Revisão para a prova Bimestral – 2º bimestre
1. Choose the correct PRESENT TENSE form of the verb TO HAVE for each
sentence: ( Escolha a forma Presente do verbo To Have para cada sentença):
1. ( x
) has
2. ( x
) has
3. ( x
) has
4. ( x
) has
5. ( x
) have
6. ( x
) has
7. ( x
) have
8. ( x
) has
9. ( x
) doesn't have
10. ( x
) don't have
2. Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives. (Substitua o pronome
pessoal pelo pronome possesivo):
a) My
b) Our
c) Her
d) Their
e) Your
f) His
g) My
h) It
i) Her
j) It name is Bobby.
3. Look the underline words and put the correct Adjective Pronoun: (Olhe as
palavras sublinhadas e coloque o pronome possessive correto).
A. Their
B. My
C. Our
D. Her
E. Their
F. His
G. Our
H. My
I. Their
J. Her
4. Answer the questions: (Responda as questões):
A-Is John from England?
No, he is not
B-Where is John from?
He is from Greece.
C-What nationality is Alex ?
He is Brazilian
D-Is he Belgian or Brazilian?
He is Brazilian
E -Where are you from?
I am form Turkey

Revisão para a prova Bimestral – 2º bimestre 1. Choose the correct