2º BIMESTRE / 2014
Nome: __________________________________________________________
8º ano _______
Ensino Fundamental
DATA: _____
Nº ________
/ 08
/ 2014.
Professor: Ivail Amaral Guerrini
Nome completo.
Testes rasurados serão anulados.
 Permitido apenas caneta azul ou preta
Boa Prova!
1) Put the words in order to make questions.
a) to / have / you / cut / Do / the grass / ?
b) have / Do / blue uniform / wear / the students / to / a / ?
c) wash / Jason / to / the dishes / have / Does / ?
d) shopping / have / they / to / Do / go / every week / ?
( CHEVALIER ) Choose the correct alternative.
_______ Mary ________ ________ Peter ________?
( a ) Does / know / how / live
( b ) Do / know / where / lives
( c ) Does / knowing / who / lives
( d ) Does / knowing / where / living
( e ) Does / know / where / lives
( CHEVALIER ) Choose the correct alternative.
( a ) My parents didn’t brought the book to Santos.
( b ) I really want to do this. Can you tell me how can I do it?
( c ) You say that these guy is in love with you.
( d ) The teacher need to see you after class.
( e ) Peter never takes the train to England.
( UNEB ) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase: “My children usually _________ in the
afternoon, but today they ________ in the park”.
( a ) studies / are playing
( b ) are studying / plays
( c ) study / plays
( d ) study / are playing
( e ) studies / is playing
3) Write the sentences in the negative and the interrogative forms.
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2º BIMESTRE / 2014
a) She took her cell phone to school.
Neg: _______________________________________________________________________________________.
Int. :_______________________________________________________________________________________?
b) They are watching TV.
Neg. : ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Int. :_______________________________________________________________________________________?
c) The children do their exercise.
Neg: _______________________________________________________________________________________.
d) The boy was doing his homework.
Neg: _______________________________________________________________________________________.
Int: _______________________________________________________________________________________?
4) Analise a sentença: “The homeless people were living under that bridge”.
a) Qual o tempo de verbo em que essa sentença se encontra? _______________________________________.
b) Passe a sentença do enunciado para a forma negativa, no tempo do “Simple Past”.
c) Passe a sentença do enunciado para a forma interrogativa.
d) Como ficaria a sentença do enunciado, caso o sujeito fosse “The Policeman”?
5) Choose the correct alternative.
( a ) The men was reading a books while the woman were talking.
( b ) They knew how many book is on the table.
( c ) If Paul don’t know the answer is because he never study.
( d ) I think I’m wrong because I don’t remember the place where she lives.
( e ) She has a ticket to ride and she don’t care.
6) Corrija as quatro sentenças erradas do exercício anterior ( Nº 5 ). Só serão consideradas corretas as sentenças
totalmente corrigidas.
Read the following text and answer the questions 7 to 10.
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2º BIMESTRE / 2014
Hi. My name’s Zac and I’m from Phoenix, Arizona, in the United States. I live with my parents, my brother, Elijah,
and my sister, Rosie. My dad is a doctor in the hospital in Phoenix. Sometimes he has to work at night and he
normally gets home at eight o’clock in the morning. Then he goes to bed because he’s very tired. We have to be quiet
in the house when he’s sleeping. When he works at night on the weekends, it isn’t easy. I can’t play my guitar, and my
friends can’t come to the house. I don’t like those weekends.
My mom works, too. She teaches science at our school, but she doesn’t teach me. My favorite subject is Spanish. I
love speaking it. I’m good at it, but I have to study hard.
I enjoy doing sports. Doing karate is fun, but I love playing basketball. Elijah plays, too. We’re on the school team.
The matches are always exciting.
Elijah, Rosie and I have to do chores at home. It’s OK, but I hate washing the dishes. It’s boring! We don’t have to
make dinner because Mom cooks for us.
7) Zac’s dad always_____________.
a) works in the day.
b) gets home at 8 a.m.
c) works at home.
d) works in Phoenix.
e) teaches science.
8) Zac doesn’t like some weekends because _______________.
a) his dad is tired.
b) he has to be quiet.
c) he has to study.
d) he doesn’t see his dad.
e) he doesn’t talk to his dad.
9) Zac’s mom _______________.
a) isn’t his teacher.
b) teaches his favorite subject.
c) teaches Spanish.
d) says he has to study hard.
e) says he has to go to Piracicaba.
10) Zac doesn’t like ____________.
a) washing the dishes.
b) speaking Spanish.
c) playing his guitar.
d) doing karate.
e) his father.
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