The evaluation of lead acid battery nanometric active
material electric resistance by means of electrochemical
impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
P. Mengarda1,*, J. de Andrade1, D. L. do Vale1, P. R. Impinnisi1
Instituto de Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento – LACTEC – PR, Brazil
Several works had been developed and presented by this group on the matter of a novel
nanometric active material for lead acid batteries positive electrodes [1, 2]. Despite of the
previous, and promising, results, much work still must be done in order to make this new
material technologically viable.
In the present work a specially designed tubular electrode was used to measure the internal
resistance of the active material by means of EIS. A tubular electrode with two different
current collectors (lead spines) were assembled, submitted to a pre treatment described earlier
[1] and a sinusoidal current perturbation was applied between the two spines. In that way it
was expected to exclude the solution and the passivation film influence (at least at the
beginning of discharge) on the voltage response. EIS on the conventional configuration was
also used and the results shown that the second capacitive arc, which is attributed to the
growing of the adhered passivation film inside the micropores [3], was bigger for the
nanometric PbO2 electrodes than for conventional ones.
Keywords: Nano PbO2, internal resistance, EIS.
Work supported by: Institute of Technology for Development LACTEC and Paranaense
Energy Company COPEL.
[1] J. Andrade, P. R. Impinnisi, A. Ryba. VII Encontro SBPMat, 2008, Guarujá, Brazil.
[2] J. Andrade. P. R. Impinnisi. Asian Battery Conference 13, 2009, Macau, China
[3] C. V. Dalkaine, P. Mengarda, P. R. Impinnisi. J. of Power Sources, 191 (2009) 28-35.
*Corresponding author: [email protected]. BR 116 Km 98. Zip code 81531980 Curitiba PR Brazil. POBox 19067

The evaluation of lead acid battery nanometric active material