Dr. Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr. Professor of Mathematical Physics TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I Waldyr Alves Rodrigues Jr. state that the facts that I am about to describe are the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In what follows I describe some facts related to some events that happened at Paul Sabatier University (PSU) from March 20 to March 22. 1. In October 2011, the Telesio Galilei Academy of Science (TGA) was invited by PSU to host the TGA awards ceremony 2012 at his campus in Toulouse. This was the result of an agreement between TGA and PSU known to Paul Sabatier University, where: The Board of Directors of The Telesio Galilei Academy was represented by the President Jeremy Dunning-Davies, The Vice-President Terence Clifford Amos, The Chairman Waldyr Alves Rodrigues Jr. and its founder Francesco Fucilla and the Paul Sabatier University (PSU) was represented by Pierre Anglès. The parties after weeks of sharing ideas on how to arrange the event, agreed in realizing: (a) A workshop of Center C.A.I.R.O.S in homage to Professor Artibano Micali; (b) The TGA awards ceremony in which some scientists, philosophers mathematicians, biologists, would receive the TGA gold medal for 2012. The scientists chosen to receive the TGA awardees (all known by PSU) were: A. Grib, M. Karoubi, G. Lazorthes, A. Micali, E. Moutsopoulos, P. Sabeti, W. Sproessig. These names had been chosen by majority votes by the board of TGA, as per TGA protocol. 2. I must at this point let everyone know that during the process of selecting the 2012 awardees, one of the names put forth by board members and under consideration was Mr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk, and all at TGA recognized at that time his scientific merit and voted for an award to be given to him. However in October 12 2012 the board of TGA received information that Mr. Jadczyk could not receive any homage at PSU and even at any French institution because he was being investigated by the French police alleging fraud in the creation of a cult that they call religion, namely “the fellowship of the cosmic mind”. In view of this information TGA decided not to give any prize to Mr. Jadczyk in 2012 and suggested to wait the results of the police investigation, and if all charges result without foundation to eventually award Mr. Jadczyk in 2013. 3. The result of the awardees for 2012 appeared in the TGA website in November 2011. Of course, without the name of Mr. Jadczyk and he did not wrote a single message to the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computation IMECC-UNICAMP 13083-970 Campinas SP phone: 55 19 35215991 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Dr. Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr. Professor of Mathematical Physics chairman of TGA (i.e., me) on the issue of the missed award, despite having written some dozen messages to me having to do with scientific matters. From November 2011 until March of 2012. 4. I was certain (taking into account 3) that the fact described in 2, were of the knowledge of Mr. Jadczyk, since this was well known at Center C.A.I.R.O.S. where he was a guest professor. Thus I never commented on the issue with him in order to not create any embarrassment. At that time and indeed until March 22 2012 I believed that Mr. and Mrs. Jadczyk merely chose a non standard way of life. 5. On March 22 2012 Mr. Jadczyk did not appear to give a lecture that he promised to give at the seminar workshop in homage to A. Micalli. 6. After those events, he and his wife started slandering me, TGA, its founder Francesco Fucilla, Pierre Anglès, and PSU. 7. Among their charges was that TGA is a fraud and that there is corruption in Science. One of the “reasons” presented has to do with the following fact. Before the TGA awardees ceremony, the President of the PSU, Professor Gilles Foursanier gave the Paul Sabatier honor medals to me (for my contributions to the applications of Clifford algebras in Mathematical Physics) and to Francesco Fucilla for his many realizations as a geophysicist, Philosopher and founder of TGA. 8. The infamous couple 9Mr. and Mrs. Jadczyk) states that what happened was a dirt agreement, showing corruption. TGA would give medals (for some members of Center C.A.I.R.O.S.) and PSU would give medals to Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr. and Francesco Fucilla. 