qualification’s Website Leandro Machnicki Altaniel, Monica Stein The 3D printing contributing in information design projects Natal Chicca Junior, Solange Galvão Coutinho, Leonardo Gómez Castillo Investigating projections: criteria for analyzing digital slide shows Renata Cadena, Solange Coutinho User Experience Measure for News Websites – evidence of validity of a questionnaire Renato Rojas da Cruz, Virginia T. Souto Redesign of the RLE system (Registration and Licensing of Businesses) focusing on User Experience Keyle Menezes, Yara Athayde Interactive technologies and relations of use by old adults: a case study in home appliance segment Victor H. Fagundes, Adriane Santos Sociedade Construction of cultural probe: emotional aspects in the perception of quality of Brazilian wine Marcelo Castro, Andrea Júdice, Marcelo Júdice, Bárbara Velasco, Ivette Kafure