HW for February 28th : Read the whole text then choose two
paragraphs and use at least two strategies from the book
page 7. Write on the paper given what you could understand
from those paragraphs.
Globish Vocabulary
Paragraph 1
 Alumni – alunos
 gather (of people or animals) to come together in a group:
EX: A crowd gathered to hear her speak.
vt+vi 1 juntar(-se), reunir(-se), agrupar-se, congregar-se
Paragraph 2
 hunger- a strong wish or desire: a hunger for
n 1 fome, apetite. 2 desejo (for, after de).
 lingua franca - a language which is used for communication
between groups of people who speak different languages but
which is not used between members of the same group
Paragraph 3
 momentum - the force or speed of an object in motion, or
the increase in the rate of development of a process: Ex:
Technology seems to create its own momentum – if
something can be done, it will be.
n força viva, cinética.
 to morph into - to change one image into another, or
combine them, using a computer program
Ex: The video showed a man morphing into a tiger.
 strip sth down - to separate a machine or piece of
equipment into separate parts in order to clean or repair it:
Ex:They stripped the car down and repainted all the
stripped-down- adj desprovido, desguarnecido, sem
recursos ou acessórios especiais
Paragraph 4
 riot- a noisy and violent public gathering:
Ex: The streets in this district include South Central Los Angeles,
where the riots broke out two years ago.
n 1 distúrbio, tumulto, agitação. 2 desordem violenta, grande
confusão, levante, motim, revolta...
Paragraph 5
 curb - to control or limit something that is not wanted
Ex: The Government should act to curb tax evasion.
n 1 barbela (de barbada de cavalo). 2 freio, estorvo, restrição. 3
guia, meio-fio.
Paragraph 6
 come across something/someone - to find something or
someone by chance: Ex: He came across some old love
 Retired - to leave your job or stop working because of
having reached a particular age or because of ill health, or to
cause someone or something to stop being employed or
used: Ex: He worked in television after retiring from baseball.
 Deployment - to put something into use:
Ex: When airbags deploy, they save lives.
Desenvolvimento, implantação
 Anglophone a person who speaks English, especially in
countries where other languages are also spoken
Paragraph 7
 Catch on to become fashionable or popular:
Ex:Why did the electronic gadget catch on so fast?
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HW for February 28 : Read the whole text then choose two