HV UC-NRLF na rttt DOCUMENTS TREATY SERIES. 1913. No. 11. AGEEEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND PORTUGAL FOR THE REGULATION OF THE OPIUM MONOPOLIES IN THE COLONIES OF HONG KONG AND MACAO. Signed at London, June 14, 1913. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. August 1913. LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE BY HAIIIUSON AND SONS, 45-47, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, W.O., PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO His MAJESTY. WYMAN To be purchased either directly or through ;inv Bookseller, from AND SONS, LTD., FETTER LANE, E.G., and ;52, AHINGDON STREET, S.W., MARY STREET, CARDIFF; or FORTH STREET, EDINBURGH; or (SCOTTISH BRANCH), E. PONSOXBY, LTD., lli>, GUAFTOX STHEET, DUULIX or from tlie Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America, the Cuiitinent of Europe and Abroad of T. FISH EH UN WIN", LO.NTON, W.U. and H.M. 54, ST. STATIONERY OFFICE -'.'>, ; 1913. [Cd. 7052.] Price 219 TREATY SERIES. 1913. No. 11. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND PORTUGAL FOR THE KEGULATION OF THE OPIUM MONOPOLIES IN THE COLONIES OF HONG KONG AND MACAO. Signed at London, June 14, 1913, Presented both Houses of Parliament by to 1913., LONDON Command of His Majesty. . : PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE BY HARBISON AND SnNS, 15-17, ST. MAKTIN'S LANE, W.G., PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO His MAJESTY. To be purchased either directly or through any Bookseller, from LTD., FETTER LANE, E.O., ;md :J2, ARINGDON STREET, S.W.. and 54, ST. MARY STREET,' CARDIFF; or VVYMAN AND SONS, H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (SCOTTISH E. PONSON15Y, from the United or LTD., 28, FORTH STREET, EDINHURGH URAPTON STREKT, Drm.ix BRANCH), 11<>, T. FISHER UNWIN, 1913. [Cd. 7052.] ; and Dependencies, Europe and Abroad LONDON, W.G. A^t'iicics in the Urifish ('ulonics St-it, s ..f America, the Continent of tin' Price \d. of ; or 220 221 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND PORTUGAL FOR THE REGULATION OF THE OPIUM MONOPOLIES IN THE COLONIES OF HONG KONG AND MACAO. Signed at London, June 14, 1913. TENDO em IN pursuance of the conclusions of the International Opium Con- and in consideration of that the geographical situation of the colonies of Macao and Hong Kong makes it necessary to regulate in a similar way the opium monopolies in the said colonies in all matters concerning the restriction of the consump- ference, fact the and exportation of prepared opium and repression of smuggling tion, sale, vista as conclusoes da Conferencia Internacional do Opio, e considerando que, dada a situacjio geographica das colonias de Macau e Hong-Kong, neces- sario era regular de forma seme- Ihante a administraqao dos exclusivos do opio n'aquelles dorninios em tudo quanto respeite a restricdo consume, venda e excjio porta^ao do opio preparado repressao do contrabando e ; j rized thereto Os abaixo assinados, devidamente autorizados pelos sens following articles: respectivos Governos, convieram nos seguintes artigos Tin. 1 Undersigned, duly autho- by their respective (}oveinmcnls, have agreed to the ARTICLE : ARTIGO 1. The Government of the Portuguese llopuMic, whilst reserving tlie right of managing and controlling the manipulation of raw opium and the sale of prepared opium in the colony of Macao, engage to introduce in the opium regulations of that colony clauses and provisions similar to those contained in the regulations of Hong Kong relative to the repression of the illicit trade in prepared -opium. [63] 1. Governo da Republica Portugueza, reservando o direito de administrar e fiscalisar como entender o fabrico e venda do opio preparado na colonia de Macau, fard introduzir nos respectivos regulanientos preceitos e clausulas semelhantes .as contidas no regulameiito de Hong- Kong tendentes commercio parado. 309595 illicito reprimir o do opio pre- a 222 ARTKJO The Macao opium fanner will not be permitted to import more than 260 chests of opium (a chest means 40 balls of raw opium) per annum exclusively destined the consumption of the fixed ,-ind Macao. floating population of AllTICLE for import more than 540 chests per annum. These imports shall be exclusively destined for the consumption of the fixed and floating population These figures of Hong Kong. are embodied in the contract recently concluded with the Hong farmer. farmers of Macao and Hong Kong must bo alteration however, understood that in Macao power will be retained to increase ; is the number of chests of raw opium imported each year and destined exportation, provided that for given that the said imports are destined to moot tho requirements of lawful trade. For this purpose tho iarnicr shall proof is como tan to fixa Estes fluctuante. immeros foram incluidos no cmitracto ultimamente feito com n anondatario do npin .lr 11 4. Sera penniUid<> aofl de Macau et <h- tarios impnrtur, })nr ann<>. ivspoctivu- mente, 240 et 120 caixas do cru exclusivanicnte <>|>io