9. I vehemently deny any such agreement and my statement is easy to prove. I have been informed of my prize only on February 14 in a letter from Pierre Anglès. The notice has been disclosed in the website of my institute at: http://www.ime.unicamp.br/noticias/docente-do-imecc-recebe-medalha-ouro 10. Now, one can ask why Mr. and Mrs. Jadczyk decided to make a war against TGA, PSU, Francesco Fucilla (and associates), Pierre Anglès and me. If you think that it was a single revenge from Mr. and Mrs. Jadczyk not having get a medal (and take notice that he said that he would accepted it if TGA nominate him as one of the awardees) you are wrong. The infamous couple only used a fact to deviate the attention of his fanatic followers (i.e., the members of the “fellowship of the cosmic mind”) from the real scandal that they were involved, the fact that they are being investigated by the French police. Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computation IMECC-UNICAMP 13083-970 Campinas SP phone: 55 19 35215991 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Dr. Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr. Professor of Mathematical Physics As “gurus” of a cult they must always be presenting truths for their fellows and they create all kinds of conspiracy theories. An example is one of Mrs. Jadczyk book where she accuses Israel to have planned 9/11. See: http://www.911ultimatetruth.com/ Recently they even accuse French President Sarkozy of being behind the Toulouse terrorist attack of March 20, in order to create a French 9/11 and win the election. See their article at http://www.sott.net/: : “New Sott Report: Toulouse Shootings: Mohamed Merah Sacrificed To Give Sarkozy Election Win?” 11. An internet search will show to anyone interested in the issue that indeed the charges against the couple are manifold. They are even charged of a fraud concerned a raffle of the house where they lived in USA before coming to France. See, e.g. : http://aconstantineblacklist.blogspot.com.br/2009/06/laura-knight-jadczyk-creature-from.html Of course, they always say that all charges against them are false, but they do not excite to slander other people without giving them the presumption of innocence, eventually because they receive their information directly from their good, the Cassiopaens, which Mr. and Mr. Jadczyk state that communicate with them trough an Ouija board. 12. I am deeply sorry and I beg pardon of my peers, for having nominated such a man, i.e., Mr. Arkadiusz for the editorial board of Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras. However, this error has already been corrected, he has been expurgated from the board. I would not have done that have I learned that in 2004 he founded with the Bogdanov brothers a fake International Institute of Mathematical Physics (IIMP). The idea of “founding” IIMP was forged only to give support to the brothers and indeed Mr. Jadczyk wrote a preface for their book “ Avant le Big Bang”, a book full of nonsense. An internet search shows that Mr. and Mrs. Jadczyk served as book sellers for the brothers, promoting them. What they received from the brothers? The answer: support to start a life in France. As recompense from the brothers they received support for staring a life in France. In the link http://laura-knight-jadczyk.com/IMP_August_2004/imp_index.html one can see Mr. Jadczyk representing QFG and IIMP together with Bogdanov brothers, selling books. The IIMP seems to never have existed in fact (no scientific record from that “institution” exists), it seems it has no members besides the brothers and Mr. Jadczyk and it is now clear that they have even invented fake personages that posted messages in internet forums claiming to be members of IIMP. See: http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/~distler/blog/archives/000375.html Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computation IMECC-UNICAMP 13083-970 Campinas SP phone: 55 19 35215991 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Dr. Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr. Professor of Mathematical Physics 13. On March 24 Mr. sent a message to me saying: “I do not know either what will happen to the "Center CAIROS". Perhaps I will erase it completely from Internet. But I will not do anything in a hurry. I need to digest. And you probably too.’’ This statement denounces the malicious and evil character of Mr. Jadczyk, one of the reasons why he was expurgated from the board of AACA. Hopefully now he is not more a guest professor of CENTER C.A.I.R.O.S. 14. Concerning the charges of the infamous couple against Francesco Fucilla and his companies (all based on suppositions with no proofs) legal action has been taken against Mr. and Mrs. Jadczyk and I am confident that they will go in jail. 15. From what been said above I think that it is the case that PSU sues the infamous couple for defamation. I can send additional information if necessary Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr. Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computation IMECC-UNICAMP 13083-970 Campinas SP phone: 55 19 35215991 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]