MILLS ESTRUTURAS E SERVIÇOS DE ENGENHARIA S.A. CNPJ/MF N.° 27.093.558/0001-15 NIRE 33.3.0028974-7 A Publicly Held Company MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HELD ON NOVEMBER 10, 2014 DATE, TIME AND PLACE: November 10, 2014, at 10:00 a.m., at the corporate headquarters of Mills Estruturas e Serviços de Engenharia S.A. (the “Company”), located at Avenida das Américas 500, bloco 14, loja 108, salas 207 e 208, Barra da Tijuca, Shopping Downtown, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro. CONVOCATION AND ATTENDANCE: Convocation was waived, in view of the presence of all members of the Company’s Board of Directors, under the terms of article 15, paragraphs 2 and 3 of its Bylaws, and pursuant to the requirements established therein. PRESIDING: Chairman: Andres Cristian Nacht; Secretary: Frederico Átila Silva Neves. AGENDA: To deliberate on the acquisition by the Company of shares of its issuance, to keep in treasury and subsequently cancel or alienate, under the terms of Article 17, part (o) of the Company’s Bylaws. RESOLUTIONS: After discussing the matters on the agenda, the Directors, by unanimous vote and without any reservations or restrictions: 1. Approved, under the terms of article 17, part (o) of the Company’s Bylaws and CVM Instruction n.º 10, dated February 14, 1980, as amended ("CVM Instruction 10/80"), the acquisition of up to 4,000,000 (four million) common shares of the Company's issuance, all book-entry and without par value, without decreasing the capital stock, subject to the limit of the balance of profits and/or available reserves, as determined pursuant to CVM Instruction 10/80, in the context of the acquisition program (the "Repurchase Program"). The Directors further decided to task the Board of Executive Officers with establishing the timing and quantity of shares to be acquired under the Program, subject to the limits and deadline as resolved in this meeting and applicable regulation. The decision to cancel or alienate the shares held in treasury shall be opportunely made and communicated to the market by the Company, as required by applicable regulation. 1.2 For the purposes of article 8 of CVM Instruction 10/80 the Directors determined and clarify that: (a) the Company’s objective in the Repurchase Program is to acquire shares of the Company's issuance, for treasury and subsequent cancellation or alienation, including in the context of any exercise of options under the Company's stock option plan; (b) up to 4,000,000 (four million) common shares of the Company’s issuance, all book-entry and without par value, may be acquired under the Repurchase Program, subject to maintaining the minimum float of 25% (twenty-five percent) of the shares (as required by the BM&FBovespa Novo Mercado Listing Regulations) and to the requirement under article 3 of CVM Instruction 10/80 that the number of shares held in treasury shall not exceed 10% (ten percent) of the shares in circulation in the market; (c) the deadline for effecting transactions in the context of the Program is 365 (three hundred sixty-five) days as of the date hereof; (d) the number of common shares of the Company’s issuance that are in circulation in the market, as defined by CVM Instruction 10/80, is 82,907,932 (eighty-two million, nine hundred seven thousand, nine hundred thirty-two), according to the registry for the share deposit account on November 3, 2014, as reported by the depositary institution; and (e) the purchases in the context of the Repurchase Program will be effected over the exchange at market prices, with the intermediation of any of the following brokers: (i) Votorantim Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Ltda., headquartered in the City and State of São Paulo at Avenida das Nações Unidas 14171, Torre A, 14º andar, CEP 04794-000, registered with the CNPJ/MF under n.º 01.170.892/0001-31; (ii) J.P. Morgan Corretora de Câmbio e Valores Mobiliários S.A., headquartered in the City and State of São Paulo at Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima 3.729, 13º andar, CEP 04538-905, registered with the CNPJ/MF under n.º 32.588.139/0001-94; (iii) Bradesco S.A. Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários, headquartered in the City and State of São Paulo at Avenida Paulista 1.450, 7º andar, CEP 01310-100, registered with the CNPJ/MF under n.º 061.855.045/0001-32; (iv) BTG Pactual Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A., headquartered in the City and State of São Paulo at Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima 3.477, 14º andar, CEP 04538-133, registered with the CNPJ/MF under n.º 43.815.158/0001-22; (v) Itaú Corretora de Valores S.A., headquartered in the City and State of São Paulo at Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima 3.500, 3º andar, parte, CEP 04538-132, registered with the CNPJ/MF under n.º 61.194.353/0001-64; (vi) Credit Suisse (Brasil) S.A. CTVM, headquartered in the City and State of São Paulo at Rua Leopoldo Couto de Magalhães Jr. 700, 12º andar, CEP 04542-000, registered with the CNPJ/MF under n.º 42.584.318/0001-07; 2 and (vii) J. Safra Corretora de Valores e Câmbio Ltda., headquartered in the City and State of São Paulo at Avenida Paulista 2.100, 19º andar, CEP 01310-930, registered with the CNPJ/MF under n.º 60.783.503/0001-02. The Board of Executive Officers is authorized to take any and all actions and sign any and all documents needed to implement the resolutions approved herein. CLOSING AND SIGNATURES: There being nothing more to address, the President closed the proceedings; these minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting were drawn up and, after being read and approved, were signed in the book of minutes by all the members of the Company’s Board of Directors in attendance, the Chairman and the Secretary. Directors in attendance: Andres Cristian Nacht, Elio Demier, Francisca Kjellerup Nacht, Diego Jorge Bush, Nicolas Arthur Jacques Wollak, Pedro Sampaio Malan and Jorge Marques de Toledo Camargo. Rio de Janeiro, November 10, 2014. I certify that these minutes are a faithful copy of the minutes drawn up in the Company’s Book of Minutes. _______________________________ Frederico Átila Silva Neves Secretary 3