dostinadn ,-i exportac/io para ns pai/os <nio nfn tonhum ]irnhibidn "U <juo nan venliam prohibir, mui^ a iuiporta^ao do O lai-l. a oi>in. ARTIGO limit fixed in the preceding subject to ao arrendapennittido do opio de Hong-Kong iniportar em cada anno mais tl<> 540 caixas exclusivamente <lestinadaa ao consume da pnpularfm 5. considered a definite one and not it Nao sera ARTKIO will be permitted to ARTICLE The 3. tario 4. import, per annum, respectively, 240 and 120 chests of raw opium exclusively destined for exportation to countries which have n<>t prohibited at present or which shall not prohibit hereafter such imports of opium. article for de opio (caixa significa 40 bnllas de opio cru) exclusivamente dostinado ao consume da populaoao fixa e fluctuante de Macau. Kong. ARTICLE The em ARTIGO The Hong Kong opium farmer Hong Kong sera permittido an jirroiida- do opio de Macau importer cada anno mais de 260 caixas tario 3. will not be permitted to Kong Nao '1. 5. limite fixado no artign cedenle para Hnng-Knng o<n- sem p bilidade de alteraoao, iica porom enteiulidn que em Macau numoiu permittido augineiitar sido.ru -so tlolinitivo e <> de caixas de opio cni em cada anno com a iniportai dost i no a exporta^ao soinprc <[uo so prnvo importa^oes se dcstinam ao commoricn licitn. Para rstc elicit n o arremd&tario dovor.-i ajn'.>sontar ac, Jovcrnadnr do Macau (juo taos ( produce to the Governor of Macao customs certificates passed by the authorities of countries importing the opium showing that the quantities authorized are inquired for legitimate purposes, over and above the 240 chests referred to in article 4. ARTICLE The Governor Macao of will of India will permit the purchase open market at the sales at Calcutta or Bombay or opium in any places Macao, up in India, for export to to and not exceeding the limits and conditions so fixed, s<. long as the opium farmer at I Jong Kong is permitted to obtain his supples from this source. ARTICLE Visto ter transhipment at Hong duty or taxation. from India, Kong free 4 sido nos fixado, et 5 d'este accordo, crii, a importer annualmente em Macau, o Governo da India permittira a compra de opio, em mercado aberto, em Calcutd, Bombaim ou outros logares da India, com destino a Macau, nao excedendo os limites e condicoes fixadas e durante todo o tempo que ao arrendatario do opio de Hong- Kong for permittido obter opio 8. Sera permittido o transbordo do opio cru vindo da India consignado ao arrendatario de Macau, dentro dos limites em Hong-Kong e condigoes acima indicadas e livre de qualquer direito ou iinposto. ARTIGO 9. understood that de 7. artigos o limite de caixas de opio 2, ARTIGO oi It is para a importable da mesnia procedencia. consigned to the farmer of Macao, within the limits and conditions above indicated, will be allowed ARTICLE ccdente, 8. Raw opium coming 6. quan tidades de opio cru acima do limite fixado no artigo 4. ARTIGO limit of chests of 4. Sera competente o Governador de Macau para conceder licences, de harmonia com o artigo prc- 7. rav opium that can be imported annually into Macao has been fixed in articles 2, 4, and 5 of this Agreement, the Government. of a que se refere o artigo ARTIGO lixed in article 4. Whereas the pelos auctoridades dos paizes do destine, declaranclo que as quantidades auctorizadas, se destinam a fins licitos, acima das 240 caixas 6. have power to grant licences under the preceding article for the importation of the quantities of raw opium exceeding the limit ARTICLE certificados alfandegarios passados if after periods of five years (the duration of the contracts of the farmer) 9. Pica entendido que, decorridos periodos de cinco annos (a dura^ao dos contractos com o arrendatario) 224 the upon numbers for local of chests agreed consumption at or export from Macao should respectively prove to be excessive, the Portuguese Government will consider the desirability of revising the amount in question. The present Agreement c (jiiando He mente prove ser respeetivao numero de excessive caixas fixadp para consume e para exportaojio de Macau, o Governo Portuguez considerard a conveniencia de rever os numeros em questao. presente accordo ticard en. shall remain in force for a period of ten years, but may be terminated by either Government at any time on giving to the other twelvemonths' notice of its intention to do so. On the expiration of the vigor por um periodo de de/ annos, ma- podera ser dennneiado por qualquer dos dois Governos. a qualquer tempo, desde que coin- said period of ten years it shall continue in force, unless and until a similar notice of termination is intrnrfio ami" given by either Government. vi_u or Done in duplicate the 14th June, 1 '.]:). bVita em duplicado em Londre.aos !-!- dias de Junlio. 1JM. at munique Inezes de ao outro, antecedeiicia, dr dar o SUM a iindo. }>or periodo iordo do/c coin de dex eoiitinuar;'- eniquanto uni dos dois (iMVrrnos nao tier ao outro <, referido aviso de donuncift. r London, .. E. I'. GRKV. DE TOVAi;. 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